XXXMAS Day Eleven - Watersports

Story by ThatDarnDodo on SoFurry

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#11 of XXXMAS

Summary: Mitch and Jarryd decided to play a game. One involving Mitch holding in his urine until Jarryd says so. Will he be able to last the entire day without wetting himself?

So, what is XXXMAS? For every day of the month of December I will post a short story, each featuring a different kink that was randomly chosen by several kink generators I found online. I'm doing this as a sort of writing challenge, test my skills with the help of some very different kinks and themes, as well as to build up a sort of writing portfolio. Each story is completely unrelated so you can skip whichever ones aren't your cup of tea.

Don't think I've ever written anything watersports related before. I find myself saying "This is my first time writing (insert kink here)" a lot during this challenge. Starting to realise how vanilla I really am. This challenge should change that.

When Mitch woke up that morning he wore the world's largest grin, unable to hide the skip in his step as he bounced off to the bathroom for his first piss of the day. Mitch couldn't stop wagging his tail as he pulled out his cock and went to town on the toilet bowl, thoughts running through his mind over the events of the day ahead. He had the world's greatest boyfriend and, them both having the same day off for the first time in over a month, decided they'd do something special for their day together. Once tucked back in, Mitch headed downstairs, still in just his boxers.

He walked into the kitchen to find a familiar brown and white Jack Russell in a pair of beige cargo pants and a black tank binder, hovering over the stove. Mitch always loved it when Jarryd walked around in just his binder, there being something oddly erotic about him showing off a piece of clothing that was typically hidden under layers.

The chocolate Pitbull stepped forward and wrapped his large arms around his boyfriend's thin waist. He rested his jaw atop his head and said, "Watcha cookin', good lookin'? Wait...are those chocolate chip flapjacks?!"

Jarryd chuckled at his partner's giddiness and said, "Figured I'd make your favourite breakfast for our day together. I'm almost done, this is the last of the batter, and there's already a stack over there if you want." He pointed with his spatula to a nearby plate that was towering with flapjacks. Mitch licked his lips at the sight.

"You're way too good for me, babe," he said, giving Jarryd a light peck atop his head.

"I know."

It wasn't long before the two were sitting at the dining room table, each with a plate of flapjacks topped with a generous helping of syrup. Jarryd had also placed a large glass of orange juice in front of Mitch. Anyone not in the know would think it was just a harmless drink, but the two men knew better. A little secret that the two kept between themselves, for obvious reasons, was that the they were heavy into watersports with a lovely little side of Dom/sub. There was nothing Mitch loved more than being bossed around by his smaller mate or to have him squat over him, pussy moist in anticipation even before he released a golden stream onto Mitch's face.

They'd decided to try something a little different for their game that day. Namely, they wanted Mitch to hold it. Sure, him holding in his piss was normal but, for a bit of a change and extra challenge, he'd be holding it in the entire day. He eyed the large glass next to him, a little giddy that Jarryd was already trying to make things difficult for him.

The two men chatted away about nothing in particular as they ate, Mitch taking occasional gulps of his drink, their easy chatter interrupted by Jarryd saying, "How about we go to the park today? We could pack a picnic, make a day of it."

"That sounds really nice, actually. Ooh, do we have any doughnuts leftover from yesterday? Nothing says picnic like stale pastries."

"You're kidding, right? That black hole you call a stomach finished them all. I swear, I have no idea where you put it all. The only thing that can take in more than that belly of yours is your bladder. At least I hope." Jarryd sent him a challenging smirk and Mitch grinned.

"You just wait and see, babe. Nothing can defeat my steel bladder. Fill be up as much as you want, ain't nothing gonna break my dam."

"We'll see about that," Jarryd said with a mischievous glint in his eye.

Once their breakfast was done it was time to bring out the cooler bag to fill it with some tasty treats and head out.

The park wasn't far and, because it was such a nice day out, the two men decided to walk there, Mitch carrying the checkered blanket and cooler bag, tail wagging all the way.

"Geez, your tail's going crazy back there. It looks like it's about to fly off," Jarryd laughed.

"Hey, I can't help it. The park was where we first..." Mitch broke out into a large grin, one matched by Jarryd when he realised just what the other dog was talking about. The park restroom was the first place Mitch had ever guzzled his partner's piss. That had been an awesome third date.

Once at their destination, they immediately headed towards the large fountain that signaled the centre of the park. They placed out their blanket as near to the fountain as they could and Jarryd wasted no time in opening up the cooler and rummaging around. He'd insisted on packing their lunch on his own, refusing to allow Mitch to even be in the same room as he did so. What was in there was a complete mystery to him and he couldn't help but just know it would all be a part of their game.

"I brought two big bottles of your favourite soda," Jarryd said as he brought out one and some Styrofoam cups. Soda was a given. Then he brought out a big packet of chips and tossed them to Mitch.

Mitch looked at him with a raised brow. "Salt and vinegar? That gets me real thirsty real quick. Is the rest of what you got in there the same?"

"I have no idea what you mean," Jarryd said, feigning innocence. "Oh, I also brought some of the leftover chocolate chip muffins I made yesterday."

"You mean those ones you make intentionally dry so I'll drink more? I see what you're doing," Mitch said with a chuckle and shake of his head.

"What? I just want to make sure my beloved partner is fed and nicely hydrated," he said as he filled up one of the cups and handed it to him.

"Then shouldn't you have brought water instead of soda? Soda just makes you want to drink more and more of it."

"You don't say." Jarryd said nothing else as he took a sip from his own cup.

Mitch just rolled his eyes and shoved a handful of chips into his muzzle. It wasn't long before both his bag and cup were empty, Jarryd pouring him more without him having to say a word. Mitch then moved onto the muffins, Jarryd once again filling his cup when it got empty. Done with the muffins, Mitch said, "What else ya got?"

"Just some ham sandwiches," Jarryd said, handing him one.

Mitch took a bite and immediately something felt off. He opened it up to find not an ounce of margarine was on it, leaving the bread nice and dry. "Really, babe?" Mitch said with a soft laugh.

"Whoops. Must have totally slipped my mind," Jarryd very obviously lied though his teeth. "But it's okay. We've got plenty to drink if you get thirsty." He picked up the now nearly empty soda bottle and gave it a little shake. Mitch was the one who'd had the majority of it, his bladder already beginning to twinge as he watched the liquid inside slosh around.

"You, um, hungry? You haven't really eaten anything," Mitch said, trying to distract himself from the mesmerizing bottle.

"Nah, I'm still kind of full from breakfast. I can't pack it away like you, big guy."

"You calling me fat?" Mitch said with a playful shove.

Jarryd topped off Mitch's emptying cup with the last of the first soda bottle's contents. "It really is impressive," Jarryd started, "just how much you can pack away in that belly is something else. Same goes for your bladder. In fact, the way you're drinking today, I doubt even you'd be able to hold it until evening."

"Says the guy going out of his way to make me thirsty."

"Why, Mitch, are you saying I'm trying to sabotage you?" Jarryd fake gasped and placed his hand on his chest as if scandalised. He then looked towards the fountain and said, "That's nice, isn't it? The sloshing sound it makes, not to mention how easily the water flows."

"...I hate you."

Jarryd leaned in to nuzzle his cheek and the two men laughed knowing Mitch's words were empty.

The two lost track of time just chatting and walking around the park, admiring the greenery and flowers in bloom, to the point that the sun was already beginning to set when the decided to leave.

"It's a little disappointing you only drank the one bottle," Jarryd said as the two packed up. He then gave Mitch a cheeky smile and added, "But that one should have been enough to make you at least a little desperate, right?"

"Pfft, no," Mitch said with a roll of his eyes, trying his best to ignore the full feeling of his bladder. It wasn't unbearable but it was annoying and any more drinks at that moment didn't sound like the best idea.

"You're telling such terrible lies today," Jarryd laughed and the two set off home.

When they got home and settled in for the evening, Jarryd's desire for torture was at its peak.

When they got home, Jarryd immediately ran to the fridge and brought out a six pack of beer. He gave one to Mitch and took one himself before putting the rest on the coffee table and flopping down the couch. Mitch sat down beside him and opened his beer, taking a tentative sip.

"Why so careful? Whenever you have a beer in your hand you normally down half the thing in one go," Jarryd said with a mischievous glint in his eyes as he took a drink of his own.

"I'm just not in much of a beer mood," Mitch told him, trying his best to avoid eye contact. Truth was the walk had been hell on his bladder and he was really starting to feel the soda. And as much as he loved a nice, cold beer after a walk, any more would no doubt spell trouble. He couldn't piss until Jarryd said so but having no idea when that would be, he had to keep his wits about him and try not to go too crazy on the liquids from that moment on.

"You know, I haven't gone to the bathroom at all since this morning," Jarryd said, "but even though I haven't had much to drink all day, the urge to do is still there, you know? Makes me wonder how you must be feeling right now."

"I'm fine, totally fine," Mitch said, sounding most definitely not fine. His beer now finished, the pressure was really beginning to swell up and he debated having another. That, of course, would be a stupid idea. Anymore and he'd be bursting. His cheeks heated up at the idea, his full bladder growing painful, the idea of having more, drinking until near bursting, becoming more and more appealing by the second.

"Here you go, babe, have another," Jarryd said handing him an open beer. It was as if he could read his thoughts and had made up his mind for him. Mitch took the bottle and had another swig.

By his third, Mitch was beginning to feel tipsy but, more importantly, his bladder felt like it was going to explode. He kept his legs crossed and squeezed tight, doing his best to try and listen to whatever it was Jarryd was saying and not focus on the raging river trying to break free between his legs. He let out a pained whimper as a surge of pure agony hit him and knew he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer.

"You okay there, babe?" Jarryd said, knowing full well that babe was no okay.

"Please," Mitch whined.

"Please what? You want me to get you another beer?"

Mitch shot Jarryd a glare, the Jack Russel only shrugged, still feigning ignorance. Unable to take it anymore, Mitched whined, "I need to fucking piss."

Jarryd shook his head. "Come now, you can ask me nicer than that."

Mitch swallowed before looking down and, putting on his best submissive voice, said, "Please, Sir, may I go to the bathroom? It really hurts."

"What really hurts?"

"M-my bladder. It feels like it's going to explode."

"Aw, poor thing. All right, I think you've suffered enough."

Jarryd stood up and held out his hand. Mitch took it and was pulled up, his heart racing as Jarryd lead him to the bathroom. Walking was pure agony, every step sending another sharp pain through him. He whimpered and whined all the way there, earning him cooing words of encouragement from his mate like "Don't worry, we're almost there," and "It'll all be worth the wait."

Once in the bathroom, Mitch was ordered to strip. The Pitbull removed his clothes as quick as could be, earning him a chuckled from the other man. "I love it when you're this eager," he said with a lick of his lips.

Once undressed, Jarryd spun the nude canine around so that he was facing the object of his desires. The sight of the toilet made his bladder throb, taking all the self control he had not to empty it then and there. Jarryd wrapped his arms around the large man and placed a kiss between his shoulder blades before resting his chin on his shoulder. With how short he was compared to the other, he no doubt was standing on his tippy toes to do so. Normally the image of his tiny boyfriend struggling to match his height would be hilarious but for now all Mitch could think about was the glory of the porcelain throne before him.

Jarryd brought his arm around and grabbed ahold of Mitch's cock, aiming it at the bowl. He brought his lips up to Mitch's ear and whispered, "Ready when you are, big guy."

And then the floodgates opened. Mitch let out low moan as the sound of his bladder empty into the toilet bellow him echoed off the bathroom's walls. Jarryd ran his other hand up Mitch's abs, stopping at his pecs to give him a nice grope, all the while still holding firm on his dick.

"Oh, fuck, that feels good," Mitch groaned, pissing more like a horse than a dog.

"I should hope so with how long you've been holding it in," Jarryd laughed, looking over his shoulder at the seemingly never ending stream coming from Mitch's cock. "Wow, you got a bladder or a swimming pool in there?"

The seconds dragged on, Mitch's mind growing hazy with just how damn good it felt to finally let it out. He was panting by the time the hose that was his dick was nearing on empty to just a trickle, practically sweating over the experience of it all. When finally done, Jarryd gave him a pat on the chest and said, "Thatta boy. Now, lie down."

Mitch did as he was told without thinking, his head still too foggy with bliss over his recent release. But as he lay down on his back and looked up at the glint in Jarryd's eyes, he wondered if he didn't have in mind a release of his own. Removing all his clothes, save for his binder. He squatted over him and spread his lips with his fingers, giving Mitch a nice view of his pussy. A view that was soon obstructed by a steady stream of urine that found its home on Mitch's pecs.

His cock twitched as his chest fur became soaked with his lover's piss, the warmth spreading over him like a watery blanket. Jarryd's bladder wasn't nearly as full and Mitch couldn't help but whine when it ended far too soon for his liking. "Aw, don't get upset, babe," Jarryd cooed. "How about I give you a taste as well, huh?"

He shimmied upwards until his snatch was above Mitch's mouth, the large man knowing exactly what his lover wanted and being more than happy to give it to him. Jarryd lower himself over Mitch's muzzle, the Pitbull jutted out his tongue and eagerly began lapping up at his boyfriend's pussy. He loved the acidic taste of piss mixing with his pussy juices, his cock growing harder with every lick. Unable to take it anymore, he grabbed at his now fully erect dick and began to pump in time with his slurping.

"Yeah, just like that, babe. You really know how to eat me out," Jarryd moaned as he pressed himself against Mitch's mouth as far as he could go. "Fuck, I'm almost there!"

Both men finished at the same time, the room filling up with the moans and gasps of their completion. Still in a blissful daze from his release, Mitch simply lay there as Jarryd stoop up and removed his binder. He turned on the shower and, looking at his practically comatose boyfriend, said, "Babe, you smell like piss. Come and have a shower with me."

"You love it when I smell like this," Mitch said with a lazy grin.

"I mean, you're not entirely wrong..."

Mitch raised his arms. "Come cuddle with me."

"Oh the floor?"

"Bury your face into my piss soaked chest," he said, making grabby hands like a child. "Take a nice, good whiff of me."

Jarryd couldn't help but laugh. He also couldn't help but lie down beside the man and burying his face between his pecs to inhale the smell of and lap up the remnants of their previous game. A game that they definitely had to play again on their next joint day off.