my teacher got into my pants 8

Story by hunkyhusky on SoFurry

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#8 of My Teacher got into my pants

My teacher got into my pants 8

"where am I" Chad asked himself slowly he looked in every direction but all he could see is a sea of white, suddenly frustrated he shouts "WHERE AM I" just then everything dissolved into something completely different Chad was now standing in the middle of a park.

Chad could hear a child laughing turning around to see a younger version of himself running with a kite in tow, than Chad finally remembered where is was looking on Chad said "this is where father died" looking on Chad watch the scene unfold.

Young Chad was running around with his kite laughing then looked for his dad and found him "hey dad look at me" said Chad the larger husky who was sitting on a bench with a smile on his face as he watch his son have the time of his live looking to the sky he took in the scenery just than he heard his son start crying.

Rushing to his son "Chad what's wrong are you hurt" thinking he tripped over something, Chad pointed to a tree that stood next to gated fence sigh a little bit "don't worry son I could buy you a new one" Chad's father said as he tried to calm his son "but I what that one back I like it" Chad complained trying to convince Chad knowing that he couldn't climb that well but Chad wouldn't give it up so he decided to give it a try for his son.

Starting to climb the tree Chad's dad made some good way as he moved up towards were the kite was, it took a few minutes to get to it grabbing to kite he heard a snap trying to turn around the branch that was underneath him splintered in the pieces and Chad's father fell right on top of the fence impaling him through the chest.

Chad sped to his father "DADDY" trying to lift him off the fence but he was too high, looking to his son Chad's father was trying to say something but couldn't with one last breath he passed Chad started to cry harder and sob out "it's all my fault", kneeling next to his younger self Chad was crying to same way and just as hard "it was my fault".

Just then everything suddenly got quit looking around the scenery changed again this time all he can see is grass and a bench that was occupied by a person walking over "hello" Chad asked the person that was sitting waved him to sit down, doing just that Chad sat down realizing who was the one that was one the bench it was his father.

"dad" Chad said in awe the older husky smiled and said "wow you've grown my son" Chad then looks down with tears in his eyes "I'm sorry" putting his hand on his sons shoulder "for what" lifting his head still crying "for making you climb that tree and getting killed" understanding were his son was coming from he said "it wasn't you fault".

With a burst of anger getting up from the bench he started yelling "yes it was if I have just listen to you and left the thing it the tree but instead I forced you to climb the damn tree" standing up slowly Chad father sighed "what happen was by accident and wasn't your fault" with another burst of emotion he hugged his father "I do regret not being there to see you grow but now I know that your mother did well" Chad calmed down a little sat back down "so tell me what has my son been up to", so Chad told his father everything that happened to him and also told him about his relationship with Kaia then the baby they will be having.

Nodding Chad's father grabbed both sides of his sons face looking him straight in the eye "if I were still alive I would give you both a big hug and tell you that you have my blessings" starting to cry again Chad hugged his father saying "thank you thank you" over and over again.

"just do one thing for me" bearing his face into his father's chest "what just name it and I'll did it" smiling a little to himself Chad's father "just hold on helps on the way" looking up his father repeated what he said but he sounded just like Kaia just than he realized he wasn't being held by his father but Kaia just then a pain shot through his side then he remember everything including his talk with his father.

Slowly looking up he saw Kaia crying with her eyes closed repeating "hold on" over and over again reaching up slowly he tried wiping her tears away shocked Kaia looking down "that god your okay I thought I was going to lose you" smiling Chad shook his head "it's going to take more than a bullet in my side to separate us and I have a interesting story to tell" putting her finger on his lips "later save your strength" nodding weakly he slowed his breathing.

Just than the paramedics came rushing in to tend to Chad injures working fast they got him in a stretcher and move with hast to the front of the school where the ambulance is located looking at the sky he could see a cloud that looked just like his father smiling to himself as they put him into the ambulance then rush him to the hospital.

Two days later.....

Chad was coming out of a deep sleep slowly opening his eyes it took him awhile to adjust to the lighting in the room but he could he voices in the background groaning a little the voices stopped "ow hunny your thank the lord" Chad trying to lift his head but he could only manage a few inch's when someone put their hand on his shoulder "don't move too fast your still weak: recognizing the voice "Kaia" Chad said weakly "yes sweetie it's me" smiling he kissed her hand as best he could just than he heard snickering in the background Chad realized there were others in the room.

His vision finally returned he could all that was in the room his mother and Kaia were sitting on one side of the room but on the other side Jake and the twins Drake and Craig were sitting all with smiles on their faces, his eye widened knowing they just saw him kiss Kaia hand trying to get up but Jake put his hand on Chad's shoulder to calm him "hey it's okay we not upset or anything we just didn't see that coming", relaxing a little Chad laded back on onto the bed.

"So how long have you to have been together" Drake said while his brother leaned in to hear Chad better, looking to Kaia she nodded "well me and Kaia have been together for about 6 months about know" Chad's friends gave him faces of approval "dang man your luck I'm still a virgin" Jake said with a little squeal and both of the twin looked at each other than said at the same time "we never this coming".

Chad laughing a little then grabbed his side from the sudden shot of pain seeing him in pain Chad's mother got up to comfort her son he smiled in return than said "well I have a story for all of you" so Chad told them of his conversation he had with his father and the story behind it.

Sniffing a little "for the longest time I thought it's was all my fault what had happen to dad but know that I know he's not mad at me I can finally move on" finishing his story Chad looking around at the others the twins were close to crying while Jake was trying to play the tough one nodding to Chad when he finish his story, Chad's mother was massaging his shoulder happy that he finally have gotten over his pain, and Kaia holding her belly as she spoke "wow I know a lot happens when your near death but that his something else".

Nodding Chad sighed a little "so how long have I been out" looking at his mother she said "about two days" looking at everyone smiled "wow I've been asleep that long so what happen when I was out" looking at each other Kaia spoke "well after they took you to the hospital I called your mother and told her what had happened than I got to the car as fast as I could" both Kaia and his mother looked at each other smiling "when I got here there was a police officer trying to handcuff her" shock at what his mother said "WHAT!!!" looking to Kaia for answers she gave him them.

"well he was suspicious of why I was there outside the emergency room you were in so he asked me why and I told him that you were my student that I wanted to know if you were ok but when I saw that I was pregnant so he but two to two together he tried to arrest me for seduction of a child but you mother intervened" taking in Kaia story he smiled at his mother "so what do you do" he asked his mother she smiled big time "well I slapped him in the face and moved Kaia behind me than I recognized him for the inn for downtown so I threatened him that I who tell his wife about that stallion he have seen so he turned blue in the face and left" both the twins and Jake started with clapping and whistling at Chad's mother while she stood and bowed.

Sigh with relief Chad was glad that his mother was on their side "so" Jake spoke up "is it a boy or a girl" both Kaia and Chad shrugged their shoulder "we don't know and we want to wait until it's born" nodding in agreement with each other "so who's going to be the godfather" Drake asked than they started to picker amongst each other one who's it's going to be.

Just than Chad lifted his hand to quit them "if it's a girl than Jake get's to be the godfather and you two he motion to the twins you guys got to be the uncles since I don't have any brothers and it's the other way around if it's a boy" nodding in agreement Kaia smiled at the three.

Yawning a little Chad settled down than his mother "while come back later when you are rested come on everybody lunch is on me" smile Jake, Drake, and Craig started to walk out followed by Chad's mother but Kaia stayed behind a little to give Chad a goodnight kiss before she left Chad slowly fell asleep knowing it's going to be a long recovery ahead of him with that he fell asleep.

Well here's the next chapter hope you guys enjoyed the epic cliff hanger.