Abashed Ansel Chapter 2

Story by DiaperedDwagon on SoFurry

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#2 of Abashed Ansel

Just dumping all I have done still.

Ansel groggily pushed his blankets off of him as the sound of his phone's alarm rang out into his room. He made the mistake of enjoying his last day of being unemployed by staying up all night playing video games. As he sat up the only thing he felt was regret for accepting the job. He stood up, and stretched himself out.

"Ugh... What if I completely hate this job..." He sighed as he threw open his bedroom door, and walked out into his hall. He blankly stared at himself in the mirror he had right outside his door before making his way into the bathroom. He pulled back his shower curtain, and began running water. While waiting for it to warm up, he began staring in the mirror again.

"It can't be that bad... The other employees seemed nice enough... It'll just be... Weird." Ansel quickly shook his head and turned around. He felt silly for talking to himself in the mirror. Ansel undressed, and stepped into the shower. He took a good five minutes to just let the hot water run over him. A nice hot shower always helped him to shake off not only any anxiety, but also the feeling of sleep deprivation. Afterwards he lathered himself up with body wash, and rinsed it off. He thankfully didn't have any hair or fur to deal with, so he turned off the water.

He shivered as he grabbed a towel off of the nearby rack. Most of the water had run off his scales by itself, but there was still a bit of moisture left on them. He didn't need his clothes to be wet and cold to start off the day. He walked back to his room, and opened up his closet. Once again, he pushed everything to the right and grabbed a shirt and pair of pants. Today he chose a pink shirt, and paired it with black pants. He got dressed, and walked into his doorframe.

He smiled as he inspected himself in the mirror. Ansel always loved having an excuse to get all dressed up. He paused and stared at his upper neck. He had forgotten to put on a tie. He walked back into his room, and opened up a drawer in his dresser. He pulled out a light blue tie. It was close to matching the color of his scales. He tied it up, and went back to the mirror. After straightening it up, he walked into his kitchen.

"Hmm... Let's see..." Ansel began muttering to himself again as he began digging around in the pantry cabinet next to his fridge. He pulled out a peppermint tea bag, and set it down on his counter. He placed a mug under his coffee maker and had it dispense hot water. He tore open the teabag, and placed it in the mug. He grabbed a spoon, picked up the mug, and went over to his table. He sat down with it, and began stirring. After around thirty seconds he took a sip. He decided it was good enough, and took out the spoon. He quickly drank the cup of tea, and headed back to his room.

Ansel noticed that the blue light on the front of his phone was flashing. Someone must have texted him. He picked up his phone, and unlocked it. A number not stored in his phone had sent him a message. It contained a number, and an image. The image was a map of a large building. Ansel figured that the number must be an office number, and that the building was of his work. He was thankful that anything was sent at all, but he wished that whoever sent it would have attempted to explain what it was. Ansel's eyes glanced up at the top of his phone. He noticed that the clock said it was 8:30, it was almost time for him to leave.

He walked around his apartment one last time, making sure to grab anything he would need for the day, and then walked out of his door. He decided that since he wasn't in a rush today that he would take the elevator down instead of the stairs. He walked out to his car, and started it up. He sat around swiping through his phone to give the car time to warm up before leaving.

Ansel drove the same route he had gone the day before. He figured that it was good enough for the time being. There wasn't a ton of traffic, but there was still enough to be a minor annoyance. He tended to prefer driving on roads with less traffic, even if it would take longer to get wherever he was going. As he drove all he could think about was every single way his first day could go wrong. Before he knew it he had arrived at the same parking lot from the previous day. He did his best to clear his head, and exited his car.

Ansel walked towards the building, and made his way inside. Once again the lobby was empty, and once again he had no idea where to go. He started to fiddle with his tie a bit as he walked down a hallway, before remembering the text he received earlier. He pulled out his phone, and went back to his messages. The map he had gotten was of the 12th floor, so he figured going there would be his best bet. He wandered down random hallways until he found an elevator. He pressed the up arrow on it, and waited.

Eventually Ansel heard a ding, and the elevator opened up. To his relief the elevator was empty. He didn't even want to know how shaky his voice would be if he had to try and have a conversation with someone. He stepped inside of the elevator, and pressed the button labelled 12. A few seconds later the doors shut, and the elevator gently shook as it began to go up. He looked down at his phone again, trying to find where he was about to be spit out, and also where he needed to go. The text before the map simply said 09, so he decided that he would go to the room with 09 over it on the map. From what he could tell it was just right down the hall from the elevator.

After what seemed like an eternity, the elevator jolted to a halt. The doors opened up, and all he could do was pray he was on the right floor. He stepped out, and looked behind him. On the wall above the buttons on the outside was a plate that said 12. After making sure he was in the right place he turned to his left, and started to slowly make his way down the hall. He glanced at each door as he walked by, before stopping in front of the one labelled 09. He took a deep breath as he placed his hand on the knob. As he turned the knob all he could do was hope it was the right office.

Ansel swung the door open, and much to his relief no one else was inside. In fact it would be a bit weird if someone was in there, as the lights were off. He flipped the lights on as he walked in, and shut the door behind him. The office was giant, to the point where it could probably be classified as a small apartment. To the right of the door was a lounge area. It had a few couches facing towards a coffee table, and there was a tv hung on the same wall as the door. Behind the lounge was some storage space. There was a decently long counter against the wall to the right of the door. It had some cabinets built into it, a sink on top of it, and there was even a minifridge. Above the fridge was a microwave, but other than those two things the counter seemed pretty unexciting. Ansel bent down and opened up the fridge, being pleasantly surprised to find some water bottles and pop in it.

He turned around to face the other wall, and was a bit confused. He walked up to what seemed like a bar. It was padded on the top, and was long enough for someone to lay down on. There were shelves under it, and it looked like there were small blankets or towels on most of them. Ansel picked one of them up, and began inspecting it. He quickly set it back down after realizing it was a diaper. His eyes then wandered to look at the top shelf, where there was baby powder and baby wipes. He figured out pretty quickly that he was looking at a changing table. He didn't really know why it was there, as he wouldn't be using it.

He decided to just turn away, and go over the desk that was near the back wall. There were a couple of monitors on top of it, and he figured that there must be a computer under it that he couldn't see. As he walked around to the back of the desk, he decided to pull up the blinds on the windows that took up the entire wall. He gazed out of them, looking down at the busy streets below. He turned back around, and pulled out the chair to the desk. He sat down in it. As he suspected there was a computer under the desk, and he reached down to turn it on. It didn't take very long to boot up, but it booted to a login screen.

Ansel sighed as he decided to start opening up various drawers on the desk to try and find login information. As he opened up the first drawer he could help but be confused. There were oversized pacifiers in it. They came in many different colors and sizes, and he didn't really care to compare them, so he shut the drawer. He opened the drawer under it, and found oversized baby bottles. Once again they came in many different colors and sizes, and once again he didn't care enough to compare them. He opened the third drawer down, and found a bunch of neatly folded clothing with childish designs. He shut the drawer without even taking one out to look at it.

Ansel swiveled and rolled in his chair to get to the drawers on the other side of the desk. He opened up the first one, and was happy to find various office supplies that looked to be of high quality inside. He opened the drawer under it, and found it to be empty. It was the same case for the third one down. He rested his elbow on his desk, and his head on his hand as he began to just stare at the top of the desk. He noticed that next to the mouse there was a chocolate bar. He picked it up, and found a sticky note on top of it. It had login information wrote out in fairly sloppy handwriting. He pulled the keyboard close to him, and typed it out.

He placed the chocolate bar off to the side, and grabbed the mouse to begin exploring the computer. He didn't really have to look for long to find anything useful, as on the center of the main monitor was a text file named "READ ME". He opened it up, and started reading. It contained instructions on how to get into a program that would tell him what he would need to do for the day. He closed out of the file, and looked around for the icon it told him to. He opened it up, and found that it was already logged in for him. He navigated to the section labelled to do, and started reading what was under it. All it told him to do was familiarize himself with the building as well as his office.

Ansel decided that for the time being he would stay in his office. He didn't really feel like wandering around hallways again, so he went and sat down on one of the couches. He found a tv remote on the coffee table, and turned the news on. He didn't realize how tense he was until he could feel himself relaxing against the back of the couch. He started to zone out a bit, before quickly jolting up upon hearing a knock at his door. He sat up, and then made his way over to the door. He opened it up to find the lion from the other day standing in the hall.

"O-oh hello!" Ansel's voice was a bit shaky, he still was a bit anxious from before, and having to talk to someone else just made it worse.

"Hello! Y'know, it didn't really take you that long to get across this big office... Seems like someone was lazing around on his first day... I might just have to go and report that!" The lion was clearly joking around, but Ansel didn't seem to pick up on that.

"W-what, u-uh w-wait! Pl--" The lion started to chuckle.

"Calm down, its fine! I was just teasing you! Can I come in? I wouldn't really blame you if you didn't want me in here after that!" Ansel quickly nodded and moved out of the way to make room for the Lion. The Lion held out his paw. "I'm Lyndon!" Ansel awkwardly grabbed it, and they shook hands.

"I'm Ansel! Nice to meet you!" They both put their paws back down.

"So, how has your first day been going? Have you got into everything ok? Did you find the sample products?"

"It's been uh... Interesting I guess. I'm assuming the sample products were all the things in my desk. And also that." Ansel pointed at the changing table. "Took me a second to figure out what that was... Oh, and also yeah I got into everything alright."

"Yeah, then you found em." The lion chuckled. "I guess no one told you that those would be there then! You'll eventually be designing stuff like that, so make sure to check em out in detail! And it doesn't matter what you do with or to them, we can always just get you more! Of course if you want to try anything out feel free! Anything you would wear should fit you!"

"Alright, I'll make sure to do that. L-look at everything I mean! N-not wear anything! O-or use anything either!" Lyndon started to laugh.

"Uh huh. Well if you do, no one around here will judge you for it! Although even if you don't wanna make a habit out of it, you should at least try everything out to get a feel for it, you are gonna be making new versions of the stuff!"

"I guess I'll think about it. Maybe..." Lyndon smiled.

"So, I'm guessing you have nothing to do right now. Wanna go on lunch break with me?"

"Uh sure I guess!" Lyndon started walking towards the door, and he motioned for Ansel to follow him. Ansel followed behind them, and shut the door as they walked into the hall.

"We can just eat in my office. I have a pizza! Oh, and it's just right here across the hall!" Lyndon grabbed the doorknob of the door across the hall, and opened up the door. The pair walked inside.

"Oh wow." Lyndon's office was even bigger than Ansel's. It had everything that his had and more. Along with the lounge area, storage and desk there was a full kitchen, and a door that seemingly led to a second room. "This is a huge office."

"Yeah I need the space though. Well, I need the space when I'm actually able to do my job! Right now I haven't been using it much."

"What do you do where you would need this much space? And why is there another room attached to this?"

"Well I do two things! I draw designs and stuff that get put on the products, and I also help out product testers! Haven't really got to do either of those things lately though." Lyndon chucked and sat down on one of the lounge couches, and motioned for Ansel to do the same. Ansel sat down next to him.

"Oh? Why not?"

"Well I used to work on stuff the product designer before you made, but obviously that position has been vacant. It's been vacant for a while actually. Apparently it's pretty hard to fill a position like yours!"

"That's surprising. It took me forever to find a job in this field! Is it hard to find product testers too?"

"No, not really. The previous product designer also helped test stuff out, so I just worked with him on that. I was under the assumption you would also be doing that, but considering your thoughts on trying out the sample products I doubt that's happening!"

"Yeah, I'm not really interested in that. Doesn't really seem like something I'd enjoy..."

"And you haven't even seen everything we make yet! The other room is pretty much a full nursery!"


"Do you wanna see it?"

"Uh sure I guess..." The two got up, and walked over to the door. Lyndon opened it up, and Ansel peered inside. It was indeed a full nursery. Everything was of course oversized. There was a crib, a playpen, a changing table, a toy box and various toys scattered across the room, a bouncer, a highchair, and a rocking chair. "Oh wow."

"If you ever wanna try anything out, just let me know! There definitely won't be any problems with stuff being too small for you!" Lyndon closed the door, and made his way into the kitchen area while chuckling.

"Yeah, no thanks." Ansel rolled his eyes and went back over to the couch. Lyndon had pulled out two paper plates, and a pepperoni pizza.

"How many slices do you want?"

"Two please!" Lyndon put two slices on one of the plates, and four on the other. While waiting, a shelf under Lyndon's tv caught Ansel's eye. It had various game consoles on it. "You're allowed to have all of these here?"

"Hmm? Oh the games and stuff? Yeah! No one really cares what you have around your office! Doesn't matter what you do in your downtime as long as you are getting your job done! Do you want anything to drink?"

"Could I have some water please?

"Sure!" Lyndon pulled out a bottle of water from the fridge, grabbed the two plates, and made his way back over to the couch. He handed the water and one of the plates to Ansel.

"Thank you!" The two began to eat.

"So what are you all dressed up for?"

"Hmm?" Ansel looked over to Lyndon, and for the first time noticed what he was wearing. He was in a t-shirt and cargo shorts. "Oh, I just figured we had to dress formally."

"Did you not see what I was wearing the other day? Or what the boss was wearing?"

"What you were wearing wasn't really something I was concerned with the other day. I definitely did notice what the boss was wearing though!" Ansel laughed a little bit. "I wasn't quite expecting that. Especially with the whole suit top."

"He only does that when there is an interview. Sometimes we get people like you who aren't sure what they are signing up for!" The pair had finished off their pizza pretty quickly while chatting. "So, have you gotten around to checking out the building yet? I'd recommend at least figuring out where a bathroom is if you aren't gonna be making use of anything in your office!"

"Why don't you have a bathroom here? It seems like you have everything else in here."

"Well, let's just say most people around here don't really use the toilet very often."

"Oh? Oh." Ansel quickly figured out what Lyndon meant by that. "Wait so do you uh..." Ansel stopped himself, not really knowing how to finish his question without sounding weird.

"Mhmm! A lot more convenient than having to walk all the way to a bathroom!" Lyndon pulled down his waistband a bit, revealing the top of a diaper. He pulled it back up after Ansel got a peek. It wasn't hard to tell when he saw it since his face started to turn a little bit red. Lyndon smiled. "Aaannnyways, want me to show you around? We don't have to go everywhere in the building, but you should probably know your way around!"

"Uh sure I guess..."

"Alright, come on then!" Lyndon stood up, and set his plate down on the table. Ansel did the same, but decided he would just carry his water around with him. The two walked out into the hall.

The pair walked around the floor, Lyndon showing Ansel where various public spaces were, and of course the bathrooms. Occasionally they'd stop in front of an office, and Lyndon would start talking about whoever was in it. Ansel just nodded and sipped on his water. Luckily for him it didn't seem like they were gonna go inside any of them. Eventually they had been around the whole floor, and they went back to Lyndon's office.

"And I think that's everything! Not too much up here! There's a lot of stuff on other floors too, but we don't have to go and look at those today! There'd probably be other people there anyway." Lyndon could tell that Ansel wasn't really in the mood to meet more people?

"What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing, but it just seems like you're overwhelmed enough with just me around!"

"Yeah, you've got me to talk a lot more than I thought I would today." Ansel giggled a bit.

"Well I guess I'm done with you for now if you wanna head back to your office or something!"

"Hey, I don't dislike you! You're just a very extroverted person. Also, I have no idea what I'd do if I go back to my office. The thing just told me to look around the building and my office."

"Huh, that isn't very helpful now is it? Well, I have nothing to do, you have nothing to do... If you'd like we could play some games! I don't just keep that shelf around to look pretty!" Ansel's eyes lit up as he looked over at the shelf, and then up at Lyndon.

"Really? I'd like that!"

"Alright, well what do you wanna play then? I have a lot!" Lyndon walked over to the shelf, and bent down. He motioned for Ansel to sit down on the couch. Ansel sat down pretty quickly.

"Uhh, it doesn't matter to me!"

"Hmm, alright." Lyndon dug around before opening up a game case. He took the disc out, and put it into one of the various consoles. He grabbed two controllers, and went and plopped himself down on the couch next to Ansel. He handed him one of the controllers as the game booted up.

Lyndon chose a fighting game. Once they started around he quickly realized Ansel was familiar with it. In fact he was actually pretty good at it. The two seemed to be pretty evenly matched. They played a few rounds, and almost every time the winner was different. Those few rounds turned into more and more, and before they knew it their shifts were over. Ansel was the first one to glance up at the clock.

"Oh wow, we were playing for a while!" Ansel set down his controller on the table, and leaned back.

"Wow, it's already time to go home! I won't complain about that!" Lyndon chuckled as he stood up, and powered everything off.

"I don't think I will either!" Ansel stood up, and started to creep towards the door. Lyndon soon followed as he finished powering everything down. The two walked down the hall, and got into the elevator together. "I'd say that was a pretty good first day!"

"Yeah? I'm glad to hear that!" They walked out of the elevator, and out to the parking lot. "Well Ansel, I'll cya tomorrow!"

"Bye!" The two parted ways as they both headed to their own cars. Ansel sat down in his, and smiled. He turned on his radio, and drove himself home.

Ansel was enjoying his new job so far. He hadn't done anything yet, but it couldn't be that bad. Especially if he could get away with not trying anything out. Lyndon was nice, but he seemed to be pushing Ansel towards using some stuff. As long as he wasn't being forced to do anything, Ansel didn't mind the occasional comments from the lion.

He spent the rest of his night lying on his couch watching various tv shows and videos. Time seemed to fly by, and before he knew it drowsiness had crept up on him. He decided that getting to bed at a decent time would be a good idea. He turned off his tv, and meandered his way into his bedroom. As soon as he made it to his room he pulled off his dress clothes, and decided to just sleep in his boxers. He snuggled up under his covers, and pretty soon he was fast asleep.