An Ambushed Orc

Story by Dusk_Winterfang96 on SoFurry

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#2 of Misc. Stories

An orc traveler ends up with something unexpected after taking a break from his journey

On a mountain road that was less traveled by most, walked an orc male named Dagar. He stood at 6 foot 2 and had a body that was a blend of fat and muscle with a muscle gut, plump pecs and a thick ass. He was dressed in a vest, kilt and boots. His long jet black hair was pulled up into a braided ponytail and hanging from his belt was a hand axe. He let out a sigh and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his left hand, it was fairly hot out with the sun shinning down on his dark green skin, though it wasn't the only kind of heat he was feeling. It had been some time since he had last gotten off, whether by himself or with someone else. He usually didn't have much trouble finding those interested in a quick fling with a big strong orc but the last town he had been in had been a bit harder than most as none had really been interested. He contemplated stopping and finding a spot to rub one out but figured that he should stick it out for awhile longer. The path may not be used much but he didn't fancy rubbing one out in the middle of the path and while he had noticed several caves that he could duck into, he also didn't want to risk running into whatever may be calling that cave home. So he soldiered on, deciding to wait until he reached the next town to have it taken care of.

After about an hour of hiking, he decided to head of the main path a bit and started to clamber up over the rocks and hillbanks. He continued to head straight until he happened across a spring. He knelt down and scooped out some water in his hands and was thankful for the cold fresh water. He took a moment to refill his empty canteen and then decided to take a dip and cool off as well as wash the dust and sweat off. He pulled off his boots and socks first which was followed by his vest and belt before removing his kilt, exposing his thick cock which was 6 and a half inches thick and 5 inches long when erect with a pair of apple sized balls hanging underneath. He eased himself into the water, a sigh escaping for him as his body came into contact with the cold water. Dagar took a moment to contemplate his journey till now: he had lived in a close knit village where he had lived a pretty quiet life, unaware of the outside world until a group of travelers had arrived consisting of an otter, a pair of dragon twins and a kobold. It had inspired Dagar to set off and explore the kingdom and see what life outside of the village had to offer. He had hoped to one day find the travelers that had visited his village and inspired him to set off into the world. It hadn't been easy for him but he was determined to find out what it was that he wanted with his life and gather different experiences. He ducked under the water for a brief moment before surfacing, have washed his head off and helped feel even more refreshed. He rose from the spring, standing up to stretch his limbs out before gazing down at himself and ran a hand along his hairy chest before moving down to his muscle gut. Both men and women seemed to go crazy over him once they saw him, even more so once they saw him in the buff after a proposition of sex had been made. His hand slid around to his plump ass and gave it a squeeze. If he was honest with himself, he usually enjoyed getting his ass filled and lamented that it had been quite awhile since he had last bottomed and he was honestly hungry for it. Stepping out of the spring he picked up his gear and walked over to a large, flat rock and laid down on it while setting his gear to the side. Seems like a nice spot for a nap he figured, completely unaware that he was being watched. As he dowsed off, his mystery watchers moved in.

When Dagar woke up, he knew something was wrong when he noticed that besides the absence of the sun's warmth, was that he was laying on a bed of moss instead of the stone he had slept on. Standing up he reached to grab his axe before heading out to find his way out, only to realize that his axe wasn't there, much less anything as his clothes were gone. He cursed the fact and took a look around the room for them. He had no problem with nudity, being more comfortable with it than most outside his village but at the same time if he had to confront whoever it was that brought him here, he'd feel a bit better about it dressed. He started to walk toward the entryway and cautiously stepped out. He looked about, trying to decide if he should head left or right before the distant sound of talking came from the right. He hesitated for a moment, should he really head toward them? Maybe we can talk this out he reasoned. Dagar slowly walked down the hall, nervous but prepare to get answers.

As Dagar rounded the corner, he was surprised to see a trio of kobolds. "Orc is awake!" "Orc come to see Master." "Come, come!" Dagar didn't even have a chance to ask anything but figured he might as well followed them, noticing that they were dressed in nothing but loincloths. After about ten minutes of walking they soon came to a large wooden door, with one of the kobolds stepping forward to knock on it before speaking. "Master! Orc is awake! We bring Orc!" "Enter." The door ground open and Dagar wondered if he made a wrong decision here but it was too late to back out as he followed the kobolds inside and was left in awe by not only the piles of gold and jewels that littered the room but also by the large dragon male that sat on a throne in the center of the room. The dragon had a similar build to him, with dark blue and tan scales, gold eyes that seemed to peer into his deepest thoughts, a long tail that swished around at his feet and an uncovered crotch that exposed his cock slit. "Hmmm. You are indeed a handsome one. An excellent stud." Dagar wasn't sure how to feel or what to say. "Tell me, what is your name?" "Dagar Strongfang." "My name is Averis Lustclaw." "Why am I here?" The dragon reached over to pet one of the kobolds standing by his throne. "As much as I enjoy the company of my lovely kobolds, I often desire the presence of another. And you my orcish friend, are just the one." Dagar was confused to sat the least. "But, why? Why me? What makes me so special?" Averis rose from the throne and approached the confused orc. "Believe it or not, but I can see into the depths of an individual. In addition to a degree of future sense. I've dreamt of your arrival to the area and knew that you needed to be brought here." Averis stepped a bit closer and proceeded to run a hand along Dagar's hairy chest. "You're out here, looking for a calling, someone to devote your time to. I can provide you with both, following you pass a test." "What kind of test?" "One that tests your endurance. I'm sure you'll like it as it'll also provide you with some much needed relief." Averis' hand had trailed down to his gut before arriving at his waist, hovering just above his crotch. "What do you say? Will you take my little test?" Dagar found himself eager to accept, it was obvious what it involved and he was indeed pent up but yet... "What'll happen if I pass?" "You will be able to remain here, it can be your new home if you'd like. You will be free to come and go as you please, in addition to myself and my kobolds being at your disposal should you need to relieve yourself. All of my kobolds would be very eager for a round or two with you." Averis retracted his hand before continuing. "If you feel that you don't desire this then your gear will be returned to you and you'll be free to leave." "Just like that? And that's what I get if I accept and pass?" "Yes. I assure you, you have no obligation to accept. You will be allowed to leave if you wish." Dagar wasn't certain but he could have sworn there was a sense of hesitation and loneliness in Averis' words but if he has so many kobolds here, then why would he be lonely? And why be hesitant to let him leave? There was only one way to really find out. "I'll do it." A bright and charming smile grew on his snout. "Excellent. Those you will tend to first, my kobolds." Averis snapped his fingers before returning to his throne. Dagar realized that this was going to be a long and messy time but nothing to do about it since he had already accepted.

The door swung open and Dagar watched as several kobolds flooded in, all of them shedding their loincloths and looking very eager. Two bolds made it to his crotch and were soon stroking and licking at his balls and cock, prompting him to groan out in pleasure. A third one slipped in to get at his crotch and join their kin while one got behind him, spread his ass and started to give him a deep rimming. "F-fuck." He breathlessly gasped. He had some good fucks in the past, but none of them compared to these kobolds. Two of them climbed up to hang off his front and started to rub his plump pecs and suckle on his nipples. Dagar was panting hard through it all, cock twitching under the treatment of the three kobolds down there and from the pleasure the other three were providing. He suddenly felt one climbing on his back and was somewhat surprised that they chose to sit on his shoulders, with their crotch facing his face. He realized what it was that this kobold wanted, their cock already peeking out a little from their slit. So he set about licking at it, helping them to get hard before soon taking it into his mouth and sucking on it. He briefly pondered that he must be quite the sight with seven kobolds clinging to him with the intent of bringing him pleasure. The thought was dismissed fairly quickly as a pair of kobolds latched onto his arms, pressing their crotches into his hands, one cock and one pussy. He set about stroking and fingerings them, making the two yip with pleasure. The one latched to his face muttered something he didn't catch before grabbing hold of his braid and eagerly started face fucking him. It all ended up being too much for him and with a muffled groan, came hard, covering the three kobolds at his crotch in his cum. The three chittered and yipped with joy as they were coated before quickly resuming their work. 'Fuck. Just came harder than I have before and they just go right back to it, huh?' The two on his arms soon came as well, covering his hands in their fluids and slid off before their spots were quickly taken by another pair. The kobold that had been rimming him soon withdrew, only to replace their tounge with a cock. It was taking everything he had to stay on his feet as all the different sensations he was feeling wasn't making it easy especially after he had cummed just recently, but he was going to persevere and make it through it. The kobold face fucking him gave a cry and cummed straight down his throat and slid off of him once finished. As they did so, Dagar let out a gasp mixed moan followed by heavy panting. "G-gods.... this.... this is just." He could barely get his words out as it was all so overwhelming. "Mmm. How delicious~" He heard Averis remark. "You are doing incredibly well." Dagar could only pant in reply which followed by a moan as the kobold at his ass came, filling him with their hot seed. "Yes... more, give more." His mind was completely fogged over with lust and pleasure. His wish was soon granted as another kobold mounted his face and penetrated his ass. It was then that he came a second time, giving the trip another coating of hot orc seed.

Dagar soon lost all sense of time but it was some time before all the kobolds had their fill. He rested on his knees in a pool of cum that belong to himself and several kobolds, his ass was still leaking a bit of it and his stomach had ended up filled with a good sized amount. "You've done wonderfully." He heard Averis say. "You have very much passed your test, however." Dagar was soon aware of the thick dragon cock that hovered in front of him. "Theirs one last person you need to tend to. Me." The orc didn't waste time in immediately taking the cock into his mouth and suck on it. He used one hand to rub at the dragon's gut before moving down to finger his slit. "Yeah you love a good cock don't ya?" Dagar moaned in agreement, he honestly loved sucking cock and at times wished he could do so more often, though it seemed like he had his chance now that he was a part of whatever it was that Averis had here. Averis' tail came up to nudge the hand fingering his slit away before the dragon grabbed a hold of Dagar's braid and started to face fuck him. Dagar was ready for the dragon seed that would be shot into his stomach, only for Averis to pull out. "On you hands and knees orc boy." He didn't waste time changing position and allowed the dragon to plunge deep in him and start fucking, with Averis even grabbing a hold of Dagar's braid again. "Y-yes! Fuck me harder!" Dagar moaned louder as he felt Averis grab hold of his cock and start jerking it. "Ready yourself boy, cause I'm not going to hold back." And with a mighty roar Averis came, filling Dagar even more be for pulling out and shooting the rest of his load all over the orc's back, which was soon followed by his own climax. Panting hard, Dagar could stay awake any longer and started to nod off. "Rest Dagar. You are safe and welcome home."