Digression: Pt 2

Story by Dragogalewind on SoFurry

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#2 of Digression

This story contains: Reality Alteration, ABDL themes, Diapers, Sissification, Humiliation and Exhibitionism. This part contains: Nonconsensual and some extreme themes. As always, feedback is welcome and loved!

Frank has finally made it to the bus station, but someone was kind enough to offer him a ride instead.

Frank questioned whether he was just really not used to walking, or if the bus station was a lot further from his apartment than the billboard had led him to believe. He felt like he had been walking for days. Brief pulses within the back of his head with each right step and at the forefront for each left accompanied him along the way. They mocked him, questioned him, asking him was all of this worth it for a job that he really couldn't stand?

He had since removed his jacket along the trip and had it haphazardly tucked into his laptop bag, letting it drag across the ground as he dangled the bag at his hip. His underarms were damp with sweat to the degree of a heavy workout, which included the dreadfully familiar feeling Frank dealt with just this morning with his crotch feeling wet.

Such were the consequences of deciding to walk what turned out to be several miles to a bus station, in what he had guessed to be at least high eighty degrees weather. He told himself that everyone has these thoughts and questioned these things. That anyone would do it for their job. That they're part of being an adult, part of growing up.

'Then why are you?'

Frank suddenly stopped in place; the sound of his dress shoes skidding across the pavement causing some passerby to stop and look over their shoulders at him, only to carry on their way. He spread his legs and hunched over slightly, letting his bag drop to lie at his feet as the paw holding it moved up to his head to cover his blue eye, then the other raised and covered the pink. The world went dark, muffled, then silent. The outside noise of car horns and city backgrounds; talking and screaming engines fading away to nothingness.

Stood in place, eyes closed and covered, Frank could hear nothing, see nothing. Nothing around him mattered; it to him, nor him to them. The passerby no longer existed, nor did the heat of the sun on his back. Darkness slowly warped, changed, becoming familiar. The inside of his head filled with color, his light show returning as the hues surrounded and enveloped him. Hugged him and protected him.

It could not last, though, as the only thing that remained, that dragged him back to reality, was that constant throb in his head. His pink eye that pulsed whenever he thought too hard about it. And pulse now, it did. Then it throbbed. And then it screamed.

Frank joined it; tears bursting free, and openly as they poured down his face. His fur being matted down by the stream and the feeling against his paws dreadfully reminded him of his bed this morning, and of a time when he was much, much younger.

The colors faded, and the darkness returned, bringing with it the cacophony of sounds bombarding all at once, trying to drown out the noise of his cries.

"Excuse me, are y-..."

Frank slowly grew quieter, his muzzle closing at the same speed that his paws lowered down from his face. His vision was blurred from his time in the dark, and the sun hung directly above him, making matters worse. He rubbed at his eyes with the back of his wrist, clearing invisible tears from his face.

When finally he could see again, before him seemed to be a female wolfess, standing at least a foot taller than himself, even hunched over like he was; her paw gently placed on his shoulder. He sniffled once and stood up straight, again heavily dragging and scraping his shoes across the concrete. He craned his head and looked up at her.

Staring back at him, almost shining in the darkness cast by shadows of the sun, was a bright pink eye. Just one. The other, a golden-speckled green that seemed to capture and then emanate the very warmth of the sun itself to all that looked upon it. Frank couldn't look away from her; his eyes locked on her own. Pink to pink, blue to green, until finally he felt her place her other paw on his shoulder.

A sweet smile slowly spread across her face, crouching down to be eye level with him, her other paw moving to her knee. "Frankie, sweetie? It's almost time to go... I know you don't like car rides, but that's no excuse for being late, okay? Goodness, you're not even in your uniform yet!"

Frank titled his head at her quizzically, confused. His muzzle opened to speak when the paw on his shoulder suddenly slid down his arm, then took hold of his wrist. Gently, but firmly, the Wolfess pulled him along behind her. Stuck in the moment, Frank finally started taking in his surroundings. The idle rumble of large engines, the squeal of brakes and the hissing of automatic doors all around him. The bus station. When had he made it to the bus station?

"It's a good thing that your nanny sent us your 'car trip' kit, so we're perfectly prepared for this situation. I will make a call home, though, to talk about your behavior." The wolfess's words could have been an alien language. They sounded so strange to Frank.

'Phone home' 'car trip kit', what was she talking about. Better question being, who was she talking about? Certainly, it had to just be a coincidence that he and this 'Frankie' happened to be similarly named... But then, his eye would have been the way to tell them apart, surely?

A new found sense of panic rose in Frank, and he started tugging against the urges of the wolfess. Despite being a full-grown adult, his efforts at breaking her grip seemed to be almost fruitless; mere struggles of a child throwing a tantrum and to be ignored. She didn't even turn around to address him, or his actions, until finally he barked out a complaint.

Her stride suddenly stopped as she leant over and scolded him like a fussing child, a single finger pointed gently towards him. "Now, you listen here, young lady. I know. I know you don't like car rides, not one bit. But, don't forget that someone special is waiting for you, remember? And we don't want to disappoint them, now do we."

Some passerby had turned to look at the commotion that the husky had caused, but instead of rolling eyes and scoffs of annoyance as his previous actions earned him, he was met with barely contained giggles coming out around paw-covered muzzles, and people nudging others only to point towards him before whispers began. The Wolfess attempted to shut them down with a glare.

Without another word to him, or to the crowd, she turned and continued her walk and the urging of him along; the destination becoming rather obvious to him as they got closer and closer to a parked pink school bus just across the station.

Frank felt confused all over again; as if the sensation was new to him and he just did not know how to respond to it. His mind seemed to go completely blank and his body numb. Not with lack of thought, but an overwhelming bombardment of it.

With his 'fussing' suddenly ceased, the woman could easily pull him along behind her the rest of the way, earning a small smile of appreciation, and more than likely taking his actions for obedience when in fact he just could not make his body listen to him at the moment.

A small group of girls were standing around outside of the bus, all in matching uniforms and conversing with each other, some of whom even stopped mid-sentence to turn and offer excited waves towards the pair of them as they arrived. They all seemed to be of various ages. Most seemed to be in their later teens, but a few were older like him.

The wolfess returned the gesture, slightly bent over while she still held onto his wrist. Much like she had done to Frank earlier, she gave them all a small smile. Something that he started thinking hid bad intentions. She gave his wrist a tug forwards, not harsh, but enough to make sure it would do its job as it brought him forth before the group like some kind of show and tell subject.

She let go of his wrist, moved behind him and gripped both of his shoulders before she addressed the girls, and before he could get away. "Girls, now, you all remember our rule, hm? No making fun of Frankie, or her little...Problem, all right?."

The girls all giggled to themselves, their eyes gleaming with something that Frank did not care for...Nor for the pinkish tint that was coming to them as they stared and seemed to look right through him, as if peering into his head, able to see that he didn't belong but refusing to acknowledge it. They all spoke up and answered in perfect unison, almost sounding like one voice echoing off the cavernous walls of his mind.

"Yes, Mrs. Faradayyy!"

Frank didn't have to break eye contact for them to stop, the aforementioned Mrs. Faraday did that for him as she once more took hold of his wrist and led him to the back of the bus, calling over her shoulder to the group as they went. "You girls get on board. I'm going to get Frankie ready and then she'll come join you. Hop to it,"

Turning back towards him, the wolfess gave the husky a gentle boop to his nose before she reached towards the handle of the back door and pulled it open, giving him a little nudge aside to make sure that it didn't hit him in the process as it swung wide. Frank could see the girls in the very front of the bus, separated by maybe five rows of seats between them.

Once it was open, she gave him another little nudge so that he was standing against the edge of the back opening, able to feel the cold steel through his work pants. Only when she was standing before him, clearly blocking his means of escape, did she finally let go of his wrist. That smile of hers ever present as she reached out a paw and gently brushed his hair from covering his pink eye.

Finally, Frank's body seemed to react in how he wanted it to, slightly quivering from the touch of the larger woman, and a swallow later led to him finally finding his voice; though it was not as loud and intimidating as he would want it to be. "L-L," he thumped his own chest with his fist, making himself swallow and try again. "Listen here, lady... I don't know what's going on, but you clearly have made a mistake."

The wolfess tilted her head at him, as if mocking his own confusion from earlier. Her paw slowly retreated from his hair, though she took a step closer and practically pinned him up against the end of the bus as she whispered, her voice sickly sweet. "Oh, I know, sweetie... I know,"

As each word came from her mouth, she slowly crept and leant over Frank, forcing him to lie back against the floor of the bus further and further, until their heads were barely a foot apart. "I always wanted to believe that you were a good girl. Just...Misguided, as are most of the girls that go to my academy. But you, oh, sweet Frankie. You will be my proof to the world that everyone can be a good girl."

Upon her last word, Frank suddenly felt a sharp pinch in the top of his arm and spun to see the source. In Mrs. Faraday's hand was a small syringe; the plunger depressed completely and the needle now dangled above his arm while she looked at him with eyes that once he didn't want to look away from, and now, he couldn't.

She smiled at him once more, then she leaned away from him in several directions. Or at least, that's what it looked like to frank. His vision going haphazard and blurred, the size and sharpness of things completely up in the air as he laid flat against the cold ground. The steel sent a shiver down his spine, and the wolfess tsked and then cooed at him. "Poor baby. Let's get you dressed, then we can get to your surprise, hm?"

The words reverberated off of Frank's mind and seemed to bounce all around him, much like the sight of the wolf herself. The only thing that he could make out clearly, no matter which way she moved or what dimension he could see in at the moment, Frank could always see those mixed eyes looking right back at him.

He went to raise his arm, to swing, to fight, to protest, but found no response. His eyes bulged, but only for a moment before they too softened and he went completely limp against the floor. Barely able to wiggle his fingers, all he could do was focus on the many Faraday that now sat on their knees, looking down at him through the pink fog that now surrounded everything.

July (or Mrs. Faraday, to her students) gently smiled down at the stupefied husky laying before her. She thought she almost looked cute, lost in her world of shapes and colors, sounds and sensations as the woman gently brushed her paw up and down the poor thing's leg. If this one wasn't so important, aka troublesome, she would have definitely considered keeping it for herself.

Still, she sighed and then tossed the now empty syringe into a convenient red box that was bolted to the side of the bus and closed the lid. Reaching beside the box, she pulled out a pair of pink latex gloves and carefully pulled them over her paws. Stretching her fingers till her knuckles cracked, she couldn't help one more gentle brush of her rubber coated fingers across the pink side of Frank's face before her paws laid flat on her knees. "Alright, time to get to work."

And get to work she did, the wolfess scooting to sit more beside Frank then in front of him, or 'her' to July. Her paws were quick, and deft, gentle but systematic at the same time. She had easily done this untold numbers of times before, so this instance did not differ from any other. Her ear perked, though, when she heard a giggle coming from the front of the bus.

She looked up, and now, ducking behind the seat, barely, were a pair of ears that she recognized. "Miss Daily, if you do not wish for me to recommend your treatment match Frankie here, I will not hear another peep. Understood?"

A sheepish, soft, "Y-yes, Mrs. Faraday..." seeped out from behind the seat, and the ears sunk to be completely hidden by the leather barrier between the two of them. July smiled internally, then looked back down at Frank. She smiled once more, using a small cloth to dab away some drool that formed at the corner of his muzzle. "Messy baby..."

Setting the cloth aside, she finally could get to work now that the peanut gallery had been sated and properly warned. She carefully reached down and slowly unbuttoned Frank's work shirt, one by one, exposing his fluffy, flat tummy underneath. This made her smile grow wider.

Pulling both ends of the shirt open, she savored the sight for another moment, then moved onto his sleeves. She was less careful with them, and simply tore those buttons off instead of removing them, unrolling the fabric so that it loosely covered Frank's wrists and then took hold of one. She grunted, just a little, as she then used it to lift Frank up off the ground, the poor husky completely dead weight, but lighter than she expected, and, July, much stronger than she looked.

Holding the husky with his head over her shoulder, July briefly pictured them in this pose in another scenario, having just fed the poor puppy and now she was burping her, as any good mother would have. And then another popped into her head, one which made something pulse in her tight jeans and a craving dig at the back of her head. She weighed the pros and cons of messing with this one once more, then grumbled and pouted when the cons won out.

With a sigh, she began removing the shirt entirely, letting the husky hang limply on her shoulder, a little more drool falling onto it which got her to giggle. She pulled the shirt off him completely and then folded it into a square onto the floor, carefully laying him back with it under his head. She could see the fear in his eyes, and she told herself that he was imagining a world without her in it.

She placed a finger softly against his lips and shushed him, though no sound save breathing and gurgling came from the poor husky. She leant down and kissed his forehead while her paws had reached down and started removing his pants. Button. Zipper. Slide. Effortlessly, they were removed, and then discarded, tossed against the side of the bus, only to drop onto the floor. His shoes were pulled off with them, not untied, just tugged off, though she grimaced at the sight of them.

The husky now laid nearly bare on the floor, dressed in nothing but his boxers and his tie still secured around his neck. July hmm'd, two fingers stretched out along her jawline as the rest of her paw cupped her face. She could definitely think of something much better to go around the pretty girl's neck...And then shook the thought clear of her head when she remembered her earlier conclusion, but it was oh, oh so tempting...

July remembered she had to set a good example and stopped herself short of stomping in annoyance, and lost herself in the rest of her work instead. At least she was getting to the fun part, so it wouldn't be so much of a tease for much longer.

With a small pair of scissors she reached down and snipped the tie free of Frank's neck, the husky feeling the cold metal of the back of the blades against his throat before it and the slightly tight sensation from the tie were soon both gone. He could barely make out the image of a giant line of color flying in front of his face before it disappeared.

July tossed the stupid thing right out the back of the bus. None of her girls needed anything like that, and she wouldn't have it on her bus to influence them otherwise.

The scissors, not yet discarded, and their coldness, moved next to Frank's ribs, then slowly glided down until they touched his hip. His ears picked up a sudden 'snip', and then his crotch felt the coldness instead.

And there goes those. July absolutely hated having to touch those. Even with partners, she made them remove them on her own while she sat and waited. This pretty puppy was no exception, though, as much as she was in a lot of other ways. Maybe a trade would work. She has so many to offer...

Once more, she shook that thought from her head. Using her long tail, she pulled over a pink backpack tucked away nearby; embroidered with a patch shaped like a purple and white butterfly. She carefully brushed her fingers over the patch, the name 'Frankie' slowly forming underneath them. The bag, already unzipped, was soon pulled open, and its contents emptied, to be set on top of the now empty bag on the floor.

July absolutely loved this part. She told herself when Frankie was first put into her charge that she would not, but quickly, this proved to be false. This was now her favorite part, and knowingly, openly, the puppy was definitely her favorite. She needed so much extra attention from Mrs. Faraday. Or Mommy Fara, as July made her call her in private. And sometimes public, at least with the rest of the class. It was only natural.

She carefully picked up a folded rectangle from the rest of the pile and smiled. Her thumbs brushing the sides of it and feeling another pulse in her pants from the slight crinkling sound that the action rewarded her with. It was matched with the backpack's patch, being based around a core of white and purple butterflies in a multitude of sizes spread all over it.

Carefully, she pushed her thumbs into the top opening and then shook it a few times. The square responded, and decompressed, puffing up and out slightly, the two leg holes in the bottom and the material that separated them not easier to see. July licked her lips when she looked at it, then stopped herself from fixating on it by looking down at the puppy's bare crotch instead.

So, so small. She loved it when it was small. So much cuter when it was, and with what was in her paws, it just seemed... Natural. Probably why it, and the puppy, triggered so many emotions and instincts in her all at the same time. She held the unfolded pull-up in one paw while the other stroked the inside of the husky's thigh, the back of her paw brushing against his sheathe. The other could not help some strokes of her own, however, as the one holding the pull-up was moved to holding her crotch and stroking in time with its twin.

She rolled her eyes and bit her lip as she enjoyed herself for a least a couple of moments, ending with a small moan that was quickly swallowed back before she brought even more attention to herself. Damit. She was definitely, definitely going to work out some kind of deal to get the puppy all to herself. For now, the job is almost finished.

July reluctantly moved her paws off of her crotch, and then, even more so, of Frank's own. One last, blatant stroke for the road later, and she was back to it. Her paws had moved to gently spread apart the husky's legs, then she scooted backwards and then over to where she sat in front of him on her knees once more. This let her get a very, very good look at the treasure she so desperately wanted to possess.

Gently, she threaded the hole of the pullup up one of Frank's legs, then lifted the other and guided it into the other hole. Once she had both legs in place, she lifted them both up, off the ground, to where she could pull it up his shins, then his thighs. To get it finally in place took a bit more hefting, to get Frank's rear completely up off the floor; giving her a look at a unique treasure. Pulse. Pulse.

July finished tugging the pull-up into place around the husky's hips, smoothing out the edges and cheekily stroking his crotch in the guise of smoothing it out. Satisfied, she sighed, then laid both of her paws over her own thighs as if she were getting ready to do yoga. She didn't need yoga to be as versatile as she already was.

With the fun bit over, she sighed a little. This part was also fun, but only when the girl could contemplate what was going on. To blush, to squirm. To giggle, to cry, with either happiness or joy. It really didn't matter to July, as long as she got to play with her toys how she saw fit. And thankfully, how she saw fit, many people sought to learn, while others sought her to teach, as she was now.

One by one she picked up more things out of the small pile, rested on the empty pack, starting with a long pair of white socks with tiny ribbons at the very tops. She started with these since she already had a hold over Frank's legs, and they were on top anyway. This would normally be where she would tickle a girl's foot, but Frank didn't even respond when she tried. She hated having to use 'The Shot', but it was required with some girls, and someone warned ahead that today, Frankie was definitely one of those girls. Good intel.

With the socks in place, she lifted a black and pink checkered skirt up from the pile and slid it around the husky's waist. It was flattering, and short enough to be attractive, while not being too slutty. That was for 'private lessons' later, though she ensured that Frankie's were made with 'easy checks' in mind. The idea was not fought against. At least, not by anyone with any say in the matter.

Next, she lifted Frank up towards her shoulder once more. Scenario 1. 2. 3. Pulse.

She pulled up a short white button-up shirt from the pile and easily draped it over the husky's shoulders; his limp arms shortly thereafter were threaded into the holes and then he was laid back down. She carefully did up the buttons all the way to his neck, then thought, and undid the very top button and nodded. The buttons, hem and sleeve ends of the shirt were all the same pink as the bus, and of his new skirt.

They also matched the pink shoes that she slid onto his feet, buckling them across the front and then giving them a little shine with the back of her wrist until she could see herself in them. They had little holes in them shaped like butterflies that let you see the white socks underneath.

Once more, July looked down at her wanton treasure and bit her lip. Thanks to her time and inexperience with girls in Frankie's situation, some research had to be done before she was brought in. And when July does anything, she masters it. She became obsessed and learned everything that she could, and because of that, there were so many better, cuter things she wished the puppy was wearing right now. And did, very often, in private with Mommy Fara. But that was not now.

Now, she finished up the outfit with a few accessories, one, needed, being a pink lanyard with an 'student id' complete with a picture she chose of 'Frankie', namely being the time she almost stole her away, but forced to settle for a picture, of the time that she made the puppy try a pacifier for the first time.

The other was a white bow, with a small purple butterfly right in the middle, which she carefully secured around Frankie's ear, then pulled out a slightly bigger one and tied it around the end of his tail. She practically screeched. Her sound of joy was so high pitched at the sight of the puppy now laid before her. Pulse. Pulse. Pulse. She swallowed and closed her eyes, then took a deep breath.

With a barely clearer head, she carefully reached down and picked Frank up off the ground, his head moved to her shoulder and held there as she scooped him up from his lower back, then shifted her paw to underneath his rear like you would carry a toddler. She grinned and rubbed her nose against his, then patted him a few times on his rear, which rustled, much to her delight. Pulse.

July kicked the backpack aside and then finally started making her way towards the front of the bus, the front two rows empty but the driver's seat taken.

Frank hung limply against the wolfess as he was carried towards the girls, most of which were softly cooing and 'awwing' at him as he passed, complimenting 'her' on the outfit, including a cheeky 'you can't see your diaper at all!' which earned a glare from July and a quick shrinking away of the student.

July smiled and rubbed her cheek against Frank's as she came to the very front row of the bus, one side of which was empty, and chained off which she removed and let fall with a few clanks of steel-on-steel-frame. Gently she sat down and then lent Frank forwards, his limp neck dangling though his eyes looked right at her. She giggled and wiped some more drool from his mouth before bringing him back closer to her, his head against her breast and facing inwards towards the window.

What he saw made something flare, if only for a moment, allowing and making his eyes bulge. Sitting next to them was a large-enough-for-him pink car-seat, decorated much like his bows and his pull-ups. It was white and covered in different butterflies, though these were pink instead of his purple.

July saw the reaction in the husky's reflection in the window and then leant over his head and met him eye to eye once more. She was extremely blatantly excited. Frank was clearly not. She rubbed her nose against his, then gave his cheek a lick before she lent up once more. "That's my surprise for you. Isn't it adorable! I just knew you would love it. I can't wait to see you in it."

Frank's heart rate increased, thudding over and over in the echo chamber that was his head. July took this as him being as ecstatic about the purchase as she was when it first arrived.

Suddenly, Frank felt something push into his muzzle, and partially fill it. His brain, being the only thing that could work right now, quickly identified the taste as rubber, or maybe plastic. He didn't have to wait long for confirmation on that assumption.

"You. Are. So. Freaking. Adorable!" July cried out; practically clawing herself not to fawn over, or run out the door, still holding the husky cradled against her breast. She carefully leaned down, and soon the reverberating whisper of her words leeched inside of his head, his vision getting darker and darker as his eyelids grew heavy and started to close.

"Shh. Mommy Fara's got you, don't you worry... I'll never let you go."

As those last words slipped into his ears, out went everything else. The world, his world, for only a moment, showed Frank one last image. His own reflection, cradled up against the wolfess, with a pacifier in his muzzle.

Before everything went black.

End of Pt 2.

Digression: Pt 1

"And that responsibility will fall to you, of course." The husky didn't even hear what it was; he had heard those words so many times before. The thought of shaving off a section of his fur and tattooing it across his chest briefly crossed his mind,...

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Carried Away: Rose

Rose: The sound of spinning tickets filled the room once more as Damien stood nearby, proud of his little game. The husky hadn't even bothered to change the picture of the nearly cum-covered kitten plastered for everyone's enjoyment across the...

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A Night at the Movies: Pt 2

Across the group of people that seemed to never take their eyes off him, she led him over to a giant fenced off building within the mall, a large sign on the front, made up of colorful letters spelled out 'Daycare and Lost Child Center, matching the...

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