Kershen's prison encounter ch.4

Story by Kale Anaris on SoFurry

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#4 of Kershens escape


this has suggestive stuff in here so kids probably shouldnt read this.

"I kinda feel bad for leaving that guy in our cell" Kitty said as they walked down the hall. The alarm hadnt been raised and they had managed to filch some womens uniforms from the laundry. Sadly, these uniforms were too small so both women had to keep their tops buttoned to only the third one up, leaving a rather extravagant amount of cleavage on them.

"It was our only option you know, plus he is more of a jerk if he doesnt get what he wants." Nama remarked, undoing another button on the shirt. "Damn these uniforms are small! I would rather my tits fell out than not be able to breathe here. and these skirts seem like they were made to show off our curves!" The lioness tried to pull her skirt down a little more but the fabric was too tight and slipped right back up.

"I know exactly how you feel there. Not to sound like a bitch but my tits are bigger than yours and I got the smaller top." Kitty tried to open her shirt a bit more and the buttons shot off with a lot of force behind them. one button in particular ended up hitting the nose of a now starteled husky. "Toma!?" The vixen almost yelled, startled. "How did you get here?"

The man caught one look at Kitty's tits andabruptly looked up. "Toma? you mean my brother?" he asked. his face turning red. He took another glance and quickly turned his face away. He pulled off his shirt and handed it to her. "Sorry for looking, its just that I've never been this close to a girl before."

Kitty took it and handed the shirt to Nama. "here, you're bigger than me. And thats hard to believe... umm....?"

"Foma, we're twins so our mother decided to give us names to reflect that." His voice was slightly less harsh than his brother's yet still carried that distinct russian accent. Nama took off her top without thinking about exposing her tits to some guy. If it was possible, Foma's fur took on a bit more red and it was now visible.

"Oh for christ sake man," Nama said rather annoyed, "at least TRY to act as if you have seen tits before." Nama pulled the shirt on and handed her old top to Kitty. The vixen, still being a bit self conscious, put her top on quickly.

"Toma would probably have said the exact same thing to me if he was showing off one of his prisoners. I never really liked being mean or anything to the ones I was assigned to." Foma stopped blushing and looked towards the girls. "Now that I think of it, you" He said pointing to Kitty, "look alot like our new-"

The vixen put a paw to his mouth and quickly dragged him intoa nearby janitors closet. "I was gonna say employee but with that reaction, you seem more like some one trying to keep a low profile."

'SHIT!' The vixen thought to herself. "you are too smart for your own good do you know that?" she said sarcasticly. Then, out of impulse, she moved closer. "You know what I do to smart guys?" she asked, her breath tickling the husky's whiskers.

Foma's face instantly took on a shade of pink as she was right in his face. "What do you do?" he asked, his cock starting to push out of it's sheath. He almost collapsed as their muzzles met but Kitty caught him and held his mouth to hers. Foma found some courage and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her further into the kiss.

"Ahem..." Nama was standing in the door way, watching. "Its not like we arent on a time budget here," She walked over and looked at Foma for a second. "You seem rather partial to Huskies girl. At least one of us is."

"You know its not like we are about to get caught any time soon either." Kitty retorted. "It's the night shift and this place us deserted! Foma here is the only person we've run into." The vixen slid her paws down The well sculpted chest and abs of the Husky. " Feel free to join me if you like Nama."

The lioness didnt need to be told twice. She was about to pull off her shirt when red lights flashed on and an alarm started to ring. "This is not a drill! We have two escaped prisoners, both female. Possibly armed. If you see someone you don't know, Check their credentials imediately!" The voice came from a loud speaker.

Foma stared at the two women in front of him who were now blocking his only escape. "You're the ones trying to escape? Damn! and I thought I might have finally found a nice girl." He started to reach for his radio but was stopped by a delicate paw.

"Please dont think any less of me Foma." there was a slight tremmor in Kitty's voice. "I really like you. Even if we only met a few minutes ago." She kissed the Husky again and hit him in the back of the head with his own gun. He slowly sank to the ground and lay still. "Lets get out of here Nama"

Both of them left the room, shutting the door behind them. Foma sat up rubbing his head lightly. "I'm sure glad they rubberized the hilt of our guns. otherwise I could have been in serious trouble. She didnt need to do that either, I wasnt about to rat them out. But what did she mean?"

(note, flash backs will be denoted with "..." at the beginning and end of them)


"I really like you even if we only met a few minutes ago," She kissed him again and said, "if you feel the same meet me two blocks south of this place in 3 hours" Then she hit him in the back of the head.

(other note, lol, My flashbacks tend to be rather short.)


Foma got up and walked out of the Janitors closet.

Elsewhere, The two girls were almost to the back door when they were accosted by a group of three men. "Well well, lookie here!" one of them said. "Looks like we found some entertainment eh?" commented another.

Nama walked straight up to one of them and ripped her shirt open. "Is this what you boys were considering for 'entertainment'?" The men stood there, dumbstruck that the lioness was openly showing her tits. Nama pointed the mans gun at the group. "now get out of our way, you got your show now I'm getting out of here."

All three men shuffled out of the way as the girls walked out of the door with both guns aimed at them. "Shit." said the first one. "I like em when they're dominant like that!"

"Shut up Marcus, those were the prisoners." The second one said.

Kershen's prison encounter ch.3

Warning! Random generic disclaimer! but seriously, if you are under 18, dont read this. It might warp your fragile little mind. Off to the...

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Kershen's prison encounter ch.2

WARNING! Please read Chapter 1 if you havent already! Also, for some odd reason I felt like putting this in here even though it isnt about to stop anyone, this story has graphic material that may not be suitable for anyone under age 18. Therefore, if...

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Kershen's prison encounter ch.1

WARNING! This series contains graphic nudity and hot steamy sex! if you are under 18 dont read it! anyways, off to what I hope to be a good series...

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