A Tale from Pélshen City

Story by Scan on SoFurry

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A story from me, yay... I am very slowly getting into writing again, I saw this half-finished piece and just finished it. I don't know if it's enjoyable. All character are (c) me, as well as the Nílans. So only steal with talking to me before. If I am in the mood, I will do more stories from Pélshen, but only if you want me to :3 * * *

The light was off, only two candles enlightened the room. Scél smiled to the human on the bed. The human was male and only dressed in some black shorts. He was lying on the blankets, arms folded behind the head, watching the Nílan girl in the dim light. Scél didn't know his name. Scél didn't know who he was at all. But she was dancing for him. As if listening to a silent music, she moved her hips and ran with her paws over her body. She took the rims of her far too wide shirt and slowly pulled the up, revealing more and more of her furry body to the man's view. The human smirked broadly, he liked what he saw. The dark orange shirt fell onto ground, Scél let a finger go down and up her body again. Because humans usually liked it - probably the attraction of the exotic - Scél let her index finger run along the line of her pouch, just to make it slip in shortly. Then she turned around and continued her silent and erotic dance. Her tail was swinging with her movements as she opened the button above the tail. The pants slipped down a bit, and as Scél unbuttoned the second button in the front the wide trousers gave up to gravity and fell down, revealing the last bits of Scél's body to the man's pleased looks. With her paws hiding her female areas - crotch and pouch - Scél turned around again. The human smiled even broader, and in the weak light Scél saw a small bulge appearing in the shorts. One paw slipped into the pouch again, probably a Nílan girl's most sensitive area, and then withdrew again. Slowly Scél also made her other paw move away from her crotch, feeling the human eyes fixed on this spot. She had trimmed her fur there in a special way, usually it just hid everything, but human males liked to see her femaleness, so she trimmed and shaved until the slit was visible, but she took care to leave enough so it won't look stupid. And the man responded positively. With slow and easy steps Scél approached the bed, bend over and crawled onto it, up to the human. His hands touched her, she let him touch her head, her face, her muzzle, giving tender, yet disrespectful pats, as one would stroke a pet. Scél was used to that kind of touch. The very first time it had been hard to accept a human actually touch on her, but now it was just part of the entire process. Both Scél and the man knew it was just a bunch of faked affections, but the human was willing to accept that, as long as Scél faked them good. Scél reached out for the man's shorts and pulled them down, revealing the erect and throbbing human maleness right before her muzzle. Scél stuck out her tongue, embraced the male meat with one paw and licked along it, up and down, several times, squeezing the first moans of pleasure from the human. The man mumbled something Scél didn't bother to understand, she continued working on the member, made her tongue skilfully stimulate the sensitive male flesh, stroking with the paw at the same time. The sensations made the human moan again and Scél licked the pre-cum off the glans. Then she shoved the member's head into her mouth, then the entire shaft deep into her muzzle. She hadn't to suppress the gag reflex. While working on the man's genital with mouth and paw, embracing tightly and stimulating well, Scél was comforting herself with the other paw, making herself wet and ready for part after sucking the human off. While the man grunted louder, she worked faster on him, more intensive. After just some minutes, she had gotten him to his climax, and Scél felt the white cream filling her mouth. Humans usually don't spray much, and it tasted worse than the Nílan males', but Scél didn't care at all right now and swallowed the sticky liquid. Then she looked up and smiled. The human was panting and smiled back satisfied. He had paid for more, though, so Scél crawled up into his arms. Her warn, fur-covered body cuddled up to the human bare skin, and Scél felt his lips touch her face while his hands were ruffling through the fur on her back. After some minutes of some snuggling, Scél could feel the hot, throbbing piece of male meat rubbing between her thighs. Unlike Nílan males, humans needed some time before being ready for more action. After a quick change of position, Scél closed her eyes, and after she helped with her paw she moaned shorty as she felt the human penis penetrate her. She waited a moment after she had taken the entire cock into her, then she started her rhythm of slow movements, stimulating the man and herself. With every passionate groan from the man Scél sped up her movements, the tight rubs from her insides made the human move arbitrarily on the sheets and express his feelings soundly. Even if the stimulation weren't enough for Scél to climax, she moaned herself. Faked affections. It only needed some minutes of these movements to get the human to his climax. He grunted and seized the sheets, as Scél felt the warm semen splashing against her insides. She did some more movements and faked her own orgasm. Humans came always off far too fast for her, but that didn't matter. After a lot of screaming Scél lowered her body over the human once again, some quick licks and kisses in a hot embrace, and both the Nílan and the human, exhausted by the previous actions, snuggled each other into sleep. * * *

About two hours later Scél woke up. The candles had burnt down, the small hotel room was completely dark. Her naked body was in a man's arms she didn't know at all, he was snorting. And it disgusted her. As always, after having done the service she had been paid for, she just wanted to leave, get out and away from here. Her dignity had gone a long time ago, it had left between the fourth or fifth human male she had pleased. Left was only a feeling she couldn't find a name for. A feeling that made her dug her face in her paws. She had to leave. The money was on the drawer, she grabbed it, counted, everything was right, she had to leave. Right now. So Scél wiggled out of the not very tight grip, got off the bed, and took her wallet out of her pouch. Even if the pouch was only there for containing one certain thing, it was the safest place a Nílan could imagine. And even during sexual intercourse, only a few humans dared to touch that region. It was weird, but for a Nílan girl the pouch was even more private than the crotch could ever be. She picked up her shirt after pulling up and buttoning her pants, grabbed her jacket and left the hotel room. She took the 'Do Not Disturb' sign with her, to throw it symbolically into a bin. Just something to make feel better about it. Now she'll go to he flat, shower excessively and maybe finish the job the human wasn't able to. In the lobby a human woman, alone behind her counter, lost between three phones and two holographic screens, looked after the Nílan girl. Of course the woman knew exactly why Scél had been here, and what she and that businessman had done up in the room. Scél knew the laws, and she also knew that it was legal. She was Nílan. As long as she didn't hurt anyone - or rather any human - and as long as she didn't steal - from humans - nobody cared what she did. And so nobody cared as she went out onto the streets way after the official curfew. It had been enable to protect humans from each other, but if somebody raped or beat up a Nílan, the soldiers looked away. In most cases they were the rapists, though. Quickly she went through abandoned lanes and dark streets. There was nobody at all, no humans, no Nílans, no soldiers, no threats. So she just went on, in that cold night. There was an almost invisible line, separating the human and the Nílan part of the city. There was no difference, actually. On the one side of the wide alley were mostly human shops, on the other side Nílan ones. In the middle were rails for the city train. Scél crossed them and felt much easier in an instant. The next street, she heard sounds. Lights. Nílans were up. There was some kind of a party going on, with bad self-made music and probably a lot of Káhli and males. A simple way to bear the reign of the humans. But Scél didn't feel like joining them. She just wanted home. She felt so incredibly filthy. She needed a shower. * * *

Silently she went through the door and locked it again. The apartment was dark and cold. There was nobody else in here, yet she tried to go without any noise. Without a noise Scél went over to her room, shed all her clothes and put the wallet away and went over to the bathroom immediately. Quietly Scél closed the door, turned the shower on and sighed in relief as the warm water streamed over her body, soaking her fur and cleaning away the human dirt. After a minute she took the bottle of shampoo, put something on her paw and started massaging it into her fur. The water took it right away, and also cleaned the last bit of he human filth away. Then she leaned against the wall and started massaging the area all around her crotch. She felt the hot pleasure again, as some hours ago, but it was different. This time it was for her, only for her, she didn't have to care of some one else... She moaned quietly as she rubbed over her crotch. Like about every Nílan girl she liked the sex, the pleasure, the hot passion. But it had gone wrong. doing it for a living had sounded nice, in the beginning. Now she was just disgusting herself. She needed some rubs just for herself. Rubbing between her labia, stimulating the sensitive flesh under the skin folds, she felt it again, the reason why she was addicted to the sex, the special feeling no other action could give her. Leaning against the cold shower wall she invented a story to herself. Just a random Nílan male, the ones who knew how to please the girl, yes, he was kneeling in front of her right now. Her paw turned into a soft, yet strong tongue, exploring and pleasing. Her moan grew just a bit louder as the tongue met her clitoris, the sensations tingled in her mind. This was always the point of no return, there was no other way but get to an orgasm. Groaning her other paw - or rather the male's paw - joined the first, spreading the labia, searching for the entrance to her body. This male is not selfish, he tries to make this experience the best for Scél. So he entered her very slowly and carefully, making her gasp in sudden sensation. The single digit moved in, not very far, and slipped out, adding stimulation. Being stimulated this way, Scél felt how her crotch heated up. Emotion by emotion came up her spine, making her moan and groan, forgetting the world all around her. She didn't care if the neighbours could hear her. She just cared for the climax she was approaching very fast. Every movement between her legs brought her closer to the peak of pleasure, it was building up there, gathering, coming... coming... A second finger entering her... oh... She twitched and almost screamed, but that wasn't it, there was some more missing. A bit... just a little bit... just... Now! She moaned it all out, released all her emotions, let it all flow from her crotch over her spine into her mind, from there back and all out of her vagina. The immense sensation hit her hard and made her jerk some more times. So Scél stopped the stimulations and took some time to recover. Panting she sat down. The water was still flowing over the ground, washing her juices away. After a while, Scél got up and stopped the water flow, and took the towel to start the long, but necessary procedure to rub her entire fur dry. That was always taking ages. Then Scél finally went to bed. * * *

Breakfast at noon. Sóney was high in the sky, Scáley was just getting up, that was noon for her. The clock actually said half past one in the afternoon, but she was more traditional to that. Just watch the suns and you know what's the time. Being a call-girl had the advantage she didn't have to live on bad powder food. There was cheap meat available, just cost some cents per pound, but it was actually produced by algae. Disgusting. Not healthy. But all that unemployed Nílan families could afford sometimes. Real meat was a bit more expensive, three, four dollars per pound, but at least edible. Scél was sitting naked on her couch, zapping through TV and eating some steak. She didn't have to go out to please some human tonight. That was nice. There was a move set in the late evening. Some switching with the remote, to other modes of the television device, and all calls from possible customers were blocked out. Sorry, guys, I am not home. Try masturbation. Someone rang a door. Oh nice. She stretched her legs. Wait... That's been her door... Oh well. The person rang another time. There was a kind of a rule, whoever was bothering to ring a second time was either stubborn or had a serious issue. And now a third time. Yep. Definitely serious. Quickly Scél got up and went the two metres through the living room/kitchen to the flat's door. Contributing to the fact she was stark naked at the moment, she kept behind the door as she opened slowly. "Hi," the male said. "I'm here cos of the ad." "Sorry, I just do humans," Scél said, but didn't close the door in an instant. The male, an average orange male, even though his face a bit cuter than normal, was smiling. "Miss, I meant the ad in this paper." And to support his words, he waved with an old newspaper. It was that old the pictures didn't even move any more. "Oh, stósh, that's still around? I gave up looking for a room-mate, like, three weeks ago." "Found it in the park, after using it as a blanket." Scél would have laughed if the male wasn't looking that seriously. She blinked and thought it would be good to start anew. "Come on in..." she said and let him step in. "Let me get dressed quickly and we can talk." "No problems, Miss, I don't mind." "But I do." "Ah, all right." The male looked around. He quickly adjusted his clothes. So she did mind, eh? Probably it won't work as he had thought. Talking to her, sex her up, and talk her into giving a bed away for some time, until he will able to pay it. Yeah. Only does humans... Plan flushed. New plan. Pity? Yes. The girl came back, with pants and a shirt hiding her pouch. Looking very behaved, more than average. Girls that work a lot with humans do that, hiding her special areas, yet trying to let them stick out. Nice tail, thought. Well... yeah, really nice tail... "Wanna sit down? Or do you want to stare a bit longer?" Scél folded her arms behind the back. "Sit down..." The male took his place on the offered chair, Scél turned hers backwards to get down with widely spread legs. "So, what's the matter?" "I... uhh... look for somewhere to stay... I'm registered," he said quickly, producing his ID card in an instant, "all legal and so on." "I don't care much for that. Just, you do know you gotta pay your rent, yes? Nothing with sleeping with me and getting around it." "Of course I know that. I'm male, but not stupid. Just..." "Just?" "I need a job first, you understand?" "Hah... knew it." "No no, it's just... they don't give you a job without a home, but no money without a job. I want to get out of that." "Aha..." "Will you give me a chance? I will get a job and pay it all back, okay?" Scél glanced at the ID, then back to the male's face. It said his name was Keíl. Just having to pay half of the rent did have some advantages, not to forget the other positive things a male in the house could bring. "Well, okay, okay, okay, but you are doing all the paperwork yourself, okay? You can live here when you show me you're serious with it." "Oh, thanks, Miss, thanks a lot." "And another thing..." "Yeah?" "You will sleep with me, okay?" Keíl smiled. "I think I can do this, Miss." "Okay. Just not now. My TV show line starts in a bit. There's your room, make yourself comfortable, clean up. And as long as you don't get too greedy, take what you want from the fridge." After those words, Scél got up and made her bottom fall down on the couch. "Thank you so much, Miss..." "Yeah, whatever..." * * *

The male was quiet and did behave, that was for sure. Scél was not very concerned that she had let a male in. That was normal. Males come and go, when they're not registered it's the only way for them to survive. They visit girls, sleep with them, get a breakfast and some money, then they go to the next one. Usually that was meaning sex every night, hardly any sleep, and no respect from anyone at all. Humans said this was not a way to live and 'freed' the males from their 'oppression', which is quite senseless, as the Nílan guys didn't want to be part of a society the humans imagined. Why going to work daily? Why pay taxes? Why live in an own house? It is guessed that just one out of ten males is even registered. Some want to lead a live differently. Work. Gain respect. And do something else than just sex every night and day, because as funny as it sounds: After a while, there's no fun in it any more. Keíl was tidying the room Scél told him to use. That room had been there since Scél moved in three months ago, she hadn't used it. It had a nice size for a child, or a room mate, but there was nothing like that planned, so it was given to the dust. Keíl cleaned, put his possessions into it - two pants and another shirt - and lay down on the bed for the afternoon. * * *

"So... umm..." Scél lay down on her bed, on her back, and turned her head to the male, standing in the door frame, obviously feeling a bit awkward with the situation. "Oh, come on now, don't tell me you have never done that before," Scél said and looked at the ceiling, then spreading her arms and legs from herself. "I'm here, come and do me." Keíl just shook his head. A girl he had to please. No problem. He had done that before, often enough. So he got rid of his shirt and went to the bed to get over the girl. He started some licks over the girls face, but that just made her sigh. "Okay, okay, let's do it differently..." she said disappointed and shoved him off of her. She sat up and removed her clothes. "What is up with you, eh?" Keíl was rather surprised as she suddenly went over him, the wrong way around. He suddenly saw himself faced with the hot and wet femaleness of Scél right in front of his muzzle, giving him the jump in arousal he needed to finally snap into his purpose as a Nílan male. His heart beat faster and pumped the blood right into his crotch area, where Scél was busy opening his trousers. He was even more surprised as he felt something warm touching his hardening penis. Scél started licking over the male flesh that was just growing out of its furry sheat. It has been a very long while since her last Nílan bit of cock, and actually she had never sucked one of those before. But in her business, she always liked to try new things, so she just licked on. Then she paused. "You're allowed to do something, too. Stósh..." After another sigh she took the now fully grown and throbbing piece of meat into one paw and started a rhythm containing of tender licks, tight rubs and hard sucks all around the most sensitive male area. Keíl, on his side, spread the girl's labia carefully and connected his tongue to the hot, aroused and very damp flesh between them. He tasted the unique taste of the female crotch and began lapping up the juices. Scél responded with a deeper suck. He was pretty unused to the feeling of a muzzle around his cock, but he couldn't deny the pleasure. Professionally, though, he continued on the girl's sensitive areas, letting out a moan of passion from time to time. She worked skilfully on the male's penis, trying to get more and more of it into her muzzle with every rhythm. Lips and tongue were tightly around the hot flesh, and she felt him liking it. He wasn't inactive at her crotch, too. It was not as she had imagined, but it was a great feeling to have him licking her in her rear. Some moans and slight movements she couldn't repress, reactions to the sensations, but she was too wrapped up in her part to really enjoy it. "Scél," Keíl moaned out between two licks. There had been a lot of pleasure building up in his crotch, they just wanted to splash out. "I'm... ahhh... gonna..." He tried to lick again, but could just grunt, and as Scél just had moved his dick out of her muzzle, he couldn't hold it back and released all his emotions. The girl suddenly got a full load of Nílan semen all over her face and blinked. Went a bit fast, the Nílan usually lasted longer. They don't normally cum before the girl did. Maybe it was the blow job. Whatever, Keíl was just panting and unable to please his partner even more. A bit disappointed Scél rolled off and around to have a look at the male's face. "Now I know." "What...?" Keíl panted out. "Why you're looking for a job. You're not good at this. They probably didn't want you, did they?" Keíl turned his head to the other side of the room. He was deeply embarrassed and unsure what to say now. It was true. He was horrible in bed. "Hey, it's okay," Scél said and put her arm around the guy's chest. "Don't worry too much about it," she said and smiled weakly out of her semen-covered muzzle. "It's hard..." he said. "Of course," Scél said. "But you maybe just have to practice?" Keíl answered with a sigh. "C-Can I try one more time?" He turned and revealed his throbbing maleness to the female. Scél nodded and spread her legs invitingly. Keíl took the invitation and rolled over her, getting his penis into position. Scél moaned out loud as the hot stick went into her, slowly and carefully. That was the pleasure she was always wanting, a real dick up her hole, as it was meant to be since the beginning of time. Arbitrarily she dug her paws into the sheet while Keíl thrust into her in a steady rhythm, she moaned as his crotch banged against hers. He groaned in his movements, she moaned as he went in and out of her, their sensations build up. Keíl sped up, feeling more sensations form the girl's vagina, and Scél felt him being short before an orgasm. Keíl held back heavily, saving his sensations up to release them later, it was just getting more difficult. He heard the female moaning louder with every thrust. In sheer passion, he embraced the girl and tried to thrust even harder up her vagina, feeling her hot, highly aroused body against his own, just enough to get the girl the last stimulation she needed. Scél let out all her pleasure in a loud noise and felt Keíl releasing his huge load into her hole. He added some more movement, before panting and leaving her insides, but not leaving the hug. After some minutes, Scél licked over Keíl's muzzle. "That was better. You got potential." "Thank you, Miss." "Call me Scél already." "Okay..." "I hope we will repeat this some time." "If you want to." "But now I am tired..." "Ah, okay..." Keíl smiled and released the hug, to leave the bed. "Good night, Scél." "Hey, what are you doing? I never said you were to leave, male." Keíl giggled. "I understand..." Under the blanket, they cuddled each other into sleep. And they stayed together.