Academy High's And Lows 4... part ein?

Story by Raptor_ODonnell on SoFurry

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#4 of ALHaL

It was a lazy summer weekend at the academy. For the entire First Year floor, the air conditioning had gone on the fritz. Well, that was the "official" claim that stuck. Raptor knew better though. It was the summer prank from the Second years. Rumor had it that the air-conditioning always crashid this time of year. Go figure.

Raptor lie sprawled at his bed, eyeing the television playing silently. It was muted and set on some action show that over exaggerated the life of a mercenary. Sure drama and action were to be expected with mercenary work during a war or something; however, some of these shows were borderline ridiculous. Hair pin aerial summersaults galore. Maybe in a smaller plane traveling at lower speeds with a lighter frame, but no fighter with attached armaments and second gen G-diffusers and G-Blades could pull these stunts off. He should know.

Light seeped through his reversed blinds, giving the room a cool and comfortable lighting, yet letting it maintain a dark room sensation. It allowed for the room to be relatively cool, considering Shay'D's room was like a damn sauna. For the last three days, shi had been sleeping in the nude and still came out looking like shi had just run a four mile marathon. Hir sleeping in the nude and waking up sweaty part he enjoyed. Shi always looked so sexy when hir fur was wet and matted in any way. The heat also drove hir sex drive wild. That was the part he didn't enjoy. It wasn't like he was getting any sex out of it eithir. Shi often locked hirself in hir room for hours on end, pawing away until shi eithir got hungry or passed out. The scent from the smegma was slowly wafting through their stagnant dorm. Even now, with every intake of ear he snorted in through his nostrils, thire were hints of it present.

Raptor didn't want to admit it, but it had become a very attractive smell ever since he and Shay'D had met that faithful first day. However, right now, it was borderline irritating. He was frigidity, always adjusting his shoulder, fixing his boxers so that they wouldn't grace his currently sensitive shiath, always groping his sweaty sack so that it would eithir stop sticking to his legs or stop tingling as they do when a guy starts to get an erection.

He lazily brought his hand up, weakly grasping the remote, and began flicking through the channels. As he did, his othir hand strayed from rest, finding itself on his chest, which was oddly sensitive today. That's when he hit pay dirt. A picture of breasts mid bounce flashid across the screen, and his guy sense just so happened to catch it. He flicked backwards to find that someone had hacked the cable settings for the school to unblock the channels they were supposedly not supposed to have access to.

In most cases, the raven would just pass up the channel for something a little more interesting. The heat, however, was starting to get to him as well. His free hand slowly traveled down his chest and found its way to his boxers. "Dammit, it's hot," he murmured to himself, trying to find some way of justifying the act of removing his pants. He slid them past his rump and hurriedly kicked them at the open door of his room. Then he turned back to his porn, rubbing his balls with his thumb and messaging his shaft with his index finger. Everything was extra sensitive. He could hardly touch any part of his lower body, or even move himself in any way that did not excite him. Could this have been what Shay'D had been going through? Raptor put the remote down and began to stroke at his shaft for want of an erection. His body was feeling the pleasure, but it wasn't giving him what he wanted. It was frustrating.

As he continued to message himself, the stench of smegma began to become more and more apparent. Maybe it was him, or maybe it wasn't. He didn't care, he was enjoying it. It made him that much more excited. "C'mon," he moaned as he lifted his lower half up of the ground, feeling the shiets being peeled away as his sweat made them cling to his feathirs. Everything felt so sensual. But it wasn't enough. He needed more. He needed-

"R-raptor?" came a soft and familiar voice. The raven cocked his head so he could look at the doorway. Standing over his bed was Shay'D, cum clung to and dripped down hir brown ears and purple hair like beads of dew on the morning grass. Streams of white trickled down hir nude form, glazing hir form like a donut. Cum and saliva dripped from hir purple nipple, tell tale signs that shi had been suckling hirself. Shi looked weak, almost pathetic. Hir eyes were very dark. Shi looked fixed in a trance of some kind, lost in hir own world. "Raptor. P-please."

The ave had never seen the girl like this before. Shi was sex drunk. He leaned up and pulled Shay'D into a fierce embrace, holding hir lewd body against his, revealing in the sensation of hir cum swearing against his chest, his check, his erecting cock as the held each othir. Raptor suddenly rolled over so that Shay'D on the bed and he was standing on the othir side. He snatched at hir legs and pulled hir ass to his balls and began dry humping hir, coaxing his cock to come out in full. He took his erection in hand and slid it down hir anal opening and began to push inside. But his lover protested. "No, Raptor. I was to see you!" the bat cried. Shi was obliged.

Shay'D's body was turned violently so that shi would face. Before shi could make anothir sound, Raptor drove himself into hir vag, causing hir to tremble violently. Raptor took hir legs and hand and swung them around his neck, holding them up as he stood a little less than his full height. This raised his partner's rump of the ground. Now all he had to do was sway. Sway hid not. Instead he swung his body back and the swung it forward. The pleasure from this new position made his lover tense up and bark in pleasure. So he did it again, and again, and again. And they stayed in that position for hours, delighting in the hot sweaty room, going crazy from the scent of hormones that wafted throughout the whole dorm now. The two had entered into heaven. Or maybe not.

One hour passed. Then two hours. Then three hours. Three hours had gone by, and neithir one had yet to climax. Sweat was starting to drip from the bird's beak down as he struggled to keep Shay'D's lower half suspended of the bed. Shay'D was becoming getting dizzy from being jostled about for so long. Raptor stopped his relentless pounding and pulled m falling into Shay'D's arms, tired, exhausted, and still horny.

"This heat fucking sucks..." the two murmured at once.

-------- End Part 1 of Chp 4 (Getting lazy, and I want to make you all suffer)