Shadow of The White Citadel- Chapter Twenty Nine

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#31 of Shadow Of The White Citadel (Completed)

Chapter Twenty Nine

"Tyger and Sanic vs Bear"


Furry Sith Lord

"Is Bear the only one inside... that thing?" I asked as I tried to assess the situation. I was trying not to get frustrated as I tried to figure out how to handle all this. I wanted to kick my father's shin for dropping me in this unprepared. I mean I guess I could look at it like it was a compliment but it felt more like my father was testing me and if I failed then not only would the prisoners be killed but... I'd probably be grounded for life!

"As far as we know." An agent replied.

"Does he have anyone working with him?" Sanic asked and I realized I was still holding him and I went to put him down but he rebuked me. "No thanks, the view is better up here."

"He claims he has a team monitoring the prisoners so if we try anything they'll alert him and he'll fire." My father said casually. He grabbed a bottle of water and calmly drank from it.

"Good idea father," I replied as they suddenly looked at me. "If I remember my history correctly then those things get hot inside. If Bear is alone he'll need to keep it cool so I bet he has an AC running." I speculated.

"We fired off an electromagnetic pulse throughout the city disabling everything... almost." Another agent replied.

"Also I doubt he could run an AC inside of that. I'm not completely sure but I don't think those have cigarette lighters in them to hook up as a power source." My father replied and I saw the look of disappointment on his face over my musing.

"Is that why the lights went out?" I asked, realizing why the shelter lost power.

"Affirmative." The agent said.

"I've been sabotaging the ACs in Bear's office so the heat has been bothering him. If we can find a way to rapidly heat up the interior of the tank. He'll be forced to leave it." I said.

"How do we do that?" My father asked me as he stared and the look gave me the impending feeling of doom. I had a feeling he was thinking about how he was going to punish me for not being faster to turn this situation into a victory for us.

"Lamp oil. To start with, when you light it the flame ignites very quickly and it's very quiet. If you were to use gasoline then the explosion might scare him and he'd try to fire at the captives." I said as I thought about when we used it in the shelter to add light after the electricity went out.

"But it burns out too quickly. If we coat the tank in it and light it, the flames will burn out in a matter of seconds." Sanic replied.

"Then we need a source of fuel to keep the fire going to burn up the interior." My father said and I felt a bit jealous as if he were trying to take all the credit for my ideas.

"Is there a way to block the nozzle on the tank so that he can't fire it?" I asked.

"If we knew that we would have already done it." My father replied and I started to wring my paws together to try and ease my nervousness.

"Father, Stop! You asked for my help and dropped me into this knowing nothing. You need to let me work and stop being overly critical of my suggestions." I stated as he narrowed his eyes. Oh boy, I could tell he was pissed but it needed to be said because too much is riding on this and I can't get into a debate with him with lives on the line. I'd face his wrath later but for now all that mattered, to me, was saving the captive's lives.

"You're right," he said humbly, which was a complete shock because I've never seen him like this. "But we don't have enough time to heat that tank up. It's a good idea but not practical."

"Hold on a sec, he's on the right track though. We can't heat it up but maybe we can smoke Bear out!" Sanic said coming to my defence and I gave him a little hug while he was still hanging in my arms like a stuffie.

"Ah, yes of course. Good thinking but that still leaves the problem of the cannon." My father replied. I felt suddenly jealous because I wondered if my father was agreeing with my idea or was he siding with Sanic?!

"Can we mix up explosives?" I asked.

"I have no idea how to do that but even if we did I doubt we have enough ingredients or time to do so.

"I have a plan, it's risky and I'll need help, but I'm sure it might work." Sanic said and we all turned to look at him. I let him stand on my paws and I lifted him up so he could address us all.

"Bear is many things but he is extremely loyal and he'll do anything to protect a rare white fur. I need one of you to throw me into the cannon and block the entrance so I can't escape. I guarantee that Bear will rush out to save me and that's the moment when you can capture him." Sanic said as the group mumbled among themselves.

"Sanic, that's too dangerous because Bear may just pull the trigger." My father replied and there were several nods from the agents.

"No, not if he knows and sees me getting thrown into the cannon. We make a big production out of it." Sanic replied.

"Ah, I get it. We can have a team of agents approach under the guise of surrendering. They could be the first of several teams, or so we'll say. Then when they get close we have one put on a demonstration of placing Sanic in the cannon barrel." I remarked.

"This is extremely foolhardy and I can't stress the danger involved. Not only will you be at risk Sanic but I will too." My father said and we all looked at him. "What? You didn't think I'd let anyone other than myself do this, did you? Bear knows I;'m the acting leader so if we are to get close I've got to be a part of the group."

"Father," I started but couldn't finish my thoughts as I both wanted to praise and scream at him both at the same time.

"Attention, I'll be dividing you up into the team that's going in under the guise of surrendering. If you have any concealable weapons keep them stashed upon yourselves. Non lethal force but we capture Bear at all costs! Also should anything happen to me I expect you all to obey my son, Tyger, in my absence." My father said and I couldn't believe he trusted me enough to be his successor.

"If this fails then not only will you and Sanic be killed but all those prisoners too. I want everyone standing by for an all out assault versus the tank if that happens. Get every smoke bomb you can and every gun and weapon available and we go in. We strike hard and fast and end this." I ordered and all the agents replied to me by shouting "Yes Sir!"

I must admit that I was terrified that the plan would fail because I knew what would be lost if it did. I really didn't care about the captive agents but Sanic and my father were the ones I was really terrified I'd lose.

"Cling to my back so we can keep you hidden then when I get close start screaming for help and I'll place you in the cannon."

"Roger." Sanic replied and he seemed perfectly calm as I stood by as a wreck watching them and fearing this was the last time I'd ever see them again.

"Father, I... I just want you to know how much I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you." I worked up my courage and blurted it out. He looked at me calmly and seemed unphased by what I said.

"Thank you even though I know you don't really mean it; it does mean alot to hear you say it." He replied and I suddenly got so angry that I punched him in his balls making him double over in pain.

"Asshole," I replied and I saw Sanic pointing asking me to lift him onto my father's back. Which I did being careful that he wouldn't fall off. Truth be told I was later grounded for 3 weeks for that little stunt but it was worth it! Like hell I was going to let him get away with calling me insincere.

My father coughed and his balls slid down from his throat to where they should be and he prepared to lead the team to take out Bear. I ran up and gave him one last hug as he whispered to me that I was grounded. I told him it was worth it if it meant he was coming back alive.

The team slowly made their way towards the tank with their paws raised high in surrender. Sanic was hidden as he clung to Lou's back and all the agents made sure not to look at the white hedgehog in any way. Lou had warned that doing so might tip Bear off and ruin their only opportunity to rescue their comrades.

As they neared the tank they saw that Bear was exposed as a portion of himself was sticking outside the hatch opening. Next to it there were two full boxes of red slave collars waiting for them.

"About time you guys show up. Is this everyone?" he asked as he looked at Lou waiting for an answer.

"No we didn't want to panic you by sending everyone at once so we broke it up into waves." Lou said as Bear watched him skeptically. He looked horrifying without his fur more like a monster sticking out of the tank.

"Now," Lou whispered softly to Sanic.

"HELP! HELP ME, PAPA BEAR!!!!" Sanic screamed and Lou ran to the cannon and pulled Sanic off his back and held him up for Bear to see before he placed him inside the gun and used his hooves to prevent Sanic from climbing out. Sanic continued to shout for help though his cries were muffled by the hooves blocking the opening.

"My son?!" Bear said as his startlement turned into rage.

"Give up and no harm will come to the hedgehog." Lou said feeling guilty he was using Sanic as bait.

"I'll kill you!!!" Bear screamed as he jumped out from the cannon and charged at Lou. The agents began to fire tranquilizers at him but he wasn't slowing down at all. Several jumped on him and fought him to keep him away from Lou but Bear started tossing them aside as if they were toy dolls.

"Second team go!" I shouted as I watched Bear through binoculars attacking the agents, in a frenzy, as he was trying to get at my father.

"Third team standing by," An agent replied and I nodded acknowledging that I heard him as I stayed focused on the battle. He watched several agents take out batons and began to try and beat Bear with them but each blow just made Bear turn and face the agent that struck him and he took a swipe at that agent.

"Second team! Hold a second," I shouted. They turned to look at me. "When you use your batons against Bear strike then quickly retreat because he'll turn to strike you. When that happens I want a second agent behind him to move in and strike. It should disorient him enough until the blows start weakening him. GO!!!!" I instructed and the agents nodded.

Lou watched as a second team of agents charged in and he saw that they were striking at Bear from behind him. An agent would charge in and strike him then rush back and when Bear turned another agent would attack from behind. He saw Bear was slowly weakening from the blows but was catching on to the strategy.

"Not bad, son, not bad." He said to himself as Sanic poked his head out from the nozzle.

"What's going on?"

"My son's strategy is working but Besar is catching on to it." Lou said as Bear started to swing his paws behind him hoping to stop any more back attacks by the agents.

"Pick me up and hold me like a shield then confront Bear. It should put him in his place." Sanic said. Lou sighed but he held out his hoof and Sanic sat in it and Lou extended it towards Bear.

"Bear... help me!" Sanic cried as he shook in Lou's grasp. He had his other hoof placed behind his back as he gripped his beretta handgun. It was only 9mm so against Bear the damage wouldn't be fatal but it would hurt like the dickens.

"Sanic, 1 7 4 2." Bear said. Sanic jumped and Bear lunged towards Lou. The deer quickly pulled out the handgun and shot Bear three times and he fell on his back on the ground. Bear lay there breathing heavily as the agents relaxed their postures and slowly closed in on Bear. Sanic jumped to the ground and went over to Bear and rested his head on Bear's chest.

Lou reached into his pocket and removed a small air horn from his pocket and pressed it as it let out an ear piercing shriek. The agent covered their ears and even Sanic was stunned and he used his paws to cover his ears. Lou removed ear plugs he was secretly wearing and suddenly a large contingency of B.O.T.S. soldiers rushed in and placed red collars on all the C.I.Z.A. agents and Lou sealed them to himself making himself as their master.

From the prisoners the B.O.T.S. agents were freed but the remaining C.I.Z.A. were collared before they were untied and brought to Lou to have him seal them also. Officially it was the end of C.I.Z.A. White Fur Division!

One of the B.O.T.S. slaves grabbed me and was about to collar me but I shouted a cody my father told Sanic and myself to keep us safe.

"Code 68. Code 68." I shouted at the slave and he immediately released me and bowed his head in submission.

"Forgive me sir," He said as he moved away. I went and rejoined Sanic and my father as he was gathering all of the C.I.Z.A. agents together. The fear and shock on their faces was undeniable but my father kept his manner cool and serine. My tummy felt like a washing machine and I felt guilty that they were collared after they had helped us.

"Just kill me," Bear begged as he lay helpless on the ground breathing heavily from his wounds.

"You can be saved. Considering your size and the size of the bullets they are more like flesh wounds than fatal shots." My father replied and Bear shook his head.

"To what? Live my life as a slave! After everything I've done and everyone that I killed, it is justice that I die. Besides, there is always a chance I'd get free and come looking for revenge. Would you risk it? Would you risk the safety of yourself and your family?" Bear insisted.

"I will grant your request if it is truly what you wish. I feel it is misplaced because when you see how I rebuild and transform The White Citadel," My father started.

"White Community," Bear interrupted.

"Should you see it, you may wish to become a part of it."

"I could never return. There are my followers here that would strike up a revolution to get me back in charge. The work I've done is so important you have no idea the magnitude of it." Bear said. I felt myself begin to cry and it was then that I realized that he had had an impact on me and he was right when he said others would feel the same way.

"If you work with me the impact will change all of society in the way you always wanted but was unable to do. With my influence, I'm going to bring the WC into an actual city that everyone knows about. A safe space for everyone, not only rare white furs! I will tell the world of the lie the cub's book is and with your copy we can begin to change all of society and end the hatred.

"Your voice will be a needed one in the new world as we try to bring everyone together. It will take time but my son is the biggest key to uniting us all." Lou stated.

"You have a big job ahead of you, Tyger." Bear remarked with a chuckle that was cut short as he started coughing.

"I'm sorry son but it's not you that will unite us, it's Lyon!" My father stated soberly and looked at him in confusion but I was also grateful that my brother had an important role to play in the future of society.

"Why him? Tyger has a clear advantage! I know that he was sabotaging my ACs to weaken me. He's smart and clever... but still young and I figured it out as soon as the hidden cameras in my office saw him doing it." Bear said and he motioned for me to join him. He reached up and patted my head.

"Society is like sheep and they are easily influenced by the celebrities we put in the spotlight. After all, celebrities know best," my father mocked. "Anyway my son has talent as a football player and even in school he has amassed quite a following. He's going to go on and be in the spotlight as the first rare white fur lion that is one hell of a football player. He will be glorified and his acceptance will help build a new society that no longer hates species like him. It won't happen overnight but it is coming." My father stated.

"Sounds glorious. I can definitely rest easily now knowing that my former children will be safe. I just ask when you open the shelter you take none of them as slaves. They are innocent of everything I have done."

"Understood." My father said as he knelt next to Bear and placed the gun knelt to his head. Bear waited and closed his eyes then my father whistled to Sanic as he lifted his head and Sanic threw a red collar to him. My father quickly locked it on Bear and sealed him to my father. Bear cried and moaned but his cries were cut short as my father gave him an order pressing his finger on the clasp.

"You will lose all your memories. Your desire is to help Sanic as he rules as mayor of this community." My father instructed and we turned to look at him in surprise. Even Sanic became flustered at what my father said.

"Sanic, can you get everyone out of the shelter?" My father asked.

"Yes sir," Sanic replied as he ran off.

Bruno and Morris opened the door as they heard Sanic call out. They removed the support beans as the little guy strolled inside.

"What happened?" Morris asked.

"Wake everyone up! The battle is over." Sanic instructed.

"Who won?" Bruno asked.

"The good guys! We're all safe now and we no longer need to hide, we can live free and never have to hide in fear again." Sanic said as the white zebra and white rhino ran and helped wake up the sleeping species.

"Leggo, please bring the cub and come with me." Sanic said and the wolf carefully woke Lyon and set him on his feet. Lyon yawned and used his free paw to rub his eyes. Leggo led him as he held the cubs paw and they followed Sanic to where he lives.

"Wait here please," Sanic said as he ran inside and Leggo and Lyon stood waiting as they continued holding paws.

"What's going on?" Lyon asked and Leggo shrugged. Sanic exited the building wearing a black backpack.

"Follow me quickly please." Sanic ordered.

"I thank you all for your service and while some of you will be joining my private security force, I can guarantee your effects were not in vain. Those that are not chosen for my team will be given to Will Panthera-T. He has a need for mercenaries with your experience." Lou explained to the former C.I.Z.A. agents.

Bear sat in a chair as medical agents of the B.O.T.S. slaves were fixing him up. He was asking them what his name was and what was going on but they remained silent and focused on healing his wounds.

"Excuse me," Sanic said to Bear and he looked down at the little hedgehog.

"Yes sir,"

"Can you please remove the collar on this wolf's neck for me please?" Sanic asked and Bear rose then went and removed Leggo's collar. With the collar removed, Leggo stumbled back and fell to the ground as his memories returned and he suddenly remembered everything.

"Dad?" Lyon asked and Leggo reached out and hugged his son. Leggo turned and saw Sanic looking at him. Sanic took off the backpack and took out a red panda toy and gave it to him.

"But, I thought you destroyed this?" Leggo asked as tears dripped down his face.

"I'm sorry... it wasn't real. I was lying." Sanic replied as he was also crying but Leggo reached out and hugged his friend, reassuring him.

"Wait until I get you home," My father whispered to me as he sharply clasped his hooves on my shoulders. I swallowed hard but knew better than to argue or do anything to embarrass him in his moment of victory.

"I know that look." my dad said as he walked over holding Sanic in his paws. He leaned over and kissed his husband and as they pressed their bodies together Sanic was getting squashed and he fought to get free. I extended my paws and Sanic jumped into my arms.

"Thanks," Sanic said as he caught his breath.

"Whatever Tyger did... we'll 'discuss' it later." My dad said with a sense of finality. My father nodded in compliance then when he wasn't looking my dad looked at me and winked.

"This is a new beginning for everyone." My father said, "Not only is The White Citadel finished but once C.I.Z.A. realizes that their White Fur Division is no more, it will be too late to rebuild them because my plans will be set in motion."

"Oh hey guys," Mel said as he ran over to us while Will was meeting the new slaves my father was giving him.

"Hey Merrik," My dad said and Mel looked skeptically.


"Hold on Melvin, I think my husband has something in his eyes that he can't see clearly." My father replied and he used his hooves to wipe my dad's eyes. "You remember Mel, your coworker at the security job and your uncle just like Jon is. Tyger and Lyon." Lyon and I looked at each other in confusion but said nothing because father had forgotten to tell us some things.

I went to my father's side and reached out and pulled his ear next to my mouth. I was just careful enough so that his antler's didn't hit me.

"Wait until 'I' get 'you' home... father." I replied and he turned and we looked at each other knowingly. It seemed we were going to have one heck of a fight once we got home and were alone.

My tail was suddenly grabbed and I turned as Ben pulled me close to him.

"You can deal with your father... after 'I' deal with you!" Ben replied and I tried to smile as I felt the dread of what they were going to do to me once they got me back home.

Sometimes I hate my life...

To Be Continued...