XXXMAS Day Twenty - ABDL

Story by ThatDarnDodo on SoFurry

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#20 of XXXMAS

Summary: After a hard day of work that earns him a black eye, all Arthur wants is to go home and be coddled by his Daddy.

So, what is XXXMAS? For every day of the month of December I will post a short story, each featuring a different kink that was randomly chosen by several kink generators I found online. I'm doing this as a sort of writing challenge, test my skills with the help of some very different kinks and themes, as well as to build up a sort of writing portfolio. Each story is completely unrelated so you can skip whichever ones aren't your cup of tea.

The previous prompt was gorey horror and now I'm writing a cute story about a guy pretending to be a toddler. The mood whiplash was so hard that I have to wear a neck brace now. I would also like to state I had no idea what age rating to give this. There is absolutely nothing sexual going on in this story, it's all simple therapeutic role play, but I decided to mark it as adult just to be on the safe side.

It'd been Arthur's dream since he could remember to own his own gym. So, when the man that owned the place he worked as a manager at decided to retire, the cougar was quick to snatch it up. Turned out the role of owner was a lot harder than that of manager but with hard work and perseverance he knew he'd be able to handle it in the end.

He just hoped he could keep up that peppy attitude when he came home to his husband that evening with a black eye.

With a heavy sigh and doing his best to ignore the twinge of pain emanating from the side of his face, Arthur unlocked the door and stepped into the hall, calling out, "Hey, honey, I'm back."

A cheery voice from the living room answered, "I was just about to make dinner. How do you feel about mash and pork chops?"

"Sounds great, Caleb" Arthur said as he walked into the living room, smiling at the short, plump, brown mouse with the thick round glasses, that was comfortably nestled on the couch with a book in hand.

"How was wor-oh my stars!" the mouse gasped as he finally looked up from his book to see the state of his mate's face. "What happened to you?"

Awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck and with a goofy lop-sided grin, he said, "Would you believe I got it trying to save a buss full of orphans from falling off a cliff?"


"Did I mention I was also being chased by crocodiles at the time? That breathed fire?"

Caleb simply sighed and moved over, patting the now free space beside him. Arthur took the hint and sat down. The mouse closed his book and put it down on the nearby coffee table before turning to his spouse with a smile and said, "If you don't feel comfortable telling me you don't have to. I just want to know that this isn't going to become a regular thing."

"Hey, it's not like I'm starting fights in bars or anything," Arthur chuckled. "Actually, I got this trying to stop one. It wasn't in a bar, though."

"There was a fight in the gym?" Caleb said, brows raised in surprise.

"Yeah, these two clowns started a fight over this girl by the punching bags. I tried to break it up and they decided to use me as a punching bag."

"Babe, that's terrible. You called the police, right?"

Arthur shook his head. "I know I should have but I've only just bought the place. The last thing I need is drama like this on record. No, I just kicked them out and told them never to come back."

"Poor thing," Caleb said with a frown. Sitting up straight he then patted his lap and said, "Lie down."

Arthur smiled softly as he did just that. Caleb's lap was nice and soft and the way he ran his finger's through his fur was absolutely heavenly. The two sat in silence, simply enjoying each other's company when said silence was broken by Arthur asking, "Is it, um, okay if we play? We haven't really done that in a while with me busy with the gym and all so I thought..."

Caleb chuckled softly. "Of course we can play. Honestly, after the day you've had, you deserve it."

Caleb stood and held out his hand, Arthur unable to stop the grin tearing at his cheeks as he took it and was gently pulled onto his feet. The two then proceeded to make their way upstairs to their bedroom, Arthur practically vibrating with excitement.

Once in their room, Caleb turned to Arthur and said, "Arms up, please."

The cougar did just as he was told, Caleb grabbing the hem of his shirt to pull it upwards and off. He then grabbed the waistband of his shorts and pulled down, taking Arthur's underwear with it. He folded the items of clothing neatly and put them on a nearby dressing table next to an all too familiar green plush triceratops. Caleb picked up the toy and turned back to Arthur, smiling as he said, "Who wants to play with Mr. Topsy?"

"I do, Daddy!" Arthur chirped in a tone of voice a little more childish than before.

Caleb handed him the toy and Arthur squealed as he took it and hugged it to his chest. While he was busy nuzzling his plush, Caleb opened the cupboard to find a half empty pack of large diapers shoved into the corner. He picked one up, taking a moment to admire the pale blue colouring and the yellow smiling stars plastered all over it. It was nearly as cute as his cub.

Caleb walked over to the bed next, making sure to grab the cub powder off a nearby bookshelf as he did so, and placed the diaper neatly on the bed. "Be a good boy and lie down for Daddy, Artie," Caleb said, motioning towards the diaper.

Arthur gave a nod and did just that, still holding onto Mr. Topsy tightly. Caleb sprinkled a nice helping of cub powder over Arthur before tapping him up nice and tight. Arthur couldn't help but inhale deeply, the scent of the powder giving him a calm feeling. He might have breathed in a little too hard, however, sneezing hard after a particularly deep breath.

"Such a big sneeze for such a little cub," Caleb chuckled, making Arthur blush.

"It tickles my nose, Daddy," he said with a sniff as he wiped his nose with the back of his hand.

Caleb was about to say something else when his gaze was drawn to Arthur's bare belly. He gave a sly smile before leaning over, planting his lips onto him and blowing the biggest raspberry he could. Arthur broke out into a fit of giggles as he squealed, "No, Daddy, stop!"

Caleb pulled away, grinning. "How can I resist when you have the cutest tum-tum in the world?" he said, giving Arthur a little tickle, making his cub laugh even harder, before finally pulling away. "Now, upsidaisy," Caleb added as he held onto his hand, gently helping him off the bed and onto his feet.

The corners of Caleb's lips twitched into a smile at the feline standing before him. To most, a tall and muscular cougar in a diaper holding a toy dinosaur like his life depended on it would be a comical sight. But to Caleb it was the most amazing image in the world.

With a clap of his hands, Caleb said, "So, what would you like to do? How about I put on a show? Would you like to watch some Blue's Clues?"

Arthur thought for a moment before shaking his head. "Nuh-uh. Mr. Topsy an' me wanna draw."

Caleb nodded before turning to the chest of drawers and opening a drawer near the bottom to find a stack of paper and a pack of well used crayons. He put it all under his arm before turning back to Arthur and holding out a hand that the cougar eagerly took.

He lead them out the room and down the stairs, smiling as he heard the crinkle of Arthur's diaper as they went. Once in the living room, Caleb placed the crayons and paper on the coffee table, letting go of Arthur's hand so the cub could plop beside it. He immediately opened the crayon box, took out the colour red and began scribbling on one of the pages. Caleb smiled as he sat down on the nearby couch to watch Arthur as he happily scribbled on the blank page. Two years ago when they first got married, Caleb would have never dreamed that this would be where their life was headed. And it had all been thanks to Arthur's forgetfulness.

Arthur had gone to the bathroom and had left a tab on his laptop open to a very incriminating site. Walking past, Caleb had done a double take when he saw the site, a collection of pictures of adults dressed in diapers, sucking on pacifiers, and in large cribs surrounded by toys.

When Arthur walked back into the room to see what his spouse was looking at, he'd freaked, quickly closing the laptop and sputtering about how it wasn't what it looked like. Honestly, Caleb had no idea what it looked like. Why had those men and women been dressed like that? He'd never heard of such a thing. Was it some kind of a joke? Turned out, no, it wasn't. And that's how, merely weeks into their marriage, Arthur had broken down and admitted he'd had desires for years to dress up and be treated like a small cub.

"Is it a sex thing?" Caleb had asked, wanting to understand for the sake of his husband.

"For some, yeah, but not me. It's just therapeutic, I guess? I mean, being a kid was great! Having people look after you, no care in the world...being an adult really sucks some times and just thinking about those days where your hardest decision was what toy you wanted to play with is...urgh, I'm sorry. Damn, I'm so fucked up."

Arthur had then broken down and begged Caleb not to leave him, that he'd bury his desires and they could live a normal life, one devoid of grown men in diapers. Caleb had then held his face in his hands and, after giving him a quick kiss on the nose, had told him that he loved him more than anything and if he wanted to be treated like a cub then he'd give it a shot. It didn't take long for Caleb to realise he quite enjoyed the role as caregiver, probably almost as much as Arthur did cub.

"Look at what I did, Daddy!"

And that was how Caleb ended up in a situation where he was praising the scribbles of his diaper-clad spouse. "That's very good! Uh, what is it?"

"It's you, silly. See the ears?" Arthur pointed to the red vaguely person shaped scribbles.

"Why's it red?"

"Because that's your favourite colour," he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well, you're not wrong there," Caleb chuckled.

With a frown, Arthur then added. "I'm bored of drawing. Can I do something else?"

"What do you want to do?"

Arthur thought for a moment before breaking out into a smile as he said, "Blocks!"

Before waiting for Caleb to say anything, Arthur crawled on hands and knees to the corner of the room where there was a powder blue blanket and atop it rested a toy chest covered in pictures of cartoon dinosaurs. "You can stay here, Mr. Topsy," Arthur said as he placed his triceratops beside the chest before opening it up, a wide smile on his face as he rummaged through its contents. Caleb followed him and knelt down beside him with a smile as his cubs hunted for his toys.

Once all the blocks were found and scattered around the blanket, Arthur wasted no time in beginning to stack them atop one another. "What're you making, Artie?" Caleb asked about the tower of three blocks Arthur had put up.

"A castle," he said, placing a piece of triangular wood on top of his creation.

"A castle, huh? Who lives in it?"

"Us, of course!" he said with the biggest smile that absolutely melted Caleb's heart.

Then, seeing Mr. Topsy out the corner of his eye, he was struck with an idea. Holding him up, facing Arthur, he put on a goofy over the top voice as, Mr. Topsy, he said, "Wow! That castle looks amazing, Artie. Mind if I come over for a visit?"

"Of course you can, Mr. Topsy," Arthur giggled.

Caleb planted his Mr. Topsy's feet on the carpet and made a motion of walking until Mr. Topsy reached the castle. "Wow, your castle looks amazing. You're very lucky to live in such a beautiful place."

"You can move in too, Mr. Topsy," Arthur said with a smile.

"Really? You're so kind! We should throw a big party to celebrate."

Arthur's ears perked up. "Yeah! With lots of balloons and candy."

"More candy than anyone has ever seen!"

"And clowns and a jumping castle. No, a million jumping castles!"

"Why not just make the entire building one giant jumping castle?"

They continued to chatter away about just want kind of party they wanted to throw for their imaginary home when the talk was interrupted by a loud growl coming from a certain cub. Now as himself and not as Mr. Topsy, Caleb laughed as he said, "Sounds like someone's hungry."

"Maybe a little..." Arthur mumbled. "But I wanna play some more."

Caleb gave him a gentle smile. "You can play some more once dinner is done, okay?

Arthur reluctantly agreed and, holding onto his hand once more, Caleb led him into the kitchen where he was sat at the table. There was a bib on a nearby counter that had been recently washed that they'd forgotten to put away. Picking it up he tied it around Arthur with a smile before opening a draw to grab a spoon and a nearby cupboard for a jar of baby food. No mash or chops for him tonight.

"Look, Artie, it's your favourite, butternut." He sat down on the chair next to him, unscrewed the lid and scooped up a nice helping of the orange goop. "Now, open up the cave so that the dragon can fly in."

Arthur giggled before opening his mouth wide, Caleb making silly roaring sounds as the 'dragon' flew into his mouth. It wasn't long before the jar was empty but, being as large as he was, that one helping wasn't nearly enough for him. It took two more until Arthur was finally sated.

"My, such a good boy, barely making any mess," Caleb said as he eyed the couple of blobs of orange that had found their home on his bib. "How would you like some apple juice for being so well behaved, hmm?"

"Yes, please, Daddy," Arthur said with the widest grin. "Apple juice is the best!"

"That it is, Artie," Caleb chuckled before making his way to the fridge. Inside was already a bottle full of the golden liquid, nice and cold from being put there earlier that day. He'd suspected Arthur would want to play soon (their code for going into little space) due to all the stress owning the gym was causing.

"Come, let's go into the living room," Caleb said, taking hold of his hand once more. He didn't really need to guide him every step of the way like that but ever since Arthur had told him once he enjoyed the touch, describing it as warm and comforting, he tried his best to hold onto him as much as possible.

Caleb sat down on the couch and pat his lap, motioning for Arthur to lie down. The mouse cradled his head gently his arm, making sure it was raised slightly, not wanting him to choke on his juice as he drank. Plopping the nipple into his mouth, Arthur began happily sucking away, a soft smile on his face as he emptied the bottle of its sweet liquid.

"That's a good boy," Caleb said gently as Arthur's eyes began to droop. "Getting sleepy?"

Arthur nodded faintly just as the last drops of apple juice were finished. Clabe took the now empty bottle out of Arthur's mouth and put it down on the nearby coffee table, reminding himself to wash it tomorrow. But, for now, he had a sleepy kitty to take care of.

"All right, little guy, time for bed."

With a quiet mumble and a rub of his sleepy eyes, Arthur took Caleb's hand for the last time that evening as he was led up the stairs to their shared room, Caleb making sure to grab Mr. Topsy along the way. The last thing he wanted was a cranky cub who couldn't find his favourite toy.

Once in their room, Arthur sat on the edge of the bed while Caleb changed into his regular nighttime attire, a pair of boxers and an old shirt. "Well, today was a lot of fun, wasn't it?" Caleb said with a smile that faltered as he saw the way Arthur's ears were drooping and he was clutching onto Mr. Topsy like a lifeline.

Caleb sat down beside him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder as he said, "What's wrong, Artie? Did you mess in your diaper? Remember when I told you that's okay? No need to be upset about it. After all, cubs have accidents all the time. It's perfectly normal to-"

Arthur shook his head vigorously. "I didn't have an accident," he said in a quiet voice.

"Then what is it, sweetie?"

Arthur looked at Caleb with tears in his eyes, Caleb's breath catching in his throat as he caught sight of the bruise underneath his cub's eye. He'd tried his best to not get distracted by it, to instead have fun with Arthur and make them both forget, but now tired and with their guards down, he couldn't help the anger that boiled up in his throat. Someone had hurt someone he cared about. He may have been small but those men would have had hell to pay if he'd been there when they struck his Arthur.

Arthur sniffled as he said, "I was really scared, Daddy. They were really big and one of them hit me."

Caleb wrapped his arms around Arthur, gently rubbing circles along his back as he said, "Ssh, it's okay. You're safe now. Daddy won't let anyone hurt you."

He didn't know why Arthur was bringing it all up now, maybe the trauma of the day was finally catching up to him without the promise of play time or apple juice to keep him distracted. Whatever it was, Caleb did his best to calm his cub down, uttering words of reassurance, that it would all be okay. Arthur began to sob and Caleb's anger flared. But he did his best to keep it all under wraps, knowing anger laced words would only scare him even more while in his little space.

After what felt like an eternity of crying and hugs, Arthur was finally tired enough for bed, being all cried out. Caleb gently lowered the sleepy cub onto the bed before crawling in beside him and throwing the duvet over them. He wrapped his arms around Arthur once more and pulled him close.

"I'll never let anyone hurt you," he said, barely above a whisper.

Arthur mumbled something but when Caleb asked him to repeat himself, all he was met was with silence. He smiled at the sleeping cub, giving him one final peck atop his head before closing his eyes to join him in dreams full of bouncy castles and candy.