Pull of the Moon - Chapter 8

Story by Eben Black on SoFurry

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#8 of Eben Black Series - Pull of the Moon

© All characters and storylines surrounding these characters belong to me, Eben Black..

Bubbles surrounded me. I was submerged again, back in that deepening ocean of shadows and silence. That red glimmer hung in the air like a haunted memory. I was floating upside down this time, sinking lower and deeper. The sea enveloped me and the silence almost choked me. I waited and waited. There is again, that rough movement, that shimmer in the current that made me look around wildly. I gazed through the depths, searching, hunting while wishing whatever it was would just reveal itself. I stopped dead when the current behind me shimmered again. Something brushed me and I gasped. I sat bolt upright and found I was panicked, panting hard. I leaned forward, hand at my temples as I tried to remember what had happened in that dream. This was the second time I'd had it, and the second time was when things started to panic me a little. I shuddered, remembering the feel of that single touch against my back. It had been an almost slimy sensation, dribbling down my back.

I took several deep breaths and then looked on either side of me. I'd been sleeping in between the two males I now inadvertedly loved. On one side was Snow, sleeping soundly and naked. His muscular form striped and beautiful as he lay on one side, he'd been spooning me when I'd woken up. His arm was still carefree across my stomach where he'd been holding me close. There was something possessive about that arm around me while Donovan was also there. Perhaps it was because until morning he was my one and only true alpha? Yes, Donovan was my pack leader and an alpha also, but I was bound to Snow through love and lust. I loved and lusted after Donovan, but that alone was not enough to bind a King to his Lupine. Snow's tail swung careless over the edge of the bed, his chest rose and feel with the rumblings of deep sleep. He loved cute, adorable even against those dark red pillows, silken sheets draped over his waist so that his muscular form showed immaculate and unharmed. I was lost in watching him sleep when there was movement beside me.

I looked and found Donovan sat up, one knee raised, his elbow resting there while he rested his temple against his bare palm. He smiled at me with that relaxed green gaze. His other hand found mine, and we held hands. He let his eyes look me over and then he pushed back the bed sheets and stepped out of bed. He held my hand and lead me out of the bedroom and into the en suite bathroom. He closed the door behind him and asked me what had woke me so suddenly. I explained what I'd seen and he watched me, listening, taking in what I was saying.

"Bad dream?" he suggested.

"Most likely."

"What else could it be?" he asked.

"No idea. No idea whatsoever, but its getting more detailed, more significant with each passing."

"Its happened twice?"

I nodded.

"Then don't assume the worst just yet. We need to make sure this is not just a reaccuring dream, but for now lets just call it a bad dream." He walked to me and touched hands to my shoulders. I nodded.

"Could it be anxieties about this plan of yours that's doing this to me?"

"Possible. You did have the dream the night after you'd heard my plans. My bad?" he looked apologetic.

"Don't apologise. Your doing what's best for the people you love."

"More than you know," he replied, as he smiled at me. He leaned against the sink and smiled up at me. I wanted to touch him, to gaze into those eyes while he touched me.

"Oh yeah, was Maximillian alright in the end?" I asked.

"He did wonder what had happened to you and Kane. But I calmly explained what was happening and he understood."

"He knows about Nico refusing to take responsibility then?" I asked.

"He knows that Nico is old school, and frightened for his group."

"Frightened or not, it looks more like he's frightened for himself than his group."

"Some people deal with fear different than others."

"And how do you deal with fear?" I smirked as I asked.

"I cuddle someone I love and hope it goes away, if I'm honest. But being pack leader prevents that."

"So how do you handle it as a pack leader?"

"Loose sleep." He smiled as he admitted it.

"Is that why you were awake?" I asked, looking curious.

"I cannot sleep."

"How come?"

"I'm excited. Tomorrow morning I can bind myself to someone I've been lusting for and wanting for months now. Things couldn't be getting better."

"I'm nothing special, Donovan. Trust me."

He wrapped his arms around me then, a casual embrace between lovers. He held me loose, the lines of our bodies touching as he looked down at me with those beautiful, pale green spheres.

He touched his lips to mine and then murmured, "Your special to me." I could feel that thrum of power again, the flickering flame had not dimmed, but it had stayed quiet until now. "You smell wonderful, like a true Lupine." Donovan was too close, he looked down at me with that heat in those eyes, and I suddenly wanted him, wanted him like I'd wanted Snow. Would I really go ahead with this? It was for the interests of the pack, and as deep down as my heart stretched, I did want Donovan. It was not some new sensation, it was an old one that was now ignited. His lips found mine again, a brush of flesh on flesh, and then a caress of tongue. His hands worked the line of my spine and traced along my sides, nothing sexual, just a caress, a pleasant touch between two males who loved one another. The flame burned brighter and brighter, that metaphorical sensation made me pant whilst I was suddenly backed up inside the shower, the cool tiles made me hiss, but the cold was soon extinguished when Donovan stepped in, and turned the showers on, his hand worked the taps on their own, while he kissed me, that warm touch made my hands find his chest, that toned, slender form felt wonderful under my hands.

Water rushed in a hot wave and made me cry out. The temperature evened out, as our mouths fed at one another. The passion surrounded us, enveloped us and fuelled us. There were no clothes. There were no boundaries. Both of us had wanted this for so long, regardless of Snow's involvement. Donovan kissed down my body, working his tongue along my neck, along my chest, he found my hardened nipples and worked them with teeth and tongue. He drove cries of pleasure from me with those simple touches. He trailed his tongue down my naval and found me hard and warm in front of him. He wasted no time and took me in his muzzle in no time. I gasped, as he raised one leg and swung it over his shoulder, he kneeled in the shower, savouring me, tasting me, taking me deeper and deeper with each slow bob of his head. I touched the tiled wall and the head fur atop his head while I gazed down at his endeavours. The pressure built and built, my body shuddered and if I was a male of less control I'd have spilled then and there. He remained there, holding me in his other hand, his green eyes gazed at me while his tongue's flesh lapped slowly up my length and flicked off the tip. I raked nails through his shoulder and head fur while he suckled on me.

That flame burned so hot now, the intensities made me want him, I wanted him inside me then and there. Donovan stood up, he never removed my leg, but turned me to the side. I was exposed and had only the wall for balance as his own warm length brushed me now. His height forced him to crouch over me, his hips found their position and he probed my opening with the tip of his own member. He used his other hand to hold the wall behind me for support. He worked slow, pushing when he needed to and waiting when he had to. Water will make a wolf tighter, not looser, and since he had not used tongue or lube, it meant we had to take things slow. That was fine with me as I was in no hurry to rush back to that bizarre dream world anytime soon. He growled under his breath, his eyes holding that same dominant alpha flavour that Snow's had held. Those eyes, those pale green eyes flared with such intense passion as he pushed inch after inch inside me. He wasn't as well equipped as Snow, but he wasn't far off. I could tell by how much pressure he was now pushing onto me. When Donovan had found himself sheathed inside me, he dragged himself out and thrust back in. He was slow, so slow that it made me cry out with each push and pull. Pleasure enveloped me as I growled.

Donovan pushed in and out, his hips rocked back and forth, while he filled me entirely and then emptied me, before refilling me. He loomed over me, his tongue lapped at the back of my neck, while I whimpered his name. He'd begun increasing his speed when he'd found I was loose enough. He pushed deep and hard, speeding up with each pleasurable moan that he tore from inside me. The water made us relaxed and soaking wet, Donovan's thrusts in the rushing water made echoing slaps of flesh on flesh, his testicles found mine and hit hard and fast. He moaned my name as he thrusts became rushed and almost hazardous. His hand kneaded my inner thigh where he held me up, his forearm relaxed against the tiles above me, while he gave me the full weight of his eyes. Those pale green spheres held such heat and such passion. There was more than the usual need for orgasm now, there was the promise that this would not be the last time we were together like this. He growled my name and thrust hard, deeper than ever before, he held me there, his entire length shivered as he released his seed in a hot wash of liquid. I groaned and gasped as my own orgasm hit me hard and spilled my own load down onto the tiled floor beneath us. That flame blazed and then dimmed, it surrounded us like it had surrounded me and Snow. It surrounded us like a protective hide.

I could feel it strengthen and tie us together. The bond that a true Lupine shared with her alpha King. I shuddered as the two of us slid to the floor. Donovan abandoned me with a wet pop and his essence spilled out of me. It ran down the drain and disappeared, I lay on my side, bathed in the warm water, while Donovan sat beside me. I turned and lay my head in his naked lap. The warm water rushed over us, cleansed us of sweat and other fluids. I ran a hand across Donovan's thigh and relaxed. Donovan looked down at me, his head fur shielded me from the water so I could gaze up at him without getting water in my eyes.

"You have beautiful eyes," he murmured as he smiled down at me.

"So do you." I reached up and his hand found mine, our fingers laced together and we remained there, lost in the afterglow of finally having something more than meaningless full moon sex. We'd made love. It felt amazing. This was a bond that two old friends would share for the remainder of our lives. I could feel exhaustion swallowing me, making me want to remain there asleep. Donovan reached up and turned the hot water off. The wolf hauled me up and held by the threshhold, his strength was amazing considering his slender, toned form. He padded barefoot from the bathroom and walked us both wet into the bedroom. I huddled against Donovan, while I looked across at where Snow was. He'd woken up and was now sat upright, his back propped against the pillows behind him. He smiled up at me as Donovan crawled onto the bed and spilled me onto the sheets between him and Snow. Snow pulled the sheets over and held his arm out. I crawled to him and snuggled down, my damp fur warmed against his body temperature.

Should it have been natural for him to be that warm? Yeah. The full moon was tomorrow night. All wereanimals' body temperatures would be sky rocketing during the course of tomorrow. Donovan crawled in behind me and both he and Snow surrounded me. Their warm arms found their own respected places to hold me, embrace me. I trailed one hand across Snow's chest fur, the other hand found Donovan's warm tail as it curled over his hip and brushed up against me. Snow slid a hand under me and stroked Donovan's hair, and in turn Donovan's hand found Snow's forearm and caressed the warm striped fur there. We snuggled down, knowing that tomorrow would be an emotion driven day. Most days before the full moon were in wereanimal homes like this one. I could feel sleep surround me, and I welcomed it. Bad dream or not, I was now exhausted. I'd made love to two of the most amazing lovers I'd ever had in the space of six hours. Anyone would be exhausted. I huddled with them around me, all of us naked, warm and loving one another.

It should have been odd, eerie even, but it felt oh-so-right. I fell sleep smiling that night.