On New Ground

Story by lexcoyote on SoFurry

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The three-room apartment was soundless on the brisk autumn morning, until a sharp buzzing noise split the air. I sat straight up in my bed and blinked slamming my paw down on my alarm clock I flopped back down in my bed and grumbled into my pillow. My mother walked in about 5 minutes later and yanked me out of bed by my tail. "Come on Sakrai It's time for school its your first day of college. So I got up and went to the bathroom after doing my business I looked into the mirror. I am about 5'7 I am an anthropomorphic house cat classified as a Neko Boy by the Japanese. I ran the comb through the mass of my stringy black hair and straightened out my whiskers brushing the fur on my neck as I slipped on a turtleneck and A pair of drawstring shorts. I ran down the stairs and grabbed my backpack I was out the door and I hopped onto my bike headed for Bremen College. I got to the school and got my first real view of it sure I had been to the campus before to register but I was to busy trying to avoid my mother then look at the building itself. It was a pretty large campus with 4 classroom buildings a huge student union building a library and a gym.

I padded into the main building and to the registration office. After getting my schedule and my class numbers I walked out of the office and down the hall. My first class was not for a half-hour so I had a chance to look around. I turned a corner before walking down the hallway that joined the main office and the student union. My eyes widened as I stood in the entrance it was huge with a cafeteria a huge stage for bands an area where some club tables were set up A study area and an Espresso bar. The mix of beings amazed me as well I had not seen very many other furs in the town of Gilroy Florida since I had moved here but here they were fur and human alike. I backed up a step and almost fell over a small otter morph I quickly got to my feet and she looked startled she blinked at me and chattered angrily I blushed and bowed. "Umm s-sorry I didn't see where I was going." "Well be more careful next time kitty boy!" She stated meanly she then turned and marched off. I mentally kicked myself and padded to a table slumping into the chair I did not seem to notice the huge male tiger sitting at the table until I looked up I paled. "Umm I umm sorry..." I got up and turned to go walking quickly out of the student union and to my first class.

My first class was Art I was pretty good at drawing but the class itself was boring we just sat there and read an essay on the different styles of paintings. I was hungry I could hear my stomach growling so I walked to the cafeteria with the three dollars my mom had given me I got a hamburger and a Cherry Coke. I walked to a table and checked to see if it was empty this time, I then sat down eating my lunch slowly my eyes were looking all bout me the Hub was alive with students eating lunch studying or just chatting. As I was getting up to put my wrapper in the trash I felt a paw touch my shoulder I froze and turned to see it belonged to that big tiger from before. I was shaking he said softly. "Well aren't you going to introduce yourself I mean you just sat at my table this morning like you belonged there." My knees went to jelly and I gulped. "Uh my names S-Sakrai I didn't mean to do that this morning." I looked about frantically hoping the tiger would let me go after all this wasn't high school students paid to go here why would he beat me up if he was paying money out of his own pocket to go here. "A big grin came to the striped cats muzzle and I felt sick to my stomach. "It's fine really." He said "My names Jason its your first day of school I bet huh?" I nodded and showed relief he smiled and spoke again "What's say I buy you something more to eat and we get to know each other more eh?" I had already eaten of course but I was not about to say no to this tiger. We sat and ate for about twenty minutes I told him about myself and he told me how he was trying out for the football team and had a scholarship for football. After about a half-hour of chatting he smiled and I stood I smiled and said. "Thanks for the food but I really should be going." He blinked and said "Why you said your next class wasn't for an hour and a half." I paled He grinned and said softly he leaned in to my ear his breath was hot and a little sour "Come on I know this place we can go what's a matter? I don't bite...unless you want me to."

I almost feinted he was coming on to me, not that I minded, I am gay but I did not really expect it so with a slow nod I agreed. We walked across campus to the gym. Inside we went he walked in front of me. For the first time I really noticed how he looked he was not as big as I thought, he was about 6'0 and very muscular, his tail swayed behind him showing me glimpses of his ass. I licked my lips a bit at the thoughts of what he might have in store. He led me to the men's locker room and padded in-between a row of lockers. I followed he turned to face me a big grin on his face. I went up to him and his paw reached down gripping my hip my heart was in my throat and I gulped a few times. He said in a low voice. "Relax kiddo ill be gentle." It wasn't really him being gentle I was worried about it was someone walking in on us He reached up and slipped his shirt off and I got to see how muscular he really was he was a hunk I could not believe this was happening I could already feel my excitement in my pants my tail flicked behind me in anticipation. He grinned again showing off his sharp tiger fangs this sent a chill up my spine but I stood there waiting for his next move. This came rather quickly he stepped right up to me and leaned down his muzzle meeting mine. I gasped and froze shocked a bit but soon I got into it kissing back my paws wrapped around his waist rubbing slowly up and down his lower back. I could feel him purring through his chest loud and deep. I was purring to but his purrs made us both vibrate a bit.

His paws reached up underneath my shirt his finger pads rubbed over my stiff nipples I gasped and closed my eyes. My tongue slipped into his muzzle rubbing back and fourth on his own tapered feline tongue. He slipped my shirt off of me and grinned parting the kiss his eyes stared into mine his eyes were a deep jade I could of got lost in them. He leaned over kissing me again and he pressed our bodies as close as they could get his strong arms wrapped around me. I felt safe warm secure I could of stayed like this forever. But he had different plans his paw moved down to the drawstring on my shorts pulling at it his paw slipped inside my shorts. My eyes opened and I moaned loudly into the kiss as his fingers wrapped around my already erect kitten hood it throbbed in his paw a bit of precum dribbling onto his paw. He broke the kiss and grinned. "Well aren't you a big kitty?" He smiled and his paws slipped my shorts down over my legs. My eyes went big at what he did next he dropped to his knees and moved his paw flicking his tongue out over the head of my cock. I made a soft mew in pleasure my head tilting back. He continued his tongue wrapping around the flared head of my cock slowly drawing the whole length into his hot moist mouth. I whimpered and squirmed I could feel the pressure slowly begin to build I was to lost in lust to worry about anyone busting in on us. He slowly took my shaft deeply into his muzzle holding it there his tongue holding it and gently caressing it I kept moaning and mewing as my body shook. He then started slowly sucking his lips began moving up and down my flesh I reached out holding onto a locker as my hips jerked to this.

My eyes closed and I moaned again as his head began bobbing up and down my prick quickly now. I started sweating, beads of sweat running down my face I shivered again my other paw went to his head pressing down on it as he kept sucking on my kitten hood. His sucking increased he was now determined to drive me over the edge soon I was humping into his muzzle in a frenzy. I let out moan after loud moan my tail jerking as my hips kept humping frantically. Then I couldn't handle it anymore The pressure built up and I felt my ball sack hug tightly to my body as my pleasure peaked. I threw my head out and let out a loud and high-pitched scream. My cock began shooting its load of sweet kitty seed into his muzzle which he greedily drank down I kept humping until my climax ebbed I was panting and I looked down as he raised his head licking his lips. "Mmm tasty kitty." He stood and kissed me again I could taste my own cum on his tongue I reached down with a paw and could feel he was rock hard in his sweats

I broke the kiss and looked at him. "What are we going to do about this?" I said coyly a grin on my face. He perked his ears and chuckled. "What do you want to do with it?" I grinned even bigger and giggled "Fuck me here!" He smiled widely and said, "All right but with your scream someone might come to see whose getting beat up in here." I laughed and sat down on the bench spreading my legs wide I laid back and he pulled his sweats down. My eyes centered on his prick it was about 7 inches long and THICK I squirmed at the thought of him ramming it inside of me I spread my legs wider. He padded up to me and knelt by the bench. Leaning forward he kissed me again I closed my eyes and kissed back but I opened them again and let out another scream into his mouth as I felt him slide into me his cock felt like a broom handle being shoved in there. He slowly slipped himself all the way up inside me and I shivered. It hurt a hell of a lot I closed my eyes and he licked tenderly at my neck purring comfortingly to me He held me there until the pain began to fade and I got used to the feeling of him inside me. I nodded to him and spread my legs a bit wider.

He slowly began to move his hips sliding almost all the way out before moving his hips forward and pushing back inside of me. He let out a low moan and his purring got more intense as he repeated this I closed my eyes sinking into the feeling of being made love to. My fingers curled in his back fur as he began thrusting his hips jerking a bit as he rocked my body with his thrusts. I purred and let out low moans as he did the same after a few moments his actions began to get more desperate. He began pounding into me his thrusts shorter more rapid. I arched my back and humped back against him as he rammed his cock into me over and over. I was hard again and could feel his belly fur rubbing against my cock as he mated me he licked at my neck and I held tightly onto his back as he slammed into me again and again. I could feel it coming as he got close he made small grunting noises. His purring was louder way more intense as he slammed into me harder and harder I threw my head back and heard him roar loudly a roar that shook the walls and would probably bring attention to us. As he climaxed I could feel thick streams of his hot seed shoot into me. I grabbed at him hard and let out a scream and a second load of my own in-between us it covered our chests and stomachs I kissed him in the middle of our orgasms I could feel him shake hard as he peaked his orgasm ebbing. I shivered and parted the kiss lying back I looked up at him he smiled and licked my lips. "We should get going want to leave before someone comes. "Oh but someone came already." I said and giggled loudly he smirked and chuckled then slid out of me I grimaced it hurt and it also hurt to stand he hruffed and bent down behind me sticking his nose under my tail. He cleaned me out, his tongue feeling like rough thick sandpaper the sensation made me moan loudly. He handed me my shorts. We both got dressed and snuck out the back way he grinned and grabbed me kissing me deeply once more I melted into it kissing back. He broke it and I looked at him. "W will I see you again?" I asked. He smiled and ran his paw over my cheek I nuzzled into it. :Of course ill be here tomorrow. Meet in the Hub?" I nodded and hugged him tightly he then turned and we parted ways. I got through the rest of the day normally I had three more classes but all I could do was think of him. After I got home that night I ate dinner then lied in my bed all night thinking of how wonderful my first day of college was.

Story and characters are © John Marshall/LexCoyote.

Email is [email protected]