Snakeskin Redux 3

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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The takeover of Stormhaven continues in Snakeskin Redux, the third chapter in the series.

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When Shane slowly opened his eyes again he found himself staring up at the ceiling of his dorm bedroom, feeling the sheets of his bed rumbled underneath him. The cool air of the bedroom reminded him that he was completely naked and as he continued to lay there he remembered the reason why he was laying there in the first place. He no longer felt his own member inside of him and part of him wondered if it had been some sort of intense dream, but before he could even complete that thought he felt something rubbery brush up against his inner thigh. His entire body briefly went rigid as he felt his own cock wiggle against his legs without any prompting from him and as it continued to wiggle around it definitely felt... bigger than before.

Shane didn't realize how big though until he got up, his eyes widening when he saw the literal two-foot python that was between his legs. It was real, Shane thought to himself as he watched the rubber creature attached to his groin moving around as well as though just waking up. Even though it moved independently he could still feel every inch of it as it began to lift up its own body. The width of the creature was bigger than what he could encapsulate around both his hands and the rubber had spread over the flesh between his legs to the point where he could feel it as he began to shift his position.

"I would advise not moving around too much," a low, sultry voice said that caused Shane's breath to catch in his throat. "This process takes some time, but it makes everything extremely sensitive." The snake creature that his cock had become managed to curl around so that the head of it actually faced him, the human's eyes widening as he saw the face of a rubber snake looking back at him. As it continued to shift around while they looked eye to eye he could feel the weight of the creature on his body and the pleasure that came from his mutated member.

"This... this isn't real," Shane said as he felt his breathing increase. "This is still a dream, that sex toy had something that's causing me to hallucinate."

"I assure you this is all real Shane," the snake replied with a hissing chuckle. "Thank you by the way for using that sex toy so quickly, I was hoping that I wouldn't have to wait long for you to give yourself to me. Now just relax while we continue to shift perspectives."

Before Shane could say anything else the rubber snake slithered forward and pressed against his lips, causing a shiver of pleasure to run down his spine. Even though it was a fully-formed snake head that was essentially kissing him it was still like he was rubbing against the tip of his cock. Almost instinctively his hands went up to the side of the shiny tubular creature and he let out a moan of pure bliss. It was just like when he rubbed against his rubber covered shaft earlier except the experience was even more intense, like it was feeding directly into his brain instead of feeling it radiate from his member when he stroked it. The sensations got stranger and more pleasurable as the snake cock pushed its serpentine snout into his own and the pliable rubber fit into his maw while it felt like he was sucking on his own dick.

In essence that was what was happening, Shane thought in his lust-soaked mind as he began to stroke up and down more fervently with his hands. Even though he continued to stimulate himself the more rational parts of his mind told him that the whole situation is bizarre; he was sucking his transformed cock as he felt the forked tongue of the snake inside his own mouth, which had caused his own tongue and throat to tingle. He should be running or trying to find help, but all his legs could do was writhe against the bed as those limbs felt weird as well. When he was able to see past his snake cock, which was when it finally broke their make-out session and backed away, he was able to finally see his legs... or lack thereof.

Shane felt himself start to hyperventilate when he saw that beyond his rubber-covered inner thighs his legs had disappeared! It was like they had been cut off at the knees and as he continued to watch he could see the rubber continue to spread over them as they decreased in mass, which visibly rippled up his snake cock and caused the shiny creature to grow even more. As the latex started to spread up his abs Shane watched his snake cock groan and wiggle as a pair of lumps formed on either side of his body. The pleasure continued to be fed to the human as he watched in both awe and shock as the serpentine creature become more humanoid, its neck thinning as the rubber morphed into a pair of shoulders while a pair of limbs grew out of his growing body while his barreled chest was sculpted into a set of pectorals and abs.

Just as Shane was about to shout in terror the snake cock leaned in and put the nub of one of his limbs against his lips to stop him. "Shhhh..." the growing snake creature said as Shane felt that his lips and mouth felt rubbery as well. "Just relax, bask in the pleasure of our transformation while I take control. I can assure you that you are going to have just as much fun as I did."

"I... what..." Shane gasped as he felt the rubber spread down his throat, only to feel his words end in a hiss as he felt his tongue flick out. "Ssstop thisss... you're ssstealing my body..."

"I'm only borrowing it for the time being," the snake cock said, though at this point the creature was more developed then he was as the rubber continued to flow up towards his chest and caused Shane to continue to huff and hiss in pleasure. "But once we're done you'll be enjoying it so much that you never want to go back. Oh, and I suppose introductions are in order, my name is Zander."


Meanwhile back in the nexus realm Renzyl and Chrono watched the slow transformation taking place in the room of their first gift recipient. "I see that Zander is taking his sweet time as per usual," Renzyl said with a chuckle. "I suppose we didn't give him a specific time frame and we're not in a hurry. How are the other two doing?"

"Far more productive Master Renzyl," the silver raptor said as he manipulated the crystals on the obsidian podium next to the hub that he and the others were using to watch as the image shifted. "Berza has already seeded his first male and both he and Sivilath is still working on their hosts, but are coming along nicely as well. By all estimation he should be ready to take over soon so they can continue to help the others."

"Sounds like things are coming along well," Renzyl said as he glanced over at the next two rubber creatures that were waiting at the edge of the obsidian platform. "Send the next two over, we'll be sure that they're ready as soon as the others are finishing up."


When Bill came to his found himself in the showers of the athletic center, the water dripping down his body as he became aware of his surroundings. He gasped slightly, but when he looked down at himself his confusion turned to curiosity and awe as he saw his naked body. While he had always considered himself to have a muscular build his pectorals were popping and his abs had grown even more defined than before. As he ran a hand against his stomach he had a brief recall that there used to be something there, but the thought was short-lived when his gaze went down lower.

"Whoa," Bill exclaimed as he squeezed his hand around his cock, which was half-hard and throbbed in his hand as he investigated the new girth of his member. While he didn't have any means to measure he could tell that it was a few inches longer than his previous length and was definitely thicker. "Now this I could get used to."

When Bill examined the rest of his body he found that it was also far more muscular as well, striking a few poses to utilize his new shredded physique. As he continued to examine himself he remembered the pill that he had taken and though he couldn't believe it he realized that it had actually worked. Not only had it caused him to grow several pounds of muscle that was perfectly distributed across his body but had also made his dick bigger too! Just the sight of his new body was turning him on and the only reason that he didn't start stroking himself off was because he was in the communal showers and didn't want to get kicked out.

Even though he was still a little fuzzy on how he managed to get there Bill knew where his clothing was and was glad that he had decided to wear his training sweats. The stretchy fabric was still slightly tight against his new frame as he put them on, opting out of the underwear after he couldn't even slide it up his thick calf. He just tossed them aside and brought up his pants, taking a few extra seconds to adjust his package that bulged out the front of them. They were just able to keep him from being lewd even though he could almost see the outline of his shaft and it took all his willpower to keep his arousal down as he made his way back to his dorm.

Bill was thankful that there weren't many people around as he made his way back to the building, trying to keep his erection from showing as he walked. Fortunately no one was around and when he got inside the lobby of his dorm he breathed a sigh of relief. When he looked down at the bulge that had continued to persist during his journey he realized that while he thought it was his erection stretching the fabric it was actually just his thicker cock. Even though it had provided a bit of an inconvenience to him in his trip back he found himself wondering what it would look like in one of tight briefs, a thought that caused his groin to stir once more before he put such lustful thoughts aside and focused himself back to the task at hand.

Once he had gotten a hold of himself once more Bill rushed his way back up towards his room, opening it and taking only a cursory look before getting inside. It appeared Ryan was either in his bedroom or not in the area at all as he practically slammed the door shut. Even if his roommate came out and yelled at him for making noise he didn't care as he went to his own, his thoughts focused only on one thing. Ever since he had seen himself in the showers after coming too a growing need to get his hands on those pills that he had left there.

It didn't take Bill long until he saw the box of cobra pills that he had left there not too long ago. He remembered scoffing at the potential effects, but now he was a walking testament that not only did they work but did so extremely well as he felt himself instinctively flexing. With no possibility that anyone would see him he was able to take off the confining clothing and once more look at himself. As he let the cloth fall off of him he noticed his skin even looked tanner than before and as he watched his muscles bulge it caused a grin to spread over his face.

"I think I may have found a new set of supplements," Bill said to himself as he tore his gaze away from his own body in order to check out the box once more, reading everything on it to see just how long he had to wait until he could take another pill. "Huh, it doesn't say what the dosage is... just take as many as desired for the optimal body. I guess that means I could take them all if I wanted too."

Though he chuckled a bit of that Bill found himself thinking more about it as he looked at the eleven remaining pills in the set. There was nothing that was stopping him from taking all the rest of them at once and as he once more looked down at his naked body, not realizing that he had started to stroke his throbbing member while he was contemplating. It was almost as if the pleasure was fueling his desire to go bigger, to not waste time with only doing one at a time when he could take them all at once. He could only imagine what he would look like as he gave his shaft a squeeze, causing a shudder to go down his nude form as the mere image of the perfect athlete he could be caused him to lick his lips.

Not just an athlete, he thought to himself, he could be a professional bodybuilder...

He could be a god...

As Bill began to pop out the remaining pills into his palm he imagined his teammates bowing down in front of him, worshiping his body as he stood before them. He was still naked as they stroked along his bronze skin, and a bit to his surprise they were just as naked as he was. Surprisingly he found that didn't matter as much to him as he thought as his lust soaked mind just cared about the pleasure and not where it came from. It wasn't until he looked down at some of the men who had started to nuzzle and lick against his huge cock he began to see that their pupils were starting to turn to slits and as they smiled he could see their eye teeth sharpening into fangs...

Bill let out a slight gasp as he snapped himself out of his daydream and shuddered slightly as the mental image continued to linger. When he looked down at his hand he saw that he had managed to get all eleven pills in his palm, the amber capsules glinting slightly in the light as he looked at them. For the first moment since he had gotten back to his dorm he started to have slight doubts about what he was thinking about doing, especially after he had that extremely homoerotic daydream. Strangely the part of the men starting to adopt strange serpentine features didn't even phase him and as he continued to think about the admittedly handsome, toned creatures that were in it he found the hand still on his member gliding faster up and down the sensitive flesh.

The thought of himself with that heavily muscled physique pushed him over the edge and Bill took the pills and swallowed them all at once. Normally any person would have probably choaked on that amount but his throat seemed to easily down them even without any sort of water present. It was only when he felt the lump move down and start to settle into his stomach did it dawn on him on what he had just done. Up until that point he had completely forgotten that he had lost time when he had attempted to go do the doctor's and the lump that had formed in his abdomen when he had taken the first pill, his hands pressing against the skin of his stomach as the flesh seemed to almost visibly ripple from the rumbling sensation he felt deep inside...


Ryan's eyes snapped open when he heard the door slam, sitting up in his bed as he heard his roommate's heavy footsteps outside of his bedroom. He was unaware that he had fallen asleep and when he looked at the clock he realized that he had passed out for a few hours after a particularly intense orgasm. When he rubbed his fingers together he remembered that he had never taken the paint off of his body and felt himself blush slightly as he looked down and saw his rubber-covered cock that was flopped against his abs. Once more he could start to feel his lusts returning as he reached down and shifted the silver member, his body shuddering slightly as he rubbed one of the ridges that had formed on the sensitive flesh.

Considering how small he was before Ryan wondered if he had somehow put on a rubber sheath as he fondled the strangely shaped eight-inch cock. As he played around with it he also saw that the silver rubber he had used to pleasure himself anally had managed to spread over his inner thighs with more of the black elsewhere on his hips. To his surprise it wasn't smeared or messy, in fact it looked like he had textured it to look like scales as he slowly started to sit himself up on his bed. When his gaze went back to his arms he also saw that his forearms had been covered in the same black bodypaint and as he ran his fingers down the smooth material on his skin he saw that the red and blue designs he had started on his hands had spread upwards as well.

But as Ryan continued to examine the work he didn't remember doing he had noticed something out of the corner of his eye that caused his stomach to drop. All the modifications to his body were promptly forgotten as he looked over to the area where he had set the paints and saw that the jars and brushes were spilled all over his bedspread. "Oh no, no no no," Ryan said worriedly as he shifted his position to be on his hands and knees in order to try and salvage any of the precious liquid, only for his fear to turn to confusion when he looked in the glassware to see that they were all completely empty. "What the..."

Ryan froze when he suddenly felt a weight on the base of his spine shift, the rest of his body freezing when it felt like something was attached to his backside. At first he thought that some of the rubber he had used to pleasure himself was stretching and pulling on his skin but when whatever was back there continued to move it was with enough force to wiggle his hips as well. Eventually he built up the courage to look around behind him and what he saw caused him to gasp in shock. Wagging around behind him was a large black and silver rubber tail that was at least a few feet long and had more red and blue ruins that ran along the sides of a strip of synthetic fur that ended with a long, fluffy tip that looked... kind of like a paintbrush...

With the sudden acknowledgement that he had a strange rubber tail attached to his back Ryan suddenly became very aware of every movement of it. Even though it was attached to his body it didn't seem to be under his control and the prehensile appendage definitely seemed to have a mind of his own as he attempted to adjust his position once more. At first he was going to get out of his bed and get onto his computer to try and figure out what happened to him since rubber tails just don't grow out of people every day, but when he tried to stand up he felt himself get pulled backwards.

Once more Ryan found himself on his back as he let out a grunt, feeling his rubber cock starting to harden as it rubbed against his synthetic body. His tail continued to wiggle around like a snake between his legs and the prehensile appendage eventually slithered itself until it pressed against his chest. As he grabbed the tail he felt the furry part of it rub against his bare chest, and when it did he felt a thick liquid get slathered over his skin. As the synthetic fur rubbed over him, especially his nipples which caused him to shudder, he was shocked to see silver rubber spread over his body.

As Ryan continued to try and keep hold over his increasingly squirming rubber tail he began to wonder if he had found where all the paint had gone, especially as it pressed past his chest and stomach to his sides where the silver rubber suddenly turned black. Even though the situation was becoming more bizarre by the second the growing pleasure in his body was making it hard for him to think. A groan escaped from his lips as the rubber continued to spread over the front of his body, which began to stretch as the muscle underneath began to swell. His cock was completely erect at this point and as it was sandwiched between the rubber of his tail and his flattening stomach it was becoming increasingly harder to focus on anything other than the pleasure.

It was that distraction that caused Ryan to finally lose control of the tail that he had been holding, and the second that it slipped through his fingers it pushed the thick brush-like fur against his head! This time it was the transforming human the squirmed as his entire face was quickly covered, sealing his eyes and nostrils shut as the thick rubber paint was slathered over it. The only thing that remained able to be opened was his mouth, but the second that he did to breathe the tail shoved itself inside and muffled the gasps while his body shuddered. He had expected to suddenly get the taste of paint or rubber in his mouth but strangely it didn't taste like anything as it coated the inside of his mouth and tongue, and though he brought up his rubbery fingers to try and pull it out the sensations of pleasure were growing more and more intense by the second to the point where all he could do was writhe in pure bliss.

When Ryan's hands dropped to his sides the tail continued to push in and stretch out his lips while the rubber continued to spread over his head. His eyes rolled back into his head as his hips began to thrust up into the air to rub his ridged rubber cock against the tail that felt like it was trying to push its way down his throat. With the latex covering his eyes he couldn't see what was happening to him but even with the intense waves of euphoria he could still feel his face beginning to morph under the tail's ministrations. As the independent appendage continued to push deeper into his transforming head his mouth stretched out each time the tail pulled out until his rubber-covered mouth no longer looked human, becoming animalistic as Ryan began to feel a separate presence in his mind.

At this point all Ryan could do was try to clamp his growing maw around the tail and as he did it gave him a sensation similar to sucking on his cock. He still couldn't control it and the more it pushed into him the less he seemed to have of the rest of his body. As it continued to pump in and out of him it felt like the tip was starting to push directly into his brain and as the pressure grew the alien psyche in his mind did as well. It caused his entire body to quiver as instead of going down his throat the tail had a different idea of where it wanted to go as he lost more ground to the pleasure that was being fed to him while he felt his mutating tongue continue to lick against it to sink the corruption even deeper.

As the rubber continued to assimilate his head inside and out the squirming of the human's body turned from fighting to fucking; the arms that had been on the side of his bed went and pressed down the tail to get even more pressure on his shaft while the tip of his tail began to push out the back of his head. Anyone that had been looking would have been shocked to see the skull of the transforming man stretch and bulge as it writhed around and painted the inside of it. It remained like that for another minute before the tail suddenly pulled out and the eyes of the creature opened, which were rubber just like the rest of his body with reptilian slit pupils looking around against silver sclera. A black latex tongue licked the lips of the new muzzle as the clawed hands let go of the tail and pressed against the side of his head, smoothing over the rubber until there was nothing left to mar his new rubber lizard look.

"Mmmm, not bad," the creature said with a sigh of contentment as he got up and looked at himself in the mirror, admiring the ruby and sapphire runes against the black and silver of his body before frowning when he saw the parts of him that were still human. "Not quite complete, but the important parts are finished up for now. It also appears that I'm the first to fully mentally convert, figures, fortunately there's someone nearby I can help out."


At the same time Shane continued to pant heavily, though it was through a much smaller mouth as he looked up at the creature that hovered over him. By this point the rubber had covered nearly the entirety of his body, which had shrank considerably to the point where Zander was much bigger than him, and when it coated over his arms it caused them to stick to his sides before he could no longer move them. He had also completely lost control of his legs as they were also covered by the thick latex that had spread over him and though he couldn't see them he could feel the toes morph and warp into something more reptilian in nature. It wasn't until Zander had gotten up that Shane was able to see that not only were they completely alien to him now but they also faced in the wrong direction... or at least they would be if they still belonged to him.

"I can still sense you're fretting a bit Shane," Zander said as he stretched his arms, which had thin latex membranes connected to his muscular sides which made them look more like wings. "Trust me when I say that you're going to enjoy this, I can only imagine how sensitive your body is getting."

Though Shane wanted to refuse he found himself unable to as it would have been a lie as his face grew more serpentine by the second. "It doesn't change anything," Shane hissed, though he was able to speak more normally as his mouth continued its transformation. "So what are you planning to do now that you've gotten what you wanted?"

Zander didn't respond, instead taking his webbed hand and stroking it along the entire length of his foot-long body. The pleasure was so intense it caused Shane to freeze, his mouth open as he felt something thick dribble out of his mouth. It hadn't been the first time that the rubber wyvern man had shown him where his orgasms came from, his body shuddering as he remember feeling his neck stiffen as he ejaculated a clear latex substance from his mouth while experiencing one of the most intense orgasms in his life. That was when he was still relatively humanoid and a relatively human face, though that helped accelerate his changes as the liquid latex that leaked from his eyes, nose, and mouth coated his face and caused the serpentine transformation to his head.

As Zander continued to distract his new rubber snake cock with idle masturbation he went over and grabbed the former human's phone, typing in a number while Shane watched with his rubber eyes. Who on earth was this strange creature going to call, he thought to himself, and as he watched his captor start to text he found himself hoping it was some guy that he could coil around and possibly penetrate. The thought was contained in his head for only a few moments but the sheer sexual nature of it startled Shane enough to cause him to gasp slightly.

By that point however Zander was done with whatever he was doing on the phone and went back to the chair, his bigger frame causing it to creak under his rubber body as he devoted both hands to pleasuring Shane. The snake cock wiggled and hissed as Shane found himself unable to process any thoughts anymore and he could only think about the pleasure that came from the stroking of his sensitive flesh. It was clear that his new owner wasn't intending on bringing him to orgasm once more however and intended to tease the former human, allowing the corruption to sink even deeper into the one whose body he shared with. By the time there was a knock on the door a few minutes later Zander couldn't sense any thoughts at all as the effectively hypnotized snake creature just wiggled and coiled around him while he got back up.

Zander allowed Shane to continue to bask in mindless bliss as he got up and went over to the door, admiring his athletic physique that glinted in the light. The rubber perfectly highlighted his muscles and fed into his lust more, which in turn filtered to Shane to keep him enthralled. There was still a job to do however and he tore himself away to go out of Shane's room and answer the door. The naked rubber wyvern man opened it up and saw that there was a box on the ground, Zander smiling as he picked it up and heard the clinking of bottles as he got ready to make a very important delivery.