Twilight's Harem Havoc: Spike's Training Session

Story by TheCrimsonDM on SoFurry

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#5 of Twilight's Harem Havoc

Everyone else has been having fun with the Harem, since Spike's an adult and has the same needs why doesn't he get to play too? Well Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash have a surprise for him.

On Spike's way to Fluttershy's room he was stopped in the hallway by someone unsuspecting. Rainbow Dash had just left Fluttershy's room wearing a pair of red panties and a tanktop that was so tight her nipples poked right on through. He was a little curious as to what they might have been doing in that room all alone. She stopped in front of him and folded her arms over her chest with a smug grin. "Sup, little man."

"Well I might be little, but I am most certainly a man."

"Oh really now?" Rainbow Dash leaned forward the tip of her muzzle brushing against his snout.

Spike met her eyes. "Want me to prove it? I don't mind going to your room to do so."

Rainbow Dash stood up straight and laughed. "Man, your horny aren't you? Well I guess so am I, but I'm more interested in a sweeter treat right now. Let's meet up later so you can show me just how much of a man you really are."

"Sounds like a riot." He glanced at Fluttershy's door. "So, what were you doing in there?"

"Flutters made a few new callers for her soon to be pets. Man, the way she looks at animals unsettles me sometimes. I think she's probably had sex with a few."

Spike swallowed imagining what Fluttershy would look like on all fours as a manticore came waltzing up to her, giving a playful lick of her nether region before mounting her and rutting her into the apocalypse. Rainbow Dash must have noticed what he was thinking as she looked down at his pants. She reached out and grabbed his manhood through his trousers. "Man, you really are a man aren't you? I really will have to drag you to my room sometime."

Spike wasn't going to argue with that hand or what it wanted to do, but as Rainbow Dash let go of him he felt a little disappointed. He'd have to wait to ride that bird. For now there was another one. One who was totally not trying to have sex with animals... hopefully. Rainbow Dash left and waived good bye and he waved back. Now he just needed to go and confront Fluttershy.

Spike wasn't usually one for the really tall mares, preferring ones that were a little closer to his height. Not that he minded being smaller than most mares, but it just made it easier to interact with them. To make love and pleasure them. So his go to was usually Pinkie Pie if he wasn't finding Rarity or another mare. This time he found himself in Fluttershy's room in the castle admiring the very natural theme to it. The walls were covered in murals of nature and animals. A shelf lined with stone carvings, small statues and porcelain figures of various animals and magical beasts stood on one side. Aside from that most of the furnishings were pretty normal as far as Spike was concerned, though the bed was very green in color, something that probably drove Rarity up the walls.

Fluttershy was standing facing a body length mirror in her underwear. A pair of green panties and bra that didn't do much to hide her amazing slender and tall figure. She let didn't look back at him as she asked, "Are you here to ask me to make love to you?"

Spike swallowed, "So... that's the gist of it. Yeah."

Fluttershy was tying her hair into a ponytail. "Hmm, I do understand why they sent you here, but I'm not really into men."

Spike sighed. "I know. You're as gay as they come."

Fluttershy smiled in the mirror. "Not... quite. I know you're a fully grown dragon, well at least as fully grown as you can be without having a horde of gems and jewels. But... maybe if I don't think of you as a big dragon. Maybe it might work."

Spike swallowed. "What do you mean?"

Fluttershy pointed a hand at the bed. "See that green collar?"

Spike looked over and saw one on the bed. He walked over to it and picked it up. "Yeah, what about-" his words got stuck in his throat as he saw his name on it.

"Do you like it? I made it just for you awhile ago. Now be a good boy, strip off your clothes, fold them neatly and set them on the dresser nearby. Then you can put on the collar."

Oh, great she was into the weird stuff. Well Spike figured so long as it got him taken care of he could do some weird stuff. It might even be fun. He did as he was told undressing and setting the clothes down gently. Fluttershy actually turned her head to look at his rock hard member. "My word, Spike. How long has that been that way?"

"All, freaking, day. I can't seem to make it go down myself, so that's why I'm looking for some help."

Fluttershy frowned. "Oh you poor baby dragon, let me take care of you. Put on your collar and sit on the bed. I'll be there in a minute to help you calm down and relax."

Spike laid down on his back on the bed, feeling a little bit weird about the situation. He looked over and noticed Fluttershy adjusting her panties a little, revealing just a little bit more of that perfect pare shaped rear. She did turn around and face Spike giving him an almost innocent smile before walking over to the bed and climbing up next to him. She snuggled in close and held him by the waist, the tip of his member brushing against her fur. She didn't seem to notice, or care, instead she looked into Spike's eyes and smiled even more. "Don't worry, I'm going to take care of you, make sure your feeling all better. You're always such a good boy, Spike. I want to know what kind of things do you like?"

Spike swallowed. "You mean sexually?"

She nodded.

Spike looked down at his member. "I like sex. Blow jobs are pretty fun, so is anal but I think I'm a vagina man myself."

"Oh Spike, you're so sweet. Let me help you start to feel good then." her hand slid down towards his member before moving onto it and wrapping her fingers around it gently. Slow gentle strokes made Spike's member harder than before as opposed to softer but her hands were so soft and warm that all he could think of was the way she held him, the way her fingers moved up and down, just enough to slide all the way from the top to the bottom but not tight enough to threaten making him lose his load, just a teasing pleasure.

Fluttershy leaned forward, her lips growing dangerously close to Spike's. Spike couldn't help it as he smelled the scent of honey on those lips. He leaned forward, his lips meeting with hers in a brief, gentle kiss. Fluttershy began stroking harder as their lips pressed deeper into the kiss. Soon he felt her tongue brushing against his lips. He opened his mouth to invite the tongue inside and his tongue met with hers tasting that honey sweet flavor. His mind was fogging over as he she slowed her stroked again.

She pulled away and smiled. "Your quite good at that, and gentle too. This might work out very well."

She moved her head down toward his pelvis and he felt his body growing tense in anticipation as her lips neared the tip of his member. Precum glistened at the tip and her tongue reached out to clean it. Her tongue was hot and wet making his head spin from the simple contact. Her mouth moved his member and slid down over it. She slid him inside deeper and deeper, her tongue pressing hotly against his member and her mouth pressing tightly against it as she sucked. Her hand moved off his member and down onto his testicles gently holding them in her soft warm hand. The way her tongue coiled like a serpent around his shaft was unnatural and felt all too good. He couldn't help it as he thrust upward into her throat.

Fluttershy used her free hand to push him down and moved her mouth up and off of him. "Now, now, I know you're excited but be a good boy and let me take care of you at my pace. Or else you won't get any enjoyment at all, and I might have to punish you."

Spike swallowed. He wasn't sure what her punishment would entail but he was pretty sure he didn't want to know. Rumors had floated around about what kind of mare Fluttershy could be when put in the right kind of situation. Or sometimes the wrong kind. It was better to let her do her thing and be patient as she said. At least he was getting some action.

She moved her mouth over and lifted his member up with a tongue, slipping it back into her mouth. She still held him down by the pelvis, but it wasn't forceful, more like a gentle reminder of who was really in charge here. She slid her mouth up and down his shaft, sucking gently, the tight squeeze making his head swim and his body hot. He didn't even realize it until it was almost too late but the sensation had been so good that he was at his limit already.

He tried speaking, finding it hard to think clear enough to form words. "Cuming, soon."

She giggled, a muffled but playful sound as she doubled down on the speed of her mouth. That was it he couldn't hold it and felt his body twitch as his member pumped his hot seed down Fluttershy's hungry throat. Yet he was surprised to find she was swallowing every last hot ounce of his seed. She hardly even made a noise as she devoured all of it. Soon enough he was dry and she pulled up licking the tip of his member clean as she did. She let go of his pelvis and looked up at Spike with a pair of the most gentle, loving eyes he'd ever seen. "There, there, who's a good boy?"

Spike swallowed. "I am?"

"Yes you are, but oh no," She sat up and ran a finger over his shaft. "Seems like my good boy still has some energy left in him. I guess we need to let you play a little harder before you'll be satisfied."

Spike swallowed. "I mean, if you're cool with that. I'm not going to-"


Spike met her eyes. they were still kind and loving but somehow had hardened. "You get to say, bark bark, or okay, or yes mistress."

Spike chose the lesser of three evils. "Bark bark?"

She rubbed a hand over his head pushing his head spines around in weird angles. "Awwww, such a good boy."

She stood up and undid her bra letting it fall to the floor. She then slid her panties off revealing that she was drenched downstairs. So much so it was trailing down her legs. She frowned. "And I just cleaned those too."

She looked over at him and climbed up onto the bed. Spike could only swallow as she climbed over him spreading her legs and setting her lower lips just over the tip of his shaft. "You ready for the real fun?"

Spike nodded.

"What was that?"

"Bark bark?"

Fluttershy giggled. "Good boy."

Just like that she slid herself down and over his member. As he entered inside her Spike felt his body burning up. She was so hot inside and the way her inner walls squeezed around his shaft was insane. It was like she had full control of all of her muscles there making them squeeze down in just the right away to make him feel amazing. What surprised him the most was that once she was firmly seated on top of him, she didn't move. She sat there and smiled down at him. Yet he could feel it, the inner walls of her vagina were squeezing tight and then releasing that pressure almost like a wave over his rod. It started from his base squeezing all the way up to his tip and then released starting with the tip going all the way back down. This feeling was insane, how could she manage to make it feel like he was thrusting inside her even when they were sitting perfectly still.

Fluttershy whispered, "This is called milking the penis. A technique only true masters of the lustful arts can perform. So long as you stay perfectly still, I will make you climax, over, and over, and over again until you relax."

Spike's hands clawed about the bed seeking anything to hold on to. His entire body was on fire now. This feeling was impossible. Her soft rear was pressed against him yet she didn't move, she didn't need to. The waves of pleasure going throughout his member were too intense for him to withstand. If she kept this up he'd lose it again. Inside of her too.

Fluttershy's hands reached out and met with his. Their fingers entwined and he squeezed tightly as he felt the pressure building up in his shaft. He was getting close to another orgasm. From Fluttershy sitting still at that. This was insane. Fluttershy smiled so warmly down at him. "Oh, you poor dear, is this too much for you?"

"N-no," Spike managed to say through labored breaths. "More, please."

Fluttershy's vaginal walls closed down tighter, now the wave of pressure was moving up and down his tip alone. How in the world could anyone have so much control over their muscles was beyond him, but what he knew was that he was so close. He was trying to hold back so he didn't climax inside of her. Yet the gentle look in her eyes made him feel so safe in this bed. She whispered. "Go on, Spike. Fill me up."

Spike couldn't hold it any longer. He let go and felt it as an explosion of heat rocked through his body and his shaft pumped more of his hot life seed inside of her. Several minutes went by as her vagina moved gently helping to pump as much of his cum into her as it could. More and more until it was spilling out around the edges of her hole and onto himself. She continued to empty him until he gasped as his member now turning soft and sore. Fluttershy relaxed her vaginal walls letting him relax inside of her. He couldn't believe it, he hadn't even moved more than once since he got on this bed and yet his member was dry and sore from the activity. Fluttershy was some kind of sexual master if this was the experience he would get. This harem was probably the best thing he'd ever been able to be part of, and if he enjoyed it this much, how much did Twilight get to enjoy it?

Fluttershy leaned forward and laid down on top of him before placing his hands on her hips. She kissed Spike deeply before pulling back and then nuzzling the side of his cheek. "You're such a good boy, I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. I hope Twilight enjoys it too when it's her turn."

Spike looked over to the nightstand and noticed for the first time a second caller sitting on it. This one was red and had the name 'Twilight' on it. Oh yeah, Twilight was in for some trouble, but honestly, he couldn't care less. He nuzzled back into Fluttershy and smiled. This was an amazing experience and he was thankful for it.

Fluttershy whispered something that threw him for a loop, but at the same time made his heart soar. "I love you."

Spike replied, "I love you too."

Fluttershy's hands wrapped around him and she held him close. "Good, and I hope you love the others too because I think we all want a taste of our favorite dragon."

Spike laughed. "I do."

Fluttershy's body relaxed into him. "Good. Now be a good boy and hold me."

And like that Spike realized he might be in for a world of trouble too, but he wasn't going to complain. It was the kind of trouble he was just fine with.


Spike had recovered enough to get out of Fluttershy's room and with her sleeping peacefully he decided that there were probably better things he could do, maybe not better ponies, but better things. Going into the hall he realized much to his own shame he smelled like he'd been having sex for a few hours, and that was because he had. Fluttershy was not content until she actually passed out on him. So he'd taken his new collar and left.

Luckily for him no one was actually in the hall so he could easily make his way to the bath at the end and take care of a few things in peace and quiet. Going inside he realized that was a mistake. The bath was not empty. Rainbow Dash was lounging in the water, naked as the day she was born, her fur glistening and wet, the small breasts sticking up straight and vulnerable and her legs spread just enough that he could get a clear sight of her lower lips as she drifted through the water with her eyes closed.

Well he needed to take care of something first and then he figured he'd join her in the tub. After so much exhausting sex he needed to piss like no tomorrow and using the toilet was about as private as peeing behind a bush in public because Twilight refused to leave her place in line as the new Daring Doo book was coming out. An experience he would rather forget. Though relieving himself had never before felt so good. It was noisy as he stood there sure but it was satisfying.

A long low whistle blew from the bath followed by Rainbow Dash speaking. "Daaaamn, you really are equipped. What did Twilight feed you to make you that big?"

He rolled his eyes. "Nothing special, dragons just raise quickly and breed well."

"I'll bet. Eighteen years old and looking like that, jeez."

Once he was finished he lowered the toilet seat and flushed it before stripping entirely and jumping into the deep end of the bathing pool. Why there was a toilet in here too was beyond him, though it was seldom used except for when one wanted a soak but needed to relieve themselves too. Of course wasn't that also the point of having a heated bathing pool? Well he wasn't sure but he would never admit to peeing in the pool. That would get him on Twilight's bad side and quick.

Rainbow Dash swam her way over to Spike. Her lean muscles really showing off as she did. "So, has Twilight tried you out yet?"

He gave her a disgusted look. "RD, she's still my mom, even if we're not related."

"That just makes it hotter though, you could call her mommy and stuff."

Now Spike was imagining it, and it wasn't really the first time he had. However, he still had an image to uphold and so he had to feign disgust and disinterest in that idea. "Gross."

Rainbow Dash was right next to him now, her arm brushing against his. "You could call me mommy if you wanted."

Spike looked at her. "I... don't think that kink suits you."

"Yeah, you're right, I'm too cool for that. Leave that for Rarity or Fluttershy. I swear they both probably had kids at some point."

Spike nodded. "Sure, sure."

"No, seriously, like listen to this. What if Rarity is secretly Sweetie Belle's mom, and since she was too young to properly raise her, their parents pretended that they were siblings. And what if Scootaloo is Fluttershy's kid, one given away to adoption because Fluttershy was too young. So to fill that hole in her heart she turned to animals."

Spike swallowed. It was just a crack pot theory but the idea almost scared him. Almost. "Uh-huh."

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Or maybe I'm just talking to Pinkie Pie when we're both too high."

"You got high with Pinkie Pie?"

"Oh we got Derpy levels of high. Then we fucked. Then we ate. Then we fucked again this time on Twilight's bed."

"You two used Twilight's bed?"

"Well we used yours first."

Spike groaned. "Can't you two use your own beds?"

"Nah, where's the fun in that? You need to have the risk of being discovered for it to really be exciting. You know, like in a bathtub maybe?"

Spike stared at her. "Maybe, what are you thinking?"

Rainbow Dash bit her lower lip. "Well, you know."

Spike rolled his eyes. "You want to have sex here in the bath don't you?"

"Yeah, guilty as charged."

Spike looked Rainbow Dash up and down once more. His member had been a bit softer but now was growing enraged once more. It wasn't just him who noticed it either. Rainbow Dash made a sharp hissing sound as she stared down at it. "Oh my Celestia, it gets bigger? Now that, is, hot. How did Fluttershy take you?"

He shrugged. "She's good at what she does, so am I. Put it together and it works."

She met his eyes. "Put it in me and see if it does."

"Sounds fun."

She swam a little bit away from him and reached the edge of the bathing pool where she held onto a ladder railing and stuck her rear out. "Well, I'm waiting Mr, The Dragon."

Spike swam over to her and with one hand he held onto the railing, and with the other he pressed Rainbow's hips down against him. "You sure you're ready for this?"

"Yeah on one condition."

He rolled his eyes. "Sure, what is it?"

"You really are an adult right?"

He glared at her. "I am an adult, I'm just short because Twilight doesn't let me keep a dragon horde around. otherwise I'd be at least twice this size and well I don't think anyone could have sex with me that way. Besides you said it yourself, eighteen years old."

She began to grind her rear end against Spike's shaft. "Mmmm, good, than Twilight can't be too mad at me. Go ahead, pick a hole and fill me up champ."

Oh she was giving him a choice a now was she? She might regret that. Spike straightened out her hips and prodded her vagina with his tip at first. He had thought about going straight for the ass but decided against it. Some warm up was in the works. She cooed as his tip slid into her tight, hot hole. The walls squeezed around his shaft as it entered and he pressed himself in deep. Once all the way to the base, and one with Rainbow Dash he leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. For a moment she hesitated but she quickly kissed him back. He slid himself back out and pushed back in a few times as their lips met. Her inner walls squeezed tightly onto him and the soft moans she made were the kinds of sounds he never expected Rainbow Dash to ever make, so feminine, so passionate, so gentle.

Their tongues met and she loosed a particularly deep moan as he drove himself as deep as he could into her vagina forcing those walls open and making her body twitch with the motion. He felt like a god to be able to make her feel so much pleasure, but she had offered him a choice and he was going to abuse the hell out of it. He pulled himself all the way out and she groaned. "Spike, put it back, that felt so good."

"Hmm do you really want me to put it back inside of you?"

"Yes, please, Celestia yes."

"Okay then, you asked for it."

Spike moved his tip a little higher and pressed it against her tight pucker. Rainbow Dash had maybe a moment to realize what he had meant before he began sliding inside of her ass. This hole was even tighter at first, but as Rainbow Dash leaned her head forward and moaned deeply her rear entrance relaxed and he slipped inside even easier than her vagina. Seemed this hole had been used somewhat. Now stuffed to the hilt he felt her as her insides squeezed gently against his throbbing, hot rod. It was enough to make him want to finish then and there but he was going to ride this out as long as he could first.

He began with slow gentle motions pulling out all the way to the tip feeling it as her muscles tightened and tried to suck him back in. Only to push back in after he was done and letting her body resist him as it pushed against the intruder. The motions began slow, with each push making Rainbow Dash grunt. Soon they became faster and if not for the water they were submerged in he'd have heard his hips slapping into that tight small ass. Each thrust made Rainbow Dash grunt louder. She was biting her lower lip and her eyes were closed as he slammed deep and hard into that tight asshole.

His entire body was already hot and tingly. He had been close to finishing before but now it was even worse. It didn't help that Rainbow Dash was moving against him in rhythm to make the motions harder and faster still. She gasped and groaned deeply. "Spike, goddess, that's good!"

Spike thrust harder still feeling his head spin. His body was hot and he wanted to just keep rutting her until the end of time if it would always feel this good. Rainbow Dash's muscles clamped down on him as she let out a high pitched noise and her body grew tense. That was the end of him, as the tight squeeze was just enough to force him into an orgasm where he thrust as hard and deep as he could pouring all of his hot sticky love into Rainbow Dash's anal cavity. Filling her up with a seamen enema and making her insides hot and gooey.

The two of them staid that way, Spike leaning into Rainbow's back and kissing her neck as he held her in the water. They were docked and he didn't want to separate from her. She felt so warm inside, so gentle and soft. Rainbow Dash looked back at him. "You came inside me, idiot."

He kissed her cheek. "Oh it's just your ass, you can squeeze it out later."

She smiled at him. "Hey, thanks man. This was good."

"Don't thank me, thank Twilight for starting this harem thing to begin with."

The two of them giggled full well knowing that Twilight had no intentions of ever starting a harem and this whole situation was more luck than it was anything else. Good, hot, luck.

The door opened and Twilight Sparkle walked in. She took one look at Spike, her eyes widened and then she swallowed. "Oh... that's her ass isn't it?"

Spike nodded. "Yeah, it is."

Rainbow Dash giggled. "Yeah, it is."

Twilight licked her lips, her eyes firmly on where Spike's hips met with Rainbow Dash's ass. "I see... I'm just going to uh... get undressed now. You two can continue if you want."

Rainbow Dash looked back at Spike. "I take it that's permission for a round two, maybe we should move closer so Twilight can get a better view."

Spike swallowed. It had already come this far hadn't it. How long before that sacred trust between mother and son was completely shattered? Probably not long, but certainly not right now. "Alright, she could probably stand to take a few notes of how straight sex works anyway."

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