Heart of Gold

Story by hunter of chiroptera on SoFurry

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#4 of Sonic Futaverse

Sally acorn is having a rough time, Good thing Bunnie and Antoine are around to help her through it.

Sally took a deep breath as she looked at the monitors featuring at least two geniuses and one super powerful AI. She was angry and trying not to show it. Had the assembled trio been anyone else she might even have succeeded. But as the group was composed of Tails who had known her from his early childhood into adulthood, Rotor who had grown up with her and Nicole to whom she had confided every fear, love and sorrow of her life. They all knew she was mad and were trying not to make it worse. "Let's go over what has transpired here... from the top."

"As you wish." Nicole said the screen she was occupying was taken over by an info-graphic. "A month and fourteen days ago Sonic experienced a space time dislocation and found himself in another universe. He engaged with a local version of Tails in sexual acts that made him patient zero in what has been identified as a sexually transmitted infection. Those afflicted undergo physical and psychological changes rendering them hermaphrodites or as they prefer futanari slash futa. Sonic transmitted this infection to Tails, Amy, Mina, and Shadow directly, While Blaze, Ash, and Rouge got it indirectly. Tails is responsible for passing the infection to Rotor, Zooey, Cosmo, Mighty, Ray, and Barby, directly and to Espio, Charmy, Vector and Jewel indirectly. From this group blood samples were taken for study. Unfortunately a mix-up by the intern making labels sent these blood samples to be used in blood transfusions. The mix up was slow to be discovered but I acted to try and contain it right away. I elected not to inform you because you were recovering from surgery at the time." Nicole looked very sheepish as she admitted that. "While the number of subjects transformed multiplied, the amount of individuals infected increased at an explosive exponential rate we are still trying to determine after the fact." Nicole declared her screen still dominated by the chart showing the chain of transformed individuals connecting to a cloud of vague infected.

The acorn princess grit her teeth and let out a sigh. "And what have we learned from all this?" Sally asked, barely holding her anger in check that such a massive issue hadn't been brought to her.

"Well that we need to label possible infectious materials better on site..." Tails said with a sheepish grin and if things hadn't been so tense Sally might have laughed. Instead she just leveled a glare at the fox who folded her arms awkwardly and tried her best to become invisible.

"A lot honestly." Rotor said, distracting Sally's ire. "The primary and most effective method of transfer is sexual contact. Saliva semen or vaginal fluid result in the fastest transformation speeds within time frames from three hours to as little as ten minutes. Those who were exposed via blood took a minimum of two weeks to physically change despite being able to pass the infection themselves after the first week."

"Do we know how to reverse it?" Sally asked.

"Reverse the transformation, No. We haven't looked into that as a possibility." Nicole answered, finally asserting herself over the chart. "Men and women alike are fairly happy to be futanari the transformation is usually pleasant their sex lives almost always improve as a result and-"

"Source fucking dammit find a way to fix this! I have no desire to be a Futa!" Sally shouted at the terminals before swiping her hand through the air cutting the feed on all but Nicole. Nicole was the system she couldn't just be hung up on.

"Sally, I know the transformation was an unpleasant surprise for you. I think you need to talk to someone." Nicole said so calmly and reasonably that Sally wanted to pitch the monitor out the nearest window. "I theorize that the injuries that required the transfusion to begin with are to blame for disrupting the normal processes of the transformation. As a result you are dealing with hormonal imbalances and your mercurial mood is-"

"FUCK OFF!!" Sally roared before turning on her heel and exiting the room. The squirrel was livid and while she was perfectly aware that a lot of what her friends were saying was perfectly reasonable she also wasn't in the mood to be reasonable. She headed down the hall to her room.

So much of her life was out of her control but her body had been fairly stable. She had taken a hit when an old half-deactivated Badnik had self destructed showering her with shrapnel. No major injury but she had needed to be shaved and each of the hundred odd pieces had to be extracted and she had needed a small transfusion between what was lost to the injury and what was lost in surgery. Everything had healed well enough, no scarring and her fur was back to its proper length. And then her hips had spread, her ass had swelled, she had gone from B cups to double Ds. Not to mention she suddenly had a pair of balls constantly heavy on her groin and a solid nine and a half inches of cock resting atop them. Sally was both aroused and disgusted by her new body. She'd always wanted bigger breasts and more than once she had stared at Bunnie's ample backside with envy. It was the male portion that had her ire. If these pieces of anatomy had been on anyone else she would have been happy to see them.

Sally reached her room, avoided the mirror and flopped into bed screaming into the nearest pillow. When she was done venting into the fabric she rolled onto her back and closed her eyes wishing for sleep that just wouldn't come. She had gotten maybe ten hours of sleep since her transformation. Her cock was keeping her awake, getting hard for nothing too sensitive to ignore. She'd lie awake wishing for it to go limp or just vanish.

The door swung open with a crash. Sally could think of five people who would come into her private bedroom without knocking especially when the door had been locked.

"Hey sugah! Heard from the grapevine mah favorite gal was feeling rough." Sally felt a slight twinge of a smile as Bunnie's voice greeted her. "Decided to drop in and give ya a check up." Sally sat up in the bed to see the rabbit cyborg already across the floor and resting on the edge of the bed.

"Bunnie please we still have to knock." Antoine said lightly rapping on the door before waiting to be called in. Sally found her mood lightening at the perpetually formal coyote.

"Antoine, honey, sugah, babe, love of my life... Shut up. Now get over here and help me cheer Sal-gal up!" Bunnie said with a laugh before turning back to Sally. "Now I heard you were down in the dumps but you look fit and fine to... me" Bunnie stopped as she looked at Sally and her smile slipped. "Oh gosh dern it Sally! You ain't been sleeping again."

"My Princess, your mind and body suffer if you don't get some sleep." Antoine said, halting mid stride into the room. "I'll be right back with something to send you to a peaceful rest."

"You do that Toine." Bunnie said, waving her husband off, as the coyote closed the door behind him Bunnie's face grew stern. The rabbit was all of two months older than Sally but sometimes it felt to the princess like more. "Now I know it ain't just nothing keeping you up at night. Spill the beans Sal."

Sally took a second of thought to realize lying about the problem would make Bunnie worry more and the more worried the southern belle got the more persistent her efforts would be. So there was nothing for it but to tell her the truth. Sally relayed her tale of woe blushing furiously as she described waking up to find she had morning wood. The royal was shame faced as she told of her explosion at Rotor, Tails, and Nicole. Bunnie's expression was as it often was the face of compassion calm and free of judgement. As Sally wrapped up there was a knock on the door before Antoine came in bearing a tray with a steaming mug on it.

"Here you have a special brew for sending sleepy princesses into a snooze." Antoine said, pushing the mug into her hands. Sally took a sip discovering that the brew was a honeyed tea. Her eyelids drifted lower as she drank and by the time the cup was empty she simply fell back against her pillow and was out like a light.

Sally awoke feeling serene, a feeling that lasted right up until she saw the tent in her sheets. Then she noticed that she was presently not alone either. Bunnies' head was resting on the pillow next to her. Sally was confused and startled when she realized that the rabbit seemed to be missing all her limbs.

"Morning Sally." Bunnie said, stirring from the squirrels movements. "Antoine went home to get some supplies."

"Where are your arms and legs?" Sally asked before pulling the sheets off to uncover her next mystery "Why are you naked?!?"

"You ever try sleeping with forty pounds of cold steel under the covers with ya? It's not fun, and it's hard to keep my clothes on without shoulders or legs." she answered calmly while hitting the royal with the most bemused smirk. "Think we have other things to discuss though."

Sally shook her head rapidly, it was hard not to stare at her friend's naked body. Sally had always known Bunnie was attractive but her new anatomy let her understand that in a new way. The princess couldn't keep her eyes on Bunnie's face roving down to her c-cup breasts or further down to the bubblegum pink opening of her pussy. "W-what about?" Sally asked, managing to stutter just once. It was very hard to think with such a pretty girl in her bed naked.

"Now Sally girl you're havin' body image issues. Trust me, I know what that's about." Bunnie said with a chuckle that made her breasts jiggle in a way Sally found incredibly distracting."You need to get comfortable with your body as it is 'cause it may never go back to the way it used to be."

Bunnie's voice was a touch somber on the last bit. "Now me and Antoine talked it over and we think we know how to get you over the issue."

"H-how?" Sally asked, forcing her gaze back to Bunnie's face for the tenth or so time.

"Y'all are gonna love this. We are gonna fuck you." Bunnie declared with a smile and a wink that shook Sally so much she needed a full minute to process what had been said.

"Oh... You're gonna What!?" Sally said utterly baffled though at least one part of her was fully on board with the notion.

"How many times have you orgasmed since you got like that?" the limbless cyborg inquired with the most blase tone.

"Eh?! None! I-I don't do that!" Sally insisted while flushing bright red as she hid her face in her arms.

"What?!" Bunnie said equally shocked. "Quit tugging my tail! I know you have to have polished the pearl a few times!"

"What does my jewelry have to do with... with that?" Sally replied utterly confused and very embarrassed.

"Oh mah stars... y'all really don't know." Bunnie shook her head. " Sally girl i knew you weren't plannin' to have sex until ya got married but that's just not healthy."


"You gotta take some time and... release those pent up feelings or else you'll melt down or break down." Bunnie worried for her friend.

Sally shoved her shorts down exposing her throbbing cock. "What am I supposed to do with This!" she said blushing even harder as semen spurted from the tip onto Bunnies crotch.

Bunnie whistled at the sight. "I'll tell you what to do with it. Take a hold of the base, lean over, and push that big boy into my pussy."

Sally had never wanted and resisted an idea so much. "B-but you're married i don't want Antoine to-"

"Nuh uh, none of that talk Missy! Me and Antoine both agreed you need a good hard orgasm or two to clear your head. Now take that prize winner and fuck me till you burst." Bunnie argued back. "And don't you go telling me you don't wanna either you can't take yer eyes offa me. Now get to it."

The acorn princess tried to think of another excuse but her mind was filled with other questions. Like how soft would Bunnie's pussy be, how hot and tight? Sally wasn't aware that she had complied with the lapin's instructions till Bunnie tilted her head up and kissed her. Sally melted tasting her friends lips spurred her into action her hips jumping forward pushing into Bunnie's sex.

"That's it Sally, keep going, get as deep in there as you can." Bunnie said though she wasted her breath. Like a flipped switch the civil and calm acorn princes was replaced by a horny beast. leaning over the limbless rabbit their breasts smashing against each other as Sally shoved forward with her hips hammering the rabbit. Sally licked Bunnies face trying to kiss her again and again finally finding her mouth as she fucked her lapin lover like death was waiting for her to finish. Sally was lost in a haze of lust as Bunnie's orgasmic cunt gripped her cock and spurted fem-cum onto the bed. The rabbit wiggled her hips letting out a delicious moan that sent shivers of delight down Sally's spine. The lusty royal came silently screaming as her balls unloaded into one of her oldest friends.

"Ah I see you got started without me." Sally whipped her head around to see the door closing with Antoine having come through.

"Better late than never Sugah." Bunnie said, leaning up. "Be gentle with her. It's her first time after all and I wouldn't want that monster of yours to scare her off."

Antoine chuckled as he shucked his jacket and pants in a front flip revealing his cock was roughly a half inch bigger than the princess's. Sally bit her lip and rolled over laying on her back next to Bunnie, her cock throbbing tall as the coyote crawled up the bed leaning over her just as she had with Bunnie. "It is my duty, my privilege, my pleasure to serve the royal heir of acorn."

"Shut up and fuck me." Sally said not in a mood for such games.

"As you wish then." the coyote said as he pushed his cock into Sally. The acorn royal hadn't realized how hot and wet her sex had gotten until she felt Antoine's throbbing manhood stretch her pussy. Sally gasped and shuddered her pussy tightening down on the rod on instinct though it didn't stop Antoine. The coyote fucked her just as he had been commanded silently he rocked his hips gently but forcefully.

"Fills you up real nicely doesn't he?" Bunnie said as Sally turned her head to the side. "If you tilt your head up you can probably see him filling you." Bunnie said, smiling lecherously. "Oooh I love the face she's making right now." Sally wasn't sure what face she was making but she was glad Bunnie was enjoying it. The squirrel gasped and whined as her virgin sex was given a long overdue stretching. Sally was out of her mind with pleasures she had never felt. Sally squeaked clutching onto Antoine her whole body going tense as she climaxed her sex milking Antoine to his own climax as well. Sally went limp basking in the tingling feeling and the warmth filling her body.

"Oh oh yes thank you Antoine." Sally said as the coyote leaned back his cock sliding from her body. "I ... really needed that." Sally giggled before an arm pulled her head to the side and Bunnie was giving her a deep kiss. "Oh I definitely needed you..." Sally said when she was released from the kiss her words trailing off as she realized the hand that had turned her head was Bunnie's. "Bunnie?"

"In the flesh." the southern belle replied, stroking Sally's breasts with arms she had lacked minutes ago.

"Oh we seem to have forgotten something." Antoine said gesturing at Bunnie's newly grown legs or rather between them. The rabbit was sporting a set of balls and a cock to match.

"I ain't complaining about having a little extra to play with. Especially since we seem to have found an extra playmate." Bunnie said, stroking the length of her dick. Sally could tell just by looking at it the lapin's member was shorter than hers and Antoine's but thicker around than either of them.

Sally realized the implications of what Bunnie had said. "Wait. You mean me?"

"But of course. I think it is obvious I would be delighted to have you in our bedroom whenever it pleases you. After all, I have been enamored with you for some time, Sally." Antoine said with a grin and Sally realized she could see the coyote changing his eyelashes getting longer, his lips pinker and his face growing more soft and round.

"And Sal, you've been a guest of honor in mah favorite dreams for a good long time too." Bunnie said, diverting Sally's attention to the rabbit once more. Sally realized that aside from the male additions and her new limbs Bunnie had only gone up a cup size in her transformation.

"I knew Antoine had a crush on me but I didn't know about you..." Sally said, unsure of the feelings it brought on.

"Never came up much but I like the ladies as much as the fellas." Bunnie declared shifting around on the bed hugging Sally from behind. "You got some fine assets before and some fun and fine ones now." she declared her breasts rubbing Sally's shoulders as her cock pressed ever so delightfully between the royals ass cheeks, the tip tickling the base of her tail.

"Very much agreed." Anoine said his voice a little higher and his chest now sporting a pair of breasts slightly bigger than his wife had had a second ago. It occurred to Sally that Antoine had always been a rather slight and feminine figure. "If you would like to continue, I think Bunnie and I know a position you'll love."

Sally paused and then nodded. "What the hell, I think you were both right. I needed a few good orgasms and..." Sally couldn't help but flush despite all they were sharing already. "I think I'd like to give the both of you some too."

"Aw Sally." Bunnie whispered, grinding her cock against the princess' backside. "Y'all are just too damn cute." the rabbit said before lifting Sally up with so little effort it was like those cybernetic limbs were still there. "Gotta admit sally gal i fantasized about loosening your screws like this a lot." she said gently lowering the squirrel onto her thick manhood. Sally was still blushing at her friend's confession as her pussy was spread by Bunnie's thick cock. "Sweet heavens, no wonder fellas can't stop thinking about getting this." Bunnie said as her cock pushed as far into the royal as the southern belle could manage. Sally was shocked to find that while Bunnie's member didn't go as deep into her it stretched her sex wider and rubbed parts of her that Antoine's didn't.

"I think I'm about to have the same experience." Antoine said as he gently pushed Sally and into a reclined position. The coyote lined up his new feminine sex with Sally's glistening cock and slowly lowered himself on to it. "My word..." the coyote said, still only halfway down Sally's shaft. "How do you girls even handle me? It... it feels like I'm going to pop." The coyote settled on Sally's hips, rubbing his new breasts and panting.

"How ya holdin' up the meat in our royal sandwich Sal gal?" Bunnie asked as she rubbed Sally's breasts, her fingers gently kneading the tender flesh.

Sally whimpered. "You both need a turn like this." Sally replied, moaning with pleasure. "Fuck me... I'm not sure which of you i want more right now." she said, taking hold of Antoine's cock stroking it gently loving the slick sticky feel of it in her hands.

"Blessedly you don't have to choose." the coyote replied before lifting his hips. Sally gasped as her cock started to slip free only for Bunnie to buck her hips up forcing the squirrel's dick back into the coyote. Bunnie's hips fell, her cock just barely remaining inside Sally and the royal pushed her hips down to get that wonderful dick back in her. The three of them worked out a clunky pace of Antoine rising then Sally would rise off and fall back onto Bunnie with Antoine following the royal down. Sally was awash in pleasures she had put off for so long and it seemed such an odd choice now. As her hips rose and fell she felt lighter and freer than she had in a long time. Antoine's cock sprayed the underside of her breasts with cum from her teasing and she decided she quite licked that feeling. For a solid ten minutes they did nothing but fuck like that gasping and moaning each others names. Sally was surprised it was Antoine who started cumming first the coyote's cunt milking her royal member to orgasm in seconds. Of course that set Sally's cunt to clenching and pulsing around Bunnie who promptly threw her head back in whoop of joy as she came.

Slowly all three separated, lying on the bed. Sally lay between the two who were shooting conspiratorial glances at one another.

"Alright now what are you planning to do?" Sally asked only to have both her friends curl into her body, their heads resting more on her shoulder than the pillows. Sally blinked and then wrapped her arms around her lovers.

"Sally." Bunnie said quietly. "After this nap ya need to apologize to everyone."

"Rest first you were barely out for an hour and that little workout... well Bunnie and I are exhausted so you..." Antoine trailed off noting the acorn princess was already sound asleep.

"'We're exhausted.' Antoine, I could go two or three more rounds." Bunnie whispered to her husband.

"Oh I'm likewise capable, as well you know." Antoine said, twitching an eyebrow seductively. "But our third is slightly lacking."

Bunnie giggled lightly. "Well you know how it goes, it's only her first time after all." unsaid was how they planned to prep the princess for her next sexual encounter.

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