Abashed Ansel Chapter 1

Story by DiaperedDwagon on SoFurry

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#1 of Abashed Ansel

A story I wrote a while ago that I forgot to post on here. I have a furaffinity under the same name that I use more frequently.

Ansel laid in his bed, anxious for the day ahead of him. He had spent the past few weeks applying for jobs. He hadn't gotten a single reply until the previous night for the position of a product designer. The company that responded was called Huggles. He hadn't ever heard of it. He didn't know what he would be designing, and he didn't care either. His interview was scheduled for 1:30 pm, just about 3 hours later.

He sat up in his bed, one of his claws snagging the corner of his plain black blanket as he pushed it off. The dragon unfolded his wings, and stretched them out. Afterwards he turned to his left and rested his arm on the windowsill next to him. The color of his scales almost perfectly matched the morning's light blue sky. He yawned as he turned around to climb off of his bed. Ansel walked out of his room and down the hall with one clear goal in mind; drinking his morning cup of coffee and finding something to eat.

As he entered the kitchen he pressed a button on the very top of his coffee maker. A fresh pot of coffee began to brew. He climbed up onto a step stool, and began rummaging through the cabinet above it. Ansel was only 5"3, so he wasn't able to reach the very top shelves of his cabinets. His claw emerged from the depths of the cabinet above him grasping a single granola bar.

"Good enough..." He mumbled to himself as he went back over to the coffee maker. He poured himself a mug out of the freshly brewed pot. He took both the coffee and granola bar over to a table he had in the corner of his kitchen, and sat down. He took a sip of his coffee as he punctured a hole through the wrapper of the granola bar to tear it open. He pulled it out, and stuffed it all in his mouth to try and mask the taste of the black coffee he was drinking. Ansel couldn't stand black coffee, but it was one of the only ways he would be able to get motivated to start getting ready within the next hour. He forced himself to drink around half of the mug before getting up, and dumping the rest of it down the sink.

He made his way back into his bedroom, and opened up his closet. He pushed everything all the way to the right, revealing a few dress shirts and pairs of dress pants that were stuffed into the very back. He grabbed a black shirt and black pair of pants, and set them on his bed.

Ansel wandered back out through his kitchen, and into his living room. He plopped himself down on his couch, and turned on his tv to pass some time. While sitting down he began to nod off, and before he knew it he had fallen back asleep. He woke up ten minutes before he was planning on leaving, and booked it into his room.

He hastily put on the clothes he laid out earlier, and grabbed a red tie. He did his best to tie it in a rush, and then bolted out the door of his apartment. He sprinted down the stairs, and out into his car, beginning to drive to the address he was provided in an email. Luckily it wasn't too far away, and he would still have a little bit of time to spare once arriving.

Ansel made it to the provided address with five minutes to spare. He got out of his car, and looked at the building in front of him. It was easily 20 or 30 stories tall. While not uncommon for a large city like the one Ansel was in, it was still a very large building. He made his way up towards the front of the building. The sliding door opened up for him automatically. The room he walked into was large and open. There were a few couches sitting on top of the intricate tile flooring. He was about to make his way over to one on the left wall , before a voice called out to him.

"Hey, you need something?" Ansel looked towards the other end of the room, and saw a lion standing in a door to a hallway. The lion seemed like he could be almost twice the size of him!

"U-uh... I-I'm here for an interview..." Ansel was a bit intimidated by the lion. He seemed nice enough, but he was huge and had a loud voice. The lion gestured for Ansel to follow him.

"Here! I can take you to the office you need to be at!" The lion was speaking in a tone that someone would use to talk to a small child. Ansel reluctantly walked towards the lion. "Nervous?" The lion asked as he began to walk.

"Y-yeah..." Ansel replied quietly while following the lion. The pair walked in silence from then on until the lion stopped at a door.

"Here you are! Good luck!" The lion continued merrily down the hall.

Ansel took a deep breath to compose himself, and knocked on the door in front of him.

"Come in." A gruff voice called out from the other side. Ansel opened the door, and walked into the room.

It was a fairly normal office. A few plants in the corners of the room, various different items hung on the wall, a desk. Seated behind the desk was a wolf. He looked up from a paper sitting on his desk to attempt to make eye contact with Ansel. Ansel was too busy looking around the room. One thing that stood out to him was that the only chair in the room was behind the desk. Ansel awkwardly stepped up towards the desk and stood in front of it.

"My apologies, I forgot to bring a second chair in. Why don't you come and have a seat?" The wolf's face was completely serious as he turned in his chair. He patted what Ansel could only assume was the matching pants to his fancy suit.

"W-wha..?" Ansel nervously chuckled as the wolf continued to look him right in the eye. Ansel's face began to slowly turn red as he realized it wasn't a joke. "A-are you serious?"

"It wouldn't be very polite if I made you stand the whole time." The serious look on his face turned into a warm smile.

"B-but sir... T-that--" Ansel's voice was shaking. He seemed to be trying his best to avoid making eye contact. He was suddenly cut off.

"I don't mind, really. This might take a while, and I don't want you to be uncomfortable. Also, please drop the sir. You can just call me Daxton." Daxton's once gruff tone had shifted to one more akin to the lion's; a tone of voice used to speak to a child. As weird as it was, Ansel could feel himself beginning to calm down.

"Alright s-- Daxton. I still don't know about... The whole uh..." Ansel was glancing around the room before he locked eyes with the wolf.

"Don't be shy, I won't bite ya. Besides, it did say to be open minded when you applied did it not?" Ansel sighed. It did indeed say that, but so did every other job he applied for. He never thought that anyone would take it so seriously. "Now c'mere so we can get started."

Ansel began to cautiously walk around the desk. He made it to the back, and completely froze. Daxton wasn't wearing pants to a suit, or any pants for that matter. All he had on below the waist was a diaper, and not just a plain one. It had a pattern on it, almost as if it was a baby diaper. That couldn't be the case, since it was much too big. There were a bunch of multicolored crayons next to child-like drawings all over the padding.

"Something wrong Ansel?" Daxton tilted his head as if he didn't know why Ansel froze.


"Oh! Did you not look into us before you applied? I'm going to guess you didn't. That would explain the look on your face... Why don't you just have a seat, and we'll see how you do." The wolf patted his lap again, and Ansel took a deep breath before making his way over. He gently sat down on Daxton's lap, the diaper subtly crinkling as his weight was put onto it. He bounced Ansel on his leg for a moment before speaking again. "See, this isn't so bad, is it?"

"I-I guess not..." Ansel tensed up. He had never had an interview quite like this one before.

"Alright, let's get started here then." Daxton leaned forward to view the papers on his desk. This caused Ansel to tense up even more. The wolf's chest was now pressed right up against his back. Daxton looked over the paper, before sliding it to the side. Ansel tilted his head a little bit. The wolf smiled. "Well, I already know that is alright. You have all of the qualifications, and you've also made it farther than most people who apply do."


"Yep. Due to what we produce here we really need open minded people. Some applicants enjoy the products we create, so it isn't an issue at all. Others are like you and are surprised. From there some people will walk out. I always make sure that any potential employee knows what they are getting themselves into. In this case it was asking you to take a seat. Other Times I will leave diapers, pacifiers, bottles, or whatever else I happen to have on hand at the moment laying around out in the open." Ansel began to relax a bit as he listened.


"Heh. You thought it was just diapers, didn't you?" Ansel nodded shyly. "We have all sorts of things. As a product designer you would be working on creating them. If you decide you want to take the job that is. I can tell that you're beginning to get a bit more comfortable, even if just by a little bit. It was like I had a wooden plank on me before. Now you're more like The jobs all yours if you want it." The wolf smiled as he looked down towards Ansel, awaiting an answer.

"I-I'll take it!" Ansel had paused a few seconds before he had answered. Even if he was a little bit weirded out by it at first, he was sure he would get used to it eventually. Besides, the environment seemed pretty nice. The two people he had met in the building seemed actually pleasant to be around.

"Awesome. Would you be able to start tomorrow?

"Uh, sure."

"Perfect. It may be beneficial if you tried some of the products out before designing any. Want me to send you home with anything?"

"W-wh-- Uh no, I'm sure I'll figure it out!" Ansel was blushing again.

"I figured. One day we'll get you to try something. I can promise you that." The wolf smirked before opening a drawer on his desk. He pulled out a piece of paper with a calendar on it, and handed it to Ansel. "There's your schedule! You're free to leave."

"Thanks..." Ansel quickly stood up, and began to walk to the door.

"Wait, are you sure you don't want me to send anything home with you?"

"L-look, I'll think about it... I just don't know if I'm ready to try anything just yet..."

"Alright, just let me know when you make up your mind. Have a good day Ansel!"

"You too." Ansel finally made his way out of the room. He quickly made his way out to his car. He tossed his schedule into the passenger seat, before leaning over the steering wheel and breathing a sigh of relief. He had got the job! He was thankful he hadn't looked into the company beforehand, as he most likely wouldn't have even scheduled an interview. He finally had found an actual job he might not totally hate. The dragon smiled to himself before sitting up and starting his car. He leaned back in his seat to give the car a few minutes to warm up, and then started his short journey back to his apartment.

The following minutes were a blur. Before he knew it he was back in his apartment, and sunk into his couch. He slipped a finger into the knot of his tie, and pulled it apart. A red blur flew across the room after he tugged it off and carelessly tossed it. Next he unbuttoned the top few buttons of his shirt to relieve a bit of pressure. Normally he would just go and change out of it, but he was too drained from the interview to even bother. His eyes slowly closed as he drifted off into a light sleep. He would awake a few hours later. The thought of the next day always looming over him.