In Absentia

Story by TheGreatJaceyGee on SoFurry

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While he's away on business, Marshall tells his wife, Clarissa, to give their bull, Damien, a call. He comes over, and does his best to make sure she isn't lonely.

Clarissa had assumed her usual mode of sloth when she had the house to herself. Her husband Marshall was gone on business. She had nothing to do but wait for his call once he landed. Her vixen form was splayed haphazardly on the couch in front of the TV, dressed in a white tank-top and black yoga pants. Her long blonde hair, only a shade brighter than her fur, draped over the arm of the sofa where she rested her head. She stood a glass of white wine on her tummy, occasionally swirling it around and watching the light refract through the golden-white liquid. She'd been nursing it for the past half hour. It was only 12:30.

Clarissa knew she was a lucky woman. She had a man she dearly loved and whom she knew loved her equally, perhaps more. Marshall, a sheepdog, was the lead recruiter at one of the biggest banks in Ohio. He made a healthy salary that helped afford the massive home they lived in. He was a hard worker who earned every penny. He spent much of his money making his wife happy, and Clarissa appreciated that. Even if they were dead broke, she still would've loved him.

As fortunate as she was, she couldn't help but feel lonely on the many days Marshall went on business trips. They took him across the country: New York, Chicago, L.A., Jacksonville, Washington. For the first few trips she came with him, only to discover that he could not spare any time with her, being too busy. She eventually stopped once when had visited every city his bank sent him to. What was the point in sightseeing if he wasn't there with her? So she stayed home alone, watching TV, cleaning, grocery shopping, and doing whatever the hell would burn enough time until Marshall got home.

bzzt-bzzt! bzzt-bzzt!

Clarissa's phone went off on the hardwood floor next to the sofa. She lazily leaned over and grabbed it. She checked the ID.


She answered it. "Hey, baby!"

"Hey!" chimed Marshall's usual chipper voice. "What are you up to?"

"Curing cancer," she said, looking down at the sardonic glass of wine standing on her belly.

Marshall laughed. "Awesome! Now you can start earning the bread around here."

She giggled. He loved to tease him with that. "Is that so? Well then forget it. Have you landed?" she asked.

"Yup, on my way to the hotel now."

"Good. Have fun, OK?"

He scoffed. "I make no promises. Have you got any plans while I'm gone?"

She swirled her wine glass and grimaced. "Yup. Doing them right now." She took a sip.

"Come on... nothing?"

"No, baby. Just missing you."

"Aww, I know it." There was a long silence. Clarissa could hear the hustle and bustle of the city where he was. She sipped her wine. "Is Damien doing anything?" he asked abruptly.

That caught her off guard. She swallowed a hefty gulp of wine, scrunching her face. "Uhh, I don't know. Why?"

"Why don't you call him?" He sounded so casual about it, like suggesting she try a new food at a restaurant.

She sat upright, nearly spilling her wine. "Baby, are you serious?"

"As a heart attack," he quipped.

"But... you're not here."

"Exactly. That's why I want him to be there with you, to give you company while I'm gone."

"Oh. Ok... Does that mean we can...?" She didn't want to say it out loud, as if someone nearby would hear her.

"Of course. Why else would I tell you to call him?"

"Are... are you sure baby?"

"Clarissa, call Damien. Have fun."

A childish grin split her lips. "Thank you so much, baby."

"You're welcome. Just do me a favor."

"Sure! Anything."

"Send me pictures~"

She giggled. "You know it. I love you."

"Love you too. Have fun."

Her phone went bloop, and the call disconnected. Clarissa let loose her excitement, squealing giddily and stomping her feet into the sofa cushion. She put her wine down on the coffee table and sat up. She quickly opened her contacts and selected the one just below Marshall under the ones she had saved.


Clarissa: Hey!!! What are you up to?

A few minutes later, he responded.

Damien: Hey! Nothing much chillin at home wyd?

Clarissa: Same. Home alone. Bored. Marshalls on a business trip to New York. Hell be gone for the weekend.

Damien: Oh how is he?

Clarissa: He's good. Wanna come over?

A few minutes passed.

Damien: Id love to but does he know? Would he be ok with that?

Clarissa: Just talked to him. He suggested I call you for some company~ you can ask him yourself.

Damien: Oh~ well in that case ill be right over~

Clarissa: Cant wait~

Clarissa poked her tongue out between her teeth and had another round of ecstatic squeals. There was no way this was happening! Marshall was too sweet. He couldn't stand her being alone, so he let her call their bull. Since the first day Damien and her had sex, Marshall was there with them everytime, enjoying the show. He found so much joy in watching Damien satisfy her the way he couldn't. Clarissa figured he'd never let Damien do that without his audience. She was wrong, and happily so.

Her celebration came to an end, and she looked down at herself. She was hardly presentable. Her clothes were a mess and she hadn't brushed her hair. The house wasn't quite up to par either.

"Shit!" she hissed. She shot up from the couch and made haste to make herself and the house look good enough for Damien. She estimated that he would be there in less than 10 minutes. Take your sweet ass time. Let me get ready. She brushed her hair into a golden cascade, unweaving any and all knots. She stripped down and applied dabs of perfume to her cleavage and between her thighs. She dressed up in an outfit not unsimilar to the one she just had. She put on slim yoga pants that best highlighted the robust contours of her ass. She put on a push-up bra and a tight tank top. Now she was a prim and proper stay at home wife, one that was ready to get fucked by a man that wasn't her husband.

Body and house sufficiently prepared, she sat in the dining room looking out into the front yard, ready to greet her guest. He arrived soon enough, pulling his enormous Ford truck into the driveway. He parked and got out. Damien was a shire horse, sporting a stature and physique appropriate of one. He was tall, approaching six and a half feet. His muscles seemed to burst from his already burly frame, forged from his daily regimen of intense heavy lifting. His fur was a smooth charcoal, broken only by the vertical slot of white that ran down his equine snout. He wore a blue button-up shirt and pale, faded jeans. Escalating his impressive height further were a pair of tan work boots. He strode his way down the driveway to the front porch. Clarissa could see the eager grin on his face. She couldn't help but do the same.

She opened the door, stretching her arm up the door frame and leaning against it. She flashed her poofy fox tail behind her. "Hey there, handsome," she purred. "How are you?"

"Fine, ma'am. Just fine." His voice was a thumping bass, hard yet smooth like a river stone. "Especially now that I'm here with you."

"The feeling's mutual. Come on in." She stepped aside. She eyed his giant butt as he walked past her. His long, black horse tail swayed behind him softly. She resisted the urge to lift it and give him a loving spank. That would have to wait, for now.

She closed the door behind him. The two embraced and began kissing. Her paws rested on the bulging plate of armor that was his upper back. Her breasts mushed just below his two cinder block pecs. He was one giant living, breathing statue made from the finest bronze. His arms wrapped around her held the potential to squeeze her to death, but they were gentle and kind. His massive hoof-hands sat just above the swell of her butt.

They parted lips. She nuzzled the tickly hairs sprouting from his coarse chin. "Mmm, I missed you."

"I missed you too." He looked around the foyer. "So Marshall really isn't here?" He sounded concerned.

"No, silly. I told you that."

"Yeah, I know. It's just weird not having him around. You two are always together."

She had to admit, after all of the lewd acts she had done with Damien, it was strange not having Marshall there to watch. "Yeah, it is kinda strange. He loves watching us. I guess he knew I was lonely, so he told me to text you. He's so sweet."

"He really is. So he's cool with this?"

"Yes. I told you that," she said, a little annoyed.

"I know! I know. Just making sure. I just don't wanna cross any boundaries I'm not allowed to."

Clarissa smiled and pecked his chin. "I know you don't, baby. He said we could do this, on one condition."

Damien cocked an eyebrow. "And what's that?"

"That we send pictures."

Damien laughed. His chest bounced in a way that Clarissa loved. "I bet he did. Well, let's do that then. We'll take videos and everything."

"Good. Can I get you anything? A drink, maybe? I opened a bottle of wine earlier."

"Wine?" He pulled out his phone and checked the time. "It's not even 1!"

"I know, I know. It's not like I was getting drunk or anything. Just whetting my whistle is all."

"Is that so? Fine, I'll have a glass." They separated and went to the living room. Clarissa grabbed her wine glass from the coffee table, dumped it in the sink, then refilled it and another glass. She joined Damien on the couch, carrying the half-full glasses by the stem. She handed him one.

"Thanks. Cheers." They tinked their glasses and took a sip. Damien, unused to white wine, grimaced.

Clarissa giggled. "Not your type?"

"Dry," he wheezed.

"You don't have to drink it if you don't want to. That bottle was cheap."

"No no no, I insist." He took another, smaller sip, not grimacing this time, but coming close.

Clarissa hatched an idea. "Ooh! Let's take our first picture!"

The two scooted next to each other. Clarissa pulled out her phone and turned on the inner camera. They smiled brightly and raised their glasses. Click! They took another, sipping their wine. Click! The third had them kissing. Click! Clarissa put her glass down and excitedly sent the pictures to Marshall. She wrote with them: Damien's here! We plan on having some fun together. Miss you! <3

"We're gonna send more than those, right?" Damien asked.

"Definitely. I don't think you and I drinking wine will satisfy him."

"Yeah, I think you're right." He swirled his wine around his glass, staring thoughtfully into the glistening maelstrom. "So, is this gonna be a regular thing now? Me coming over while he's away? I'm only asking because this was kinda sudden."

Clarissa took a deep sip. "You know, I honestly can't tell you. I was just as surprised as you. We usually talk about these things, like everyone should. It's kinda unlike him."

"That's what I thought. The three of us talked things out a lot before we started doing this. Him and I both were a stickler about boundaries, him more than me, which I respect. Him just calling you and telling you to get me is pretty unpredictable for a guy like him."

"Maybe that's why he did it. He wanted to be unpredictable, like a surprise date. Maybe it's him trying to be romantic."

Damien smiled. "Yeah, he's the real romantic type."

Clarissa kicked him playfully. "Stop it. I'm serious."

"So am I! He's a cool guy. I feel so lucky to have met you guys. When you two contacted me on, I was so worried that you'd be another freaky couple who had no love for another other than cucking. You have no idea how happy I was when I found out I was wrong. I left that website, and haven't regretted it since."

Clarissa gulped her wine mid-sip out of surprise. "You're not on horsed anymore?"

"No. I didn't tell you that? I'm not putting myself out there like that anymore. You two are my couple from now on, or at least as long as it lasts."

"Aww." She laid her paw over her chest. "That's so sweet. Marshall's gonna be so flattered. C'mere." She leaned up to him for a kiss. They smooched once, then twice, then again. It evolved into deep kisses. Their lips locked and their tongues reunited. They set their glasses down. Clarissa swung her leg around and straddled his lap. She could feel the dense, burning presence of his manhood near her crotch. It made her loins simmer. She melted in his lap, gnawing her lips on his and sparring their tongues. His gargantuan hooves slid down her body and found her behind. His fingers sank into the broad, curved plain of her soft flesh. They circled and massaged her fat haunches, eliciting a happy flick of her orange fox tail.

"Mmm~," she hummed, squirming her butt on his explorative hooves. She clawed at his chest, admiring the firmness of his muscle. It gave very little under her fingertips, unlike the soft floof of her husband. She investigated the sharp topography of his torso, her fingers bumping over every distinct bump and ridge. Even under the fabric of his shirt she could map out his chiseled form.

His lips left hers and kissed their way down her chin and neck. He nibbled there, relocating a hoof around her front where he could knead her breast. Her nipple bristled at his touch, tickling against his calloused palm. Tingles darted through her breast and down her tummy. She felt her feminism part and usher forth a dank heat that permeated into the crotch of her pants. Her paws clenched and unclenched needfully. She reached down and blindly groped for her phone. He grabbed it and handed it to her.

"Mmf... thanks." She checked her messages. Marshall had replied. You two look so cute! Have fun! Clarissa chuckled and opened the camera. She captured herself with her arm outstretched behind the couch, chin sitting on Damien's massive shoulder, looking sleepy.

Damien heard the click of the shutter. "Mmm, you gonna send that to him?"

"Not right now. Keep going."


He resumed his love biting, scraping his flat incisors up and down the soft of her neck. She groaned with delight. She pressed her hips forward on him, greeting her moistened crotch on his sturdy bulge. She squirmed impatiently.

"Mmf. Damien, baby..."

He kissed up her cheek and to her ear. "Yeah?"

"Let's go upstairs."

"Of course~" He latched her legs around his trunk and stood from the couch, lifting her with him effortlessly. She held him tight, feeling like a feather floating on the air as he carried her to and up the stairs. His giant legs worked like pistons beneath her, climbing each individual step. She could feel every individual muscle inside of him, working in tandem to carry his gargantuan frame with her in tow. His breath beat softly from his wide nostrils. His heart thudded steadily. Part of her wanted to fall asleep in his arms like a baby, she felt so safe. She couldn't, though. She was too horny.

They reached the master bedroom. Damien stepped inside and closed the door behind him. He went up to the bed and gently laid her on her back, near the edge of the bed. She slumped down lazily, smiling with her eyes closed. Her phone remained clutched in her paw.

"You look beautiful," Damien said. "As always."

Her eyes opened and peered up at him. He could see his tiny yet very distinct silhouette in the reflection of her eyes. "Thank you. You're so handsome, so strong."

"You flatter me. Want me to take some more pictures?"

"Absolutely." She handed him the phone and crawled to the center of the huge, king-sized bed. She rolled onto her back, propping herself up on her elbows, chest thrust upwards. "Tell me what to do," she said.

"Stay like that," he said, focusing the camera on her luxurious form. Click! Click! Click! "Yeah. That's nice. He's gonna love that. I know I do. Get on your side, put your paw on the side of your ass and let me see it." She followed his orders, twisting on her right side and showing off her curvaceous glutes. Her fuzzy fox tail swished about like a hand fan. She looked over her shoulder at the camera, pretending it was her husband. Her eyes were half-closed, nonchalant.

Click! Click! Click! Click!

"Damn. Keep looking like that. Yeah... Flick your tail. Lift up your ass cheek and let it drop. Yeah..." Click! Click! "Oh fuck yeah. God you're so fucking hot." He pulled hard at the crotch of his jeans which was beginning to nag on his raging penis.

Clarissa saw his troublesome bulge and giggled. She rolled over on her tummy. "Getting riled up, are we?" She kicked her legs up behind her and lowered her face down where her fingers were laced on the bed.

"Hell yeah. I can't help it." Click! "You light a fire in me that only you can put out. You're like a goddess." Click!

"How poetic of you."

He chuckled. Click! "I try my best." Click! "Let's take a video real quick." He walked up to her and switched to camera mode. He hit record, the camera focused on her upper body. "Hey, Marshall. Here with Clarissa, having fun and taking pictures."

She gave a cute finger wave to the phone. "Hi, baby~. Wish you were here."

Damien focused the camera down to her ass and legs. He reached out and grabbed her foxtail, lifting it and moving it aside to show her hefty rump. He took his hoof and cupped the bottom of her thigh. He slowly slid it upwards, listening to the soft whisper the fabric of her yoga pants made. He came to her ass and kneaded it.

"So damn amazing," he cooed, swimming his hoof around her wobbly mound. Clarissa rested her chin on her laced paws, closing her eyes and humming happily. Damian closed the camera in on her behind, focusing on the dim wet spot visible just on the underside of her groin. He reached his lengthy middle finger down her crack, brushing it back and forth against the dank stain.

"Mmm~, Damien," Clarissa whined, wriggling her hips.

"Don't worry, baby," he said confidently. "It's coming." He resumed massaging her ass. "It's coming. Say bye to Marshall."

"Nnh~... Bye, baby... Unh... I love you..."

"Bye Marshall. Wish you were here, man." He hit the stop button. Clarissa rolled over onto her back. She spread her legs, showing off the wet splotch staking claim across her crotch. She slid her paw down into her pants and rubbed her soaked panties. Damien could see the outline of her paw and fingers under the tight fabric.

"Fuck... You got me so wet... I need you so bad," she pleaded pitifully.

"I know. I need you too." He undid his jeans. Clarissa bit her lip and grinned. She knew what came next. He slid his jeans down his sequoian legs and kicked off his boots. His red boxer shorts were forced forward by the draconian jut of his penis. The front of the waistband rose off of him, previewing the top fringe of his pubes. He peeled them off, finally freeing his leviathan horse cock. It sprung from him like a predator, fierce and majestic. Audaciously long and barbarously thick, it was a deep black color broken apart by a mottled pattern of light grey. Sitting snugly beneath the hilt was his titanic scrotum, hung heavily with his ornamental balls. It was the final and proudest achievement of his condition, an exemplary display of equine masculinity.

Clarissa closed her legs and groaned just at the sight of it. Shivers of anticipation bubbled up her tummy. She thought she was well initiated with the sight of it, but always found herself weary in its presence. She loved it, and the man it was attached to, but God damn it could be scary. She sat up and got on her belly. She motioned him to come closer. He did, smiling smugly. She placed her paw on his pillar, enjoying the remarkable heat and power. The moment she touched it, her paw seemed to shrink. She slid her finger tips down its length, reorienting herself to its unique, venous structure. It radiated with a warm musk that simmered in her nose, fueling the fire that burned hot between her legs. Up and down her paw went, delicate and precise. She leaned her head forward and kissed the tip.

"Mmm, that's right." Damien encouraged. "Good girl~"

Clarissa's tail flicked. She loved being called that, both by him and Marshall. She smooched his throbbing arrogance some more, then finally parted her lips and swallowed his gargantuan head. Thrill buzzed through her flesh. Damien had a supremely unique feel and weight. Holding him in her mouth was unlike anything else. His density was uniform and the girth unmatched. Her nipples got hard again. Her feet batted each other playfully, like a girl chatting on her phone with her girlfriend. She suckled gently, moving her head only slightly back and forth. She wanted to take her time and savor every moment like it was her last.

Damien breathed deeply through his nose, flaring his nostrils. He tried to remain stoic, but Clarissa knew him too well. She flirted her tongue around his shaft, suckled when and where she needed to, and occasionally glanced up at him with her beautifully orange eyes. He couldn't fight the twitch of his eye and the groans. If it hadn't been for the huge dick in her mouth, Clarissa would've been smiling with pride.

She grew bold, going deeper on him and twisting her head. She didn't dream of deep throating him, but she could at least give him a show. He rested his hoof on her scalp and played with her soft, blonde hair. His other hoof lifted the bottom of his shirt off of his pubes.

"Shit, Clarissa. You're gonna murder me with that mouth of yours."

That got a muffled laugh out of her.

"Damn. I gotta film this." He grabbed her phone from next to her and recorded her. Her lips were distended around his fat column, glistening the top portion with her slobber. She looked into the camera with teary eyes. "There we go baby. Look at the camera. Fuck, that feels good... Damn..." Her hair fell over her eye. He gently brushed it aside, wanting nothing to obscure her pretty face. She fell back with a wet mwah. She grabbed his cock and rubbed it against the softness of her cheek, kissing the side of his shaft.

"You love sucking that big cock, don't you?" Damien asked.

"Yes, baby. It makes me so horny and wet."

"I know it does. Tell your husband how much you love it."

"Oh, Marshall, baby. Damien's dick is so big... I love it when he's in my mouth, or in my pussy." She smooched the tip. "It feels so good."

"That's right. Good girl. Suck my cock." She obeyed, replacing her lips around him and bobbing her head slowly like the sweet girl she was. Damien groaned deeply. "That's it... Ooh~ Good girl... so good." He switched the camera to the inside and smiled. "Wish you were here, man. We're gonna have a great time. I hope you enjoy what we send you." He gave a friendly wink and cut the recording.

Clarissa came off of his cock and beamed up at him. A string of spit drooped from her lip. She wiped it with her wrist. "Are you gonna fuck me now?"

"That's the plan."

"Good~. Now, let's get you out of that shirt." She got up on her knees and unbuttoned his shirt. Beneath it was a plain white t-shirt that she lifted up and off of him. In full view was his Hephaestus-crafted torso, rippled with striated muscle that seemed ready to burst through his ebon skin. She explored it greedily, from his boosted shoulders down to the deep V etched above his manhood. He took off her tank top and undid her bra, breathing life into her ample bosom. His tremendous hooves cupped and lifted them. His thumb made circles around her rosy nipple.

"Ohh... Damien..."

He kissed the side of her neck. His free hoof slithered down her back, stroked her fox tail, then made love to her bouncy haunch. He peeled down her yoga pants just below her womanly mounds. He finally got to feel the gossamer fur of her behind. He squeezed and groped her greedily.

She came off of him and fell down on her back. She wriggled her panties and pants off. She took off her socks, now sharing her nature with him. He crawled onto the bed, over her. His huge cock rested on her tummy, throbbing with raw sexual potential. With his hooves flanking her shoulders, he leaned his head down and kissed her. She held his burly jowls and locked lips with him. The weight of his cumbersome manhood so tantalizingly close to her cunt drove her mad. She parted lips with him.

"Damien, baby. I want you inside me. Please..."

"Of course, Clarissa. Anything for you." He brought himself back, grabbed his penis, and carefully touched it to her burning vulva. A fierce shiver rolled up her, billowing out of her throat as a doleful groan. He teased his head on her. Schlick, schlick. He aroused a gush of hot fluids, parting her soaked lips even further, then finally pushed forward.

"Uhhhh~!" Clarissa's whole body tensed. Her vulva strained to accommodate the slow, steady entry of his giant piston. His tip was slowly draped by her quaking flesh, until eventually it disappeared entirely. Clarissa gasped sharply. Her back shot into an arch. "Huhhhh!!! Uhhh! Ohhhhhhhh~!!!" The pain was substantial, and with it the pleasure. Damien's cock, no matter how many times he fucked her it seemed, always required adjustment. He knew that, and patiently kept himself only within her feminine gate. He kissed her cheek and neck, easing her through the arduous process.

He whispered in her ear. "There we go. That's it... Good girl... Take your time... Good girl."

"Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, Damiennnnnnnnnn..."

"Shhhhhhhh, I know it. I know it."



Gradually the pain began to fade. Her back jerked down slowly onto the bed. She came to a rest, her grunts of pain having eased into coos of joy.

"Ohhhhh~ Yes... Damien, baby... Yes..."

"Better now, darling?"

"Yes, baby~"

"Good~ I'm so proud of you. Marshall would be too."

She whined and squirmed. "Mmf~ I wish he was here... So bad..."

"I know. I do too. Are you ready?"

Clarissa gulped and took a deep breath. She nodded. "Yeah, baby. Fuck me, please."

"Yes, baby~" He pushed forward, sliding into her tight cavern of squelching flesh. She gasped and moaned. His plunge was slow and inexorable. A cylindrical bulge reached towards her navel and halted just below it. She could take no more, but she took a lot.

"Ohhhhhh, Damien, baby. Your cock feels so good... Fuck~"

He grabbed her paw and kissed it. "And you feel amazing." He pulled back and started fucking her with a polite pace. She moaned her approval, feeling the bumps and nudges of his cock against every sensitive bit. It was incredible. So big. So full. It was a sensation completely unrivaled.

He kissed around her cheeks and jaw. He avoided her lips, wanting to hear every last retort of pleasure she let loose. Loud as she was, this was only the beginning. Such a slow and leisurely pace was hardly a fraction of what he was capable of, and planned on unleashing later. For now though, they made love tenderly.

"Do you wanna keep going like this?" he asked her. He had no plans on cumming in her like this, but he was ready to make her do so if she asked for it.

"Uhhh~ Maybe... Just a little longer... I want you... Ohhh~... From behind... Mmmm~"

"You got it, baby. Tell me when."

Moments passed with their measured pace until she asked him to get up. He did, pulling out with a wet shhlp. The void his cock left behind felt like the burn of working out. She rolled over and got on her paws and knees. She cocked her fox tail over to the side, presenting her ass and gaped cunt. Damien grabbed her midriff and reinserted his cock, sliding in halfway.

"Ohhhhhhhhh~" she moaned. Her head bowed forward, spilling her golden hair down to the comforter. He thrusted into her faster now, but still at a gentlemanly speed. His hips bucked. His colossal buttocks clenched. He swam his hooves around her back and up and down her curves. Her breasts swung up and down. She moaned loudly.

"Huuhhh~! Ohh! Ohhhh~! Uuhhh! Yes... Yes..."

"It feels good doesn't it?"

"Oh God, Damien. It feels so fucking goooooood... Oh God. Fuck yes..." Even with Damien rocking that divine pleasure through her body, her mind still wandered back to her husband, absent to a show he would've adored. "The phone baby... Give me the phone..." She reached her arm back and grabbed blindly. Damien snatched the phone and put it in her paw. She brought it around and laid it beneath her. She saw herself bouncing up and down in the reflection of the black screen. She went to her contacts and selected ??????Marshall??????. She hit the call button and put it to her ear. He answered on the third ring.

"Hey, baby!"


"Yeah! What's up?"

"I'm getting fucked right now... by Damien's huge cock... and it feels really good..."

There was silence on the other end.


"I heard you. I'm here." His voice was hushed, sounding like his lips were directly next to the receiver. "What position are you guys in?"

"Doggystyle... He's behind me, holding my waist... Ohhh~ Oh baby... I wish you were here watching us..."

"I know, baby. Me too. Are you taking the whole thing?"

"No, baby... His cock is too big... I'm sorry..."

"Nonononono... It's OK. I know how big he is. Are you being a good girl?"

"Yes, baby..."

"Did either of you cum yet?"

"No... but I will soon..."

"I know you will. He's really good at making you cum."

"Yeah, he is... Uhhh~ Marshall, baby..."

"Yeah, baby?"

"It feels so good..." She sounded ready to break into tears.

"I know it does. You be a good girl and cum for him, for me too."

"I will, baby... I promise..."

"Good girl~ Let me talk to him."

"Uhh~... Really?"

"Yeah baby. Give him the phone."

"Ok..." She reached her arm back. "He wants to... Uhhh~... Talk to you..."

Damien chortled. "OK." He took the phone and put it to his ear. "Hey man! How's New York?... Awesome... Yeah, we did, plenty... We will, we will... I made her pose a few times and filmed her sucking my cock... No, not yet... Sure thing. I'll do that... Yeah man. Working on that right now... I will, every time... Of course, as always... Oh yeah. I got you... No problem, man. My pleasure. Thank you for letting me over while you were gone..."

Clarissa was listening. If she wasn't bent over getting fucked, and he hadn't mentioned filming her blow him, she would've thought it was two guys discussing sports or the weather. They talked like two close friends, and that's because they were friends. They respected and cared for each other. It made Clarissa's heart soar. She loved them both so much.

"Good man..." Damien continued. "Alright, man. Take care." Damien reached down to give her the phone. "Here you go. He wants to say goodbye."

Clarissa took it. "Marshall?"

"Yeah. I'm still here. Damien's gonna make you cum and film it, OK?"

"OK, baby... Thank you so much for this..."

"You're welcome, baby. Tell Damien thank you too."

She looked back at Damien. "Thanks for fucking me, baby..."

"You're welcome, baby." he said, still bucking his hips dutifully.

"You're a good girl, you know that?" Marshall said.

"Yes, baby... I know... because of you and Damien..."

"Great~ Make sure you cum for him."

"I will, I will..." He didn't have to tell her. There was no stopping it at this point.

"I love you."

"I love you too... Bye..." She tried to hang up the phone but struggled to swipe the disconnect button. Damien kindly plucked the phone from her paw and did it for her. "Mmm~... Thanks..."

"No problem. Marshall wants us to record me making you cum."

"I know... He told me... Uhhhhhh..."

"Are you close?"

"Uhhhhh... I'm getting there..."

"Alright, let's get you there then." He turned the phone's face camera back on and propped it on the pillows, facing them. He adjusted the image as best he could. He managed to get most of his body and hers in, but his head and her upper body were cropped out. Center frame was his giant cock buried halfway into her pussy. That's all that mattered. He regained his position, grabbing her trunk firmly. "You ready, baby? I'm gonna make you cum for Marshall."

"Yes... Oh God, Damien... I wanna cum on your big, fat cock so bad..."

He grinned haughtily. "I know you do. Here we go." He resumed fucking her with a profound vigor, plowing his manhood straight into her cunt. She groaned dramatically and slumped her face onto the bed. His long black pillar vanished in and out of her halfway. His horse tail cocked upwards. The dimples of his huge buttocks caved in with each thrust.

Clarissa sang loudly, gurgling her immense approval and wailing Damien's name over and over. Her pleasure built up, towering inside her loins and swaying like a skyscraper against a stiff breeze.

"Huhhh... That's it, Damien... I'm gonna cum... That's it... That's it...! Huhh...! Huhhhh!!!" The tower of ecstasy toppled over into a cataclysm of fire and dust. Her head whipped back to unleash a guttural howl as her orgasm rocked her into a spasmic fit. Her cunt squeezed around him, sputtering forth a hot dish of feminine cream on his cock.

Damien slowed to a halt, pushing his cock as far as it would go as she climaxed. "Theeeeere we go, baby," he laughed, rubbing his paws up and down her trembling back. "Cum on that cock for me."

She did, drowning in the holy water that drizzled down her back and welled in her loins. "Uggggggghhhhh... Damien baby... Oh, that was so fucking hooot..."

Damien pulled out of her and rested his dick on the crevice of her buttocks. It stood erect over her backside, looking like a majestic beast surveying its domain from the edge of a mountain where it lived. Smeared across it was a thickish coating of Clarissa's cream. "That's right baby. You were great. Marshall's gonna have fun jerking off to that," he said, waving to the camera.

Clarissa burst out laughing. She pictured Marshall's tubby, naked body sitting on the edge of his hotel bed, phone in paw, tugging on his penis as he watched his wife cumming on another man's cock. She hoped he would enjoy watching the video as much as she enjoyed filming it, although she doubted it. She fell forward and rolled onto her back. She rubbed her fingers across the lips of her yawning cunt, moistened with the residue of her climax.

"Mmm, Damien... I love it when you do that... Oh God. It feels so fucking amazing~"

"Want me to do it again?"

"Do I?" She got up and sat cross legged. His cock leered in front of her face, reeking with the pungent odor of her orgasm. She sucked it clean, lathering her tongue around the thick shaft she had so rudely dirtied. She greedily swallowed her cum, and with it the musty pre that began to leak from his slit. She let go and licked down the greatest depths of his shaft where her feminine residue had leaked down. She came down to his scrotum and nuzzled her nose into the welcoming embrace of his swollen balls. She took a deep whiff of his equine musk. It swirled down her nostrils and lungs, sending her mind and body into a buzz.

"There we go~" Damien purred, playing with her silky hair. "You want some more of that don't you?"

"Yes, please~" she begged, kissing her way back up the underside of his cock. "I want you to make me cum again. I want your big horse cock inside me. I want you to cum in my pussy."

"Of course I will, baby. Always... How do you want it now?"

"Mmmm~ I wanna ride it. Get on your back, please."

"Sure thing~" He scooted over and fell onto his back so that his head was towards the foot of the bed. He opened his legs, showing the still-recording phone his massive-balls which draped down between his muscled thighs.

Clarissa crawled on top of him and straddled his hips. She grabbed his dick, aimed it upwards, and rested her cunt on it. "Huhhhhh~" With just a bit more applied pressure, she swallowed it once again and began a slow descent. Her head whipped back. Damien bent his legs so that she could rest her paws on his knees. She went lower and lower, gripping as much of his powerful column as she could physically allow. She made good progress, ringing her shuddering vulva only a few inches above his hilt.

The phone captured the accomplishment, and with it the steady tremble of her round haunches. Her orange-gold fox tail shimmered as it flicked about, energized by pure delight. It briefly censored her finely curved trunk, run-through with the vertical trench of her spine. She arched her back and swayed her hips, grinding him on every luxurious spot inside of her.

"Ohhhhhh, Damien..."

He put his hooves on her tummy and smoothed them up to her precious breasts. He cupped them gingerly and thumbed her nipples. "Yeah, baby. Ride that cock for me."

She obeyed, lifting herself up only to plunge back down with effeminate grace. She rolled her hips in finely tuned circles, switching from clockwise to counterclockwise intermittently. She went slow, savoring every second to the last. She chanted his name.

"Damien... Damien, baby... Yes~ Oh yes..."

"It feels good doesn't it?" he asked. His giant eyes rose and fell in their sockets with her. They were planted on her breasts, which he continued to fondle.

"Yes... It feels so good... Uhhh... Oh... Yes, baby..."

"God, you're so beautiful. I feel so lucky when you're on my cock. Marshall is too."

"Mmmm~ I'm the luckiest woman in the world thanks to you two..."

He chuckled. "You think so?"

She leaned forward and placed her paws on his solid pecs. She washed them up and down his immaculate torso. "I know so. Ohhh~ I feel like a woman when you're inside me... It feels so good... Mmm... when Marshall watches. I wish he could..."

"He will. The phone's still on. He'll get everything he wants, and some more."

Clarissa looked over her shoulder and saw her image riding Damien's lap. She gave a cheeky wiggle to her butt. She liked the way Damien's cock seemed to vanish inside of her.

"Mmm~ I know he's gonna love it..." she said saucily, then gave the phone a wink. She turned back to Damien, resuming her exploration of his torso and the mention of his name. He remained where he was, content to watch her perform as she pleased. He watched her face contort with pleasure and a bulge lift up towards her navel every time she fell on him. He fingered it, marvelling at the strict density he felt beneath her soft underbelly fur.

"Ohhh, Damien...I'm gonna cum again... Huhh... I'm close."

"Cum for me then," he implored, voice as polite as a gentleman offering his coat in cold weather. He grabbed her paws and massaged her palms with his thumbs, urging her along.

"Huhh... I'm going to... I'm gonna...! Huhhh..." Her speed increased. She no longer eased herself down, but completely surrendered herself to gravity. Her ecstasy peaked, and once more boiled over into an earth shattering orgasm. "HUUUHHHHHHHHHHUUUuuuuhhhhhhh~~~!!!" Her fox tail lifted to the ceiling, shaking like a snake's rattle. She blessed his sceptre with another dose of her molten love which oozed from her taut lips and sank down to his sheath.

Damien brought both of her paws to his lips and kissed them. "That's it. That's a good girl..."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, Damieeeeeeeeennnnn~"

"I know it. I know..."

She crumpled forward and came to a rest on his trunk. She blindly kissed underneath his stubbly chin. "Mmmm~ So fucking good... So fucking good... Oh God..."

He patted her lower back proudly. "I can tell. How many more of those do you have left in you"

"With you?" She scoffed. "I haven't even gotten started~"

"Good girl~ How do you want it next?"

"I don't know, surprise me." She wriggled her hips. His cock was still lodged firmly inside of her. There was a very noticeable lack of horse cum. "Are you gonna cum this time?"

"If you want me to."

"I do. I already said I did."

"Well I'm sorry!" he joked. "You were the one in control. You could've kept going."

"The hell I could've. Not when you make me cum my brains out like that~"

"True." He pecked her nose. "I'll finish this time, I promise."


"Sit up for me."

She did. He lifted her off of him and sat her down as casually as lifting a seething teapot off of a stove. He sat up on his knees. Now his back was to the camera. His penis sprouted from him, almost totally plastered in Clarissa's cum. There would soon be more.

He held his hoof out to her. "Madame."

She giggled and took it. "Sir."

He guided her around to his front. She swung her legs around his lap. His cock stood against her belly. They kissed briefly, before he lifted her up and settled her womanhood onto his column. He slid in with ease now, settling deep into her feminine embrace.

"Ohhhhh~" she cooed. She wrung her legs around him, placing her feet on the base of his rough horsetail and caressing her toes across the rough hairs. He thrusted his hips up, lifting her up into the air. "Ooh!" She hugged his shoulders tightly, going along with the sensuous ride. "Ooh~"

He began with his usual regular rhythm, steady and uniform. The camera stared down the barrel of his backside, witness to the crunch and ascent of his buttocks. Between them was his puffy star, twitching visibly. His massive balls swung pendulously. The only parts of Clarissa that were visible were her limbs locked around his back, fingers and toes curling.

She kissed around his lips and chin wildly, moaning and huffing. She felt light as a child being carried up and down so deftly. His hooves, so rough and massive, held her by her thighs. They could've sent her flying. Yet they remained ever passive, limiting themselves to loving squeezes and rubs.

He brought his lips to her neck and kissed her. Her head swooned. "Oh God... Huhhh... You're so fucking strong... Ohh... Ohh... Uhh... Ohh~" She announced his talents verbosely, worshipping his endowments and perfect skill in implementing them. He was content just to listen, smiling as he washed himself in her sincere worship.

He slowed to a stop and laid her down on her back. He loomed over her, spreading her legs open and up, hanging her feet in the air. He started fucking her in earnest, slamming home his jovian cock with punishing brio. Her words of praise very quickly devolved into amazonian shouts of delight. She clawed at his back. She screamed like wild. Just under her joyous howling was the doleful creak and moan of the bed beneath them.

She managed to scream his name. "DAMIEN! DAMIEN! OH, FUCK. DAMIEN!"

Hearing his name screamed so obstreperously, feeling her cunt tighten even further around his shaft, triggered a critical reaction deep within the core of his thunderous loins. His nostrils flared. His lips twitched into a snarl. He couldn't deny it if he wanted to.

"Uhhh~ Clarissa, baby... I'm gonna... Hughh... I'm gonna cum real soon... Huhhh~!"


She didn't need to tell him. He did it anyway.Their orgasms, mutually ignited, collided head-on. Blowing out of Damien's manhood came a powerful blast of cum point blank onto her cervix. The head of his cock burst into a flare. It unleashed rope after rope of thick, heavy horse batter which splurged its way down her cavity and squirted its way out from between their interlocked intimates with a gross squish. It overshadowed Clarissa's third climax, a splendid affair of her own fluids gushing violently around his throbbing cock.

The phone was still sitting against the pillows, watching loyally. It saw Damien's huge muscles seize all at once. His head threw back, whipping his long black mane into a fantastic arch. His cock went as deep as it can go, visibly pumping its potent load deep into Clarissa's stretched cunt.

The two hollered in unison, as if their orgasms needed announcement. Clarissa very well felt the burst dam of Damien's cum flooding inside her walls, and he couldn't miss her spasming body beneath and around him. Their climaxes ebbed, and the two were left panting. Even with his athleticism, Damien was covered in a layer of sweat. Raw pleasure ached across his groin. Very carefully he sat up and pulled out. He was assaulted by the raunchy odor of his cum, making both his and Clarissa's noses crinkle. He had uncorked a viscous torrent of white nectar that slopped nastily from between her plundered cunt. It seeped down her buttocks and glooped onto the comforter.

"Damn, That's fucking hot..." he huffed.

Clarissa groaned, lost in a stupor. She rubbed above her pubis where she felt an enormous absence.. "Hmmmmmm~ You're telling me. Thanks, baby..."

"You're welcome. Hold on." He leaned back and grabbed the phone. He switched to the outer camera and closed in on the atrocity between Clarissa's legs. "There it is. So fucking beautiful... Holy shit." He splayed her slit with two fingers, eliciting a nasty glob of cum to spill out. "Wow. So beautiful. That's for you buddy," he said, addressing the absent Marshall. He turned the camera up to a very satisfied vixen. "How was that? Did you cum like a good girl~?"

She squirmed around, humming to herself. "Oh, yes I did~ It felt so good. I feel so full of your cum~ Thank you, baby, and thank you Marshall~"

"You're welcome." He flipped back to the face camera. "And thank you again man. I hope you enjoy it. I know we did." Clarissa giggled off camera. He hit stop. The video was over 17 minutes long. "Damn. We made a whole movie."

"Good. Marshall's gonna love it." She sat up and hugged him, nuzzling the deep trench between his pecs. "Mmm~ That was amazing. I'm so glad you came over."

He kissed her scalp. "Me too. I owe him big time. Do you need help cleaning up?"

She looked down at the unholy puddle of cum that was forming from her still-drooling pussy. "Well, first I should shower up and get this out of me. God, I sometimes forget how much you cum."


"Hush. Don't be." She kissed his lips "I love every drop of it. Now, let me get cleaned if you don't mind." She waddled off of the bed, paw clamped over her vulva to protect the carpet floor. She went to the bathroom, hips swaying and ass bouncing. Damien was happy to watch. She opened the door and looked back at him. "Care to join me?"

He eagerly hopped off the bed. "I thought you'd never ask."

"You know, the shower gets awfully lonely sometimes. It helps to have company~"

"I'd be happy to provide." He followed her into the bathroom. The shower was behind a fogged glass door. She opened it and turned it on. She held her paw under the stream, waiting for it to get hot. Damien waited patiently, standing behind her awkwardly with his dick hanging limply.

The water began to steam, and Clarissa stepped inside. "Come on in, the water's fine."

He joined her, dipping his head beneath the low door frame. He closed the door as water sank into his hair and drizzled down the distinct contours of his muscles. She smiled up at him wordlessly.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing, you're just handsome. And big. And strong." She looked down. "And hung."

He chortled. "Thanks." He hugged and kissed her, bringing her into the drizzling stream with him. They lingered together, bodies pressed close under that relaxing current, still feeling the afterburn of ecstasy in their flesh. They continued their habits of meandering their hands around the other's body, delivering their gropes of love. They took turns cleaning each other, soaking their furs in the sweet lather of soap bubbles. Damien pulled off the shower head and sprayed her head to toe. He enjoyed watching the suds wash away beneath the streams, running down the heavenly slopes of her breasts, curves, buttocks, and thighs. She returned the favor, noticing how the tiny white bubbles slithered through the fine lines striating his intense musculature. By the time they were both clean, Damien's manhood had regained its posture.

"My, my. Look at that," Clarissa purred, stroking it. "Ready to go again mister?"

"I sure am."

She bit her lip and turned around. She leaned against the tile wall and swung her tail up, displaying her magnificent behind. "Good~ Now be a good boy and fuck me again."

He didn't. He just stood behind her silently, still hard as a rock. "Um, hold on. I don't think we should."

She snapped her head back at him, eyes widened. She didn't expect that answer. "What? Why not?"

"Well, I mean... Not in here. I'll fuck you for sure, but we shouldn't in the shower."

She spun around. "Why shouldn't we? You can't?" She started to get annoyed. She had invited him into the shower with full plans of getting more horse cock.

"I mean, I can! It's just a bad idea. Especially with me. Have you ever had shower sex?"

She hadn't. She wanted Damien to be her first. "No."

"Well, let me tell you, it is not fun. Water is not lube. It'll feel like you've got a sandpaper pickle inside of you. You're already super tight on me, you don't want to make that worse. Trust me, I learned this the hard way with another girl." He looked and sounded sorry, almost guilty. She'd never seen him this way before. It was surreal, seeing a six and a half foot, 280 pound draft horse that had just ejaculated in her put on such a remorseful display.

"Oh. Ok. In that case, let's dry off and do it outside."

"Ok." he said with a smile, looking relieved that he didn't disappoint her.

For such a big man, he sure can be adorable. They left the shower and dried off. Clarissa bent herself over the counter, in front of the steamy mirror. "Now?" she teased.

"Now," he confirmed, admiring her cheekiness. He stood behind her and politely flicked aside her tail. He slipped inside of her, going as deep as he could.

"Mmm~ fuck. That's it..."

He fucked her good, trying to make up for the lack of romanticized sex she imagined would happen in the shower. He succeeded, filling the small bathroom with the loud echoes of her moans. The fog on the mirror gradually lifted, revealing the two lovers locked together. Damien, a massive black monolith, towered over the frail, blonde fox who jostled with each of his thrusts. He saw himself and became entranced by the methodic threshing of their bodies. Clarissa saw nothing. Her eyes were scrunched shut.

"Huh... Maybe we should get the camera." Damien said. "Marshall would wanna see this."

"Mmmm... No... Don't..."


"No... Unhhh... Don't get it... Don't stop... I'm gonna... I'm gonna..."

He laughed. "Oh, I see. I got you." He stayed where he was, plowing her from behind until her fourth orgasm arrived.


Damien didn't stop. His own climax was around the corner, so he kept on thrusting, prolonging hers until he struck home. "Uhhhh~!" He released another wanton dose of his seed, pumping it into the deepest fathoms of her womb. He pulled out, letting it loose from her pussy. Clarissa slowly recovered and stood up with a good stretch.

"Mmm~ That was nice... Damn. Four times..." She looked down at her womanhood, and saw a stalactite of Damien's cum droop down to the carpet. "Oh, oh shit."


She started laughing into her palm.

"What?" he demanded.

She didn't say anything, just turned around, walked past him, and walked right back into the shower.

"Oh," he said, scratching the back of his head. "Sorry about that."

* * *

After Clarissa finally got cleaned, the two got partially dressed in their underwear and cuddled on the couch, watching TV. The videos and pictures had been sent to Marshall, who hadn't responded yet. Until he did, the hotwife and her bull laid together on the couch. Her head rested on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.

"When do you think Marshall's gonna respond?" Damien asked.

Clarissa shrugged. "Who knows. He's probably busy. I think he'll be busy all day. I don't care. The longer it takes him, the longer you can stay." She nibbled between his pecs. "And that's Ok with me"

He reached for her butt and squeezed it. "Me too. Maybe he's been jerking off to it this whole time."

"He probably is. Although he wouldn't last long. He never does."

Damien snickered. "That's why you two went to horsed?"

"Hey, it was his idea."

"I know, I know. He's a nice guy. He did it for you."

"I know." She laid the side of her face on his chest. "I love him so much."

The devil being mentioned, Clarissa's phone began to buzz on the floor. She snatched it up and answered it. "Marshall?"

"Hey, baby!"

"Hey! Did you get our videos?"

"Oh my fucking God... Clarissa, that was so fucking hot. You have no idea."

"I'm glad you liked it baby!"

"Tell him I said 'hi'," Damien said.

"Damien says 'hi'," she reported.

"Put it on speaker!"

She did, holding the phone out between them. "Ok, you're on."

"Hey, Damien!"

"Heeeey, Marshall!" Damien greeted. "I heard you liked the videos we put together for you."

"Holy shit dude. I didn't last five seconds. You two were fucking amazing."

Clarissa stifled a giggle. She looked up at Damien and mouthed the words I told you.

"Heh, I'm glad to hear that. Again, I can't thank you enough for letting me over. This was great."

"Of course, man. I can't just let her be alone forever. I'm glad we have you."

"And I'm glad I have you too." He gave Clarissa a peck on the cheek. She blushed happily.

"Awesome. What are you gonna do now?"

"Well, we were just waiting on your call seeing how much you liked the pics and the videos. I was gonna head on out after that."

"Wait, you're leaving?"


"You're not gonna stay the night?"

Both Damien and Clarissa's eyes went wide. They shot a look at each other.

"N-no. I wasn't going to," Damien said. "I was just gonna have sex with her and leave."

"Oh nonononononono... When I said I wanted you to give her company, I meant actual company. Be there as long as I'm gone, or at least as long as you can."

Neither Damien or Clarissa could speak. Neither of them had any idea he'd meant that, or would even consider it. This was a level of trust beyond just having a man fuck your wife while you were away.

"Um..." Clarissa managed finally. She looked at Damien. "Do you... want to? Can you?"

"I'm off this weekend, I don't have anything else planned..." He was silent for a moment. "You're absolutely sure about that, Marshall?"

"Sure as I ever could be. It's up to you two. I don't want her to be alone for a single moment."

Again, Damien and Clarissa could only stare at each other, lost in the suddenness of Marshall's proposal. They knew they wanted to, but they hardly had the will to jump up and say 'yes'. Finally, the two nodded together.

"Yeah?" Damien asked.

"Yeah..." she responded.

"Yeah, yeah?"

"Yeah... Yeah!"

"So, yeah!"

"Yes, yeah!"

"Awesome! So yeah!" He looked at the phone. "You got it buddy. I'll be with her the whole weekend. I'll never leave her side, I promise."

"Awesome, man," Damien said. "I appreciate it so much. You two have all of the fun you want, ya hear?"

"We will, baby," Clarissa said. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, baby. I love you!"

"I love you too!"

Marshall made a kissing noise, which Clarissa returned. Then he hung up.

"Wow," Damien said. "That was so nice of him."

"It was..." Clarissa still held her arm outright. The phone had gone to her home screen, which was a picture of her and Marshall at a party. He was so much bigger than her, draped all over in his chaotic sheepdog floof. They smiled together from ear to ear, arms holding each other close. They made each other so happy.

"So..." Damien said calmly. "What do you wanna do now? We have the whole day ahead of us."

Clarissa clicked her phone off and set it down on the floor. She sat up in his lap, showing off the prominent hang of her breasts. She groped the bulge rising in his underwear.

"Hmm... I have some ideas~"