Pull of the Moon - Chapter 13

Story by Eben Black on SoFurry

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#13 of Eben Black Series - Pull of the Moon

© All characters and storylines surrounding these characters belong to me, Eben Black..

I was back there. Submerged in that distant expanse of ocean. The crimson glimmer brighter than ever it seemed. I was sinking again. Same old, same old. I was upside down and spilling through the ocean like a pebble. The dark bottom rushed up to meet me as I sank in a daze. I blinked and remembered what had happened the last time I'd been here. I turned and looked around in the shadowed sea, and found nothing. Where was this place? I knew the thing that had touched me last time was here somewhere. I narrowed my eyes and tried to stare through the darkness. I gazed down and saw the surface of the ocean growing more and more distant, shadows slithered across and then I felt it. A rush of movement below. I looked up and stared as some collossal beast swam up toward me. I saw a glint of white fangs twice the size of me, a flourish of power and then I woke up!

I gasped and staggered. I was standing in the lounge, the windows in front of me. I took several deep breaths. I was nude and feeling sick. I stepped back until my backside leaned against the back of the couch. I touched a hand to my head fur and breathed in deep. Did I just sleep walk? I never walked in my sleep. At least I hadn't until now. I needed Snow or Donovan. I stood and the movement was too quick. I could feel nausea build. I doubled over as I breathed in through my mouth and out through my nose. The last thing I needed was to throw up. When I was sure the nausea had dulled I straightened up slowly and started padding across the lounge. I'd neared the mouth of the corridor that lead to the bedrooms when I heard a noise. It sounded like someone was in the kitchen. The sound of a drawer being opened echoed in the silence. I heard someone walking. I gazed across at the arch that led to the kitchen. A flourish of black fur and the dull gaze of chocolate brown eyes.

"Kane?" I said, realising who the wolf was. "Kane, what are you doing up so late?"

He never spoke. He stepped out from under the arch, his body looked heavy as he slumped a little. He moved his hand and there was a flash of steel. A knife. A long, wide kitchen knife.

"Kane, what are you doing with that?" I asked.

He stared across at me, those heavy-lidded eyes looked glaised over, like he wasn't even in there. Was he sleep walking too?

I took a step forward and said, "Kane, your sleep-walking. You need to go back to bed."

He froze for a moment and then suddenly his other hand raised, it was a blur and a moment later there was a flash of steel as something sailed passed my right cheek. I felt a cold trickling sensation there. I touched a hand to my cheek and found blood. I looked behind me and found a second knife, smaller than the one he held, pierced into the wall. He'd thrown a knife at me? I snapped my attention back to him. He crouched low and was suddenly rushing me, his movements determined and focused. That slender form hunched low, keeping close to the ground, that blade behind him, catching the glimmer of moonlight when it could. He was a foot from me when several things happened at once. Golden-brown arms wrapped around my middle and pulled me back, and in a rush of white-and-black fur a fist smashed into Kane's muzzle and sent the wolf soaring backward through midair. I watched in amazement as Donovan held me close, watching events unfold, while Snow stood in front of us, fists clenched and held in a typical boxer-stance.

He gazed back at me and said, "My body reacts on its own, and I know how to throw a punch. I think I was a boxer at some point."

I was astounded at what I was seeing.

"I think Eben's too impressed to speak, Snow." Donovan grinned as he spoke. He lowered me to the ground and stepped over me, standing beside Snow. "Kane!"

There was no response. The wolf in question had cascaded over the couch and was slumped in a heap under the television. He remained motionless for a moment longer and then raised a hand, he stabbed the knife into the hardwood floor and used it to clamber to his feet. He was slumped over, arms draped in front as he yanked that blade from the floor and looked up at us. His deep brown eyes shimmered and bled to a piercing yellow colour. He was silent as he stepped around the couch and padded toward us. Snow stepped forward and took his stance. Would Snow really beat Kane down? If he needed to, he would. Donovan stepped back beside me as if to give the feline room.

"Break a bone if you have to, but don't kill him," Donovan warned.

"No problem," he growled back.

"Donovan, what's happening?" I asked.

"No idea, but I think Kane's maddened just like Snow did," he replied, he looked at me and added, "But this one's different somehow. Kane isn't acting feral, he's moving like he's unconscious inside."

"Does that mean someone's controlling him?"

"I have a feeling that might be the case. But if we can render his body useless, then he won't move as much."

Kane suddenly crouched and launched again, he was low to the ground, tail behind him, blade raised in one hand. He rushed forward. He slashed horizontal, Snow ducked, he ducked so low, his legs spread wide as his fists stayed close to his chest. Kane turned the blade in hand and struck downward. Snow rolled aside and with blinding speed, he landed a right fist into Kane's side. There was a dull crack. He'd broken a rib. Kane shook with the blow, but he never cried out. He just looked down at Snow and slashed down, aiming for Snow's face. Snow launched backward, blood blossomed across his forehead. He had been scraped, nothing more. Donovan grabbed me and lead me back. Snow had left us unguarded. Kane turned the blade in his hand again and rushed Snow. His focus was for the white tiger now it seemed. He slashed and slashed, aiming for vital areas each time. Snow moved back and made his movements subtle but vital. He avoided, and dodged and ducked as the two moved back toward the kitchen in a slow, awkward dance.

Kane soon thrust the blade downward, missed Snow and stabbed the hardwood floor. Before Snow could counter though, the wolf flipped, using the hilt of the blade as a balance. He was upside down and kicked out. His foot smashed into Snow's head and sent the feline careening backwards, dazed from the impact. Kane landed, crouched beside the blade and yanked it free from the wood once more. He rushed Snow again, holding the blade in one hand, the other hand braced the bottom of the hilt. He wanted to stab Snow! Snow braced himself. The blade wasn't silver. He watched as Kane rushed forward and thrust that blade. Snow sidestepped him, and wrapped an arm around Kane's extended one. He held him there as he reared back his other fist and threw the punch. There was an almight clash of flesh on flesh as Snow's knuckles smashed into Kane's cheek. He pushed through and at the same time squeezed his arm around Kane's forearm. He'd loosened Kane's hold on the blade, he snatched the blade from the wolf while his other hand wrapped around Kane's forehead and pushed him back. Snow tossed the knife aside while he pushed Kane back and pinned him to the floor.

Had Snow won?

Not a chance.

Kane was pinned by the head, but the lower half of his body remained. Two things happened. He wrapped his arms around Snow's forearm, and then he placed a foot at Snow's underarm, and then another foot at Snow's face. He pushed hard, and a second later there was a loud pop. Snow screamed out in pain as he reared back, his other hand clasped over his shoulder, as the arm hung limp beside him. Kane had dislocated it! Kane rolled back and wasted no time. He rushed forward, hands wrapped around the back of Snow's neck. He pulled him down and smashed his knee into Snow's maw. Blood flew in a gentle arc as Snow staggered back, dazed and confused. Kane landed and turned, he extended his foot and took Snow's legs from under him. Snow collapsed in a bloodied, bruised heap, while Kane launched back and watched the feline sob in absolute pain. Snow extended a hand out to grab at Kane, but the wolf stepped out of his reach and then turned to face us.

He crouched and dashed across the room. That almost bored expression still in place. He had a broken rIB: How could someone move like that with a broken rib? Donovan was suddenly in front of me. Kane ran head long into his alpha, Donovan's forearm smashed into Kane's chest, while Donovan slid his foot behind Kane's leg. He pushed hard and Kane was thrown back onto his back.

"Enough, Kane!" Donovan demanded in a deep, rolling growl.

Kane gazed up at his alpha, those yellow eyes looked almost alien in the familiar face.

Donovan stradled the wolf, and pinned his arms. He looked down and snarled, "Stop this now or I will kill you!"

Kane remained silent, staring up at his alpha. Something happened as Kane stared into Donovan's eyes. Donovan frowned, looking confused for a moment and then spluttered blood. He coughed as it spilled out of his muzzle and spattered the wolf underneath. Donovan trembled and I watched as Kane reared up and smashed his forehead against Donovan's. Donovan released the wolf, and was thrown overhead in a rush of momentum. Donovan collapsed in a heap, blood spilled from his mouth as he clasped a hand to his abdomen. What in God's name had happened?

Kane stood up and looked at me now, those yellow eyes bright and somewhat familiar. Where were the other wolves? Bishop? Where was Bishop? Had no one heard what was happening here? Kane rushed me, his hand wrapped around my throat and he suspended me off the floor. I struggled, but choked as the wind was knocked out of me. He carried me a short distance and then slammed me back against a wall. I looked over and found Snow and Donovan bruised, battered and watching. Donovan couldn't move, and Snow had somehow crawled closer but not close enough. Kane squeezed. I gazed down into those yellow eyes and wanted the deep, chocolate brown ones back. I wanted the old Kane back. Not this new, dangerous one!

I gasped, "Give him back!" and felt a familiar sensation flood through me.

A flame flickered deep inside me, and increased in size as I gazed down at the alpha werewolf holding me there. Kane frowned, those yellow eyes faded and his brown ones returned. He gazed up at me confused, and lowered me in his arms. He lowered me to the floor and stood over me, toned forearms pressed to the wall. I touched a hand to his chest and could feel that metaphorical flame burn brighter and brighter. It burned like it had done for Snow and Donovan. It burned like it had done for the other alphas I'd bound to me. Kane looked at me with those brown eyes, confusion blended in with sorrow and unspoken apologies. He was out of breath, exhaustion filled him as he clasped a hand to his side. Pain must have come back when he'd woken up.

"W-What have you d-done?" Kane stammered as he relearned how to breath. He sank, and slumped in front of me. His anger fuelled with pain and desperation.

"Kane? Kane, are you alright?" I crouched and made to touch him. He slapped my hand away and scooted back from me to kneel on the hardwood floor alone. "Kane?"

"What did you fucking do to me!" he snarled.

"I-I didn't m-mean to d-do anything." I could feel tears burn at the back of my head.

The flame inside me flared and flickered. It needed and wanted Kane now.

"Kane," Donovan growled, "Kane you need to finish the binding!"


"You need to finalise the binding to Eben, otherwise you'll both lose your minds to it!" Donovan ordered.

"I don't want it!" Kane sneered back at his alpha. Defiance burned in those brown eyes. "I don't want to be bound to anyone!"

"You'll both lose your minds!" Donovan yelled.

"I don't fucking care!" Kane screamed back, his eyes burned with such hatred now.

"K-Kane, I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to do this," I pleaded, tears streaked my face now as I gazed at the pained wolf.

"I know you didn't!" he growled, tears welled in his own eyes now, "But there's not much we can do about that now is there?"

I looked at Donovan for help, at Snow for some kind of advice. Neither of them knew what to do. Kane sobbed and smashed a fist into the floor as growls mixed in with his pained cries. He hunched over and was lost in his own sorrows. His ears flat against his head as he ached and cried all over. I remained silent, and sat back against the wall, wondering what to do next. I listened as Kane's cries ebbed and eventually stopped. I wanted to hold him. I wanted to take back what I'd begun. But I knew I couldn't, and his sorrow was driven by that fact.

He stopped sobbing suddenly, and looked up, his ears piqued as he inhaled through his nose. His eyes burned with fierce hatred again. He staggered to his feet, one hand clasped over that broken rib. He skulked across the wood floor and found the blade he'd used earlier. He held the blade in hand and for a moment I wondered if he'd considered suicide. I opened my mouth to tell him "no" when I heard his deep growls. He was gazing upwards. He began moving in the direction of the rooftop access staircase. He was quiet as he walked, his hatred burned like a fire all on its own.

"Kane, where are you going?" I demanded.

"He's up there. That bastard is up there!" Kane growled under his breath as he forced himself to walk.

"Who's up there?" I asked.

"That blue bastard from earlier!" Kane snarled. He disappeared into the shadowed direction of the rooftop access.

I looked at Donovan for help as he attempted to stand, his hands clasped over his abdomen. "I'm healing, but not quick enough. Follow him, Eben, and be fucking careful!" he growled.

Snow was in worse shape, he held his dislocated shoulder and tears welled at his eyes. He was bloodied and beaten badly. He nodded at me and I nodded back.

I turned and followed Kane into the darkness. I hated being the only one to follow Kane up there, but right now all I could was offer the sorrowful creature a helping hand.