my teacher got into my pants 7

Story by hunkyhusky on SoFurry

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#7 of My Teacher got into my pants

My teacher got into my pants 7

Five months have passed since that wild weekend and thing couldn't get any better Chad's mother full excepted Kaia into the family and would allow her to come over every other weekend so they could talk about the upcoming baby that is due in the next three months, also Chad and Kaia would spend the day either watching movies or snuggling in with each other talking about what the future holds for them.

Chad was making his way down stairs towards the kitchen and there was his mother humming away with the usual smile on her face, she turns around with plates in her hands and she sets them onto the table "here you go sweetie" Chad's mother said as she sat down at the table.

Chad smiles as he grabbed the fork and started to eat his breakfast "so what's on the agenda for today" his mother asked "well I'm planning to go to school get through my classes, eat lunch, and also flirt with Kaia after class".

His mother gave him a worried look "just be careful a lot of people will of your relationship with Kaia as an adult molesting a child" Chad nodded and continued eating while talking about recent events in Chad's mothers work life.

They finish up breakfast then headed out the door into the car, starting up the engine they drove towards Chad's school they made it there in no time, "have a nice day hun" his mother said as he got out of the car and he ran up to Jake and the others who were standing close to the entrance "sup guys" Chad said as he caught up to them "hey Chad did you hear Miss. Wren pregnant" Jake said giving a faked shock expression Chad said "really".

The twins talking as the same time said "and no one knows who the father is" just than the bell rang signaling the start to classes and they went their separate ways both Chad and Jake went into their science class as the twins went to their writing which was down the hall.

Chad's day went as usual until he got to his math class with Mrs. Lightfoot they were finishing the problem on the board when she called a hyena up to her desk a moment later the hyena started to yell at the teacher "WHAT I'M FAILING WHY!!!!", Mrs. Lightfoot unfazed spoke "well I can't read your hand writing so I desisted to give you F's until you improve your writing style".

Throwing all the paper Mrs. Lightfoot had on the desk onto the floor screaming "THAT'S NOT FAIR" getting up Mrs. Lightfoot responded "well as you can see life isn't fair" with that the hyena stormed out and slammed the door resulting the window smashed into many pieces shaking her head she picked up the phone and called the main office told them what transpired.

The bell rang for lunch and Chad met up with the others they sat down at their usual table "did you hear what happen in Mrs. Lightfoot's class" drake said "ya I was there" but a finger into his ear and twisting it "heard every bit of it" pull his finger out flicking a bit of ear wax that was on it.

They continued to eat their lunch's they talked about the upcoming Halo Reach game that is coming out in 5 or so day's from now "I'm going to school you all" Drake declared to the rest Chad taking up the challenge "we shall see my friend" laughing they finished up headed to their next classes.

Chad's next few classes went by fast soon he found himself in his English class, he made it his goal to make it early everyday so when he got there Kaia was putting out last week's homework, Chad stared dreamily at her even though she was five months pregnant in Chad opinion she was just as beautiful.

Kaia was continuing to hand out paper she has swelled some much that she had to place a hand on her belly every time she moved Chad moved in and took the rest of the papers away from her then motioned her to sit down at her desk, relieved she sat down as the rest of the class began to come into the room.

Once everyone was there Kaia attempted to get out of her seat but had a little trouble so Chad and another student got up and helped her out "thanks you two" she said with a smile as they sat down she started to write on the board "ok class we'll are going to start on how to use tenses in your sentence structure".

She continued to talk about how the principle is used until the class heard a loud bang go off in the hallway which caused everybody to turn their heads towards the door but thought nothing on it, a few minutes later the door opened Chad turned his head to see who it was and it his surprise it was hyena from his math class.

Kaia turned her head towards the hyena "can I help you" she asked just then he pulled out a gun Kaia went wide eyed the hyena was about to shoot when Chad yelled "NOOOO" and shot up from his desk just as the hyena fired his gun striking Chad than ran from the room.

Grabbing his side where the bullet enter soon collapsed onto the floor immediately Kaia went to him yelling "somebody call 9-1-1" just than half a dozen student pulled out their cell phones started to dial, Kaia pull Chad to her starting to cry as she cradled him in her arm "please Ch ad just stay with me" she said in between sobs, slowly Chad started to close seeing this Kaia beg him to stay with her and cried harder "no no no you have to stay alive for this child" she whispered/sobbed into his ear trying to stop the bleeding, one of the students said "the ambulance is on its way" turning back to Chad "did you hear that just hold on just hold on" Kaia continued to cry and pray for Chad survival.