Emotions (The Series) - Chapter 3

Story by Ace Wolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Emotions Series

*Author's Note*

You may want to check out the Emotions story before reading this series. It will greatly explain each character so you know what happens. Fave and Comment! http://www.sofurry.com/page/175486/user



A bright light beamed through my window, it broke pass my curtains and danced across my face. I slowly opened my eyes to be greeted by the sun's morning rays and gave a long yawn. Around me were a strong pair of black furred arms; they wrapped around me, pulling me into a broad chest. I looked back and chuckled as the sight of a sleeping wolf caught my eye.

Have you ever felt secure; happy? It's a rare feeling, like nothing can take your happiness away. The feeling of a certain person's love, comfort, and support could turn your worst day into the best, or it could bring happiness into your day, even at the beginning.

My name is Austin -Austin Smith. I'm a seventeen year old wolf, ranging around one-hundred and forty pounds, standing five foot six inches. Yeah, I'm a very short wolf for my age, but I like being this way. Growing up a lot of furs thought I was the cutest little pup, it was funny when I ordered at McDonalds, most assumed I would order a happy meal at the age of fifteen.

Another reason being a short is fun, is I fit perfecting in the set of arms wrapped around my chest. The strong wolf behind me always held me, it made me feel important -loved. I loved the feel of his strong arms around my smaller body, exerting heat between our bodies.

If you haven't noticed by now, I'm gay, and the guy pressed against me is my boyfriend, Blake. He was the guy that brought security and happiness into my life; the one fur that could make me smile during sad times, and turn my worst of days down-side-up.

It's been six months since I've been with the amazing wolf; every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day, of every week, of every month has been amazing. The past six months had been filled with unconditional young love. The movies, dinner dates, and nights under the stars; it has been a heavenly relationship with no problems, just pure love.

I shift my body in his arms, now turned to face him. He was so cute while he slept, his facial expression had more of a cubbish look than a teenager-going-into-adult appearance. The wolf seemed so worry-less -at peace. I loved watching him sleep, sometime he said my name in a gentle whisper, most times he hold my body tight in his arms, just to know I was still there.

As my observation of the sleeping wolf continued, I began sliding a paw over his neck, down his shoulders, and onto his chest -careful not to wake the beautiful beast. Blake's entire body interested me, I loved every muscle that covered his body, but what fascinated me the most was a small white diamond-shaped patch of fur on his chest. That spot was the only white spot on his body.

I leaned in and nuzzled the diamond-patch of fur and murred softly. Blake shuffled around a bit; then his eyes opened, showing those golden brown pupils.

"Good morning, my love." I said, continuing to nuzzle into the broad chest.

"Morning, buddy... How long you been up?"

"Justa few minutes..."

Blake's hold became a little tighter, yet it still felt gentle and loving. He rested his chin on top of my head and gave a content sigh.

"You hungry?" He asked.

"A little...but I can wa-..."

"Non-sense!" He interrupted. "Let's go downstairs and I'll fix you breakfast. It's Saturday, so I'll prepare a pretty large meal for the two of us..."

"Hey! This is my house. I'm preparing breakfast."

A loud chuckle came from the large wolf. I knew that chuckle; he only did it when I was given no say-so in the matter at hand. Blake appeared as the dominant figure in our relationship, so most of the time things like this: preparing meals or catering went his way.

"But...you made dinner last night..."

Blake whimpered and nipped at one of my ears playfully. A few giggles escaped my muzzle as I looked up and kissed the tip of his nose.

"Ordering pizza does NOT count as preparing a meal."

We both started to laugh.

"You're going to make me sad if I can't cook for you..." Blake's lower lip quivered as he attempted to use one of man/fur-kind's oldest tricks -guilt.

"And you're going to make me sad toooooo."

I cuddled into his chest and gave a fake whimper. Two could play at this game; I had the upper-paw since I was small and cute, another advantage of being a tiny wolf. Cuteness could get you whatever you wanted -most of the time. A small grin crept across Blake's muzzle.

"So who's happiness is more important..."

"MINE!" I hopped up and gave him a light kiss upon his lips before jumping out of bed. I could hear him groan from defeat. "Brush those canines of yours before you come down for breakfast, and maybe take a shower. Use the strawberry shampoo, I like that one on you."

Blake rolled his eyes.

"Why do I have to smell like a girl? Shouldn't that be your job...you ARE the one-.."

"Stop!" I yelled -a blush now stained my cheeks.

"W-what?" Blake began chuckling. "You don't like when I talk about how you-..."


I growled and pounced from the door to the bed, pinning him down. Blake was correct, I didn't like him reminding me that I was submissive, only because my wolf instincts wouldn't allow me to fully accept it. Dominance ran through my veins, yet I wanted to submit instead of dominate.

"Hehe...look who's on top now." I chuckled.

A grin formed on the black wolf's face.

"You're so much cuter from where I'm laying..."

"Is that so?" I said -grinning.

"Mhmm...it's turning me on.."

"That's nothing new for you. You're always a horndog." I started to lower my head until our noses touched.


Blake leaned up, pushed his lips against mine, and murred lightly -I gave the same reaction, murring softly into the kiss. I loved this -the kiss. Each time our lips met, a new wave of excitement would course through my veins. With our lips joined together it made our love grow, and other things, as well.

The kiss slowly broke; a string of saliva connected our muzzles. Blake gazed up into my eyes, and I gazed into his. Next he wrapped his arms around my waist with the same secure, gentle feel.

"You're beautiful..." He said, causing me to blush much harder than before.

I moved a paw up Blake's chest and stopped when the paw felt a beating feel -his heart.

"I love you, Blake..."

A large paw was placed over mine, covering my paw and the left portion of Blake's chest. It felt so warm and nice to feel his heart's rhythm; it felt as if our bodies were synchronized.

"I love you too..."

I leaned down to kiss him once more, but this time our joining of lips was cut short. My ears twitched as the sound of a car door shut. I jumped off of Blake and ran to the window.

"What is it, babe?"

As I looked out of my window, a large, grey wolf walked toward the house. I rolled my eyes and gave my attention back to the black wolf, lying in my bed.

"Just my dad..."

"Eh..." Blake repositioned himself, now sat straight up with nothing but his boxers on. "Should I leave?"

My dad didn't exactly like Blake, or the fact I was with a guy, altogether. It was nothing new; I told him and my mom about being attractive to guys a few years ago. Dad always figured it was a stage -that I'll find a girl in high school to change the way I felt towards guys. Blake served as a problem in Dad's flawed plan.

"No... let's both leave. I don't want to put up with his bull shit today."

I walked over to my closet and took out a pair of black, baggy pants and a white T-shirt.

"Where we goin?"

Blake removed himself from the mattress and picked up a pair of grey levis he wore the previous day; under the pants were a black tank top that was also taken off of the floor. We both placed the clothes on, trying to be brief before my dad reached my room -I didn't need to hear him complain about Blake being here, let alone the both of us half-nude.

"Anywhere, I guess? Let's go out and get breakfast?"

Blake gave a puzzled look. He knew I didn't like eating out, for me to bring it up all of a sudden was a big shock for him, and myself as well. I hated when my father and Blake was put in the same house; Even though Blake gave my father more respect than he deserved, I feared that respect would run out and turn into a major argument.

"Ok... I suppose that's go-..."

As Blake spoke, my father passed my room; his eyes placed solely on Blake. The pair of pupils screamed of hate and disgust -most of all, defeat. Once my father passed, Blake continued.

"Oh...wow...so creepy... Why doesn't he like me again?"

I shook my head. "Let's not get into that..."

Blake and I finished readying ourselves; we brushed our teeth, slipped into our shoes, and headed out the door. The restaurant chosen was IHOP. I did not care for their food, personally, but it grew on me after Blake and I started dating. Since most mornings consist of basketball practice, IHOP would be our breakfast spot; a cup of coffee to get rid of the drowsiness, and pancakes to give us energy.

"I would like... the Two x Two x Two, with a large sprite, and a small cup of coffee." Blake said to female skunk who waited our table. She wrote down his order and looked in my direction.

"Just a small Orange Juice..."

"No, he wants the same thing I'm getting. Two orders of the Two x Two x Two."

I looked up at Blake a bit frustrated.

"I can order for myself."

"Is that so?" The waiter grabbed our menu's.


"Then why order orange juice? You need protein buddy, food is important, so you're going to eat."

The waiter held the menu's under her arm and looked at the two of us.

"You should listen to your older brother." She said, smiling at Blake, whom which returned the smile, along with a chuckle.

This was very common, especially when we went out to eat. People always assumed since I was the smaller wolf, I am Blake's little brother. Like always, I blushed.

"Little brother?" Blake guffawed. He reach down, grabbed my paw, and planted a light kiss upon it. "No, no. This is my boyfriend."

The waiter's face burned red through her dark black fur.

"Oh, I'm so sorry...let me get you your drinks..."

As the female skunk ran off, Blake kissed my paw again and smiled.

"Funny how people think we're related...You're much cuter, in my opinion." The wolf nuzzled the paw in his.

"Yeah... but you're sexy."

I retracted my paw; Blake continued to nuzzle the paw until he reached my muzzle, and gave me a light lick on the nose. My blush turned from light pink, to dark red as his warm, moist tongue swept over my nose. These were the cute things that had me head-over-heels for this wolf.

"Cute beats sexy any day." The wolf brought his other paw up to hold the same paw he nuzzled. With both paws on my one, he gently caressed it, circling a finger over the back of my paw, while the other held it.

I used my other arm and placed my elbow on the table, while I lay my face in my paw. Our eyes met, causing a smile to form.

"And who came up with that logic, hmm?"

"Your boyfriend." Blake smiled as he continued to play with my paw.

"I don't think I've met this, 'your boyfriend' guy. He goes to our school?" I said, teasingly.

Blake squint his eyes and smirked. "He's the guy you s-..."

"Here is your drinks!" The waiter came out of nowhere, placing our drinks in the unoccupied spots in front of us.

From the sudden outburst, Blake let go of my paw; his smirk remained on his face. What was about to say? Seeing that expression could only mean something naughty -something he was really good at being. The wolf was a complete horndog at times, though his romantic side fell dominant over the horny version of himself.

"Your food will arrive shortly." The waiter said before walking off.

Usually when someone says shortly, they mean ten, or fifteen minutes. Not IHOP. Shortly in their eyes were thirty seconds. Before Blake, or myself could speak one word, phrase, or sentence, the female skunk had returned with a plate of food in both paws.

"Damn! That was quick...did you cook it properly, or just throw raw food onto the plate?" Blake joked, chuckling.

The comment, or joke, caused the skunk to blush. She placed the plates on the table. On both plates contained two servings of eggs, two very large strips of bacon, and two flapjacks, drenched in a very light syrup, with a little square slice of butter that drained down the sides.

"Thank you ma'am." I said.

"Mhmm. Will you like anything else?" The skunk stood abroad; her pencil and paper at ready.

"No, that will do. Thank you very much." Blake said. He rubbed his paws together at the sight of the scrumptious meal.

"So," I started, grabbing a fork. "What are we doing after this?"

By now, Blake had stuffed his mouth with pancakes. He looked up with his cheeks poked out and shrugged.

"Yowou wanned two gwo ouit."

"What?" I asked, not being able to decipher what had been said; the food within his maw disabled him to speak correct English.

Blake gulped, forcing all the food in his mouth down. "You wanted to go out. It's up to you. I'm just following you."

"So much for being the alpha wolf." I chuckled as Blake's eyes rolled.

"My mom just let me back in the house from that gay thing, I'm pretty sure she isn't going to enjoy me bringing my boyfriend. Your house is out of order since your dad came in and destroyed our fun. We've seen every movie in theaters... There really isn't much to do today. Basketball sounds fun, huh?"

I grabbed my drink and took a sip.

"We play basketball every day of the week...there has to be something fun we can do..."

"Wellllll..." Blake's ears perked up.

"No." I said, knowing what was on his mind.

Blake whimpered and set his utensils beside the plate of food.

"Come on, it's been forever since we did THAT!"

"We did it Wednesday, which was only three days ago." I responded quickly.

The wolf looked around and smiled wide; his set of canines glimmered in the light. I looked into his eyes and I could see the joy-ish look of a cub -a cub who desired something. How could I say no to him; he knew just how to get what he wanted, especially things like THIS.

"Please??" I've been a good pup this week." Blake said and gave a sly wink.

I shook my head and sighed. "Fine, we can do that...but don't expect us to do...." I lowered my voice down to a whisper. "that for a long time... you're becoming addicted.


The black wolf's ears twitched excitedly, and his tail waved from side-to-side. "We'll go when we're finish, hurry up!" He demanded before diving back into his food. A small smile crept across my muzzle. What we were about to do would surely be exciting. Even though it seemed like I didn't want to participate in the activity, I was just playing hardball. In all honesty, I wanted to do this just as much as the black wolf -I just enjoyed watching him beg.

I nod and gave my complete attention to the food that confront me, wasting no time. This day had turn from lame to a fun and exciting one.

"God! It's too tight, I can't fit it in!" The large wolf barked.

"Force it through...don't worry, you won't rip it..."

"Why is it like this? Wednesday I had no problem getting in!"

"Fat?" I guffawed.

"Funny, pipsqueak...wait...wait...THERE!"

Blake pulled a pair of thongs up to his waist. We were in Victoria Secrets' dressing room, trying on the lingerie, underwear, and other items -just for laughs and giggles. I laughed more than giggled at the sight of Blake's furry butt sticking out of the thong, while his furry balls hung out of the front, and how his exposed chest looked. I, myself, wore a pair of blue thongs, yet I still wore my shirt, while Blake appeared naked.

"Mmmm..." I murred lightly at the wolf in red thongs. "So sexy. Gettem."

"W-what?!? You know this is just for fun. We never buy the products."

I moved closer into Blake, pressed a paw to his chest, and slowly brushed down his front until I reached his sac. The wolf gasped -a quick, soft moan followed. He pressed his back against the dressing room's wall and lift his head, resembling a wolf howling at the moon.

"Come on, Mr. Wolf." Mr. Wolf was his cute nickname. I only used it when the mood was just right, be it romantic or complete lust-driven. "They're so sexy on you...makes me feel," I squeezed his sac and whispered, "Naughty."

Blake shuddered and draped an arm over my shoulder, too weak for any other action.

"D-damn...stop...t-they have cameras...i-in here..." Blake said as he gazed up at the ceiling.

I looked up and spotted two cameras spectating our every move. I completely forgot about dressing room cameras, though I didn't care. They've probably seen everything so far, why not give them a much dirtier show. I stood on my paw-tips and pressed my lips to Blake's -my arms wrapped around his neck. Finally releasing his sac, he relaxed and returned the kiss; one of his arms wrapped around my back while the other grasped my furry butt. Slowly, his back slid down the wall, taking me down with him until we were on the floor. We continued to kiss, passionately, mixing our saliva and twisting our tongues together.

As my paws grazed through his chest fur, my foot-paw inched back until I landed on something hard. With a quick glance, I saw that it was in Blake's pants. I felt around with my foot, trying to decipher what was this hard object. The shape felt like a square -too small for a wallet, and slightly bigger than a lighter.

Blake's eyes caught my foot paw feeling around in his pants. He broke the kiss and grabbed the pair of jeans off the floor.

"I think that's enough, Austie... This has to be illegal in some way, let's go." Blake gently removed himself from under me and stood up, removed the thong, and began dressing himself.

"Is everything alright, Blake...?" I asked, a little concerned, but mostly suspicious.

A huge smile spread across Blake's face.

"Everything's fine, babe."

I've never doubted Blake; he never gave me a reason to question his actions. But now, it seemed like he was hiding something -something big, and that little square-shaped object held most this secret. I didn't want to confront him about something I had no evidence of, so I just started dressing myself -suspicious still lurking my thoughts.