Craigslist: Ch 1. "Snug"

Story by Paul Maul on SoFurry

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#1 of Craigslist

First chapter in a dark series focusing on m/m adultery, dubcon, manipulation, psychological torture, etc between a cat and a bear and some other characters.


This is an edited version of an older story. It is broken up into a few chapters. When this story was made a website called "craigslist" was popularly used to make listings for casual sex.

_ Heavy disclaimer: This story is not intended to depict ethical and lawful behavior by good people. It's a messed up story about messed up stuff. So, very extreme warnings all abound, and feel free to use the tags as guidance if you may need to avoid this piece. Note, this series is upsetting in its own right, for various reasons that may not show up in the tags, so please don't read it when you aren't prepared for something crushing._

Feel free to DM me for any typos or corrections or tag suggestions. Keep it civil. If you don't like it don't read it.

Chapter 1: Snug

It had been days, anyway. Nobody was going to answer it, and it was too late now anyway.

That's what the young cat felt. Darwin, 28, male orange tabby, idly stirred his coffee as he sat at the counter of his far too empty home. His mind had drifted to the silly thing he'd done almost half a week prior. It wasn't like him to make a Craigslist post, and the cat never had when he was single anyway. But, most likely, the buzz he'd just gotten from his phone was an email or text from his boyfriend, who was returning tomorrow night.

Now, it wasn't cheating or anything like that which he was after. No, the cat was far too traditional and vanilla for anything weird or kinky that might be Craigslist's usual fare. Frankly, he often joked about how saccharine, bland, and mushy he was regarding sexual matters. But the itch he'd felt in the last two weeks was at least something. It was the arms. The big, warm, heavy arms of his boyfriend, the smell of a man in bed with him, there was some deep comfort it gave him.

His boyfriend, a husky by the name of Randall, was one year younger. He was not much taller but definitely of a more masculine build. Well, Randall's job called for him pretty heavily, and while that was the reason the cat lived in such a massive place, there were times when the dog would have to vanish for days to work closely with a client abroad. However, this was the first time the unfortunately clingy cat had to go for two and a half weeks without seeing his "bow-wow," as he sometimes referred to him.

Slim fingers squirmed and wriggled as they tried to wedge themselves into the vice-tight pockets of the skinny jeans that hugged his lean hips far too tightly. After some fighting and some not-so-classy wiggling around atop the chair he was on, he procured a phone. Turning on the screen, he swiped to see the message.

"Re: Little spoon in the suburbs looking for a big sp..."

Pointed ears stood up. It was a response to the ad. It wasn't that Darwin was any sort of slim-picker or something like but, but really that he knew the nature of something like Craigslist wasn't suited for what he was asking. It was an ad that asked for someone to sleep over. No more, no less, just asking for company. It was more to express his desire for it since he didn't really expect anyone to answer.

There HAD been a couple of responses on the first day. However, the responses were all creeps who hadn't bothered to read the ad at all. They'd all sent pics of their junk and offerings of lewd acts. At first, he didn't feel like reading another one of those. He almost closed up his phone with a scoff before he noticed the little icon that suggested an attachment. Well, that at least, he figured, was worth a glance. It was an amusing curiosity to see the kinds of guys who applied.

Once the attachment had opened, the cat was rather shocked. It wasn't that it was a lousy or dirty photo-- quite the opposite. The picture was of a pretty damn cute guy. A scruffy bear, probably a Kodiak if he had to guess, looked about mid-thirties. The pic was waist up, and it seemed cropped from a photo of friends. His choice of sports attire- namely the jersey and the trucker cap above the bushy sideburns that led to some trimmed mutton chops- made the bear look straight.

Glancing around for a moment, in the empty room with no onlookers, the cat scrolled back up to read the body of the paragraph.

"Hey, I just saw your post. Your really cute. I'm Chris. I'd love to be your big spoon tonight if you're still looking? Thought the ad was still up so I might as well try. Here's my number: 858 555 2923

-- Sent from Shawn's iPhone"

He glanced around a bit again. There was just something about the email that got to him. And maybe it wasn't the fact that the bear happened to be every bit the cat's type. He'd always had a thing for bears, even though he wound up with a canine for the love of his life and did not regret it in the slightest. But this bear was so handsome, such a cute kind of straight-guy careless sense of fashion and style. And his was the only appropriate response to his ad.

"Hey lol I wasn't really expecting an answer to the email but if you're in I am, I'm at 2453 Shoreline Ave."

The text was sent, and he couldn't change his mind now. After a few minutes, the phone buzzed, and the response bubble contained "ok omw." He swallowed, nervous. What had he done? And why? His dog was coming tomorrow, so why would he care to go for just one more day? But maybe the cat just wanted to meet this bear. What if there would be lonely nights in the future? Or hey, he could use a friend with the bonus of hugs.

It was about half an hour. In this time, he managed to tidy up the place in 5 minutes and writhe in his seat for 25. Eventually, there was a knock on the door. When he opened up, the cat was face-to-face with a shirt. He was almost face-to-stomach. Leaning back comically, the cat looked up at the bear, who stood probably nearly 7 feet tall, if not precisely. The bear grinned a bit and held out a paw. "Hey, there."

Dar stared at the dinner plate-sized mitt the bear had offered him. He rose his own small, dainty hand to sit against the broad warm palm pad in a comical contrast of their size. Swallowing once, the cat glanced up at the bear but only really up to his chest, a bit too stirred to look him in the eyes. He mumbled as he softly confessed, "you're uh.. bigger than I was expecting." This got a deep chuckle from the doorway-sized bear.

"You know, you're smaller than I was expectin'. But I like small." His voice was so deep and had such a strange perhaps slightly southern drawl to it that he sounded like a Disney cartoon character. It would have felt a bit nuts trying to explain to someone that the guy really did sound like that.

This got a bit of a blush from the feline, who simply nodded. "I like big so... Uh, hey come in, have a seat or whatever... it's already ten-ish, I think, and I dunno how late you stay up.."

Shaking his head, the bear walked in. "I sleep pretty early. But first, I thought I'd give ya something. I know this ain't a real date, but.." In his left paw was hanging a bag. He brought it to the countertop and then pulled out some tall cans, a bottle, and a carton. "Okay, so I didn't know what you liked, but I brought some vodka and some OJ. If ya don't want something so strong, I brought some Guinness. Just thought we could relax a bit before bed; I don't think either of us is used to meetin' folks on Craigslist."

At first, the cat wasn't for the idea, but it made sense. Hell, his nerves were crazy after having let a massive predator into the house, especially one he didn't know. However, the bear seemed so friendly; he couldn't help but walk over and sit down. Looking over the goods, he responded, "I'm not a beer drinker, really.." before fetching a small glass and starting to mix himself a screwdriver.

With the click of a tab, the bear began to sip from one of the cans of beer. He nodded and smiled. "That's alright, 'cause I am!" He sat himself down on a tall chair next to the cat, sitting a bit awkwardly since the seat only supported half of his ass, and his feet still reached the floor. Still, he smiled as he sipped.

The cat didn't sip, really. He drank. He downed one small glass in no time flat. Nerves, he figured. He wanted to get rid of them, to not make an ass of himself in front of the very hot bear who was sitting next to him. Noticing this, the big bear reached over and gave the cat a gentle rub on the shoulder. "'Ey, atta boy, I like a guy who isn't afraid of a little liquor." The cat couldn't much reply, simply blushing and mixing himself another drink quickly.

It was a bit awkward. Neither said anything as they drank. He was too scared to say something stupid, and the bear seemed just too content with drinking silently. Either way, after his third glass, the little cat was definitely feeling it. The bear stared at the feline, who was now rubbing his cheeks slowly. "Ya' hangin' on there, kiddo?"

"Guh... I'm a lightweight. My face feels numb already. Haha... I think I'll finish this one and call it.." After eliciting another hearty chuckle from the giant bear, the kitten finished his drink. Putting it down, the cat stood up suddenly. He didn't know why he'd done it, but he wobbled after he did. The big bear grabbed the cat's side gently and tilted his head. "Whoa, there, little buddy. Where's the bed..?"

"Just up the stairs to the right; it's the only bedroom up th-ah!" Now the cat was very startled. Suddenly everything was uprooted, and he was repositioned. Blinking, the cat looked up at the big bear who was now carrying him and walking quickly upstairs. A bright smile adorned those ursine lips. It was nice, really, the feel of those enormous arms holding him and taking him to bed. Soon he was put down on it.

He felt too sloppy to do anything but lay there. Eyes followed the big bear, who turned around politely as he began to tug off his jacket and shirt. Shortly after that, the bear's pants were also slowly tugged down. If his face weren't already flushed, the cat would have blushed. Gradually, the bear turned around and stepped back up to the cat, beginning to gently guide him to sit up before tugging up his t-shirt off. He squirmed a bit but went along with it. Soon, bear claws were at the buttons of his pants. He pushed those paws away gently, making an unintelligible groan.

The big bear just pouted softly, nosing the cat's ear and breathing warmly into it as he spoke. "Oh no, no, it's no fair if I'm like this and you're not the same..." This got a nod out of the cat. Soon he was down to a pair of pink and white striped panties. The big bear stared down at the cat and even licked his chops a bit. "Well? Get under the covers..."

Giggling softly, the kitten obliged the bear and climbed under those covers. He wobbled as the poor bed strained, taking the weight of the bear which soon followed. The big guy smelled so good to the cat right now, and his body was so warm, it was instantly comforting when it pressed against his back. One armrest under the cat's head, and the other draped over his front, pulling him back into the massive expanse of the enormous bear.

He sighed deeply. This was what he wanted. He felt the heat from the male behind him, those arms holding him, protecting him, and the breaths softly rolling over the top of his head. He tried to put his hand in the bear's paw, but the colossal mitt was closed, holding something in it. Instead, he just hugged that big arm to his front, purring softly. To Darwin, it was heaven, something he not only loved but needed. Relaxing heavily, the cat just slowly faded into sleep, even as the bear stirred.

But that didn't last too long. He was stirred out of his pre-slumber trance by a rocking. He then realized he was rocking along. The bear had wedged his member between the cat's cheeks, tucked under his tail, and was slowly grinding. It felt a bit wet, too, slippery. He was still pretty drunk and half asleep, so the whole thing was fuzzy for him. He knew it felt nice, though, the teasing and wet rubbing. But the bear seemed to be trying something he shouldn't do, so the cat piped up.

"W-wait.. no.. no sex.. remember..." The cat tried to vocalize and form proper words, but he was drunker than he thought he was. He shuddered at the debilitating sensation of warm breath rolling into his ear as a deep voice followed it. "Shhhh shhh, pretty kitty... I'm just teasin' a pretty little kitty.." the bear gruffly whispered into the feline ear, still rocking and thrusting that thing between his cheeks. The cat whispered back, shuddering as the feelings did feel pretty lovely, "B-but it's wet.."

With a gentle nip at his ear, the cat shuddered, a deep whisper responding. "Aw kitty cat, don't you worry, daddy gets real wet when he's got a pretty thing like you. Can't blame a guy for gettin' excited, can ya..?" All the while, the rocking didn't stop. The cat WANTED to blame the guy, but really all he wanted at that moment was to feel that slippery flesh, wet and slick, slide against his hole. Its heat and slickness felt so luxurious. The cat just nodded.

And god, that dick. It was as if the bear had shoved a fist between his legs. It felt inhuman-- well, it felt like it didn't belong to an actual person. He had no way of telling how long it was, but with how wide it spread his cheeks and how blunt it felt, the thing had to be fat, extremely fat. It was probably easily thicker than his wrist by a significant margin. That was a problem. He fantasized about dicks that thick.

It wasn't that the cat didn't like what his boyfriend had. It was okay, and it hit the spots when the dog wanted it to. But the cat had always fantasized about those absurdly thick dicks that could really wreck a guy. There was something just so raunchy about being split open like that. Still, even if he wasn't going to have sex, a little heavy grinding wasn't so bad as a guilty pleasure.

It was so soothing to the cat, the feeling down there, that he felt himself relax more. The pushing was like a ceaseless massage at his backside. Sometimes the bear would push at the opening, but never hard enough to penetrate, though he was pushing more and more now. That heavy, fat thing throbbed often, and his backside was getting wetter and wetter. The bear did spurt pre rather copiously. At one point, that wide shaft pushed hard at his poor little pucker, managing to pry open the wet hole some. The bear held it there, and that fat dick throbbed once... then twice... then again before he finally relented. Rocking and grinding slowly, his backside felt wet and sloppy, almost loose. Many of the bear's thrusts were pushing apart his tiny tight opening, just a little. The bear had built a rhythm, thrusting forward, throbbing, rocking back, thrusting forward, throbbing, etc.

The cat had no concept for when the bear was jetting all that messy stuff and had no idea the sheer volume of bear precum that had already been fired into his body. The amount by then was generous, to say the least, as the bear was known for producing copious, constant pre. His dick was blunt, but his thrusts now were beginning to pry open that little pink hole, which was very well lubricated. The kitten made a few sounds as he was stretched open by the tip of that fat cock repeatedly. Eventually, the thing was pushing so hard and opening him so much it was hurting. Still, it scratched an itch to have that thick thing so lewdly and wetly spread his pucker.

Eventually, though, there was a hard enough push, and his body opened more. Yelping softly, the sleepy, disoriented cat grit his teeth. Blubbery, slick, wet flesh pushed and wedged against the cat. It wasn't 'til a moment later, the cat still in pain, that Darwin realized the bear had stuffed the head of that monster dick into him, and the thing sat like an apple holding open his poor rear, throbbing and firing more of that love juice.

Pained, the cat whimpered a bit; he complained softly, mumbling "w-wait.. too far.... stop..." and began to squirm, trying to get away from the bear weakly. A strong hand, balled up around something, pushed on his lower tummy, holding him in place. The bear put his hot breath and lips to the cat's ears once more. "Sshhhh girl shhh... it's ok, Daddy's just teasin'. You're such a pretty kitty. It's just a little tease. I know you can handle it. It's ok, kitty." As he said all of this, the bear was rocking back and forth, slowly tugging the broad rim of his head back, out of the pucker, and then back in. The word "tease" was odd for something far thicker than he'd ever had in there was slipping back and forth slightly.

Once again, the young cat just nodded. The drunken mind rationalized it was just teasing. Shuddering, he tried to relax and knew that the bear would stop if it got too far. Still, he moaned softly as the fat thing wedged back and forth that tiny bit inside him. It felt... great. It still hurt terribly, but there was just something incredible about the feel of something that huge inside him. He didn't really want this to end and closed his eyes as he gave in to the beautiful feeling.

It went on like this for a while; sometimes the bear would pull just past the ridge, sometimes he'd pull out. Either way, it was extreme for the kitty. He relaxed, still feeling pretty tired, and felt himself slowly slip away a bit. It was odd to fall asleep with a man inside you, but the slow, wet, repetitive motion was somehow hypnotic, like a massage. However, the feeling got better. It got better and better. Eventually, the cat groaned, moaning softly as he felt the bear slowly thrusting.

However, after a while, the cat realized the bear was now sinking half of his cock into him and never pulling out. He was still going slowly, but it was incredible. The bear's cock, 9 inches long and as thick as a beer can, stretched the little cat's ass obscenely. It was slowly wrecking him as it dug deeper and deeper with each stroke. The cat wanted it, too. His body wanted it. It felt amazing. He'd never really felt anything like this, as he'd never had something this thick, but he never knew it would be so different. His dick was rock hard and even leaked a little bit. Each time the fat glans passed over the cat's prostate, it made him throb.

Eventually, the cat was being filled by most of the bear's dick with each pass. It was far too intense a feeling, and the cat had sobered up slightly in all the time it took the bear to build up to here. As he became more conscious, he became more guilty. And soon, he whimpered. "n-no, I can't.. you're not even safe.."

Once again, the bear's breath was on his ear, now interrupted by grunts as he slowly fucked the cat deeply. "Rrfm.. oh girly mm... oh pretty kitty, don't you worry... I ain't gonna knock you up... I'm just lettin' my girl feel Daddy's thick--" And he accentuated this with a hard thrust, and flexing his dick, causing the cat to moan-- "cub maker... but I'm not gonna finish in ya, sweetie." And the cat just nodded quickly. He didn't even know if he cared. He just wanted to stop talking and for the fucking to continue. And boy, it sure did.

Soon enough, the bear was thrusting fully into the cat. He was occasionally hilting, filling the poor feline to the brim. The cat was panting now, and soon, his little hand was reaching down to grab his own erect member. The cat moaned as he stroked it, the feeling amazing while he was being fucked by that mind-blowingly large meat. Eventually, the cat felt himself get closer and closer. His mind didn't even work anymore, and the bear was thrusting harder. "Oh god, Daddy, please..."

That was when the bear did something unexpected. He stopped.

The little cat's ears stood, and he opened his eyes. He moaned softly as the bear slowly hilted again, grinding this time. "mmm.. pretty girl.. how 'bout you tell me what you want yer Daddy bear to do and where to put his load. Can you do that for me, kitty cat..? Or we could stop.." With this, the bear slowly pulled back until only the tip remained inside the wet, loose, abused rear.

His heart was racing, and he was panting. The cat squinted as he saw the light. It was very bright. One of the bear's paws was no longer with him but up. That hand must have been holding some kind of small flashlight. Even still, the cat just shut his eyes. He whimpered, trying to push back against that monster, but the strong bear wouldn't let him. Spitting out with his breaths, the cat begged. "Oh please, Daddy fill me up daddy fuck me please, daddy..."

That was apparently all the bear needed. He began to rock quickly, slamming his monster deep into the cat's depths, making him squeak sharply. The big bear growled deeply, terrifyingly, as he fucked the cat with abandon. However, all that edging and teasing had their toll, and soon the bear spat out a few swear words, "Shit-- Fuck...." And then bit into the shoulder of the cat. The cat cried out at the feeling, but the bear had surprisingly not broken skin, so his bite was much softer than it could have been. Still, the cat felt the pumping. He couldn't feel the cum going into him per se, but he could feel that monster dick surge up to the tip repeatedly as nearly a pint of hot, potent seed shot into the small cat's body, leaving him a feeling of heat slowly spreading deep within him. The cat panted, reaching down to stroke himself. It was all he wanted now.

A big bear arm pushed that hand away. The cat whimpered and turned his head to look at the bear, to protest. He saw the light, and it was coming from a cell phone. The bear had it aimed mostly at where the two were connected, where he was slowly humping, pumping in his load. After a moment, the light came off, and the bear put the phone down. The kitten was curious why the bear had shone a light on him, but mostly he just wanted to get off. Leaning in, the big bear kissed the cat's ear and mumbled. "Oh, kitty cat, Daddy wants you to feel good, but first we gotta make sure you carry a litter.." The cat had no clue what that was about, but soon, the big bear was rolling atop the little cat.

He squeaked; the bear was still inside him and had shown no signs of growing softer. As the bear repositioned, he propped himself up atop the feline, who was now panting into his own crossed arms. Licking his lips, he relished the site for a few more moments before rocking back and once again beginning to thrust. He was good like that, not caring that he'd just gone. He also knew he might take a bit longer this time around, but that was fine with him.

The cat moaned as he was fucked again. It was really all too much. He lay there as he was fucked once more by the big bear but eventually drifted. So exhausted, the cat fell asleep as the bear filled him with cum once more. He wasn't even sure if he had or hadn't gotten off; he was just sore.

There was pain. He was still being fucked. The cat moaned softly and wondered when it would end. There was a stinging at his backside, which hadn't been there before, and he wondered why it hurt now all of a sudden. Blinking his eyes open, while all he could see was blurry, the cat could see the light. It was so bright in the room suddenly. He realized, as his body rocked and his mind slowly started to recall what had happened, that it was morning. He had no way of telling what time, but he knew he was being fucked. The cat whined, opening his mouth to protest, but before he could, the bear thrust a few times, particularly roughly, into the cat and then hilted for a while, throbbing as he added to the mess deep inside.

Now wholly sober, the cat felt the impossibly heavy weight of guilt upon him. His lover, the love of his life, was coming back to town today, and he would see him this afternoon. The cat whimpered as he was still being pumped into. It seemed the time passed had been more than enough to fill the bear's generous balls. The bear just panted, holding on to the cat, almost amorously. Darwin felt sick. What had he done? He excused himself, tugging out of the bear's arms and slipping off into the bathroom, where he sat on the toilet. He sighed softly and then shuddered as an uncomfortably heavy drool of fresh and old seed leaked from him.

"Hey now, I didn't say you could get rid of that."

There stood the bear at the door to the bathroom. The massive brown figure took up the entire frame before he stepped forward. The cat was dumbfounded. He had no idea what to do or say. Soon there was a standing bear in front of him, a completely hard dick, fat as a coke can, glistening with fresh cum and now dripping a bit on his thigh. The smell was intense, but it wasn't very complicated. It just smelled of cum, unmistakable. Of the bear's cum. It was potent for sure. The cat shuddered and looked up at the bear, confused, exhausted, drained. Opening his mouth, the cat was going to speak, but suddenly a fat dick was pushed against it.

"Shhh girl, you ought to taste some of what I put in ya last night."

The cat whined around the fat cock. A heavy paw rest against his head and pushed. The bulbous head was so fat that he couldn't really get the whole thing in. Instead, the cat just suckled at it and lapped awkwardly. After a while of this, the bear released the cat's head. Instantly the little guy began to protest. "I-I don't really wanna do this anymore; I think you should go home. I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done this in the first place.."

The bear didn't respond. He just stared down at the cat coldly, like an inhuman predator, an animal, a beast. And then he brought up his phone, which had been in his right paw. He pressed, slid, tapped on that screen. And then the cat could see a poorly shot video.

The video was of a cat, shaking, begging to be fucked by what he was referring to as "Daddy," and then getting that fucking. The worst thing about the video was that it was him. Glancing up at the bear, tears forming in his eyes, the cat just saw that handsome face smile, almost sympathetically.