Science Fiction is Intense (Illustrated)
It's a cyberpunk style in an urban dystopia, which is fascinating to see in film since it's much more real than other science fiction movies, yet its still hard to imagine living in the movie."
Science Fiction Short #1
In the harrowing vacuum of space, a Massive behemothing starship with the peculiar name "_The_ _Rosy Joker_" scrawled beneath its sleekly curved bow, the ship itself carelessly glides through the inky darkness as the young commander sets her course for...
Not your grandfather's science fiction
A short science-fictional scene i just wrote, after reading about some real and actual scientific research.
The soft-science-fiction version of Ripmaw
"Wakey wakey, sleepy human." Peter simply grunted and opened up his eyes. Above him was the friendly face of the procompsognathus morph Karilena. She simply gazed at him with those rather cute looking eyes. Peter simply grunted again and flipped...
Science for the Sci-fi Writer: Dark Matter
For a while now i've been wanting to write a series of articles about the 'science' in science fiction.
Discovery - Chapter 1, Waddlefish
"I say, captain! Slow down! That last wave felt like we were hit!" "We almost were hit, you imbecile! And I told you, don't call me captain!" "But who'd fire at a sail boat?" "We're out in the middle of the pacific! Any one with a brain would fire...
"good morning doctor, it is currently 5:00 am greenwhich time and a balmy - 350 degrees on Europa please wear a sweater when you leave the bio-dome" "Gahh Aivas please i told you not to tell me the temp out side!" "Well doctor i had to find you a way...
We stepped through the transport pad, one by one, until everyone made it to the flat desert of world X-390. The X meant unexplored. Our sponsor paid us to turn those Xes into Ps (or U if the planet was hostile to life). Our leader Cameron, the gruff...
"we have ai like you in science fiction on my world. if the people here are like the people there, they didn't trust you. trust me." the ai stayed silent for a few minutes. "step on to the pad. i'll send you to the orientation center on aphana.
I used to look up into the night sky and wonder. Then I went there. Among the trillions upon trillions of stars, none had that kindred spirit I longed for.I found a machine civilization, a sentient black hole (I called him Phil, which he enjoyed very...
"can't believe we've gone and created science fiction." "ain't the first time, carl," said romley, searching for solace in his own focus. "mankind's always created science fiction... brain surgery, microprocessors, rockets, gunpowder...
Front Mission Final (FanFic)
Lumbering giants of steel crash through the undergrowth of an evergreen forest; whirring servos and the hiss of pneumatics add to the symphony of crunching vegetation. Jagged lightning lances through the coal gray clouds overhead, briefly revealing the...