Big Brother's Deep Affection 1: our first night

Story by Ryuuko on SoFurry

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#1 of My Big brother's Affection.

This is an incest story between an older brother and a much younger little sister, so dont read if you dont like this stuff... also, this is my first story, my grammar will not be perfect in the least and it may be a bit sloppy... but.. hope you like it... ^_^

Roka slept soundly in his bed, the sound of the thunderstorm outside only further deepening his depth of sleep, the 17 year old wolf boy in nothing but a pair of boxers as he did so. Outside his room, there was a gentle knock at the door, accompanied by a soft whimper. after no response from inside, the door opened. padding in, wearing only a t-shirt and panties, holding her favorate wolf plushie, was Roka's younger sister, Lakita. The two were brother and sister, concidering Lakita was an Akita and Roka was a wolf. they were both technically half, dad being pure blood wolf and mom an akita, thet each just took general appearences of their respective parental genders. Lakita whimpered as she walked over to her brother's bed. he poked at the mound beneath the covers. "Roka..? are you awake..?". Beneath the covers was a growl. Roka sighed as he spoke, "I am now..." he rolled over to face her, deep yellow eyes somewhat glarring at the little girl. Her over, blushing, feeling his sheath quiver at the sight of her cute blue panties. he winced and shook his head of the ideas he got. "What do you want, pooch..?". Roka often made fun of Lakita for her akita appearence. He was a bit over proud of himself being more wolf than dog. The girl ignored the slight insult, whimpering more. whe winced as lightning and thunder rolled outside, her tail between her legs as she shook, standing beside thebed still. "Brother, can i sleep with you..? I'm scared..." Roka sighed, looking at her for a moment before scooting over. "Fine, but wet the bed and you're sleeping in the doghouse outside...". the girl growled, knowing he was kidding, "I havent wet the bed in half a year now... dont make fun of me...". She crawled onto the bed, cuddling under his covers. the wolf rolled his eyes, cuddling close to his little sister, pulling her close and holding her. he nuzzled his little sister's neck, giving her a gentle lick of affection. Roka acted like a badass, but he was a good brother. most of the time.

The two siblings rested quietly for a moment, Lakita giving shivers and whimpers whenever thunder rolled. Roka gave her belly gentle rubs to sooth her when it did. In truth, he liked stormy nights. Lakita always came to his room, and he could get away with touching her like that.. As more thunder rolled, Roka smirked a little. the girl too preocupied with the storm to notice at first, her big brother's paw slid up her soft belly, up her shirt to her chest. He smiled, giving her ear a whisper. "calm down, sis... its only thunder.. you know I wont let it hurt you..." his paw brushed over one of her little premature nipples, he giving it a gentle rub. Lakita blushed a little at the touch. she was only seven, but she knew boys werent allowed to touch her there. but.. it was her brother... so.... she guessed it was okay.

The doggie girl did seem to calm a bit in her brothers arms. Roka hadnt noticed as he held his sister, finger still gently rubbing over her little nipple, but he had grown quite the erection. His little sister was turning him on. His head started filling with ideas again. he often thought of doing things to his sister, but never until now had he thought of actually doing them. he blushed, finally deciding. it was time to at least try. The wolf ran his paw down his sister to her belly again. he smiled. "Hey Lakita...?" the girl was blushing from his play with her nipples, but rolled over to face her big brother. "hm..?". the wolf smirked again, his tail giving a gentle movement beneath the covers. "i got an you want to cuddle closer..? if we take off our clothes, I'm sure it could be warmer to cuddle...". it sounded a little weird, but the girl wanted to be warm. anything to add to comfort from the storm. she nodded. Roka nodded too, "okay.."

The wolf sat up, easily slipping out of his boxers. he blushed as he looked down at his little sister, who sat up too, taking off her shirt. she gave a cute smile to her brother, which he couldnt help but smile back. "heheh.. god you're adorable....". that statement made her curled tail wag, his paw going to her hips, grabbing the straps of her pantis. he looked to her. she nodded, lying back as he gently slipped them off. he set them on his nightstand, lying down next to her, pulling the covers back over. the girl cuddled to her brother. indeed, it was a hell of alot warmer. Roka couldnt help but be a bit flustered. his hard erection was pressing against his sister's back. the girl shifted a bit, looking back at her big brother, "brother..? what is that...?" Roka answered, still a bit nervous. "I'ts... my penis... do you want to see it..?"

the girl sat up, looking to him. she had heard the word penis, and she had seen her brothers before when they were young, but it never looked that big. she moved the covers. roka lied still, displaying himself. the girl looked at seven inches of standing dog cock. the girl giggled a little. "it looks funny.." she gave it a poke, her tail wagging. Roka blushed, but still smiled" Funny..? well.. feel it. it feels kinda funny too. no fur." the girl obliged, scooting closer. her small paws wrapped arround it, giving it a gentle rub. roka gasped lightly, his ears lowering as he smiled. "ah.. good girl... just like that...". Lakita looked at her brother. she giggled more the way he acted, rubbing it faster. "what does it feel like, Roka..?". he nodded. "g..good... keep on.. wait.." he looked to her, "try licking it...". the girl blushed. licking it...? she shrugged. she leaned down, still holding onto the warm length of flesh, giving it a long lick. it tasted different, but it wasnt bad. the texture was kind of... neat. she gave it another lick, before taking the tip into her mouth, starting to suck lightly. she didnt really know what this was with her brother, but she liked it. the wolf growled happily. "good girl... you are doing good...". Lakita wagged her tail at the praise, sucking on his dick happily. it was rather fun for something so simple. but after a while, the length in her mouth started to quiver. roka panted lightly, clawing at his bed. "ah.. god..!" the girl was about to ask what was wrong before she felt a rush of warm, slimey, salty liquid flood into her mouth. her brother's thing was giving squirt after squirt of the stuff. the girl whimpered, blushing. she sat up, looking to him. her cheeks looked full, she having not swallowed or spit it out yet. a few more squirts of his still shot, getting on her belly. he chuckled as his squirts slowed. "sorry about that, sis... you can swallow it, its not bad.". the girl whimpered, wincing as she tried, swallowing most of it, but some still dribbled out of her mouth. the wolf smiled. he liked that sight. seeing his own cum in his sister's mouth. he leaned forward, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "thanks sis.. that felt awesome."

the girl still licked at the inside of her mouth, looking at him. "brother, what is this stuff..? its slimey..." Roka couldnt help but chuckle. "thats called cum, sis.. boys squirt it from there when they feel good... its a good thing. how does it taste?"

the girl shrugged, wiping her lip with her hand. "i like it.. its just different." Roka smiled, his tail wagging. "well i can give you more whenever you want....". the girl wagged her tail, giving her brother a hug. he smiled at her. he blushed, seeing her tail wag above her naked butt. now that looked tasty. "hey sis... i can do that to you too... want me to?" the girl looked up at him, her tail wagged as he nodded. he smiled. "okay.. get on your hands and knees, let me see your butt... make sure to keep your tail up." the girl blushed, that sounding a bit weird, but she obeyed. she rolled onto her belly, sticking her butt up. "like this?" he nodded. "perfect"

Roka knelt behind her, still giving his erection gentle rubs as he looked at his little sister's naked butt. he could see the little pink ring of flesh under her tail, making him groan a bit as he rubbed his dick. the girl whimpered, wanting attention. roka couldnt help but smile at the face she made. "alright alright..". he leaned down, paw resting on her bum, giving her rear a sniff. his tail wagged, he extending his tongue and running it over her little anus. the girl yipped, looking back. "did you just lick my butt hole..?" Roka laughed a bit. "yeah. didnt it feel good?" he looked up at her, paw rubbing her butt fur. she blushed, nodding. he smirked, going back down and giving another lick. the girl murred happily as he began lapping at the little hole, he jerking his dick a bit as he did so. he began to lick harder, soon, his doggy tongue slipping into her rear. the girl simply yipped but said nothing, the occasional giggle as he tickled at the flesh. after a short while, the bot sat up, his tail wagging.

"so sis, i have something else i want to do... i dont know if you will like it, but i am going to do it okay...?" the girl whimpered at that, still looking back at him. "what are you going to do....?" he gave her furry rear a rub. "you will see..." He put his cock to her anus, putting the head to her hole. he gave a gentle push on her anus. the girl whimpered, a little bit of pain on the pressure. the girl whimpered more. "Roka, dont.. please..?". the leaned over her, pushing the head of his length into her. she started to yip, bu he silenced her with a paw on her mouth, Roka leaning into her ear, whispering to her, his ears low. "sis... stay quiet while I do this and I can do it without being mean, okay...?" she whimpered still, but tried to her best to stay quiet. the boy smiled, pushinga little, sinking his dick in the seven ear old rear end a little more. she started to whimper again but did her best to stay quiet as her brother forced himself on her. Roka had a blush on his face. He could hardly believe it, but he was about to rape his sister. but he needed this.. he have her a lick on the back of her neck, before sitting up again. he held her hips looking down at her butt. he smiled as he watched another inch of himself sink in. luckily saliva had made a little bit of a lube for them. the girl gave whimpers, sniffling a bit as she felt her brother violate her back end. it seemed like forever but soon the wolf boy had hilted himself inside the girl. he took a deep breath, looking down at her. "how is it..?"

the girl whimpered, holding onto the bedsheets. the pain was starting to subside but it was still agony for the girl, the inch thick meat stuffed up her tight ass. "My butt hurts..." Roka nodded. "i know.. just give it a minute... it will get better, i promise..." the girl didnt bother struggling. her tail was still up. the boy wagged his own tail, and slowly began to pull out of her. she whimpered at the strange feeling inside her, he pushing back into her. he was soon humping her at a simple pace. Lakita looked back at him, blushing. she was embarrassed, but... it was starting to feel good...

Roka looked to her face as he was humping. he smiled. "what is it, sis...? I'm not stopping so dont ask.." she shook her head. she blushed more. "um... brother..? could you... do that... more...?" Roka stopped then. he smiled. her blush was adorable and that question just struck him. he nodded. "sure.." he sped up his movements, starting to move in and out of her butt faster, the bed starting to rock a bit. the girl panted. this was weird. feeling a piece of her brother.. it inside her.. and in her butt of all places. moving in and out. this was strange, but she liked it.

she whimpered again, but it was a happy one. she panted, her tail wagging as her brother pushed his flesh inside her. "Roka..ah... what are you.. doing to me..?" roka smiled at her question as he kept up his movement. "I'm humping you... its sex... just.. ah.. dont tell mom about this okay...?" she nodded in agreement. if it ment doing this more, then she would keep the secret. but if it had to be kept from mom, was it bad..?

after a short time, Roka began to pant more, giving soft grunts as he held onto his little sister's hips, beginning to push himself into the young girl faster. a familiar sensation swelled inside him. he began to whimper, his cock quivering as he neared his peak. the girl whimpered at the unexpected increased pace. wet sounds began to be heard as a good deal of pre along with leftover saliva on their connection leeked between the two, slippery cock moving in and out of her. soon the wolf boy pushed in, panting hard, giving a bark, cumming hard inside her butt. the girl gasped as she felt warmth flood her insides. she wined, ears low, smiling cutely. Roka panted still, collapsing beside her, till deep within her back end.

Roka held his sister close. the girl snuggled close, not at all minding him inside her now. the storm had seemed to fade away in all the pain, sex, confusion, and pleasure of the night. soon, the two fell asleep, roka deep within his sister.

the next morning, roka woke up. through the night in his sister's constant moving, he had kept an erection, and iwth usual morning wood, he was inside her. the two werein the same position they had fallen asleep in, and her butt was still wet inside. Roka growled happily, holding her close, relaxing. as he lied there, sister in his arms, he was soon rudely awakened. a knock at his door. "Roka?? do you have work today..?? if so, get up! and is Lakita in there? she isnt in her room!"

Roka gasped. Mom. he looked down. Lakita glanced up at him with wide eyes, the two giving a dumbfounded smile.


okay.. this was my first yiff story... its sloppy and bad grammar, but go easy on me, i just started doing this kind of stuff..