The Lifeguard - Part 3; Rescued.

Story by Devon Bearcoon on SoFurry

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#3 of The Lifeguard

This chapter was requested by my good friend Deep Thought as a birthday gift! :) I'm very glad he's asked me to get on with doing this actually, as it was waaaay overdue, and I needed something to get me back on track, and back writing again. Happy Birthday my friend! Hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it.


Chapter Three: Rescued.


Daran gingerly opened his eyes, letting the bright afternoon sunshine dazzle him as he sat upright in bed. Looking over at the clock sitting on his nightstand, he had just 45 minutes before his shift started at 3PM - the first shift since he'd fallen ill with flu, 2 weeks before.

Thoughts were rushing through his mind about the little Arctic Fox that he'd met a few weeks ago.

"I bet he's totally forgotten about me... darn flu..." He cursed; worrying himself about the possibility that the White Fox had thought Daran was ignoring him, or even worse - avoiding him. Pushing the thoughts out of his mind, he quickly jumped into the shower.

As the water cascaded down, his memory was drawn back to that Friday evening, just a few weeks ago. It still seemed like only yesterday, and through the thin mist forming in the shower cubicle Daran could almost see Alex's piercing Green eyes looking up at him again.

Stepping out of the shower, the Otter quickly dried off his beige coloured fur and slipped on his lifeguard uniform; White shorts, and a White t-shirt with a Blue cross in the middle - underneath which said "LIFEGUARD". White was probably not the best choice of colour for Lifeguard shorts, for obvious reasons... They turn see-through when wet.

"Ahhh, feels great to be wearing this once again!" He flexed in the mirror, admiring the healthy sheen to his fur, and the way that his bright White uniform made him look so tall, dark and handsome underneath.

Flashing a broad grin at himself in the mirror, he then proceeded to stroll down the stairs and out of the door, grabbing his jacket from the banister on the way out.

Thoughts of Alex occupied his mind the whole journey to the pool that evening, and considering it was a Saturday night - he wasn't sure if he would see Alex there or not, but he could only hope.

As he saw the Swimming Pool just starting to appear over the horizon, the Otter started breaking into a quick-paced jog, every step taking him closer and closer back to that memorable Friday evening.

"Assistant Manager Slacker is back! Hey! Welcome back!" Sandra, the receptionist chirped sarcastically as Daran burst through the swing doors at the entrance to the pool.

"No time for chat! Must work!" He huffed, giving the avian a narrowed look as he quickly made his way past the Crow and into the staff room to his locker...


The swimming pool was completely packed; furs of all ages, sizes, and heights were to be seen everywhere; families having fun, couples swimming together romantically, and the noisy teenagers playing games of catch and such.

Everyone looked like they were having so much fun, except for one. This fur stuck out from the crowd as he paddled amidst the commotion going on around him, looking rather lost as he glanced up every so often at the Lifeguard tower - a look of dismay over his bright White face as each time he looked, it was the same Lifeguard as the day before, and the day before that, and the day before that.

"Stop looking so miserable!" shouted a Red Fox from across the way.

"Yeah, Alex, take that stick out of your butt and have some fun!" another Fox said, also a similar colour and build to the last.

"Heh, maybe he wants to keep it up there, maybe he likes a stick or two up there. You know what Uncle Robert said about Alex...!" said the first Fox, making a disgusted face at Alex.

The Arctic Fox opened his mouth to speak, no sooner had he tried to retort back, a small purple beanbag ball hit him square in the chest.

Alex gasped for breath as his legs turned to jelly and he felt himself going under. Spluttering as his arms flailed above him, the two dark Red figures swirled above as he plummeted down to the bottom of the pool.

"Aaagh!!! You idiot! You know how he's a wimp! Why did you hit him that hard?!" the Fox argued with the other one.

"I-I-I didn't-" the brother was speechless. "You've winded him you fool! He might drown..!" The other one snapped back.

Furs all around were starting to sense what was wrong, as some started to call for help. Waving their arms in the air the Red Foxes signalled to the Lifeguard, who had conveniently just walked through the doors to the pool.

The Otter Lifeguard looked somewhat confused as he stumbled over his thoughts for a second; the waving Foxes seemed somewhat familiar to him. Then realizing what the commotion was all about, his eyes went wide and a chill ran down his spine as he noticed the flailing White mass slowly sinking to the depths of the water.

Running at full speed the Otter dived into the water, swimming furiously downwards towards the White body lying lifeless on the bottom of the pool. Wrapping his arm around the Fox's neck, and the other around his lower torso, the Lifeguard hoisted the limp creature through the water and gently laid him out along the edge of the pool.

Wasting no time, Daran lifted himself out of the water and started to pump the Fox's' chest rigorously, as water started to splutter from his mouth. A small crowd had started to form around the two furs, nobody seemed to notice the two Red Foxes skulking out of the exit of the pool.

"Please, stand back and give him some space!" Daran said calmly as he gently cupped Alex's head in his paw, supporting his head as the little Fox flickered his deep Green eyes open.

Adjusting his eyes, Alex focused his gaze on his rescuer. Looking up at the tall, handsome Otter knelt over him, he gasped "Y-you...?" before fainting.

"Ok, clear the way please, he's blacked out!!! Move it people!!!"

Daran's voice echoed through the pool room as he scooped up the dripping, White furry body, carrying it through the corridor towards the Medical Room.

"Can you take over please?" The Otter said to his colleague, the other Lifeguard - a black Labrador, who nodded and made her way back out to the pool area. "No problem" she replied, as Daran made his way into the Medical Room cradling the White Fox.

Gently laying Alex down on the bed, Daran ran some water into a glass for him when he woke up and set it down on the table.

Moving over to where the Fox was lying, he ran his pawfingers through the Fox's damp, matted hair, gently stroking his forehead with his thumb.

Dare he place a kiss on his lips? In the movies it usually seemed to wake up a slumbering prince or princess... The Otter gave into temptation. "Oh what the heck."

He drifted his lips closer and closer, until he could smell Alex's sweet breath - a scent which relit a burning passion in his heart, a scent which reminded him of the love that he felt on that day, 2 weeks ago.

As he gently placed his lips upon the Fox's, he felt a paw creep up around his neck and onto the back of his head. Daran opened his eyes and stared into what seemed to be a shimmering pool of Green. They were Alex's eyes, smiling back at him as he opened his mouth and kissed the Otter passionately.

Their lips met as they were both swirled into rapture, lost in a euphoric bliss as they nuzzled each other lovingly whilst they kissed. Alex could feel the strong beating of Darans' heart through his chest, pressed against his wet fur as they melted into each other. The Fox moaned as his lover gently stroked his cheek and neck which sent shivers down his spine to the tips of his tail.

"I thought you were a gonner..." Daran panted, breaking the kiss to shuffle up alongside the Fox on the bed; who was still somewhat lost in the bliss of it all.

"I-I thought... I wouldn't see you again. I was getting worried, I came nearly every day, for the last two weeks but you wasn't here." Alex said, looking slightly sad. "You're the only one who understands me..." his voice trailed off.

"I know, I know. I'm so sorry that I worried you, Alex. That weekend I came down with the flu, and I couldn't come into work... I'm sorry I really am!" He explained, planting another kiss on the Foxes lips.

"That explains... Gee was I shocked to see you though! When you rescued me, I thought I had died or something! Looking up and seeing you, I was sure I had gone to heaven or something, Mr. Lifeguard, sir." He exclaimed excitedly.

Daran let out a laugh, he thought it was quite adorable being called 'Mr. Lifeguard' but even so he said "Just call me Daran.".

"D-did you find the love token I left for you!?" Alex asked, shivering slightly in the cold under his damp fur and blushing a little.

"Y-yes I did... That was very sweet of you." The Otter said gently, wrapping the blanket over them both to keep them warm. "Do you want them ba-" Daran was interrupted as Alex pushed a pawfinger up against his lips and shook his head, grinning.

"They're yours, as a token of my love." The little Fox said before licking Daran on the nose, which the Otter returned with a deep kiss.

Alex felt warmth inside, knowing that his lover had accepted his token as he wrapped his arm around the Otter and pulled him close, intertwining his leg around Darans', pulling him closer so that he could feel his heartbeat once again.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Alex said "Thank you, again, for rescuing me." Gazing into his lovers dark brown eyes and nuzzling him lovingly.

"Don't mention it. It's my job, remember!" He whispered in the Fox's ear whilst he slid his paw along his side and rested it gently on Alex's rump. A look of desire filled his deep Emerald eyes as he felt the Otters' fingers playing with his dampened swimwear. The thought of Darans touch on his sensitive areas again aroused him incredibly.

Alex kissed him lustfully as he writhed under Darans' paw, longing to feel that sensual feeling once again, and the Otter knew that he was driving him crazy.

Sliding a finger into the waistband of Alex's swim shorts, he pulled them down as the Fox wriggled out of them, whilst he, in turn, pulled down Darans' shorts too, followed by his t-shirt.

As they kissed, the Otter moved his paw downwards over the White furred, sensitive sheath of the smaller Fox. Gently rubbing it in his paw he could feel it growing at his touch whilst they continued exploring each other's muzzles.

Murring, Alex felt his tip start to peek out of its sheath and Daran start to massage it gently in the palm of his paw, sending ripples of pleasure all over the Fox's body.

"Ohh, gosh... T-that feels, am-m-mazing...!" He stuttered through the kiss, completely lost in rapture as he shuddered from the Otters' touch.

With a look of lust, Alex reached down towards his lovers' crotch area with his spare paw, feeling the Otters' growing bulge he slid Darans' already slick cock into his paw and started to rub up and down his pulsing shaft.

Moving himself closer, Darans' cock was now directly next to Alex's as they both gripped each others' members. Their cocks now pressed against each other, rubbing together in a slippery, sticky motion they pawed each other, only breaking the kiss to let out an occasional lust filled moan.

"I d-don't think I can l-last very long!" Alex cried out, gritting his teeth as he desperately tried to hold back orgasm.

"M-me either...! Aagh!" Daran let out a moan, "I'm on the v-verge of cumming!" he continued as Alex nuzzled into his neck, the little Fox couldn't resist the urge to bite down on his lovers' neck.

"Aaaahhh!" The Otter gasped at the feeling of Alex's teeth gently biting down on his sensitive neck which sent a bolt of pleasure straight down to Darans' cock, causing him to go over the edge.

"Aaaaah! Aaah!!!" He moaned, again and again as his body tensed up and went rigid. A warm feeling built up inside his shaft as he felt himself spurt his cum against the inside of Alex's palm whilst he thrust himself rigorously against the Fox's cock, covering it with his sticky goo.

Daran bucked and writhed, his eyes squeezed shut as he spurted shot after shot of warm cum into Alex's paw and against his White fuzzy sheath and tummy, gripping the Fox's slippery, cum covered cock he began to pump harder and harder as he came.

The hot sensation of Darans' cum gushing over his own cock was enough to send Alex over the edge too as he began to cum hard and fast, pushing his cock in and out of the Otters slick, spooge covered paw and up against his still erect member.

"Ohhh, f-fuuuuu-" Alex screamed, biting down once again on his lovers neck as he pumped in and out of the Otters paw, flooding both their cocks in his creamy Fox cum. Both furs pressed against each other, humping one another as they rubbed their sticky cocks together.

"Ohhh, gee...!" Alex stared at Daran wide eyed but wistful, giving him a final nuzzle to his cheek before letting out a sigh and flopping flat down on the bed.

"Enjoy that then, huh?" the Otter giggled, tracing his finger over the Fox's snow coloured belly, now matted and sticky with their seed.

The Fox nodded. A smile spread across Alex's muzzle, as he felt a kiss on his cheek. "You're quite something, you know that?" Daran exclaimed.

"Ohh, maybe. Maybe!" replied the smaller Fox, clearly happy with himself as he lay there next to his new lover.

As he gazed into the Otters gorgeous, chestnut Brown eyes, he remembered why he slipped those swim shorts into his pocket that day, he remembered why he'd gone home that night and felt like he'd found the missing piece in his life.

He remembered what he had thought to himself every waking moment of every day, and Darans' eyes reminded him, he loved that Otter... He had known it from the moment that he'd set eyes on him.

The two furs lay there, in the bliss of what they had just experienced together. Paw in paw, just gazing at each other, savouring every second.

"I'm glad I rescued you today... I really am." Daran said as tears of joy started to form in his eyes.

"Me too." replied Alex " too."