Be Careful What you Roll for, Part 4 Minotaur

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#4 of Careful what you roll for

This is the final part of the Halloween anthology I have been publishing. This one returns to our Dungeon Master as he faces the results of what he rolled for. We also get a few answers to what has been going on.

I recently published a new orc erotica anthology see here for details

It was late, all his friends had left. John had to admit it had been a fun night. Giving everyone a little risque fun before the start of the real campaign had been a good plan. He was glad he got to reintroduce his own character. The panda knew that eventually, he would end up dungeon master again, the others would not have the stamina or discipline to design detailed campaigns. At least not for more than a few sessions each. In truth, he did not mind that the inevitability was he would take up the reins again.

Clearing up could easily have waited for morning. However, John knew he would never sleep knowing there was a huge mess waiting for him downstairs. So the dishes were collected, rinsed and placed in the dishwasher. The game set up on the table was carefully and reverently put away. Character sheets all filed in their own little folders. Figures returned to his small display cabinet in his living room. His dice collected and returned to his dice box. Opening it, the panda snorted to see his normal three twenty-sided dice staring back at him.

The panda stared at them open-mouthed. He had emptied that box when he looked yesterday. He had checked every single one and the none of his twenty-sided die had been there. John stood there for a moment and wondered, before eventually dismissing it. Maybe his eyes had played tricks on him. The panda did tend to get rather worked up and upset when things were out of place. Upset pandas were far more likely to make mistakes. Or so he reasoned.

In the end, they were back and he had a shiny new twenty-sided die to add to the tin. Which he did. If he had been superstitious he would have thought it might be considered a lucky die. After all, every high roll he had set the little object had delivered. To his friend's delight.

The one thing he left for the morning was the urge to vacuum the floor. It was too late to be so noisy. Though he doubted the neighbours would hear, he did not want to take the risk. Though he did pick up a few stray Cheetos that had escaped from the cheetah's hunger and bounced onto his floor.

Yawning the panda finally wandered upstairs as the clock was striking one. All Hallow's eve had passed, technically it was now all Hallow's day. The demons would have been beaten back by the saints, or Hallow's and all would be right with the world. Or that was one interpretation anyway. It was all a bunch of stupid mixed up mumbo jumbo stolen from a mixture of ancient religions and sold back to the populace with rubber masks and candied apples. On the plus side soon the pumpkin spice would be put away for another year. Now that was something truly ghastly about Halloween, at least to the panda.

John took the time to have a quick shower, knowing he would never get to sleep with the feel and smell of a day's sweat in his fur. The black and white chunky bear put his dirty clothes in his laundry hamper and brushed his teeth. Finally after what had been an exhausting day he lay himself down and closed his eyes. He was so exhausted after the day that he fell asleep rapidly.

Finding a dream quickly he moaned happily as he stood before a mighty labyrinth. John knew that inside lay a minotaur waiting for him to fulfil his promise of a night of passion. A black figure emerged, head of a bull, his fur black as midnight, hair wild and untamed. Just like the beast. His legs and feet also those of a bull. The minotaurs black mane flowed down his shoulders and chest, getting shorted and thinner until it became hair on a human torso.

The beast raised a hand and gestured him closer. He went willingly, taking that huge two-fingered hand as he reached the minotaur. Moaning softly as the black fur blotted out the sunlight and he pressed forward into a soft and tender kiss. The feel of those lips was wonderful, far too wonderful. Strong hands caressed up and down his flanks and his body trembled. John had enjoyed this dream many times, he knew where it was leading. To the minotaur's lair where they would spend the night enjoying each other. Then in the morning he would wake and need to change the sheets of his bed.

However, the feeling was different this time. Hands grasping at his buttocks and squeezing. His eyes flew open. The room was dark, but he knew he was not alone. Partly because there was a body blocking out the light from the streetlamp just next to his bedroom. Mostly though, because there was another body lying against to his, two hands on his buttocks and warm soft lips pressed to his.

Gasping the panda pulled back, he could barely make out anything on the face of whoever was in his bed. All he could see were two soft brown eyes full of lust. John's instincts kicked in and his squeal of terror cut through the night. Until it was cut off by his body hitting the floor as he shot out of the bed. Scrambling to his feet he stared wide-eyed at the startled minotaur in his bed. It was the exact one he had dreamt of dozens of times. "W..who.... How did you get in here?!" He squealed as he backed up, feeling the door to his ensuite bathroom pressing into his back.

"You said you wanted to spend the night," the bull replied. His voice deep, rich and velvety on the ear. Yet had John not been so panicked he would hear the

"N... no... I didn't," stammered the panda as his shoulder blades tried to dig their way through the door.

With a grunt and two huge thumps, the minotaur got to his feet. "Yes you did, while your friends used my labyrinth to sneak into the Necromancer's tower." The minotaur took a step forward and John squeaked, the beast paused mid-stride and took a step back. "Please, I'm not going to hurt you."

John's elbow bumped up against something, the light switch. Trembling he reached a paw around himself, not willing to turn a tiny inch from the intruder to see where his paw was going. It had to be some joke, maybe a friend of Anthony's. That cheetah knew how much he crushed on bulls and had sent a friend around. Somehow snuck into his bedroom. Or he was going crazy, or still dreaming. Though the pain from falling out of bed seemed very real.

His grasping digits found their target and the light switched on. Suddenly the room filled with light. For a moment he squinted as the sudden brightness was painful to eyes accustomed to the dark. Then despite the pain, his eyes opened wide in shock. The being before him was familiar, it was the minotaur from his dreams. His bare human midriff showing that it could not be just some bull morph. The creature's feet and hands were the huge two toes ones of that fabled monster.

Shaking his head the panda mumbled, "that's... that's not possible." His hip hit the handle of the bathroom door and he squeaked in terror. Turning with a speed that surprised him, and would definitely have floored his high school gym teacher who had insisted the slow panda might be part sloth considering how slow he moved on the track. John opened the door and slammed it behind him, pulling the light cord all in one heartbeat.

He turned the lock and dashed over to the sink, staring into his own terrified eyes. They were wide and wild. Yet not overly dilated nothing that would indicate he was drugged or drunk. Turning on the taps he splashed his face with freezing cold water and took a few panicked breaths. Expecting any moment to head thuds of range on the door, maybe for it to be knocked off its hinges.

However, at first, there was nothing but silence. He took a few more breaths and shook his head. It had to be a dream. A nightmare, just a figment of an overtired mind who has spent so long thinking up wonderful worlds and beasts. If he opened that door he would find his bedroom empty and he would feel like a fool. Or like a child, scared of imaginary monsters under the bed. However, this monster had not been under his bed, he had been in his bed. His hands and been on his body, lips on his lips.

John's panicked reasoning was broken by a sound. His ears listening out for every last possible sound that might signal an impending attack. They picked up a strange sound. Gulping he strained to listen, it was a quite softly repeating sound. Not the thuds of a beast charging. Or howls of rage but soft sounds. Taking a step closer to the door those sounds got louder and they seemed oddly familiar.

Steeping closer and closer until he reached the door. The sound was clear and more familiar than ever. He was certain that he knew what it was, he had made that sound more times than he would care to admit. Pressing his ear up to the cool wood of the door he listened carefully. Soft and low but unmistakable he could hear the sound of someone sobbing on the other side of the door.

The panda wondered if it might be a trick. Some plan to lure him out of his safety. Safety in a tiny room with no exit, not even a window. A small cheap lock on a very light door that would probably struggle to keep out an annoyed ten-year-old. Let alone hold out against a seven-foot-tall beast bristling with muscles. The panda knew that the reality was, if the minotaur was real and intended him harm, he could have broken that door down like it was made of paper.

His heart raced as he grasped the door handle and opened the door. That soft muffled sound becoming much louder and clearer as he stepped into the room. A huge black furry mass was pressed into the far corner. Sitting down, arms over its face. Huge white horns trembling as the room echoed with soft sobs and whimpers of an animal in pain.

John found his fear melting away, as he felt pangs of guilt. He never liked to hurt anyone. The quiet panda was ever sensitive to the pains of others. "Are... are you ok?" He asked softly and stepped a little closer. He saw the black mass freeze and the sounds of sobbing stopped for a moment. "Look... I don't know what's going on. If this is some sort of joke..."

"It's not a joke unless it's on me," the words were muffled and strained the voice higher than before. "I thought... thought you liked me..." as he spoke the minotaur lifted up his head and John could see the glistening fur on his cheeks. The tracks of the beast's tears. "You're just like the rest. You just want to run from the monster. Lock me up in a labyrinth and throw virgins at me."

The panda paused, he would be the first to admit he had wanted to run. However, he would deny ever wanting to imprison anyone, and he had never thrown any virgin at anyone. "Look, I don't know what's going on..." John replied, feeling that it was somewhat of an understatement. "However, I'm not playing a joke on you. Certainly, I'm not laughing. You did...just appear in my bed and I honestly don't know what the fuck is going on. I mean, where did you come from, how did you get in here?"

"I... I don't know," mumbled the beast softly, his voice still slightly high and whiny. Like someone on the verge of tears once more. "I just remember you wanted to spend the night and then we were in your bed kissing and then... you screamed." As he said the last part his voice got suddenly higher and his shoulders shook as he sobbed, his head slumping forward to rest on his arms.

Unable to be scared by anything or anybody that was such a blubbering mess, John stepped closer. He grabbed a box of tissues from his nightstand and then paused. They were man-sized, but this was no ordinary man. So he quickly grabbed a hand towel from the bathroom instead. "Here, have a good blow, and dry those tears. Let's go downstairs, have a relaxing cup of camomile tea and see if the two of us can figure out what the hell is going on."

The minotaur's huge hand took the offered towel and the room echoed with the noise of a minotaur blowing his nose. A sound that can only truly be compared with the sound of trying to feed a car tire filled with jelly through a wood chipper. A few seconds of scrubbing and the towel was offered up to him. John took the towel with the same enthusiasm he would accept a dead and rotting pigeon carcass. Then made a mental note to burn the towel as soon as the world made sense again, before dropping it in his bathroom sink.

"My name's John, by the way," he said as he led the way downstairs and to his kitchen.

"I know," replied the minotaur. "It's Praxon, that's what my mother called me." Praxon, that had been the name of his dream lover, John had known it would be his name. Yet hearing it just made him think that this was all some strange dream. He dug his finger claws into his palms letting the pain blossom forth. If it was a dream then everything every television show and movie had shown about pain in dreams waking him up was a lie.

The kettle was filled and placed on the stove. Two cups were selected and he put some camomile tea bags into his teapot. "So you... you live in a labyrinth?" It was a dumb question, however, given it was half one in the morning and he was talking to a mythical being from his dreams that was sitting at his kitchen counter. John was just grateful he was able to say something.

"Since I was twelve, my stepdad put me there," Praxon confirmed with a shrug.

"Twelve, that's young... your step-father was he..."

"A dick? Yes, a total one." Confirmed the bull with an emphatic nod. "Always blamed me for what my mother did."

Gulping John had one question screaming across his mind, "so your mother...she..."

"Was cursed by the gods to lust after a sacred bull that my father refused to sacrifice? Yes," confirmed the bull with a sigh. "My actual dad is a big white bull, apparently I get my hair colour from my mother."

"You're The Minotaur then? Stepson of King Minos..." John began but the bull stopped him with a snort of derision.

"Of course not, he was the first. Then the gods figured out what a fucking laugh it was. King's cucked by bulls and their bastard bull children banished to a labyrinth. What a hoot!" Snorted Praxon. "Bunch of arseholes, the lot of them. You know they throw fourteen virgins into the labyrinth every bloody year? I'm a sodding vegetarian, I mean hello half-bull."

The kettle's whistle caught John's ear and he snatched it from the stove, "what do you do with them?"

"I just try and show them the way out," Praxon replied with a shrug. "I mean it'd be nice if they wanted to stick around a few days, maybe have an actual conversion, but nooo! It's all, please don't hurt me! Ahhhh! Stay away!! Oh, Gods please don't touch me! Thank you." The last part was in response to the panda who offered out the cup. Nestled between two huge minotaur paws the cup seemed tiny.

"That's kinda sad," replied the panda.

"Worst part is sometimes they won't listen. All they see is a monster and they won't follow me to the exit. Half the guys I have to knock out just so I can carry them to the fucking door." The bull took a sip of the tea and then recoiled. "Owww, too hot!" John could not help but smile a little seeing the minotaur sticking out his slightly burnt tongue and then hunch over the cup and blowing softly. "You... you have any biscuits or cookies or anything?"

Ever the attentive host, John proceeded to produce a packet of shortbread biscuits from one of his cupboards. As he nibbled on one the minotaur mumbled, "sorry about before... I don't usually get like that. I just... was disappointed I suppose."

"I'm sorry for... screaming and running. I was just startled," John replied as he took a sip from his own hot tea.

"It's ok. I can understand, waking up with a monster like me in your bed. Most people would have screamed and run," Praxon replied as he took another biscuit. His eyes staring down at his cup, his shoulders hundred defensively.

"You're not a monster," the panda responded quickly. "Pretty sure if you were, well then I'd be dead and not sipping tea with you."

"Thanks," mumbled Praxon. "For the tea and for saying I'm not a monster." The minotaur finished his biscuit and emptied his cup. "What now?"

"I honestly have no idea," John replied, wondering what indeed could happen. Could the minotaur just leave? It had appeared in an instant. Maybe it would be just like his other dreams. The sun would rise and he would wake in the morning alone and unsatisfied. "Maybe a second cup of tea?"

"Please!" Praxon replied instantly holding out his cup. As he took it from the bull's paw their hands touched and John felt a slight thrill. His heart began to beat faster and he felt heat rushing to his face. Looking into Praxon's face the bull turned away smiling a little.

John poured another cup of tea and handed it over. This time Praxon's huge hands engulfed his, just for a moment. He found himself staring into those big brown eyes and his heart began to race again. The moment past and the cup was taken from his fingers and John picked up his own half-drunk tea. "You know... I dreamed about... well about a guy just like you. I have been alone quite a while. Never was much good with men..."

"That I find hard to believe, a cute guy like you. Surely there is a parade of suitors beating a path to your door." The reply made John blush even more and he shook his head. Suddenly the contents of his nearly empty cup were of great interest and he stared deep into them, avoiding two pretty cow eyes.

"No suitors, nobody beating a path to my anything," admitted the panda. "I have some nice friends, but it's mostly just me alone. I don't even have anybody throwing virgins at me." He said in an attempt at humour. It got a small wry smile from the minotaur.

"No adventurers either. Trying to either kill you or sneak past to get to some stupid bloody treasure or something. Like there was gold at the centre of my labyrinth. All there is is a garden. Now my tomatoes are pretty darn amazing, however, they ain't exactly worth all that effort. Plus none of you buggers ever noticed you could just walk around it to get to the tower." Chuckled the bull, taking the last biscuit from the packet.

"No adventurers. Just one day after the other, work and drudgery. The only bright spot being my weekly gaming session with my friends," John replied with a sad smile. "It's ok, but I must admit I have dreamt a lot about what I'd actually do if I ever met something as fantastic as you."

Praxon raised a huge eyebrow and asked, "oh, what would you do?"

Blushing heavily the panda shrugged his shoulders staring at his own paws, "I... well let's just say there was no tea and biscuits."

"That doesn't sound that great, I'm enjoying the tea and..."

"Yeah but that's mainly cause there's so much sex!" John burst out and then covered his muzzle with his paws. "I mean... other kinds of fun things." However, through the corner of his eye, he could see the smile on the bull's face getting wider by the moment.

"Well, nothing to say we can't have both," Praxon said, his voice lower and deeper. John jumped a little as a large hand engulfed his and squeezed gently. "If... if you want to that is."

John felt his heart racing, tingles and thrills ran from his hand up through the rest of his body. He felt his loins stirring and a growing warmth spreading through his body. "I... I think that..." He began hesitantly his own doubts and worries still clawing at his mind.

"Those times you imagined this stuff, did you ever regret what you did?" Asked the minotaur getting to his feet. John jumped a little as the bull moved around the counter to stand next to him. They were both nude and his eyes couldn't help but notice the splash of pink that was dangling just at his chest height as he perched on his stool.

He knew the answer and he knew that logically this should not be happening. Mythical beasts do not show up for tea, a biscuit and a blow job. Yet his nose picked up on the heavily musky scent of growing arousal just inches away. He knew he could back out, but he also knew if he did he would never forgive himself. Maybe by morning, Praxon would be gone and he would wake alone in a bed still damp from his seed. However, he would wake with a fucking smile on his face because there was no way he was going to turn the minotaur away. "No regrets."

The words were barely out of his mouth before he made his move. Reaching out and grasping Praxon's leathery nuts with both paws. There was no hesitation and his head bowed down. Pressing his lips to that thick musky red spear. He moaned deeply as he felt that thick length sliding between his lips. His tongue caressed the hot flesh as he sucked firmly.

Above him, Praxon groaned deeply in pleasure. "Oh... oh yes!" The words seemed loud in the quiet kitchen so late at night. John felt two large hands caressing his cheeks and head gently. He closed his eyes and basked in the sensations. The feel of those heavy nuts in his paws, the musky flavour and earthy scent of the cock. Warm and soft, yet hard against his lips, smooth on his tongue. It filled his muzzle in that wonderful way he had missed for so long.

Sucking firmly he held nothing back bobbing his head quickly. Forcing as much of the bull cock as deep into his mouth as he could. His tongue wild on the minotaurs flesh. While above him Praxon snorted and moaned, the beast stamping his feet on the tiled floor lost in the pleasure. His voice getting louder and louder by the moment. John tugged softly on the huge sweaty bull nuts, hefting the weight just imagining how much they contained.

The hands on his face stroked through his hair and then grasped. The bull's hips starting to move thrusting that thick length into his wanton muzzle eagerly. Praxon's grunting and panting and getting louder with each thrust. "Oh...oh fuck!" The thick length between John's lips throbbed and before he could prepare himself his mouth was flooded with bull spunk. A deep bovine bellow of pleasure escaping the lips of his lover as the minotaur continued to fuck his mouth as if desperate to fuck every last drop he could into the hungry panda.

Swallowing mouthfuls of cum, John kept his lips firmly around the pulsing length milking it. While he felt those sweaty fruits twitch and convulse under his fingertips. The copious volumes of seed were sweet and watery. Far better than the tea he had just drunk, a fully refreshing beverage. The thick spurts began to slow down after a few seconds and the drooling cocktip was pulled from his lips.

Praxon stepped back panting heavily, "I... I had no idea."The minotaur mumbled and John saw the slightly embarrassed look on the creature's face. "I... I'm sorry. I didn't think it would feel so good..." He mumbled shifting his hooves nervously dancing on the spot before the panda. As the last drops of his seed splashed onto the tiles below.

John finally put two and two together, "you're a virgin?" the panda asked softly.

Praxon wrapped his arms around himself, hunching over just a little as if trying to make himself as small as possible. Such an odd sight in one so huge. "Well, it wasn't like I had a lot of options, terrified teenagers and violent adventurers are the only people I meet." The black bull nervously moved a tuft of hair away from his eyes with one paw, it fell back almost instantly. "I'm sorry, I can do better."

"Hey, you did fine. It was nice, I enjoyed it. Sex doesn't have to last hours," the panda said reassuringly, hopping down off his stool and putting his arms around the bull. Or as far around as he could reach, between his own girth and the broad musculature of the minotaur he could not make his fingers meet. Strong arms grasped him and pulled him close against that strong form. A huge bovine muzzle buried into the nape of his neck.

"Y... you liked it?" Praxon asked softly, his voice muffled by John's body.

"Of course, you have a nice cock and it was fun," the panda replied and then asked a question that was burning at the back of his mind. "You said your stepfather banished you when you were twelve... how long ago was that?"

A snort of hot breath against his neck that John interpreted as a laugh, "about twelve years. Just... I didn't really have a chance to... you know... with others anyway."

"So, you've never done anything with anyone?" John asked, relieved by the answer.

The huge horned head shook and then Praxon asked, "you sure it was ok?"

John smiled widely and stroked the bull's cheeks tenderly, "it was way better than just ok." He purred reassuringly and then lifted up onto his tiptoes, pressing his lips to the bull's. Moaning softly as he felt Praxon start to return his kiss, the bull pressing down making it easier. His tongue stroked against those soft lips and then wriggled between them. Tasting the bulls sweetness as delighting in the soft moans of pleasure.

A broad powerful tongue met his, and they danced. Then he pulled back, breaking the kiss with a happy sigh. "That was way better than ok, too." He whispered softly and drank in the joyful smile of the bull's face. John remembered his own first time, how nervous and worried he had been by everything. Every touch and every moment he had worried that he was doing something wrong. While he was far from the most experienced person, he knew better now. He also knew what he really wanted most that first time had been someone to just tell him what to do. "You want to try it yourself? Or do something else? We can do whatever you want, go as fast and slow as you want. We can just make out the rest of the night, or you can try sucking, or we could fuck. Or do you want me to take the lead?"

The huge bull head hung a little lower, "I... would like to return the favour... if you can show me how." Praxon mumbled shyly and John's cock ached to hear those words.

Grasping the counter behind him, the panda nodded, "I can help you there. Just give me a little hand up here." Two strong hands grasped his flanks and he found himself lifted up onto the countertop easily. Perching on the edge with his legs spread akimbo he smiled warmly at the bull. Then he gestured to his erect cock, feeling a little self-conscious at how much smaller he was than the minotaur. "There you go, you want to touch it or taste it you can. Don't worry I'll tell you if you do anything I don't like. Cocks can be sensitive so careful with your teeth."

Praxon stepped forward, swaying a little from one hoof to the other as the bull looked down at the pinkness. John watched calmly as the bull reached out a hand, he smiled to see how slow the creature was moving. He stayed still resisting the urge to flex his cock just to see what the bull would do if it moved. Instead, he waited until he felt the thick fingers lightly touching his shaft. Then he gave a soft pleasured moan, adding a bit of emphasis to help Praxon feel more confident.

Those fingers stroked slowly up and down his shaft as if exploring it. Then a black thumb stroked over his glans and meatus and he gave a genuine moan of joy, little tingles of pleasure blossoming forth. His excitement rising and his cock let loss a few drops of pre. Praxon gasped loudly and that hand was suddenly off his cock, the bull staring at his moist fingertips. "Yeah, that's a sign you are doing good," panted the panda softly and nodded back to his cock, this time he let it flex and he saw the bull's eyes go wide.

Seemingly emboldened the bull reached down, grasping John's cock more firmly and jerking up the shaft slowly. Moans of pleasure were elicited from John's lips. "Fuck yeah, that feels nice. How do you like it?"

The bull's jaw dropped open in surprise as if he had never thought he would be asked questions, "it... feels nice. Kinda like when I touch my own, but also different." The bull eventually replied as his hand resumed its motions. "Am... am I doing ok?" His voice asked in a half-whisper, glancing around almost as if they might suddenly be caught.

"Oh yeah, you're doing real good. That feels so nice. You can go a little faster if you want," John replied encouragingly, bucking his hips just a little thrusting against those fingers. Praxon responded instantly with an increased pace on his hand. The panda moaned louder and louder, "if... if you want to taste it you can." He added, feeling his own confidence grow. John had never taken the lead before. However, he had been on the other side and knew that he had needed someone to give him permission to do more.

For a second he saw a little doubt in the minotaur's face. Then he saw lust and he knew he had judged right. That huge head began to lean forward and lower down. John moaned to feel the beast's hot breath on his cock. He wanted to reach out and caress the bull, but he knew that an unexpected touch might cause Praxon to jump so he held back. Instead, whispering encouragement, "no need to rush, just... take your time we have all night if you..." His encouraging words were suddenly cut off as a wonderful warm engulfed his entire length.

A strong broad tongue stroked over his length. A firm suction pulling it deep. Warm moist breath huffing into his crotch. On pure instinct, John's hands reached out and grasped that huge bovine head. "Ohh... fuck, that's good." He groaned and then whimpered as those plush lips began to slide up his aching length. Quivering the panda felt the suction increase, "ohhh, don't suck too hard. Oh yeah, that's nice. Just like that. Now bob your head, and don't forget your tongue."

John's fingers curled in the bull's black hair. He bit his lips as Praxon obeyed his instructions, that huge head bobbing slowly. His needy cock being swallowed over and over, the warmth surrounding his length wonderfully. Waves of gentle pleasure flowing into his cock as that strong tongue lapped and curled around his length. "Fuck... are you sure this is your first time?" He gasped as he felt his orgasm already drawing near. He bit down on his lip, using the pain to fight away that need. John wanted this moment to last for Praxon and for himself.

That huge head in his lap shook gently in answer. The feel of that mouth twisting around his cock as it shook made him squeal and his cock throbbed. He bit down on his lip so hard he tasted blood as he just managed to pull himself away from the edge. His instincts were screaming at him to thrust, to breed that wonderful warmth and fill it with his seed. Yet he held still, letting the bull take him at its own pace.

With each passing moment, the bull's head moved faster and faster. The suction increasing slightly. "Oh fuck... oh... I'm gonna blow if you keep that up." John whimpered and then squealed out as the bull's response to his words was to move faster and to suck slightly harder. His eager needy length was milked and he could do nothing but ride the pleasure that he was filled with. His cock throbbing much harder as he embraced his orgasm. Giving in to his instincts he bucked up into that wonderful warmth fucking his seed into that hungry maw.

Praxon's mouth stayed sealed around his cock. The bull's strong tongue licking his cock clean of every last drop until the flow finally stopped and then very slowly the bull lifted off. Letting that softening cock slip-free. Praxon stood back up and brushed the hair out of his eyes nervously, once more the unruly mane fell right back into position. "Did... did I do ok?" He asked softly, his gaze on the empty cups on the counter, as if afraid to meet John's eyes.

John smiled and he nodded, "you did wonderfully. Thank you, for making me feel so good." He whispered, his hands stroking down Praxon's arms and grasping the bull's strong mitts. "Really good, how was it for you."

The bull swayed from side to side, shifting his weight from one hoof to the other, "I... really liked it." the last few words came out in a rush with a little giggle. "I think... I'd like to do more. In fact, I know I want to do more." As he spoke the bull pulled John's hands down until they pressed to a fully erect cock. John let his fingers grasp around that length and he felt his own desires being fueled as he stroked up and down that firm throbbing cock.

"Ok, we can do more," the panda replied quickly and loudly. His hand grabbing a bottle off of the countertop as he pushed forward and fell to the floor. Landing a little less gracefully than he had wanted, stumbling slightly. However, it would take far more than a little stumble to stop the aroused bear. "Come on, follow me." He said, reaching out to grasp Praxon's hand and pull the beast with him.

His bed upstairs was far too far away for the lusts burning in his mind. He led the minotaur to his sofa just a few tortuous strides away. His cock was already fully back to life. "Sit here," he said gently guiding the minotaur to the sofa. Moaning in delight to see that thick pink length swaying between those black-furred thighs. It was shaped much like a humans, fitting the human midriff that he could see.

Opening the bottle he had brought he poured out a pawful of olive oil. His mind noticing a few drops drip down onto his carpet. He knew it would take some scrubbing to get them out. However, John also knew it would be worth it. His oil-slicked paw grasped the bull's thickness and Praxon's voice suddenly lifted up in a bellow of pure bestial pleasure. Moving slowly not wanting to bring too much pleasure to the inexperienced bull, not until he was ready anyway.

"There, nice and slick," the panda moaned softly. "All ready for more." He added as he let go of the cock and stepped forward. Climbing up quickly his legs spread wide as he straddled the bull's lap. He sat down and whimpered as he felt that thick length hot dogging between his buttocks. Looking up into those soft brown eyes he found them full of lust and need. A look he knew was showing in his own eyes.

Pressing up he kissed Praxon softly on the lips, moaning at the warmth and the taste. Musky, earth, sweetness and just a hint of panda cum. An intoxicating combination and yet he forced himself to break the kiss. "I'm going to guide you in soon. It's going to feel really warm and tight around you. You're going to want to thrust, try not to but it's ok if you can't help yourself." A deep rumbling moan of pleasure vibrated out of the bull's chest as John spoke.

"Try to relax and if anything hurts, or it's too tight. Let me know, ok?" The panda whispered urgently as he felt his needs and lusts grow exponentially. He promised himself he would stop if the minotaur said to. However, he also prayed that he would not have to. Grasping the bull's cock with an eager paw he guided the tip as he lifted himself up.

Feeling a tingle of expectation as he guided that slick tip to his pucker. John kissed the bull passionately. His tongue invading Praxon's maw hungrily exploring. Praxon returned the kiss with equal passion. As their tongues danced, John lowered his hips and they gasped in unison as that thick tip pressed through his ring. The panda felt himself stretching around the wonderful meat.

His chest pressed to the minotaur's and he felt the drumbeat of a heart pounding and racing. The speed matching his own and then he pressed down further. Their tongues growing more passionate as each thick throbbing inch slid inside him. John felt a little blossom of pain as he was stretched wide, but his lustful needs overwhelmed any thought of stopping. Pain was irrelevant, he needed to feel that length fully inside him.

With a joint cry of bliss and triumph, John felt his hips press down to Praxon's crotch. Those fat leathery minotaur orbs pressing against his buttocks. That wonderful length was fully inside him and he paused. Just basking in the feeling of fullness, and letting Praxon adjust to the feeling of being inside someone.

His paws caressed the bull's cheeks lovingly and reassuringly. Stealing soft kisses from the bovine's lips as he watched the bull growing accustomed to the wonderful sensations around his length. "Are you ok?" he whispered before stealing another kiss from the bull. Sighing happily as he felt that cock inside him trembling slightly.

"I... oh you feel so good," whispered the bull in response and John smiled to hear it.

Taking another kiss and a breath of musky air John replied, "you feel so good too, inside me. I'm going to start moving again soon. You're going to want to move too. It's ok if you do, but try to hold back a little." John explained, and the words were hardly out of his mouth before he began to lift up again. Groaning as that thickness began to slide out from his needy depths. Letting it move an inch or two before his need for more forced him to push back down.

Their lips were pressed together, sharing each and every moan of bliss. Their tongues sliding gracefully against one another. John slid up and down once more, as he devoured every wonderful sound his lover made. Then again, letting more slip free this time and pushing down much faster. His own needy cock was stroking up the bull's naked torso, drooling pre all over those perfectly formed abs and navel.

Praxon's strong hands slipped down to grasp his hips and suddenly he felt the bull buck up into him. The sudden fullness making him squeal in pleasure. The bull was clearly emboldened by the sounds he made for he thrust again and again. Or maybe he had just lost control. John did not care which, his body craved the touch and sensations the bull drove into him. He bucked down into each thrust.

Kissing with a fevered passion, sounds of pleasure growing between the two of them. Their bodies writhed together. Thrusting, bucking, grinding lewdly as they made love. That thickness reaming ever deeper and harder into his depths. The pain was all gone, each motion, no matter how savage, only served to fuel his burning lusts more. John bucked faster and faster his body matching the minotaur's actions move for move. They worked in perfect harmony.

John cried out breaking the kiss. Unable to restrain himself any more he bucked with all his might. While Praxon bellowed beneath him. The bull's hands grasping down tightly, possessively holding him as that thick meat thundered up, pummeling into his wanton and needy ass. The room filled with the sloppy slapping sounds of those heavy balls drumming off John's spread buttocks.

Their bucking getting wilder by the moment, John felt Praxon suddenly tense up and the bull's head tilted back. A heartbeat later that thickness fucked up into him with a savage intensity he had never experienced. John squealed out in bliss, unable to do anything but take the savage mating the bull was giving him. While inside he felt a warmth spreading and he knew that soon he would feel the cum inside him leaking out.

He reached down desperately grasping his own cock. Jerking it rapidly as he rode out that savage bucking beast. The savage pummeling driving him quickly over the edge, his own seed painted the minotaur's human half as he squealed. Praxon moaned loudly in pleasure, no doubt at the feeling of the panda orgasming around his length. The two bucked together, slowing down as their orgasms began to fade. Until they came to a stop, panting heavily still conjoined in the lewdest of ways.

"Come... come back to my labyrinth with me, I don't want to be alone anymore." Praxon gasped through panted breaths.

John moaned softly and then shook his head, "naw, virgins, adventurers and no decent toilet facilities or wifi." The panda replied breathlessly and the bull's joyful expression melted into pure despair. However, the panda added, "stay here with me instead. Neither of us has to be alone, but let's keep all the mod cons." He offered with a chuckle.

For a moment Praxon looked nonplussed, "that... I had never thought of that as an option. Would a monster like me here?"

Placing a finger against the bull's lips John said firmly, "never call yourself a monster again. You're no monster and as long as you wear a shirt people will think you are just a bull. I mean you might have to explain the hands and hooves, but people probably won't want to ask. No more chasing down virgins or fighting adventurers."

"O...ok, I'd like to stay," Praxon sighed softly, his arms going around the panda. John smiled and lost himself in that embrace.

The city was mostly silent. The sun still a few hours from rising. Halloween decorations dangled in the breeze and a couple of late-night drinkers were staggering home. Dressed in cheap skeleton costumes, heavily stained. The shutters were down on every shop and there was no light save from the street lamps and from one window, above an old junk shop. A strange blue glow emanated. The two revellers were far too drunk to notice.

However, inside the store clerk was staring intently at a blue glowing ball. Watching images of John and the minotaur as they snuggled. The clerk had cast off his daily clothes and costume. No longer a normal bear, he had batlike wings and demon horns. Slightly translucent, and blue in colour. With the right light, you could see right through him. "Now there's a surprise!" He announced to the rooms two other occupants. A rabbit and tiger, laying on a sofa dozing in each other's arms. Their cocks drooling slightly and both of their asses leaking blue sugary liquid.

The rabbit raised his head, "what is?" He murmured, while the tiger just snorted in his hazy sleep and rolled over to snuggle up against his lover.

"The last one chose to stay here, poppet," the demon muttered, moving his hands and making the blue glowing orb expand and the image of the two lovers grow. "They almost always agree to go, that's the point of giving them their desires, love. A human wanting to be loved gets a werewolf lover. A rabbit wanting to be fucked gets a bugbear that will never tire of breeding him. A cheetah who wants to be dominated gets a dragon more than up for the task. Lastly, the panda who didn't want to be alone was supposed to go with his new minotaur lover. Instead, he chose to let the minotaur stay."

Shrugging his shoulders the rabbit replied, "does it matter?"

Frowning and leaning forward the demon shook his head, "not so much. However, it took a lot of magic to set up that world for them, and I had to split off parts of myself to become their lovers..."

"Does that mean they are all your lovers?" Asked the rabbit with a yawn.

The demon rolled his eyes and muttered, "mortals," under his breath. "No Chris, like I explained last time, I have to use part of myself so that I get the energy back from their sex..."

"I thought you got your energy from fucking us," mumbled the rabbit as he stroked the tiger.

"Well yes, that's the best kind of energy. However, it's draining on you guys and this way is sort of better." replied the demon slowly. "You guys need a proper break or I'll drain you dry and I do so enjoy your company. These creatures I create from part of myself, but they are their own beings. Both sides must be independent and consenting. A trapped unwilling soul cries out, the angels would hear and know that I have escaped hell."

"They aren't stuck there forever are they?" Chris asked waking up a little more and looking at the images.

"Only as long as they wish to be there. However, as long as they are together I will be able to draw energy from their unions and that will fuel my... endeavours," smiled the demon bear with a wink.

"Even the one that didn't go?" The inquisitive rabbit asked.

"All of them. Now we all need to rest. It has been a very long night," With another flick of his wrist the demon bear slashed through the glowing ball and it vanished leaving them in darkness. "Now to bed, poppet, and rest up. You both gave and took like champions and I will make sure that when you wake tomorrow there will be a breakfast fit to reward your efforts."

The rabbit got to his feet and woke the slumbering tiger enough to stand. The tiger blinked and looked around wearily, "are we done making stuff?" He asked with a yawn.

The demon bear smiled and nodded, "you are done indeed, my wonderful brave darling. Now off to sleep, poppets and dream of naughty things." He walked over to the window and looked out with a smile as he felt the power from his new thralls starting to trickle in, replenishing that which he had spent to entrap them. Soon he would have an excess and that would allow him to do much more than simple parlour tricks. His eyes flashed as he added in a low voice, "it'll be time to unleash some fun on this world, soon."

I have just published a brand new anthology of sexy orc stories, please see the information in the journal below for links on where you can buy a copy.

Orc anthology

I published an Ebook of sexy orc story series, The books can be found at the links below.Thanks for reading UK US

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I've just published a new Novella available in both ebook and hardcopy (after a vote on twitter showed an overwhelming desire for a hardcopy to be available)

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Amazon UK Hard Copy

Amazon USA Ebook

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