Prisoner of War[2]: Protected No More

Story by solar on SoFurry

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#3 of Prisoner of War

It was only a matter of hours now before I was to take on my new role at Preston's side or crotch or whatever it was. Although it was still a few days till we were scheduled to depart, I was to find myself in my master's loving custody so that I could have some fun with his friends. It was suppose to be official at midnight, but I had already begun doing a few unofficial duties. I had often spent hours in the mess hall chatting and playing cards with the troops. I was still doing that, but word had spread that I'd soon be available for sexual favours. People were approaching with ideas they'd like me to take part in, some of them I knew, some of them I didn't. My list of limits slowly grew and one by one, I slowly built up a list of people I'd be willing to service. Most of the people didn't ask for more than a blowjob, and I got the idea that they didn't really want more than to see how serious I was. For the most part, I didn't mind giving the odd blowjob to someone I hardly knew as long as it was someone my master really knew and trusted. Those people went on a different list to be looked at later.

It was getting late and the evening shift was slowly starting to take over. I talked to a few more people before I handed my pen and pad of paper to the guard who escorted me back to my makes shift cell. For tonight, I was still a prisoner. Curfew still applied, but all that was to change at midnight. Everything was to become official and then, I wasn't really sure I'd be allowed to sleep. So far, Preston was doing everything by proxy and I wondered how long it would continue to be that way. Though, I suppose he still had that leg to deal with. That night, I made my first big mistake. I was so excited, I couldn't sleep. I rested in bed, humming the hours away. I wasn't expecting anything to start till morning. There was no clock in my room, so it came as quite a surprise to me when the lock started rattling and my room filled with a painfully bright light. "Rise and shine," Preston greeted me as I groggily covered my eyes. "I simply couldn't wait to get started, so I figured you could get you going promptly at he stroke of midnight," he said.

"Master?" I groggily greeted him as I leaned forward, looking up at him slightly as he walked over. My eyes hurt from the light and I struggled to keep them open. "Don't tell me you aren't up for a little fun at this hour," he said almost sounding like a warning, "And don't give me that look either. You were a soldier at one point. Granted, you were a rather poor one."

I squinted a little before I decided it was best to turn my head away from the light. My eyes slowly adjusted as I listened to the sound of my master slowly approaching. There were two sharp thuds as the crutches hit the ground followed by a soft, solid thud as his foot hit the ground. He kept saying that he'd heal soon but I think it probably still hurt quite a lot. It was the first time I had seen him all day and he was still taking his sweet time with the few steps one could take in my room. Clap, clap, thud, he stepped forward again. Clap, clap, thud, he sounded like he was almost here. Clap, clap, thud, he came another step closer. I figured by now that I could probably bump my nose into him if I turned around. Tired, I leaned my head to the side, half expecting him to be there.

"So, are you looking forward to this?" he asked as he suddenly jerked me into his lap as he sat down.

No time was wasted as I immediately answered, "Yes master."

"You sure you want to start now?" he grinned as he leaned over and rubbed his nose against mine.

"Yes, master," I replied. It sounded like there was a catch to it, but even in my sleepy mood, I was very excited. A bit of hot loving felt like just the thing for getting to sleep. Slowly I tried to force the drowsiness from my head as his claw slid down the bridge of my nose. "Let's get started, I'm ready," I assured him.

"Good," he said as he pushed me back up. "Let's get rid of these for now," he said taking hold of my handcuffs, "I have something more suitable for tonight's activities." He pulled my wrists up and set them free. It felt like I had been wearing those forever. Having them on so long had worn a broad, tender groove around both my wrists. I whimpered softly in joyful relief as I gave my sores a quick rub. For once, I could use my hands independently and I was choosing not to take advantage of that. A wide grin filled his face as he instructed me to, "Turn around."

I obediently turned to the side as he pulled my shirt over my head. It felt good to be bare-chested again. For some reason, I had a band of thick yellow fur going around my shoulders. It wasn't frequently displayed, but a couple of officers knew about it, mainly those who searched me. I allowed him to pull my arms back one at a time. He folded them behind my back and silently fumbled around trying to fit a large cuff around my wrist and elbow. It took a few tries, to get the size close, but after poking his fingers in one side, then the other over and over again, he was satisfied with the fit and started working on the other side. "How's it feel?" he asked.

"A bit of a change," I replied as I wiggled my fingers around, "Somewhat more comfortable on the wrists, harder on the shoulder, but not that bad over all. Definitely a lot more restrictive than anything that's been used on me before.

"Yes, it is," he said. The second cuff went on much smoother than the first. "A nice little item I picked up just for you," he told me. He wasted no time throwing me down on the bed. "I am going to really enjoy this," he snickered as he rested his weight on my back. His fingers slipped the waste of my pants as I squirmed around helplessly. He took a good grip on the fabric between my waste band and the hole my tail came out of, "Do you have anything to say?"

With my tail arched up over my back, I begged, "Please master?"

His nose ran up the length of my tail, "Please what?" he asked as he slid his hand around to my side.

"Take me, use me, make me your submissive little toy," I pleaded.

"Go on," Preston encouraged me, "Tell me all the naughty little things you want me to do to you but couldn't before."

"Please master," I begged, "Pull my pants from my helpless body and pin me down while you take me harshly. Let me feel your hard throbbing cock pounding inside me. Take me, use me and abuse me to your delight." My tail wiggled around, brushing the sides of Preston's face. I was hoping he would take me right then and there.

The bed shifted a little, then a lot as Preston moved only to collapse on me. "Well now, that sounds like a rather tempting proposal," he said as he rested on top of me, "I don't think that's going to happen for a while. I need a bit more time for the medication to kick in." He whimpered and rolled off me, holding his leg closely, "In the mean time, run an errand for me."

I rolled on to my side and had difficulty getting any further. "What do you wish?" I asked.

"On your feet Solack," he ordered.

Slowly, I slid off the bed and lifted a leg up to the bed so that my ankle could be freed.

"Aren't we getting ahead of ourselves?" Preston snickered, "Did I tell you to put your leg up?"

I shook my head and set my foot back down on the ground. "Sorry master," I apologised as I corrected myself.

"Did I tell you to put that leg down?" Preston scolded.

"No," I defended myself, "I just figured that since you didn't want it up." I was stuttering badly and he had me worried again.

"You just figured," he repeated. His hand rose and he just kind of blew me off, adding, "Think about that."

"Yes, master," I nodded.

He lethargically rolled towards me and looked at me in disgust before leaning over unfastening the chain from the bed and fastened it to my once free ankle. "I want you to be quick about this," he declared, "You're to deliver a note. With any luck, someone will be waiting for you at the front door of the hotel." Preston pulled a folded sheet of paper, with a name written across the front, out of his pocket and motioned for me to come closer. I leaned in towards him and was about to open my mouth to ask something when he slipped the end of it in my muzzle. "Get going now," he said giving me a pat on the cheek, "And don't drop it."

It took me a moment to sort out what I wanted to do in my mind. I had wanted to reiterate it and get it perfectly clear in my mind, but asking questions seemed impossible now that I had the note. Tired, and confused, I stood up and turned towards the door. "One last thing," Preston added just before I left. The bed squeaked a little and I turned my head to get a glimpse of him turning around. "Just stay where you are," he commanded and I turned to face forward again. Hidden behind me, he slipped a bag into my hands as he gave me a peck on the cheek, "Now run along, you sexy thing."

So there I was, shuffling my feet back and forth quickly, trying to run down the hall with my legs chained together. Walking at normal speeds wasn't really affected, but it was harder to move quickly. My biggest challenge though had to be the stairs. I inched my foot closer to the edge, the chain taught against the edge of the stairs. Nervously, my toes dangled over the next step as I wondered how much further that step was. My foot was already in dangerous position and holding the handrail was out of the question. Things weren't going anywhere, so I held my breath and leaned forward. My foot hit the step with a thump and I tried to stop myself, but I was still falling over. Swiftly, I darted my other foot down the step and bolted down the rest of the stairs. I was running dangerously fast with nothing but the wall to stop me. There was a loud crash as I bounced off the wall. The impact knocked the wind out of me as I toppled back and slammed my rump into the stairs. The rest of my body kept moving even after I was down and my head swung back and hit the ground.

There I was, shaking my sore head and wishing I could rub it. I took a few deep breaths looking up at the ceiling. Sleep was beginning to feel like a better idea. Maybe I could just cuddle and sleep after. Happy, hopeful thoughts filled my mind and I slowly sat up, sitting on one step with my feet on another, I realised how I should have gone down the stairs. Thrusting my chest forward, I managed to wrench myself back on my feet and I was back on way again.

The rest of my trip concluded without incident. A patterned grey officer with short triangular ears and a fairly good build greeted me at the door. He was dressed in a sleeveless green camouflaged shirt. "Come with me," he said and disappeared out the door.

I was hoping to just give him the note and get back to my bed, but I suppose speaking was still a bad idea. I sighed drowsily and rammed my shoulder into the door to open it. He was leading me away in the darkness. His grey fur gave off a silver glimmer it the moonlight. The chain between my legs pulled up all sorts of vegetation as I gave chase. They were dragging me back as if to tell me this wasn't worth it. He led me to the back of a big store with a truck parked at the back.

The note was yanked out of my lips as he sat down by the loading bay doors. "You drooled on my note," he complained.

"Sorry, umm," I said, not really sure what to call him, "Sir."

"Is that what you were told to call me?" he asked.

"No, sir," I replied, using sir for the lack of a better term.

He stood up and started moving towards me, "Sir is what my friends call me, my peers, and my equals. Are you saying that you're my equal?"

"No," I squeaked shuffling back a step, my tail drooping between my legs, "What do you wish to be called?"

He kept stepping towards me, as he talked, "Why don't you just stick with Fred Any lowly civilian would, granted I don't consider you a civilian. Consider it a favour."

"Yes Fred," I bowed my head as I addressed him.

"Yes, yes," he said sounding disappointed. Waving around the sheet of paper, he demanded, "There was a package with this note."

"Yes Fred," I turned around, showing him the bag. I was still clueless as to what was inside it, but because of the hour. It was just too late for thinking. I didn't care what was there, just as long as I could get to sleep soon.

"Well, well, well, looks like I'm going to have some fun," he said as he released me from my cuffs, "Seeing as to how you aren't a prisoner anymore, you can do work for us. According to this letter, I get to put you to good use for a while."

I turned around slowly as I complained, "But, I'm really tired." To my surprise, he was now holding a flogger. Must have been the package I was holding. I sighed and hung my head, I guess I did say that I wanted to start now.

Fred menacingly dragged the length of flogger across his palm, slowly going over the tool. "This won't take long," he muttered as he turned around, "Come on in." He twirled the tails of the flogger around as he lead me past rows and rows of crates, "I'll keep you properly motivated."

It looked like a really narrow passage for the crates that were stored there. Tall shelves lined the walls holding up even more crates. It looked almost like business as usual for the store, only rather than fancy toys in colourfully decorated packages and mountains of chocolate bars stacked high in huge cardboard boxes there were generic looking wooden crate identifiable only by a set of numbers painted on the sides. "Number three two six zero five nine," he said petting a crate, "There's a couple of them stacked here. I want you to take these back you the dock and I'll load them on to the truck." He turned around looking around corners and poking his head into random rooms.

"Are you looking for something?" I asked.

"A pallet jack," Fred replied, "Do you know how to use one?"

"No," I said, as he pulled a completely foreign looking device out.

"It's easy," he said as he pushed it under one of the crates, "The instructions are written right on it. Put the lever into position, jack up the crate and take it back to me. Then release the lever and grab the next crate."

"Ok," I said, as I took the handle from him and started pumping the jack up.

Fred drew the flogger across his hand again and told me, "Now, get going if you know what's good for you."

I whimpered as gave it the jack a hard jerk. "How long is this going to take?" I complained as I leaned forward, and pulled hard on the crate, slowly taking a step forward.

"That's up to you," Fred snickered, "Maybe if you hurry up, this will go quicker."

I whimpered, barely managing a crawling pace under the enormous load, "This is really hard though."

Fred spun around and nailed my chest with the flogger. The multiple tails slapped against my exposed fur, stinging gently at the tips. It wasn't nearly as painful as I thought it would be, but I still knew it was a sign I was doing something wrong. "Sorry," I apologised, "Just sleepy, that's all."

"Just take it easy," he said, "Focus on the task and get it done." He was now going a lot faster than I could manage. "Meet you there," he shouted, as he disappeared.

I crawled along at a snail's pace. It had been so long since I had any exercise. My body strained as muscles I forgot I had were quickly overloaded. I leaned forward at a sharp angle trying to let my weight do most of the work. The smooth cement floor made it hard to get a good grip, my feet were slipping as I slowly picked up a bit of speed. Though I suppose they probably made the wheels turn a little easier. My arms ached and I tried my best to get up to a walking pace.

Fred was waiting for me at the end. He stood there with his arms folded and his rounded feline looking tail coiled around his legs. His foot tapped impatiently as I slowly slid towards him. He turned slowly as I walked by, my efforts vanishing in a few steps as the package slid to a stop.

"That's good, drop it there," he said as I hunched over, with my hands on my knees. I took a few seconds before I stood up straight and released the jack, slowly sliding it out. "Don't hurt yourself," he advised me, "You aren't getting enough speed to save time doing that. Now go get the next crate."

I slinked off down the hallway with my jack while he casually picked up the crate with one hand on he controls of a motorised pallet jack. It was kind of saddening to watch so much of my effort compressed into a simple device. I grumbled and went for the second crate, this time impatiently putting up with my snail's pace. It went much easier and didn't quite hurt as much.

Of course, by the time I made it down there, Fred was already and waiting for me. "Did that go easier for you?" he asked.

I nodded, "A bit."

"That's good," he said, "Just keep working and stick to it."

It took a while to move everything and I was pretty much ready to collapse. My head hurt and my stomach felt a little queasy as he pat me on the back. "For the record, I wasn't suppose to give you and praise while you were working. My real thoughts are in this envelope. Maybe if you're good, master will let you read them," Fred said as he held my hand, "Anyway, lets get you back to your room."

It was a long quiet walk back over to my room. Once we got there, he seemed a lot nice to me, undoing all my chains. "Bathroom?" he asked. Unlocking the door.

I nodded and stepped in. It was nice to freshen up and for a while; I just stood there with my arms propping me up on the sink.

"Make yourself comfortable," Fred said as disappeared into the bathroom. I slid into bed and pulled the warm cover over me. My eyes closed and I was about ready to fall sleep by the time Fred slid into bed after me. His hands shot across the sheets and rubbed my back. "Tell me, do you sleep in the nude?" he asked.

I turned to talk to him, "I normally don't, it would mean having a shirt on a pair of handcuffs and pants on a chain."

"Well, they aren't there any more," he said as he slinked up close to me. His hands slid into the back of my pants, "Would you like to loose these?"

I nodded twice and soon they were sliding off my hips. It took a bit of wiggling, but finally, there I was, my naked body hidden only by the blanket.

"You still have any energy left to play?" he asked as he rolled me over his chest. My eyes drooped and my arms flopped over at my sides as I shook my head. I was too tired to do anything as his hands slid down my chest. His short claws scratched there way down my thighs and back up again. "How about you repay the favour in the morning?" he asked. My head tilted back as his fingertips scattered across my crotch. His palm cupped my scrotum as he peeled back my sheath to expose my sensitive, soft member. My legs quivered as he whispered in my ear, "You like?"

"Yes, please," I muttered as his arms circled around to keep mine pinned to my side. I wasn't really in the mood to do try anything. They probably could have used a good rub more than my cock could, but it wasn't my choice where I was to be touched or how for that matter. My member slowly grew beyond the size of its hiding place.

He pulled the skin back and ran a claw up the length of my member. "I'm going to enjoy this," he declared as he held my cock at the base between two fingers. One by one, his fingers glided across my cock, which drew me into an excited state. "Now, what do I want to do with this?" Fred asked as he curled his fingers around my stiff erection. "Pain?" he asked squeezing me tightly. My legs twitched under the sensation, I frowned a bit, but otherwise didn't show any objections. "Or pleasure?" he asked as his grip relaxed to a comfortable pressure and stroked it up and down gently. My body relaxed in his arms, and I breathed a little easier.

"My choice?" I asked.

His hand rose from my crotch and stroked my exposed neck, his claws darting down either side of my throat, "Your choice my dear, your choice."

"Pleasure," I moaned, "It's more of a relax and go to sleep kind of thing."

"Does that mean I can hurt you in the morning?" he joked as his fingers traced out the uniquely canine knot taking shape at the base of my cock. I yipped as he gave it a good tug forward, my hips hopping up as he pulled. "I can do it really nice," Fred promised.

My cock quivered at the comment and I whimpered in despair. "Must we?" I asked.

"Why not?" he asked as he continued to massage my throbbing member, "You seem interested enough." He cast the blanket aside and slid out from under me. His finger slid down the length of my muzzle and brushed the tip of my nose, "Pleasure it is then, for now anyway." A rather insistent hand pinned my shoulder firmly to the bed. There was neither will nor energy left to fight as his muzzle slid across my band of thicker yellow fur. Sliding from side to side, his tongue unsuccessfully tried to find my sensitive nipples under my lush coat. His other hand drifted about the other side of my chest, randomly prodding through my band of yellow fur.

My hand brushed his ears back and guided his muzzle gently towards the mark. Swiftly, he rewarded me with the gentle lapping of his tongue on my nipple as his lips parted my fur. "A little hard to find, aren't they?" I remarked as his hand narrowed in on my other one. His fingertips circled around the base as I squealed in delight. It had been so long since someone played with them. His hand pinched my little knob of flesh, as his muzzle drifted further down my body. Both his hands slid down my sides as his focus shifted.

I whimpered softly, as he gripped my hips. It was difficult to do more than wilfully surrender my body to his desires. His muzzle brushed against me, the prickly tips of his fur scratched my sensitive organ as he slid by, hardly making contact. His hand took a firm grip on the base of my knot. Once more, his fur brushed against me before his lips made contact. Content with his progress, he refrained from taking it any further, deciding to tease me with the possibility of a lick. His rhythmic breathing sent flows of cold air around my knot as he as took in my musky aroma. My tail twitched around as his moist nose brushed against the top of my knot. He backed away again; his lips refrained from further contact, slowly taking his time. His fingertips shot up one side of my cock and cascaded down the other.

For a while, it seemed like he was gong to work his way back up, but he immediately plunged his open muzzle down on my cock. A warm, sloppy tongue pressed my member up against the hard top of his mouth. His lips sealed around my penis and sucked it gently, while his tongue wobbled across the bottom. The pressure and the rhythmic waves pulled me in closer. My head arched back as I groaned in delight. His thrashing tongue slid to the side and my member brushed across the smooth surface of his cheek as he pulled his muzzle away. Once again, his nose ran along my member this time, he vigorously lapped away at my knot.

It felt almost like he was breathing new life into my exhausted body. My headache was fading but my stomach still felt a little out of it. It was still hard to stay awake, but my senses were returning. My hips shifted and I arched myself upward slightly to urge him on further. "That feels so good," I remarked. For a while, I almost wished I could go down on him as well. My mind wasn't that clear yet and I wasn't totally convinced my body wouldn't give out on me if I tried anything.

His tongue hungrily snared my cock back into his mouth as his hands took hold of my plump, red knot. A firm grip developed around my big fleshy knot as his head tilted to the side with his tongue wrapped around my member. The dampened lips closed around my shaft as his flickering tongue coaxed me closer to the edge. His head drifted up and down the length of my member, his lips cruised along over a thin layer of saliva. I whimpered as he plunged his muzzle back down my member, engulfing the whole thing. His wild tongue work drove me closer and closer till hot white fluid shot out of my member.

My body plunged into a limp state and sank back into the bed. I could feel his breath drifting down my chin as he took hold of my muzzle and slid it open just a crack. His lips pressed against mine as my bitter, salty seed dripped into my submissively waiting muzzle. For a moment, I just had to open my eyes to make sure this was really happening as I swirled the familiar taste in my mouth. Sure enough, there was Fred looming over me.

"What do you have to say?" he asked.

"Thank you Fred," I said and closed my eyes again. It had been a long enough night already and I was glad it was over.