Los Diablos Chronicles: Eternal Digital Cabaret Chapter 1

Story by MouseJ on SoFurry

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#10 of Coming At You Hard and Fast: Chronicles of Los Diablos

By the latter half of the 21st century, the world had evolved, and everything was completely online. Especially entertainment, and doubly especially of the adult variety. As such, the tools utilized to interface with this completely online world had also evolved. And MikuCorp came up with the solution: Hogosha Pets - AIs which dwelled within the virtual space to carry out the desires of their owners, and given a humanoid look to help humans become attached to them more easily.

Kari was one of the first adult entertainment Hogosha Pets released - intended for gladiatorial combat as well as serving those who own her. With the same forced smile, she is now able to be on duty 24/7.

Chapter 1: The New Age

As the less glamorous but no less sinful sister city of Las Vegas, Los Diablos had very little space for things like meditation, prayer, and the worship of higher beings. Instead, everyone merely lived for the moment, and sought after the desires of the flesh-whatever lit up their fancy on a whim. It was not unusual for brothels to be hidden in dark alleyways near giant corporations, so that employees could go in for quicckies during the workday or have service brought to you on call.

As such, the only church in the city remained the size of a small house. The Elim Sanctuary, named after the oasis on the path to Mt. Sinai, often catered to those that became too old, or dived too deep into hedonistic vices where they became not as productive as employers wanted. The church had been mostly maintenanced by its attendees with love and care.

With her duffel bag slung over her shoulder, a paint-splotched mouse opened the double doors to the sanctuary with reverent hesitation to rows upon rows of pews lining each side of the room. Taking care not to disturb the sacred silence, Kari kneeled down before the altar and quickly did the sign of the cross with a practiced formality before moving all the way to the halls in the back corner of the church.

She knocked gently upon the wooden door, with a nameplate which read "Rev. Chance."

"Come in!"

Kari entered and offered a small smile to the bespectacled black cat in the black, long sleeved clergy shirt with the white collar. His matching bobcut hair went down to his neck and chin, though it was parted enough that she could clearly see his yellow feline irises.

"Good morning Kari. I was not expecting you today...or anyone really," he chuckled. A hint of bitterness eluded his control as he shook his head. "Please have a seat, it is good to have company for once. Let me make you some tea."

"Oh...I won't be long, Father," she shook her head-her green eyes already moist.

"Oh? Well...I'm here and listening, as is God. Tell me what troubles you, dear."

"I'm signing up...for the program."

Chance paused, and leaned himself upon his arms and paws upon his desk. "You mean the digitization process."

"Yes. That." She bit her lip, and averted her eyes. "I'm sorry father."

In the year of 20XX, combat sports entertainment and adult entertainment had evolved. With the development of fully digitized AI holograms simulating real physics, these programs had essentially rendered most athletes and adult actors/actresses obsolete. While a few dedicated fans insisted on fully authentic organisms, such was a rarity. After all, if the simulation could at least perform the same acts convincing the mind that they were organisms, then there was no point in risking real blood, sweat, tears, bodily injury, nor concerning one's self with things like age.

Through her occasional chats, Chance knew Kari's profession. A foxy boxer and adult performer at Dick's Drinks, the local titty and sports bar and foxy boxing outlet in Los Diablos. With everyone else having either finding other paths or also having resigned themselves to the full-digital age, he was now confronted with a single step further with the reality of this new age.

Kari, too, was going through with it.

The law was clear on this: this choice was legal, and not considered under the header of "suicide." He could not have her committed against her will. And yet . . .

"...dear Kari. You've blessed this church for many years with your presence. You claim to have no faith in God, and yet you've always served Him with a grace I don't see in many who do follow in Him today. You assist with our food drives and even our rehab programs. Sometimes, you have even engaged in "charity matches." He adjusted himself as he sensed his own hesitation. ". . . and while I cannot condone how you bring in the money, those who are in need appreciate what that money does . . ."

"I cannot say that your choices in life do not aggrieve Him . . . " He paused, and took a deep breath-and for a brief moment-his stoic gaze flickered. "But in the name of the Lord above, He still offers his open arms, as do I. You have so much to live for. Please reconsider."

" . . . Father, this church has been . . . a great sanctuary for many years. For an hour or two every Sunday, it's been a place where I did not have to be the 'Princess of Dick's Drinks.' The foxy boxer and entertainer who has to serve a long line of clients who seek only a place to just...dump their problems and...other things." She shook her head. "Even when serving you, it was a little different than serving the other clients."

Father Chance's ears flickered at the reminder of his own transgression-but her words struck him in the heart, though she may not have intended it that way.

After a brief pause, she continued. "But...I would not call that 'living.' You say God will show me His gift-a reason I should live-a calling. I've yet to hear it. If he's calling, I must be deaf." She offered a good-natured smile.

Chance's tail flicked back and forth slowly behind him, as he stared silently at Kari-racking his brain to try to think of a way to save her soul.

But in this room where God had granted him a revelation so many times, he found in a cruel twist of irony that he had his own tongue-there were no thoughts, no words of wisdom nor encouragement for Kari as the heavy silence weighed upon him.

Perhaps because they had acted against God that one night. He remembered during the winter holiday, Kari had come to him for guidance and comfort. He had provided-God had provided. So he had thought.

But as he had stayed with her, something had...possessed her. He was not one to believe in exorcisms nor demons, but he could not find another word for it. She had begged to repay him, to show him gratitude. And, in a moment of weakness with his own flesh, he had relented...

They both had worshipped God in the throes of passion and sin, taking his name in vain.

His heart sank as he faltered in this moment-his doubt consumed him. This was his punishment. And the punishment was on Kari. God could sometimes be cruel in his wrath.

"Please reconsider," was all he could manage.

"I cannot, Father. I only came to say goodbye, and thank you. And if He is indeed listening...I hope he can forgive me, somehow, someway..."

The mouse bowed formally as she always did to Reverend Chance every Sunday-and she turned the corner.

Chance tried to rise out of his seat to stop her, but found that the Lord had taken the strength from his legs, and he sank back down into his seat, running his paw through his head of hair.

"Kari...I hope He forgives me for what I could not manage."


Kari descended down the steps into the old subway. The lights had not been looked at by the city in years, and flickered constantly. The stained concrete floor was littered with needles, papers, flyers that had never been opened, and discarded cans and shattered beer bottles of every brand, including a few foreign names in Spanish, German, Irish, and Japanese. The walls had cracks that extended almost all the way to the ceiling. Accompanying her footfalls were the squeaks of her smaller rodent cousins as they scurried away into the darkness, along with roaches and other vermin.

"...am I really any different," she asked herself.

She drew her coat around her even tighter. It was on the border of November and December, and the bustle of the usual traffic had arrived. The spirit of Christmas had sadly not been shared with the two shaggy individuals wearing worn out beanies and rags, lining the walls of the subway with little cups full of dollar bills. Inflation had essentially rendered the bills worth a little less than toilet paper.

"Hey lady," the sheepdog asked with a crooked toothed smile, offering his cup up.

Kari frowned. Not at the sheepdog, but at her thoughts. On one hand, that would mean she would have to skip out on lunch. On the other hand...it really didn't matter after today.

She gave a smile and crouched down before him, and placed the five dollar bill in his cup with the best smile she could manage.

"Thank ya kindly...hey...you're the Princess of Dick's Drinks, aren'tcha...would you give your hips a little wiggle for me, eheheh..."

Kari forced herself to keep her smile up. "N-not today, I'm afraid..." She gave a polite bow of her head, before rising to her feet.

The spirit of Christmas could be seen in every face, as each of them impatiently glared at the void where the automatic train should be, attempting to will it to come faster upon their whimsy.

She stepped upon the platform, when she saw one person not glaring at the void. Instead, he was looking straight at her.

Matthias stepped up to her, with a thick scarf wrapped around tightly around his neck and face, and a beanie covering his hair and ears. Matthias, one of the few people actually shorter than the mouse. The bartender at Dick's Drinks, who also worked as the janitor, and ran a cafe in the same area during the morning hours which Kari had helped with. The little blonde-headed bespectacled red squirrel shook his head in disbelief.

"Kari, don't do this. Come on, you can work with me at the cafe." His voice was muffled by the scarf, and the lenses of his glasses misted up.

She shook her head, and forced a sad smile.

Matthias pulled down his scarf-his breath now condensing in the frosty December air. "There's no way to reverse the process. You're going to just...forever be in that state. Forever just a digital girl, performing for others."

Kari's eyes averted away. "...Is that really any different from now?"

"...YES! Yes it is, god why are you so stupid!"

"HEY, PIPE IT DOWN BACK THERE!" A few of the patiently waiting passengers-to-be shot them a glare.

"Sorry sir," they both responded meekly with a wince.

"Kari," Matthias took a deep breath into the scarf. "Please. You're like an older sister to me."

"...and you're like an older brother to me, Matthias." Kari reached forward and hugged Matthias to her chest, and rubbed his back gently with her mittens. "I just wish I could be more of that older sister for you."

"Then stay!"

"I can't."

"You're the only one deciding that!"

Her grip slightly tightened at his remark. Still, the same sad smile held firm. "I know. Thank you for everything, Matthias."

She released him, and dashed into the maw of the subway train with her duffel. He dashed after her-and the doors slammed shut even as he rushed up, face planting against them, before proceeding to beat them with his tiny fists-taking a step back as he felt it start to move-staring helplessly at the subway train as it left the station-meeting that emerald gaze one more time through the window as it sped off down the tunnel...


A bing bong followed by a bubbly voice singing out the announcement over the intercom interrupted Kari's brief slumber. "Now stopping at: LD Station #13. Thank you for taking High Rolling Subway Express. We hope you will ride with us again!"

Kari's eyes fluttered open. She could feel her eyes burning, and there was a slight moistness upon her cheeks. Grimacing, she pulled herself up by one of the poles in the middle of the car and stepped out of the subway, and she started to briskly make her way through the slightly cleaner, more up kept station. The tiles were polished, and the lights brightly lit the hallway all the way up the stairs-even the handrails seemed to be sanitized in spite of the traffic that came and went through this stop.

She looked around and noticed that there were actually few people got off at Station #13. People in suits and ties, scrubs, or well-pressed polo shirts and trousers. Station #13 stopped off at the tech district. Los Diablos dealt with advances in entertainment and pharmaceuticals that claimed to wean people off of narcotics and alcohol, as well as dealt with the everyday depression that had become so commonplace in the dreary daily grind for anyone who refused to entertain themselves with the Red Light District shows.

Unlike the Red Light District, the Tech District's building front's had little decor. Just soulless uniform glass buildings with brand name signs like FerrymanPharm, DopaTech, MikuCorp, EphemeralSoft... All of them looming overhead against the overcast smog-choked sky.

She pulled out a slip of paper from her pocket.

Paradise Studios-5113 Silicon St.

Dead ahead were the gates manned by a single sleepy looking bloodhound, who she was familiar with. A frequent customer of Dick's Drinks, she had serviced him on more than one occasion.

"James!" She forced a bright smile to the middle aged security dog.

"Eh?" He perked up, and his eyes went wide as he recognized her immediately. "Kari! Princess! What a surprise to see you here! What can I do for you?"

"Ah...I have an appointment here." She clamped her lips about any other details.

"Appointment?" James's eyes narrowed, and his already wrinkled face wrinkled further. "You're didn't...sign up to be a guinea pig for that weird digitization process thingamobob, are ya?"

Kari 's eyes flickered to the side.

"...Kari. Look, take it from an old dog like me. Don't throw away your life, dear. I mean, it's not my place...I'm just a customer, but I guess I'm trying to speak from experience. Life is precious, yours moreso than most...and-"

"James. Please." She dared not look him in the eye. "Just check me off on the list..."

James stared for a moment longer, hesitating, but took a deep breath and marked something on a clipboard.

"You're good to go. But... Dick's won't be the same without you. Some of us old codgers still prefer the feeling of flesh over the digital crap..."

Kari bit her lip but nodded in acknowledgment, but said nothing.

"A lot of the young kids love their girls a little flatter than I thought was possible, if you catch my drift. Please. Reconsider. Not...from a client or a fan. Just someone who doesn't want to see a pretty young thing like yourself throw it all away." He shook his head. "Gonna say, it's...kinda fucked up I can't do a thing to stop you, legally. So all I can do is beg like the dog of a client I am..."

"I...thank you," she said, barely above a whisper, bowing politely to James. She froze, hesitating, but bit her lip, and forced herself to turn away before continuing down the road.

The path was lined with finely trimmed trees, each made to match the other with nigh microscopic precision. The trees failed to sway given the stagnant air, and stood at silent attention as Kari walked right up to the automatic double metal doors. They slid open, welcoming her into the sterile hallway...

Several people in nurse's scrubs and lab coats roamed the halls, discussing various results. Through some of the windows, there were rows upon rows of expensive looking screens and hard drives, each manned with a furiously typing office worker with their eyes glued to the screens. Kari shuddered at the soulless dedication to their work.

"Ah, Ms. Kazushige. Welcome."

A lizard in a three-piece suit offered his hand-his gaze hidden by a pair of shades-a headpiece around the back of his head with the mic in front of his mouth.

Kari almost bowed on reflex-but, hesitantly, took the hand with her own wrapped paw, and shook it-her eyes never leaving his shades.

"You're quite a catch. Adult actresses do very well when digitized."

Kari nodded-her face betraying little of her thoughts.

"Is everything alright? We do have lawyers on standby if you need to make any last change-"

"Everything is fine," she quickly cut him off. "I just...want to go through with this before I can have any regrets. What do I need to do?"

The lizard in the suit studied her through his shades before smirking. "Understandable. Some of our subjects do experience cold feet when going through with this process. Please follow Dr. Rosalin." He gestured to a bespectacled, pudgy sheep of a scientist, who adjusted her spectacles as she read over her clipboard absently.

He continued. "All your belongings will be taken to whomever you signed as a beneficiary, or in the absence of such, be auctioned off and the proceeds will go to the charity you've indicated on the form you submitted electronically."

She nodded to herself. She had asked Matthias's advice for a good charity-under the guise of holding a charity event match, so he wouldn't become suspicious, and had listed that one. Whatever little money they would get would go to a good place.

Suddenly, Matthias's face flashed through her mind's eye. That last, sad look as the subway had left the station.

She shook her head furiously, and sucked down a breath. The lizard watched with unnerving coldness-maintaining that same professional smile as he waited for Kari to have her moment.

"When you're ready, we will will begin."


The mouse sucked in a deep breath as she stared up at the ceiling-eyes occasionally shifting to the various mechanical apparatuses-cameras, monitors-wires that connected to little diodes all over her body. The entire room was sealed shut and protective screens made it hard to see outside clearly-the only entrance was a single set of two doors layered over one another.

She sank back into the capsule. She had heard that people's lives would flash before's their eyes before they died-that old cliché. And maybe she would see...but so far, there was only the emptiness-the quiet hum of machines was her lullaby as she allowed herself to relax into the embrace of the pod.

The sheep pushed up her spectacles, meeting Kari's gaze with a cold indifference. "Are you ready, Ms. Kazushige? This is the point of no return. We are ethically and legally obligated to offer you this last chance to back out now. Your confirmation is being recorded for liability purposes."

"I'm ready," she repeated, for what seemed like the umpteenth time tonight, as if to test her resolve.

The pod's door whirred as it slowly closed shut-a quiet hiss to seal itself shut...

"Applying anesthetic. You won't feel a thing, Ms. Kazushige."

The gas flooded the chamber-and the liquid started to flow into the IV needles sticking out of her arms. She eyed the liquid flowing through the tubes into her...and slowly, she felt her heartbeat fade...and she slowly closed her eyes. And she dreamed.

But the only image that came to mind, the life that was to flash before her eyes, was the black, blank, empty void. And as she felt her limbs fade, there was only a somber, melancholic peace in her body...

Yet, before the peace could register, searing pain coursed throughout her nerves, and she screamed as she awoke, arching her back as her eyeballs themselves seemed to flood with blinding white pain-the sensations of sight and feeling blending together-her head swimming from the onslaught of light and tinnitus.

"Oh good. Ms. Kazushige. You are awake."

She took a shuddering breath, and she opened her eyes. A black void devoid of light surrounded her, as she looked around.

"Good. Good. Get adjusted to your new environment. Your new body."

Kari looked down at her paw-and found that her whole body had been covered in a tight-fitted latex jumpsuit-she prodded her own body, to see if she had feeling in her hands and body.

The body was almost a perfect replica of her own, though she noted it had been adjusted for a hint more of a feminine curve to it-and she hefted her chest, which had been slightly increased in size in comparison to the rest of her body-now sporting a pair of C-cups.

Small blessings. Or rather, large blessings, as the case might be.

"P-pardon, but is there a mirror in here?"

"Certainly. One moment."

There was a silence for a few seconds, before incomprehensibly quickly streaming bits of code coalesced before her and formed into a body-sized mirror.

She looked to the mouse in the mirror. Her body size had been preserved, and she was sadly still the same even five feet she had been when alive. In addition to her bust size receiving an 'upgrade', so had her rump-and there was a noticeable curve to her butt now.

More noticeably, her ponytail had been undone, and a long stream of sky blue hair flowed behind her. She frowned, as she twirled her long flowing hair in her fingers. It was certainly prettier than her brunette head in its own way...but something about remembering her old, dry, coarse brown hair unsettled her. She missed it already...

Over her head was a pair of silver headphones which were purely decorative, as they did nothing for her ears, with slicked back sleek protrusions streaking back behind the phones. The color matched her bodysuit, which failed to cover her shoulders save for a set of simple, decorative pads-long fingerless gloves stretching all the way back to her elbows adorned her person as well, as did thigh high leggings and boots. A silver latex bodysuit was wrapped around her still paint-splotched white fur coat, which, judging from the bits on her face, had been restored to pristine condition-as fine and soft as when she was a little girl. Glowing blue lines ran all up and down her body-like little veins carrying data and code.

"Have you gotten accostumed to everything?"

"I think so...so...this the future of adult entertainment?"

"A quaint, trite, cliche observation, but I find that is because they are some of the more tried and true ones. Yes, this is the future."

"I see. And this job will basically be a continuation of my old one?"

"Yes. And unlike in the real world, you will never grow old...you will simply stay as you are, with the occasional upgrade as the times call for it."

"Do I choose the upgrade?"

"No...the market does. Whatever is popular does. Or at least, how the shareholders interpret what is popular."

The coldness of this reality put so bluntly sent a shiver up her spine.

"Your debut performance and match will be in 3 hours. The itinerary will be uploaded to your memory directly. You will be in standby mode until that time comes. If you need to be updated about anything, we will awaken you. Enjoy your new body, Ms. Kazushige. Or should I say...

"Kari-chan. Our newest HogoshaPet."