Nothing to Hyde (A Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)

Story by FerretFyre on SoFurry

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#63 of Smut I Commissioned

Dr. Stevenson is a nerdy German Shepherd scientist. After developing a new potion, Stevenson takes it, allowing his subconcious desires to run wild... as Miss Roberts, an absolute slut who craves sex. Written by Jeeves as a Patreon prompt, posted with permission.

  • And so, October comes to a nice close for this month's prompts with a fun, sexy riff on The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, except way hornier and less creepy. As always, this is written by the legendary Jeeves, so follow him on SoFurry or FurAffinity, and maybe donate to his Patreon. Cut lose.

Nothing to Hyde

"What the hell were you thinking, Stevenson? This isn't some television show. You aren't the main character of this story. You're a lab associate, doctorate or not. You can't just start using company property for your own experiments, and even if there is some sort of tangible benefit to what you produced, the fact that you haven't cleared any of this with me or your other superiors... I just... I don't understand how a person as intelligent on paper as your application said that you were, could be so fundamentally stupid!"

Dr. Stevenson listened as his boss yelled at him. He listened and said nothing, did nothing, because what could a man like him do? He listened to his boss yell. Then he listened to his boss's boss yell at both of them. Then, just like that, he was fired. Because of course he was. These people wouldn't have understood brilliance if it walked up and dropped its panties in front of them. The German Shepherd sighed and nodded as he was told to clear out his locker and be off the company property in half an hour. He nodded, and began to slowly walk back through the corridors of the lab complex for the last time.

He walked for a minute or so, until the sound of his boss and boss's boss openly mocking the quiet, antisocial scientist who had never really fit in with their team faded off into the distance. He paused, standing outside the lab where he'd done the work that had just gotten him fired, and idly fiddled with his glasses as he peered inside. There, in several large runs, he could see his test subjects. He didn't enjoy the fact that his company used live rats for testing, but at least in this particular situation he sincerely believed that his formula had helped improve their quality of life. With a chuckle, he put his hand on the door handle, and slipped into the lab. He was far from a rule-breaker by habit, not counting the stroke of inspiration that had led him to work on his current project in his spare time during each of his shifts at the lab. But, what else could go wrong with today? His boss had already fired him for coming and telling him about his project, which could make the company billions upon billions of dollars if developed, tested and marketed correctly. Beyond that, there wasn't much more they could do.

Thus, the German Shepherd stepped into the lab and padded over to the rats' run, peering in and chuckling as he saw that they were very much still experiencing the effects of his concoction. Several of the rats were mating, paired up and trembling against one another regardless of gender. Others were gathered around their food bowl, greedily picking out all the tastiest seeds from their mix. A few more were playing, bounding around squeaking and engaging in purely social interaction with one another, while others simply sat or lay curled around, hungrily licking themselves in obvious masturbation.

Until today, until he had provided them with a first dose of his serum, all these rats had suffered from the symptoms of clinical depression. Each of them were significantly less social, less active, less engaged with one another and all the activities that their run offered compared to a control group from the next lab over. But now, with no side effects and none of the chemical interactions possessed by SSRIs or other groups of anti-depressant drugs, they were engaging in all the most enjoyable behaviours possible. When they were hungry, they ate. When they were energetic, they played. When they were aroused, they sought to satisfy that impulse, and after learning of the gleeful culmination of that activity they engaged in it more and more frequently.

The data wasn't just observational, of course. Dr Stevenson had put four of the rats through an active brain-scan to ensure that what he hypothesised to be the case was in fact true. And indeed, it was borne out by the evidence. Normally their depressed state had dulled their instincts and led them to be less active, but today it just took the slightest impulse from their senses to kick their minds and bodies into gear. In effect, not only was their depression cured, but they were both far more eager to follow their subconscious urges, and increasingly happy when they did so.

And yet, all of that data hadn't been enough. All of Dr. Stevenson's best arguments as to how this could be refined into a cure for clinical depression and anxiety, a way to free people from the limitations of their own failing brain chemistry and allow them the chance to be more liberated, happy people, hadn't been enough.

Dr. Stevenson glanced over at the far side of the lab where the beaker of his serum sat in a counter-top refrigeration unit. Soon it would be gathered up by some other lab tech and disposed of. Poured away or incinerated to ensure it didn't contaminate the water supply. Such a waste. He knew the formula, of course. He could try and shop the idea around, sell it to someone who would understand its potential. But, he had a working prototype formula right there. Why did science have to be set back, why did his potential have to be set back so much, just because he wasn't able to articulate outwardly all the passion, all the excitement, all the certainty that he had inside his head about how amazing a breakthrough this was?

He blinked. He chuckled.

It was a stupid idea. Or... well, it wasn't stupid, per se. It was just...

The dog furrowed his brow as he mulled over the thought that had just crossed his mind. Was it stupid, or was he being overly self-critical? Was he allowing the words of his boss to infect his perception of the world?

It was at least worth considering the question, the concept that had just entered his mind.

If he were to take the serum... if he were to drink it himself, even as unrefined and unprepared as it was for anthro health trials, perhaps he would be able to bridge the gap between the brilliance and passion inside his head, and the nervous, stuttering, uncharismatic man within which that mind and heart were trapped. There would be no-one able to deny the raw potential of his ideas, because he would be able to communicate exactly what was inside his head with the same degree of clarity that he understood things himself. His bosses would come begging for him to accept his job back, but he would laugh in their faces because he had dozens, hundreds of better offers queuing up to see him.

Dr. Stevenson rushed across the room and pulled open the refrigerator. He had mixed the small dose he had given the rats in with their water, but for a creature as large as him, a sip would surely be okay. After all he knew the contents of the serum, and in order to achieve a lethal dose he would have needed to drink gallons of it, suffering water toxicity long before he actually felt any danger from the chemicals inside his miraculous elixir. He drew the beaker to his lips. He closed his eyes, idly wondering how it tasted but bracing himself for the worst.

He took a sip. His eyes widened. He took a gulp, not meaning to, not intending to but finding the sweet, sharp taste so shockingly delicious and refreshing that he couldn't stop himself. Another two gulps flowed down his throat before he forced himself to pull the glass away from his lips with a gasp, and by the time he had set the serum down on the clean, white, sterile counter of the lab... the first waves of tingling sensation were already beginning to surge through the German Shepherd's body.

"Oh. Oh my... that... is an unexpected side effect..."

Dr. Stevenson gasped as he felt a pressure building beneath his lab coat and shirt, reaching to his chest to try and identify the source, only to groan as his fingers brushed over his nipples, even through two layers of fabric, and found them intensely, deliciously sensitive as breast tissue began to swell and multiply beneath them.

"Nnnh... not unpleasant, quite the contrary in fact, but... ooh... ohhh dear, quite... ahhh, quite unexpected indhhahhhh... indeed..."

Long hair began to flow down the back of the dogs head, a brilliant red in hue, voluminous and seemingly already somehow styled. His face subtly shifted in shape, bone structure altering as though briefly malleable, his features becoming a little finer, a little more pointed, and a lot more outwardly attractive from a perhaps shallow, purely aesthetic stand-point. His hips swelled, straining and stretching his slacks. His body as a whole grew less skinny overall as it had been, and took on more of a voluptuous, hourglass figure. Some men possessing such anatomy might have been aghast or at the very least embarrassed to feel their sheath and balls shrinking to nothingness, but Dr. Stevenson was barely aware of it as it happened. Cock or not, whatever genitals he possessed, it felt amazing. A deep, pulsing heat burst from between the German Shepherd's legs, and though in the past Dr Stevenson would have been aghast at the idea of trying to seek out a partner to act on those wishes, it seemed like such a simple proposition tonight. Perhaps not for the man he had been, but that was okay, because he wasn't that man any more.

In fact... she wasn't a man any more.

She wasn't Dr. Stevenson.

She wasn't that meek, mild mannered guy unable to ask for what he wanted or needed in life, and condemned to being walked over and ignored by those not smarter or more eloquent than him, but simply louder.

She was someone new.

She was someone special.

She was Miss Roberts, and although she shared Stevenson's eagerness to express the brilliance of the serum with the whole world, there were some other matters, far longer restrained and ignored impulses of the man that she had been, which require her more immediate attention first.


Dr. Camilla Rodriguez had captivated Stevenson from the moment he heard her talk about recombinant DNA fragments modified with lysosomal animo acid chains. It had never occurred to him to ask her out on a date. It had never even occurred to him to imagine asking her out. She wasn't simply out of his league, she was beyond his perception as a prospective partner.

And yet, to Miss Roberts....

"Fuck! Fuck!! Aa-aahhhgod, yes! Oh! Ohh mnhh-hahahhhhhh fuuuuuuck!"

Clasping both hands over her muzzle, the pangolin shrieked and thrashed as firm hands clasped at her thighs and the most talented tongue she had ever known lashed her prostate, then her clit when the convulsions of her inner walls prevented further oral invasions to that degree. Camilla had always been embarrassed by how much she squirted when she came hard, but this... she had never cum like this! Her pussy was a fire hydrant set loose across a city street. It was a geyser in a national park launching super-heated fluids hundreds of feet skyward. Her wetness drummed against the floor of the bathroom cubicle where she had been dragged by the gorgeous woman who had managed to talk her into a desperate frenzy of arousal in a matter of minutes, and sprayed even more violently against the German Shepherd greedily drinking from her, licking her, allowing herself to bathe in Camilla's ejaculate before it flowed to the floor between them.

Just before her seventh orgasm, just before she slumped against the toilet within the cubicle and passed out from over-stimulated exhaustion, the pangolin looked down at the woman through glazed, heavy lidded eyes, and giggled drunkenly as she realised that she kinda looked a little bit like that cute, quiet guy who sometimes worked in the lab with her. Stetson? Simpson? Whatever his name was, if not for the copious feminine cum matting the fur of her panting, grinning face, Miss Roberts might have looked a lot like him.

She smiled at that thought. She wondered why she had never made more of an effort to speak with him socially. And then, before she could think anything else, she came again, and slumped as her brain short-circuited and surrendered its consciousness to protect her from the dangerous intensity of that seventh back to back climax.


With car alarms whooping loudly all around her, Miss Roberts giggled as she slipped out of Stevenson's boss's freshly hot-wired Audi, which she had just rammed into the boss's boss's Mercedes. She strolled directly towards the security post from which two guards were emerging to check on the commotion, and fluttered her eyebrows at them playfully as she unfastened the front of her lab coat, revealing a complete lack of shirt beneath it, exposing her bare breasts to the two plump, middle aged men. They stopped. They blinked. They stared at her as she walked between them, hips swaying and a single finger beckoning them back inside the guard post.

"C'mon, boys. They don't pay you enough for this shit. But me? I'll give you exactly what you want. My tits glistening with your cum, right here, right now."


Despite having left Stevenson's car behind, not wanting to have to circle around the crumpled wreck of the other cars which the security staff had mysteriously failed to see happen while changing out the recordable DVD backups of the camera system, it didn't take long for Miss Roberts to find a ride home. Or, at the very least, a ride.

She growled and clung tighter to the body lying over her in the back seat of the car she'd flagged down for a lift. The three college guys hadn't been able to believe their luck when she'd fluttered her eyelashes and asked them for a lift, and when as the car began to roll down the street she'd offered the fox sitting beside her an opportunity to breed a load into her dripping pussy, his buddy in the driver's seat had almost run them clean off the road. Now though he was driving with the precision of a Formula One world champion, doing so under the promise that Miss Roberts had made him. All he had to do was keep driving normally, not crashing or drawing any attention to what was happening behind him from other motorists, and when she was done with his two buddies, she'd give him the first opportunity to fuck her in the ass.


Miss Roberts' fist was buried deep in the pussy of her building super's wife when the man himself stepped through their apartment door. The chubby, fifty year old rabbit tried to explain to her husband why she was lying on their bed with a woman neither of them had ever met before, but she was too busy screaming and cumming when the man she loved stopped, wide eyed with shock in the bedroom doorway.

"Hello, Mr Wojszynski! I was just convincing your wife to ask you to fix the broken dryer in apartment 4C. But, since you're here now?"

The German Shepherd pulled her fist out of the bunny, the woman shrieking, shuddering and kicking out with both legs as a torrent of juices sprayed violently across the bed now that there was no arm in place for them to splash out against. Miss Roberts turned towards the wolf, smiling at him placidly as her hand dripped with his wife's juices.

"Would you please fix the broken dryer in apartment 4C? It's been over a month, and with all due respect, your excuse that you're waiting on parts to come in is a lie, because you never actually came round to inspect the issue when it first broke. So... how about this. You promise me that you'll fix the dryer, and you, me and your wife can have an amazing threesome together. But, if you don't get it fixed by the end of the week? I'll come back, Mr Wojszynski. I'll come back, and next time I'll make your wife cum so long and so hard, she'll divorce you the very next day if she thinks it'll get her another second with my lips on her clit."

The wolf trembled in the doorway. He whined bashfully, and Miss Roberts glanced down, then giggled as she saw the twitching tent, and the spreading patch of glistening wetness upon the lupine male's crotch.

"Oh... oh, don't worry..."

She whispered to him soothingly as the wolf flooded his boxer shorts and coveralls with cum right in front of her.

" just wander on over to 4C and check out the dryer. You can come back and join in when you're ready to go again. Until then, I'm sure your wife will keep me entertained."


Exactly one year after the day her life changed forever, the day she stopped holding back and showed the world everything that she had to give, not to mention everything that she wished to claim, Miss Roberts leaned back on her penthouse suite's couch and glanced up at the TV which filled the majority of the room's western wall.

Her eyes fluttered in ecstasy as she watched a news story detailing the buyout of a pharmaceutical manufacturer by a company which had only itself been trading for a matter of weeks. A company whose revolutionary patents for a range of mental health medications had taken the medical world by storm, and whose sole owner had seemingly decided that she could do a better job of running this other, large medical manufacturer than not only its current board of directors, but a number of key management figures from the most local laboratory too. Miss Roberts stroked the face of the woman kneeling between her legs in that moment, growling happily as her toes curled where they were slung over the pangolin's shoulders. She glanced up at the screen again after admiring Camilla's beautiful, dripping face for a moment or so, and grunted in delight as she watched two confused looking men in poorly fitted suits leaving the building, trying to hide their faces from the cameras behind the boxes of their stuff. A powerful orgasm immediately seized her, and as she heard her wife grunt and gasp and giggle her way through trying to drink down Miss Roberts' abundant juices, the German Shepherd moaned down to the woman she loved through her own mind-bending ecstasy.

"Mnnhh... ohhyess... I think... I think we nnh-hhhahh... need to take a visit back to the lab. See if your new office needs any... ahhfuck... any extra renovation. Perhaps a pull-out couch bed, for when I visit."

Camilla continued to lap at her lover's pussy right through the dog's orgasm, her own pussy dripping and drooling down on the hard-wood floor between her legs as two fingers sawed back and forth against her aching clit. Only when they had both stopped cumming did the pangolin pull back, breathing ragged as she looked up at her irresistible, brilliant wife, and speak to her.

"I... w-wait... visit? You mean... I'll have to go to work without you? But... Louisa... w-what if you need to cum? What if nnh... no-one else is around to help you and... and I'm not there?"

Miss Roberts giggled, and with a simple twitch of one finger drew her wife up off her knees and onto her lap. They cuddled. They smooched. They pressed fingers inside one another and began to pleasure each other yet again.

"You're so generous, sweetie. So thoughtful, to be worried about my needs."

The German Shepherd moaned to her first lover, and to this day the one person in all the world she felt as strongly about in her current form as Stevenson had in his.

"But don't you worry. I'll visit as often as I can. And on the days when I can't..."

Miss Roberts rolled the two of them over so that she could pin the pangolin beneath her on the couch, her wife shrieking with surprise, with laughter and with pleasure as the dog's fingers remained buried inside her all the while until they were suitably arranged for Louisa to draw back, press her legs forward against her lover, and drive their dripping pussies together.

"...I'll find dozens of cocks and pussies to keep me busy until you get home, and then I'll tell you about how I satisfied every craving, every fantasy, every last little whim of desire that crossed my mind, while I fuck your brains out too."

By Jeeves.