How Do You Like Your Eggs in the Morning?

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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It's never easy waking up in the morning, but Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde always ensure that they have a good start to their days, even when they can't wait up together.

This vignette was written for Silvergatomon as part of my themed Patreon request day for April 2019. This months theme was "Eggs" and the story contains M/Solo and F/Solo masturbation set in the world of Zootopia. :3

How Do You Like Your Eggs in the Morning?

Nick stretched, yawned, and whined softly as he felt his morning wood straining against the sheets draped over his otherwise naked body. Waking up alone and hard was never an ideal situation, but it was made simultaneously more and less bearable by the fact that it was something which Nick had become increasingly less used to in recent months. Most of the time these days he and Judy slept over together at one of their apartments, so much so that the conversation about living together had already been shared, and all that now remained was for one of their leases to expire so they could move in together before looking for a place they could rent with both of them in mind. There were times though, times like the last few days, when it was more beneficial for them to sleep apart. Times when they found themselves working opposing shifts to cover for sick colleagues during what was meant to be paid time off, and thus when it made more sense for them to sleep separately to keep from waking one another up, and indeed to stop either of them from succumbing to the temptation of their lover's body.

Or, at least, to stop them from succumbing in a way that would eat into hours of what limited sleep they were able to get each night on their current schedule. Because, with or without Judy present, nothing was going to stop Nick from succumbing briefly to relieve his morning wood. The fox reached over to grab his phone, shutting off the alarm scheduled for about ten minutes from now so that he didn't give himself a heart-attack mid orgasm before instinctively starting to scroll through its menu to the files tab. His feet kicked off the sheets, exposing his rigid erection with his other hand already wrapped around it, thumb grazing back and forth across the head as a bead of pre-cum formed beneath his touch. He was just about to start browsing through the two dozen or so videos he had saved on his phone, each and every one of them either clips shot for him by Judy, or of him and Judy together from wherever one of their phones had been positioned and left to record prior to things getting started, when he noticed an icon on the top left of his phone's upper information bar.

With a frustrated whine, Nick moved his thumb up to swipe at it and see what the missed message was. He wanted to ignore it, really he did. But police officers couldn't really ignore text messages on the off-chance it was an informant getting in touch, or the ZPD headquarters sending out an alert about something which required urgent attention. He'd be in big enough trouble if it was such an alert and he'd slept right through the notification, never mind if he ignored it wilfully just to give himself the chance to jerk off. No sooner had Nick pulled open the messaging app however, his anxieties melted away and his frustration at the message's presence turned to absolute elation and gratitude.

"Oh, I'm not worthy..."

He growled under his breath, both playfully and with a note of distinct sincerity too as he saw that the message was from Judy herself, that it had only arrived half an hour ago, and that it had an attachment.

A video attachment.

It took a surprising amount of the fox's willpower to read the message before simply opening up the video right away, but once he did so he was glad that he had, as it perfectly set the stage for what was to follow.

'Hi Nick! I was just about to go to bed when I remembered what day it is. I know neither of us are religious, but, that doesn't mean we can't both appreciate a little Easter treat, right? I love you. I want you. Always. - Judy. XxXxX'

His mind reeled with the possibilities, but before Nick could clearly consider any of them, his fingers moved to open up the video file at last with a mind of their own. Clearly his subconscious mind, and his libido along with it, had zero interest in fantasies and potential scenarios which Judy could potentially have used to produce an apparently Easter related video. All they wanted was the real thing, to know the truth and to see the reality of what Judy's body and mind had worked together to create for the fox. And a moment later, as the video loaded and immediately began to play, every last little bit of Nick got precisely what he had wanted.

"Ohh, Carrots. Goddammit..."

Nick groaned in awe as with cinematic perfection the first shot of the video was not Judy herself, but the tip of a bottle of lubricant squeezing its slick offering out over what looked like the upper half of a plastic, brightly and seasonally decorated Easter egg. When the bottle of lube was set aside and the camera drawn back however, Nick soon realised that the egg wasn't just a decorative egg. Down its centre ran a horizontal seam, and as Judy set the phone down on what must have been her beside table, shuffling back into position to fill the screen as she sat naked, blushing and already twitching in obvious excitement, Nick barely held back a shrill bark of pure euphoria as he realised what the lubricated egg must have been.

"Happy Easter, Nick. I love you so much."

Judy murmured as she pushed her rump forward, lifting her body off the bed with one arm stabilising herself and spreading her knees wide apart, showing off her pussy to the fox with an eager desperation that matched his own boiling in her violet eyes. Slowly, teasingly she lowered the egg down between her legs, and only after she had begun to press it into herself, whimpering and gasping under her breath in obvious pleasure as its girth spread her open, she twisted the lower half of the egg and set a deep, rumbling buzz echoing around the room. The egg shaped vibrator must have been pretty powerful given the intensity of the noise from both it and Judy before long. Nick grunted back at the rabbit's blissfully vocal recording, and feverishly rubbed his cock faster than he already had been all this time to try and feel as though he was coming even close to matching how horny, and how giddy with pleasure the bunny sounded in that moment. He watched with muzzle agape and toes curling, thick bushy tail swishing from side to side between his legs as Judy's hips bucked and she slowly eased the egg further and further in, stretching herself almost as wide as his knot might have in her efforts to take the vibrator's full circumference. Sure enough, soon she was there. Soon she cried out shrilly as the mid-point of the toy at which its motor could be controlled brushed against the outer reaches of her pussy, and her quaking, already dripping wet body clutched tight at the toy now pouring every last drop of its vibrating motor's energy directly into the flesh of her most intimate reaches.

"Oh god, Nick..."

Judy squeaked as she glanced for just a moment towards the camera, the fox too overwhelmed to care that this was a recording and moaning right back at her.

"Oh, Carrots. Don't stop. You're amazing. Fuck, Judy, please don't stop."

His hand was an absolute blur on his cock already, but somehow just a few seconds later Judy managed to do something to make Nick so turned on and so out of his mind with his need to cum, he found another gear to his own body's haste. His eyes bulged and a strangled howl escaped his lips as Judy let slip a soft giggle amidst her euphoria, and slowly, ever so slowly began to pull her hand away from the vibrating egg, which despite being more than well lubricated enough to pop out again somehow remained in place.

"Oh god. Ohhh N-Nnhhh... Nick. I'm squeezing it. Squeezing right on the lip, the... ohh, where it twists. Holding it in place. Oh god. Ohhhh Nick it feels so... so, aahhhh... please, I can't hold on, Nick. I can't stop it. I... please, d-don't let it stop. Cum with me. Please, Nick, just... oohhhhhyess... cum with me!"

The fox watched, and to his elation saw all the telltale signs of Judy's impending orgasm. Her ears flopped back. She bit her bottom lip. Her hips began to thrust and gyrate, and when that wasn't enough her toes started to wriggle and drum against the bedding, before one of her ankles began to twitch and her whole foot, then her whole right leg began to thump and drum against the bedding. It was a good thing that she had both arms supporting her now, or she would probably have toppled backwards and thus denied Nick the chance to see her face as she approached the point of no return, whimpering, gasping and shrieking alternately as the egg hit goodness only knew how many different sweet spots within her through its powerful, unceasing vibrations. As things were though, the fox got to see it all. Her pussy dripping, her foot drumming, her chest heaving and her beautiful face contorting in pure rapture. She was going to cum soon. Very, very soon. And that was a good thing, because watching her writhe and whimper and moan to him like that, Nick couldn't bring his hand to slow down, and thus he couldn't hold back his own orgasm for more than a handful of seconds either.


Judy's eyes bulged suddenly. The drumming rhythm of her foot upon the bed grew louder, faster and ever more insistent.

"Ohhhhhgod, I... Nick, I t-think I'm... ooh god yes, I'm gonna... please. Ohhhpleasefuckyesssssss, just like that. Please. Please, do it. Let me... a-aahhh... let me squirt!"

Her own eyes fell shut in a mixture of overwhelmed elation and concentration, and Nick's own widened sharply as he not only heard the bunny announce what she felt was about to happen, but as he watched juices, far more liberal quantities of juices than had accompanied Judy's pleasure thus far, start to trickle down the rabbit's quaking thighs and drip abundantly off the glistening, powerfully buzzing toy still lodged helplessly within her.

"Do it, Judy!"

Nicked begged and commanded the woman he loved all at once, yet again utterly unaware or at the very least uncaring that the laws of reality said the recording of the rabbit could not hear him.

"Please, Carrots. Oh please. Please. Squirt. Let me see you do it!"

He asked, he begged, and a split-second after he fell silent Judy let loose an almighty scream, followed by a deep, guttural grunt as not a brief spray or a single sharp jet, but a glorious fountain of ejaculate gushed forth from the tiny hole just above the main opening of Judy's depths, and arced up into the air in a wild, wide open flood as it immediately hit the potently buzzing vibrator at full velocity.

"Ff-fffhhahhh... ffffuuuuck!!"

Judy gurgled mindlessly, a strangled, earth-shakingly intense whimper escaping the back of her throat with such pleasure-wracked savagery that Nick felt like that sound alone could have propelled him over the edge even if he hadn't given his cock a single squeeze up to that point. He yelped. He howled the rabbit's name, and an instant later added his own fountain alongside Judy's gushing pussy. From behind his phone where it was held up in front of his face, he saw ribbon after ribbon of cum arcing up into the air before feeling them splatter down over his belly, his chest, his own crotch and furiously working paw all over again. A streak of cum even hit him square in the muzzle, and with a fevered whine he lapped it off instinctively as on screen the rabbit he loved just kept on cumming, kept on shrieking and grunting and gasping and squirting like she was never going to stop.

"Fffffuckyesssssssssss! Yes! Yes! Ooooohhhhfuck! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckinggodyesssssssss! Yes, Nick!"

Somehow, even though his orgasm ended well before hers, or rather before whichever of the orgasms that toy carried her seamlessly through turned out to be the last came to its end, Nick kept on stroking his cock. He kept on pumping himself relentlessly, and whimpering, gasping the rabbit's name as though urging her on to the very last. For all he knew, her orgasm could have lasted even longer, but there came a point where Judy's body was utterly broken by the furious potency of what she had experienced, and the limbs still holding her aloft simply gave up. She collapsed to the bed, and the impact of her body hitting the soft, soaking wet comforter and the mattress below it was enough to jostle the toy free from her clutching depths. One last violent, now unified spray of ejaculate gushed out so hard that Nick heard it drumming against the wood of the table on which the phone was sitting to record all this, and then Judy was done.

Dazed and overwhelmed by what he'd seen, but still with his eyes fixed upon Judy's twitching, drooling, prone body as though he still craved more from it, Nick tapped the video to see how long was left on the recording. He whined in delight. Ten minutes. There were ten minutes left. And sure enough, just like he'd hoped, for those ten minutes he just got to lie there and watch Judy pant, and moan, and veer back and forth between passing out outright and simply trying to recover from what she had just experienced.

Eventually of course, she struggled to sit up, and though her face and the insides of her ears didn't seem to be able to get any more red, she whimpered bashfully as she shuffled forward and reclaimed the phone.

"That was..."

She gasped breathlessly.

"...I mean, it was..."

She tried again, but trailed off and just giggled as she shook her head.

"Words. What even am."

The bunny murmured playfully, Nick snorting softly, then louder as she continued to speak in that same purposefully broken cadence.

"You love I do. Very yes, Nick. Sleep now, this bunny."

Nick grinned from ear to ear, and as the video finally ended and went dark, he whispered back up at the blank screen of his phone, his flushed, beaming, love-struck face reflected within it.

"You love too, I do, Carrots."

He sighed softly, happily, and closed his eyes for a moment, just a moment to savour that feeling of pure contentment before pulling himself upright, out of bed, and ready to start his day. A shower, then some breakfast, then to work.

The fox nodded at his self-imposed plan, and chuckled as he ran a hand idly through the cum soaked fluff of his chest on his way to the bathroom.

A shower, then breakfast. And today, though he couldn't quite place why... Nick really fancied some eggs.

By Jeeves

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