It came from the sea

Story by TriciaLark on SoFurry

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This is my individual entry in the first anthology from the "Eronomicon Society" ( - it's free!), which I am publishing separately to make it easier to find for anyone who wants to read all of my story. It also introduces some lore elements and characters from my fantasy setting centered around the city of Calrays, which I develop in almost all of my books; they all have monster fucking scenes, and a variety of kinks.

You can find my Smashwords account here, if you want to check it out (I have only one other story for now, but more are coming): - you can find this story there in ebook form, with prettier formatting!

FINALLY, THE BIG DAY had come! My very first one as an official crew member of the famous Curious Mermaid. Well, "famous" was maybe stretching it a little. Captain Darriez was still an up-and-coming explorer, but he was certainly very promising, and braver than most. Ever since the Fog Barrier that had magically blocked the way to the Marindi islands had finally disappeared, he had been one of the first ones to prepare an expedition. They had stayed unexplored for hundreds of years, and had never been well-known even before that. That was the reason he was bringing me along: I had just graduated from the Calrays Navy Academy as a licensed cartographer. There weren't that many of us, now that most of the world had been mapped out, and even less who wished to go to such a dangerous place. Even though the half-goddess Archae had brought her army of sea monsters with her when leaving the islands-trying and failing to conquer the neighboring continent-no one quite knew what she might have left behind. But my thirst for adventure was so strong that I was ready to face any risks, no matter how serious.

To be completely honest, my growing crush on Darriez was also no stranger to my decision. I had seen him at a conference he gave for my school, and I had been enamored with the daring explorer ever since. I would never miss out on the chance of getting close to him, especially in such a context! It was well-known, after all, that going through such adrenaline-filled circumstances helped people get friendlier with each other. And potentially hornier. If the manly captain ever wanted a woman to satisfy his every need, I would make sure to satisfy him.

Not that I really knew how to do that, to be completely honest. My studies had left me with no free time and now at twenty-one years old, I was still a virgin, to my secret shame. I knew how things were supposed to happen in theory; my friends had told me all about their own experiences, and I had been reading as much lewd literature as I could get my hands on these last few months. Consequently, I had frequent bouts of arousal whenever my thoughts happened to wander, which was bound to be quite frequent whenever Darriez was in my vicinity. This morning, I had needed ten more minutes than usual to pack my things, which were mostly spent lying on my bed with my hand between my thighs, moaning the explorer's name.

And now, after getting ready, I had arrived in front of the ship. It was tall and large, as more than thirty men were supposed to embark for a weeks-long trip. The captain was already on the deck, inspecting some crates, and a shiver ran along my spine as I was getting closer. My heart pounded in my chest as I climbed the footbridge leading to the boat. Hearing my steps on the creaking wood, he raised his head, his dreamy gaze meeting mine. I reached out to shake his hand, somewhat hesitantly.

"Greetings, Captain. I'm Nelin, the..."

"Oh, our cartographer! Welcome, welcome!" His hand grabbed mine to answer my gesture, and I immediately felt my crotch moisten as warmth filled me. Up close, he was even more handsome than I remembered, and smelled like a mixture of spices and leather. "We're all very glad to have you with us. Most mapmakers are quite brave, but not many of them answered our call, and truly, I can understand that! Who really knows what horrors might wait for us out there? But my curiosity always gets the best of me!"

"I won't lie, I can't help but worry a bit," I admitted with a light chuckle. "But I chose this job because I wanted to live an adventurous life, and the risks are part of its charm!"

"Ah, yes, I like this mindset." He nodded enthusiastically. "You'll fit right in with the rest of my crew! And don't worry, we're tough, we'll protect each other if needed. Now, come! You have a personal cabin, just next to mine."

He took my bag and turned away, thankfully just in time not to see my cheeks redden. I couldn't help but wonder if there was a door between his room and mine, if he could sneak in at night, and-

But this was not the time to let my wild fantasies take away my focus. I followed him to my personal quarters and quickly unpacked my things, before the ship finally left the docks. I spent a moment on the deck, staring at the bustling city that was getting further and further away. Would I really see it again in two months as envisioned? Who knew if we wouldn't get lost, end up sunken somewhere, or even attacked by the vengeful half-goddess herself? But leaving was my decision, and I stood by it. It was too late to go back now, anyway.

I then went to meet the rest of the sailors. They were friendly and easy to talk to, and before the end of the day, we were already chatting like old friends. Most of them were experienced, and some had even seen the Marindi islands from afar; they were only a few sailing days away, if the winds were strong and no tempest slowed us down. There were many patches of land, but most of them were small, judging from what previous explorers had seen through the deep fog. Now that we could finally reach the archipelago, we might discover bigger dry areas-and, on them, possible traces of ancient civilizations. If that was the case, Darriez' fame as an explorer was sure to grow, and it would probably benefit my own career.

I didn't have much to do yet, so all of my time was spent either talking with the crew or watching the captain from afar. I soon had to excuse myself to my cabin, feeling once again the need to touch myself, this time more silently than in the morning. I couldn't wait until I could finally spread my legs for him, feel his rough hands on my soft skin, hear him groan when discovering how wet and tight I was. How could I make it all happen? I would probably need to be patient, deepen our bond slowly, and then jump on any opportunity-that would inevitably arise, or so I thought. But it felt like my urges were now growing by the hour, and the wait would be a difficult one.

Dinner then went on without issues, and everyone headed to bed. I was hoping to see the captain enter my cabin, but was disappointed, although not surprised. It wasn't easy falling asleep, as the trip had me both nervous and excited, but I finally managed to get some rest.

The following days flew by. We were still in well-known territory, so I didn't have anything to map out yet; I took the opportunity to learn more about sailing responsibilities, and to talk with Darriez as often as I could without becoming a bother. The more I got to know him, the more charmed I was, and I felt like my attraction was beginning to be mutual. More than once, I felt his gaze following me, and he always seemed happy whenever we could spend time together. Although I was careful not to rush things, despite my growing desire to bend over for him whenever we were alone in a room. I knew better than to risk ruining my chances, and it's not like I was in a hurry otherwise.

After two weeks, I was woken up by the lookout excitedly screaming.

"Land! Land Ahoy!"

I hurriedly put on my clothes and ran to the deck, where the crew was already gathered. Everyone was staring into the distance, where, indeed, vague silhouettes could be seen. It was still pretty far away, but my heart was racing already.

"Only one day of sailing left", said the captain right next to me. His eyes were brighter than ever, and his expression was one of both joy and determination. I knew how impatient he had been to finally see the islands himself, as a true adventure lover.

He turned to me, smiling. "We need to celebrate! Tell me, are you free this evening?"

My face flushed. "I'm always free for you!" I couldn't help but blurt out. His smile widened, and he nodded.

"That's great, then! I'll come to get you a bit before sunset, and we can admire it together. We'll be very close to the islands by then, and I'm sure it will be a beautiful view!"

My heart fluttered. This definitely had romantic undertones, and I was now almost certain that everything was going as I hoped. I had definitely made the right decision! Darriez finally left my side to go back to work, and the crowd soon dispersed as well. I spent the day preparing my future maps, now that I was about to see the lands up close. I would have way less free time starting tomorrow, which was probably why the captain wanted to spend the evening with me now.

The hours seemed to linger on for years, but finally, a knock on my door announced his arrival. I had put my prettiest dress on, and he gave me an appreciating look when I opened to greet him once again. We went to sit at the bow of the boat, where the first small islands were now definitely visible, just a few miles away. There weren't many trees on them; they mostly looked like desolate patches of land, surrounded by high, sharp rocks. Nothing really exciting yet, but we spent the following half hour discussing what he hoped to discover there. Surely there would be something, since this had been the home of a legendary, and still mysterious, deadly half-goddess and her army for such a long time. The place had stirred some interest in every part of the continent, and other expeditions were in preparation already, but the captain's one was the very first one, and as such, the most important. Both of us had received several requests from various individuals and groups, including one from a mysterious "Eronomicon Society", which desired information on any unusual beings we might find.

Finally, once the sun had fully sunken into the sea, Darriez led me to his cabin. It was barely wider than mine, and full of various memorabilia from his previous travels, which he started telling me anecdotes about. I had always loved sea stories-which was one of the reasons why I had chosen my profession-and he was so enthusiastic about it that I couldn't help but be fascinated. What wouldn't I give for him to take me in his arms, press his lips against me in a passionate kiss, lift my dress up and throw me on the bed! A now familiar moistness was already soaking my underpants, and my pussy was almost throbbing impatiently while my thoughts wandered more and more wildly. This man liked me, of that I was almost certain. Should I make it known to him that I was fully his already? That I dreamt of spreading my legs wide, to be stretched and filled by his engorged cock, to moan under him at each powerful thrust? Had I been alone, my hand would be between my thighs already, two fingers plunging into me almost desperately.

Suddenly, something heavy hit the hull of the ship violently, startling us both. A few seconds later, the whole boat was shaking from the bottom, and screams erupted outside. Those were not shouts of joy, and my stomach tightened, while the captain's expression was now full of worry.

"Stay here," he muttered. Taking his gun out, he opened the door, and I couldn't help but take a peek at the deck.

I let out a horrified gasp.

Gigantic tentacles-at least a dozen of them-were slithering across the boat, seemingly chasing sailors. One was suddenly grabbed by the waist, lifted from the ground while he cried in terror, and quickly thrown into the sea with an audible splash. Darriez froze for a second, before running out and shooting another tentacle that was lunging for one of his men. The appendage recoiled, a black, sticky substance oozing out of the wound, and finally plunged back into the water.

"We can fight them!" He shouted to the panicked crew. "Everyone, regroup in small teams and shoot in turns! Those who don't have firearms, go get bullets and black powder! We need coordination!

My whole body was shaking. I finally closed the door for a few seconds, breathing deeply to try and collect myself, then headed out to get to the stairs leading to the hold. I didn't know how to fight, but I could still help those who did. Running as fast as I could, I went looking for kegs of powder, where some sailors were already busy making small bags of it to bring back to the shooters. I took some of them with me, but before I could head back to the deck, we suddenly heard a sinister creak of the hull under us. For a moment, everything went quiet.

And then a tentacle bursted through the ground, immediately followed by a geyser of water.

Panic and confusion spread like a fire, in a new concert of terrified screams. More appendages were breaking through the wood, and even though I was running to the stairs, I could tell that the sailors were taken one by one. My breath was ragged, my vision blurry, and it was as if my heart was about to explode.

I climbed the stairs so fast I was almost jumping over them, shaking so violently it was almost a miracle I could still use my legs. When I arrived outside, an eerie silence welcomed me, stopping me dead in my tracks.

No sign of the monster in sight. No sight of anything.

All the crew was gone, leaving behind a spectacle of devastation. The boat was full of holes, everywhere; the mast broken in two, the sails ripped. Water was gurgling in the hold, filling it quickly, and the ship was already going sideways.

The horror of my situation suddenly hit me at full force: everyone was dead, and I was sinking.

My legs finally gave out, and I fell on my knees. Despair surged inside me. How? How could have it all happened so fast? Less than ten minutes ago, everything was fine. And now...

Something poked against my back. Wet. Almost slimy.

My heart skipped a beat.

A tentacle wrapped around my waist, and dragged me away from the deserted ship.



Why was I still alive?

Everything was dark. My eyes were barely getting used to the lack of light, and I could make out the overall shape of the damp cave I was now in. I was sitting on a big, smooth rock, and could hear water splashing around it.

For some reason, the creature that attacked hadn't brought me into the waves, like it did for all the others. Instead, keeping me just above water, it had brought me with it to one of the islands, entering a tunnel that led to some sort of underground room. I didn't get to have a good view of the monster, but it was enormous, its color a deep green. After putting me where I was now waiting, it had left.

Was I supposed to be some sort of snack for whenever it got hungry again?

I was trembling-from the cold, fear, shock. What could be done, now? Should I try to escape? I wasn't sure I would have the strength to swim all the way outside. And even if I did, what could I do? The only land around were the other Marindi islands, and who knew what kind of other horrors I would meet there? Even if I got lucky and avoided unlucky encounters, I wasn't exactly a specialist of outdoor survival. And, sure, there were other expeditions supposedly coming here, but not before a few weeks at least.

My future definitely seemed bleak, if I even had one past the next few hours.

I caught a movement in the corner of my eyes, pulling me away from my thoughts. I tried to stand up, but my body refused to answer me, and I could only stare at the vast form slowly emerging, drops of water rolling around it. It emitted a powerful smell of algae and rotten wood, slightly sweet-but mixed with the metallic tinge of blood.

The monster was back.

I closed my eyes when its tentacles started slithering on the rock, slowly approaching me. Was my death coming? I almost felt relieved at this thought.

And then, I jumped in surprise when a deep voice echoed in my head - in my mind itself.

Look at me, little thing.

My eyelids slowly slid open. Two big, yellow eyes were shining in the darkness, staring at me. And tentacles were circling me, barely moving.

"You're able to talk...?" I muttered, trying to not sound too frightened. I hadn't considered the possibility that this creature could be sentient, but it wasn't necessarily surprising; a monster of this size was almost certainly a magical being.

In a way. The means don't matter. What does is that you belong to me, now.

"I-I'm sorry? What do you want? Why... Why did you kill everyone else...?" My voice was almost breaking. I had to fight back tears.

My territory. My property. I don't allow intruders. I know how they are. Taking or destroying everything.

"We were just there to explore... To gather knowledge."

One of his appendages wrapped itself around my ankle, startling me. The creature seemed to get more agitated.

Lies! Or ignorance! You might not come to conquer. But the others. They would.

I didn't know what to answer. It probably wasn't wrong, after all: if there was anything of interest on this island, someone would come to try to take it for themselves, sooner or later. And would this creature be left to its own devices? That was unlikely.

"You could have... Just scared us away."

Your kind is persistent. I was warned about them. Better to scare them once than fight again and again.

I wrapped my arms around my torso, as if to keep myself warm. Tiredness made my whole body feel heavy and weak. I couldn't think of anything other than the pain, the loneliness. The unfairness. The sailors on that boat weren't bad people; they had hopes and dreams, and they thought they were doing something for the good of everyone else. Had they been wrong? I couldn't tell, but how could they deserve such a cruel and meaningless fate?

Another tentacle slithered towards my leg, grabbing my other ankle.

No sadness. That is not good. I liked your smell. I want it again.

"My... What?"

I raised my head again, staring at my captor in astonishment.

The smell from earlier. Coming from there.

I could feel it slide along my calf, then my thigh. I shuddered, fighting the urge to swat it away. It stopped a few inches away from my crotch.

My stomach dropped. Could the creature be talking about the arousal I had been feeling while discussing with Darriez? It had quickly disappeared once the monster attacked the ship, but it had left traces, wetting my underpants until the sea washed my juices away.

"I can't..." My voice was shaking again. "I can't feel like that anymore. It was thanks to the captain. You killed him. Now, I'm just... I could never-"

I let out a cry of surprise when the tentacle moved again, reaching fully between my thighs. It was wet and rubbery, almost throbbing, and I could feel the suction cups through the cloth. Then, my panties were pulled away and ripped from me.

"No! No, please, I beg you, don't do this!"

I tried to crawl away, but it wouldn't let me. In an instant, my arms were bound, my legs spread apart, and my dress torn in two, the crack of the fabric echoing through the cave. The rock was colder than ever against my now bare skin. Feelings of terror and helplessness were erasing every other thought. Letting that thing use me as it liked was my best shot at survival, but how? How could I let a monster make me into its plaything?

I had no say in the situation, though, and soon it was slithering all over my pussy again. My clit was still sensitive from all the stimulation from the previous days, and when one of the suction cups latched onto it, I couldn't help but moan slightly. I bit my lower lip to try and muffle the sound, my cheeks burning with shame.

In response, the pressure grew slowly before relaxing once more. Then beginning anew. As afraid as I was, I couldn't help but think that this felt better than everything I had ever done to myself. My back arched as if by itself, and the creature forced me to lie down completely, my wrists now kept together above my head. Other tentacles rubbed my breasts, wrapping around them, lightly pinching my nipples. My breath was ragged, my face flushed from a mixture of fear and pleasure as I tried to avoid making any noise, but when I felt an appendage brushing against my moist slit, I let out a gasp. It was opening it, spreading it apart.

My whole body stiffened. "No! Not that! Anything but that!"

It didn't listen.

The cold, moist thing was now inside me, slowly pushing against my internal walls, forcing its way through. It was larger than the fingers I had occasionally put in my pussy, and soon, it was deeper inside as well. A sudden sharp pain made me jolt, and I cried out softly, tears now rolling on my cheeks. The creature had taken my virginity for good.

It was staring at me, not moving except for its rubbery arms, and I closed my eyes to escape this chilling gaze. What did it want from me? Was all this really just because it enjoyed my smell of arousal, or did it have something else in mind...?

The suction on my breasts kept increasing, but it was not enough to distract me from the appendage that seemed to be endlessly going on, shoving itself inside my most private of areas without giving me any chance of resisting it. I could feel it twitching inside me. My back arched again when it finally stopped, pressing against the entrance of my womb. Could a man ever reach this far? This monster was giving me sensations I could never have elsewhere, of this I was now certain.

I slowly relaxed my muscles. My arousal couldn't be denied anymore, and I realized I had been loudly moaning for some time already. I had to give in; I wanted to. What else could I do but enjoy these newfound delights? The tentacle was thrusting inside me, sluggishly at first, then faster and faster. I was tightening around it, as if I craved more stimulation still.

My legs were spread wider once again, and another appendage started sliding inside me. My eyes widened. Could I really take that in? It was stretching me almost painfully, but my hips were searching for it. I wanted to be filled. To know pleasures I couldn't have ever dreamed of.

I groaned as the tentacle was progressing slowly, but mercilessly. My thighs were shaking, but I was already starting to get used to it, to crave it. And, soon, both were reaching my womb. They rested there for a few seconds while I was catching my breath.

Then, the creature wrapped another arm around my waist. My eyes opened in surprise as I was lifted from the ground. For a second, I panicked; did it want to eat me, now that I was fully aroused again and my juices dripped from my burning hot pussy? But it stopped moving after raising me just enough that I didn't reach the rock under me anymore. The monster was staring at me more intently than ever.

The appendages inside me started going out. And then-

Were jammed back inside in one thrust. I screamed.

The monster pounded me. Hard. Fast. Deep inside. I could barely take air in, and my legs were helplessly twitching, unable to stop anything. The creature was so strong I couldn't even think of fighting back.

And the truth was that I didn't want to.

My thoughts were eroding away, replaced by pure, shameless ecstasy. All fear was gone, and I abandoned my body to my captor. It was everywhere around me, on me, its cups stimulating every sensitive part, its many tentacles slithering on my bare skin. I let my head hang back, fully focused on taking the pleasure in, as it played with me like its puppet.

My mind went completely blank as I finally came, my internal walls gripping almost desperately on the rubbery arms still ravaging me. And it kept going, again and again. I begged it to do it, to never stop, whenever I managed to breathe enough that I could cry out. I felt like I was burning inside, overwhelmed by ever growing sensations.

I came again.

And again, in waves sending shivers all over my body.

The master of these lands was right: it owned me. I was its property. And I desired it more than anything. Nothing else mattered anymore; the pain, the terror, all the deaths that were caused by our foolish endeavor.

There was only this pleasure now.

Had I paid attention, I would have noticed my skin graying, the thin layer growing between my toes, my eyesight subtly changing. But the only thoughts echoing in my head were those of my master, that I could hear more clearly than ever. As if they were truly mine.

And, after all, why would I have not wanted these delights to last - for_all eternity_?