Calm Waters Chapter Eight

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#8 of calm waters

Author's Note: Sorry for the delay in posting. I made this extra long to make up for that. I hope that you enjoy it. please feel free to comment and vote.

Calm Waters Chapter Eight


The first thing that I realized when I opened my that this wasn't a hospital. At least not one I was familiar with. The second thing is that my shoulder was no longer throbbing. I turned my head and winced as my neck cracked. In doing such the injured shoulder filled my vision covered in an immense web of bandages. There was a chemical smell in the air that I didn't know and off to the side seemingly waiting quietly for me to acknowledge them was the wolf from before.

"H-hello" I said to him my voice faltering briefly as I remembered what had occurred. "So your to answer why you had a pole sized wound on you arm?" I gritted my teeth not really wanting to be to free with that information however the wolf did apparently treat me. "Better did you know how to treat it?"

"Because I'm a veterinarian. Some medical knowledge is shared between us and our four legged friends. " he replied and I noted the smell of dog and cat. "Ah." I replied before sighing and adding. "I got attacked at The club...last night in fact."

"And you didn't go to the police?" he asked sounding skeptical..which honestly was reasonable. "No though they were called but not by me." I replied attempting to sit up. I managed it though my world was still spinning slightly and of course the ever present blossom vision was still turning my world pink.

"What's your name?" they asked me though I immediately noted that I was still naked and blushed "I think you already know the answer to that." I replied as I carefully slung my legs over the edge of the bed.

"Easy meds are still wearing off." the wolf cautioned and I groaned as my world intensified further into blossom vision as I slumped back against the bedding. "I'm Kyle Glitterfox." I said after a bit longer my world still spinning. "Call me Verac Darindal." he replied.

"Where is my Wallet?" I asked of him as I remained still the world slowly ceasing to spin. "Over here." he replied gesturing to a nearby stool. "Bad question considering what happened but I don't suppose you have anything that I could wear?" I asked of him. "I can give ya a set of scrubs to wear until you can get into proper clothing." he said leaving the room to go get such.

I let him leave though quite honestly I wasn't in much good shape to move. Sure he had...done something to the wound. Perhaps something for the pain...but I needed a real doctor...and I had no idea who would even have the slightest connection to such.

I mean I couldn't exactly turn up to a hospital with my injury. As my thoughts stewed behind my brow the wolf came back with the mentioned scrubs. "Do you want me to leave while you get dressed?" he asked me.

"Unfortunately I might need the help." I replied with a grimace and slight blush. The wolf didn't tease me or jest he simply walked over and helped me to stand.

I'm ashamed to admit that I had to put more than my fair share of weight on him. Which in turn showed off his strength since he didn't even so much as grunt. I slid the scrub bottoms on first one leg and then the other having to shift my weight on him to get that done. He eased me back down to sit at my insistence and I managed the top by myself.

As distracted as I was by my human thoughts I didn't notice my bodies reaction to the wolf's scent with him so close. Or How much stronger my senses were. I guess with Kyle passed out cold in our shared mind the inhibitions of my more animal like qualities were free to express themselves.

"I don't suppose you know of a clinic nearby?" I asked him as he eased from my side. "I know of one...but shouldn't you see a personal doctor?" he questioned.

"I ain't got one. New town. Ain't had time to arrange such." I replied bluntly. Apparently that was funny as it got a small chuckle from the wolf.

"Clinic down the road. Would ya like me to drive ya?" he asked kindly. I ruminated on that offer noticing that I had a headache building.

I wasn't to used to using my mind like this...that is things are simpler when ya aren't using your higher reasoning. It must be beginning to take it's toll.

"Well if ya don't want me too..." began the wolf trailing off and I turned my attention back to him. "I'm sorry. You've done me enough kindness today. I appreciate the offer but I must decline right now. Though...if you'll pass over my phone and wallet I'd like your number...perhaps when I'm feeling better you and I could go out on a date."

I flushed crimson at those last words my face glowing red. Though I noted the wolf's tail wagging before he hesitantly replied. "I'd like that."

He passed over my things and I managed to pry the unlock code from the depths of Kyle's mind. Clumsily I entered such and then after a bit found the contact book and entered the wolf's information albiet very slowly.

I sent him a text so he'd have our number then made to rise again managing it this time. _Four legs is so much easier_I thought before walking towards the door to which he graciously accompanied me and showed me the way outside.

"Are you sure I can't help you?" he asked a breeze sweeping by and shoving his scent into my nose once more. "Yes." I managed somewhat huskily my body reacting to the scent even more strongly.

I had to fight the urge to step closer to him my many tails swishing behind me. His scent was so very alluring to me right now. Stop it. I know he's tempting. But you'll have a date with him later if ya play your cards right."

With a surge of effort I managed to step away from Verac's side and head down the road towards a destination that I hope would take me to the Clinic.


I watched the mysterious fox all but run off a soft smile on my lips. Something about him sparked my fascination though I wasn't sure why. Still I hope I could run into him again. I turned back to the building moving to start work on cleaning out the kennels.

I moved out my four legged brothers and sisters before cleaning out their separate kennels and gently shooing them back in.


To this day I'm not sure what alerted me. My instincts screamed at me to move and to move NOW! And so without much more thought I let them take over dodging rapidly to the side. Where I was standing a moment before well some sort of steel cable like thing embedded into the concrete with a puff of cement power.

I'll admit I was growling like a threatened dog might. However I didn't realize this at the time. I heard a whirring and once more my instincts shrieked a warning. I dove forwards somehow managing to roll down low with my arm screaming at me in protest.

As I came back up from the ground where I was standing moments before a brilliant blood red haired man was standing...and it looked like he had stole some type of gear from an anime if I was honest.

"Damn 3D printers." I found myself thinking while he brandished the pole...spear trigger thing at me. "What the fuck is he wearing?"

There was a set of drums on their waste and the cables were in some type of spool. Odd lights on the side glowing blue and the guy twisted the spear and the cable began to retract...far to smoothly. I noticed now that there was a small scope on the end of the spear and he held it up as if he were sighting a shot from a sniper rifle...and it was pointed right at me.

My blood ran cold as I realized this. He seemed to remember that half of his gear was still embedded in the ground so he made a grunt of annoyance and twisted the center of the spear which made the errant cable retract as it released the chunk of ground and slipped smoothly back. I was able to glimpse of some type of claw at the end as it settled back to it's original position at the small chute that let the spool release the least that's what I assumed.

I twirled my paws calling on the swords that were so many many feet away... and while I could almost feel their weight settle into my hands...they suddenly didn't materialize.

Red hair didn't give me time to wonder why my trick didn't work. He was suddenly moving gracefully as if skating towards me the spear a blur as he began to attack in earnest.

Shit Shit Shit!!! I thought as I managed to dodge the first two hits... but he was to fast...and his spear managed to scrape my side as I finally managed to jump back for some space. Pain lanced up and down my side and I felt my mind slipping just a little bit more.

Something primal within my mind was awakening and struggling to reach the surface. My breath was ragged as I tried to regroup, though I would fail in that regard as my attacker lunged back at me.

His attack was different this time. I hadn't heard the cables launch but they must have as he stopped in midair once I ducked his first attempt and then stabbed down...through my arm.

I screamed in pain as the weapon went through me and with a sickening sucking noise it was pulled out. I was kicked back and slid around the ground unable to halt myself until I crashed into the base of a street lamp.

"Poor dog. It's about time you die." The voice held contempt and was dripping with derision. I looked up to him and I truly must have lost my mind as I realized I was smiling.

"Never underestimate a fox." I replied to him attempting to stand but falling back down pain lancing back through me as I had slipped on my own blood.

"You can't even stand Dog. How can you possibly even beat me." They remarked setting themselves for their final attack. Though there was a hesitance there.

I got myself to my feet once more laboriously and faced him once more that smile still on my face. "Grow." I said quietly and he tilted his head as if he misheard me.

"The Church was right to eliminate your kind." I heard as he started to run forwards. I did not move for I could not. My feet rooted to the floor. As he swung his blade that same small grin of triumph on his face as if victory was assured.

Only for his blade to slam into a wall of cherry blossoms. I spoke again as if I were speaking to my lover. "Grow my flowers. Consume him!" A quick jerk from him and he was out of my range.

However my flowers continued to grow being fueled by my blood which was still leaking from my fresh wound. I felt myself starting to become light headed as the flowers reached for Red once more.

"What Sorcery is This?" he asked as he swung again and the flowers coiled over the spear as they absorbed the blow and began to work up his spear. Which he quickly dropped and moved back. He looked at me and then gave a jerk of his hands and then he was flying threw the air once more on his way out. "I'll get you next time." he shouted as he escaped on the cables rapidly carrying him away on the wind.

As for myself well I had a stabbed arm...again and I was down like a quart of blood at least that's what I thought. My flowers began to flow back towards me and for the first time I realized...that there was not a single other soul around me.

No one had witnessed that fight. As if some sort of barrier was in place to prevent the sight of such and another issue. My swords. I couldn't pull them to me. That was supposed to be one of my gifts. So that I'd never run the risk of being unarmed.

But something had stopped them from coming to me. Of this I was sure yet I did not have proof. Hell I didn't even know if I was still within this barrier currently.

"OK first things first get the fuck out of here and hope I come to the end of this suspected barrier soon. Assuming that my swords as straining at the proverbial bit to reach me I'll know I'm free when I'm holding them in my paws."

Those thoughts in mind I turned where I hoped the entrance was and began to run back mindful of my wounds as every step seemed to jar them and set my teeth on edge.

As I ran to try and keep my mind of my pain I began to call my swords to me with all my mental might. Granted at the moment that wasn't much of a pull.

Cut me some slack though I was trying! The memory of their reassuring weight in my paws. What each blade represented and what they meant to me. Forged by my own hand, as much as a part of me as my own blood. They WOULD heed my call.

Love and Mercy I call you to my hand. There is no enemy that can withstand. Join your forces and come to my side. Your absence will not protect the enemy's hide.

I stumbled hearing those thoughts before regaining my footing.

Seems Kyle even when unconscious wasn't quite out of the fight. If indeed there was a fight to be had.

Yet even with us both apparently calling and straining upon the distance no reassuring weight of our swords came to our paws. I grit my teeth...half in pain, mostly in frustration.

"This has got to end soon right" I thought to myself as my run continued to what I thought was forwards. It felt like I was a rat in a cage being observed for every little whisker twitch...and I hated it.

Every moment that passed as I continued my run and did not break free I felt my frustration mounting higher. You've should have killed them instead of letting them escape. Now your trapped in an endless maze...and you don't know your way out. I berated myself mentally as the last ten minuets of running took it's toll and I slowed to a brisk walk wheezing.

_ Master? _Asked my flowers attempting to get my attention. I will admit it took me a moment to realize they were trying to talk to me.

"Yes?" I asked unintentionally speaking aloud. "_ If you can't go forward why not go up or down?" _ They asked of me and while I had to admit that was sound advice I replied to them in my head. "That is a fair point...but I am loath to show more of my abilities at the moment. I'm assuming every moment in this barrier is being watched and analyzed.

Then I felt it;A shifting in the air. Something that made my senses go on higher alert and I jumped to the side thinking some projectile or something was being flung at me. Yet nothing was there...or at least I could not visibly see it.

In that moment my body surged in pain and I grimaced. When the moment passed my world was more was painted in blossom vision. And...I thanked whatever gods were listening that it did.

Due to the inverted colors of my sight and everything turing pink I saw the same redhead from before whirling a chain above his head...the end of which had been headed towards me. Had I not dodged at the last moment... I would have been dead.

He was frowning as he retrieved the end of his weapon and reeled it back in._ Master the spear! _ Said my flowers and I realized dimly that It was still entwined in the middle of them as I had been walking around.

A moment later it was in my hand and I had to admit. I was unfamilar with spears. It was not a weapon I typically chose to employ. _"This is either going to end very badly or..._I trailed off in my thoughts having to somewhat dance to the side to avoid the next launch of the chain.

I kept my distance wary as I watched once more. My opponent was either still convinced that I was getting lucky or he was toying with me. More of my blood hit the ground and as it struck it formed into flowers once more.

I couldn't keep this up... my stamina was draining way to fast. And I couldn't count on a second wind to keep me going.

Hanging back however was getting me no where. _"What can I do? I need to figure out something fast. Fuck it."_I thought before I began to run forwards to him. He struck with the spear...and it went through me.

But I kept going. It took all of my concentration to keep that part of my body as flowers. When I reached him I grabbed their throat and I squeezed. As hard as I could. The equivalent of a death grip. The only thought in my head was to stop them before they managed to kill me.

There was a wooshing noise... and I saw the wolf again bringing down a bat on the guys head. I managed to release my grip as they fell like a sack of potatoes. And the wolf began to bind them up using rope before looking up at me.

For my part I know I looked like hell...and I still had that spear somewhat in me. I reached to pull it out and let my body reform. However... that took the last of my energy. I managed to hold the spear out to him before I blacked out once more.