The Beasts and Brave - Chapter 10

Story by Eben Black on SoFurry

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#10 of Eben Black Series - The Beasts and Brave

© All characters and storylines surrounding these characters belong to me; Eben Black..

I had a dream that night. I was standing on the surface of a wide, open ocean. The skies were a deep auburn, and the seas were a gentle, pale red. I'd been here before, but I'd been submerged at the time. I'd never appeared on the surface, like this. I could feel someone looking at me and turned in time to see a great, white wolf padding across the surface of the ocean towards me. She was the size of a small horse, strong and powerful. She was white, a rich, smooth colour. Those pale blue-white eyes had once gazed out of my own. She padded up beside me and sat down, sitting down she was as tall as my shoulder. I smiled and sat down beside her.

"Is something wrong?" I asked. I had not been here for a while and I hadn't spoken to her for even longer.

I am worried about you and your alphas. Her voice was stern, but smooth and mature. Her lips never moved as her voice glided around like a gentle cool breeze.

"Worried? About what?"

That Jaguar. He frightened you. And I know why he frightened you.

"Really? Why is that then?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

He instills fear. Just like the tiger three months back, he has a power all of his own.

"You sensed that?"

She nodded. His aggression, his power feeds on that aggression, and in turn he funnels that into those around him and scares them.

"Does it do it on purpose?"

You believe his power is accidental?

"Well Sawyer said that his power was new when I last saw him. Could the same be said for all the council members?"

An untamed power, fuelled by a beast's anger?

I nodded and said, "I think so."

Possible, but that doesn't change the fact he is a thinker, and a strategist. You intrigue him, Eben. But not just you. All those around you interest him also.


I don't believe he would want to take you as his own, but he does consider you a threat.

"A threat?"

Our combined power frightened him.

"You mean the transformation?" I asked.


"So what do you think then? Will we see him again anytime soon?" I asked with a curious look.

The wolf nodded. I believe so. I do not trust him, not one bit.

"Is he going to be a danger toward the pack, or the lions, or the cheetahs?"

Its possible. Like I said, he took an interest in all of your alphas.

"We certainly do seem to be attracting some dangerous wereanimals lately."

The wolf nodded and looked at me. Her ears suddenly piqued and she gazed out across the ocean expanse around us.

"Something wrong?" I demanded with a confused look.

You need to return to your bedroom now. I heard a noise. I think your in danger!

I gazed at the wolf and then felt the world around me splinter and shatter like glass. The wolf faded and I was left gasping at the suddeness of being woken up. I sat upright and looked around the bedroom. I'd slept with Kane tonight. The wolf in question was standing beside the bedroom door, blade unsheathed in one hand while he moved his other hand to open the door. He glanced at me and nodded. I slipped out of bed and went to the bedside table. I looked inside and found a handgun there, locked and loaded. It was a normal occurance now in the penthouse. All bedrooms were armed with at least one loaded handgun. And everyone had had training to wield that weapon. According to Bishop, who trained us, I was a good sharpshooter.

I stepped up beside Kane and watched him slowly open the bedroom door. He slipped out of the door, blade in hand and edged down the corridor. I still had no idea what had woken him up. All I knew was the wolf inside me had heard something and had woken me. The two of us padded down the corridor, all the other bedroom doors were closed, except two. Snow and Donovan's bedrooms. We soon neared the lounge and found the two missing wereanimals standing near the windows. One of the windows had been shattered completely. Shards decorated the hardwood floors while Snow and Donovan talked in hushed whispers.

"What happened?" Kane asked with a furrowed brow.

"Someone smashes one of the windows. But there's no one around." Donovan crossed his arms and frowned, "I can smell something though, something new."

"What is it?"

"Blood. I smell blood. But there's no familiarity around it."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Put it this way, all of us here have bled at some point and I know the scent of each of us. But this smell is new, and what's more I can only smell it on the air. There's no blood to be seen."

"So someone broke the window and then ran?" Snow replied.

Donovan nodded.

"Shall we check the rooms?" Kane suggested.

"Do it. But keep quiet about it." Donovan followed Kane and soon the two disappeared down the shadowed corridor.

I stood at the broken window, gazing down over LA as a gentle winter breeze swam up and funnelled through the broken window. Snow stepped up beside me, careful not to tread on the shards of glass. There wasn't much, but there was still some glass inside the lounge. Almost as if the glass had exploded in all directions, instead of being smashed from one side or the other. Snow's arms encircled my shoulders and he snuggled against me. Was he as scared as I was? I had a sneaking suspicion this had something to do with Balthazaar. Was this the jaguar's idea of torment? Snow must have sensed the tension in me and squeezed me gently in those muscular arms.

"You alright?" he asked.

I nodded against him as I leaned back and cuddled into the warmth of his arms.

He smiled and said, "Your a bad liar."

"I'm worried Balthazaar had something to do with this."

"He did make that warning very clear earlier today."

"You think its him too?"

Snow nodded. "Regardless, he won't harm you, Eben. I promise you that."

I smiled and said, "You promised me that the last time we were attacked in this penthouse."

He grinned back and replied, "And did you get hurt?"

"A few scrapes, but nothing lethal like you. How is your arm doing?" I asked.

He raised an arm and tensed, the muscles pulsed against his white-and-black striped fur. "Better than ever."

"You have been boxing alot lately, so it doesn't surprise me."

"The sport feels so familiar, and I'm getting stronger each time I do it."

"That's good to hear, I suppose."

"Yeah it is-"

The conversation was interrupted when a loud, echoing crash shook the foundations of the penthouse. I staggered from the impact and gazed around startled. There were several more bangs and small eruptions here and there, and then a black, furred shape came spinning from the shadowed corridor. It spun and then in a flash of steel landed on its hind legs and skidded backwards. Kane was bleeding as he hunched there, crouched low, blade in hand. A heavy gash split across his forehead and abdomen. He touched a hand to the abdomen as he snarled up at us. "Its coming!" he growled.

"What's coming? Where's Donovan?" I demanded, looking startled.

"Eben!" Snow said my name and pointed.

Something stomped out from the shadowed corridor. It towered at seven feet, easy, muscles pressed against his ragged fur as he snarled out. The wolven description was disfigured, the arms and chest outweighed the legs, that thick tail cracked behind, as it howled up at a non-existent full moon. Piercing black eyes shimmered with such rage, such untamed anger. It was a he, because it was naked and you could see what swung between its thighs. Long black claws scraped the walls as it peeled itself through the corridor and growled deep and pained.

"W-What is that thing?" I stammered.

"A werewolf." Kane straightened up and swung his blade to his side, "I've never seen anything like this before though."

"Where's Donovan?" Snow demanded this time.

Kane never spoke, he frowned and watched the creature loom and growl in that huge, hulking form. Veins pressed against the flesh as it flexed and tensed all over.

"Kane!" I growled, "Where's Donovan?"

"Concentrate on what stands before us, Eben." The beast took a ragged step forward, claws raked the walls as it snarled wild, eyes wide with madness and feral anger. Donovan. Where was Donovan? Why was Kane being so secretive. He was right about one thing though. We needed to focus on what stood before us.