The Portal Games: Sanmer's Promo

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#2 of The Portal Games

The mad scientist has caught my eye, and his skills may serve him well...if he can keep his mind off of dick and domination...

The Portal Games

Sanmer's Promo

Sanmer was busily dissecting the latest findings of his rubber experiments when it happened. Prior to that, the white fox had been just as busily working his mouth up and down one of the rubber cocks attached to one of his rubber experiments. Condom-covered, of course; when you were working on mutagenic compounds, you took the time to go through the caution checklist before you got around to listening to your dick.

Even if his was rather talkative.

The white fox sealed the hydraulic door behind him, locking his subjects behind it. One of them was unlucky enough to shove its hand through the door, the liquid-latex that formed its body cut clean from the sudden slam. He looked down at the twitching digits, curious if it would turn into a zombie hand and attempt to open the door.

No such luck, no such entertainment. It went limp, completely dead now that it was detached from the main body. Shaking his head, Sanmer leaned down, tested it for life with a few pokes and prods, then tossed it through the food chute to send it back to its owner. The soft squeal-squeak of joy from the other side implied that the subject that had lost it was overjoyed to get it back.

He wondered, briefly, if it was possible for them to reattach their lost limbs. Hmm. Now, that was an experiment.

"Heh, steady, steady," the fox said, shaking his head. "You have to finish this one first, then you can start another one. Scientific process, remember?"

That was the only way to keep advancing all these little projects. Cock-milkers, latex conversions, and bondage-bots aside, there were genuine scientific questions to be answered from the applications of his various inventions. Not many that he actually cared about, to be sure, but the fox knew that those that footed the bill always wanted something to show off wherever they presented their findings.

Well, his findings. But as long as they paid, they could pretend that they were the ones to figure it out.

Pulling his lab coat back on properly and tucking his sheath away, Sanmer made his way down the long hallways of this particular lab. He was thinking of getting a new one before long. All that money had to go somewhere, and one could only dig so far down in a volcano before you reached a point of no return. Pity that all those villain shows were so deceptive about that; he would have liked to see if he could get all the way to the center of the earth. There were probably some interesting dragon species down there that would be all too enjoyable to break in...

He licked his lips. The mere thought of having a few dozen dragons pulled from the lower parts of the planet, powerful, easily controlled with his science...

His shaft started popping free of his sheath again, and the arctic fox shook his head. Science first. Science first. He would need some more mind control devices if he ever found something like that, after all.

It didn't take long to make his way from the lab to one of the data-entry rooms that he kept scattered around the facility. As he pulled a wheeled chair over, sliding his tail into the hole in the back before getting comfortable, he had to resist the urge to pull his dick out and edge a little to his fantasies. The idea of coating them and caging them, putting them in nice comfy cages while getting their cocks conditioned to obey, their minds eager to listen to their foxy master, was a very enjoyable one.

Not that useful or sellable, though, save for on the black market. While he had some contacts that were still in the business of buying up sluts that were broken and ready for use, he wouldn't get nearly as much as he needed by focusing on that business.

Instead, he forced his hand back from his cock, thinking of the moment at hand. Sanmer tapped his lips, thinking about how he wanted to put this, and then started typing.

"Subjects experienced rapid shifts with latest application of the mutagen. Latest batch went beyond merely coating or transmuting the skin on a surface level. Full internal transformation, with organs shifted and rearranged for survival purposes. No casualties."

He paused, thinking about the last time he'd lost a subject. It hadn't happened in a long time, but it was something that was a constant risk at the level of transformation that he attempted. Thankfully, it had been fast; the brain shutting down by being altered to non-conductive latex had meant that the signals allowing it to realize or be aware of...anything, really, had simply stopped firing. The body had collapsed instantly, and the subject in question hadn't shown any spikes in pain or anything like that.

But that was a long time ago. It hadn't happened since, and now, he'd figured out how to properly latex-ify living beings so that they were more flexible, more energetic.

More controllable, too.

He kept tapping away at the keyboard, idle fantasies of other creatures to bring down, other experiments to run, idling away in the back of his mind. In truth, he was getting rather bored of all the different experiments that he had been running. While the results were physically rewarding, there was a limit to even what mad science could accomplish on living bodies. Too many limits had already been reached, and now, he'd discovered a way to completely convert someone into a latex being without depriving them completely of free will - all the time - and keep them alive in the process.

It was getting almost...dull. He needed something -

A vibrating, impossible sound ripped through the air and the table behind him, and when Sanmer turned, he saw a black-rimmed hole in the air, one that opened onto a different location. The fox was aware of portals as a concept, but this was the first one that he had ever seen that actually worked. With one eyebrow lifted, he approached it, watching the blue seas of a distant land whip by.

From his pocket, he pulled out his scanner. It was vaguely the size of a small TV remote, thin and slight enough to fit in the palm of his hand, with an extendable antenna on the top. He gestured it at the portal, only for it to return unreadable results. Whatever energies powered it, it was beyond his ability to scan.

He was just looking up from the scanner when a black tendril - not dissimilar from some of the earlier, failed experiments, he thought with some irony - lashed out of the portal and grabbed him. It yanked him through, but rather than yelping, the fox smiled.

After all, this was technically impossible. And he loved the technically impossible.