Rinta: Island of Freedom - Part 7

Story by EkhidnaWritez on SoFurry

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#13 of Commissions

Rinta Part 7

Instead of lewdness, for example, shaking her ass or presenting herself to the audience, she caressed her body whilst following the rhythm of the electro-track that was now playing. She was moving sensually but not slowly. Rather, she was fast, agile, and combined her flying abilities with her movements, allowing her to do extra quick spins or move to one side whilst giving the impression she was actually moving to the other.

But her most impressive feature was her flexibility. It's like watching the bastard offspring of a ballet dancer and a contortionist! H-How can she do a standing one-eighty degree split without aid or support? A-And did she just-- Claudia's mouth went agape when Kendra performed a backflip only to land balanced on her tail in a cross legged position before kissing the air.

"Marvelous isn't she? Now, you know her well and if you don't, well, don't worry, because she'll know you either here or at the clinic. She's a doctor, she's a physician, she's a master of her trade and she'll make sure your balls are never strained! Give it up for Pearl!"

Claudia stared at Jean walking buxomly out to the stage, each step carrying a confidence she could only admire and wish she could possess. Similarly to Vivian, she used her full body to her advantage, putting her hips out and making an extra show to make her tits wiggle in a dazzling fashion. Every move was calculated and it took her a moment to realize that Jean wasn't walking, she was strutting and dancing a lone tango-like dance.

"My hips, they don't lie~ Throw me over the table and ravage me tonight~ I won't cry, I won't beg, that's the role you're going to play~," Jean sang slowly, salaciously, each word resonating in her throat and almost rasping but never quite. All eyes were on the buxom Lucario who only deigned her audience with a saucy smile and a hard smack against her ass.

She's so elegant and poise, her dancing is so... careful, almost like she's afraid to fall but she knows that will never happen. She isn't doing any truly erotic movements... no, she is... it's hard to describe it. I've never seen a dance like that, Claudia thought, already taking notes and planning on asking Jean later if she could teach her to move deliberately not to satisfy a crowd, but to make them hungrier. Jean made it to the other side, she noticed, and once more the song shifted.

"The Star of Stars, the main girl of the Black Blaziken. You know her, I know her, everyone wants to fuck her! Who could blame you? Men and women alike fall under her spell! Please, welcome the one, the only, SCARLET!"

"Hey, Claudia, just do what you want to do," Jojo said, giving her friend one last smile before running towards the stage.

Claudia nodded, watching her friend break into a full spring before jumping into the air. Whilst mid-air, flames erupted from all around her body, forming a sphere. The music turned to full-blown electro. The sphere of fire dissipated and Johannson landed on her feet, though she didn't stop there. She spun around in her axis and broke into a short-lived session of break-dancing. Her huge tits moved with the rhythm and served as the main force driving her body and center of gravity.

The crowd erupted into a cheer well before the Blaziken ended her show by cupping her right breast and driving it up until her beak wrapped around her nipple and sucked on it despite her bikini top.

Claudia was at a loss for words. Unconventional? Yes. Sexy? Undoubtedly. Was she going to finger herself at one point thinking of her friend? Absolutely. Jojo let go of her pose before lovingly waving at the crowd, sending kisses as she stepped away.

"Finally, the last but certainly not the least. A new face to be had, for our Stars always Shine! I don't know who she is but rumor has it she can move like the wind and throat like a pro! They say to save the best for last, so here she is...," the Decidueye stopped for a moment for dramatic effect and not because he was only now receiving her stage name. "...Diamoooooond!"

Claudia took in a deep breath and felt... calm. There was no self-doubting in her mind, no second-guessing, no nothing except putting up a likable show for her new audience.

Taking example from Vivian and Jean, she walked onto the stage at an even pace, not quite the sultry pace they used but certainly still alluring. She put an extra emphasis on her breasts, making them jiggle and wiggle slightly with each step she took. The music was soft but still vivid, energetic. So, she followed the tendrils and the tone. Her hips clenched to hold her balance, her steps became longer, dignified.

Until she was putting to good use all her lessons in ballet to the full. Raising a leg until it was at a perfect one hundred and eighty-degree angle, she leaned forth, letting her whole weight carry her forth in a practiced motion. Just as she was about to hit the ground, her leg moved in down and touched the ground first, recovering her balance in the process and giving her the momentum she needed to carry herself upwards only after performing a seamless roll. Then, she jumped three times, spun twice, and bowed before the audience holding a flawless ninety-degree bow; her huge breasts being barely held in place by her bikini top and giving a huge cleavage view while her tits swayed comfortably.

The onlookers cheered and applauded as if their lives depended on it.

Claudia was taken aback at the response, but she smiled widely; her heart racing with joy. Looking at her newfound friends and coworkers, she spotted surprised looks on most of them, but Johannson was looking at her with a wide smile and a thumbs up.

"An outstanding first impression if I do say so myself. Now, folks, our Star Dancers are present and ready for service. Our regular dancers shall begin their shows, so be sure to give them love. For all of you dear visitors, remember the rules, and if you wish to see them perform on stage, wait two hours! In the meantime, they are available for private services and-"

"FIVE THOUSAND GIL!" Shouted a booming but gentle voice.

Claudia's eyes widened when she recognized the owner of the voice near the bar. Everyone started murmuring and even the music dropped in volume a little to let him speak better. "Five thousand gil for a private service with Diamond!"

"Well, well, well! It seems like somebody has the hots for the new slut! What's the matter, big guy, can't wait to dick her into oblivion?" Chuckles followed the DJ's joke. "But maaaaan, I should've worked at an auction house instead! Anyone say more? What about fifty-five hundred? Eh, eh? Sold to the strapping Dragonite by the bar! You may pay at the front or at the bar!"

Richard pulled out without question a pack of gil from inside his shirt and put it on the table. He muttered something to Carlyle, the Typhlosion nodded, grabbed the money, and set it aside."

"J-Johannson?" Claudia asked.

"Don't worry, you just have to dance for him in a private room. Go with him, okay?" She winked. "Oh, and, good luck, Claudia. I've never seen Richard so worked up over a girl before~"

"Claudia and Richard sitting on a tree~ F-U-C-K-I-N-G!" Ashley cheered before Vivian put one of her long feather-fingers on her mouth.

Blushing madly, Claudia jumped off the stage and walked towards Richard. Along the way, several hands showed no hesitation to grope some part of her body, though almost all of the focus went straight to her boobs. She found the experience hilarious and liberating. Mere hours ago she would've freaked out at the mere notion of having strangers touching her body like that. Not even in her old job were guys allowed to touch dancers without paying a hefty price.

Now, it was actually flattering to find out so many people found her attractive enough to openly steal a feel of her voluptuous body.

Stopping in front of Richard, Claudia suddenly found herself reliving the same way they had greeted each other during their first encounter that morning. "H-Hi there, Richard. It's, uhhmm, good to see you again."

"I can say the same thing, Claudia. I'm so relieved to see you safe and sound again," he chuckled. "Carlyle and Drake sort of filled in the details about your day... Rinta, am I right?" He asked, trying to be humorous.

Claudia giggled in earnest at his poorly attempted joke, but she found his effort endearing and frankly cute. "You're adorable, Richard."

"Yeah, I get that a lot. No wonder Dragonites aren't respected, we're the most famous plush toys right after Pikachus!" Richard said, smiling.

Claudia giggled again, though now it was in merriment. "I-I hope everything you heard about my day was positive?"

Richard's smile turned a bit more tender. "You could say that. I was surprised when I saw you on stage. You're as graceful as you're beautiful, Claudia."

Claudia blushed and suddenly found the floor rather interesting. "B-Beautiful?"

Richard nodded. "Beautiful."

The Gardevoir looked up and their eyes met once more. They stood like that for what felt like hours until she remembered she now had a job to do. "Richard, I... don't know what to do now."

Richard shook his head and scratched the back of his head. "Riiiight, sorry for spacing out for a moment, Claudia. Come on, follow me, I'll tell you what to do after we get to the room, okay?"

Claudia nodded and soon followed the Dragonite closely. Her heart was racing so much that she didn't pay attention to the unfolding debauchery around her, nor when Jojo and the other Star Dancers were quickly rented for various purposes. They quickly made their way up from the lobby and into the second floor, then the third. She saw other couples and groups entering various rooms while she and Richard made their way to their own private room. They eventually arrived at a different-looking door and Richard casually stepped inside.

"Oh my...," Claudia muttered once she stepped into the room. It was rather cozy, with a bed big enough to fit four or five regular-sized pokemon on it, the walls and ceiling were colored in a nice mixing shades of temperate pink, blue, and just a hint of red. There was a small stage at the other side of the room, a table filled with lotions, dildos, plugs, and condoms, and the access to what she presumed was a bathroom or shower.

"Yeah, believe it or not, but Braig and Drake are sappy hopeless romantics deep down," Richard said with amusement. Then, he turned at Claudia. "I think... I think I should explain what you're going to do, right?"

"I have some... experience, though not directly. We're going to fuck, aren't we?" She gulped, putting on her best 'brave smile'. "Do you want me to beg for it or---"

"Goodness heavens, nooo!" Richard cried out instantly, blushing red and quickly waving his hands in agitation. "I-I-I don't mind it when girls degrade themselves, but I would never force a woman to do it, Claudia. Also, n-not exactly... we can have sex if you want, but that's not necessary for what I rented you."

Claudia had to use both hands to hold them against her chest as she felt her heart would simply burst out from her chest at any moment. Daniel forced me to swear loyalty to him and to always be a slave to his cock... Oh. Oh gosh. OH GOSH. I think... I think I'm actually starting to develop feelings for Richard. Arceus, Mew, Xerneas, please, let him be the amazing, sweet guy I've seen so far, please, she begged internally before smiling up at him.

Bowing slightly before him, she finally found her voice once more. "How may I serve you tonight?"

Richard sat at the edge of the bed and took a controller Claudia had not seen resting on it when she entered. "First, answer me this. Do you wish to dance freely, dance whatever I want, or use a pole?" Pressing a button on the controller made a firm dance pole emerge from the middle of the small stage until it clicked with a hole on the ceiling.

"I can dance whatever you want me to dance, Richard... should I be calling you Richard or Master or something else? I-I'm sorry, I'm a bit nervous. This is quite new to me despite my previous job," she confessed whilst playing with her hair.

The Dragonite smiled gently. "Richard is fine, Claudia. Hmmm, well, since I can decide what you'll dance for my delight, then I choose to let you dance whatever you want. Don't try to impress me and don't try to be sexy just for my sake. Just... do something that you'll enjoy in private or with friends, okay?"

Claudia nodded. "In that case, could you remove the pole?" With another audible click, the pole began to merge into the ground again. "Thank you. Hmmm, is there a way to select music?"

"Panel to the left, next to the stage. You can browse or search for a specific song," Richard explained while getting comfortable on the bed's edge.

Claudia nodded and quickly found the panel. Pressing on it, she began writing the name of the song she desired. The search was interactive, and with every letter she inputted, the system narrowed her possible options until only one remained. Smiling, she selected the song and pressed the play button.

A moment later, music filled the room in a comfortable way, not too loud and not too quiet either; the speakers were placed in such a way that it would simulate a theatre. A fact that surprised but pleased Claudia immensely.

As the music began to play, she placed a hand on her hips while the other lightly patted her thigh. She moved her hips to match the upbeat rhythm of the music along with a slight tilting of her head.

Behind her, Richard was taken aback by Claudia's actions. Wow, she immediately took a position as the music came on... she really is as talented as Braig told me, he thought while at the same time a pressure in his shorts yearned to be set free. Then, suddenly, the music came to a halt. It lasted for less than a second, but in that short moment, Claudia managed to spin around to face him, keeping her balance and only getting her boobs to sway about, revealing just how insanely fast and precise her movement really had been.

Then, the music returned full of energy and upbeat. Richard felt his heart skip a few beats when Claudia stared at him with her scarlet red eyes. The nervousness and shyness he had seen before was gone, replaced with confidence and resolve he doubted she could possess.

"Day to night to morning~" Claudia struck her left arm out while pulling her right arm in, then she repeated the motion but switched up her arms' positions; it was almost as if she was pushing away at something. Then, she spread her arms and tossed her head back to stare into the ceiling for a short moment.

She then pulled in her arms, closing her hands close to her face while she smiled sweetly; her voice singing along to the music that had no lyrics. She was singing on her own, having apparently memorized the lyrics and the tempo to a T. "Keep with me in the moment~" her arms pressed her breasts together more, making them jiggle slightly while her hips and legs moved and swayed.

Richard forgot what breathing and blinking were as he stared at Claudia performing for him. He didn't know if she was acting in such a seductive, alluring, captivating, and adorable way because she wanted to impress him or if it was part of her routine. Though he didn't really care what the answer was as long as he could continue watching her.

"I'd let you had I known it~," she continued to sing, waving her right arm above her head, simulating that she was pointing at something wondrous. Then, her eyes landed on his, their gazes met, and she smiled the sweetest, most attractive, most sincere smile he had ever seen in his entire life while at the same time she raised her arms up, shrugging with open palms. "Why don't you say so~?"

"Didn't even notice, no punches there to roll with~" Richard was mesmerized with the show he was being given. As she sang, she kicked to the side and slid effortlessly while swaying her hips, shaking her waist, and using her arms to perform quick but smooth and captivating gestures that expressed joy, surprise, and that matched the movements of her lower body to perfection. She rolled her arms in an almost comedic fashion while moving her entire body in an 'S' flow, putting an extra emphasis on her huge, freely bouncing breasts and her supple hips.

Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, the energetic but smooth movements of the Gardevoir shifted to a near complete halt. "You've got to keep me focused. You want it? Say so~. Day to night to morning~ Keep with me in the moment~ I'd let you had I known it~," her moves were now slow, shy, but playful and teasing. She was clearly enticing him, letting him admire her body for a few seconds, letting him drink up her visage, her beauty.

And through it all, she never once broke eye contact except for the short moments she closed her eyes, but even then he could feel her eyes staring at him. But then, she looked away... and it hurt Richard. It hurt him that her attention had been taken away from him, the threat that she wasn't dancing for him, showing him how skilled she was made him remember that he needed to breathe.

Thankfully for him, that moment lasted less than half a second and her eyes returned to focus on him, along with her left hand covering most of her gorgeous smile while a finger pressed against her lips. Pouting. She was pouting... and smirking while she did it. "Why don't you say so~?"

Is that question part of the lyrics or is she tempting me? Richard asked himself, but no answer came to him as he watched the Gardevoir move once more. Her arms moved playfully again, mimicking her words while her lower half swayed with elegance and purpose and in sharp contrast to her arms, her hips moved to hypnotize him as she radiated erotism, pure and simple.

Impossibly, her breasts had next to no movement outside whatever force was transferred whenever her arms touched them or when a particularly sharp sway of her hips made them bounce deliciously, nearly causing her nipples to be exposed a few times.

"Didn't even notice, no punches there to roll with~ You've got to keep me focused. You want it? Say so~."

Then, she stopped almost completely again as she hummed and performed the same movements he had seen at the very start of her dance, when she was giving her back to him, only now it looked even more enticing now that he could see her full glory gently, nearly innocently move about while she enjoyed herself. It wasn't the most complex dance he'd ever seen nor it was the most erotic of filled with pure sensuality, but it was honest, comfortable, and packed to the brim with her natural charm.

Claudia continued to dance, repeating a few of her motions, occasionally mixing them in new patterns and doing what she thought pleased her client the most. The song finally ended and with it, Claudia fell to her knees posing provocatively.

Richard clapped slowly at the same time his eyes were fixed on her form. "That was amazing, Claudia!"

"Thank you, Richard," Claudia replied with a shy blush covering her cheeks. "I hope I wasn't too boring?"

"Nonsense. You did exactly what I asked you to do... say, Claudia... if you're okay with it... c-could you, uhmmm...," Richard blushed and tried to look away, but he found himself unable to stop eating up the beautiful Gardevoir he had met that morning.

Claudia giggled, actually giggled, and began to crawl towards him, her large breasts nearly brushing against the floor as she approached. "I may be new to Rinta, Richard, but now I'm... I'm a whore. I'm a dancer and a whore and I feel... I feel at peace with myself," she said, smiling sincerely.

Richard, on the other hand, seemed to be frozen while the Gardevoir approached. He remembered how to breathe only after Claudia reached him. Sitting back up, she placed her hands on his thighs and looked up to him with her scarlet eyes and a soft, cute, sexy smile spread on her lips. "Y-You don't have to do anything more than dance for me, Claudia."

She nodded. "I know... but you've been so nice to me, just like everyone else. But I... I don't know how to explain it, but I really like you, Richard. And I would love to get to know you more in the future."

Richard's blush increased to match Claudia's, but then he gulped and smiled. "A... A handjob will do."

"I'll do something better~," Claudia replied a moment before using her hands to latch onto the seam of his shorts and then pull them down. The pulsating, large bulge on his crotch was made undone when his shorts reached a low-enough level. Springing forth was a large pinkish pillar of throbbing flesh that smacked Claudia across the face with a soft, meaty slap.

Claudia didn't lose the irony that such a thing would've sent her into a panic before, but now she could feel her throat clenching in anticipation. Before Richard could say anything about her actions, she leaned forth to kiss his large nutsack and give the base of his cock a long, hard lick.

"Yummy~," Claudia said in a playful tone before kissing his cock again. And again. And again.

"Ah~ C-Claudia!" Richard muttered, grasping the sheets of the bed tightly. "Y-You really don't have to!"

"I sucked off Bertram in exchange for my bikini. Tyrone pretty much facefucked me. My ex-boyfriend used to joke saying that I used my mouth better to suck cock rather than talking," she said whilst planting a series of kisses and licks along his shaft, slowly but surely climbing to his tip. "I think I can manage you just fine... unless you don't want me to suck your cock?"

Richard slumped a little in shame. "P-Please suck my cock, Claudia."

Claudia smiled. "See? Was that so difficult?"

"I-I don't like pushing girls to do something they don't want to...," Richard replied, his eyes focused on the pretty Gardevoir reaching the tip of his cock. She sensually licked her lips, opened her mouth wide enough to let him see the inside of it, and her breasts, so big, soft, and warm, came to rest on his thighs at the same moment Claudia reached her goal.

Claudia hummed before smiling salaciously at him. "Richard? I'm hungry. You don't happen to have a berry, yes? I promise I can pay for it~"

The chubby Dragonite gulped, heart starting to beat faster inside his chest. "N-No... I could... call room service if that's okay."

Claudia shook her head and licked her lips once more. "In that case, I'll settle for some of your warm, delicious cum, Richard~" she declared in a sultry tone before opening her mouth.

"FUCK!" Richard cursed as he saw and felt Claudia slowly descending her wet mouth down his shaft. Her tongue lapped and licked his length, one of her hands was fondling his balls, and her lips caressed his dick with the same skill and expertise he'd expect from Lorelei, Jojo, Vivian, or Charlotte. But what was more impressive was that she kept going, never stopping for one moment, never gagging, until, finally, her lips reached his crotch alongside her chin and nose.

Her throat is so tight and hot and wet! H-How is she clenching all around me at the same time! She's not gagging at all! Fuck, they weren't exaggerating! Richard thought as he analyzed Claudia's technique. Unfortunately for him, it didn't serve him all that much the moment Claudia pulled up. "S-Sucking!? C-Claudia, how are you--ohh fuck that feels so damn good!" He roared and tightened his hold on the bedsheets.

All he could do was stare in pure astonishment as Claudia reached the middle of his length, stopping there and letting the tip of his cock press against the back of her mouth; the entrance of her throat. She let his cock rest inside her wet, hot mouth while her tongue expertly swirled around his cock not in an attempt to make him cum faster, but rather to please him. Then, after a few seconds that felt like hours, she moved back down, once more engulfing his entire shaft inside her moist, clenching throat.

"N-No wonder you were able to take on Tyrone! I-I'm not as large as him, b-but I'm still pretty big... but -sweet Arceus!- y-you take my cock like a professional slut, Claudia!" Richard said, praising his lovely prize.

Claudia didn't reply with words, she instead expressed her joy by sucking him harder, gradually starting to increase her speed, and tightly gripping his balls but never hurting him, all in a combined effort to milk him dry.

The Gardevoir continued with her work at her own pace, which quickly began to get the better out of Richard's patient and lustful desire. Up and down she went, sucking hard and lovingly on his cock with the intent of not making him but, but rather give him as much pleasure as she could provide.

I never did anything near as passionate for Daniel... Goodness, why does this feel so right? Claudia asked herself but didn't ponder too much on it before she felt Richard's strong hands get a soft grip over her head. At first, she thought he was going to pet her or force her to look up to him while she sucked on his cock, throating it to the best of her abilities.

Instead, she felt her rhythm accelerate a bit more during her next repetition, and then a bit faster the following one. It took her only up to the fifth consecutive slight increase in speed that she realized Richard was 'encouraging her' to go faster... or he would do it for her. Smiling internally, she relaxed her muscles as such to let him have a greater degree of control, but still bobbing her head up and down his throbbing, hot phallus.

Up and down she went, in and out his cock go. Claudia could feel the need of Richard to go faster, harder, but he refused to use her as a simple object to fulfill his desires. She, in turn, sucked him harder, used her tongue as much as she could, and made sure to fondle his balls while moaning loudly and constantly so that her trembling throat massaged the dick violating her mouth-pussy so tenderly.

"F-Fuck, Claudia! Y-Yes, suck me more like that! I-I'm going to cum if you keep doing it like that!" Richard warned before slightly increasing the speed of his thrusts and the grip over her head.

"Hhhhuuuummmmmnnnnn~," Claudia moaned deeply, her lips pressed against his crotch and refusing to let go while at the same time sucking on his cock as much as she could.

"AAAHHHHHHH!" Richard howled in pleasure before his aching balls, so full of cum, started to pump it out and into the waiting belly of the cum-starved Gardevoir. He kept her head glued to his crotch, unwilling to let her pull back until his climax was over.

Claudia fought back against her burning urge to breathe while Richard deposited more than a cup's worth of hot, hearty, creamy cum in her belly. She moaned even louder as the pleasing sensation of having her stomach filled with baby batter spread all over her body.

By Xerneas... I love this. I love doing this! I love sucking cocks and enjoying cum! But I love it more because it's Richard's cum! M-More! I want to be a better whore for him! She thought before starting to slurp his cum directly out of his balls.

"Grrraaaaaahhhhhh!" Richard roared, delivering three weak thrusts against Claudia's face before finally pulling back, spent for that round but still as hard as steel. "C-Claudia... d-don't suck it while I pull out!"

"Hmmmm~?" Claudia moaned innocently whilst looking up to him, fluttering her eyes while treating his cock like a pacifier even as inch after inch of it exited her tightly-sealed lips. With a final tug from his part, his tip popped out from her mouth and a last spurt of cum landed on the valley of her tits. Licking her lips, she giggled. "Was I a good cocksucking bitch, Richard?"

"N-No one has sucked my cock like that before, holy fuck," Richard admitted, blushing. His cock, however, seemed eager to continue as it throbbed in need for more. "Y-Youre quite eager to engage in sex... why?"

Claudia smiled. "I think... I think I've been lying to myself all my life, Richard. Now I'm free and I can be myself and true to what I want. And I want to dance! I want to have a happy life, to show off my skills, to find joy in the dance floor, and to be the best whore that I can be!"

Oh, how her parents and bitchy sister would hate to hear her say that. But she didn't care, not anymore. She was finally free from Daniel, from her parents, her sister, and from all those around her that hated her for her body.

Richard gulped and smiled. "In that case... may I fuck your tits?" He asked in a slightly embarrassed tone.

Claudia smiled and cupped her breasts. "You mean these~?"

"Yeah. Heh... ever since we met this morning, I haven't been able to stop thinking about them. I wondered how big they were under your sweater... and now that I can see them... I... I want to touch them, fuck them, taste them, everything," he confessed, turning away and scratching his chin. "It's dumb and perverted, I know... but I've never thought about any other girl like this before," he was interrupted by Claudia standing to her stumps only to then sit next to him. Without saying a word, she flung herself back to the bed, laying on her back completely open and vulnerable for Richard.

The Dragonite gulped before crawling on top of the smaller Gardevoir. He looked at her in the eyes and was about to ask for permission, but the look of her two shining scarlet eyes was all the answer he needed. Making good use of his large hands, he was able to take a solid hold of her breasts; his fingers sinking into her white, soft flesh.

"Aaaaahhhhh," he sighed loudly and happily. "They're just as perfect as I imagined they would be," he said as he played, kneaded, and squeezed her breasts over and over again, each grope exploring a new part of her, each caress searching for the spots she was most sensitive, and each pass getting him closer to her still concealed nipples.

"Don't be shy, Richard. Do with them whatever you feel like doing~ You paid for them, didn't you~?" Claudia teased in between soft moans and short, cute gasps for air.

Spurred by her words, the Dragonite squeezed the tits of the lithe, beautiful woman underneath him harder, almost as if he was trying to milk her. His hands groped her juggers, his palms were easily twice as big as the triangles of fabric covering her nipples. "Claudia~" he moaned her name at the same time he felt her soft but erect nipples press against his scaly palms, tempting him to pinch, twist, pull, and suckle them at his leisure.

Maybe another time, he thought as he had another more pressing matter to attend to.

Without waiting for her invitation, he moved his cock closer to her huge LL-cup milkers and pressed the tip against the underside of her valley-like cleavage. Not yet ready to start, the Dragonite used both hands to squeeze her tits together as much as he could. In less than two seconds, the space where her tits met changed from being a hot, welcoming, and soft tunnel to a cock-strangling cocksleeve for him to use.

Smiling at her one last time, he shoved his cock in a single thrust thanks to her spit. His crotch made contact with the boobs, causing them to jiggle and wiggle wildly for several moments. When they stopped moving thanks to his tight grip, he let out a pleased sigh.

"Y-Your crest is so soft, Claudia! A-And your tits are so tight and hot!" Richard exclaimed whilst breathing heavily. His hips began to move on their own, searching for more pleasure, aching to feel more of her tits, to fuck the Gardevoir that had captivated his attention so intently.

"S-So big!" Claudia breathed out while feeling the thick, wet, and throbbing phallus of Richard in between her tits rocking back and forth at first slowly but quickly working up in speed and force. Her tits began to sway and jiggle in tandem with his thrusting hips and each time his scales met her fleshy balloons a meaty smack resonated through the room, each time increasing in volume and frequency.

Looking down to her breasts, she found that with each slap of his crotch against the underside of her tits was also matched by the tip of his cock poking her chin; a truly impressive feat considering the sheer size of her juggers. D-Daniel is like a toothpick when compared to Richard and Tyrone! She thought with a bit of humor just as Richard began to pick up the pace, showing just how desperate he was to fuck her tits. "Enjoy me," she said before she could even realize what she was thinking. "I'm not going anywhere, Richard~"

Nodding once, the Dragonite began to slow down until he achieved a controlled tandem, not too hard but with enough force to let him properly enjoy the softness of her breasts, how her pristine white flesh wrapped around his red shaft so tightly, so wantonly. He hummed in pleasure while Claudia's moans joined his own to form a chorus of pure carnality

Now that he was taking his time with Claudia instead of foolishly seeking out the pleasure of a quick fuck, he relished how good her breasts felt. Their softness, the increasing heat, his leaking precum providing even more lube for him to go faster, harder, and the tightness of two large mounds of flesh pressing around his cock. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, fuckfuckfuck!" He cursed while trying his best to keep that pace even as his orgasm approached. "C-Claudia, f-fuck, your tits are too good!"

As if to demonstrate a point, he shoved his hips until his crotch slapped the underside of her breasts, making them bounce and jiggle while the tip of his dick smeared a great wad of precum all over her chin and lips; which the Gardevior licked hungrily. "Do you have more tasty dragon cum for me, Richard~?" She sang with a seductive smile.

Richard wasn't as active as his friends. In fact, he could be considered to be one of the least sexually active males in the entirety of Rinta that wasn't housed in Rinta's Retirement Villa, but he was by no means a stranger to sex. He simply chose his partners a bit less liberally than others. But he had done it all: facefucking, anal, creampies, titjobs (a lot of titjobs), hotdogging, thigh-fucking, handjobs, plentiful amounts of sex, of course, and had participated in several orgies. But he couldn't remember the last time a girl had taken his entire cock without complaining while at the same time suckled on it as if it was a lollipop. Only to then follow that by one of the best titfucks he'd ever experienced. Less so by a woman he felt so irrationally attracted to.

But Claudia had done it, she had captivated him utterly. Her looks, personality, skills... everything about her fascinated him beyond measure.

I wonder if she would like to go out on a date with me? He asked himself.

"RRRRRNNNGGHGHHH!" Richard snarled as his orgasm hit him. His balls tightened, his shaft became a steel pipe, and the cum flowing through his urethra felt simply divine. Claudia also added a little surprise for him as his cum was reaching his tip, she used her psychic powers to squeeze his cock for a little extra pleasure, creating a dam that stopped most of his flooding cum. "CLAUDIA!"

He shouted her name and, in a rare moment of complete dominance, buckled his hips to urge his climax forth. It soon proved to work a little too well as the restrained cum was forcefully ejected much like a wrapped hose would do once the constraint is removed. Gush after gush of sticky, thick, oozing cum surged out the tip of his cock, covering Claudia's face with a creamy white blanket.

The Gardevoir opened her mouth to soundly slurp as much of the delicious warm baby batter landing all over her face. Richard's cum is so... fruity! It tastes just like a berry and it's thick enough I can almost chew it. T-There so much of it and it smells so good, I want more of his cum!

Richard bucked his hips back and forth for several long moments while keeping spurting cum relentlessly. For nearly ten seconds he came continuously until, finally, the last spurt came out. Breathing heavily but still standing strong, he opened his eyes, having no idea when he shut them, to admire what he had done.

His cock twitched in excitement when he saw Claudia's face covered in cum, his cum. But not just her face. Some of it was on her hair, her neck was drenched, and a lot could be found smearing her tits in one way or the other. He also noticed that the grip on her tits had changed without him noticing. Instead of grabbing it by her ample sides, he was grabbing her areolas and nipples in a vice-grip that forced them to stick out through the fabric of her bikini top.

But that wasn't enough. Not yet. He needed to claim her, to make her his whore. Richard found it strange how natural that thought came to him. He wasn't like that, though he had nothing against any woman that viewed herself as a slut, bitch, or whore. That was the norm in Rinta. But he always saw them all as ladies first and cum-hungry sluts second. Only now, as he stared at Claudia idly slurping at his cum, he found himself wanting to make the sexy Gardevoir his personal slut.

Only if she agrees to go out with me and maybe more if things go right, he thought to himself as a sort of compromise. But for now, he needed to enjoy her body one more time. Without letting go of her soft juggers, he moved around without crushing her. Claudia understood what he was planning to do and spread her legs to let him full access to her nethers. Given their size difference, it was a bit tricky to move but eventually, he got it just right by standing at the edge of the bed where Claudia laid on her back, waiting, vulnerable, and ready to give him what he wanted.

"I'll be gentle," Richard said, gulping. "I doubt you've taken a cock my size before..."

Claudia nodded. "No, I haven't, Richard. Thank you for worrying about me," she smiled up to him while most of her face was still stained with his slowly leaking cum. "C-Could you... no, forget it, it's stupid..."

"No, no. Please, tell me," he pressed on, smiling gently while his cock pressed against the drenched pussy that irradiated a welcoming, inviting heat. With the tip of his still erect cock, he moved the small patch of fabric covering her nethers to reveal a white slit leaking pussy-juice to ease his ventures into her most sacred cavern.

"C-Could you... could you look me in the eye when we do it?" She asked nervously. "M-My ex-boyfriend rarely did it... he said he found it creepy, but I really, really like to see other people's eyes," she chuckled, eyes narrowing. "C-Comes with being a psychic type, you know?"

Richard laughed. "I do know," he replied, stunning Claudia. Taking that chance to lean slightly forth, just so that he could see her face better, he continued. "You're not the only psychic pokemon here, Claudia. Oh, and forgive my language, but fuck your ex-boyfriend. That idiot didn't know what he had... and I... uhmmm, maybe I can figure that out myself some other time?"

Claudia's face turned as red as magma, but her shy, shaky smile and slightly teary eyes showed how happy that proposition made her. "I would love that, Richard."

They stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds before Richard was overcome by his need to claim the Gardevoir left at his mercy. His hands began squeezing, pinching, and groping her large teats again; each more than big enough to sink his hands into their flesh and knead them for everything they were worth. As he played with her LL-cup breasts, he also began pushing into her soaked pussy, spreading her walls farther apart than the only cock that had ever fucked her before that day.

Claudia felt no remorse, no shame, and nothing but elation as Richard speared her cunt with his rigid manhood, showing her a type of pleasure that she had never felt before. "AAAAAHHHhhhhhh!" She cried out with a smile on her face while Richard reached deeper than Daniel ever had. It didn't take long for the tip of his cock to reach the entrance of her womb and find himself hilted.

"F-FUCK!" Richard cursed while grinning like an idiot. He could feel the slimy, wet, vice-griping, velvety walls of the beautiful Gardevoir shift, twist, and coil around his phallus just to take in as much as she could inside her. It was yet another testament of her hidden sexual prowess that she was also able to take him fully with her second pair of lips and suck him just as good as the upper set. "N-Not many girls... are s-stretchy enough to take me all t-the way, Claudia."

Claudia moaned, smiling at his praise. "M-Must be because -oh gosh, you're so fucking hUUuuugeeeeEeeeEEE!- I-I'm a dancer!"

Richard gulped as he enjoyed the wonderful sensation of being balls deep inside a woman he felt so attracted to. She was absolutely tiny in comparison to him; like a branch set next to a tree, and yet he felt so small even though he knew that he could do whatever he wanted and she wouldn't be able to fight back against him. He was on top... and yet he simply couldn't stop staring at her form, her curves, her jiggling, soft, inviting breasts that enticed him more than his luxury pillows ever had.

"Few women can take me," he muttered in a voice barely louder than a whisper. "C-Can I... Can I rent you again, Claudia?" The Dragonite asked as he blushed, his hips moving back and forth slowly to continue enjoying the wet cavern of the lovely woman beneath him.

Claudia smiled gently at the wonderful, passionate, handsome, and respectful giant above her. He was several times her size and was absolutely tiny in comparison to him in many senses. And yet she had never felt more secure and safe in her entire life than in that moment right there and then. "O-Of course, Richard," she managed to say before an idea crossed her mind. "I-I can be your e-e-exclusive whore, if you want?" She asked while doing her best to wrap her legs around Richard's back, accepting everything he wanted to do.

Something within the Dragonite broke and a fire that he had felt only a few times before in his life raged like a tornado. Without saying anything, his grip on her tightened to the point his fingers wouldn't slip away from her soft, smooth white skin. Then, he pulled back until half his cock was out... and rammed it all the way back.

Claudia's eyes went wide as she let out a silent scream of pure pleasure, her pussy contracting and exploding into a fir of squirting mini-orgasms that rocked her senses. The bed creaked beneath them and her breasts, despite Richard's tight grip, still wiggled and bounced violently as the force of the thrust made them dance for him.

Then, before she could recover, another equally powerful thrust nearly caused her to go limp as the pleasure and the small jolts of pain she could feel made her scream to the heavens something that had never left her mouth before by her own volition.


Richard obeyed such a strong command with gusto and began to fuck her as hard as he could. "Fucking take my cock, whore! I-I'll put a lot of eggs in that slutty womb of yours!" He exclaimed as thrust after bed-breaking thrust impacted on Claudia's dainty hips, somehow managing to take and absorb the damage without issue and leave behind only pleasure and increasingly reddening skin.

The wet slaps of scales meeting skin, loud moans of sexual pleasure, curses and demands for harder, faster, more intense intercourse the room was quickly filled with only joined to those that had already started all over the Black Blaziken. But the two of them didn't care, it was their moment to share and discover new things.

Claudia allowed herself to be overwhelmed by the experience, a trait she used to hate as, no matter what Daniel did or made her do, she would simply melt during sex and he abused that to his advantage. Richard was different. Sure, he was being rougher than Daniel ever was and he was reaching spots she didn't know she had previously, but he was giving her as much as he was taking.

Her breasts bounced, slapping against her torso each time his balls slapped against her ass, but they weren't as free as they could be thanks to the Dragonite using them as a leverage point so he could ruin her pussy and mold it to the shape of his cock. Without really thinking it beyond the fact that it would be a nice gesture on her part, she managed to summon just enough of her psychic power to slowly undo the knot at her back in between each hard, deep plowing motion.

Finally, after a few dozen repetitions, the knot gave out.

Richard lost his balance for a moment as his grip suddenly felt weaker and he dug some of the tips of his claws against Claudia's skin, scratching her enough to create thin red lines; a proof that he had handled her tits as he wanted... that Claudia was claimed by him. Shaking his head from such thoughts, he pulled his hands away and discovered what had caused him to lose his grip.

He had to stop for a moment as his eyes laid witness to the bikini top now trapped in between his fingers and short claws. The white and green striped pattern was unmistakable and only found in the bottom that Claudia was still using. Looking down again, he found the heaving chest of Claudia as it came to a halt from all that wild wiggling his thrusts created.

He admired her pink nipples, her succulent areolas, and the sweet scent of her boobs that matched their incredible LL-cup size. The same tits he had fucked and that were big enough to hide her soft crest completely.

"D-Do you like them?" Claudia asked shyly.

"I love them, Claudia. They are beautiful, just like you," Richard replied, nodding and feeling his cock throb madly. He packed her bikini top inside the pockets of his shirt before gripping her hips, leaving her tits free despite already missing their softness and playing with her nipples. With his leverage secured again, he resumed his wild fucking.

"AAAHHH!" Claudia cried out in pleasure while Richard bared his teeth while his lips curled into a cute smile while he fucked his girl into the bed once more. His eyes were open and focused on Claudia's breasts; the two massive, heavy orbs bouncing and swaying freely simultaneously with every hard thrust he delivered onto her. It was like watching her dance again, such simple movements but carried with a confidence and mastery that couldn't be denied.

As he admired her wonderful milkers dance for him, he remembered the look in her eyes when she was dancing. The lust, the want, the pride... the temptation. How she had looked away and then returned her eyes to him.

"GRRAAAAAAAWWWWWRRRRRR!!" He shouted as his climax approached.

Claudia came a moment later for what was sure to be the fifth or sixth time that day and she knew deep within herself that it was far from the last. "Fill me up, Richard! C-Cum in me! S-Show me how much you want me!"

Richard obliged to her wish after three final thrusts. Impaling himself within her pussy as far as he could go, he began unleashing a torrent of highly-virile and potent semen that would leave her pregnant without question, but thanks to the pill, she was safeguarded. Knowing that no matter how much cum he pumped into her would change that, made his balls ache as more and more cum filled her womb.

Mine! She's my slut! My whore! Mine! Richard thought as the worst parts of his instincts kicked in, but before he could rein them in, he realized that Claudia wasn't his completely just yet. There was territory yet to claim.

He suddenly took his cock out while he was still cumming, a heavy spurt coated the thighs and nethers of his prize before he shoved his dick inside her lower hole, piercing it easily and without objection.

"SHIT!" Claudia swore at the sudden, unexpected intrusion. In any other circumstance, it would've been a painful experience, but she was still cumming, was positively drenched, and her muscles relaxed to allow Richard easy access to her sphincter, which he gladly took. As inch after inch of his cock wormed itself inside her rectum, his task was made easier by his erupting cum painting her walls white and serving as additional lube. It didn't take long for him to bottom out and deliver the last few spurts as deeply as he could deliver them.

Breathing heavily, feeling the weight of her tits press against her chest, and enjoying the filling sensation of his cock lodged in her ass while his thick cum slowly slipped out of her pussy made Claudia smile like never before. "T-Thank you, Richard..."

"Heh... I... I should be the one saying that, Claudia," he let out a heavy exhale. "S-Sorry for going haywire... it doesn't usually happen but it's just that you just... just... just so perfect that I lost control of myself."

Claudia giggled as she stared him in the eyes. "I liked it. You should let go more often, big guy," rubbing her slightly bloated belly, she hummed deeply. "Y-You came a lot~"

"You made me cum like that, Claudia," Richard replied as he began to pull out. " H-hey, do you want your top back?"

Claudia considered it for a second before shaking her head, wincing slightly as he retrieved his meat spear from within the confines of her sphincter. "I don't h-have a place to keep it right now," tilting her head and blushing slightly, she asked. "W-Why don't you keep it for me until the end, Richard?"

Richard, his face now matching a Magikarp's scale coloration, nodded eagerly before his cock finally came free covered in a mix of his and Claudia's juices. He was able to see how the Gardevoir's inner muscles fought to keep his warm gift inside her at all times, letting only a pitiful trickle to spill out.

Getting off the bed, he helped Claudia stand up, but she nearly fell as the strength in her legs had not yet returned to her in full. It took her a few seconds to stand on her own, but when she could walk again, they moved to leave the room and return to the floor downstairs. Richard, being a gentleman, offered an arm for her to use and Claudia took it happily.

As they stepped out of the room, a busty Quilava around the K-cup mark and looking quite young herself was waiting for them on her knees. She was wearing a yellow thong, an apron, and a choker with the insignia of the Black Blaziken on it.

Without introducing herself to the pair, she moved to Richard first and cleaned his cum-stained cock clean in but a few seconds. When she was done, she opened her mouth wide in anticipation but Richard merely patted her head. "No need, sweety. Take care of my lovely companion, okay?"

"Of course, Master Richard," the Quilava replied before unceremoniously getting between Claudia's legs, moving her thong aside, only to plant her mouth against her pussy. A second later, she began to suck.

"Nnhhmmmm!" Claudia moaned in pleasure before turning to Richard, who obviously knew what was happening. "Richard?"

"Oh, yeah, I should've told you. This is a Cleaner," he pointed at the dutiful Quilava. "Their job around here is basically to, well, uhmm, clean up the clients, other girls, and the mess they create," he explained as the girl slurped mouthful after mouthful of the cum once safely stored in Claudia's womb. It was more than enough to make his cock react and twitch again as it slowly hardened.

"I... see," Claudia thought for a moment while she fought against the, admittedly, strange but nice feeling of being drained. She could feel her bloated tummy get smaller by the second and a sense of peace mixed with envy invaded her mind. "Uhhmmm, miss?"

"Hmmm?" The Quilava replied in between suckles.

"There is... semen inside my... ass, could you--" before she could finish the question, the Quilava had moved behind her, tugged her thong aside once more, spread her ass open, and put her lips against her ass before starting to suck out the still-warm cum out of her rectum. Claudia closed her eyes as the sensation spread across her body; pleasure, relief, and not a small amount of desire to be the one drinking her man's cum filled her.

My man? She shook her head. Goodness gracious, Claudia, you just met Richard today! But... but I hope we can be something in the future..., she thought while the girl behind her used her tongue to scrape every last bit of cum she could find and gobble down her throat.

When the Quilava was done a few seconds later, she ended the job by kissing Claudia's asshole lovingly, before placing her bottom back in place.

"Thank you for the delicious meal~," she said before standing up and walking away.

The pair followed her until she stopped in front of another door, knocked on it, and knelt. The door opened to reveal a Blastoise that, upon seeing the Quilava, grabbed her head and shoved his cum-stained cock down her throat in order to facefuck her while the girl masturbated.

"Ready to go?" Richard asked and Claudia nodded. As the two began walking, the Dragonite tried (but failed miserably) to not look too much at Claudia and how sexy and beautiful she looked wearing only her bikini bottom.

He was already imagining her wearing nothing but a thong or a g-string, walking at his side like she was doing now. Breasts swaying peacefully from side to side, showing the light marks his claws left in her flesh, marking her as his. Not like some sort of trophy, but as a couple. He gulped as the idea of him being in a relationship with the girl he had rented, ravaged, fucked, and met that day felt way too good in his mind.

Their return to the lobby and dance floor was silent but enjoyable and once they returned, Claudia gasped at what was waiting for her to discover.

The entire lobby was submerged into random acts of debauchery everywhere. But at the same time, it wasn't an orgy. Some people were dancing, others were just talking, but most were engaged in sexual intercourse one way or the other. Claudia spotted several maids and a few cleaners being fucked against the wall, on the floor, or kneeling while a client facefucked them.

The smell of sex, the loud moans mixed in with the music, and the general casual take everyone seemed to have towards what was happening around them was... refreshing to her. She felt no shame nor revulsion at what she saw, but rather was enraptured by it all. "How can they have sex so openly and freely like that?" She asked out loud to no one in particular.

"Because it's fun and it feels good," the familiar voice of Bertram made the duo look to the side to find said Persian wearing a more casual attire of pants, sleek velvet shirt, and sandals. "Hello again, Claudia. I see you are putting that bikini to good use" He asked with a bit of a smirk.

"Y-Yeah! It fits me like a glove. Thank you once more, Bertram," she said, smiling, while Richard tucked in the top inside his pocket. "Do you come here often?"

"Not particularly. But when I heard rumors about a certain Gardevoir taking up Kass' place as a Star Dancer, I decided I had to come and see if my suspicions were true," he chuckled. "I had just arrived when you came out on stage and before I could place a bid, this big lump of niceness beat me to it."

"You were going to bid for me?" Claudia asked, surprised. "I'm flattered, Bertram."

He shook his head and opened his mouth when suddenly a shriek was heard. The three of them alongside a few nearby patrons turned to see what the commotion was about. They saw a trio of female Lycanrocs, a Midday, a Midnight, and a Dusk form, all of them overdressed (compared to the rest of the girls present, that is), while a few male clients around them touched them as they pleased.

"H-Hey, I have a boyfriend waiting for me here!" The Dusk Lycanroc said while trying to swat away the grabbing hands of the guys around her, although there wasn't a lot of effort behind her attempts to fight back.

"Oh, I'm sure he's balls deep in some other girl, bitch. Now, why don't we get you gals out of those clothes so we can give you a really good time?" A Scizor, though not the trolley conductor Claudia met, said, making the guys near him chuckle and fist bump.

"W-We're tourists!" The Midday Lycanroc said, pointing at the green bandana on her arm, yipping as a guy groped her ass. "You can do anything we don't want to!" Out of the three, she was the one putting up the most fight while the Midnight Lycanroc seemed to be the most accepting of what was happening.

"I-Isn't this assault?" The Midnight Lycanroc asked, stifling a moan whilst an Aggron fondled her tits from behind.

"Well, on the contrary..." A stern voice spoke up. Claudia recognized the gruff-looking Herdier chief of police from the video, cutting his way through the onlookers. In lieu of his uniform, he was wearing a Hawaiian shirt and shorts, "While it is a criminal offense for women tourists, provided they're wearing the bandanas, to be sexually assaulted without consent during their visit to Rinta Island, in certain locales or designated areas, such as the Black Blaziken, any woman who enters do so at their own volition, and thus waive any right to decline any sexual relations, bandanas or not."

"Hold on-gah!" Midday Lycanroc panicked, as her shirt was torn open, showing off her sizable K-cup in a frilly blue bra as the Scizor began fondling, "You're a police officer, you're just going to let them do this?!"

"Well, are you underaged?" Seamus raised a brow.

"N-no! We're in our 20's and she's 21- stop that!" Dusk Lycanroc fretted as her pants were tugged down, showing off a nice red thong. The man, a Sudowoodo, grinned in approval.

"Then it's out of my hands." Seamus raised his hands, "I'm sure you were all briefed on the rules when you first came here. Until you walk back out those doors or till closing time, your bodies are free for the men here to do with as they please. Sorry, girls, but those are the rules." He turned to the men, who continued their assault, "But do play nice, fellas. Just cause I'm off the clock doesn't mean I won't throw all your sorry asses in the brig."

"Don't worry, sir, we'll be gentle!" The Aggron chuckled devilishly as he tore the shirt and bra off Midnight Lycanroc, the gal whimpering as her J-cups bounced free.

Seamus gave a minor huff as he made his way to the bar.

As soon as he turned around, the three wolf Pokemon found their clothes torn from their bodies, as the men groped their fat tits and nice asses, leaving them in nothing but their thongs.

"Mmmmm!" The Midnight Lycanroc's maw was instantly filled with the Aggron's cock, her green thong moistening immediately.

"S-stop, please!" The Dusk Lycanroc pleaded, letting out a howl as the Sudowoodo tugged her thong aside and impaled her ass on his cock, causing her I-cups to jiggle.

"Hands off me, you creep!" The Midday Lycanroc fretted, as she was forced to her knees and Scizor invaded her cleavage with his dick.

Despite their protests, they didn't (or couldn't) fight back, and within minutes, the wolf girls' whines and growls turned into moans, overcome by a pleasurable sensation. Their indignation became forgotten as they gave in to the lust as the men had their fun with them.

"Hmm, that didn't last long." Richard mused.

"Most women tourists usually don't." Bertram shrugged, "It's fascinating how quickly they give in to the pleasure of sex with all that rigmarole removed from the-"

As Richard and Bertram continued their conversation, Claudia stared for a bit longer.

Looking around a bit more, she noticed the... particular way the women that were clients were sitting. They had their asses and pussies, be then clad with a thin thong, g-string, or gaping, presented and ready for use.

A Primarina was sitting, chatting with a Venasaur, when suddenly a Spearow rammed his cock up her ass, fucking her where she sat. The Primarina didn't seem bothered by it as she continued, with some difficulty, her conversation. All over her eyes could see in the sea of people dancing, enjoying themselves, and walking around similar acts were happening. And in almost every case, the women never once protested or put up a fight. Only the few female tourists present put up a bit of resistance, but that quickly melted away as pleasure overtook them.

"Is every woman here available for use?" Claudia asked, curious more than anything.

"Is it as our dear Chief of Police made clear a moment ago, my dear," Bertram replied. "Sex is, to put it quite bluntly, free in the Lobby, but the damn drinks shall drain your wallets quite fast. I should also mention that every guy has to compete for the girl of staff they want to fuck. That's what the rooms and renting are for as well as the shows," he said pointing at the small platforms where a few regular dancers performed their routines while others looked at them with admiration, lust, or longing.

"And the Star Dancers are more or less at a premium value for obvious reasons," Richard explained, blushing lightly. "Sorry for stealing your chance, Bertram."

"Eh, not to worry, Richard. I'm actually quite pleased that it was you who got her. She's new and Mew knows it was about time a girl caught your eye as she did. I'll just wait for the right moment to explore more of her succulent body later. That blowjob had me hooked. Oh, and Claudia?"

"Yes, Bertram?" she asked, not at all disturbed by the Persian's admission that he wanted more of her body. If anything, it was flattering.

"You should watch your back. I heard that Cain is looking for you. If you don't want to get wrecked, you should try to avoid him," Bertram warned before turning to the bar. "If you need me for anything, I'll be with Carlyle. Keep an eye on her, Richard."

After a moment of pause, Claudia looked up to Richard. "Cain? Is that the Houndoom who's the leader of the Disciplinary Committee?"

Richard sighed. "Yeah. He's an old friend of mine. If he's looking for you, he'll find you. Word of advice? Just do what he wants. It'll be easier for everyone involved."

Claudia nodded. She hadn't met Cain personally... but she remembered the video and her first rough introduction to the ways of Rinta. Why am I not as scared as I should be? I think... I think I'm not even afraid. I'm more curious about it than anything else! Xerneas, Mew, Arceus, and Suicune, am I... have I always been a shameless slut fooling herself?

As Claudia asked herself those questions, she noticed the familiar frame of Johannson approaching her and Richard. She waved, blew kisses, and let anyone grope her as she walked, completely unbothered by the playful hands and grasping fingers wanting a piece of her. When she was close enough, she hugged her tightly; their breasts pressing together and wiggling without pause.

"Claudia! Ohhh, look at you! Going topless already? Girl, you make me so proud!" Then, she turned to Richard. "And you, Richard, it seems a lady finally caught your attention for more than a quick fuck, eh?"

"Hello to you too, Jojo," Richard laughed. "And yeah, you could say that. Hey, now that you're here, is Braig in his office? I need to talk to him, business stuff."

"Yeah, he should be there. Want us to go with you?"

"No need, but thanks. Keep an eye on Claudia for me, please? She's still new to Rinta and I would hate for her to pass out on the floor after getting jumped by twenty guys. You know how wild things can get in here," the Dragonite chuckled.

Claudia looked up at Richard with wide, bright eyes. Not only was he worried about her, but now he seemed more confident... no, more at ease. As if he had broken a barrier between them or maybe the sex had given him a boost in confidence, she wasn't sure, but she liked that aspect of him as much as she liked the more shy, introverted, and adorable gentle giant side of him. Thinking fast, she used her powers to jump just high enough to reach him and kiss his cheek. "Thank you, for everything you've done for me until now, Richard."

Richard instantly lit up like a Christmas tree and turned away. "A-Anyway... I-I'll be going now!" He said before scampering off.

Johannson whistled. "Wow, not even I could break him that quickly! I think you may be getting a boyfriend sooooooon~" she sang before breaking the hug.

Claudia smiled. "I would like that... but not that soon. We have to get to know each other better."

"Have I mentioned I love that you have brains up there?" Jojo giggled. "So many stupid tourists or naive Newcomers think love is the same as sex or just flashing attraction! Love takes time and effort. Me and Braig have been together for over a decade. Aaahhhh, I love him so darn much! And don't let me get started on how Drake treats Kass, seriously, it's like watching a lewd version of Gomez and Morticia," shaking her head, she pointed at the bar. "Hey, let's go grab a drink."

"Love...," she whispered longingly before letting out a sigh. "I think i'd like to have that for myself at some point," she said and Jojo smiled at her, pleased with the answer. Walking together towards the bar, Claudia felt the gazes and the reaching hands of those immediately around her, but nothing more than that. It was a relief that despite everything, she wasn't hounded as some sort of fresh meat. She was merely another woman amongst many, not a center play attraction.

Rinta: Island of Freedom - Part 8

When they reached the bar, they sat together, careful to imitate Johannson's posture. She was surprised at how relaxing and comfortable it was, as the pose offered her ample room for her breasts to rest. Her being exposed was just a small tradeoff. ...

, , ,

Rinta: Island of Freedom - Part 6

Braig smiled and picked up her bikini top only to toss it back at her, taking only a moment to admire her swaying, bountiful tits without coverage. Without saying a word, he rolled to the side and opened a cabinet. Taking out a folder and some files in...

, , ,

Rinta: Island of Freedom - Part 5

"Oh, Jojo!" Ana, the Lopunny, greeted waving an arm the moment she saw Johannson approaching. The two gorgeous women met with a tight embrace and shared a quick kiss before Johannson turned to the not-as-bewildered-anymore Gardevoir. "Ana,...

, , ,