The Final Stop is Here

Story by posoh on SoFurry


The Final Stop is Here

Bury yourself a ditch,

And have yourself a seat.

Your grave awaits your soul.

Your death day comes near,

The skies turn red,

Your sun turns blue.

Here your ancestors will wait for you.

Pain is not a factor,

You have one thing left to do.

No longer you suffer,

the pain subsides.

Falling into your final slumber,

You take your last breath.

They await you now,

This train leaves soon.

This is the last stop,

We have reached your tomb.

My god,

Why am I here so soon.

Your memories live on,

Your legacy is legend.

Never be forgotten.

The goal has been met,

Even if you don't know it.

You lived a life.

It may seem cheesy,

But many don't get that opportunity.

Here is your prize.

You may not want it,

But you achieved it,

You receive the death that you never needed.