Mr. Fascination

Story by zemaes on SoFurry

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#1 of Mr. Fascination

A husky and a fox have a one night stand.

A story I posted on FA a while ago and written way before. Thought I'd post it here too.

I close my eyes, listening to the rain. Fall is a few days away, so it's pretty strange for it to rain. I'm okay with it, though. To be honest, I've never wanted the comfort it brings me until now. It puts me at ease, and I really need it.

I take a deep breath, letting it all sink in. I'm in the fox's apartment after my shift. We talked this out in the private room, so here we are. We decided to do this for one night and see how it goes. I was pretty out of it the way here, mostly because of how fast it felt. Didn't stop him from making advances, though.

The fox stares at me when I open my eyes. Arms crossed and eyebrows raised. I smile at him, shaking my head. I tell him it's nothing. He looks unconvinced, but lets it slide. He smiles back, and I look away for a bit. I can't bring myself to look at him right now.

The fox grabs my hand and drags me across his apartment. His tail has been wagging the whole time, but now he's not even trying to hide it. I don't blame him, though; I'm as excited as he is. He wasn't like this a few minutes ago. He looks happier. I squeeze his hand a bit, and he does the same. It's soft, but I don't find what I'm looking for.

He makes a beeline to a room at the end of the hallway. He opens the door and pulls me inside. I take the time to look around me. It's a typical bedroom; clothes thrown around, unkempt bed, messy desks, all that stuff. All the lights are out, the city lights the one lighting the room. It feels lived in. Cozy. It's so different from the flashing neon lights and loud music I was in just a few hours ago.

The fox turns to me and pushes me against the door, closing it in the process. He slides his hand in my shirt and up my torso. With his other hand, he cups my cheek, guiding my head so I could face him. He leans forward and kisses me. I kiss back, placing my hands on his hips and wrapping them around him. His muzzle is soft. I try to be more gentle when I open my mouth.

The fox then pulls me to the bed. He sits down and presses his hand against my chest, pushing me back. He grins--the way foxes do. The glint in his eyes tells me what he wants. I smirk and stand back up. He watches my hands as they go down my body, down to the hem of my shirt. Slowly, I peel off my shirt, giving him a show.

I always wondered how private parties go. I guess this is the closest I'll ever be to one.

The fox's tail swishes from side to side when I place myself on his lap. Smiling back, I grab his hands and place them on my chest. The fox rubs it a little before sliding his hand down my stomach and then cups my crotch. I place my hands around his neck as he unbuttons my pants. He slides his hand down my boxers and rubs me.

There's something about putting some of my work into this that really turns me on. I can tell it has the same effect on the fox; that tent in his shorts isn't really hard to miss.

The fox pulls down my pants and I help him. He tosses it aside and looks down at my crotch. I can almost see the thoughts running through his head. He then looks up at me again. His eyes are a bright green. I've never noticed how his eyes sparkle before. Were they always like that?

He places his hands on my neck and pulls me toward him and gives me a kiss. I could barely feel it, like he's afraid I'd disappear. So I press into the kiss. Eventually, the fox does the same.

I wonder what went through his head earlier. Content knowing he got that husky stripper into having sex with him, probably. And now that it's happening, it's not everything he hoped. I doubt it, but a part of me won't shut up about it.

I press him against the bed and run my hands up his body. I pull back and take off his tank top. This time I go for his neck, sliding my tongue on it and nibbling it. He sucks in through his teeth as his claws sink into my arms. I want more of this as the seconds tick by, but I do my best to rein it in. Everything about him is so familiar. Painfully familiar.

I make my way down his body. A high overtakes me as I kiss his chest, his abdomen, his belly, his crotch. I nose it a bit, teasing him before I unbutton his shorts. That's when I see a bit of red poking out of his boxers. I pull it off and his dick stands erect, throbbing and leaking. I run my nose from the base to the tip, taking in the scent. The fox shudders in response.

My heart beats faster, the way it did when I first kissed someone back in middle school or the first time I did my routine. It felt this way too during my first time. When the fear and nervousness went away and all was left are the good feelings. It was just like this with him.

Why did you have to go?

He mutters something as I take off his boxers. I can't tell if he's talking to me or saying something under his breath. I grab his dick, massaging it with my fingers. The fox takes a deep breath as I stroke him. The way he tries to stifle his moans is cute. I give him a smile as I hold the base and put his dick in my mouth, sucking him. He doesn't hold it in this time. He grasps the covers as hard as he could and presses his head against the pillow. I use my tongue more and he lets out a loud moan.

I lose track of time. All of this--of him--is so intoxicating. It makes me want to blow him faster. I keep up the pace and, slowly, that wrong feeling that's been building up inside me fades.

I pull back before he climaxes. The fox looks at me and asks me why I stopped. I'm pretty sure it slipped out of his mouth more than anything. Once he gets his wits together, he sits up. I'm about to kiss him again when he places his hand on my chest, stopping me. He slides his hand down my body and grabs the hem of my boxers. I let him slide it off of me. He then pushes me back so I'm sitting on my ass. The fox places himself on top of me, grabbing my hand and placing it on his chest. That's when he does a little lap dance. I chuckle when he mimics the dance I did a few hours ago. He does it pretty well too, albeit changing it a bit to suit him.

The fox scoots over and places his dick against mine. He wraps his hand around the both of them and starts stroking and thrusting. I groan, leaning back. The fox runs his nose up my neck and starts nibbling.

It's been a while since I felt something like this. I still remember most of it, but the one thing that stuck with me was what happened after. It was like this; raining, and with the curtains open. I could also remember his warmth as he snuggled up to me. He made harmless jokes about booty calls after a breakup. I was in on it, too. And here I am. Well, it wasn't like him to just leave, so I guess we both aren't acting like ourselves.

I sigh and lean back. From the corner of my eye, I see the fox's green eyes. I can't help but stare at it. It's beautiful. Just like his.

The fox gives one last thrust and gets off me. He gives me a smirk before turning around, brushing his tail against my body. As he reaches for the bedside drawer, I stare at the fluff on his neck, the curves of his muscles, the way his tail wags from left to right. He's giving me a show here, and I can't say that it doesn't work--it really does. But I don't know if it's because I want the fox for the fox. I take a deep breath. Either way, I just wish this night would last a little longer.

After a long minute, he finally takes out a bottle of lube and hands it over to me. I give him a soft smile as I take it from him. I pour a bit of them on my fingers, coating them fully. The fox then sits on my lap like he did before. He holds my neck and kisses me. I kiss back, sliding my fingers inside him.

The rain pours harder and I close my eyes, listening to the sound. I've been needing it a lot today.

He pulls back from the kiss and looks me in the eye. I already get what he wants me to do. I pull my fingers from him and pushing him down the bed. The fox places his hand on my cheek again while he rubs my chest in the other. His eyes are glazed, unfocused, but still staring back at me. His green eyes sparkle under the lights. He mutters something, and at first I think he's making a remark, but I realize he's telling me to do it. So I do.

The fox huffs as I thrust in. I then pull out and go back in, and repeat. He wraps his arms and legs around me as tight as he could. His claws sink into my skin a bit. Now it's really like he's scared I'll go away, like this doesn't feel real to him too. At least I'm not the only one.

I grab his hands and pins his arms above his head. I then slide my tongue from his chest to his neck. The fox whimpers the name I told him back at the private room. It takes me out of it for a second. I shake my head thrust harder to get it out of my head.

Slowly, I lose control again. Each time most of me is inside him, each time he moans that name, it stirs up something inside of me, making me want more.

I wish that feeling could make me forget, even for a second. That it even happened. It's stupid to think that, especially now that I can tell it can't. Still, a small part of me hopes it would. And that's all I'm going by.

The fox squirms, wrapping his arms around me. I don't remember letting it go, but it doesn't matter now. All of his confident demeanor is gone, replaced with a hint of desperation in the way he clings to me. For a split second, I wonder what he sees in me. Or who he sees me as.

He begs me to go faster, and I do as he says. I wrap my arms around him as well, holding him tight. I feel his head resting on my shoulder. He makes a small, pitiful noise. It sounds like he's saying something. I'm about to check on him when he pushes himself off of me and kisses me.

And this time, I do forget. It's just like the first kiss I ever had, where everything seemed to disappear when I finally got to the courage and lean forward. The fox slides his tongue in and I do the same. For a moment, I'm kissing him again.

Why couldn't it have been like this this?

I'm getting close now. I pick up the pace a bit more, each thrust getting harder than the last. The fox's moans get louder and his grip around me tightens once more. I keep at it again and again until finally I put all of me inside of him. His hips and legs jerk, grinding me as he orgasms. His ass clenches around my dick and I climax. I give one last thrust as all the good feelings left leave me and into him.

Exhaustion takes over me as soon as it's over. I lie down on the bed, the fox on top of me. I don't try to get out of him because I know there's no point in trying. And even if I wasn't stuck inside him, I'm too tired to move. So much for leaving as soon as I could.

I turn to the fox. He nuzzles my chest, his hand casually stroking the fur on my arm. Now that this is all over, there's a small, hollow ache in my chest when I look at him. It goes away as soon as it came.

I find myself hugging him and stroking the back of his head. He mutters something under his breath, and I can't make out what he said. I don't think that matters. We stay like this for a while before he lifts his head up to look at me. There's no glint in his eyes.

"So," he says. "What's your real name?"

I give him a tired smile. "What makes you think Jake isn't my real name?"

"And I'll believe that, coming from a stripper who was giving me a lap dance in a private room?"

"You got me." I chuckle. "Let's say I do. What do I get in return?"

He looks around before turning to me. "My name. But you first."

"Deal." I lean forward and go near his ears. He waits in anticipation, and then I kiss his cheek. "Maybe in the morning."

"Hey. No fair."

"I think I get to decide when to tell you," I say.

The fox's smile falters a bit. Then he sighs. "Fine. But what if you run away?"

"You know where to find me."

I regret saying that, but having another one isn't a big of a deal anymore.

He shakes his head and relaxes again, using me as his bed. "You already came inside me and you're still teasing me."

I chuckle softly. "That's my job."

The fox hums in amusement. "You're pretty good at it."

We don't say anything after. It doesn't take long before he goes to sleep. He was too quiet earlier, which scared me a bit. But his steady breathing eventually puts me at ease. I stroke the back of his head again, revelling in the feeling of his fur. After all of that, I finally see the fox for who he is. But despite what I kept telling myself, it's not so bad.

With a sigh, I grab the covers and let my gaze wander to the window. For the next few minutes I'm awake, I stare at the lights of the city muddled by the rain.