Tundra Tumble

Story by Napalm on SoFurry

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So this is my first real voyage into stuff for SoFurry, initially Yiffstar. I've written erotic stories before and done plenty of RP-ing in my time, but this is my first real all-thought-out-by-myself plan. Fans of the previous story I put up may be a little unhappy to know it's not boys getting molested by tentacles, but there is impregnation and there is dom/sub relationship, so you might find it to your fancy. :D

Basic idea? Well, lynxes are one of my favourite animals, always had a soft spot for them, and always loved watching the great artists on FA. And when Heather Bruton brought out one of her 'Turnabout' series of the prey getting their own back on the predators with a lynxess getting it from behind by a big butch hare I was more than inspired. ;3 (Picture can be found here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1669826/) I once tried to play a nice big hare on Furcadia, but he didn't seem to get much love. Guess Cyrus gets to run solo in this one.

As will be the case with all of my work, critique is welcomed and encouraged. Even if it's just telling me bits that went well or you didn't like. Any feedback means better stories in the future. >3

Valhalla had awoken from being unconscious before. Never a pleasant sensation at the best of times, she had to admit this was the least painful one of them all. No throbbing headache, soreness in her belly or sensation of blood all over her fur. Just... an emptiness inside her skull, like her brain was still in the process of restarting. She attempted to reach up and rub her head as if to stimulate some life back into it only to find there was something preventing her from doing so. Two things, for that matter.

The lynx yelled out as she tried to move her arms from where they were tied - keeping her in the same sort of shape as if she were holding her elbows, palms against the crooks of her arms. She gave an experimental tug to the bindings, finding first of all that it didn't budge, and secondly that it was a surprisingly familiar texture on the rope. She gasped out loud as she looked down to realise that it was the remnants of the straps and belts of her leather hunting clothing she'd worn just before she'd fallen asleep after lunch.

Not only that, but as she looked around she realised she was pretty much in the exact same place as where she had sat down for a rest and a bite to eat - her temporary hunting camp she shared with some of her fellow predatory girls. The sun was still up in the sky, but this close to the Arctic Circle that could be almost any time of day. The lynx flexed her legs a little, intending to flip over onto her front and try and run for a knife or sharp rock, but as soon as she'd rolled over she found herself face to face with a rather smug looking face.

Standing before her was a Snowshoe Hare who looked a little taller than she was when standing straight up, even if she didn't consider his long, high ears part of his overall size. Apart from the near-pure white of his fur, the only other markings were black tips on his ears and a pair of piercing shadow-grey eyes that glittered with mischief. He wore a simple breechcloth devoid of markings - unusual for a very social species such as rabbit-folk when they all preferred to belong to a single great clan or tribe.

"Like my handiwork?" the hare asked with a grin, his arms folded. Valhalla scowled as the knowledge of what the lapine male had done sank in and she bared her fangs, laying her tufted ears against her head.

"Not especially. Any particular reason your balls felt big enough to come into a huntress' camp, drug one of them and tie her up?" she asked, getting to her knees with difficulty and attempting to rise to her feet once more. That particular plan was cut off shortly with a spear raised to her throat by the hare, shaking his head and gesturing downwards, still with a mirthful smile plastered all over his pure-white muzzle.

"Mmm, several reasons my dear Valhalla," he mused, rubbing his short whiskers - he couldn't have been over twenty. "Sensory overload seems to be the most obvious one - I was watching all of you last night, and you just... caught my eye." He winked, his irritatingly broad grin only getting wider as he noticed Valhalla's stunned expression.

"How in Odin's name could you have got even close to us last night? Two lynxes, two snow leopards, a vixentaur and a dragoness and you didn't alert any of us?" she exploded, sinking back to her knees reluctantly as she felt the feel of slushy ground beneath her paws - no new snowfall, so she could only have been out an hour at most. Being out in the blizzard zone for so long got one used to telling time by when the snowstorms came in. The hare chuckled once again and Valhalla felt both her ire raise at such a smug young male being so pleased with himself over his catch and grudging admiration for the young prey boy.

"You were cooking several of my feral kin. You would have considered any additional rabbit smells to be nothing more than the leftovers," the hare said with a raised eyebrow and Valhalla felt her insides freeze up. Though it was global law set down by the gods and kings alike that no being that walked on two legs and spoke was to eat another, prey species often felt slighted whenever they saw feral versions of themselves eaten by the predators of the world, and some took it upon themselves to enact violence in response.

"And you're planning to deliver lapine justice?" she asked tentatively. She was more than a match for most small prey animals when fully mobile, but the hare and his spear weren't something she could defend herself against easily with her arms tied. The hare though shook his head, placing his hands on his hips and stuffing his spear into the ground beside him.

"I never really was one for 'justice'," he said matter-of-factly, one of his ears tilting off at a side. "But yeah, I thought there was some way you could repay for devouring some of my little cousins." The lynx on the ground raised an eyebrow, wondering inside if he was going to torture her in some way. If he was, he was either brave, skilled or stupid. Any cries she made would bring her fellow hunter-sisters from miles around, especially if they appeared to be ones in pain.

"You see, when you and your sisters were dancing around the fire last night I couldn't help but overhear the conversation about your fantasies. Difficult as it was to avoid watching you dancing," the hare said with a smile, now walking around to seat himself behind the bound lynx. Valhalla growled a little, flattening her ears once more but she couldn't resist a slight flush coming to her cheeks. If this male had been listening she and all her sisters now had someone who'd overheard everything the huntresses had said that night, all six of them in the midst of their heat, daring each other to reveal what their deepest desires were. Valhalla felt a teasing lick on the inside of one of her tufted ears and she flicked it out of impulse to take it away from the male's tongue.

"It's bright red, my dear," the hare replied. "And now it's gone darker." Valhalla couldn't help it - she raised her hands to her face as if to cover up her eyes out of shame. She wasn't crying, but her teeth were bared in frustration. That one night she'd thrown her inhibitions to the wind and played along with her sisters was the one night that someone was watching. And then she suddenly remembered what else she'd done that night.

"Did you watch... all night?" she asked from behind her hands, desperately trying to keep her tufted ears out of the reach of the hare's questing tongue. Suddenly her attention was distracted by one of the hare's broad paws reaching up to cup one of her exposed breasts. She meowed out in shock and yet arousal as well - the hare's paws were gentle and yet firm on her exposed nipples, stroking around them in little circles with the blunt claws at the end of his digits. She inhaled sharply through her teeth, eyes closing as she kept her arms up, leaving him completely open to tease her.

"Did I watch you stripping off completely after your snow bath and plunging two fingers into yourself by the light of the fire when your sisters were asleep when you were supposed to be keeping watch? I'm insulted you asked," the long-eared male replied with a smirk, raising his other hand up to fondle her second breast, the gasps and moans the lynxette made music to his lewd mind. "Of course I did. That's why I spiked the wine earlier. Maybe a bit of an overdose, but promise you won't tell your sisters," he teased as one of his hands left her breast and began to trail lazily down her belly, his claws leaving little lines down her fluffy fur until he reached the curly ochre fur at the apex of her thighs.

"So my dear... here's my offer. I'll sate your heat, do everything you asked of your imaginary man by the fire and what you told your sisters you wanted and in return..." Valhalla let out a gasp as the snowshoe hare's broad if careful fingers parted her sex and slipped his middle finger inside. "And you help me bring a bit more hare into the world, if you see my meaning." The lynx's eyes were already wide open with the male's finger slipping about inside her soaking wet depths so they couldn't expand any more despite her impulse to do so.

"...Y... you... Oh, Thor... a bit further up... Mmmrr..." she stammered out as the hare began to thrust his finger in and out of her warm depths, soaking his finger in the potent lynx musk even as his other hand left her breast and began to stroke through her ochre coloured hair. "W... what's your name?" she eventually blurted out, bucking her hips into the hare's hand so that his paw was soon drenched in lynx nectar. The lapine male smiled broadly, licking her ear once more.

"Mmm. Call me Cyrus, and I'll be calling you 'mother' soon enough," he said with a grin, suddenly withdrawing his hand from Valhalla's depths and giving her a nudge forward so she fell onto all fours. The slightly awkward position of her arms meant she slipped forward until her breasts were pressing into the soft mushy ground, the result of melted snow soaking into the ground with a good mixture of her dribbling juices into the bargain.

"But why... a lynx?" she asked, glancing over her shoulder as the hare quickly untied his loincloth, tossing it away to the side as he placed his hands on his hips, surveying the bound lynx before him. Not getting an answer at first, Valhalla decided the least she could do was keep him going. She began to ease her knees apart in the slushy snow, feeling it soak into her thick fur even as she displayed herself willingly to the male, wriggling her behind invitingly at the lapine male. Cyrus licked his lips at that, grinning down at Valhalla.

"Mmm. That's one good reason," he said with a nod to her upturned bottom. The lynx was about to retort with as much wit as she could muster - her body was beginning to give in to the desires she had been voicing all last night for his benefit and all inhibitions that had existed earlier were gone - when she yelped out loud as the hare's broad hand came colliding with her rump cheek with a ringing sound that echoed across the clearing where the six huntresses kept their home. More music to Cyrus' ears, meaning he followed the first one up with another three, leaving Valhalla with a smarting rump upturned towards her captor. She glanced back again with the insides of her ears a bright red as before, her eyes going wide once more as she saw the sort of tool the hare was hefting.

"Been a while since you've seen one of these, eh?" Cyrus asked with a grin, reaching round to take a hold of Valhalla's hips, giving her butt a playful squeeze as he did so. His smile couldn't get any broader but he wished it would after hearing the lynxette yelp and the air became a little heavier with her musk. "Mmm. Such lovely breeder's hips... you were made for love, my dear," he cooed, the lynx suddenly feeling something warm and thick press against her dripping snatch. "Hhhh... you must be so pent up... either that or you like being smacked more than you like," groaned the hare as he rubbed his cock in-between her lips, lubricating himself with her own femme nectar.

"Stop teasing me!" begged Valhalla, squirming on the ground on all fours, trying to shove her rump against Cyrus' hips to stuff him inside her. But the hare had a good hold on her and gave her another smack for her trouble, making her yelp and lubricate him even more.

"Mmm. Lets' hear you beg first. I want to hear the great Valhalla, lynx huntress demanding my seed, demanding my children," Cyrus said wickedly, holding her hips firmly so that she could only just feel his manhood pressing to her lips, slowly leaking pre over her clit. Cyrus glanced around at the woods, his eyes picking up all that he could. At least two of Valhalla's sisters were watching him - one had her fingers in her cunt and the other had a bow drawn at him. At least he'd die happy, he thought, watching his new mate moaning on the ground.

"Fuck me, Cyrus! I don't care what you want from me after this, just get that damned thing in me! I'll carry your children for you! Dance for you every night! Just please, do me now!" the lynx screamed and the hare knew his life now was almost complete. With a swift jerk of his hips, he plunged himself deep inside the tufted feline, provoking a deep groan from his throat and a moan of ecstasy from the lynxess he was determined to leave a puddle of happy cat in the slush when he was done.

"Oh, damn! You are in heat, naughty girl!" Cyrus moaned as he sank himself balls-deep inside the lynx's snatch, her hot nectar drooling all over his hefty balls. He gave a tentative thrust to send the swollen orbs smacking against Valhalla's clit to give her an indication of just how fertile her new lover was and how fat she was going to be in a few months. Valhalla's moans only got louder as another hare paw impacted her left rump cheek and she moaned to the sky, clenching her inner paw around Cyrus' thick manhood. It wasn't the biggest she'd ever enjoyed, but it was the first in a long, long time and it felt better than anything her memory could throw at her.

She felt a presence behind her and glanced around momentarily to see Cyrus crouching over her now, one hand on her shoulders and the other on the ground beside her as he began to roll his hips into her, his long ears sometimes brushing against her own tufted ones. Her attention was soon taken forward again as she felt the hare's hips begin to pound into her in long, steady strokes. For someone so young he seemed to be remarkably skilled in his work. That said, she had no idea how lapine parents taught their young about sex - hers had told her the bare bones when she was eighteen and let her go and find someone to pop her cherry.

She cracked her eyes open momentarily with a thrust only to notice suddenly that there was another motive behind Cyrus' dominant position over her helpless body, as before her there was a great swirling of snowflakes. It was no blizzard - Valhalla could tell - but the knowledge that the hare was willing to cover her better in this weather made her warm to him even more than was possible. (How much you can warm to someone even when the hottest organ of their body is lodged within one of the hottest points of your own body is up for debate.)

"A... aah... staying with you... doesn't... Mmmrrowl! Seem so bad... master..." she gasped out in-between thrusts, getting a nip to the nape of her neck for her trouble. Cyrus didn't respond instantly - hard enough as it is to keep up a steady sexual thrusting into a woman's body while talking it becomes doubly hard when you've got fresh snowfall on your back. Truthfully he didn't need to be 'master' - 'Daddy' or 'sweetheart' would do well for him.

Finding his back beginning to go numb, Cyrus growled, beginning to thrust faster and faster, driving himself to a closer climax. The squishing noise of his meat vanishing into the warm, welcoming love tunnel of the lynxes and her moans of ecstasy was all he bothered listening out for, the smack of his balls against her clit adding to the volume of her moans and driving him ever closer to climax.

It was the heated lynx who got there first though, tipping her head back and roaring a delighted howl into the snowstorm as she came, her pussy rippling about Cyrus' length as it sought to milk ever last drop of seed from him into her thirsty womb as his crotch fur got covered in sticky fluid. That was enough to finally drive the snowshoe hare to finish, tipping his head back for the first time to let loose a gargled cry of delight as his hefty sac began unloading again and again, giving the lynx's body exactly what it needed. To Cyrus it felt like he was cumming for an hour - his first orgasm inside a female for nearly a year and such a delightfully heated one at that, to Valhalla it was not nearly enough. She sank to the slushy ground whimpering as she felt the fertile buzz of seed inside her belly, hoping that the lapine stereotype for recovery time was as true as they said.

Not that she got to find out though. As the snowstorm got heavier and heavier, whirling about her body, she felt a pair of familiar, friendly arms about her, lifting her soaked body from the slush and heading for one of the tents.

"Odin's beard, you two were going to kill yourselves out there," whispered Yume, one of her snow leopardess friends. Valhalla felt her cheeks flush once more, attempting to get out an explanation but the leopardess shook her head with a laugh, lying Valhalla on her side with Cyrus still behind her. "You get some rest, young lady. Your man needs it too - naked out in a snowstorm? Brave if stupid man."

"He tied me up and bred me," Valhalla pointed out wearily, shifting her hips as she felt Cyrus' member soften inside her. "Brave and stupid. But then... I'm not complaining." And for the second time that day, Valhalla the Lynx fell into a rather unexpected sleep.

Cave Hunting (First Draft)

_This is a free commission piece I did for someone on FA partly because all the stuff in his artwork gallery got my creative juices flowing (only those ones... probably. :p) and partly because I wanted to just... give it a go. :3 Resine, this is for...

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