Evil Rises- Chapter Three

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#4 of Evil Rises

Chapter Three

"Betting On A Winner"


Furry Sith Lord

"Hello Sanic, how are things going for you?" Lou said into his cell phone and Leggo suddenly reached out and tried to pull the phone out of his hoof.

"Is that Sanic? Let me talk to him, let me talk to him!" Leggo said excitedly.

"Forgive me Sanic but someone is acting like a puppy!" Lou tried to say and he pushed his face close to the phone as Leggo was tugging on it to pull it free from Lou's grasp.

"Hi Sanic!" Leggo said as he took control of the phone.

"Hi Leggo, how are you?" The white hedgehog mayor of The Diamond Community replied. Since their last meeting their friendship had grown stronger and when both had to appear as enemies because of The White Citadel, they truth made their bond stronger.

"Mel and I are playing cards this week, wanna join us?" Leggo asked as his wagging tail was hitting Lou and the red deer finally grabbed it to try and hold it still from hitting him.

"I'd love that, let me see what I have going on and we'll make plans." Sanic replied and all the joy and happiness vanished from Leggo's face.

"OK," he replied glumly. He haphazardly handed the phone back to Lou and he slumped away sulking.

"Hello Sanic," Lou said.

"Why do you make me do that to him?" Sanic asked.

"Because you know how happy he gets when you surprise him. Plus I get to give him snuggles later and that cheers him right up. He acts like a puppy so what can I say," Lou joked and he was sure Sanic was smiling though he couldn't see him.

"He is a puppy, shouldn't you give him a bone or something to chew on?" Sanic asked innocently but if he could see Lou's face he would have seen a big smile spread across it.

"Oh he'll get a bone alright, a nice big bone. I know just the place to bury it too." Lou snickered and Sanic blushed as he suddenly caught on.

"Anyway the reason why I called is that renovations are now complete and we wondered if you wanted a tour to see how your investments were used.

"May I bring my family? After all that is the type of community we are striving for." Lou asked.

"Absolutely I would love to get their opinion of the place. Especially Tyger since he had a paw in our 'liberation.' It's always good to see the end result of all your hard labor." Sanic replied.

"That sounds like a great idea. I fear our vacation may cause Leggo to miss his card game. I hope he doesn't sulk too much." Sanic blushed again as he realized the double meaning in Lou's words.

"Leggo!" Lou yelled and a few seconds later Sanic heard the wolf stomp his feet as he approached his husband.


"Sanic has invited us on a mini vacation to tour The Diamond Community. Interested in spending time with your friend?" Lou asked him.

"You bet!" Leggo replied and Sanic heard them wrestling for the phone again.

"Ow ow ow ow," Lou cried out and he made spitting noises. Sanic thought he heard Leggo's tail hitting something and he guessed it was Lou.

"Sanic, Sanic! Itg's me Leggo."

"Yes Leggo," Sanic replied.

"I had Lou buy some chicken nuggets in the shape of dinosaurs for us. Think about it! In the shape of dinosaurs." Leggo said excitedly and Sanic chuckled at his friend's enthusiasm.

"I did? Such a puppy." Lou remarked in the background after he gave a little sigh.

"Sounds good but I gotta go, see you when you get here." Sanic said then ended the call.

I was in my room playing video games online when my father entered unannounced. Picking the worst time because it was not like I could pause the game.

"You're grounded." he said to me and I pulled off the headphones and looked at him blankly.


"Oh sorry, force of habit." he replied but he showed no sign of emotion whatsoever. It was something I was used to.

"Do you need me for something?" I asked nervously as I could hear my friends asking why I stopped moving in the game.

"Nothing too urgent but Sanic invited us on a vacation to The Diamond Community. I need you to pack up some things and make sure Ben and your brother do the same." he explained.

"Yes sir." I replied.

"You know... I'm sorry if I'm killing you in your game but... while we have a moment alone, I just want to express that this game you're trying to play with me will never work." He said. I dropped my controller and muted the headset.

"Uh huh," I replied skeptically. I narrowed my eyes and stared the way he does just to give him a taste of his own medicine. It was clear he was afraid he was going to lose to me and I wasn't going to let him off the hook so easily by surrendering.

"To save yourself from embarrassment I think you should stop." he continued.

"Stop what? Winning?!" I said and smiled smugly as he continued to sternly look at me. He suddenly gave a slight chuckle.

"If you truly believe that then you are merely fooling yourself. Don't get me wrong son you are very clever but my experience dwarfs your own." He said.

"As I recall... father! You needed 'me' to help you destroy The White Citadel! It was my plan that brought it to its knees." I replied and he raised an eyebrow as he looked at me.

"I merely included you because I wish to cultivate your developing mind. I merely had to iron out your juvenile ideas into the masterpiece I created."

"Uh huh," I replied and this time I raised my eyebrow at him.

"You are good at chess but this is far from the mere game we play on the chess board." my father continued.

"For someone that thinks he's invincible, you seem ;pretty scared of a little old cub." I said making sure to get the dig in. I saw him glare and knew he was ready to ground me.

"You will do as I ask," he stated.

"Yes sir." was my reply and he looked as if he was picking his words getting ready for his next sentence. At this point it was a toss of the dice on what he would do.

"If you wish to continue your childish game then how about we make it interesting?"

"What do you suggest?" I asked as I wondered what he was up to.

"A fair bet between us and we each select an ally to be the judges. If both allies agree on a winner then the game is over. Neither judges are to be told they are judges so they're not influenced. I know I can trust you to keep your word, right?" he asked as he looked at me.

"I will uphold our family's honor by always adhering to our creed of 'Our Word is Our Bond.' I will not tarnish my honor or dare lie... unless I'm forced to." I replied and he nodded at me with a smile.

"Very well, I will pick your dad as my choice," he replied.

"I'll choose Benyamin." For a second I thought his eyes were gonna bulge out of his head at not hearing me pick Lyon. This was because I feared he would unfairly side with whatever choice my dad made. Plus it will keep my father on his toes!

"Interesting. What shall the wagers be?" he asked and I was drawing a blank.

"It's your idea, you tell me first." I said as we started having an uncomfortable silence which I needed to shatter.

"Very well... If I am chosen the winner," he said, smiling Merrik's smile as if he knew he could not lose. "For the next two weeks you will accompany me to work as my personal assistant. Which means doing 'Stenographer' work and running any errands I need. This will be no easy task but it gives me great... pleasure to give you your first taste into the family business." he gloated and I narrowed my eyes again because I had no intentions of giving him an easy victory.

"Very well... 'If' I am chosen the winner," I said with a slight smile giving him a taste of his own medicine. "Let me see..." I thought about what I could get him to do that would give me the upper paw on this bet. He was trying to use his side to humiliate me so how could I do the same to him? Then an idea struck me!

"OK father, if I win then you will both give me unrestricted access to your private garden and teach me how to tend it, as father and son. Don't worry I won't do something despicable as to destroy it or anything, I wouldn't do anything so underhanded to you.

While I could see you doing something like that to me, I have more honor than to do such a low blow to my loving father." I replied getting my dig in and smiled a Merrik smile at him. He looked startled and I knew I had turned the tables on him.

His private garden is his pride and joy and no one, not even dad, is allowed in there because he's afraid that his specialty grass will be trampled and ruined. My brother and I have no real interest in the garden because it's mostly stuff Prey eats. Only when we are not feeling well does father bring us some grass to settle our tummies. However, a rare treat father and I share are clovers from his garden.

When I was still a slave and father's antlers fell out, I became upset because I was just a cub that had no idea what was happening. I just saw the blood and panicked. I went into his garden and took a clover hoping it would make him feel better. In the end it did but because I broke the rules I ended up getting a spank. Occasionally he shares a clover or two with me as our special bond. We do really love each other even though we always fight. Our relationship is complicated.

"Fine, I accept your terms." Father replied and we shook paw/ hoof to seal the deal. "Just don't expect me to go easy on you." he said

"Don't expect me to lose." I replied and we both squeezed harder to drive our points across to each other.

"I swear if I didn't love that boy so much, I'd strangle him!" Lou said as he entered his bedroom. Leggo was busy reaching under the bed and he removed an old brown suitcase and dumped it on their bed. He opened it and placed a pair of jeans in it as well as a forest green t-shirt and a single pair of boxers. He then closed the suitcase as Lou stared at him.

"We're going to be staying a week," Lou explained and Leggo opened the case and removed the underwear from in it and was about to close it again when Lou yelled at him.

"Antler Hooves," Lou swore and he stormed over and opened the suitcase. "I will not have you smelling because you're wearing the same thing all week. Get 4 more shirts, 4 more jeans, and 4 more underwear." Leggo went to gather the extra clothes and he turned top face Lou with a wolfish smile on his maw.

"Which reminds me, wanna play with our toys tonight before we leave? It'll be a whole week before we can use them again."

"If it makes you happy but right now we need to concentrate on making sure we have everything packed." Lou replied and after a moment he opened the door of their bedroom and shouted out into the hall.

"Lyon! You better pack more than 1 pair of clothes in your suitcase. I'll be checking it later."

"Aw man," Lyon whined. "OK father." he yelled back.

"I keep forgetting that you two are almost identical." Lou griped and Leggo still had that wolfish grin on his face.

"Someone is a grumpy puss." Leggo remarked.

"Are you even listening to me? Your son, Tyger, thinks he's pretty clever." Lou replied.

"Well he does take after his father,"

"Maybe so... but he's too smart for his own good. If he really thinks I'm gonna give him access to my garden then he has another thing coming. I'm not losing the bet!" Lou raged as he pulled out his own suitcase and began to fill it with more clothes than Leggo thought he'd even use. Leggo just shook his head but remained silent. Lou was just over reacting about every little detail like always.

Leggo crept softly up behind him and wrapped his arms around him as he playfully bit his neck. He gently had their bodies sway as he held his lover and heard a soft moan. Lou smelled of contentment at being held and it made Leggo hug him tighter.

"You spoil me." Lou said softly, making Leggo smile as he rested his head on top of Lou's. Sure he was dominating his lover by doing this but he loved the feeling of his closeness to him.

"You're a good father... when you're not acting like an ass."

"What do you mean?" Lou responded as he tried to shake Leggo off him. He was now smelling annoyed but Leggo didn't care and neither would he release him.

"You and Tyger love each other so much that you're both constantly fighting about it. Like instead of saying 'I love you son,' you'll say 'You're being punished because you're such a failure.' and he'll say..."

"I've never said that!" Lou interrupted.

"... He'll say 'I hate you and wish you weren't my father' when he's actually saying "I love you and you make me happy.' You both have a strange way of showing it. Like right now you're struggling to get away from me but you're not even really trying. It's just for show." Leggo continued ignoring Lou's objection. The deer was flailing his arms as he tried desperately to break free but no matter how much he tried he was helpless. Despite what Leggo was saying he was really trying to get out of his grasp but couldn't and it was wearing him out as he started breathing heavily.

"You expect me to talk?" Lou said as he imitated a character from one of their favorite movies.

"No Mr. Deere, I expect you to die!" Leggo cackled as he sounded like the villian from the 0007 movie.

"The name's Deere, John Deere." Lou continued and they both giggled.

The family was packing up a rental car when Ben saw how depressed my brother looked. He tapped my arm with his paw and I put down the bags I was carrying to find out what he wanted.

"Why's your brother bummed?" he asked me.

"He wants his BF Dash to come with us but our father said there was not enough room this time. There were no kids to play with last time we went so I think he's afraid it will be the same." I said.

"Hey Lyon, who's playing this weekend?" Ben asked. He was a sports fan like my dad and brother and fit in nicely with them. While the only game I played lately was a battle of wits against my father.

"Lyon, you pack your crayons?" I asked.

"Yes mom," he said after he made a face at me questioning him.

"Anyboard games so we have something to play in case it gets boring?"

"No, I didn't think father would let me."

"Grab a couple just in case. Besides, if father gives you shit over it you can blame me." I said.

"But I don't want you to get into trouble," he whined and it was my turn to give him a look. He nodded and went off to grab a couple of his favorites.

"I wish I had a sibling like yours. Mine always tries to stab me in the back but you and your bro really love each other." Ben mused.

"Well you're part of our family too now. Lyon just gets shy because he was abused as a cub. He'll warm up to you; you just need to talk to him to get him to open up. He loves sports so keep talking about sports and he'll be your best friend and," I cleared my throat. "Brother In law." I said and I saw him smile.

My father had a long talk with the two of us when he first asked Ben to come stay with us. He said he saw how we looked at each other and he felt it was the same way dad and him looked at each other. He believes that we are destined to one day get our paws tied to each other. At first I thought the talk of marriage was going to drive him away but I gladly admit I was wrong. We've had an up and down relationship so we're n ot looking to just rush into things but it is a nice goal we set for ourselves.

Father also had another embarrassing sex talk with us and it wasn't so bad although both father and I were red from embarrassment. Even when dad walked in on us and asked if we had gotten sunburned, the amusement we felt did little to ease our nervousness. He was fine with us msking out and exploring our sexuality but he strongly cautioned that he wanted us to practise safe sex. He offered to get us anything we needed in order to be safe. The only other thing was that we need to be private about our love making because just as dad and him never openly fucked each other, he asks for the same courtesy. It was something I could respect.

"So can we pick some up on the way?" Dad asked father as they were loading their luggage into the car.

"Hmmm... what?" father replied absentmindedly.

"The dinosaurs,"

"Oh sure, we'll stop before we get there to make sure they're nice and fresh for you two. However, you first need to be honest with me because I've known you long enough to know you have something up your paw. You want those dinosaur chicken nuggets for a reason. What is it?" Father asked.

"Alright, you got me. You know how tiny Sanic is right? Well I thought it might be cute to see a little guy like him eat a dinosaur." Dad replied and he had a big wolfish grin on his face. Father looked at him and rolled his eyes.

"Dad, I think that you're such a wonderful friend to Sanic, you're just like a brother to him. I see the love Lyon and I have for each other the same way as you and Sanic love each other." I said and I looked at my father making sure he heard me winning points. His upper lip quivered as he realized what I was up to.

"Yes... just like I see the passion you and Benyamin have for each other warms my heart just as the passion I have for your dad." he said hoping to score points but I felt his efforts fell flat. Even dad seemed unimpressed by the remark.

"I love you father," I said, trying to sound very sincere.

"No, I love you son," he said as his voice carried an air of anger to it. He hates being shown up by anyone, especially his own son. This meant war, however, because I wasn't about to let him get the last word in!

"I LOVE YOU MORE." I said raising my voice a bit then he took a step closer to me.

"I LOVE YOU MORE." He said angrier and louder and we started going back and forth repeating the phrase refusing to let the other get the last word in.

"Oh my paw," Dad remarked as he listened to us argue about how much we loved each other. Lyon returned carrying 6 different board games then he stopped and rolled his eyes as he caught on to us arguing.

"You gotta be kittying me." he replied and Ben chuckled then hugged Lyon.

"Anyone remember snacks for when we watch the game this weekend?" Ben asked then dad and Lyon looked at each other.

"Be right back," they both said in unison as they ran inside. Ben watched as we stood with our noses pressed against each other still arguing about who loved who more.

"Guess I'll finish packing the car?" he said to himself then he began to load what was left into it.

"Tail feathers... if you two aren't gonna make me break my broom." The maid said as the arguing drew her attention.

"I love you more than sunshine!" I said.

"I love you more than springtime."

"I love you more than root beer." I replied. Ben continued to ignore us as he continued packing and the maid stood there dumbfounded watching us make fools of ourselves.

"I love you more than the stock prices." I flinched briefly stunned that he would say such a thing. He thought he had shaken me up but I was ready for him.

"I love you more than The Power Fur Rangers." I said and he glared at me.

"I love you more than my own prick." he said as I heard the desperation in his reply. He was weakening and I knew I had the upper paw now.

"I... love you more than Lyon." I said and his eyes bulged as if I had slapped him across the face. He was going to have a hard time topping that one. He took a deep breath then smiled a Merrik smile back at me.

"I love you more than myself." he replied calmly and I swore under my breath. The crazy son of a bitch did it! He had managed to top me. I couldn't think of a single thing to top that one. He had won this round but the war was far from over.

"Hey Ben we got the snacks." Dad said as he and Lyon brought out the food. They saw the look on my face as I stood there defeated as father and eye still glared at each other breathing heavily exhausted from our battle of wills.

"What'd we miss?" Lyon asked and the maid told them.

"He's being 100 percent truthful. There is no one that he loves more than Tyger, though he'd never openly admit it." Dad said and the others agreed with him.

"You haven't won yet, old man." I replied to him. He looked at me gloating and I wasn't ready to give him the satisfaction.

"I haven't lost yet either, little boy." he said then he walked away as I stood there fuming. If he wanted to turn this up a notch then I was willing because my victory will be all the more sweeter.

To Be Continued...