Braixen in the City

Story by BadSanta on SoFurry

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A Braixen performer heads to the big city trying to earn her keep and mark her place in the world. Intercepted by a friendly-faced Riolu at the gates, she thinks she's struck it big, only to end up with more than she'd ever thought she'd bargained for.

There is an intended conclusion for this story, but I've been having trouble writing it. I figured that enough here would appreciate what is written already for me to publish it now!

Want to skip to juicy bits? Enter Ctrl+F, then type in SS1 for Casual Rape

Custom PMD Setting; The country has developed to a sort of renaissance-Medieval hybrid state. It is divided into many territories, each territory ruled absolutely by a 'Noble' family whom dictates all law. Each territory possesses either one dungeon and a fair amount of natural resources, or two dungeons and very little resources, depending on geography. The 'Nobles' are in a pseudo-feudal dispute with one another, where they could theoretically take over each others territory by force, but in present times such conflicts have largely died away.

Guilds serve as the forefront of defense for the civilians. They are police, guard, and rescuer. They are forbidden from taking part in any conflict between the ruling factions, and have exclusive right to enter the Dungeons. In general, there is one guild a territory, but it's common for several small guilds to be in single larger territory, or a particularly large guild to span across several territories. Some of the best guilds don't have a territory of their own at all, rather operating country-wide, taking on specialty jobs like documenting the wild, hunting down the most dangerous criminals, or handling threats and requests that standard guilds aren't equipped to deal with. Guild members are considered above the law, as otherwise it could interfere with their standard duties.

There is a culture of entitlement within the guilds, though it changes from region to region. In some places, a Guild member is expected to be catered to by the inhabitants of a village or town, provided free rooms and good foods as repayment for their general service. In others, it's not uncommon for stories of something like an Arbok or Charizard to just swoop into town one day- Devouring some child while having their way with the child's mother, right there in the middle of the street, with the excuse they can't waste time searching for food or distraction looking for a mate, and that is just expected repayment for safeguarding everyone else's lives by risking their own day after day. In many cases, it's not even viewed as wrong- Though there are plenty of people who become disgruntled with the system after witnessing such dastardly acts.

Silver City was widely considered to be the technological hub of the entire continent. Most of that was the simple fact that collectors and the like often gathered there, willing to pay a premium for any artifacts that the dungeoneers managed to dig up, but some of it too was just the fact so many rare-talents were around that could replicate at least some of those artifacts. It was certainly one of the few places in the country with electricity, perhaps even the entire world- Though it was still a rudimentary system at best, more a curiosity than a luxury- It was enough to draw in enough pokemon to make the entire town thrive, far more than the attached port and associated trade would have gathered alone

It was a wealthy place, plain and simple, drawing in dozens if not hundreds of new faces every single month. Those too poor or unconnected would oft stay outside of the walls, in the makeshift houses of planks and tarps and blankets that often sprung up along the main-gate road, borrowing the materials of the workers who were building actual houses to expand the bustling city with an entire new district- An understanding seemed to have been reached, that they could use all the materials they needed to shelter for the night, so's long as the workmen could come and dismantle as they needed to repurpose the materials for their original intent when their shift started back up again in the morning.

Those with business in the city, or a simple desire to walk around would find it easy to enter- The gates, as tall and as magnificent as the grey-stoned walls that encircled the place from shore to shore, where almost always open, the heavy banded doors stretched out like open arms. Closing only in response to an internal emergency or an attack- The former of which only really happened with dangerous criminal sightings, and the latter never happening- There was no force in the entire country that would want to attack the city, even if it somehow had the strength to do so. It was a city truly open to anyone, even wild pokemon if they had the intelligence enough not to be a nuisance. Sometimes even then- It wasn't unheard of to find some dope-faced pidgey hobbling down the streets, pecking the crumbs off the ground.

Lyric was finding it a wonderful time. Here eyes were bright as she stepped through the gates, paying a nod and a bright smile to the absol whom she was certain was standing guard. They nodded back, reserved and dignified in their station, then just continued to stare outward as the young Braixen stepped from the dust-and-dirt road, onto the smooth bare stones of the main inner road. It was an odd sensation- She'd walked on stone many times in her travels, even stone floors, but never had they been such well-formed bricks. It seemed like they were of all different sizes, their reddish-grey hue making her thing it was some sort of granite, but the edges were all so perfectly straight, and they were puzzled in against one another so that not a single gap was created. She wasn't even sure there was any mortar- And it took a few moments of her stepping and dragging the pads of her heavy foot paws across the ground, scooching in her toes in to try and trace the space between two separate bricks, to realize what a sight she must be making, and right there in the center street as well! Glancing back, the Absol was certainly staring at her oddly, mouth open like it wanted tos ay something, and a few others coming and going where paying her odd glances as well.

Well, at least they wouldn't mistake her for a wild pokemon, dressed up in traveler's garments like she was. Not that the wilders weren't known for stealing people's clothes to wear, even the stupid ones, but none but the most exceptional would be wearing a backpack like hers, and certainly not so comfortably! So a vagabond, maybe- It held just about darn everything she owned, which wasn't much considering she could carry it all on her back. Mostly clothes and the like, a few nicknacks light enough to travel, bundled up into the lower sack. Then all her survival gear strapped on or bundled up in the much easier to reach upper portion, nearly doubling the weight, but she didn't mind so much- Even if she always aimed to stop at an inn or village for shelter for the night, it was always good to be prepared!

She wouldn't normally wear such heavy clothes though. They weren't quite rags, but the piecemeal fabrics were all tied up to cover her over, from head to tail and even a little ways past her skirt- One had to pass through a swamp on the way here, and while the road cut comfortably through it, she hadn't been about to take any chances about being exposed to something gross! If there'd been a good cobbler around, she'd have gotten shoes or boots or well, but it would have been more hazardous to trust poor footwear over her own two paws. It was only really her paws struck out free, or her thick 'n bushy tail, the dense fur a little dustier and grimier than she'd liked, but it was still bright and lush as it swished to and fro! Oh, she was just so excited.

It took a moment to realize that the absol wasn't the only *stopped* person that was staring at her. She blinked at a lone Riolu that was standing across the street, so obviously a male from the fact he only wore a simple dark-grey tunic shirt, the hems woven with a stark white thread to keep from fraying. His chubby little sheath was sticking out from beneath the shirt, the top of upper half hidden by fabric, but his balls hung freely, firm and a little large for his size, but not obscenely so- It was certainly enough to make the braxien blush- Not that it was unusual for pokemon not to wear any pants. She just never expected it on a biped, it had always been told to her it was polite to cover up!

He himself was a little large for a Riolu, though it might just be an illusion of his fur- It was just so incredibly thick that she couldn't tell what was him and what was fluff. Certainly well-kempt- It all flowed in a singular direction down his body, even his arms, and it had a faint glow to it like it was freshly washed. Clearly trimmed up in certain places, like around his shoulders or thighs, but largely just shaggy, in a sort of rugged-polite fashion. If it weren't for her distraction about his bare balls, Lyric would have likely found him handsome, if not absolutely cute- His paws were thick and strong, even if she couldn't make out the definition of the rest of him, his jaw set and angular, if a little long. Ears floppy and thick- Both were perked up, but the tips were drooping over. A wagging tail that denoted the incredible length of his fur and was quite thick- Nearly half the size of her own, which was considerable all things accounted for- swishing back and forth at a leisurely rate, the tip brushing the stones below, stirring up a loose leaf a couple inches away. His large green eyes bright and even a little puppyish in their excitement.

Eyes that were locked onto her. He was smiling at her! Oh!

Their eyes met, and his mouth opened briefly, then snapped shut again. She couldn't hear it, they were across the street from one another, but it was the exact motion her younger cousin made when letting off a little bark of delight. The movements of his tail doubled in pace, and they rose into the air as he stepped from the side of the street and hastily made his way over, not noticing or not caring that a couple of Gardevoirs nearly tripped over him in the process, their indignant gasps quickly left behind. Lyric straightened as he stepped up right before her, as bold as could be and wearing just the biggest grin, the tips of his canines poking over his bottom lip, a little rumble in his throat, a little bounce to his step- He was just bubbling with energy, eyes crinkled up around the edges to the point she wasn't sure he even saw her anymore.

"Um. Hello there!" Lyric spoke softly, her delicate voice a little harsh from the dust of the road. She grunted, then tried to cough discreetly. The Riolu's face fell some, looking quite concerned, his muzzle dropping some to a haphazard O, and his eyes opened completely. Where he produced the berry, Lyric couldn't say, but he was offering up a plump Oran to her on both paws, cradling it gently between them. The braixen found it too precious to refuse, bowing as she took the juicy fruit, giving him a smile to match the one that instantly lit up his face. He giggled, sounding well and truly amused.

"Hiya! Hulloooo" The Riolu spoke cheerfully now, bouncing on his heels with anticipation and staring at the berry until Lyric took a bite, which is when his eyes crinkled again. It made Lyric's heart flutter, and shyness melted away- Oh, the lad was just adorable! "Welcome to Silver City! Well, I'm assuming it's a welcome, cuz... Well!" He sounded just a tad sheepish as he gestured to her pack and clothes- Lyric just nodded, fighting back a squeal when a second bite sent an unexpected burst of juices trickling down her chin. Hopefully he wouldn't notice, or find it impolite

He just chuckled, at her or his own correct assumption she couldn't say "Awesome! My name is Niko. And, well, uh..." His voice flagged a little, that sheepishness returning "Well, do you have a place to stay yet? Or any connections in the city?" He waited until she shook her head "Well great! Well, maybe not great... But I'd like to be your first! First connection" He shot up straight, voice regaining confidence and strength, though he began to speak in an energized rush "My dad's the leader of the local guild! And I have this weird device that one of the explorer's found... Well, I don't really understand it myself, but it lets me take lots and lots of pictures of people, and show those pictures exactly how they are later, in a different location! We haven't figured out how to make more of it, but we can make the thing that lets us show the pictures again..." He cut himself short, clearing his throat "Ah! That's not why I want you though" His head ducked down, tucking almost shyly between his shoulders, eyes dipping towards the ground. Voice falling, some of the words slurring, like he was embarrassed to speak them "Well, your tail is very pretty, and so I think I'm correct in saying the rest of you is very pretty too, and the way you were moving over the stones was so graceful! My dad has a lot of extra escape orbs, these awesome little devices that let you get out of danger. And, well. I wanted to put on a little play to show people how useful they are, with that artifact I told you about before, and then I'm going to show it around and encourage people to get 'em! And I'd really really want you to be in that play. I can pay you! Not a small amount either, a-and I can give ya a place to stay for as long as you need! Comfy as could be!" He managed to lift his head back up again at the end there, swallowing from his nerves, paws ringing together at the base of his shirt. Tail drooping some, but lifting and wagging as he stared up at her expectantly "Waddya say? Please?"

Well that was certainly a surprising offer! And quite the perfect one. She just loved to perform for people, whatever it was, and she would daresay she was good at it- It was how she paid for nearly every inn room she'd gotten on the way there, and made a little extra money to boot. It would certainly save her from spending it all right away here- That had been her biggest worry, really, that a big town like this would be saturated with performers. But here she was. Oh, it just sounded so amazing, she was in such luck!

"That sounds wonderful! I can't really say I'm familiar with those artifacts like that, but I assume you know how it all works out. It just sounds... Cool, whatever you need me to do!" Her voice was much more even now that the berry's juices had cooled her throat. It made her speak more easily, and she could even feel herself bouncing a little with excitement, much like the Riolu before her. She'd heard of the artifacts being capable of all sorts of things, incredible feats and seemingly mundane ones.

"Oh, great!" He practically squealed with joy. "C'mon!" Grabbing her arm in both of his paws, tugging at her until she followed- Giggling to herself over his antics- He dropped one to turn and guide them forward and led her down the street, rambling as the did, speaking as quickly as he trotted- Not giving her a chance to get a word in edgewise. She didn't mind though, he seemed so eager- She couldn't possibly dampen that. "Well, first thing we can do is get ya freshened up! I bet you're all sore and tired after the road, and that swamp! Well, nobody's at their 100% after trekking through that place. I'll have a hot bath readied up right away if you'd like! Our chef's not in yet, so we'll have to make do with snacks if you're hungry, I'm sorry! Oh, but for the other people on set- We have Lace, Iris, Julatilo, and Varatene. And myself... And you!! Lace is our chef, he only comes in during the mornings and evenings, makes us a whooole bunch of tasty breakfast stuff and things to eat throughout the day, then dinner too! He's a weavile, which seems kinda odd for chef-work, but he's super good at his job! Iris is an Arbok, she'll be your co-star! Well, antagonist I guess. You're gonna be the dungeoneer, and she's gonna be the super-bad pokemon that you have to use an escape-orb to get away from! Or not get away from, since we're showing people why they need one... No need to be worried, she's very good at her job! Then Julatilo and Varatene are both mienfoo. They help me set up the set 'n clean 'n stuff! They're twins, and I'm pretty sure they're wild pokemon cuz neither of them speak, but they do an awesome job, and super quick to pick up on things! And then I'm the director. My dad won't let anyone else use the artifact cuz we can't replicate it yet, so it can't really be anyone else, nu uh! But everyone says I do a good job, so I'm hoping it'll all turn out awesomely!" Lyric noticed that every time he said 'Awesome', his step bounced a bit. It made her smile.

The building they stopped at was right across from a small flowery park, centered around what the braxien thought was a small natural pond, fed by water trickling in from a small grated hole in the wall above them. Two stories of wood and brick, thicker and of a more common grey than the road, but with quality enough craftsmanship to compensate for the lack of more expensive materials. Hedges fill the gaps between it and its neighbors, though Lyric could see just enough over them to tell there was a relatively large yard squared in by the surrounding structures- She assumed it was accessible from a door in the back. The surrounding buildings loomed in comparison, each a story taller and also made of stone, and with many wooden-framed windows pressed evenly across. A faint buzz of noise came from each, and several pokemon could be seen entering and leaving, no commonality between them save for the fact they were all small enough to fit through the more standard sized doors- And most seemed to be part of a family walking together. Homes, Lyric thought. Apartments like an inn's room, just more permanent- That's how the merchant that'd told her about Silver City described them. The road was clean and quiet beyond idle chatter, some kids playing in the park across the street. It was all just so very quaint.

"My dad also owns the buildings adjacent to here- Well, most of the buildings near the wall. He houses the family of guild members, past and present, for only the cost of maintenance around here. He helped found Silver City, our Mayor used to be his second-in-command! He still has a lot of influence around here, and he always uses it to help the people!" Niko's chest swelled with pride, getting so excited and giddy that he dropped Lyric's paw, clenched his paws against himself, just smiling like a fool. Lyric couldn't blame him- Silver City was such a magnificent place, even a small part in helping build it would be worthy of respect. To be family with a founder? That had to just feel good.

"Anyhow, we're here! It's my own little studio! And actually actually my own, I own it! Though that's only cuz of my dad... The first floor is for work, the second floor is for comfort! It's where me 'n Iris, 'n the twins live. And the backyard is a great place to record, when the weather's good."

Lyric just nodded, her forepaws clasping together- Wincing a little at the sticky and forgotten mush the berry had left behind "It looks lovely! Really really nice." It did too. Maybe not as nice as some of the buildings they'd passed on the main street, but it was as grand as the mayor's building in her hometown. Maybe even grander- She didn't come from a very big place.

Stepping inside, and she'd find a mostly vacant space. One single room with stairs to the right, and another door straight across. Pillars spaced a few feet apart from one another rimmed the room, and while all sorts of props and fabrics and other such junk filled the shadowy space behind them, the center of the room was empty save for a carpeted floor, and bright yellow bulbs that illuminated everything. The wooden floorboards sturdy beneath her paws, tightly spaced and not making so much as a dull creak as she stepped upon them, not giving half a centimeter beneath her weight. It reminded her of one of those dojo's she'd stopped at during her travels- Sans the lower ceiling, and the cluster of things stored around the perimeter of the room.

Niko bypassed all of it without even an explanation, his step quicker than before, almost seeming impatient- Though that bubbling energy showed itself with the quick wags of his tail "I'll show you to your room! Um, you'll have to use my bathroom I'm afraid, it's the only one with a bathtub! We've got plumbing all the way out here though, so you can get as much fresh water as you want! I'll have the twins heat prep the bath for you, so don't you worry Ms. Lyric!" He called out into the upper hall for the Mienfoo to do just that, his voice a little squeaky with such a forcibly bark. She couldn't see them moving- She was more just looking up at his tail, at the moment, and the wide and brightly lit hall above- But she heard a door open, and the pittering of paws on looser floors, then the open and clack of another door. "We don't have the fancy heated water some of the inner city has, but I think that plumping and electric lights are awesome enough, huh?" he glanced back down at her, one foot two steps higher than the other, giving enough room for his sheath to sway.

"It's really 'awesome', thank you!" Lyric's voice was earnest, so happy and excited with everything she'd seen. She'd worked with props plenty of times before, but the sheer number of them down below, the size of the space... Running water inside a building! She'd thought the lights were incredible enough, but it was more than she'd ever dreamed of. And here she'd been thinking the pond in the park across the street was how they'd gotten water. This was just incredible.

The initial hall was a short one, an empty doorframe opening up to a short balcony that overlooked the grassy backyard below it, a ladder visible on the right side, short railings telling her it was likely meant as part of the stage. An immediate left turn opened the hallway up, much narrower but still enough to fit three of her side by side, and still have some space left over. The lights were over the ceiling now, dimmer than they'd been below but still illuminating the space well. There were no more doors on the right of the hallway- The balcony was on the other side, but she could see plenty spaced out on the left hand side, each operated by a little sideways lever-shaped knob. Her room was the second one, as it turned out, close enough to the first door that she assumed it was a closet of some kind.

"Here you aaare!" Niko opened the door with a simple tug and prompted her to step through with one paw, the other holding the handle which was situated just above his head. There was no latch to the door, though she noticed an odd pulley on the inside of it, a rope attached to a hunk of oddly shaped metal- She realized what it was for the moment she stepped through and the Riolu let go, tugging the door shut and giving the clatter that she'd heard before, both as the door hit the frame and the metal hit the floor. Clever!

"If you want to drop off your stuff and then come on down, I'll get you fitted for a costume. The bath usually takes a little bit to heat up. 'Less you wanna wear something of your own for the recording, there are lots and lots of styles out now that people'd love to see I'm sure! Just remember it's gotta be something an explorer would wear!" He paused for a moment, looking her over in her ragged garb "And it can't be something that hides your pretty fur so much!" he giggled, sounding cheeky when he spun around and opened the door up again, arms outstretched as he quickly trotted through!

"Th-thank you, so much!" Lyric managed to call after him before the door clattered shut. Giving her a brief view of Niko spinning back around and bowing to her, so deep his nose bobbed beneath bent knees, a grin wide on his face.

Then she was alone, though she heard the occasional pitters of movement up and down the hall from outside her room, never to linger around her door. The stairs were, thankfully, quiet if anyone went up or down, and the hallway steps barely noticeable. It was a very well-constructed building!

The room was a quaint one, plain and small, but far nicer than many of the inns or guest rooms she'd stayed in. It was clean enough to be called spotless for one thing, illuminated by a hole in the upper portion of the wall, filtering in the light from the outside hallway- A sliding shudder attached to a string letting her open or close it with simple tugs. A dresser was right across from the doors, with an open stand about the height of her chest on top. Three drawers in all, all of them empty. The bed was in the upper right corner of the room, framed in simple but well-built wood, the mattress looking thick and comfortable, wrapped neatly in cotton linens, and with several blankets stacked up beside several pillows, all neat and well organized. A full-body mirror A small door took up the corner wall across from the bed, opening to a tiny room with only two basins in it- The one lowest to the floor shockingly akin to what she'd seen in some outhouses, but without any smell. It took her a moment to realize she could fiddle with the levers on the top to activate a rapid flow of water, spraying her some as it came down, but certainly enough to flush away anything nasty into the hole beneath it. Same for the taller basin that came to her waist, though she wasn't sure what she'd be doing with that.

Ultimately, she decided not to unpack, though she did strip her swamp-gear off, folding it neatly and piling it onto the small table she found next to the door. Unbuckling the lower straps, she took out the first article of clothing she could grab from her pack- A simple little sundress, fabric thin to the point of translucency as it draped over her figure. She didn't mind though- The robin-blue piece was more meant to pay a nod to modesty rather than preserve it, her own fur skirt did well enough for that. Besides, it made her feel pretty, not that she wasn't pretty enough already. It was her mother's dress, she was just a little too small for it yet, the straps sitting loosely over her slender shoulders, only held up by the little tufts of her fur.There wasn't much to distinguish her from the average Braixen, her hairs weren't as long as the Riolu's, but her fur was perhaps even thicker, a nice even coat that had developed a few shaggy and scraggy patches on the road. She'd done her best to keep it nice and straight, but especially with how her swamp-garb had been settling over it, it looked a little mussed up and disheveled. Still, she could appreciate the way the dress sat gingerly over her fur in the mirror, her bright orange eyes sparkling as she shook her hips back and forth, making the little birds and flowers that were woven in with a dark blue lace dance and sway with the hem. She liked to think of her tail as being more magnificent than normal, but the more modest side of her told her it was just wishful thinking. She curled it around her body to stroke at it regardless- It was time to take measurements!

Lyric peaked out shyly into the hall, feeling nervous about encountering anyone else in the space without the riolu's company, but it was empty. She was able to quickly slip around the corner and trot down the stairs, and was welcomed with the most delighted gasp in Niko's voice!

He'd set himself up in the dead center of the floor, a couple of stools and a standing mirror with strips of cloth. It made sense why- It was the best spot for the lighting.

(SS 1)

Niko rushed from his spot in the center of the room and grasped Lyric's wrist in both paws, not even tugging at her, just gushing as he looked up and down "Oh, you look magnificent Ms. Lyric! So so so pretty! I just knew it!" His eyes were bright, crinkled up to little slivers as he hopped up and down in place, tail wagging so crazily that it was buffeting his shirt and smacking into one of the pillars beside them. He was even breathing a little hard, nostrils flaring with just how worked up he was.

Lyric just smiled.

"Thank you very much, Niko!" She spoke warmly, like she'd addressed one of her younger cousins, and the riolu's jaws spread up and snapped, giving a little chuffing noise that was absolutely happy. He started to tug her towards the station, backing up to do it, and Lyric just giggled and stepped with him, letting him lead her down to the stool. It was very short, not even foot tall, but she supposed it helped him manage their height difference while she sat.

He wrapped the measuring tape around each of her limbs very carefully, made her squeak when he hugged her around from behind to get her waist, then ultimately told her to stand- And then to squat. It was an awkward posture, but she'd had enough experience dancing to maintain it easily, arms outstretched when he lifted each from the armpit, the braixen comfortable enough by now not to mind the invasive touches. Even when he lifted her tail, she didn't think anything of it for the first few moments- But then she realized the tape was abandoned on the ground beside their feet, and she could see him perched on the stool just behind her in the mirror, looking very intently down. His expression was so focused that it made her shiver.

With her thighs jutted back, knees bent forward, her stance a little wider than it normally was, and the way her pulled-up tail tugged at the hem of her skirt- Fabric AND fur- she knew just how exposed she was. Her tailhole was just a tight little button, pristine with her youth, nestled up tightly into the crease just beneath her tail. Thinning fur giving depth to the narrow slopes, a convergence of every curve, like, and detail that her butt possessed, all coming together at that single point. A few tight wrinkles edged the inner ring of muscle, but it wasn't enough to even pucker the skin- From the outside, it looked like someone had just drawn their finger across a tight canvas of fur, shoving it in at that single point, dimpling in all that flesh and fuzz, and when they pulled away that tight rim remained. It pulsed a little with her nerves. Him seeing butthole wasn't what worried her so much though- No he was looking lower than that.

Her lips were thick ones, not because she was a particularly large girl, but for the simple fact that she'd entered her heat halfway down the road. There'd never been a good time to satisfy it, not at all the stops she'd had, not even in the privacy of the forest- She'd liked to keep things clean! And then her swamp garments- It had been easy to forget about and ignore in the dreary dredge on through, or in the excitement of entering the city, but the cloth had been bound up tightly to her fur. Constantly irritating the raw flesh, and it showed the results now. Three pronged lips swelled from her fur, enough to hang past the dense fuzz that layered over her crotch, some scarce hairs plastering over the edges of the damp flesh. It was the size of a fist, nearly in terms of width as well as thickness. The chubby flesh's normally tight grains, akin to the spots on her nose, looked to be bursting out at the seams, like the skin of an over-ripened fruit- The effect made worse by the fact they caught the leaking excitement that drooled out from within, giving the entire surface a gentle sheen. Each petal so heavily swollen that they'd begun to push up against their neighbors, forming heavy creases against themselves, all angling in towards a soft and lustrous core.

"What are you doing, Niko?" Lyric's voice wavered with uncertainty. Eyes wincing down as she felt one of his paws curl around her thigh, gripping it with a solid paw- His strength was incredible!- But more over the fact she felt something nudging up into her spade. A prick of fur tickling over her sensitive flesh, making her tremble and jerk, that paw yanking at her to keep her still, a little nub of something hard trailing over the grains of her cunt. Tracing those creases, smearing something warm and sticky and wet across her flesh, starting to bump and dimple it in.

"Oh, don't worry! Just hold that squatting pose for a little bit longer, OK?" His voice was just as cheery as it always was, so much so that it was disarming. Her mind wanted to believe she was just mistaking it all, but he was clearly holding something beneath her tail in the mirror- She could feel that nub pulsing as it swirled along her petals, hear the little grunts he gave between breaths, feel the way his paw tightened against her thigh, pulled her back into him. A shudder from them both, and he split in between two of the petals, his taper dragging along her slick flesh, then he was sindie her. She could feel that nub expand exponentially, it made her toes curl and her body tense up at the situation. Measured in centimeters at first, so small she wouldn't have paid it any mind in any other situation, or maybe even if she couldn't feel the thick patch of fur from his sheath wedging up against the crook of her cunt, the conical tip just probed its way inside. "Just a... A little bit longer. Don't worry, I'm almost done!" His voice wavered too, with a clear excitement that actually kept her from jerking away. It was just so earnest- Subconsciously, it just kept her from entering that fight-or-flight state she would have reacted with under any other conditions. He panted.

He wasted no time in enjoying himself, seeming to know he'd have to act quickly before the Braixen snapped out of her shock. That taper had grown out about a centimeter under the swell of its own arousal before he grasped his sheath and just stroked it slowly, pushing himself out and into her. Every last bit just shooting straight into her body, never so much as glancing off the air for a moment, his furry pouch dimpling into her folds as he took a single step forward along the stool. She could feel every inch as it surged into her body, feeling thin and wiry at first, but rapidly expanding at an almost explosive rate. She was certain she could feel something warm and wet spill out with him, dribbling out into her raw, exposed flesh quite freely.

"Aah. That's it, there's a good girl! Almost done, almost done. Just keep the pose up!"

Her tail twitched at being called a good girl, brushing against his face, but she just whined in a confused voice. She loved that term, loved it when it was directed at her, but this was all wrong. She strained to try and stand, but his paw was firm, fingers hooking and digging in until it made her wince- the more pressure she applied to try and escape, the more pain it would cause. His paw was like a vice. "No no... We have to finish" His voice was still so cheerful- Yet there was firmness to it too. And a breathlessness caused by his own pleasure.

The way she felt his paw roll against her flank, the way the heavy digits bumped and stroked into her thighs, he was masturbating into her more than properly mounting. She could feel his cock throbbing inside of her, more and more jets of that gooey liquid splashing across her insides, the way it shifted inside of her so awkwardly, bumping and swirling up and down within her body, it felt so strange. Pleasurably, but she was too panicked to enjoy it, mind swirling with such confused thoughts and emotions that she simply was unable to focus on any one thing. Her arms were still stretched out, flat to either side of her, she realized in a sudden bout of clarity, but her body just didn't respond when she told herself to put them down, she just twitched and quivered like under some spell. Her breath, she realized soon after, was coming out in hearty pants, the tip of her tongue lolling out from beneath her nose, her ears bobbing up and down at frantic pace "Stop it!"

"There we go. There we gooo... almost done. Just a little bit longer" He reassured her with a soft cooing sound, though his voice was cracking a little from the pleasure, a few syllables interrupted with a choked grunt. She could feel something particularly hard and thick pressing up against her spade- Not his hand, not his sheath- in fact she felt the little tickle of his fur disappear altogether. His eyes winced up in the mirror, and suddenly he was gasping out- She felt the hard bulge slip into her body briefly, the insane burst of pressure in her belly caused by a surface hard and smooth almost like the shell of an egg, then felt his paw vacate her thigh. Both his paws smacking up together to cup at the edges of her cunt, Lyric's voice rising into a soft cry as he yanked himself back, a wet pop sounding loud. She shuddered violently, waves of orgasmic energy making her unstable, making her press back against his fingers grasping that dense bulb, the sides of her chest heaving out. Niko was shuddering too- Grasping that knot and jerking it rapidly in his fingers, hips bucking up wildly into her, his shaft convulsing inside of her body. The tepid flow that had been dribbling into her before was a torrent, she could feel it flooding into her body, almost as freely as the water she'd seen in her bathroom stall before. Painting and staining her insides like she'd never been before- Every inch of her was plastered with his watery seed, it felt like she was melting from the inside out.

Much of it dribbled out along the length of his shaft, spilling over his paws or down either of their thighs, but she could feel it pooling within her, a hot and sinking pressure that just refused to go away, deep within her core. He was going still within her, still squeezing his knot in a pulsing grip, giving the occasional shift of his hips or the idle thrust, wet slopping squelches to be heard between her soft walls and the hardened girth of his cock. He seemed to be growing even harder, his shaft pulsing again and again- The flow of liquid tapering off, but not abating entirely.

"Aaaah. Such a good girl Lyric! Oh, I knew I was right picking you!" His eyes sparkled as he pulled out of her, the braixen jolting and trembling wildly at the suctioned squelch that occurred when he vacated her body. It felt like she was left gaping- Left empty. But more than that, it felt like bucket was just pouring out of her, his creamy seed sluicing from the edges of her lips, much just splattering down to the stool or the ground in a wet pittering mess, but just as much rolled down the inner edges of her thighs, soaking into her fur especially around the ankles. Some rolling over her footpaws and into the cracks between the toes, most just adding to the puddle that started at the back of her feet.

(Watersports Warning 1 (Ctrl + F to find 'Watersports Skip 1))

The braixen opened her mouth to speak, but the Riolu surged himself forward, grinning slyly while wrapping one paw around her neck, gripping idly at the chest but not really groping, the other stretching and wrapping up from the side of her jaw, his cum-soaked digits wrapping across her face, clenching into her nose. "Sorry if this took you off guard at all" His voice sounded very smug, not a hint of embarrassment or shame. "I just like to experience new-hires, you know? We're like one big happy family over here, gotta share everything, you know? And you're awesome Lyric, super super awesome! We're lucky to have ya" He was grinning, she could see it in the mirror even if she couldn't turn her head. His back paws just barely touched down against the stool, entire body stretched to press into her back. He was warm- His muscles were thick and tough, far more developed than she'd ever have expected from his earlier and puppyish demeanor. She could feel his cock still, every swollen inch of it, grinding into her backside, releasing little jets of seed that soaked out into her fur and dress, his heavy knot and more delicate orbs both swirling and bumping into the base of her tail.

"And I'm really sorry too! Your bath won't be ready for a little bit yet, we were out of charcoal to heat it up. I sent Varatene to go pick up some more. But the good news is we have time to record the scene beforehand! I think that it'd be even better if you didn't clean up before then, you know? Your fur is a little messy, you look a little beaten up... More authentic that way! Julatilo and Iris are working in the set in back right right now, but we'll have a little bit yet before they finish it up. Oh, you're just so soft an wonderful Lyric! Truly awesome!" His hips rippled a little- She could feel them pulling back, his arms pulling her head and neck back with it, until he was a little more even along her back. She felt his taper drop, dragging across her tail, leaving hearty spurts along the fur as well- Then it was pressing into her butt. She shuddered, spluttering out against his hand and whining. This was too far! Even yanking her hands down to push him away, but he was purring on her back. Squeezing her muzzle so casually that it couldn't have been more than friendliness- But the grip it served made her vision go white, made it feel like her nose was on the verge of splintering. She wasn't sure that the bone didn't in fact crack, just the way it creaked- she could hear it!

The pain paralized her, and his taper slipped inside once again. Hips giving rapid little bumping motions, he was humping into her in earnest, just to work his way through that tight dry rim. It was an incredible pinch, and the cum that swirled around the tender flesh barely helped any- Or rather, it was the only thing that let him inside in any smooth order. Her anus puckering and clenching against him, the rim just throbbing continuously as he settled a couple inches down inside. Then, he just relaxed, just spreading and snuggling into her back fur, though she remained as tense as could be, muscles cramped in such a way that she was sure it'd be quite painful when she was finally allowed to release them. Lyric grunted a little when she felt something warm and wet began to pour into her- So similar, yet so different than what she'd experienced before. She wasn't clueless about the ins and outs of sex, but she wasn't this experience either- The pressure and fluidity of it, the sheer volume, it was so much different than before. Washing through her bowels, making her hips buck and heave in an uncontrolled fashion, made her cry out at the inner heat searing through. What was he doing?!

It wasn't until the sigh of his relief struck her ears, the way one of his legs quivered and kicked against her back thigh, that the pressure built enough to squirt out past her rim, flowing across his dick like some liquid massage- It wasn't until all that that she realized Niko was peeing into her butt. The scent hit her nose about the same time that the liquid struck the ground, streaming down their fur in heavy rivulets. He shook himself a few times, burying deeper or changing the angle when the pressure of his own piss tapered the flow. Letting his paw drop away from her face, relaxing down some, just wrapping his paws around her body and hugging in tightly from behind.

Only seconds passed this time, but it felt like minutes, and she just stood there, taking it all. What else was she supposed to do? None of this made sense. She was supposed to be taking to a... Recording, not to some pervert's whims. She whined, and he gasped out, grasping the back of her neck like scruffing her, tugging at the fur gently and playfully before backing up and slipping out of her, looking well and truly satisfied. His cock sliding free of her butt with an even wetter squelch than her cunt, and he quickly wiped it clean on the underside of her tail, the shaft looking a great deal smaller than when it had went in, the knot already pulling back into its sheath. The piss came out at a much more leisurely rate than the seed did, most of it spilling free while he was doing it, joining the mess on the ground and broadening the puddle until it was soaking down to her toes. She just trembled

"Aaah. I'm so grateful you're here! The toilets, they don't really work when the bath is full, something with how we stop the pipes! We're hoping to get that fixed soon, but I just really needed to go!"

(Watersports Skip 1)