Glory to the Pony Centaur

Story by BadSanta on SoFurry

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A centaur new to the big city gets abducted, bred, and primed for a bathroom stall-

An unfinished piece I found in one of my folders. Figured the smut was complete enough people would enjoy it! If I do finish it, Nina will end up bound and hooded in a glory-hole stall.

Nina stepped unsteadily along the tight brick walkway. It was such an odd sensation, for a centaur to go from roaming the soft, uneven hills of the country's border, a place where she could go whole days without seeing another living soul beyond small rabbits and chirping birds, to the densely populated inner city at the country's capital, where she could hardly go three minutes without seeing some new creature that she'd never even conceived before in her entire life. Just the rigid footing alone made her feel like she was a foal- She kept stepping too hard, expecting far looser terrain, and it sent a shock up her leg each and every time she lost focus for a moment, and that was before seeing how much bigger everyone was than her.

There were children, of course, of all species- and for the most part, they at least were smaller than her- But she was a pony at her core. Her squat stature compared to even some of the clear younglings made her feel like a kid more than anything else, and made the open stares she got from plenty of folk feel demeaning or outright gross! She was sure plenty of them were just questioning what a little thing like her was doing wandering the sidewalk alone, but there were plenty of looks directly squarely at her flank as well- Nina wore a jacket, her creamy and slightly rosey skin covered by a frilled and puffed up coat made from various stitched up leather pockets stuffed full of feathers that her grandma had made for her, lined with a rich and velvety fabric cloth. Comfortable as could be, and durable, but its rugged design made her feel truly out of place when compared to the fine stitches and brilliant colors all around her, and she had nothing for her flank. Light tanned fur extended bare over her equine half, with creamy splotches across her thighs and a few speckles nearer to her torso, it just wasn't the centaur way to cover up. Lean muscles taut layered her legs, narrowing the curve that tucked on down into the darkening valley along her rear end! Kept modest by a lush mess of long hairs that made up her tail, but she knew that that tail swung with her steps, knew that she'd be exposed in flashes, something she'd never considered before in all her years wandering the world.

They weren't all bad though. Another centaur, a tall black stallion nearly twice her size in every regard, had caught her while she'd started to squat in an alley. A little bold, perhaps, to place one of those massive hands on of his on her shoulder and tell her to stop urinating right there on the streets, but she was bold to try it herself- And she felt quite grateful after he explained to her the concept of a public toilet. She'd been quite confused on exactly where it was she was supposed to go! He was with her now, leading her to one such place, explaining to her all the different meanings of signs and street paths and lights and the like- It was all quite complicated, but Nina felt positively grateful she was receiving the explanation at all. He was loud and boisterous and oh-so friendly, patient as could be, wearing a plain mesh jacket that had hem that hung halfway down his barrel equine-chest, but was otherwise as bare as she was. Nina couldn't help but have her cheeks redden each time she glanced over and saw one of those polished black orbs sway beneath his haunches- They were the size of her fists! So smooth and taut and hanging so low that they wobbled with each step. She couldn't help but see them when looking over, they were just a little bit below her line of sight! His smile was belayed somewhat by the sheer size of his beard, a well-combed mess that sprouted from chin to the sides of his cheeks, hair done in thick dreads that were banded together in small clumps with little beaded nets, while the entire mass was strapped with a single ribbon of white cloth. His skin tone dark, but on the lighter end of the scale making Nina reminisce of the creamed coffee she just loved to drink back home.

"Alright! Here we are. Normally, these restrooms are separated by gender. The girl's room is marked with a sign that has bulkier clothes. But this one is mixed! It's built for atypical body shapes like ours. Just know the... troughs beneath the mirror, they're for washing your hands! And so I'll be heading in with ya, since I need to use it too"

They'd stopped at a nondescript building, same as all the others on the street, 'cept it was only a single story and it had the broad native letters that Nina still couldn't understand forming a sign along the roof. She just grinned at him, smiling wide and bowing her head "Well, thank you for your time. I'd have made a fool of myself without you, I think I think!" Her voice was light, sounding perfectly charmed- And she really was. It was so nice of him to take his time to help her out like that. "I'm Nina, by the way!"

The male just shook his head, laughing her off with little energy "Swanson. And nonsense, like I said I was coming here already! We centaurs have to look after each other, eh Nina? Well, if you have any more questions, don't be afraid to ask"

With that, he stepped through the open double-wide open doors, checkered tiles lining the floor and the walls as it turned sharply to the right, lights bouncing off around the corner to illuminate the entryway. Nina balked for a moment- She never liked going indoors- But she stepped quickly after him, mostly spurred by the odd glare that some bipedal fox was giving her for just standing in the middle of the sidewalk like that.

It was a nice enough space, Nina supposed, though she had very little to reference it against. The smell wasn't pleasant- Harsh chemicals tinged the air- But it wasn't terrible either. Clean enough that she wouldn't have found it bad to sit around in. The ceiling was tall, more than twice as tall as Swanson made from simple panels with regular balls of light that cast an even and steady white glow across the entire room. She saw the trough immediately- Swanson was standing at it, adjusting his hair in the mirror. It was one continuous basin that had step-like drops to it, the tallest just barely above her head, while the shortest came to her equine chest, each step possessing two faucets coming out of the mirror and a smaller narrow straw that smelled strongly of soap. Black little bars were tucked beneath each piece, something that confused the girl until she swung her hand alongside one, and jumped when water came pouring out- Her grandma had told her about the miracles of technology before coming there, and the ability to summon water like that impressed her more than anything else she'd seen so far in the city.

Stalls took up the back wall, six in all, massive things that extended up to the ceiling, the metal doors painted beige with half a foot gap beneath each paneled door. To the left were the urinals, though in earnest they could be used for more than just that. Odd hybrid toilets that extended about halfway up the wall, and halfway down over the floor, little bars lining the hole along the ground to keep someone from accidentally stepping in. One of the stalls had a red mark above the latch, and she could see fuzzy legs within it, but nobody else was inside.

"So, um. Just in the hole?" Nina's voice cracked with the question- It was such an embarrassing question to ask! -But Swanson just chuckled and nodded "Yes. Though if you feel uncomfortable, the stalls in the back there will afford you plenty of privacy." Nina just nodded, then shook her head- As unlikely as it was she'd meet Swanson again, she was too proud to come off as prudish. She might be nervous like she'd never felt before, but it was normal to go outside. This was just luxury. She stepped herself over one of the holes, the one closest to the door.

"Good." The comment didn't really register to Nina as odd until it combined with a clipping of those heavy hooves. A light prickling of heat touching across her back until a shadow passed over the wall in front of her, overtaking her head. She jerked, but Swanson's heavy black hooves stepped in front of her shoulders, his thighs wedging over the small of her back, and the girl quickly found herself trapped! That powerful chest pressing into her delicate human spine, forcing her to lean forward, hips shuddering as she adopted a wider stance to keep balance on reflex alone. She flexed herself, rolling her body and testing him, but it was like a metal sheet had conformed itself to her back, his muscles like woven iron as they tensed and flexed back, straddling her over, some dense flat and fleshy mass rolling itself along her thighs, bumping up between then. Dragging across her belly and displacing the short, chubby teats that lay against it.

"Swanson! What are you- Get off of me! What are you doing?" Her voice turned shrill with panic- She knew what he was doing, she could smell the heavy, heady scent of his arousal being magnified as he smeared it across her inner hips. She dropped her flank, stumbling, hooves reflexively catching themselves as she tried to pull forward, but he simply stepped with her. Catching her as she stood, that blunted cockhead dragging low. Thrusting in, parting her lips but angled slightly off, making her wince as it battered over her outer lip, glanced up and off her tail, then dragged back. Smearing her pelt with his dense liquid. She dropped her hips again, angling them down this time rather than lose her footing.

"Do you know how hard it is to find another centaur in this city, Nina? One that doesn't already have some... Herd. Or a mate? Or just anything that can fit me and still keep talking after. I'll only need to borrow your body for a little while, so be quiet and just stop fighting me for a bit!" He growled out the words as she gripped her by the hair and slammed her body forward, skull banging off the smooth inner shell of the stall and making Nina's thoughts go blank, her cheek being mushed into the surface while Swanson worked himself against her hips. She was swaying now, and he was locking her down with his muscles, shaft grinding and gliding along her pelt, glancing off and smearing between the leathery embrace of her two cheeks, before finally he found that sweet spot. Her dense, wrinkled lips caving in under that dense, damp pressure.

His hips rippling as he thrust forward suddenly, and she could feel him enter her, the explosion of mass into her body sudden and intense. Inch after inch just pouring into her, Nina crying out for him to stop, but he just stepped forward and locked them more tightly together. She could feel his balls brushing against her thighs, feel that expanding flare drag through her body and mash into her womb, punching through her cervix like it was the lid of a cardboard box. Thrusting in with deep, rapid movements that shifted entire inches of his cock by the second, yet there was so much of him that it barely felt like he was making any distance within her body at all.

"Stop it!" she cried out, her voice frantic, but he just grunte. Leaning in so heavily that she could feel the breath on the back of her hair, one of his hands reaching around and pressing a button at the top of the stall- Water cascaded down, rushing over her head, filling her mouth and making her splutter, making her lose her next cry "I told you to be quiet!" He hissed, hips thudding forward and making her knees buckle, but he held her up with both the density of his cock, and a twisting grip along the looser bend where horse half merged into human form. Not caring one bit at the droplets of water that were spraying over him, or how her entire front was becoming soaked- She could feel his shaft pulsing, feel something warm and wet flooding out inside of her belly. His thrusts pausing after a few moments- She could already feel his cum drooling out of her slit, heavy almost pressurized splatters leaking past her cervix, spilling out through the rest of her canal and starting to sluice down her thighs in heavy gobs. It was just a dense and creamy mess bloating her out, making her entire body shudder and quake from the sheer intensity of it. He was so much larger, so much stronger, so all-encompassing- She was helpless. She wasn't in heat, not yet at least, but it wasn't unheard of for centaurs to get pregnant regardless of the season. A soft sob escaped from her lips even as water made her cough harshly over the effort.

When he began to step back, he yanked at her, making her step back too. Making small, shimmying movements so as to not break contact or make either of them fall, she could feel that swollen flare ride across her flesh, the thick head digging into her sensitive flesh, the pressure behind it forcing her to move on instinct even if everything else in her brain demanded she resist. She was helpless, especially as he thrust forward again, making her knees buckle and her chest collapse against the sink, another hot wave of cum splattering out through her body, pooling into her womb. It was awful.

She realized the reason for their new position was because he couldn't quite see her down beneath him- He was staring intently into the mirror, head angled down to look right into her eyes. There was something in his hands, some black leathery fabric that resolved itself as a hood when he pulled it open and straightened it out. She fought, shaking and bucking at him, but his legs all just tucked in closer, and she found herself trapped. The sheer girth of his cock keeping her from just ducking away again, feeling the monstrous thing tremble as she tried to squat down and deny her in full. She cried out, but he wrapped a fist around from the back of her neck, fingers digging into her windpipe, pulling back her hair and pinning the back strap of the hood over her neck! Tears spilling down the sides of her cheeks as he used his other hand to wrap the hood around, adjusting it carefully. She could see how it covered her, a simple device to look at but complicated in its craftsmanship, strapping on neatly to her scalp until only the way her hair bunched up beneath it gave it any definition. Little velcro flaps opened to let her see, or blocked off her vision, while the straps went around her mouth rather than the back or her neck- Various layers letting her move her jaw to various degrees, until he'd placed them all over and she couldn't even open up an inch, her breath coming in with the taste of treated plasticIt was snug, so snug that her ears were folded against themselves, and she felt a painful pinch against the back of her head where the hair knotted together in a lump. She could barely hear- All sounds were muffled and indistinct, a combination of the hood's padding and the way it gripped at her head. Sight was taken from her a moment later as the velcro straps were but into place- She could feel his fingers digging in, almost clumsily pressing down until her sockets were nudged. She groaned.