Part 2 of Safe Haven and a New Start

Story by SkyelerTheFox on SoFurry

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#2 of Skye and Katie

Part 2 of Skye and Katie's story. The two of them continue to learn about each other and make plans for their future together and to put Skye in a position to turn his life around. Things are going fairly nicely.

Part Two of: Safe Haven and a New Start.

Skye and Katie laid together for probably 20 or 25 minutes after their first sexual experience together. It was silent except for their heavy breathing as they cuddled and sat in their bliss, after all the back and forth of their, "games", that involved them making tiny tests and advances to see if their sibling was actually interested, while trying to slyly avoid being found out on the chance that their feelings were unreciprocated and the whole thing of Katie being able to help her brother out would be ruined, which would not bode well for Skyeler. Fortunately, in the end, neither side was heartbroken, and things felt amazing. There was still plenty that had to be talked about, but there was plenty of time. They had ten days to get his system cleaned out, and to make plans, and to foster their new bond. It would be rough, no doubt about that, but as long as nothing went horribly wrong, and as long as Skyeler was serious about overcoming his problem, all would be well and good.

Skyeler finally felt back from his otherworldly experience, so he lifted his head and kissed the side of her muzzle, followed by whispering into her ear, "Hey you, how's it going? I'm going to take a shower really quick... You wanna join..? I can carry myself this time! Hehe."

Her eyes fluttered open, "Oh so good, my dear.. Hmm... Do. I. Want. To. Join..? Do I want to have you soapy, naked, and wet, all to myself..? I'm almost insulted that you even have to ask! Hehe. I'd say I'd race you there, but you'd probably lose on purpose so you could stare at my ass. Ehh, what the hell, race you there!" She hopped off the bed, and immediately slipped off her shorts and top, which came off exactly as quickly as she had intended it to be, should the occasion arise.

Skyeler placed his feet on the floor, and stood up, amazed at the lack of electrifying agony that had filled his body just hours ago, and that he could stand up without any assistance. It made him smile, and then the image of his sister slowly walking ahead, swinging her hips, swishing her tail and looking back at him with seductive eyes, making sure he was watching. Of course he was, his jaw was open and he had to wipe away some drool before any fell off of his lip, which he saw that Katie delighted in. He thought to himself, 'I can't believe this is happening, it is though, right? If none of this is real, I'm going to be pissed, devastated too. Pffftt, come on, you know damn well this is real. Go get your girl!' He felt himself flush with embarrassment, he hadn't thought about the idea of them actually being together, and it raised an anxious twist in his stomach. 'This isn't the time to get caught up on that, just enjoy your shower, you can talk to her after.' At this, he shook the thought from his head physically, and as he came back to reality and picked up the sound of the shower already running, and saw the steam billowing around and out of the bathroom. He grinned and got there quickly, and saw Katie just stepping in, and he was stepping in only a second later. He saw her facing him, and he finally got a look at her incredible body. He had only been teased up until now, as she had intended with her choice of revealing clothing. Her breasts were C cups and were the exact ideal set he had imagined whenever he had to make a picture for himself in his mind to jerk off to, like someone had 3d printed the image from his mind. Astounding.. looking down, he took in her belly, she wasn't skinny, more generally average slightly fit from occasionally working out, which is what he had always been interested in, not really one for tight skinny girls. He had always been with those, but that was because that's how everyone was in the drug scene, and it never really did it for him. Katie did though. She really did. As he looked down further, that was when her hand slid down her body, teased herself and spread her lower lips apart, and her other hand cupped her breast and stimulated that as well. She looked on at him, tilted her head and asked, "Can I help you with anything, mister..?"

His breathing had accelerated, he felt his eyes fill with a fire, and he became aware once again that his cock was still stiff as concrete. "Oh.. umm. Yeah... can I have one order of this sexy woman in front of me? I won't need a to-go box. I'm just going to eat her here." He raised his eyebrows in an amused, but extremely excited manner, awaiting her response.

She made a gasping moan and all the air felt sucked out of her lungs. She closed her eyes and shivered in pleasure. She knew that words could affect her heart, she had experienced that earlier, but the words he just spoke aroused her so much that she felt she needed him as quickly as possible. She glided over to him, wrapped herself around him. "Only one order..?"

He rubbed his face against hers and put his mouth by her ear, "Well, I mean right now. She looks downright delicious! I don't even need to try her to know that I'll be eating here A LOT more often, and I don't need to see the menu, this is the only order I'll be making." He licked her face and kissed her nose, while grabbing a handful of her sweet ass.

"Oh my god! Well you better eat her while she's still hot, and in this case, the hotter the better!" She followed with an almost desperate tone, "I can't do this anymore Skyeler, I need you right now, I'm going crazy, I loved all of that, but please, just do something.. anything.." She was practically writhing with arousal, and when she looked him in the eyes, Skyeler saw that he had already kept her waiting too long.

He jumped into action, "Bend over for me." When she did, she was looking back at him, wondering where this was going, she expected that he was going to push her against the wall and enter her, and she was anticipating this, the thought alone had her walls clenching for his cock. This was not what happened. What did happen, which she could hardly even see he was so quick, was he buried his face in in her slit. She gasped a quick, "Ohmygod...." He smiled into her and began to trace his tongue along her lips before letting it dive deep in, and he tasted her sweet sexual fluids. "Mmmmm...." She was delicious, and the sounds she made, amplified by the acoustics of the bathroom and enclosed shower only fueled his lust and enjoyment in the act. Meanwhile, her head was swimming, she was nearly breathless. Her legs started shaking, which he stabilized by grabbing her thighs and helping to support her. This was when he started briefly brushing up against her clit. He was pretty in tune with her body at this point, and was able to tell when it was too much and he needed to back off. He decided to tease her and back off, pretending to just be admiring her gorgeous contracting slit. She whipped around, impatient but with a fire in her eyes, "You! That was mind blowing. Tell later.. get in me right now! I'm serious!"

He popped up, savoring the taste on his lips and tongue and her smell on his face. And he had slipped inside her, instantly thrusting into her, somewhat quickly, but not too fast, he wanted it to last longer, and suspected she probably did too. He put both of his hands on her ass and gripped tightly, it was so firm and supple. He smacked one side of her ass and heard her moan even louder but through grit teeth, and did it again, only to hear a louder moan. She had begun to moan/squeak with every single thrust, and he knew she was getting close. It lit up something inside him and he put his arms around her waist, mounting her and hammering into her. Nothing else mattered for either of them, this was pure animalistic sex with the one they loved. Not long after this, he instinctively leaned down and bit down hard on the scruff of her neck and held on. It was about 15 seconds of this before she shuddered, stifled a scream and he felt her spasming around his cock, and that was the final straw. He managed to pull out just in time to just paint her backside, clenching his jaw and suppressing a loud vocalization, though it did end up coming out as a harsh growl, which was made much more booming by the acoustics. They both collapsed on the shower floor together. They laid there for what was probably 10 minutes, just huffing as they tried to catch their breath, as the water rained down on them. They had both collapsed on their right side, and his left hand had stayed placed on her waist and he began to gently stroke her fur, occasionally tracing little circles with his finger. That was pretty much the extent of his ability to move for the moment. Without turning toward him, Katie asked Skyeler, "You alright back there? Heh."

He replied, "Oh, I'm just dandy! Slight paralysis, but I don't think it'll last too long. And yourself?" The way she spoke in return sounded like she had a huge smile plastered and her face, which was exactly what he thought, which warmed him and encouraged one in him as well. He loved knowing that she was happy. "Well... I don't think I can stand right now.... So I'm pretty sure I'm great!" He teased her and faked disappointment, "Only great, huh?" To which she replied humorously, "Pshhhh... Shut up, you know damn well what you did."

He ran his hand up and down her side, rubbing her perky butt, and looked her backside up and down as well. He suddenly stopped and struggled some words out of himself, "H..hey. umm.... You, uhhm.. you're kinda bleeding.. it doesn't really look that bad at all... I'm so sorry! I... didn't mean to bite so hard... I got carried away.."

The silence wasn't long at all, it was actually really short, but it felt long. He felt embarrassed. Did he make her experience less enjoyable because of what he did? Did he hurt her? After the brief quiet, he heard her chuckle, "It's alright hunny. I'm all good! Actually, much better than good. It was so fucking amazing! I didn't know I was into that.. I've never had it done to me, it felt really good, and you did it just right I think. It's small enough to stop soon, right? Plus, I'm on vacation, nobody is gonna see it."

She followed with, "Anyways, I think I'm ready, and finally able, heheh, to hop out of the shower. Do you need help, y'know, cause I rocked you too hard?" She ended the sentence with an adorable giggle. Skyeler had finally regained his strength, so he kissed her on the back and replied, "Mmmm, you sure did.. I think I'm good. I love you. Let's get outta here, but let me scrub you real quick, you've uhhh... got something on you." He scrubbed her backside to clean off his seed, and took a moment to appreciate the simple act of cleaning her and he was again hit by a massive wave of affection for her. This time around, he was the one who dried them off, and then returned back into her room. Skye got himself another drink, because he was kind of feeling hungry and knew he needed to get something substantial in his stomach, and got a glass of water. He enjoyed finally being able to get the various liquids down without any shaking, which had made the task somewhat difficult and frustrating before he got to feeling better. He flopped down on the bed and relaxed, taking some deep breaths. He pondered his current situation, and all the crazy twists and turns, he thought of questions he needed to ask, how to word them like he wanted them to be, and thought about his life up until this point. He wasn't used to such reflection, he tried his very best to stop any of that in the past because it usually just led to pain and sorrow, this time it still hurt, but he didn't see it as endless and pointless, there was some light that he could see, some possibilities. It was actually nice. "Hey Skye," His sisters voice pulled him out of his thoughts, "I'm hungry, I think I'm gonna cook something.. mmm.. pancakes maybe. I'm gonna make extra for you just in case. You might not be very hungry, so don't feel obligated to eat them for me. Glad to see you keeping your tummy from being empty, thank you so much for that. I would have hated to have to force feed you." She laughed, went to him and kissed the top of his head, and headed to the kitchen.

With his thoughts sorted out, he smiled when she kissed him and watched her tail swing side to side as she exited the room. With his dietary and sexual needs taken care of for the moment, his guitar caught his eye. Oh yes! Exactly what he wanted, and maybe even needed. Definitely. He plugged everything in, put the strap over himself and got some practice in. In the other room, Katie heard him playing, not loudly because it was an electric guitar, and the noise was routed into his earphones, but it was really wonderful to hear, and she found a gigantic smile on her face. She had her own thoughts to sort out, which she did while cooking her pancakes. Once she had everything cooked and set out, pancakes and bacon, she made herself a plate and made her way to her room. She walked in slowly and what she saw was simply beautiful. He had plugged his phone into the amp so he could play along to a song, and he was animated, lively, moving to the music, like the rock star who isn't a show off, but simply loves the music. On top of that, it was visible and he was deeply moved by the song, melancholic, but equally or maybe more happy or something, the word for it escaped her, he was mouthing the words. Katie leaned against the doorway and watched him with soft affectionate eyes, holding her plate. Skye noticed her at one point towards the end of the song and looked slightly embarrassed, but he finished it anyways. He shut things off and unplugged everything and smiled at her, "Hey, how long have you been watching?" "Oh, probably a minute and a half or so. How long is the song?"

"It's almost 4 minutes, so you caught like half of it. I really love that song. It's powerful and really speaks to me. Fun as hell to play too! It's nice to be back playing."

"I could really see how much you loved it. You seemed totally wrapped up in it, a lot of emotions and you were mouthing along to it and moving. It was so awesome! What makes it so powerful and moving?" She went and laid on the bed to eat her pre-dawn breakfast, as it was probably around 4:30 in the morning. He came over and sat next to her on the bed and reflected on the song and it's presence throughout his life. It's called "Feels Great" by the band "Vole-umes" "It's about the demons that people have that we have to fight, everyone having a story to tell. And being in the horrible darker spaces of life. But also finding and having the strength to pull ourselves out of it." He looked distant, like he was somewhere else reliving something, "I listened to it all the time, y'know, when I was out in my darkness. I would listen to it every time I was hoping I had just had my last high... I would keep listening to it when I failed again..." His eyes were misting up, this was hitting some pretty serious sore spots in his mind and emotions. "It gave me hope, but also made it feel unobtainable. Just now, when I was playing, I felt that terrifying feeling, but it changed. I felt the hope again, moreso than ever."

Katie was blown away. He kept on amazing her with his understanding of his feelings and his comfort with her to be honest and vulnerable. "Wow... thank you for sharing that. I'd love to listen to it with you later."

"Sure!" He looked positively delighted! Skye sat and watched his sister have her breakfast in silence, it was nice. She set her plate aside and laid over on her side facing him, sensing that they both had things on their mind that they wished to talk about. Skyeler broke the silence first. "Hey.. ummm.. I'm not trying to be pessimistic or anything, and this will probably sound like it, I'm more just curious... You're obviously attracted to me, and I'm just curious as to why.. I mean, I've seen myself, I'm skinny as hell, my eyes are.. you know.. I'm a mess.. I'm not doubting you at all, I know you like me, I just have trouble seeing it.. I hope that's okay to ask. Oh! How.. how long have you been into me??"

"Oh honey, I can understand why you feel that way. And first of all, I don't like you, I LOVE you. You better get that right!" She did want him to stop saying that she "liked" him, but this was also an opportunity to say the words she had grown to revel in. "I think I've been attracted to you for a long time, I never admitted it to myself, but I thought you were hot long ago. You were the hot, broody loner. I don't think I knew what was going on, but remember all those things I used to do for you that I told you about? I think it wasn't just because you were my brother and I was worried only about losing my brother, I think it was more. I actually hated those squirrely girls you used to bring home.. you remember them? I hated that they got to spend time with you, and I didn't. I didn't trust them, they looked like they were trying to take advantage of you and... I was just jealous... I wanted you... And I'm attracted to you anyways, because I've actually liked you for a long time, and you're so sweet and so kind and you have talent and so much potential. You won't be this way forever, I'll make sure you get healthy again, feed you, and.. I think we're both going to be be getting plenty of exercise!"

"Oh my gosh... that means so much to me! Thank you for clarifying that for me. Oh and I'm sorry, you do love me, it's gonna take some time to get used to that one! Ahahaha!!! Squirrely girls, that's great! Well, you were right about them, they were shady. If you hadn't "stolen" my music stuff, they probably would have, so that's lucky! And, you might like this.... I never hooked up with them. My sex drive was pretty much gone because of the stuff I was on. Besides, I was pretty much never able to get it up, HEH. And I actually didn't like them very much either."

She was elated to hear that he hadn't fucked those squirrels, she felt way less jealous. Skye looked deep in thought, before moving on looking somewhat flustered, "So.... Umm.. I'm wondering... ohhh.. I don't know how to word this the way I want. I guess I want to know.. what are we..? My life is pretty crazy right now, and things need to be figured out, but I finally feel like I belong somewhere, and I have a stable point to move forward from. I care about you, I love you, and I can't imagine myself falling for anyone else. I want you in my future. So, umm, I guess that's what I had to say." He swallowed uncomfortably and had trouble looking fully at her. It was probably too soon, and there were massive issues in their lives now, actually his mostly and he knew he was a scary unknown to her. "You don't have to decide like that, but I just want to hear what you think or what you want.."

She looked at him, then down, "You're right... It's so sweet that you think about both sides of this. I also have been keeping that in mind.. I love you too," she smiled automatically whenever she said these words. "I need things to go a certain way, I need you healthy if you're going to be in my life.. I can't watch you go back, it would KILL me. But if you want to stay sober and make your life better, and from what I've learned you have to do it because you want to for yourself... it doesn't work well if you stay sober for someone else.. Anyway, I want you in my life. You mean SO much to me. As for what we are... Well, you know that we can't be open with the world.. so you need to keep that in mind.. Skyeler... what I want is for us to be together.. To come home, go up behind my boyfriend and hug him from behind, and have him turn around and it would be you. Just please... don't hurt me.." She looked at his eyes and saw him processing everything she just said.

"I truly want to better myself and my life. I can't go on the old way.. I am going to do whatever it takes. You don't deserve the old me.. God, I'd love being your boyfriend. I can wait if you want to wait... I get your concerns and being cautious.. Just know that whenever you're ready, I am too. And no hurry. Thanks for talking this out with me. You're so amazing, I love you." He reached over to place he hand against her cheek, and pressed his lips to her forehead, then giving her a quick peck of the lips."

She had closed her eyes when he touched her, and for the kisses he gave her, warming her inside. Their talk alleviated a lot of her anxieties, at least feeling that it was even more firm that things were moving forward in a positive direction, but there was one last thing she had to bring up, "Hey I really need to say something... I.. Look. What I'm doing here to push you past the withdrawals and stuff is very short term, I made sure to get enough for a week, and that's it. Which seems to be helping! A lot, and not JUST for you," she winked at him, "Anyways, I did this because the places that detox places around here mostly just let you ride out the entire process, and that seems like torture, especially in your case. So I'm cutting that out, I'm getting you through those, and soooo.... I'm hoping that when we hit the end of this, we can get you into a.. treatment facility..? Would you do that? I will set everything up so that all you have to do is go. I'll visit you every chance I get and you'll have everything you need to get started." She directed her scintillating emerald eyes to his face and grabbed his hand tightly, showing that they were in this together.

There was something hopeful, desperate, and earnest in his voice and in his sweet eyes, "I really appreciate what you're doing for me, and for making this easier on me. Thank you so much. I... Absolutely! I'll go! I.. I'm.. umm..." He shut his mouth, as there was nothing else he really could say.

He was about to open his mouth to say something again, but before he could, she was wrapped around him, holding his head into her shoulder, and felt and heard her crying softly. Nothing was said for the next couple of minutes. Then he squeezed her lightly, rubbed her back, and whispered right into her ear, "I'm so happy I have you."

"Me too. Hey, I'm kinda tired, you wanna catch some sleep?" She dried her tears on his fur and kissed his face.

He was still pretty awake, and there was no foreseeable end, maybe for even the next 18 hours. "I'd really like to. That sounds awesome, but I'm not tired at all, actually pretty wired. I'll lay here with you though, at least for a while. I don't know what else to do and I'll probably be up and down or something."

"Oh, don't worry about that. I can help with that." She rolled off the bed, crossed the room and grabbed the sedative syrup from her bag. She went and poured some in his old cup. "Don't worry, it shouldn't be as bad as the other one, mostly just really salty, okay? Now hurry up so we can go to bed!" this last part was said as a joke and gave herself a smile.

He looked at the cup in his hand with great trepidation. He eyed his nutritional shake on the nightstand, and pulled in closer to him without the cap. Skye took several deep breaths, trying to shake the flashbacks of the first drink out of his mind and his hand was shaking. With one final breath, he slammed it down, and it wasn't that bad. Sure, salty as hell, but that was relatively delicious by comparison. "Well, you were right! Thanks! I'm going to get ready for bed." He trodded over to the bathroom, where he washed his face. They ended up both standing there brushing their teeth, glancing over at the other in sweet expressions and smiling.

They crawled into bed together and curled up, this time Katie had Skye on her back, which felt magical, she had been waiting for this to happen. She held his hand as it was draped around her at the waist. He sniffed at her, which she heard and enjoyed, he loved the way she smelled. As her hand was curled around his, he started tracing his finger up and down her belly. He briefly traced down to her inner thigh and back up slowly. It was a subtle offering/invitation. He had something in mind, and hoped she wasn't too tired, though if she was, he was just as happy to get some, supposedly and hopefully better, sleep. He felt some resistance on him tracing his finger back up, and felt her hand squeeze his and gently guide him further down. He felt hot and alive with anticipation! He was guided down between her legs, and she already felt very warm. He gently traced his finger around the perimeter of her sex, ran in in between her lips and slipped in just a little as he did so. Skye really wanted to tease Katie, and it was working, pretty well, as she started parting her legs. From his slight teasing, she had already started getting wet, then he stopped completely. He rubbed her belly and whispered, "Oops, I'm sorry, I forgot you were going to sleep.. my bad. Good night gorgeous." He returned to just spooning her and kissed her back.

Katie didn't move other than to grab his hand and assertively place it back on her warm and much wetter entrance, holding him in place. Without looking at him she seductively stated, "You finish what you started, mister." He quickly backed up, got on his knees and rolled her over on her back, and her legs completely splayed open, and looked at her to see the hunger blazing in her eyes, which he was sure he was reflecting. He climbed over her and let himself lower onto her. He looked deep into her deep pools of endless green that was his sisters eyes. "You're so fucking beautiful. How did I get so damn lucky??" Before she could say anything, he kissed her with such passion, slipped his tongue in and tangling it with hers, that she was temporarily breathless. His heart was thundering away, these moments were better than he had ever imagined possible for himself, he had never thought he would fall so in love, much less have it returned. He knew he had it now, and he was completely in the moment. They remained locked in this sweet, magical kiss for a while, then he pulled away and then turned his attention to her neck. Slowly down her jawline he kissed, and then nuzzled and gently bit her on the neck, listening to the light whimpering and moaning, both because he found it so damn sexy, and also because he wanted to pay attention to if he was biting too hard as he raised the intensity of his bites. She didn't complain or seem to be bothered whatsoever, only enjoyed it more, indicated by the increasing volume of her moaning and breathing. He was immensely excited by taking this process slowly, and he continued southward. He briefly sat up and took in her beautiful breasts, mostly white, with some grey/black striping. God, he could stare at these all day long. "Enjoying the view?" He heard her ask him, which snapped him back, shaking himself back to reality. "Sorry.. They're just so incredible! I got lost for a minute. Thanks though, I had something I was doing, who knows how long I would have been gone." He grinned widely and gave her a wink. He resumed where he left off by running each hand over her soft, perky tits, softly giving some squeezing, and stimulated her nipples, eliciting a gasp and then a deep moan. She grabbed his head and pulled him to her chest, and he took the opportunity to let his mouth start to do the work of one of his hands. He licked and swirled his tongue around the pink summits of her gorgeous mounds, letting out his own moan as he had her hands holding him right where he was.

She softened her grip, hinting at her desire for Skye to continue his journey. He kissed down her soft belly, drawing it out as much as he could within reason, the entire time listening to her sounds of pleasure, and noticing how her body was moving. He was aware of the way her chest was moving up and down, her hands had taken his ears in their possession, and her grip was tightening and releasing, he was sure it would have been the bedsheets, but he really preferred his ears. He was loving that feeling, plus it gave him an extra way to gauge how she was doing. He finally got down to between her legs, where he took a few moments to appreciate her sweet sex, which had had become flushed with arousal, and he noticed that she was soaked. The smell invaded his nose, which invoked an instinctual response to breathe her scent deeply, and it was heavily intoxicating. He kissed down one of Katie's inner thighs, towards his ultimate goal. His eyes closed halfway, and his whole body rushed with excitement and arousal. He couldn't hold back anymore, which Katie really was at the same point. He ran his tongue right up the middle of her slit, which caused another gasp and then a hard biting of her lip. He licked her in long strokes, short strokes, and teasing light touches. His tongue slithered its way inside her warm tunnel, and it was bathed in her taste. Her hips started to gyrate, which only encouraged his efforts, he worked his way in deeper briefly, before going into the final stage of his technique. He reached up, spread her lips apart and turned his full attention to her clitoris. Once she felt her clit stimulated, she grabbed his head with both hands, both for something to grip onto, and also to pull his face further against her. He fucking loved this. He had her flavor and scent all over his face, her hands on the back of his head, and she was beginning to shake, more and more intensely almost by the second it seemed. He kept his focus on the tiny nerve filled spot in her, letting out deep moans almost as loud as hers. It wasn't long whatsoever before he heard her let out a stifled scream and she gripped his head as hard as he could, shaking and tensing/releasing over and over. It was several minutes before she started to come around out of her blast off of an orgasm. She released him eventually, but he stayed where he was, satisfied with his work and heaving and huffing his breath. He climbed up soon, and laid next to his lover, feeling totally relaxed and happy, and feeling pretty sleepy as well. His sleep should be great after this, probably have the best of dreams too. He looked lovingly at the beautiful being next to him, watching her breathing heavily and still somewhere in the blissful lands she had been to. He saw her head turn toward him and meet his eyes. They both had their eyes at half mast. She leaned in and planted her lips squarely on his, and lingered there for several seconds. "Mmmmmm.... That... was.. oh my God. You did that just right, I can't even think straight.. I love you Skye."

He simply smiled, "Happy to hear it. I love you too Katie. How does catching some sleep sound?"

"Spectacular, I'll beat you there. Hehe. See you soon." She closed her eyes fully and was asleep in under 10 seconds.

"See you soon babe." He curled up to her, pulled the blanket over the both of them, smiled to himself, and set out to fall asleep, her scent on his face reminded him of how happy he had made her, and the smell was generally comforting to him and dropped him into sleep with no effort at all.

The two of them both slept for about 11 hours, in a hard deep sleep. Both had similar dreams involving them being together. Katie was the first to get up, feeling extremely well rested and satisfied. She sleepily drifted into the kitchen for some food after throwing on the pj's she had worn in an attempt to seduce Skyeler. She felt absolutely famished. She heated up a couple of the pancakes she had made the previous day, and while they were warming she pulled more bacon from the refrigerator. She might have remained nude, had she not planned for such a spattery food.. She got things started and dreamily reflected on things, smirking to herself as she fondly reflected on the event that happened prior to dropping off into unconsciousness.

Meanwhile in the other room, Skye had woken up. He was in a fantastic mood, the best he had ever felt waking up. His body had started to develop a deep ache. The withdrawal feeling began to re-emerge as the effects of the chemicals covering them receded. It was still far from the level he had been experiencing a day ago. It was increasing, but he was content and grateful. He spent several minutes doing some stretching, which felt incredible!, while listening to the sizzling and popping of the bacon in the other room. Loosened up a bit, he pulled on only some long basketball shorts, and padded his way to his sister. He came up behind her, slid his hands around her waist and embraced her tightly, just feeling her breathe as she flipped the sizzling meat. Skyeler peeked around her right as she picked up a strip to take a bite, he gently but very quickly snatched in from her hand and took a large, mouthwatering bite, "Mmmmm..." She sighed with exaggerated false irritation and then humorously said, "You're lucky you're so damn cute, or I'd kick your ass, hehe." He poked her back with his snout and replied, "You really would too, I'm no good in a fight hehe. How'd you sleep?" Katie grinned, "Fantastic! You put me out hard! Thank you, how are you?"

He grinned hard at her comment and squeezed her waist, "Mmmm, well I tried! I'm doing pretty good, that was so fucking hot! You taste amazing. Just saying. I'm starting to feel kinda cruddy, but I'm up and around and feeling okay. Bacon tastes really good! I don't think I'm up for solid foods, but I think this is the exception!" He piled some strips on a plate, gave her a smack on the ass and made his way towards the bedroom, mentioning behind him, "Thank you!"

A chill ran up her spine and she involuntarily closed her eyes as she felt his hand contact her butt. She made a small "mmf" that Skye wasn't able to hear. Once the cooking was complete, she fixed a plate and wandered back to where her new love was. He had wolfed down the entire plate, had downed another shake, chugged a bunch of water, and was laying back looking satisfied with his eyes closed, though there was a hint of pain underlying his contentment. Katie thought things over while she set her food down on the nightstand by her side of the bed. She exited the room quietly and fixed up his next mixture and brought it, as well as a bottle of O.J., with her. "How do you feel about a bit of torture again?" She smirked at him as she saw him realize what she meant and see what was in her head, and shudder. He looked at her with his eyes seemingly containing some degree of dread, "Oh fuck...." Then with a mix of pain and humor, "Can I just die? Ughhh... Yeah I guess, let's just get this over with."

His sister flashed a comedic frown, "You absolutely may not! I'm sorry hunny. Try drinking the juice before and after, okay? Maybe that will be better?" then handed him both drinks. She grabbed her food and scooted over next to him, placing her hand upon his thigh in support of the challenging task he was about to take, taking some bites of bacon. "Mmmm, this IS good!"

He squinted at her, jealous that she wasn't about to taste the gnarly syrup. "That was so ruuuude!" Rolling his eyes and letting out a painful giggle. He dumped some juice into his mouth, swishing it around to hopefully coat his taste buds in defense and preparation. He poured the syrup in his mouth, swallowed as quickly as possible, and had the orange juice back in immediately after the repulsive mixture slid down his throat and drained the whole bottle. The flavor did catch up, but to a much lesser degree. It was way easier than before. His stomach still realized what had intruded in it, and kicked up a bit of nausea, which was addressed with some pink medicine. He laid back panting a little and placed his hand on hers, giving it a tiny squeeze and laying his head on Katie's shoulder.

She let out a chuckle, "There! Now don't we feel better?"

He rolled his eyes again and looked her in the eyes, "Hmmm... no... heh, I seriously can not wait for this to be over! But it wasn't that bad this time, thanks for the tip! I do feel better though, only because the traumatic part is over. Hehehe."

She bumped his head with hers, "Glad to hear it." She dropped her and looked toward the plate of food on her lap. "I need to say something.. just to get it out in the open and I want to hear your thoughts on it too.." He turned more towards her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "Of course, sweetie. What is it?"

She mostly kept her eyes where they were, except for occasional side glances at his caring, focused face. "Okay, well... uhh... I.. I feel scared.. y'know, because I'm providing you with drugs... I know these ones were never your thing, but I'm scared they could be, and maybe ruin everything.. I'm really anxious because I don't know if I'm doing the right seems like it's been really helping so far, like really well and I'm so happy you don't have to endure the horror you'd be dealing with otherwise.. I'm just scared.."

He took a breath and released it, organizing his thoughts. He kissed her on the cheek, gave her a brief squeeze and looked at her, noticing her head lowered, eyes lowered a bit, and her eyes darting around anxiously. "I hear you, thank you for sharing this with me. I don't want you holding something like that in, okay? Your worry is valid! To be honest, even though so much is going on for me, I have noticed my concern for that too... It scares me too. I'll be honest again.. I have found myself really enjoying it.. But I also have a fear of it, I'm terrified of losing what I have and going back. I just want it over with... I just need help staying distracted so I don't start focusing on it, okay? Can you help me with that? If we're careful and work as a team, we can get through this and then I'll be safe when I step through the doors to the facility.. We can do this. Especially keeping these things in the open."

She placed her food off to the side and gave him the biggest, tightest hug possible, hopping onto his lap, straddling him, and kissed him with unbridled passion, before stopping and pulling back to gaze deeply into his blue pools.

He melted under her stare, feeling warm. Also getting a major rush. (the cocktail was hitting unexpectedly quickly) He shifted a little uncomfortably, and said, "Umm.. I have a question.. I never knew too much, but I'm pretty certain you never got into the drug scene, correct? Where the hell did you buy this from??"

Equally uncomfortable she answered, "Oh... I uhh... got it from Shadow.. And umm.. I told him if I ever find out that he gave you anything, got near you, or even contacted you... I'd kill him."

He got a huge grin underlined with a transient, quickly dissipating, sadness, with a little fire in his sapphire eyes, "What d... how did you find him..?? Umm..what? Also... I'm sorry you had to go buy drugs.. for me.. especially from that asshole.."

She looked amused, "Ohhhh, COME. ON. Eeeeverybody knows where he hangs out and everything. It's ridiculous. Super easy hehe. It's okay.. don't worry. Just don't put me in that position EVER again, okay??"

Filled with relief and major amusement, he looked her directly in her eyes, "Well... I can't argue with that, he posts where he's at all the time!" He put his hands on her hips, feeling a wave of arousal slam into him. "I promise, I will never make you do anything like that again. Soooo.... Umm... You really said that stuff to him..? Y'know, that's actually really fucking sexy. Being all assertive and protective over me.. Mmm..." He took in her figure, beginning to get rapidly hard, he caressed her hips and waist, sliding his hands up her loose fitting shirt, stopping just below her breasts, his eyes darting back and forth from her body to her eyes.

Her posture straightened as her confidence was launched sky high. She laid her hands on his chest, eyeing his body, running her hands through his soft, white fur. Her voice turned seductive instantaneously and her vision got much more focused and tunnel like, "Mmmmm... you like that huh? You like when I take charge..? Interesting..." She saw the way he was looking and grabbed his hands, making him grab her shirt. "I want you to rip this off."

He looked briefly anxious, but enthusiastically tore her shirt down the middle, exposing her chest and belly as she moaned her approval. Him ripping her shirt made them both feel like they were vibrating with sexual energy. She slipped easily slipped her shirt off, gripped his hands and placed them on her tits, then leaned down and pressed her lips to his, but wasted no time in shoving her tongue in his mouth and swirling it around his. Skye was nearly overwhelmed by how quickly this all happened, as well as how turned on by this he was. He was fully hard by the time Katie's tongue was in his mouth. She was aware and began to grind up against him by moving her hips as he caressed her breasts and delicately squeezed and twisted her nipples, causing her to moan into his mouth. He gently bucked his hips up into her in response to her grinding. She pressed deeper into their kiss before pulling away, a thin strand of saliva between their lips stretched and then broke, falling on Skyes chest. Katie move down and pulled his shorts off, exposing his twitching cock. A hungry smile was painted on her face, and she gripped his member and delicately licked at it, making eye contact with him as she teased him slowly, similarly to how he had done to her prior to falling asleep. Her licks got longer and slower, at times taking upwards of 3 seconds to slide from bottom to tip of his rigid organ. The anticipation was building rapidly, the more she slowed down and paid more attention to making sure no spot was neglected, the more he desired whatever was to come. He had no idea what was next, because she was in charge, and he was loving it! He was squirming and lightly bucking whenever her tongue was on him. Pre cum was starting to drip down his dick, and he watched as she licked up a couple of drops. Finally, she licked as slowly as she could to the top, pressed her lips to his tip, and speedily took about 2/3rds of his 6" even cock into her mouth, which elicited a deafening gasp and for his head to flip back with his eyes involuntarily slammed shut.

His breath was shuddering, but he wasn't yet close to orgasming, but it sure felt like he was actually cumming. He was however steadily streaming pre, which Katie let fall from her mouth in a mixture of pre and saliva. It was pooling at the base of his cock and soaking his fur as it did. This had an accumulating effect on his scent, which filled his sisters nose and provoked blasts of lusty pleasure in her. She had never really enjoyed this act very much before, but with Skye, it was so much different. She managed to wiggle free of her booty shorts without needing to let him out of her maw, which she felt amused by and proud of. At this point she took him out of her muzzle, saw him peek down, took one last long lick that left a slick patch of pre on her tongue, looked him in the eyes and swallowed it. His eyes were full to the brim with desire and anticipation.

She made direct eye contact and said, "It's your turn, now." She left it at that. He knew. She flipped over onto her back and spread her legs enticingly, beckoning him over. Skyeler licked his lips and crawled to her on his hands and knees. She made one other comment for him which was, "Skip the teasing this time, I already got my teasing in when I was sucking your cock. Just get in there."

His desire was increased exponentially as he heard her talk about sucking him off, he was fueled by the most pure of all animal instincts, he really couldn't talk, he was fully engaged in this exchange of sweet pleasure. He knew what she wanted. The only thing he did differently this time was wrap his arms around each of her thighs, after which he buried his face in her and immediately slid his tongue into her soaked slit, getting his face wet with her scent again, relishing in her taste that surrounded his increasingly agile tongue. She gripped the fur on the back of his head and worked to get his face buried deeper if at all possible, while gyrating her hips and sort of grinding on his face. She felt him readjust his arms for a tighter grip, and then his nails dug in right as the tongue inside of her changed objectives and turned its attention to her clit, which caused her to react in surprise with a loud noise almost like a squeaky bark which blended itself down into a solidly loud moan. Her grip tightened on his head and her legs shook and squeezed around his head. His head swam in a soup of scents and flavors and sensations and dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin. Her voice was shaking when she told him, "Lay back baby, I'm gonna ride you." Once again he followed her commands, he didn't think about any of it. She straddled his lap and used her hand to guide his cock to her desired destination, and she immediately sank herself all the way down except for his large knot, which was very easy due to the sheer amount of lubricating fluids. They both gasped out as she sank down on him, then as she began to ride herself up and down, she made her way to his face again, where she again put her tongue in his welcoming mouth, which was saturated in her flavor, and she smelled herself on his soaked face, and with that on top of everything else, her eyes rolled up into her head, this was beyond anything she had ever imagined. She didn't know, but Skye's eyes had already been doing something similar, and they moaned and vocalized into their shared mouth space. Their tongues locked into a seemingly infinite dance. Katie's legs started to get tired, especially since they had already been weak and shaky, and she pulled away just enough, their mouths didn't fully separate but left many strings of shared saliva and fluids linking them together, and she whispered as loud as she could, which wasn't loud at all, just enough for Skye to barely heard and understand, "Flip." That was all she could manage. Fortunately, Skye heard and understood it and automatically rolled over with her without exiting her, so that he was on top. They were both panting and huffing and sweating like they had been running a marathon. He began thrusting deep into her, and brought his face back to hers, she wrapped her arms around his back and pulled him to her. Her tongue had lolled out of her muzzle, and her eyes had closed. He had been getting closer and closer, and was now rapidly approaching the point of no return, this snapped him back to reality for him to moan and huff out, "I'm....gonnna....cum..."

She was jerked back to reality with whiplash speed and got out a, "cum..nnng. in..uhhnn..meeee..."

He visibly froze inside. His body was keeping up the pace, but his mind had been shocked by confusion and anxiety.

Katie witnessed this and realized what was happening in the mind of the fox currently inside her, and put forth a tremendous effort to get out, "On.. uhhh... pilll..hnnnnggg.." she let out a huge gasp and got what she wanted to get out vocalized correctly and without interruption. "Skyeler, I love you, please cum in me."

He had to catch back up, because his concern earlier had pushed him back from the edge, but it came rushing back as he heard the words from her mouth. He was instantly at the edge again, their eyes met in a beautifully romantic and exotic moment, he locked lips with her and had only four or five thrusts before he started erupting his seed into her. He kept thrusting after and pushed his knot in, tying them together. He collapsed out of explosive pleasure and extreme weakness, rendering him unable to support himself well. He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her shoulder and she did the same to him, and they spent probably 10 minutes this way, without a single word. None were necessary, they would have interfered with what was happening. It felt like the air around them had become electrified in a loving energy field. They both felt it, and sat in it, heavily breathing, and unbelievably content.

Everything in their combined life was at peace, filled with love, and all was okay. They laid there for what felt like an eternity. Skye finally found the energy and strength to lift himself a little bit, enough to support himself to look her in the face. She had had her eyes closed, but opened them when she felt him move. He looked into the eyes that he wished he could swim in for eternity, felt his heart stop and skip beats, saw what he knew was the same look he was giving her and whispered to her, "I fucking love you Katie. You mean everything to me. called me baby. I really liked that."

She smile with droopy eyelids, both from exhaustion and happiness. "I love you too Skye, you mean the world to me too. I actually liked it too. Mmm.... Hey.. umm... on that topic.. heh. Umm... well.. I'll just let it out I guess.. Especially since you like when I'm assertive, and kinda like our talk earlier... If we keep that in mind.. I love you so much Skyeler. I want you in my life more than anything. Soooo.... What I'm trying to ask is... will you be my boyfriend? You know, I need you sober and healthy, and will do everything possible to help get you there. And I am confident that we will get you to treatment and get you going. You'll just have to do all the work that needs to be done there and really want it. I'll be there to visit every chance I get, and will be here when you get out. I just can't handle if you're not 100% for getting there.. it would kill me.. So... wha.. hmm... what do you think..? Do you want me to be your girlfriend?" She looked him in the eyes that can turn her into a puddle, then looked down extremely nervously, feeling fragile beyond imagination.

He placed his face on hers and nuzzled her sweetly. "This is one of the reasons why we're gonna make it. We speak honestly with each other. My policy is that I will open and honest with you. I won't hold things in, I'll tell you when I'm struggling, when I'm sad, when I'm happy. And you'll do the same for me. I want to be healthy and happy, and I'm going to do everything possible, everything suggested. You've shown and taught me that I have value and am worth it, and I never had that before. I never had people who cared about me, except for you and I didn't even know that until recently. You see potential in me and I've started to see it too. We're gonna be okay, Katie. So... umm.. you... what I'm trying to say is... I would love to be your boyfriend..y'know.. if you'll have me.."

She smiled, yet had an underlying serious tone on her face, "You know it won't be like regular dating, right..? Not right now anyways.. I have an idea for the future, but we have to keep things quiet for a while.. I just need to make sure you know what you're getting into, and if that's too much.." She looked off to the side, away from Skye, "Then I get it.. I'd just like to know now.."

Skye rolled his eyes to himself, but he knew what she was feeling. He gingerly directed her face back to his. He showed her a loving, kind smile to reassure her, then sarcastically scoffed and remarked, "You're crazy if you think you can get rid of me that easy."

A look of sad concern was drawn onto her face, "I know you're joking.. But please don't say that.. I would never try to get rid of you.."

His heart was lightly wrenched with pain. He hadn't intended to cause her sadness, he thought it might improve her melancholic mood brought on by her worries that he might back out, along with the gut wrenching pain that he could ever even slightly possibly think that she wanted to get rid of him. It was supposed to be silly, but it hurt her. He apologetically expressed himself, "I'm so sorry, si... babe. That's gonna take some getting used to... I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad.."

She took in the sadness in his eyes as he cast them downward, and she pressed her lips gently to his in a brief kiss. "It's okay sweetie.. just no more talk like that, I would never try to get rid of you, I can't even stand the idea as a joke. I know you were just trying to lighten the mood, it just didn't sit well with me."

Skye nodded, an then the corner of his mouth lifted as he tried to hide some amusement that had suddenly rushed up, he cleared his throat and managed to hide most of his involuntary smile. "You never answered me..." Katie looked slightly lost, looking around as she searched her mental bank for what he could possibly be talking about. "Ummm... wait.. hmm... no.... What are you talking about..?"

He lost most of his ability to suppress his smirk/smile and it grew bigger. "Oh.... Welllllll... iiiiiiii said 'I would love to be your boyfriend... if you'll have me..' And then you said all that stuff about how the relationship would be like, which was not a problem! Very responsible and appreciated. Buuuuut... you never answered me... you just left me hanging... it's been hoooooooribble!!" He shot her a reassuring look and patted her face with his hand teasingly. "Pretty rude, if you ask me. And here I am... locked deep inside you! Jeesh, the manners... I'm sorry if this ruins the moment... You're gonna have to get used to it if we're gonna be together, because I kinda pull this stuff all the time.. heh."

A rainbow of emotions flashed over her face in an instant, embarrassment, affection, joy, amusement. "Oh my... you're right! Here you are, a guest in my house and body! And I go and treat you like this.. I'm sorry for being a bad host. I WILL have you as my boyfriend!" She wrapped her legs and arms around him and pulled him into one of the most passionate and romantic kisses they had. She pulled away so she could stare into his eyes. They held the contact together and then she quietly said, "I fucking love you Skyeler, thank you for coming back. I'm keeping you this time, and you have no say in this matter, alright?"

He chuckled and said, "You got it baby. I love you too, so very much! You're truly a life saver. I'm gonna hold you to that!"

Katie glanced around in contemplation before suggesting, "Please do. Mmm... nowww... I'm feeling a little dirty, I think I need a shower.. miiiight need to clean these sheets too, especially when you...mmm... pull out.. what do you think? Are you feeling a little dirty, too?" Her eyes overflowed with a seductive look, and widened briefly when she felt his dick pulse from her sexy talk, which was promising and encouraging to her.

He looked somewhat surprised, "You know I am! Have you always been such a dirty, sexy vixen??"

Katie smirked but seemed shy, even blushing a little to herself, though her dark raccoon face hid it, unlike Skyeler's white face, and her voice was a bit timid and quieter, "Oh.. umm... no, not really.. I actually was kind of... umm.... Prude..? But I had a reason for it.. I mean, I know I'm attractive, and have been for a long time.. not being conceited.. it's just something that's real, I mean.. well, you already know that don't you? Hehe. But it came with shitty problems. Guys wanted to hook up just because I was hot, and I fell for it a few times before I learned from it.. it always just turned into them just wanting sex all the time and trying to get me to blow them, and not a single one of them was a genuine person... they really didn't seem to care whether or not I got off or even enjoyed myself. It fucking sucked!! Arrrghhh, even thinking about it pisses me off. Anyways.... Umm.. since I didn't really enjoy it a whole lot, and I didn't like the guys much, I never really explored my sexy side. I quit trying to date like a year ago because I kept getting the same thing over and over, I don't know, or they were sweet guys but kinda boring..." Katie had a bummed look as she reflected.

Skye felt for her, with a mixture of feelings bubbling up, "I'm.. I'm sorry, that sounds horrible.. I can't even imagine what that was like.." he kissed her neck, feeling that she would welcome the redirection.

She felt his lips touch her neck and smiled, knowing exactly why he did it. "Yeah, it's okay.. I'm actually kind of proud of myself for noticing, learning, and protecting myself from those guys. I probably would have ended up feeling shitty about myself if I stuck with them. Mmmm.... Not like with you. With you... I feel great about myself and I feel like I know exactly what I want. I know you care for me and we love each other, and that just makes it all the better! You pay attention to my body and know how to do everything just right, it's mind blowing! It's so amazing, and I actually enjoy what I do with you. I even... I love having your cock in my mouth.. heh. I've never said things like this before.." She bit her lip and felt her body flush and her breathing started speeding up, "..I love the way everything about you smells. The way your scent makes me feel when I'm sucking you, and the way your pre and your cum taste.. I didn't like it when I was with the others... I.. I like yours.. it all makes me so hot!! Also, I love tasting myself in your mouth, you were right, I do taste amazing hehe.. thinking about it.... Mmmmffff... I feel kinda, like.. slutty for you. I just can't stop myself, or I do, I've held back a teensy bit, mostly just hoping you'll make the move or something. Although now that I know you're okay with me being more open with what I want, you're in for it. Just so you know. Mmmm... So about that shower..?"

His eyes glimmered with admiration and exhilaration, "I'm proud of you too! Fuckkk Katie... Mmmff. I feel the same about you. This connection, it's amazing. Every time with you, I've felt the love. I do pay attention, I love every single movement you make, and reading your body is super intense. I love when you talk about having my cock in your mouth, and I'm glad you don't dislike the taste, I felt bad. I feel a lot better now that I know that though! I'm glad you don't mind tasting yourself. God this is making me so HOT! Do you mind if... if I call you MY slut..? And I say we get to the shower immediately. We're gonna need to clean you up after this." He popped out of her slit and a flow of cum, wetness, and saliva started leaking out of her.

She gasped and a burning fire raged in her glowing green eyes, "We don't need to necessarily clean that up, I kinda like it. Mmff.. But your slut is craving the shower idea. You better get her in there right away." She involuntarily bucked her hips and closed her eyes while biting her lip hard, imagining him taking charge.

He picked up on what he sensed in her so he helped her up and grabbed her hand, leading her to the shower. After turning on the shower, he pressed her up against the bathroom wall and slid his tongue straight in her mouth, catching her by surprise and forcing a powerful moan to erupt from her. He had become fully hard already, finding his dominant side to be extremely exciting, and he grabbed one of her hands and placing it on her wet, cum slicked pink slit, and then he pushed one of her fingers into her, causing her to completely lose her breath. Holy fuck this was goooood. He grabbed her other hand and placed it on his cock, which was still wet from their previous session, and she gripped it and began to stroke him firmly and slowly. A deep moan vibrated out of his mouth into hers as their swirled their tongues round and round each others. They went at it like this until the room was filled completely with steam. At which point he opened his eyes, became aware the shower was ready and stopped Katie, he grabbed her and took her in, stepping under the hot spray of water. He looked her in the eyes, ravenous for her, took in every detail of her body, and kissed her again. He rotated her so she her side was to him, slightly bent her forward and gave her a rather hard smack to the ass. He eyed her in a silent check to see that all was fine, and to his delight, he caught her as her eyes closed and rolled up, and then he saw her nod. Yes! He smacked her multiple times, dug his nails into her and scratched up her thigh and up her supple behind. All of which came with the response of Katie biting her lip hard and nodding more, she was loving this! He gave her one last spank, his hardest one yet, which evoked a growl from her out of enjoyment and pleasure. He was loving his new role as the dominant fox and gave her a command. "Get up against the wall, facing me."

She did as she was told. He grabbed her legs and lifted her up, holding her up, and told her, "Put my cock in you." She grabbed his member and guided him into her, at which point he lowered her quickly. She whimpered loudly, overwhelmed by how raw and powerful her role as the completely submissive little slut really was. She felt him really pin her to the wall, and start bucking himself into her. It was almost too good, her eyes were pretty much stuck in their rolled up position. She couldn't help but squeak out little moans with each and every rapid thrust of his. Then he bit down hard onto her neck growling extremely loud, proving himself to be even more dominant, he had control over everything, the only she had control over was her nails scratching into his back, and even that was partly involuntary. A shaky wave came over her as her legs started quivering and her walls started clamping his cock, trying to milk his seed from him. He kept thrusting as she continued cumming, feeling like she was in an entirely other world. Her breath was shuddering and she was shaking all over. He suddenly lifted her up, pulled out, and set her down, allowing her to return to reality enough, which took a little. When she came to, she was sitting on her knees with him holding her to keep her steady. He wanted to make sure she was okay and safe, and he had concern in his eyes. "Hey, are you okay? Can you support yourself?"

She shook her head, not to say no, but to clear her head and sober her back to reality from where she had just been. She had only one question, "I'm good, baby.. Can I have more..please..?"

He relaxed and grinned with dominant, raw sexual delight. "You may. Open up." He watched with anticipation as she leaned up on her knees, came up to his member and started licking up the mixture of pre cum and her own flavors, her eyes closing. She kissed from the base of his shaft to his very tip, then slid it into her maw, letting out an, "Mmmmmffff..." around his cock, her mouth filled with flavors. The knowledge that this was Skyeler's dick filling her mouth and delivering the taste that she had acquired, and taking in his scent, as pre and saliva dribbled down her lips and chin, it was heaven, especially after such a strong orgasm, her strongest yet. She reached between her legs and stimulated her clit to absolutely complete the amazing experience, or so she thought.. This was when Skyeler pulled out something she had used on him. He grabbed the fur on the back of her head. Her eyes widened completely, she let out a surprised moan, and then her eyes darted up to his. The look he gave her had a nearly crazed look, but deep in there was a look that communicated to not worry. He would be careful and work with her to figure out how far she could go and respect that. He would maintain eye contact or if her eyes were closed, he would pay very close attention to her comfort level. All this was silent, but it didn't need to be spoken, they both understood. She blinked a couple of times, took some deep breaths, looked right in the eyes and nodded him the green light. He started very slowly, pulling her head into him until he saw an uncomfortable look, and they repeated this many times. Her hands had come up to her breasts and she was playing with them, putting on a bit of a show for him, as well as enjoying the fuck out of it, while he forcefully slid her mouth back and forth, starting to grit his teeth and the low rumble of a growl started developing, this one much more of an aggressive, dominant tone. He started thrusting forward while also forcing her head into him, minding the boundary he had dialed in on, he was very close, and one of her hands dropped to her sex fluid soaked crotch, immediately fingering herself. She wanted then extra pleasure for when he came in her mouth, which she was awaiting hungrily. Skye was about to cum, seeming to have the goal of cumming straight down her throat, when Katie let out a loud, "MMMFFFFF!!!!" which got Skye's attention, looking questioningly down at her, and she was able to use the hand that had moments ago been fondling her breast, to point to the front/middle of her mouth. It was her only true request of the whole thing. He looked in her eyes and pieced her gesture together with her semi closed, but excited eyes, realizing that she was asking him to instead, cum in her mouth. He enthusiastically smirked, and nodded, approving her request. He increased his efforts, pushing a little further that before, pushing slightly into her throat, which was a little bit uncomfortable, but she was further turned on at the same time, she felt this could be the new line she could be fully comfortable with and moaned out around his engorged cock as she felt it pulse and twitch, moments away from his own orgasm. His tremendous growl came nearly immediately, and as he started to unleash wave after wave of seed into his lover's mouth, closing his eyes and losing his breath, he reached down and held her mouth closed and sealed around his dick. This, because of the enormous load blasting forth, both forced her to swallow the excess and hold the remainder in her mouth. She was surprised, but speedily adapted to the new, unexpected situation. She swallowed as much as she needed to, and held the rest, taking has hand off her muzzle and taking over the task of keeping her lips sealed around him, which she did so until well after his cock stopped spurting and twitching. He was flabbergasted at how incredible this all was and how she was so into this. And honestly, how he himself was so into this.

She slid him out of her maw and sat back, looking up at him with her oral cavity full of his cum, cheeks slightly stretched out, she swallowed a little more for him to see. She looked so satisfied, with her eyes nearly closed. Then she let the rest dribble out of her mouth, down to her chin, dripping down the front of her neck and streaming down over her breasts like little creeks. She smiled at him, "Mmmm... did I do good..?"

He stood panting, legs wobbly, then sat down near her on the shower floor, taking her hand. "There's no way that should or could ever be described as good. You did better than any word I could use to describe it. God fucking damn!!!"

She gulped the remaining fluid down and cocked her head to the side, "So, where did you learn that last little trick you pulled..? That was interesting, and oh my God hot beyond so many things! I wasn't expecting it at all. I absolutely loved it, but I'd like to know ahead of time, hehe."

Skye got really shy and embarrassed, and explained, "Oh... umm.. I'm sorry! That... I didn't learn that anywhere.. it just happened. You had no more notice of it than I did. I'm really sorry though!"

Katie replied, "Seriously..? Wow. Other people could take some notes from you. Hehehe. It's okayyyyy. Let's keep that in the repertoire, but warn me at least a liiiittle bit before, okay? Not gonna lie though, you got in my throat a little bit.... And I kinda liked it. Maybe we practice a little..or a lot! Or whatever, y'know. Hehe. Thank you.. umm.. master.. heh. Never said that before either!"

"I will, don't worry honey. And keep up that throat talk and we'll be practicing again really soon! It's about time you thanked me, it's a little late! Heh, I'm really not used to this either. I feel super weird saying stuff like that, buttttt. I did like dominating you.. mmmm.. I also like when you took charge too, maybe you get the next one? You can be a lot rougher next time too, if you want of course. Now..... How about I get my slut cleaned up, and we go recover for a bit?"

"No arguments here, sir! Hehe. I love you baby."

"I love you too Katie, you're really the whole package. You're my mate for life."

Katie flushed deeply stepping into the direct stream of the shower, and pulled Skye in with her. "I love you too Skye. You're my mate too. Forever." She followed this up by embracing him, and him embracing her, and planted a kiss right on his lips, which he returned. He pulled away and tilted his head to the side.

He rolled his eyes, "You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

She looked as innocently as she could, flashing her gorgeous green lakes at him, mimicking "doe eyes" batting her eyelashes. "But... huh..? What ever do you mean..?"

"Uh huh.. Honest mistake I suppose..? I guess I brought that on myself, didn't I? I was me who called a cummy kiss a treat. That WAS me, right..? Hehe. You're so fucking cuuuute! Now, let's scrub up and... I kinda want some more bacon, so let's hurry!"

They took their time taking a wonderful shower, sharing their affection for each other.

That's the end of part 2. I'll be working on part 3 now. Hope you enjoyed!