Southern Free Agents, Ch 4

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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#4 of The Southern Free Agents

Hello, all, and welcome to the fourth post of a custom story prepared for one of patrons from Patreon! This story is an example of what I offer to the high level contributors on my Patreon page, found here:

The Southern Free Agents is a story that takes place in a sparsely populated archipelago in which the populace gather together in varied city states in order to find safety and protection from the vast array of dangerous animals and, worse, magically imbued monsters that roam the wilds.

This story is sponsored by patron generosity and will continue to update monthly until completed, or until the benefactor has completed their time as one of my patrons. If you like this story be sure to let Gavin Foxx know too over on FA:

Please be advised that this story will contain a fair amount of m/f, m/m, f/f, and group sex/romance/relationships.

And now, without further ado, Chapter 3.

Southern Free Agents

Ch 4 - "The Wayward Force Mage, Pt 2"

Despite all signs pointing to the next being clear, Durnok didn't live the life of an adventurer for so long by being careless and so he kept an eye out as the group spread out. The Force Mage approached the party, heading directly toward the middle of the team where Durnok stood with Djona beside him. Despite having given the Sufa Union quite path to follow, he seemed more than happy enough to return to them. Durnok frankly was not surprised in the least; some just weren't made for the lie of an adventurer.

The Fox, in fact, appeared to be far too delicate for the work. He was thin-- almost enough to come across as 'girly', though his features remained too masculine for the direct mistake to be made. Despite the surroundings, he was surprisingly well-dressed; his clothing looked far more suited for high society than it did for travel, and yet he somehow managed to keep it in decent order. The one time Durnok had been forced to wear fine clothes he ended up with a nasty tear and a seam split, and that had been due to reluctantly undertaking in a dance; had the Fox actually managed to travel, fight, and cast spells in such a confining, high-class suit?

The rest of the Sufa Union appeared to be just as uncertain about their quarry as Durnok himself since nobody spoke up, leaving the introduction to the Fox himself, who wasted no time in doing so. Once he was within the semi-circle of the group he swept one arm aside, folding the other across is sternum as he went into a deep bow. "Fugh... Fugh of the house Millbright. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

Everything about the Force Mage was elegant-- each step, each gesture, and the very way he spoke each and every word with such accuracy and clear, crisp pronunciation. Durnok had met the type before and, despite Archie being outside of that particular cross section of society, the Fox did remind the Lizard of the Mink more than in passing. As if reading his mind, Archibald returned the courtly bow, tone of voice and speech style seamlessly shifting to match. "A pleasure indeed, young Master Millbright. We are relieved to see you unharmed."

Fugh Millbright offered what appeared to be a polite smile; Durnok had met many nobles, but few members of high working class society; the Fox was even more unreadable than a member of a mayoral cabinet. The Lizard watched the Force Mage's gestures, body language, and non-verbal communication more than he paid attention to the Fox's words; every single motion, each movement and facial expression looked as though it was carefully constructed for greatest effect. What the purpose was, however, left Durnok wondering since folk like Fugh were rarely forthcoming or forthright.

Thankfully, Malik was. The Gecko stepped up, challenging the Fox with little regard for the obvious formality between the vulpine and the party's Mink. "So... it's pretty obvious you're NOT an adventurer. What in the hells are you DOING out here?"

Fugh let out a melodious laugh, by all accounts seemingly full of humor, or else so skillfully concocted that it came across that way. "Me? An adventurer? Oh GODS no. I am about as far from being an adventurer as one might get, Friend Gecko."

Malik's eye ridges raised and he took a step back. Durnok rarely saw the Gecko surprised, and it was quite the revelation that the party's quick-talking alchemist's prepared rant was cut short with so little effort. His broad mouth opened twice before words came out the third time. "So... like I asked: what are you doing out here then?"

The Fox cocked his head to the side, and laughed again, deep from his belly. With tears glinting at the corner of his eyes, Fugh still managed to push out the words "Proving the point, apparently!"

Something about Fugh's self-depreciation was endearing and his laughter proved to be infectious to many of the team, but Durnok kept his head, watching their surroundings; monster nests weren't really the best place for socialization. Djona was likewise wary, but she engaged the Fox regardless. "You chose a very dangerous way to do that, Fugh Millbright. It could have very well cost you your life, and likely would have if we'd not been sent by your mother to locate you."

Fugh nodded, his smile fading as his expression changed to that of contrition, ears falling slightly, yet with still perfect acuity in an almost rhythmic dance in time with his muzzle forming the words of contrition. "Indeed, and you have my deepest apology though, to offer as extenuation, I do wish to point out that I was accompanying adventurers, and so I had not realized the extent of the danger to which I was subjected."

Esfir huffed, speaking aside to the group. "He even talks like a noble..." Taking a step forward, the feathery kobold addressed the Fox directly. "Hate to tell it to ya, prissy paws, but those corpses you walked in here with were hardly adventurers either. Regardless of what they called themselves, they took on more than they could handle, and that points at them being rookies."

The Force Mage actually looked taken aback by that, possibly the first seemingly imperfect expression that Durnok had seen on him, but Fugh recovered quickly. "Well, pardon my candor, but that seems rather critical an assessment."

The Kobold didn't relent in the least. "Sure, yeah-- they're DEAD, so it seems pretty on-the-nose to me."

Archibald stepped in at that point, which, Durnok realized, was probably for the best since traveling with a friendly mage was far better than an antagonistic one. The Mink gestured back to the rest of the Union. "Critique aside, we are here to collect you and return you to Marsyn. Lady Millbright of the Force Mage Guild requested that we locate you and escort you safely back."

Fugh's perfectly rehearsed expressions returned; he wore a casually dismissive smile that seemed far too out of place considering his precarious position of having nearly been killed by monsters. "Well of course she did... dearest Mother has never truly trusted me to handle things myself, so this is precisely what I'd expect."

Maura had always been the matronly type so it didn't surprise Durnok in the least when her first words to the Fox followed Fugh's dismissal of his mother's concerns. "Well, I would say that it's a good thing she is worried about you, otherwise you might not have survived to learn a lesson about wandering around outside of town. Very few individuals are lucky enough to get a second shot at survival."

The piling-on of criticism worried Durnok, mostly because he didn't want to have to deal with a difficult-to-manage Force Mage, but before he could speak up, the Lizard was surprised when Fugh turned to the Bear and offered a short, humble bow. "Ah... of course, and I acknowledge and accept the admonishment. My plans were flawed and I did not have the necessary information to make an informed decision. I am, therefore, in your debt, and grateful for the rescue."

Durnok was not the only one surprised by the Mage's sudden change in demeanor. Maura's muzzle remained open and it worked side-to-side several times before she found her voice. "Yes... well... we are glad you lived through it."

Fugh offered a pleasant, appeasing smile in return, his tail flicking casually behind him as he gestured with an arm up to the ledge. "I suppose I was somewhat fortunate that there was a ledge large and strong enough to support me-- my Force Magic got me up to it so I could avoid being eaten, and I was doubly lucky that you came to my rescue. It felt like I was up there for hours."

Malik, who had separated himself from the group to look over the remnants of the fight, scraped a small stick along a barren portion of the stone floor. "Forty minutes... probably less. Some of your allies' bodies are still somewhat intact, so the monsters didn't have THAT long with them."

The Fox offered a dismissive shrug. "I see... well then, at least there is still something to bury, I suppose."

Djona circled the team once before heading toward one of the many tunnels leading out of the chamber but she called over her shoulder back in their direction. "And you sound so eaten up by the loss..."

Fugh shrugged, which, despite how dismissive the gesture usually came across, from the Fox it could very well have been part of a dance. "I hardly knew them. We met in an ale house and they convinced me to come with them. Of course ANY loss of life is a horrible thing, but at this moment I am more focused on my rescue than their demise."

The Fennec woman turned back around and, approaching the group, stated blandly. "Oh yes... I'm sure you'll be in tears tonight once you have had a chance to process."

Durnok was about to step in and return the team to focus but Archibald beat him to it. "Yes, yes... we can discuss this on the move. If we head back now we might still make it safely to Marsyn before nightfall."

Fugh nodded eagerly. "Oh yes... I could not agree more. At this point I believe that I am done with adventuring, only...."

The theatrical expression of deep thought put on by the Power Mage was obviously over-exaggerated, outdone only by the vagueness as to how his words trailed off with the sentence's continuation left unspoken. Durnok accepted the bait and pressed further. "Okay... 'Only' what?"

The Power Mage looked to him, offering a meek smile. "Well... technically the adventure is still left undone. It will have been a horrible shame for me to have come all this way and experienced so much hardship and death only to return with nothing to show for it."

Esfir snorted. "So... what? Are you looking to dig for treasure or something? That isn't how adventuring works, you know."

Fugh blurted out a laugh, taking several seconds to compose himself. "Dig? Oh, heavens no... these paws are not made for digging. I mean that, considering we are here, would it not make sense to finish the task and destroy this nest? I have no need for the reward, so I would be happy to let your party take it in its entirety."

Before anyone could speak up, Djona interjected. "I suggest as much earlier. Besides, it's probably done already since we would have seen more monsters by now if the place were still infested."

Maura scowled. "I don't like 'probably'... if we're gonna do this then we do it right and double check... but not without a unanimous vote."

The vote, as usual, was conducted quickly and efficiently; the decision was indeed unanimous and the Sufa Union proceeded to carefully finish an exploration of the cavern system. They maintained their usual formation but kept Fugh in the middle to protect him from any possible threats, including his own ineptitude. Maura and Djona attended him, keeping him focused as they provided instruction on what he should do and when. He took all of the criticism and guidance in stride, which surprised Durnok, but the Lizard didn't focus on specifics; he kept more of his attention on their surroundings than their ward.

It took nearly an hour, but by the time they were on their way out the Sufa Union was confident that no monsters remained within the nest. At that point they emerged into the daylight, and Fugh let out a long sigh before stretching his arms skyward, face rising in the same direction as he inhaled deeply of the fresh air. "Ah, sun-- how I have missed you. I'll never leave you again. I promise."

Esfir, who had skittered along ahead of the group turned around, expression suggesting that she was going to say something scathing as she opened her maw, but Malik, who had kept pace with her, reached out and grabbed it with a talon, keeping it closed. "Yes. Sunlight is wonderful. We all agree."

The Kobold shot the Gecko a sour look but said nothing further-- until a crash in the underbrush caused her to point and shout out a warning. "Monster up!"

The creature in question was undeniably one of the nest, though it had definitely seen better days. The creature was an earth-bound, beetle-like lizard but, unlike the last ones fought by the Union, their foe was alone, and lacked two of its legs. Malik pointed that out prominently. "Well look at that... it's already half dead."

Archie's response was either humorous or insulting, or perhaps both. "One third dead, Malik... it has lost two of six legs, not three."

The Gecko's response was deadpanned. "Bite me."

Fugh's comment was full of confusion. "You are all quite casual about this... are you not concerned?"

Maura stepped up beside the Fox, resting a paw on his shoulder. "There is always a reason to be concerned, but with care comes reasonable confidence."

Djona, on the other side of the Force Mage gestured toward the monster, which was half-crawling, half-sliding closer at a relatively slow pace. "We have forty seconds before it becomes a real threat. This means we can take in our surroundings to make sure we're not missing anything else while Durnok gets into position."

Taking that as his cue, Durnok pulled out his metal bar; the tactic they'd used in the tunnel would work just as well in the open if they were only facing one enemy, and the many astute of the eyes in the group would provide ample warning if they ended up attracting more foes. Willing his weapon into pike form, the Lizard set himself, knowing full well if everything went well that he would neither deliver nor ward off a strike.

Malik was just starting to unpack a few potions when Esfir spoke up, grabbing him by the wrist. "Why waste our supply when we can give the fox a chance to play the hero?"

Djona's attention snapped back to the Kobold. "Come again?"

Esfir looked back to the Fennec woman. "You said a few times now how amazing Force Mages are, and you saw that he knows enough to be effective for support in combat, so why not take him for a spin?"

The Fox's ears went up and a silly expression creased his muzzle. "Oh my... that sounds like quite the invitation."

The statement confused Durnok for a moment, mostly because he realized the comment could have been deciphered in a number of ways, but he quickly brushed it off, coming to the conclusion that the young Fox probably didn't have the guff to insinuate anything related to impropriety or base urges. Calling back to the rest of his team, the Lizard gave an update. "Ten yards. Make up your mind."

Focused entirely on the approaching monster, Durnok didn't listen to much of the tactical preparation, but the moment he heard the tell-tale hum of metal, he knew right away that the plan would involve Djona's chakram. He wasn't sure what good the circular blades would do against the tough hide of an earth-bound monster, but he trusted his companions, and so he set himself in preparation for combat, and waited. His trust was not misplaced.

Djona's bladed rings were best served for lightly armored targets since they didn't have a lot of heft to them, but the moment they struck the monster's chitin the creature's natural armor exploded as if it'd received the full force of a war hammer; apparently the force mage's magic did have its uses. Fugh's emphatic "Now I see how that works." said it all.

* * * * * *

Strolling back down the pathway toward Marsyn, the party was making good time, but, as the afternoon wore on, it became increasingly likely that, if they didn't pick up the pace they wouldn't make it back to the city before dark. Acknowledging that, Durnok and Maura increased the travel speed. It wasn't so much that they couldn't find a safe way to spend the night in the wild-- if they could make it to the winding trail leading up to the city threats would realistically come only from below, and that would make the camp much easier to defend but, in the lizard's mind, who take the risk when a faster step could get them to safety?

Durnok kept one eye peeled for danger, but most of his attention was focused on reviewing the brief combat with the injured monster. He was used to facing earth-bound monsters in one of two capacities: he fended them off with a pole arm, or else he was on the front line breaking their defenses with a heavy pole hammer-- usually it was a combination in the form of a raven's beak or, as it was more well known in Archibald's native language, a 'bec de corbin'. Fighting alongside the Force Mage, however, had changed things.

While it was true that the monster had been wounded, it had still been dangerous, but Djona, in her obvious bid for learning more about the rare magic type, had proposed a rather wasteful plan of experimentation. Citing few chances in the future to learn more about Power Magic, she got her way and he waited patiently as she (with Fugh's help) dismantled it with a half dozen throws from her chakram. Only once it had lost all of its legs did she have Durnok move in for the kill, which he did at a reasonable distance with a combination of his pole hammer and a force-empowered dart from Maura-- apparently even the usually reserved she-Bear appreciated the Fox's wiles.

Fugh continued to talk as they traveled, much to Malik and Esfir's chagrin; noise in the wilderness tended to attract attention and there were very few kinds of good attention outside city gates and many bad kinds. Even so, Djona kept him speaking, usually about numerous, force mage related topics. They compared notes on the fight (more like 'target practice' in Durnok's mind) against the monster, and the Fennec came to a conclusion the large Lizard didn't particularly like to hear. "You know, Fugh, with some practice you might be a competent adventurer."

The Fox laughed in earnest humor. "I dare say that would be a recipe for disaster, my sweet lady, but I thank you for saying so."

Maura added in her two cents, but Durnok could tell that the Bear was doing so more to comfort than encourage. "You may no be a great adventurer, young man, but you're far from a disaster. You have some natural talent with your magic, and that accounts for quite a bit."

Fugh 'pshaw'ed the lukewarm compliment away casually. "I appreciate the kind words, but I did not spend this day risking my life to NOT learn some valuable lessons from the experience. I joined the adventurers--"

Malik piped up "They weren't REAL adventurers... if they were the wouldn't'a gotten slaughtered like that."

Rather than push the point, the Fox simply pivoted his statement. "I had joined those travelers to get a eel for life beyond the walls. Many stories have I heard about the amazing, romantic and breathtaking lives of adventurers-- a life of travel and wonder... fanciful tales of legendary exploits to be sure but, alas, I had never paused to assess the risks."

Esfir snorted, grumbling dryly "Always assess the risks. You live longer that way."

Fugh laughed anew, his almost-chirpy tenor high spirited, but enough to agitate Malik and Esfir with the needless noise. Oblivious to their concern, the Fox shrugged. "Well, we can both agree on that and, now that I have had a taste for the life beyond the walls, I believe I am ready to return home, secure in the knowledge that the life of a traveler is not the life for me. Behold, good folk, the wanderlust of Fugh Millbright has been quenched."

He presented his statement with all the pomp and circumstance that Durnok would have expected from a stage performer or, just as equally, Archibald. Interesting enough, the Mink, who was usually well acquainted with grandiose declarations did not seem inclined to respond in a meaningful way. Instead, he stepped into line on the opposite side of Durnok from Maura and state dryly "I can't imagine anyone in the entire world to be so excited about having his tail handed to him and forced to flee back home to mama."

The big Lizard chuckled silently to himself; he didn't particularly feel like giving Archie the satisfaction. The front of the group continued on quietly after that, leaving Esfir and Malik to complain audibly about the noise from the rear of the party, which was occupied by Djona and Fugh, who seemed to be getting along better and better as the road continued guiding them on toward the city.

They hit the rise toward Marsyn just as the bottom of the sun had reached the horizon, and that meant they could slow since their pace had taken them to where they needed to be; they had just over an hour of daylight left and the path leading up to the city required less than forty minutes at a decent pace. Maura must have realized that as well since she gave up her spot at the front of the group, trailing back to (as far as Durnok could tell,) play chaperone to the two vulpines at the rear. It didn't take long for the Lizard to tell that he was wrong in his assessment; Maura was soon laughing right along with the Fox and Fennec and the Bear's was louder than both.

There was something charming about Fugh and Durnok realized that the Force Mage was probably used to getting what he wanted since he had the smile, family, and general social skills needed to succeed; the Lizard honestly didn't know if he was jealous or angry. It was beside the point, however, as, by that point, they'd arrive at the gate to Marsyn, which was just getting ready to close for the night. He gave Archibald the gesture to speak on the group's behalf, which the Mink did without a second thought.

Stepping up to stand before the gate, Archibald shouted to the men on the walls. "Hail there, guardsmen! Surely we're here before the portcullis has been lowered. Is it reasonable to request the gates be opened to allow us entry?"

One of the soldiers, a Puma, called back down. "Depends on who's askin'!"

Despite the blunt comeback, the Mink remained courteous. "Archibald Rightweather-Silkback the second of the name. My companions and I--"

The second guard, a Wolverine, if Durnok could correctly place his breed, was quick to interrupt. "They got Young Lord Millbright with' em... quit fookin' around an' let em in!"

Durnok didn't miss the way that Archibald deflated at the brush-off, but the Lizard wasn't certain whether it was due to being so callously brushed off while performing his courtly best, or because he was forced to play second fiddle to a brash, seemingly incompetent mama's boy. Watching the Mink's hackles raise slightly as the Fox passed by him, oblivious to the obvious slight, Durnok was fairly sure he was able to figure out out. Reaching a hand out to pat Archibald on the shoulder, the Lizard leaned over to say quietly "His return is getting us paid well... he's not worth your frustration, and neither is the city."

Before Archibald could respond, Fugh stepped through the gate, turning around to regard the group with all the celebration and elation of a man who returned from a grand adventure without losing the entire team with whom he'd left "Three cheers for my new friends from the Sufa Union. Let us return to my home, feast, drink, and make merry! Tonight you are my honored guests!"

Although Durnok and Archibald lingered at the entrance to town, Malik and Esfir pushed past them. The Gecko mumbled something quietly to the Kobold but Durnok was able to make it out "At least he didn't call us the Southern Free Agents."

The Lizard was able to agree with that, and he even saw Archibald crack a wry grin. Glancing down to his furred companion, Durnok rested a talon on the Mink's shoulder. "So... are you willing to put aside your objections for tonight and enjoy that pain-in-the-ass's hospitality then?"

Archibald let out a sigh. "Sure... but you DO realize that we're going to end up drunk and possibly destroy the pain-in-the-ass's place in a wild, raucous party... right?"

Durnok nodded. "Right... and, judging from the way he has Maura and Djona wrapped around his finger, that pain-in-the-ass is probably going to have his bed full with female companionship too."

The Mink shrugged. "Whatever. Either way we get to go back to the pain-in-the-ass's mother and collect our finders fee."

Smirking at their continued debasement of the Fox fop, the Lizard followed after his companion. "And, if the pain-in-the-ass is good to his word, we also get the reward for clearing out the nest."

Archibald nodded, then jogged to close the distance developing between the two of them and the rest of the group; being taller, Durnok simply had to widen his stride. The two walked in silence for a short time, the Lizard's eyes meandering down to the Mink's shapely rear. Despite being from a noble house, Archibald took good care of himself and it showed. Eventually it was Durnok who broke the silence. "If the Fox gets both Maura and Djona..."

His companion slowed, glancing back toward Durnok. "He probably will. What of it?"

The Lizard pointed ahead of them on the road, where Malik was occasionally stroking the feathers coming out of the back of Esfir's head, and nuzzling her shoulder every few steps. "Those two are probably going to destroy one of the pain-in-the-ass's beds..."

Archibald nodded. "That's a safe bet."

Durnok took a double stride so that he could walk right next to the Mink. "Does that mean I get you tonight?"

Sex wasn't always the way the Sufa Union celebrated their accomplishments but after stressful or complicated adventures it was a great way to unwind. The sparkle in Archibald's eye gave the Lizard the response he was looking for the Mink's words confirmed it. "Well... let's just say that I'll be thinking of a 'pain-in-the-ass' OTHER than the Fox tonight."

Durnok wasn't slow, but he also wasn't one to jump to conclusions. "You mean me?"

Archibald laughed, reaching out to hug the Lizard around the hip. "I mean you."