FAP: The Second Night

Story by TheCrimsonDM on SoFurry

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#2 of FAP

Moonglow has her mission, to go out to the town of Glittershine and to do the Queen's bidding. This seems to include doing a particularly happy, bouncy pig girl

The Second Night

Monday 10AM 04/02/1992

It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining its orange glazed radiance across the land. Looking out from the balcony of her room in the castle, Moonglow could see the endless fields of blue grass, waves rippling through it as the wind past by. In the distance she could make out the town of Glittershine, and just past that the green sea, its glittering water like a sparkling sea of emeralds on the horizon.

Moonglow's mission was a simple one. She was to go to Glittershine and once there act as Queen Lillian's liaison, as her presence in the town and to help with whatever duties she was required to do as well as find a way to spread the queen's love to the town. It would not only be great practice for her to become stronger, and to get a better understanding of what her role may be like down the road. It also meant she'd be getting some real world experience outside of the castle. Not that she hadn't been on solo missions before, but a trip to the convenient store probably didn't count.

If there was any solace, the castle was only a short distance away, and she was only expected to stay there five days of the week. Roughly Monday through Friday, on the weakened she would get to come home and stay with the Queen. This sounded like the perfect job for her, and it wouldn't take her away from Queen Lillian either. The last one was important, though she would be willing to stay away for as long as Lillian needed, it would be a heavy toll on her heart when she needed Lillian's touch, she needed it like she needed air to breathe.

She shook her head clear of the thought. The constant heat lust she was in, much like everyone else, was annoying, but it would not stop her from her mission. Though it might make it more challenging. Still clothed in a white bathrobe, she adjusted her glasses and then smiled. This little bunny was going to do great things, she was sure of it.

She quickly threw on her pink fuzzy slippers and grabbed her side pack and walking stick. It was a smooth, and crooked thing, thick and strong. The unassuming nature of it helped disguise its true power as well. For it was not just a walking stick, but served as her wizard's stave. While some wizards would place gems, or obvious runes into their staves, hers was simple, natural, and practical. For she was a follower of the Mother of love, the worship was also known as the path of love.

Unfortunately the stave was pretty much just for show. Her unique form of magic was useless with such implements. But it was about showing her role in the world.

She made her way out of the castle, and down to the stables. There she already had a giant blue snail and cart waiting for her. She climbed aboard, and with a single command, got the giant snail moving. A giant snail that moved at a pace faster than she could walk, though perhaps not faster than she could run. She was off to the town, first order of business, finding out where she was going to be staying.


It took just over an hour but she did eventually arrive at the town of Glittershine. The town was built along the top of a cliff, with roads and even a few structures built into the sides of the cliff face itself. The cliff overlooked a massive expansive of beach. The place was often quite popular with people going on vacation, and as such had somewhat of a tourist town nature to it. Though she was not here for that.

Going forward into the town she made her way, crawl by crawl toward the outskirts of town. A lone hill stood overlooking the entire town and upon it stood a tall stone tower with moss growing along the sides. There was no visible entrance to the tower itself, instead there was a round door built into the side of the hill, round windows stuck out as well letting her get a glimpse of the warm brown wood interior.

She pulled up to the stable built outside and holstered her snail into it. She looked at the snail realizing that it was hers. She had heard its name, but read the collar around its neck once more to be sure. "Suds... odd name but fitting enough I would suppose." She made sure that there was plenty of water and food for it in the stable before leaving. She'd grown up learning how to care for the beasts of burden as it was an important task of any princess, or so Queen Lillian said.

Not that she counted herself as a princess, at least not by choice or trade. She was adopted by the queen and saved from a terrible fate. Given a new chance at life, and a purpose she served the queen faithfully, yet it did make her the princess.

Once she reached the door she pulled an old worn key from her side pack and unlocked the door. Opening it to reveal a spotless interior. Not a speck of dust or dirt was left. There was also plenty of furniture here. It was built for someone a little taller than herself, but not so much so that it was awkward. Stepping inside she closed the door behind her and flicked the light switch. The crystals flickered to life above her and cast their warm light all around the entrance hall.

If she was going to stay here she may need to do some redecorating, but for the moment it would serve its purpose and serve it well. She was also told to open up a letter once she arrived here. So she set her side pack down on a small table and opened it up. Inside she found the letter, among a few supplies she needed. The letter was written by Queen Lillian, and with some luck only had one damp smudge on it from her fingers. She opened it up and read the letter.

"Once here, you will meet your first contact. A bouncy girl by the name of Penny Piggy. She's part of the Piggy family line and their old friends of mine. She will be a great assistant to you while you're here. Don't forget to use her more... intimate skills to your pleasure. I know I will take advantage of them once I get the opportunity. With love, Mommy."

Her cheeks were warming up as a small blush took over. From the idea of using someone for... intimacy, someone other than Queen Lillian, to having the queen write down the word mommy at the end of the letter she was entirely embarrassed. Still her heart was warmed up by the last word. She carefully folded it, slid it back into the envelope and then found a safe place in the drawer of a writing desk to keep it. She would read it again later, a few times to remind her of the warmth and love that she came from. Because for the first time in many, many years, she was going to find herself living alone.

For the moment her mind wasn't focused on that. Instead she was thinking about this Penny character that she was sure to be meeting soon. She carried her side pack with her looking around the house. This place was built into the earth and went down several levels. The bedroom seemed to be on the top level, and there was a door in the kitchen that had a small window showing a stone staircase leading up into the stone tower. The door was locked.

She'd investigate all of this later.

She went back to the front door, admiring her new warren. She was about to leave and investigate the town to find this Penny person when there was a knock at the door. She opened it up and saw a pig girl with bright pink fur, and curly magenta hair. She snorted in a playful giggle as she looked down at Moonglow. The woman was a little over five feet in height, had large bouncy breasts, a large round ass, and was a little pudgy around the middle. Very much the perfect representation of a round, sexy piggy.

"Hiya, my name's Penny!" She snorted again in a giggly bubbly tone. Her overalls and white t-shirt seemed barely able to contain her bouncing breasts and ass. "You're Moonglow I take it!"

Moonglow nodded. "Yes, the one and only. Penny Piggy, you're to be my assistant while I carry out my work here are you not?"

Penny nodded, and skipped inside. Though Moonglow was used to living a castle where people would come and go as they pleased in the public areas, she was fairly certain that her own home here was not a public venue and that just skipping into someone's house was a violation of privacy. Though she didn't care too much at the moment Penny had skipped past her and stopped to bend over and look at the floor. That ass was giant and perfect. Nothing at all like the lithe but large ass of Queen Lillian, this ass was fat, chunky, and more than anything else, it made her hungry.

Penny had to wipe a hand at her lips to keep herself from drooling as Penny stayed bent over, just staring at the floor. Moonglow closed the door. The midday sun was starting to rise, and soon she would need to go out and do something. Something that hopefully didn't involve a giant delectable ass.

She swallowed. "Penny, why are you looking at my floor?"

Penny glanced back at her. Wiggling those hips as she bounced in place. "Oh my gosh! You didn't know? This place is made out of Firewood. It sure looks light brown, but you'll never actually burn it."

"How do you know that?"

Penny stood up and jumped in place, spinning around to face her. She was certainly bouncy, that was an accurate description. "Oh, I'm a fisherwoman, go fishing to make money for the town and stuff you know. I actually work with a ship made of firewood, not that we like, expect fire on the sea or anything, but it's nice to know we won't burn down, teehee."

She nodded. "Fisherwoman... I see. And why... why do I need a fisherwoman as my assistant?"

Penny offered a warm, gentle smile. "Because I have all the connections in this town. You might see this town and think it's just a tourist trap, right?" Moonglow nodded. "Ah but you see, the real money comes from fishing. There's really only tourists here for a few months out of the year, the rest of the time we rely on fishing and so I have knowledge and connections all over the place. Need to talk to the mayor Lady Snowflake, I'm your piggy. Need to speak with the head rancher Freya, that's my beautiful butt that finds them, need to have someone to spank for some sexy fun times, that's gonna be me."

That was a lot of information in a very short burst. The last one had thrown her for a loop and now she couldn't look away from those hips. After a moment Penny hooked a finger around one of the buttons holding her overalls up and thumbed it playfully. "The queen did tell you that my family's always had a uh... special connection to royalty right?"

Moonglow nodded. "Yes, she told me I could make use of your... skills. That you might have some ass for me, gah! I meant assets."

Penny leaned forward, pouting her lips. "Everything you just said is true, especially the ass part. Do you... wanna try?"

Moonglow gulped. "W-what do you mean?"

Penny turned around and began walking away. "Follow me, I'll show you. You are a princess right?"

Moonglow followed her. "Technically speaking, yes. Though it is not my adoption that has given me my position, I have earned this place as Mommy's liaison through hard work."


"Oh shoot, I meant Queen Lillian, please don't tell anyone I called her that... that's... private."

Penny smiled. "Oh... I won't tell anyone, if you use my skills that is."

They walked to the bedroom. Penny opened the door and walked in. She flipped the light switch without even looking for it, as though she'd been here before. There was a rather large bed set up with it's headboard against the middle of the large spacious bedroom. A fireplace, several wooden dressers, a walk-in closet and even a second bathroom was connected to here. The red rug covering the floor had the image of a bathtub sewn in and it was clear who had decided that was going to be the picture.

Penny reached the bed, put her hands palm down on it and stuck her lovely giant ass out toward Moonglow. "Close the door would you?"

Moonglow did so. "Um... so if I use your skills, you won't tell anyone I call the queen mommy?"

"Of course, I'm a woman of my word you know."

Moonglow took a few steps toward her and her eyes were firmly locked onto that giant ass. "W-what do I do?"

Penny wiggled her ass playfully. "Oh, are you playing innocent?"

Moonglow shook her head. Her eyes wouldn't leave that ass, no matter how hard she tried. The way the overalls perfectly fit that rump was just too amazing. The springy little tail sticking out didn't help none too much either. "I... um... well..."

"Have you ever had sex?"

"Such a forward question!" Moonglow would have been insulted if she wasn't really hopeful of where this was leading too. "other than practice... only with the queen."

Penny giggled. "Oooo incest, I can get behind that. Even if you're clearly not related by blood, it's still hot."

Considering that a common eighteenth birthday ritual was to let the newly awakened member of the family mate with whatever family they could shove into a room with them. Well incest was rather commonplace, though not necessarily talked about much.

"Okay then, you have some idea of what we're about to do. We're about to fuck."

Moonglow's eyes darted up and met Penny's blue eyes. "Language! I-I... I'll do this with you, but please don't use naughty words."

"Oh, so cute! Alright, I'll try not to swear for you cutie." She eyed Moonglow up and down. "Not a lot to work with but I love the bathrobe."

"What does that mean?"

"It means strip."

Moonglow blinked. "Strip what? Do you want me to strip the wood down or something? I might be magic, but I don't have the right tools."

Penny giggled again. "Oh my gosh, so cute! I meant take off all of your clothes."

"OH! that kind of... strip..." Moonglow's heart was racing. Sure she'd let others see her naked before, but knowing this was going to end up in sex made this more... embarrassing. She steeled herself. She really didn't want anyone to find out she called the queen such terms in private, it would be a horrible blow to her reputation, and possibly that of the queen's. So if she wanted to keep Penny's silence, she would have to do this, but then again, looking at Penny's body, she didn't mind. She grabbed the sash of her bathrobe and undid the loop, then stripped out of it. Letting it fall to the floor around her. Unlike back in the castle though, she was wearing panties and a bra this time.

Penny eyed her up like she was a piece of treasure and she was a kobold. She licked her lips. "Go on."

Moonglow was wearing pure white for her undies today. She undid the hook to her bra, and then dropped it to the floor. Next came her panties. Once she was fully naked she stood once again, her legs pressed together tightly, trying to hide the trail of viscous fluid running down them but failing to hide her lust.

Penny swallowed. "My goddess... you're really sexy."

Moonglow glanced up at her. She knew she was rather petite and didn't have a whole lot to work with here. "Really?"

"Oh yeah you are. I like 'em skinny like you."

Moonglow offered a weak smile. "I... I think you're sexy too."

"I can tell, you keep staring at my ass. I assume this is what you want isn't it?" She slapped her fat rear end to make the point clear.

Moonglow nodded. Afraid that if she spoke, the spell she was under would be broken and the mood soured somehow. She was utterly nervous about doing this with someone without the queen present to... guide her, but she was ready for it. She was an adult, she could handle sex with someone besides the queen right?

Moonglow walked over to the bed, each step she felt her confidence waning. She was terrified she wouldn't be good enough for Penny. Still she got onto the bed and lay down. "Um... is... is this right?"

Penny giggled. "What? I thought you've had sex before?"

"O-only in the bath... the Queen lives in the bath."

"I see, first time in a bed, that's odd. Most people lose their virginity in a bed, or in a car, but oh well." Penny walked around to the side of the bed. She leaned over, but didn't fully climb onto the bed yet. she kicked her shoes off and then brought her face dangerously close to Moonglow's. From here she could smell the fresh, minty breath of Penny's. She may have only recently brushed her teeth. "So... how do you like it?"

"Um... um... I, I don't understand."

Penny giggled and pressed her lips against Moonglow's. For a moment Moonglow's entire body froze. Her face was on fire, her hands gripping the blanket beneath her tight. Then she kissed back. Gentle, soft kisses, she could taste the mint flavor of Penny's mouth. And though she heard the occasional snort, Penny wasn't laughing, she was kissing her back, gentle, soft, and hot.

Soon she felt something wet and hot brush against her lips. A tongue. Moonglow opened her mouth and tenderly reached out with her own tongue. Their tongues met, and for a moment they gently ran around each other, dancing a slow, steady dance as her mouth senses were filled with Penny's flavor, it was sweet and minty and with a hint of bacon.

Penny and her kissed like this for several minutes. Moonglow's body was burning with desire by the time Penny finally pulled away leaving a trail of saliva bridging between them. Penny's eyes met her own, they were so soft, so full of warmth and love. "I see, so you're a gentle person. I like that. Maybe you'll learn to be rougher later, but I'll treat you with gentle love for now."

Moonglow barely understood what she meant. She only nodded in response. "I like gentle."

Penny stood up straight, she grabbed one of the buttons to her overalls and undid it. The overalls folded forward, letting one of her breasts bounce freely. She giggled as she grabbed the other button then stopped. "Mmm, you'll have to earn the other one."

Moonglow blinked. "E-earn, b-but I thought I was um, using your skills."

"Oh you are, but it's more fun this way. Teehee." Penny climbed up onto the bed. She crawled over Moonglow, with that giant beautiful rear facing Moonglow's face. Before Moonglow fully understood what was going on. Penny had sat down onto her face, forcing that giant ass over her muzzle and almost suffocating her with its thickness. Penny purred. "Smell my butt."

Well Moonglow didn't have much choice in this position. Though from here, she could smell her ass, and her bacon-scented musk. In fact, Penny's overalls were a little damp around the groin, and the scent of her musk was filling Moonglow's mind with a foggy lust. She groaned from the scent alone as her body was burning, begging for release. If it wasn't for the fact that her hands were currently squeezing that large ass, trying to hold it up just enough to let her breath, she'd be furiously schlicking herself, even with Penny watching.

Penny giggled. "Oh, you like it don't you. Kiss it. Kiss my ass."

Moonglow groaned again. "B-bad word." Yet that was the only complaint she made as she began planting her lips to that ass, kissing it. Over and over again she kissed that ass. Taking deep inhales of the scent, letting her body burn up with desire and moaning from the scent and the feeling of the ass alone.

Penny let out a moan herself. "Sorry about the, bad word, but golly, you're so hungry. I just want to screw you hard here and now."

"G-gentle." Moonglow begged.

"I know." Penny ran a hand across Moonglow's tits, flicking over her erect nipples playfully before giving them a gentle squeeze with both hands. "Oh, you've earned your reward."

Penny rolled over and off of Moonglow's face. Though Moonglow could breathe freely again, she hungered for that ass to come back to her. Looking at Penny she watched Penny take off the last button, and then slide her overalls down and off of her body. She was not wearing any panties. As she threw her shirt off, it was revealed she wasn't wearing a bra either.

With Penny's sex fully exposed, Moonglow could only watch in amazement at the sheer amount of thick fluids running down her legs and onto the blanket. She was far hornier than Moonglow could expect, but then again looking down at the puddle that had formed between her own legs from the constant drooling of her hungry pussy, she knew that she wasn't much better.

Penny rolled back over. Returning to mounting Moonglow's face, this time with her large exposed ass shoved down over Moonglow's muzzle. She then bent over and using her hands to spread Moonglow's legs open wide, she brought her large, hot tongue to bear against Moonglow's pussy. Each lick sent bolts of lightning up her spine and caused a loud guttural moan to escape her lips.

Of course now that she was unclothed, Moonglow had access to that which she desired most. She used her hands to spread those large pink ass cheeks open wide and saw the dark ring of Penny's pucker. As well as the winking lips of her pussy. She brought her mouth first to Penny's pussy, licking at it like she had done to the queen many times before. Though it caused Penny great pleasure as she moaned through her own actions, it wasn't until Moonglow's tongue slid up to Penny's asshole that she got a near screaming level of ecstasy from the piggy.

If Penny liked her asshole that much, maybe Moonglow would just stay here. Lick, after lick, she kept massaging that back door with her tongue. While Penny returned the favor to Moonglow's pussy in turn. They continued to eat each other, hungry, fast licks. Plunging tongues. And heat that made her head spin with dizzy pleasure.

Soon she felt herself going stiff. Her muscles burning with pleasure. Her mind went blank as her nethers erupted with a wave of hot seizing pleasure that rippled through her body. Her pussy shot forth a spray of hot love juices that covered Penny's mouth.

A moment later Penny was groaning as her body trembled above her. Her love juices practically rained down across Moonglow's face and neck as she came in return. Only once they'd both cum over each other did Penny roll over once more.

Moonglow was left laying there, panting and smelling the hot lust in the room. She looked over at Penny who had closed her eyes and was making a quiet snorting sound as she slept there. The poor girl came hard enough to pass out. Or perhaps that was normal for her.

Then again losing one's store of lust energy after a climax could often hit hard, so sleep wasn't exactly uncommon.

For Moonglow she simply closed her eyes, reached over and grabbed Penny's hand in her own, holding it tight as she relaxed in the afterglow of sex. Penny whispered, revealing she wasn't as asleep as she thought, "Wanna get some bacon later? I'm hungry."

Moonglow felt odd about that. "I'm not sure how I feel about eating out what I just ate out."

"More for me then."


Moonglow: level 5

Penny Level 6

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