Charlie's Secret- Velvet Neon #2

Story by Narune Watercrest on SoFurry

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Finally, it's here! It might not be spooky, but I think it's still pretty sexy, and it does have some dressing up in lingerie!

Due to focusing on the growth of my Youtube channel, I haven't been writing quite as much lately.

During this time I also interviewed to work on a prominent furry visual novel, but I unfortunately didn't land that position, so that affected my morale a bit.

Anyways, I managed to churn out a nearly 30-page smut story that is likely the biggest undertaking I've ever done.

I hope you guys enjoy my hard work, and have a nice spooky month!

"Hey Alex, can you get the door?"

"Yeah babe, no worries," responded Alex, adjusting his shirt a bit before getting up from his very comfy place on the couch. He'd become quite invested in a show on TV, and tried his best to ignore the knock on the door, thinking it was just another religious group.

But Becca's needs took priority with him, and she was busy getting ready for their day out. He let out a sigh and jumped up, stretching out for a few moments before making his way towards the front of their home, placing a hand on the door and looking through the peep-hole.

His ears perked up as he recognized the visitor, a wide smile creeping across his muzzle. Without hesitation, he swung the door open and greeted his familiar guest.

"Charlie!" He opened his arms wide, embracing the adorable brown and red-furred fox, whom returned the hug just as enthusiastically.

"Alex, nice to see you!" The two shared the embrace for a few seconds, before parting. Alex was always a little intrigued by just how girly Charlie sounded, his voice was quite feminine. Normally, Alex's amazing sense of smell allowed him to discern sex pretty easily, even across species, but Charlie just smelled a bit different than he was used to.

Charlie and Becca had been closeduring their high school years, even moving into the same neighborhood as they began attending the same college. Alex had met Becca around her first year of college, and they began dating shortly after; during that time, he and Charlie had grown close, forming a bond that even made his girlfriend wonder sometimes about his sexuality.

It had been around a year and a half since he and Becca became a couple, and things were getting more serious between them. They were the typical heartthrob couple, being somewhat physical in public with their affections, having lots of sex when they were alone. Alex had joked that Becca would be "ultra" pregnant if she hadn't been on the pill.

Neither of them was ready for a family, and had agreed to wait until they settled down after college before they had a kid... or two, or three. This freedom let them enjoy their college life unfettered, save for school work, project deadlines, and side jobs to help make money.

Through all this, Charlie had been there, offering laughs and emotional support when things got rough for the couple. No relationship was perfect, and their relatively short one had been subject to a few hurdles, namely Alex's chronic depression issues and Becca's PTSD from a previous abusive relationship.

Charlie was a kind of mediator, bridging the gap when the two couldn't properly communicate with each other. This unusual relation to the couple was mutually beneficial for all parties, and none of the three saw a problem with it.

In fact, Alex and Becca had floated the idea of bringing Charlie into their relationship, as both of them were interested in seeing what polyamory was like. Alex was still kind of weirded out at the idea of being with another guy, but he couldn't deny that a part of him was interested.

Charlie settled down on the couch and crossed his legs, tucking his hands into his lap. He picked a bit at the loose threads in his blue jeans, watching Alex intently as they sat across from each other.

The wolf had added some blue highlights to his short hair, which looked rather cute in contrast to his nearly black fur.

"I don't suppose Becca told you I'd be tagging along today, huh?" asked Charlie, giving a smirk as he wiggled in place.

Alex chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, must have slipped her mind. Still though, it's not like I mind."

"You two seem to always love having me along for the ride."

"Well, ya know, good company and all that!"

"Aww Alex, you're gonna make this fox blush." Alex rolled his eyes and smiled, leaning back in the chair and checking his phone.

He'd made a reservation earlier the night before at a lovely little delicatessen in the city, one that a close friend of his had opened several weeks ago and enjoyed newfound success.

He was already getting hungry, thinking of all the savory options the new location offered, all available to peruse on their website.

"You're looking at Gregory's website, aren't you?" Alex nearly jumped out of his chair, not even having noticed that Charlie was standing right behind him.

The fox was incredibly stealthy, and had a penchant for reading body language. "You know... it's not the fox who usually sneaks up on the wolf."

Charlie chuckled, his laugh adorably girlish, placing his hands on Alex's shoulders and squeezing them. "Aww, sorry Mr. Wolf, didn't mean to spoil your appetite!"

The wolf rolled his shoulders, shaking his head. "Yeah, that's not happening. I'm hungry now, and that's not changing."

He watched as Charlie walked back around and sat back down, kicking his feet up on their coffee table. Alex was about to object, but he noticed the pristine quality of Charlie's shoes; guess he wouldn't have to worry about it getting dirty.

"So, what looks good? I've never been there before."

Alex's ears perked and he tilted his head. "First time, eh?"

"Yuh, but I'm not purely a meat eater like you, I like a good mix of stuff."

"Hey now, I eat veggies sometimes..."

"I don't think covered in sweet sauces counts as healthy, hun..."

"But stir fry is just so damn good! Oh hell, now I want that, guess I know what I'm getting."

"Hmm... now I've got a hankering for it; fuck it, I'll have the same."

Both of them giggled as Alex leaned back and crossed his arms, studying his friend. Damn if Charlie wasn't cute, so hard to read too, and mystery had its own allure.

He'd never been with a guy before, outside a few dares to kiss other males in certain high-school and college dorm games. He just wasn't a fan of masculine men, but Charlie on the other hand...

"I usually get mine with steak mixed in, but they do offer a few other substitutes, including pork, chicken, and tofu."

Charlie smiled and inquired further, "Is that tofu any good?"

"Yeah, actually, I think they pan sear it and season before mixing it with the main dish. Becca has given me a sampling, just about knocked my socks off."

"Goddamn, now I'm salivating!"

"Yeah... hope Becca gets done soon."

As if right on cue, Becca stepped into the room, taking the breath from both occupants.

Alex wasn't one to consider himself obsessed with looks or rating physical attractiveness, but Becca was clearly a ten. The gorgeous husky girl wore a red skirt with gold trim, short enough to show off her legs, not short enough to show anything above her hips, which all perfectly complimented her white and gray fur.

Her waist was wrapped in a black ribbon, under which was a silk shirt the same color as her skirt, her sizeable bust on clear display despite not an inch of bare fur being visible on her chest, as that fabric hugged her in all the right places. Those legs on display were fitted in lacey black thigh-highs, which she likely wore to draw eyes to the bare few inches of her gorgeous thighs on display.

Her full lips bore a kiss of obsidian, a rare imported lipstick she only saved for special occasions, and parted just enough to show the gleam of her fangs.

Her eyeliner showed shades of midnight and amethyst, no doubt applied to draw attention to her eyes, one blue and one crimson, which promised hunger and mischief.

She was a knockout, and she knew it, but thankfully, she was an absolute sweetheart. Sure, she loved showing off to others, but she never rubbed her attractiveness in anyone's face, except when she was actually on Alex's face.

The black-furred wolf placed his hands in his pockets and simply grinned, looking like a high-schooler catching a glimpse of a super-model.

"Damn, babe, all dressed up, aren't we?"

She batted her eyes and gave a suggestive grin, causing him to gulp. "I told you I was getting ready."

Then she noticed Charlie in the room, and immediately yipped, running over with incredible speed and embracing her best friend. Charlie let out an "Ooof!" as the husky girl collided with him, just about getting the air knocked from his lungs.

"Well... hello to you too!" he said, wrapping his arms around Becca and hugging her tight. "Looks like I arrived just in time."

Alex guessed he should have been a little jealous, or perhaps even a tad suspicious of Charlie being so close to his girl, but for the life of him, he couldn't bring himself to be bothered by their relationship.

He smiled and walked over, hugging them both with his strong arms, making both squeak from the pressure.

"Alex, honey, you're crushing me a smidge..."

"Harder..." quipped Charlie, with a devious grin.

They all separated after a second, Becca rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

"Always the perv, eh?"

Charlie furrowed his brow and flicked his fluffy tail in response, "Come on, gonna say that to me while wearing THAT?"

Becca gave a little gasp and placed her hands on her hips, "Well, I never!"

Alex stepped in and placed a hand on each one's shoulder, "Ladies, come on, you're both pretty. We're gonna be late if we keep fooling around."

Charlie chuckled, but Becca's eyes flashed a bit of concern that she probably thought her boyfriend wouldn't catch, he did. He filed it away for later, if he'd even remember to bring it up again.

The fox shrugged out of Alex's grasp, spinning on his heel and heading towards the door. Charlie always had been such an agile guy, most foxes seemed to possess that trait.

Charlie held the door open for Becca as they went out, and Alex stayed behind to lock it up. He watched as Becca and Charlie both strode to the car, his eyes drawn to his lovely girlfriend, and to the slightly feminine swagger of Charlie's hips.

"Hmm..." he flipped his keys in the air a few times before reaching the driver's side of his car, taking a moment to rub his hand along the window, brushing off a rather thick layer of pollen that had accumulated during the previous few days.

Could he fuck a guy? He'd certainly felt the urge lately, and he wasn't about to tell Becca that he'd jacked off to thoughts of Charlie. He didn't feel like it was wrong, he just didn't know how to feel about it in general.

He reckoned most guys had bisexual cravings every now and then, chalking it up to one of the great mysteries of sexuality in general; he was still far more attracted to the ladies, but he couldn't deny he was curious...

The car ride into the city was quite pleasant; Charlie and Becca had been gossiping part of the way before Alex put some music on, which culminated in all three of them singing along to some of their favorite tunes.

After a couple issues with traffic, one which almost ended in a minor fender-bender, the trio pulled up into the parking lot of their friend's new restaurant.

To everyone's' surprise except Alex, the place was quite packed, with only a couple open spots near the far corner of the lot available.

"Jesus, guess those good reviews got people pumped!" remarked Becca, gazing at yet more people walking into the bustling eatery.

"Ugh... you guys are over-hyping me. Is it really that good?" asked Charlie, leaning forward and placing both his elbows on the back of Becca's seat.

As they pulled into the distant parking spot, Alex simply looked back and smirked. "It's most definitely worth the walk and wait."

The wolf was wrong about the wait, as soon as he was spotted by one of the chefs he was waved to the front and told to stay put.

Alex looked down and tried not to make eye contact with any of the other patrons, whom were now staring knives at him.

Becca and Charlie stood behind him, in the event someone wanted to have a quick "word" with the line-skipper.

"Alex!" A hardy, deep voice boomed from ahead, a burly, muscular German Shepard storming into view. All Alex could do was get off a half wave before he found himself lifted off the ground, caught in a vice grip as his friend picked him up by the waist in a near-crushing embrace.

Gregory wasn't one to shy away from physical displays of affection, in fact, he went out of his way to show his friends and loved ones just how much they meant to him; Alex had at least one bruised rib that could attest to that.

"Oh god, Greg, please, not here!" He felt the air squeezed from his lungs, and for a moment, feared he might actually black out. But almost as soon as those powerful arms wrapped around him, he felt them depart, placing him back on the floor, short of breath and dizzy.

"O-okay... that's an improvement...from last time, I'll admit."

Gregory laughed, the sound echoing through the entire restaurant, only adding to the cheer and revelry of his patrons. The guy was odd, but his sheer positivity and wonderfully eccentric habits made him a joy to be around.

"I see you've brought company; Becca I know, but this other one is new to me and looks a tad more fragile than yourself, so I'll spare them my typical greeting." He grinned and nodded over to both Becca and Charlie, who awkwardly smiled in return whilst avoiding eye contact. Gregory had a habit of making others nervous with his behavior, but spending enough time around the fellow always seemed to dispel that hesitation.

"Anyways, you're my guest of honor. Come, I'll give you a great seat and my very best cooking!"

The group followed the boisterous canine as he marched through the interior of his business, Gregory's staff working around him in near effortless fashion as he moved amongst them; waiters and waitresses spun and ducked around his frame, most balancing multiple plates of food and drink on their arms whilst others consorted with customers, rushing to the kitchen and multiple tables in the span of just a few seconds.

To Alex, Becca, and Charlie, it all looked like a very delicate dance, one that could all come crashing down at just the tiniest mistake. It would only take one spilled drink or upturned plate to disrupt the flow of traffic around them, but somehow, the staff seemed to be managing their workload well.

Gregory turned his head as he walked, addressing them. "Ahh, I see you've noticed my agile staff. Yes, they've been trained to be the best in the industry, and they make good money, on top of whatever generous tips our customers usually leave."

Alex smiled, wishing he'd had a boss as generous as Gregory when he was waiting on tables full of drunks and cleaning up stale beer when he was in high-school.

"Always trying to one-up the competition, eh buddy?"

Gregory raised his arms as he walked, turning in a full circle without breaking a step, emphasizing what he'd accomplished. "My father trusted me with his inheritance, he told me to go and accomplish great things. This, this is only the beginning, the start of my culinary empire!"

His words drew a few cheers from nearby staff and customers, further raising the already cheery atmosphere of the establishment.

"I don't think I've ever seen people so... happy when eating," remarked Becca, giving Charlie a gentle nudge.

"Yeah, they look... gleeful, the food must be astounding."

Gregory turned around and eyed Charlie, cocking his head to the side slightly. His eyes narrowed for a moment, as if noticing something no one else had.

"Every food critic in the city has been here, more from across the country. Each has come with their entitlement and expectations of what they expect 'good' food to be. I defied that. I broke apart their views and pre-determined culinary bias, I showed them what it means to be a chef who values customer satisfaction over pandering to the higher echelons of the cooking world."

"Each one of them came here, and each one of them left, giving this place, MY restaurant, no less than the highest possible rating. I fought for the honor of realizing my dreams in this country, to prove to my father I was worthy of his mantle."

"A worthy success story!" quipped Alex, smacking his friend on the back. "What do you recommend today? My friend Charlie has never had your cooking before."

"Charlie, eh? Well, I'm not one to presume the tastes of an individual based on appearances alone, but my guess is that your friend might like something with some zest."

Charlie raised his brow, "Zest?"

"Yes, something with kick and an abundance of flavor. A dish that makes the strongest of first impressions! You are a friend of Alex, an honored guest in my eyes, you shall have only the best!"

Charlie giggled, quite impressed by the bravado on display. This chef was no doubt confident, but the fox was a notoriously picky eater. "I look forward to that."

They had been seated near the bar, close to one of the roaring fireplaces, enjoying the sound and heat it produced.

"God, can you imagine how cozy this would be in Winter?" asked Becca, leaning against her boyfriend.

Alex chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck, causing her ears to lower and a light whine to escape her lips. "Good girl," he joked.

Charlie was looking a bit bashful after that little display of public affection, and he idly scanned his menu, trying to ignore the two lovebirds.

The menu options were quite varied, with a slight emphasis on Italian fusion cuisine. The Lo Mein with Italian-style meatballs looked particularly enticing, but the portion sizes were ridiculous, and he'd definitely have plenty left over for tomorrow.

Then again, the pulled pork BBQ and curry sandwich also caught his attention...

"So, thoughts so far?" asked Becca, eyeing her friend as she playfully fought off Alex's hands under the table.

"Hmm, I'm not sure, a lot of these combinations look really good...BUT, I am a big fan of Lo Mein..."

"Mmm, never had that one myself... Alex honey, please, not here."

The wolf pulled his hands back and chuckled, crossing his arms as he gave her a look. "You touched me first."

The couple was rather cute to observe from Charlie's perspective, though, he had doubts about what he and Becca had planned for later that day...

"Hey, Becca? Think maybe we can chat outside for a moment after we order?"

Both Becca and Alex looked at him, their eyes filled with both concern and confusion.

"Uh, yeah, sure. Everything okay?"

"Maybe, I dunno, just some personal stuff."

Becca nodded and placed a delicate hand on his shoulder, causing him to smile. He was also pretty sure Alex had just poked him with his foot in what was an attempt to be comforting.

"Everything alright, buddy?" asked the wolf, tracing his claws along the table.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, just thinking about things. Anyways, I'm starving... hope our waiter gets here soon."

As if showing up right on cue, a tall, handsome eastern drake came around the corner, pausing in front of the table.

"Good day, everyone, what can I start you off with?"

His name-tag said Arin. He was well-mannered, and he had an air of playfulness about him; his body looked lean and fit, perhaps even slightly feminine. His fur was snow white, and his whiskers, which were common amongst his kind, were a flashy silver. His manewas well-kept and neat, the coloration a lovely light blue that complimented his main coat. His work uniform, or lack thereof, only enhanced his appearance. With a black suit, matching pants, light green vest, and blood red tie, the guy looked quite charming.

One of the benefits to working for Gregory was that he had no primary uniform for his business, the only dress requirement was that his employees looked "professional" and had a name tag. Alex had to guess, this dragon was probably pretty popular with the ladies and guys.

The looks he shot at Charlie definitely confirmed the latter, with the bashful fox getting quite blushy.

Alex cleared his throat, drawing the waiter's attention and a quick apology. "Yes, I think we are ready."

It had been about ten minutes since both Charlie and Becca had excused themselves from the table, leaving Alex alone with his thoughts and gnawing hunger.

He leaned his head on his hands, placing both his elbows on the table. He knew it was probably a bit sloppy, but right then he didn't really care.

He was a bit worried about Charlie, whom had been acting a little odd the last month or so. He and Becca had been having little private chats fairly often when they'd all hang out; Alex was respectful of Charlie's privacy, but he'd have been lying if he said he didn't want to know what was going on.

He hated not being able to help others, it reminded him of when he was a kid, how he could only stand and watch in horror whenever his dad hit his mom for some stupid perceived slight.

What's weirder, is that only Becca seemed to be able to help him. His ears twitched in mild annoyance, now clasping his fingers together. He usually wasn't one to fiddle with his phone at the dinner table, but he was strongly considering it right now.

Before he could be further tempted to fish the device from his pocket, their waiter walked over and casually placed his hand on the table.

"Have a moment, sir?"

Alex flicked his eyes in the drake's direction, trying to mask the frustration in his eyes. "Sure, what's up?"

Arin cleared his throat, tapping a claw on the table. "I suppose I'll be blunt."

Alex watched as his slender tail flicked from side to side; he was either nervous or upset about something, given his body language. Alex folded his arms flat on the table's surface and leaned back, regarding their server.

"The uhh... feminine gentleman in your party..."

"Yeah, his name is Charlie." Alex already had a pretty solid idea what was coming next.

"If they aren't already... involved, do you think you could give him my number? I realize this is a really strange request, but he seems like a nice enough fellow, wouldn't mind having a drink with him."

'I bet that's not all you'd do with him,' Alex thought. It was indeed an off-putting request, but he figured the waiter already knew the kind of situation he was putting Alex in. Still, the guy seemed pretty harmless, and his charm definitely wasn't a bad thing. He had a sudden realization, something he hadn't thought of in a while.

He had absolutely no idea what Charlie's sexual preference was. They'd spent so much time together, but Alex hadn't really seen Charlie with anyone before.

He knew some people identified as asexual, but he was pretty sure that didn't describe Charlie. In fact, he'd gotten the distinct vibe more than once that the fox was into him.

Eh, what harm could this do? Alex figured it was pretty flattering to know someone was into you, regardless of their sex.

"Sure, I'll pass it on. Btw, how's the food coming?" He smiled and passed the waiter a napkin to write on.

The eastern drake whipped out his pen and scribbled as best he could on the flimsy paper, his tail swaying faster than last time. "Beautifully. You all are going to be most impressed with your meals!"

"Never doubted that, I've known the owner for a long time, back when he was just getting into cooking."

The drake coughed and straightened his posture a bit, flustered by the revelation he was serving a personal friend of his boss.

"Relax," said Alex, waving his hand casually at the waiter, "just be yourself and I'll put in a good word."

Arin smiled and handed the napkin to Alex, taking a light bow in thanks and heading off to another table.

'Heh... horndog,' he thought, though, he used to be just as bad. Becca kept his needs sated, so much so that he was a tad worried her sex drive outweighed his own. He'd had no complaints though, so he quickly cleared that worry from his mind.

His ears perked up as he heard Becca's voice, his tail wagging involuntarily. "Damnit, gotta stop doing that..."

Both of them rounded the corner and took their places at the table, with Charlie sitting across from Alex and looking down. Yep, something was definitely off...

Before he could inquire about their conversation, or even mention Arin's inquiry, the handsome eastern came back by their table, both arms full of drinks and appetizers.

Alex and Becca didn't need much more incentive before they dug into the giant jalapenos stuffed with gorgonzola and spinach, with a side of a thick, sweet sauce. The damn things were about the size of a fist, and the smell emanating from within was nothing short of heavenly.

As the two canines tore into their food, Charlie was quietly dissecting his pepper into pieces. Alex and Becca both glanced at each other briefly, before just shrugging and burying their impressively sharp teeth into their respective peppers, relishing the flavors of warm, gooey cheese mixed with seasoned spinach.

The saltiness complimented the spiciness of the pepper wonderfully, but each hadn't even employed the best part.

Perhaps out of sheer curiosity, or a knowing bit of foresight, all three reached for the containers of the orange-colored sauce.

They watched as the slightly thick liquid poured onto the exposed innards of the peppers, a sudden sweet aroma filling their nostrils.

Becca was the first to try it, scooping a hearty chunk from inside the pepper, its contents dripping with the orange sauce on her fork.

She deposited it on the center of her tongue, rolling it around her maw, her eyes suddenly going wide.

An explosion of flavor and spice went off like a super-nova in her mouth, her eyes rolling back slightly from the sheer ferociousness of this combination. To her, it was like a whirlwind of sweet and spicy, transforming the already delicious dish as all its flavors coalesced along her tongue and palette.

She rolled the morsel around her mouth, watching in delight as Charlie and Alex had similar reactions. Alex arched his neck back and bared his teeth as he swallowed, whilst Charlie raked his claws along the table, thankfully not deep enough to cause any damage.

All three looked at each other for a moment, before breaking out into laughter; they dove back in for seconds, chatting about what they thought the ingredients contained within the sauce were.

About ten minutes later, their alcohol and main dishes arrived.

Charlie squirmed down in his seat, enjoying the feeling of warmth in his gut as he drained his second martini. The sweetness of his drinks complimented his main dish very well, only heightening the culinary experience; at this rate, it wouldn't be long before he was flatout shit-faced.

The good drinks were expensive, but he wasn't driving. He coughed a bit and gazed at the other two, eyes going wide when he noticed a few empty glasses for each. They had already consumed far too much alcohol to be qualified as sober.


They took a second to look at him, already good evidence of their inebriation.

"Huh, what's up, Charlie?" stammered Alex, looking far more relaxed than Charlie had ever seen him before.

Charlie motioned to his empty glasses, then to theirs, but the point didn't seem to stick with their alcohol infused brains.

Charlie squinted at Becca, watching her squirm and arch her head back suddenly. Unbeknownst to him, Alex had slipped his hand into Becca's panties, and was eagerly fingering her.

The husky girl was looking increasingly flustered; she bit her lip and gripped the edge of the table, her tail wagging back and forth behind her.

She nearly moaned out loud when she felt one of Alex's fingers graze her clit, her legs shivering as he kept teasing her relentlessly. He wasn't reckless though, even with sufficient amounts of booze running through his blood, and he knew just what would throw her over the edge.

No, he wanted to drag it out, tease her until he felt she was worthy of release... then he would really make her toes curl. A couple more whimpers from her, paired with an increasingly long stare from the fox sitting across the table, caused him to ease off his girlfriend for a bit.

Charlie was too busy digging into more of his Lo Mein to notice the thin string of juice clinging to Alex's claws as he raised his hand above the table and pressed them into his maw. The wolf suckled along them for a moment, savoring his girlfriend's sweet, tangy flavor.

Fuck... he was gonnahave to snack on her a bit later, and his rough tongue would make her cum quite a bit. The pressure against his jeans reminded him that now might not be the best time to be thinking of sex.

He gave an audible huff and picked his utensils back up; if he couldn't sate one hunger, he'd settle for filling another.

" the fuck are we driving right now?" Charlie asked, his head resting on the smooth table. "We're drunk...or, ah...close t-to it."

"Shit, guess we got... a little, a little car-carried away, huh?" chuckled Alex, patting his girlfriend's leg.

Becca wiggled in her seat playfully, clearly more inebriated than the other two, her tail thumping on the back of their booth rapidly. She was definitely horny right now, and she wondered how many others in the restaurant could smell her scent.

The thought sent a jolt of pleasure through her, as the husky girl kind of had a thing for voyeurism. She and Alex had fucked in a bunch of public places before, nearly been caught a few times too, and she absolutely loved that risk.

Even though her mind was mostly on sex, she thought about what she and Charlie had discussed earlier. Maybe it was just the booze talking, but she felt like everything had lined up perfectly. It was happening today or it wasn't happening at all.

"W-we can always... sober up with a goo-good walk!" she yipped, pushing her last half-empty glass away from her. She knew when she'd had enough, and she knew when just one more drink would leave her a stumbling mess.

Charlie's ears perked up and he smiled a bit as Becca gave him a knowing wink, though he wasn't entirely sure the poor girl wasn't coming onto him by accident.

"That uh... sounds pretty great, actually!" he joined in, his own fluffy tail hitting the back of the booth.

Alex wasn't drunk enough to not notice both of them were swaying their tails excitedly, but he figured they just really wanted to go shopping. Charlie and Becca loved going out and spending time together, and fawning over shoes for some reason.

He shrugged his shoulders and put his arm around Becca's waist, happy to just be out with the both of them. "Alright, there is a mall about five minutes from here, the walk sh-should help us get our w-wits back."

The dayy had been great so far, but he had no idea just how much better it was about to get.

It took nearly ten solid minutes of chatting with Gregory before they finally walked out of the restaurant; the guy was certainly talkative, and his boisterous, jolly nature had even gotten Charlie to warm up rather quickly to him.

The food had been excellent, but they still had plenty of leftovers, and the manager's discount had saved Alex a fair bit of money, so like most people, he was eager to spend it elsewhere. He was too buzzed to recognize the irony.

Alex handed Charlie the waiter's number as they stood on the sidewalk, enjoying the warmth from the sun.

At first, the fox was a bit confused, then the haze of alcohol lifted briefly enough for him to blush deeply; he felt both flattered and regretful. Maybe if plans changed later...

Becca stumbled over, she was clearly closer to being drunk than the rest of them, if she wasn't already there. "M-mall?"

Both Charlie and Alex looked at each other, nodding in unison. "Mall," they both said.

The trio had made their way across the parking lot, checking first with Gregory to make sure it was both fine to keep their vehicle parked, and to keep their leftovers in one of the kitchen fridges for a short time. Alex felt bad about taking up an extra space longer than necessary, but it was a far better alternative than driving inebriated and risking their lives.

The walk over did wonders for Becca, whose stance and gait had improved drastically about halfway to the mall in the distance.

They mainly stuck to the sidewalks, catching a few glances as their boisterous conversation spilled out for others to hear. To Alex, the best part of being drunk wasn't giving a damn about what others thought of you, it gave you an opportunity to be yourself, completely without hindrance.

For Charlie, it was a rare occurrence that he wasn't quite used to, and certainly didn't expect during broad daylight. Sure, he'd gone to some clubs and such, had his fair share of one too many drinks, but for different reasons other than trying to score.

Getting drunk usually happened when he was despairing or angry, but today, it made him happy.

He was feeling good, out with the two closest people in his life, ready to try something new, something he and Becca had been discussing for months now.

Becca seemed incredibly confident that everything would work out, but Charlie always had doubts and worries, it was just how he was.

Alex's hand rubbing along his back made him feel better though... and a bit flustered. Sometimes he'd wondered if the wolf was bi, because this was more than a friendly little rub.

Alex's fingers lingered along the back of his shirt, his claws tracing down slightly, in an intimate fashion. Was it the alcohol, or was he genuinely interested? They'd be finding out pretty soon, perhaps.

Becca stumbled less and less as they walked on, with Alex and Charlie keeping an eye on her; despite her reserved nature, Becca could be one hell of a party girl, and she had the unfortunate characteristic of attracting all kinds of wrong guys once sufficient amounts of alcohol was ingested.

She seemed to be up for basically everything once she was tipsy or drunk, and there were plenty of predatory men out there who would have loved to take advantage. One encounter in particular had ended with a fistfight between Alex and an uppity croc who thought he'd carry her to his dorm after she nearly passed out.

"A-Alex... was Charlie there when you... fuckin, clocked that guy?"

He turned his head towards her, rolling his eyes, "You mean that asshole, Cory?"

"Y-yeah, that fucker, did Charlie see you go toe-to-toe with him?"

Charlie shook his head and pondered why Becca would be bringing this up, he couldn't imagine Alex liked hearing about it.

"Can't say I had the pleasure; what happened?"

Becca giggled a little too loudly, mimicking the punch that knocked the croc on his ass. "He fuckin' One Punched him, then he picked me up and c-carried me back, like a dam-damsel."

Alex apparently liked the description, because he pumped his fist in the air and grinned widely. "He didn't try that shit again. Didn't even make eye contact after that."

Becca leaned against him and ran her fingers along his chest, giving him the most serious "Fuck me," eyes that Charlie had ever seen. He wondered what exactly had set her off, maybe all the alcohol?

"Easy babe, not here," he said, waving nonchalantly at a passerby who turned to regard Becca's suggestive stance.

"Hmmpphh... no fun." She gave that little pout he loved so much, god he loved her.

"Heh, we'll see," remarked Charlie, catching Alex off guard and making Becca grin wider than he thought was physically possible. Just what did these two troublemakers have planned?

Alex didn't really care, honestly. He was in a great mood, tipsy, and out with his two favorite people, as far as he was concerned, this was heaven.

"So... where should we go first?"

"Mmm... how about we go shopping for some clothes? Could definitely get some more lingerie and stockings!" Becca was clearly excited at the prospect of trying new things on, and she had quite the impressive collection of outfits at home to boot.

"Babe, you certainly like playing dress-up."

"Pfft... like you complain, you just like taking it all off me."

"Ha, not gonna argue with you there."

Charlie listened to the couple intently, enjoying the playful banter between the both of them. He wanted so much to be part of it, to overcome his introverted nature, maybe be a bit more outspoken and carefree like Becca.

Maybe in time he'd change for the better, if things worked out the way he thought they would, and if Alex accepted his closest held secret.

There were a lot of "maybes" and "ifs" in the equation, but he felt fairly confident on where things would end up. Becca was accepting and understanding, he had no reason to think Alex wouldn't be as well.

Charlie coughed as he got an idea, one that was especially saucy, even for him. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the curiosity, but it was quite probably a mixture of both.

He cleared his throat and interjected in the conversation, "I think shopping for clothing might be fun!"

Alex and Becca both looked at him, a confused look on their faces.

Becca was the first to speak, tilting her head and locking her eyes on Charlie's.

"I've known you for a l-long time... I don't think I've ever heard those w...words come out of your mouth."

Alex just shrugged his shoulders and looked away, not catching the little wink that Charlie gave his girlfriend, which in turn caused her to bounce up and down a few times.

"Ooooh, but it could still be fun!"

"Whatever you guys want, I'm good with anything. We can't be gone too long though, I don't wanna take advantage of Gregory's hospitality."

Becca smirked and wiggled her fluffy tail, "Don't worry darling, I'm sure it'll take just long enough."

The department and fashion store they nearly stumbled into was quite expansive, one of the newer shops that had been added to the strip mall a couple months ago. Becca loved them because of the sheer variety of clothing and lingerie options they provided, and Alex liked them more because of that latter option.

Becca was a fan of dressing up and making cosplay uniforms, she had an amazing body and wasn't afraid to show it off.

With her bountiful double D chest size and luscious hips, she could squeeze into all sorts of skimpy uniforms and set some hearts ablaze.

Alex figured it was a bit funny how she blue balled everyone who tried hitting on her, she had always been faithful to him, and he, likewise, had never cheated on her.

They were both still quite young, yet both understood there was more to their relationship than just sex and lust. They understood each other, and to the both of them, that was far more important than the countless orgasms they had given one another.

"Mmm... I'm feeling a tad frisky, need to uh... grab some new nightwear."

Alex glanced at Charlie, unsure how his girlfriend's open nature made the fox feel.

Charlie's wide smile gave him pause, but the fox shrugged his shoulders and chuckled. "Need some help?"

Alex was about to say something, but his girlfriend beat him to the punch.

"Sounds great! Alex, love, could you let us be for a bit? Charlie will make sure I don't get into any trouble. Okay?"

Something about this felt very odd to him, but the remaining alcohol in his system was altering his judgment just enough to where he decided against further questioning.

"Hmm... alright, just uh, text me when you guys are ready. Sound good?"

Both Charlie and Becca nodded earnestly, their mischievous grins never leaving their muzzles.

Before Alex could say anything else, both of them had scampered off, wasting no time.

'What are you planning?' thought the wolf, his eyes glancing at their backsides as they ran off.

Becca had a killer ass per usual, but Charlie, he wasn't exactly lacking in that department either.

Once again, Alex questioned his sexuality briefly before turning around and venturing off in a random direction.

Alex was leaning on a rail, fiddling around on his phone when he got a text from Becca.

'Hey honey, could you meet us back at the dressing room? We found something we think you'll love, but we want your opinion. <3 Ttys'

He smirked, responding with a quick 'Omw' before pushing off from the rail. He tucked his phone into his pocket and gripped the small container of salted caramel icecream he'd gotten from a vendor earlier.

He loved their icecream, but he preferred it partially melted, so he'd held off on consuming it fully. Now seemed like the perfect chance, a sweet treat before seeing his sweeties.

God, even in his head that sounded silly, and he made of mental note to not drink so much on their next outing. He usually kept his consumption of the devil's juice confined to bars or parties, and by now he'd usually be passed out with his muzzle planted firmly between Becca's juicy tits... or luscious thighs.

He wondered what kind of things they'd found to wear, hopefully some more bedroom attire for Becca, though he wasn't sure how Charlie's opinion was needed on that matter.

Just what those two had planned, he could only guess, but his gut told him it would likely be a pretty great surprise.

So, he gobbled up the remainder of the icecream, licking the container clean with his long canine tongue. He glanced to the side and saw a couple lovely ladies looking at him, their faces overcome with mischievous grins.

He rubbed the back of his neck, cracking a wide grin that showed off his pearly whites. "Sorry ladies, I'm accounted for."

He gave them a little wink and strode back the way he came, not afraid of a little harmless flirting. They were cute and all, but his heart was set on Becca, and he wasn't gonna be stupid and fuck things up.

He covered his mouth as he yawned, passing into the Food Court on his way back towards the department store. Various delicious scents and sights greeted him, but he was still working off the incredible meal he'd devoured at Gregory's restaurant.

He shuddered happily as he passed into the rays of warm sunlight flooding from the ceiling, arching his head and closing his eyes for a moment as he just basked in the delightful warmth.

The roof of the Food Court section was rather interesting, as the glass tiles in the ceiling were arranged in such a pattern that they formed a large smiling fox emoji when light shone through the entire group of tiles, easily viewable by those passing in the mall below, above by plane, or the more tech savvy who possessed personal drones.

There was a lot of personality where they lived, all kinds of family-owned shops and eateries, places that didn't have the lifeless grasp of corporate life leeching off of them. This very mall was where Alex and Becca had met for the first time, in this same Food Court no less.

She wouldn't admit it, but Alex had declared their outing at Mama's Melons, a suggestively named fruit smoothie outlet owned by a rather busty badger, to be the spot of their first date.

All the best things in his life had happened in this college town, and he would carry those precious memories with him till the day of his passing.

Alex didn't want to leave this place, but Becca had said she'd follow him wherever he went, and he would do the same for her.

Before long, they'd both graduate, and then set out into the world together. They had a few ideas about where to go... but what about Charlie?

Alex arrived at the department store, seeing Becca standing out at the entrance, the bouncy husky jumping up and waving as soon as she saw him approaching.

"Hey babe! Sure took you long enough!" she exclaimed, running over to him. He watched her ample tits bounce, gulping heavily.

That shirt she was wearing sure didn't do much to conceal the size of her cleavage, and that skirt was short enough to fully show off those gorgeous legs...

Fuck, what he wouldn't give for some alone time with her right now.

She hugged him tight, pressing her large chest against him, giving a cute wiggle as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

He looked around, tilting his head. "Where's Charlie?"

His girlfriend pushed away from him; a worrying smile plastered across her muzzle.


"You're gonna have to come with me, we want your opinion on something."

Alex felt his heart skip a beat, she wanted him to go into the women's changing rooms?

"Becca, I don't think-"

She put finger to his lips, hushing him instantly. "Don't worry, there's no one watching here. We just wanna show you something."

As soon as she removed her claw, a question burst from his mouth.

"Wait, why is Charlie in there?"

"You're gonna have to find that out for yourself. Last stall, quite spacious, see you there."

Before he could say a damn word, she disappeared into the dressing room, leaving him with a rather shocked, bewildered expression.

Just what the hell were these two planning?

He gave a quick glance around, seeing barely a soul in the vicinity; he sucked in a huge breath, then followed after Becca.

The sight that awaited him as he pushed that door open was nothing short of glorious, and Alex felt his brain break for a moment.

An unmistakably female fox, with well-kept dark red and brown fur, stood almost fully naked before him; she wore light blue lingerie, the lacey kind that Becca often wore for him, and her legs were covered by matching light blue leggings. Her choice of skimpy attire fully accentuated her lovely natural curves and what appeared to be C-cup breasts.

His horny canine brain took in her every little detail, from those ample breasts that just begged to be let out, to her smooth light brown tummy, down to her covered mound and sexy long legs. She was a sight to behold, and Alex felt his heart hammer in his chest even harder as he looked at her face.

"C-Charlie?" Upon hearing her name, she looked away, covering her chest with her arms.

"Y-yeah... that's me." Alex just stared, struck dumb by the realization that was still crashing against him. Confusion and arousal were vying for control, he had so many questions.

Before he could say anything else, Becca pushed him into the room, closing and locking the door as she entered behind him.

"There, now we won't be interrupted."

Alex kept his distance from Charlie, leaning against the lone mirror in the room and gazing at her. His fingers twitched, and his tail flicked rapidly behind him; he figured the best thing to do would be to ask the most prominent question in his mind at the time.

"So, you're really uh... girl?"

That got a short nod out of her at least, then she looked to Becca with pleading eyes before asking, "Could you explain the rest?"

"Heh, I suppose so." Becca walked over to Charlie, removing her shirt and tossing it over onto the bench. "Lemme just get a little more comfortable first..."

Alex felt like his eyes were going to pop out like a cartoon character as he watched his hot girlfriend standing next to an almost equally hot Charlie, the husky sliding down her skirt, standing there in only her bra and panties, just like the fox.

He was panting now, quite audibly too, a habit most canines had when their heart rate increased substantially. It was skyrocketing right now as he watched the two beautiful girls lean against each other, his eyes lavishing their sweet, curvy forms.

"Hah, easy there boy. As you can probably guess, even in your current state, Charlie is biologically female." Becca groped one of Charlie's breasts teasingly, causing her to whine and blush harder.

Alex gulped, not sure what he was supposed to do at that point. He'd just found out his best friend was actually a girl, a hot one at that, and his girlfriend was currently feeling her up. He felt like his brain was malfunctioning, random thoughts of sex mingling with a lingering hesitance as he tried to arrive at a conclusion for his next course of action.

"Mmm, Charlie, tell him what you told me."

The poor foxgirl gave a loud whine and shook her head lightly; it was evident she'd need a bit more prying before she'd spill.

"Now now, tell my wolf what you told me. What you want him to do to you."

This time, Becca slid her hand under the bra, clasping one of Charlie's breasts. Charlie sighed deeply and arched her neck as the husky began to massage her soft mound, suddenly giving a semi-quiet yelp as one of Becca's claws teased her nipple.

"Tell him or I'm gonna keep tweaking these till you scream."

Alex gave a wide grin, he loved when Becca's dominant side came out. He wasn't sure which one of them was the top in bed, but their competition sure led to some incredible orgasms.

He took a step forward, now realizing just how fucking hard he was, his member pulsing against his boxers.

"Charlie, what did you want me to do?" They were now a couple feet apart, just enough space to breath, but also just enough space for the magnetism between them to be felt in full force. Judging by how both of them looked at him, his balls were going to be very sore after he was done.

Another twist of her nipples made the poor girl spill everything; "Please... I want you to fuck me like you fuck your girlfriend!"

"There, was that so hard?" asked Becca, tracing her claws around those nipples hard enough to make Charlie whimper.

Alex felt his dominant side coming out more, the female in need bringing out his feral instincts. He bared his teeth to them, licking his lips.

"Sit her down and spread her legs. If she wants the full experience, I'm gonna fucking give it to her."

It didn't take much coaxing for Becca to drag Charlie onto the bench, her arms locked around the fox's shoulders, her thighs hooked directly under her knees to keep her legs spread. For all intents and purposes, she was restrained, but seemed not to mind one bit.

Alex approached her slowly, his eyes running over her form. He still couldn't believe she'd managed to fool him all this time, she must have hid her scent with something. Her chest was a bit too big to be easily hidden, unless...

A quick glance to the right confirmed his suspicion: Charlie had been wrapping her chest tight enough with cloth or fabric to squeeze her breasts down, just enough so she would appear as if she had pecs.

Quite clever, but seeing her this vulnerable now, with everything in the open between them, he couldn't help but acknowledge his strong feelings for her.

She had taken a huge risk in letting them both in on her secret, and he sure as hell wasn't going to make her regret it.

He lifted his shirt off, tossing it aside before bending down and gripping her waist, feeling her shiver under his touch. He leaned in close, letting her feel his hot breath along her neck, his bare teeth brushing her fur.

She smelled good, delicious even, whatever perfume she wore mixed well with her sexual pheromones, and Alex's heart beat ever harder from the stimulation.

He kissed just under her jaw, nibbling his way up to her jowls, before finally planting his lips firmly on her own.

He didn't know how she'd react, but he definitely didn't expect her to suddenly push hard into the kiss, her tongue sliding into his maw to brush along his own.

Becca watched in fascination as her boyfriend and her best friend made out like their lives depended on it, the two smashing their lips together in fiery passion for several seconds before parting, only to collide again and repeat the process; she smelled their arousal and her own, witnessing the two go at it like they were only made her all the needier.

Becca stuck her head on Charlie's shoulder, watching a strand of saliva stretch out, connecting their muzzles as they separated for the fourth time. "Hey now, don't forget about me..."

She gave a muffled whimper as Alex's face darted towards her own, her amor finally giving her the sweet kisses she craved. Unknown to her, Alex had slid his hand into Charlie's panties and was feeling her warm, wet petals.

He took turns making out with the lovely ladies, tracing two fingers in circles around the maned fox's little clit, driving her wild and causing her to buck against his hand. Becca finally noticed what he was doing and gave him a devilish grin.

"Oh, you naughty bastard..."

"Watch that tongue, young lady, unless you have a better use for it." She bit her lip and wiggled in place; she loved it when he spoke to her like that, when he took charge and told her what he wanted.

All poor Charlie could do was moan and huff as the sexy wolf played with her tender pussy, those panties quickly becoming soaked and sticky with her juices; her eyes rolled back as she felt his fingers dip into her entrance, her toes curling from the sheer pleasure.

She gave a reluctant whimper as she felt his fingers slide back out and away from her mound, the fox girl burning with a need that had to be sated.

"P-please..." she uttered, having gotten so torturously close to an orgasm.

Becca giggled and grabbed at Charlie's tits, smooshing them together and bouncing them for her boyfriend's viewing pleasure.

"Fuck, she's hot..." she said, feeling the fox shudder and wiggle against her, knowing her continued attention would likely make her cum either way.

"What do you think babe... wanna make her squirt?"

Alex looked at her for a moment, then adopted what might have been the most jaw-aching grin he'd ever managed. "Oh, you evil lass..."

Charlie was left panting, and a little bit confused, as she felt Becca shift and move from behind her, releasing her limbs. She leaned back against the wall, her head propped against it; she gulped hard when she saw the two of them grip her panties, realizing what she was in for.

The couple peeled the soaked panties away, revealing the delectable, pink flesh underneath. Alex whistled as he gazed at that exposed pussy, Becca eagerly licking her lips in excitement.

"Get ready, girl, we're gonnaeat this." Charlie tried to say something, but a loud squeal escaped her throat as she felt the wolf bury his muzzle against her mound, his tongue already working along her folds.

She was about to cry out again, but gagged a bit as she felt something getting stuffed in her mouth. She whined, tasting her own juices on what must have been her panties, her body wiggling in response.

Her eyes met Becca's, who'd just settled back down beside her boyfriend, a finger held to her lips. Right, she had to be a little quieter...

She laid her head back, her body starting to shudder again as she felt the wolf's rough tongue massaging along her clit, little jolts of pleasure arcing through her hips; all she could do was give muffled moans and whines as her cunny was toyed with, loving how Alex held her hips so firmly, how his claws teased against her fur.

After a moment, she yelped in both surprise and bliss, feeling another rough tongue massaging against her sopping wet mound.

Her eyes went wide as she saw Becca's muzzle between her legs, both the hungry canines eyeing her with predatory intent, their tongues dancing and colliding, tracing pleasureful patterns around the quivering fox's pussy.

Her hips started bucking with intense need, her arousal shooting through the roof as she was subject to overstimulation, her eyes rolling back and her jaw hanging open, her panties falling out.

"Ohhh myyyy godddddd..." was all she could manage, though at a much quieter volume than earlier. She couldn't escape their devouring muzzles, she couldn't stop their exploring tongues as waves of intense pleasure threatened to overtake her senses, the lewd sounds of their slurping only furthering her pleasure.

For poor Charlie, all it took was a few more moments before her thighs began quivering rapidly, her clit twitching and throbbing. The two canines knew what to do, focusing all their attention on the sensitive nub, their tongues circling and lapping along it.

Soon, their persistence was awarded by a tangy nectar that began to squirt from the fox's quivering mound, both of them savoring the taste as they continued to lick and slurp messily.

It took all of Charlie's self-control to keep herself from screaming her absolutely mind-melting pleasure for the entire store to hear. Right as she hit her peak, her hands shot up and clasped around her muzzle tightly, her eyes rolling back as she felt a tidal wave of creamy bliss exploding inside her, her entire body shaking and shuddering.

But dear god, the two didn't stop their lascivious ministrations, and soon, she found herself cumming a second time, unable to keep a low, satisfied whine from escaping her lips.

Whilst Charlie was in heaven, Becca withdrew her muzzle, replacing it with a couple fingers as she continued to stimulate her best friend. She grabbed Alex's muzzle and pulled him into a loving kiss, the couple quickly making out, tasting Charlie's juices upon one another.

All Charlie could do was huff and wiggle, watching the two canines kiss right between her still spread legs, gasping as she tried to catch her breath; honestly, she hadn't expected her first couple orgasms to be so intense, but she wasn't complaining.

She hadn't had a lot of sexual partners, just a couple selfish guys and some vain girlfriends, no one really like Alex or Becca.

She'd watched their relationship blossom, seen how much they loved each other, saw how eager they were to befriend her. And so, as the story usually went, she fell hard for them...

"Alright pup, on your feet."

Charlie's ears perked up as Alex spoke, quite sure he hadn't just called her "Pup."

Becca grinned and bit her bottom lip, standing up and swaying in place. "He means me. Don't worry, soon you'll have a pet name too."

Charlie gave a little giggle as she considered the idea, thinking he'd likely end up calling her Foxy or something.

Her eyes tracked Alex as he joined his girlfriend, watching as the two kissed a few more times as she sat up. She saw Alex start tugging along Becca's dress, careful not to let his claws go through the fabric.

He lifted it, showing off Becca's cute blue panties, the slightest impression of her labia visible where the fabric was soaked with her juices.

Charlie could smell how aroused she was, but something else was on her mind?

"You want a taste, don't you?" inquired Alex, rubbing two fingers against her covered mound, causing her to wiggle and whine.

Charlie nodded her head enthusiastically, unaware of the thin strand of spittle dripping from her open maw. She'd wondered for a good while now what Becca's pussy must taste like, and it looked like she was about to find out.

"Mmm, baby girl is just rarin' to get off, and you're still giddy to be knotted. How about we take care of those two problems at once?"

Charlie blushed hard as she got the idea, and Becca moaned semi-quietly. "Mmfff... well, Charlie, wanna eat my pussy while my boyfriend fucks you like an animal?"

The fox gulped hard, already imagining how that would feel. She was wetter than before, and she wanted Alex deep inside her...

"Fuck yes!" she answered, already on her feet and joining the other two lovebirds. The three of them began to kiss and fondle each other, with Alex helping Becca discard her shirt and toss it in the corner.

The husky started to tremble and moan as the other two went to work on her large breasts, their mouths and tongues working along her sensitive and fully erect nipples.

She bit her lip and gave a muffled whine, her tail wagging back and forth rapidly from the attention. Alex took one nipple, while Charlie took the other, the two systematically reducing Becca to a blushing, quivering mess as they teased and suckled on her tender nubs.

Alex groped and felt along Charlie's gorgeous rump, suddenly moving behind her and rubbing her cunny with two fingers. She gave a playful yip and wiggled her backside, a gasp escaping her lips as Alex gripped it tightly with both paws.

"Fuckin' gorgeous..." he said, leaning down to plant a firm bite on one of her plush cheeks, temporarily marking her, as he had done many times to Becca.

Charlie shuddered for a moment as she felt those teeth dig into her flesh momentarily, not too deep thankfully. It was pretty kinky, she had to admit, but she sure as hell wasn't complaining.

Becca rubbed behind her ears and grinned, guiding Charlie's paws to her already loosened red panties, letting the fox be the one to slide them off.

Charlie's cheeks flushed red as she got a great view of Becca's scrumptious looking snatch, her desire to taste it immediately heightening. Beneath a patch of short, white fur rested her plump, red-tinged labia, with her little pink clit nestled at the top of her mound.

"Mmm..lay back."

Becca complied and settled back onto the bench, her top half leaning against the wall as she looked down into Charlie's lust-filled eyes.

She watched as Charlie and Alex got into position, the sexy fox girl getting down onto all fours and crawling towards her, those eyes fixated on her needy, sopping muff.

Alex got onto his knees and rubbed his canine cock all over Charlie's backside, causing her to shudder and press back against him.

"Ooooh... 'atta girl." He snarled and slid his pulsing member between her ass cheeks, gripping both and smooshing them against his tender shaft, starting to slide in and out between them.

Charlie gasped and looked back at the amorous wolf, giving her backside a wiggle; no one had ever done that to her before, and it felt really good. She turned her attention back to her best friend, her eyes locking onto Becca's as she leaned in and nuzzled along her inner thigh.

The curvy husky let out a groan as she felt the fox kissing along the inside of her thighs, the proximity of that muzzle so close to her pussy simply driving her wild. She wiggled in place and shuddered as those lips delved lower, planting firm kisses right above her mound that made her nearly squeal in excitement.

Charlie was just doing what she'd read about in various romance books and seen in porn, and she was thankful that it seemed to be working. She'd never gone down on a girl before, but from her own experience, it usually paid off better to take your time and let the anticipation of first contact build up.

Becca gave a little squeal of excitement, spreading her legs for her bestie to grant better access, biting her bottom lip as she watched those lips and tongue veer closer to her clit.

Her body shivered and she arched her back as that rough tongue made contact with her clitoral hood, a low moan escaping her lips as Charlie hooked her arms under her legs, keeping them fully spread.

Charlie swirled her tongue lightly over that little clit, flicking it tenderly before wrapping her lips around it and suckling, enjoying the tiny little reactions of pleasure her actions brought.

Becca smelled great, and she tasted even better down there, adding to the intoxicating lure as Charlie's tongue delved between her lips, spreading them apart as she wiggled it inside the deliciously tight hole.

Whilst she worked on Becca, she gave a muffled moan against that juicy muff as she felt Alex prodding between her lips with his large meat; it's warmth was like a soothing salve to her aching pussy, and she so desperately wanted him inside her, now more than ever.

She pulled her muzzle away from the sweet cunt, strings of saliva and nectar clinging to her lips. "Please, breed me, daddy."

Alex was pretty damn sure at that point that Becca had been telling her exactly what turned him on most, because his cock throbbed much harder after those words left her lips.

"Well hell, can't say no to lovely words like that..." he snarled and pushed his hips forward, threatening to cram his dick within the welcoming confines of her tight pussy.

Slowly, carefully, his tip began to part her tender lips; thankfully, before the fox could get too loud, Becca reached forward to tug that muzzle back down to her cunny, her eyes burning with desire as she felt that tongue going back to work.

"Good girls eat pussy while daddy fucks them."

Her words made Charlie moan deeply into her hot muff, and that tongue once more began working on her needy clit. Becca locked eyes with Alex as he started to thrust slowly, blowing her man a kiss as he panted, his tongue hanging out; poor boy was getting over-stimulated.

Soon, Alex was hunched over the quivering fox, his hips working back and forth as he slammed his cock in and out about half-way, for now at least, it was all he could manage to fit in her. Some drool dribbled from his lips as he watched that shapely ass bounce against his lap, the wolf stuck in a trance, his balls burning for that blissful release he knew was coming soon.

Charlie was giving Becca's sweet cunt a proper workout, as she devoured it with vigor. Her tongue flicked tenderly along the clit several times, making a habit of then delving between her lips for a few moments, lapping up those sweet juices, not relenting for even a second, even as she felt the husky's thighs starting to quiver.

Alex's pace thrusting in and out of her was driving her wild, her mind lost in an impenetrable fog of bliss and desire, her hips bucking back now, pushing more of her new lover's throbbing cock deeper into her welcoming walls.

For the next few minutes, the trio moved perfectly in sync together; they thrust, bucked, and ground together, each person playing their part with excellence and enthusiasm, until, inevitably, they began to reach their peak one by one.

Becca covered her own muzzle and began whimpering as her thighs closed around Charlie's neck, keeping that muzzle flush with her spasming cunny. She arched her head back, eyes closed as she mouthed wordlessly, "C-cumming!"

Charlie felt the orgasm ripple through Becca's loins, wrapping her lips around that little clit and sucking just before it hit, being rewarded almost immediately as that quivering mound began to squirt delicious honey into her awaiting maw.

The infectious pleasure of Becca's climax traveled to Charlie, who couldn't help but sway her hips side to side as her partner slammed into her, keeping her muzzle buried between those legs as her own release happened, her knees nearly giving out from under her as she clenched her walls down upon Alex's pulsing cock.

The wolf bared his teeth, clenching his eyes shut and resisting the urge to howl with all his remaining restraint. The flaring of his base knot meant he was only a few seconds away from pouring his potent canine spunk inside Charlie's unguarded womb.

A distant voice in his head was yelling at him to pull out, but every moment it grew more and more muffled, till the only thing he could hear were the sounds of his own panting and of his hips slapping against Charlie's lovely posterior.

He gave a deep, guttural growl, leaning over his prey and biting onto her neck gently, no coming back from what he was about to do; with one more triumphant, defining thrust, Alex buried himself deep into the quivering fox beneath him, only his knot remaining outside her hot pussy.

Rope upon rope upon volcanic rope gushed inside her, flooding her womb and coating it in virile wolf seed. She started gasping as she felt him blowing his load, this being the first time she'd ever let another guy cum inside her without protection.

Her jaws remain slacked and open, her eyes rolling back as she came once more, the sensation of warmth spilling into her pushing her over the edge one more time.

She opened her eyes as she felt hands on her muzzle, seeing Becca leaning in to kiss her; the two made out passionately as the wolf emptied himself, not holding back what was no doubt an enormous orgasm.

After what felt like years had passed, Alex dismounted Charlie, giving her rump a firm swat as he withdrew his still hard member, his shaft coated in mixed cum and honey.

"Fuck, this will take some time to... uhh, go down."

The trio all giggled and panted, sitting beside one another in front of the bench, contemplating the incredibly complicated thing they had just done.

This hadn't just been some quick fun between friends; without really asking, Alex and Becca had invited Charlie into their relationship, sharing with her a glimpse of their intimacy and love.

Becca turned to Charlie, grinning at her. "So, how does it feel to have my boyfriend's cum leaking out of you?"

Charlie nearly gagged trying to answer that one, hiding her face in her paws as she blushed like a school girl.

"Mmm, we should probably get that before it stains the carpet further..." said Alex as he shifted a little, his panting slowing down as he regained his stamina.

"Oh hell, that's right." Becca sighed and crawled over to their belongings. She began rummaging through, looking for the wet wipes she brought along in her purse. She felt a paw firmly smack her exposed backside, making her gasp.

"Hey now, you can have your turn with me later," she said, looking back. She became wide-eyed when she realized the smack had come from Charlie, who was wearing a rather devious grin.

"She learns fast!" remarked Alex.

Cleanup took a little bit longer than the group expected, as Alex's sheer volume of cum proved difficult to fully remove; Charlie had to lay on her side for a bit, waiting for his load to dry inside of her before she could walk again, it wouldn't have been a great look for Alex's seed to be dribbling down her legs as she walked out of the changing room.

Becca and Alex stashed all the cum-covered wipes in a plastic bag and tied it in a double knot, planning to dispose of the evidence of their heated threesome at the earliest opportunity.

All three got dressed shortly after, the small room silent as the three contemplated their actions. Becca helped Charlie out of the lingerie and placed it in another bag, retrieving the tags from the clothing so that they could pay without revealing the suspiciously stained under-garments at the register.

Alex leaned against the mirror, watching the two females intently. It had been quite a shock to him to find out that Charlie was in fact a woman, and he wondered how long his girlfriend had known.

He didn't mind that she'd kept it a secret, it was Charlie's truth to tell; the wolf watched as Becca helped Charlie wrap her gorgeous bust, flattening it significantly. The husky retrieved a small bottle from her purse and handed it to Charlie, whom began spraying the contents along her body and clothes gingerly.

"Scent masking?" asked Alex, noting how quickly Charlie's "female" scent was disappearing.

Charlie smiled and nodded towards him. "Yeah, been doing it for a long time now."

"So, you're really..."

"Come on, Alex, you just had your dick in me, I think you know by now."

He groaned as he realized how dumb he'd just sounded, opting to probe further.

"I guess I meant... how long have you been doing this?"

Becca eyed them silently while she dressed, sliding her skirt back on.

"Since high school, actually," she said, pulling her jeans up and zipping the fly.

She lowered her ears as she looked at Alex, and he swore he'd never seen someone look more vulnerable.

"To put it simply, I identify as male in public and around acquaintances, but sexually, I feel fine being a girl, if that makes sense."

She stepped forward and grabbed Alex's paw, clasping their fingers together, he felt his chest swell with emotion as he looked into her eyes.

"Only a few people know this about me, and now you are one of them. Promise me you will keep this a secret?"

Alex squeezed her hand tightly, pulling her close to nuzzle the top of her head. "I promise."

Something else crossed his mind in that moment, something very important.

"Hey, uhh... so I wasn't wearing a..." he stopped as Charlie put a finger to his lips.

"Don't worry, I'm on birth control, no worries there." He breathed a sigh of relief and chuckled; having a kid right now wouldn't be ideal for any of them, not until they were able to settle down.

Settle down... interesting that he was thinking about that right then, though it was something he had been thinking of doing with Becca after they were done with their college life.

Now with Charlie in the mix, they would have to rethink some things and make adjustments, but all in due time.

Right then though, he was happy to have them both there, near him.

He walked between them, gripping both around the waist and pulling them close, sharing a sweet kiss with both. "My girls."

"Our guy," they both said, also sharing a kiss that made Alex feel a throb in his groin.

"Easy now ladies, we still have tonight."

Becca winked at him and gave a little hip wiggle. "Your next load goes in me."

Alex gave her a wide grin and nodded. "Deal."

"Say, Alex?"

He turned his head to Charlie, tilting it.

"You totally would have banged me if you thought I was a dude, wouldn't you?"

Alex was caught entirely off-guard; he had been hoping that neither of them had picked up on his interest in Charlie before she'd revealed her secret.

He should have known better; both were likely a good deal more perceptive than he was.

He rubbed the back of his head and tried to answer, finding no words were coming from his mouth. It was just hanging open and he looked like an idiot.

Both girls laughed rather loudly, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Awww, does our man have a thing for guys too?"

He stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked down, giving a light snarl. "Well, Charlie makes a pretty hot guy so..."

Thankfully, they both gave him a tight hug, and he was in heaven then. His nostrils filled with both their scents, each unique and wonderful, and he held them close for several moments.

Charlie was his lady now too, and he'd treat her with the same love, respect, and passion that he'd given to Becca throughout their relationship.

"Love you girls."

"And we love you too, wulfy," responded Charlie, looking much more masculine back in her earlier clothing.

"Ugh... of course Becca told you about that." 'Wulfy' had been the pet name Becca had given him after one evening where she had been feeling particularly dominant, having him beg for her attention.

"Too good not to share." teased Becca, sticking her tongue out at him. Alex couldn't really complain, Charlie would be privy to some of their other in-jokes and secrets soon, might as well start with that one.

He straightened his hair and looked in the mirror for a few moments, making sure he couldn't spot any cum stains on his clothing.

"So, girls, where to next?"

Both giggled deviously and the wolf knew he'd be in for some mischief later.

"How about we head back home and watch a few movies?" asked Becca, throwing her purse strap over her shoulder.

Alex nodded and stretched his aching muscles, sex had a way of tiring him out like no other activity, and Becca was more of a horndog than he was.

"That sounds damn nice... could use a good couch to lay on."

"Amen to that..." said Charlie, pushing open the door and looking back at her new partners.

"Shall we?"