The Right Way to Rave

Story by Amanixice on SoFurry

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Byron: After having a rather stout drink, Byron would make a slightly sour face, having already doused a few prior to this one. Setting the glass down at the bar in the corner, he'd soon turn back to the crowd of hands being thrown up in the air, with a rather eager grin. The bass sounds would give off a pulsating vibration throughout the building, as the lights flashed vibrant colors, throwing expression into the atmosphere like confetti. Dressed in a more fitting attire, Byron was suited with rather open and baggy bottoms, and a simple sleeveless t-shirt top, having a glow stick around his neck of a bright green, and two pink ones dangling from his belt loops. Making his way back into the seemingly tranced audience, Byron would push his way through gently until a familiar face was once again spotted.- "I'm back!" -Byron would yell out, his only means of being able to make Vince hear him. Within moments Byron would be behind Vince once more, returning to the spot he'd once been in before grabbing a drink. The wolf could certainly move his body to the rythm, and have fun while doing it. With a rather naughty display, Byron would grind gently at Vince's rump, waving his hands softly with a bit of a chuckle.- "I'm glad we could make it away from home for a while... We should do this more often!" -The wolf's green eyes would flash gently with all the vibrant lights in the air, the people around them all seeming to be dazed by the hypnotic music.-

Vince: Giving a slight peck to the wolf's lips, the smaller Vince would wave towards the other as he moved off to grab a drink.- Silly. Gonna end up getting pissed drunk before we even hit it hard tonight. -Chuckling softly, Vince would idly play his body in tune with the music until a stranger approached him with an obvious look in his eyes. It would be rather hard to not really be attracted to the small blue and white fured wolf that was dressed in loose pants, a daring black vest with no shirt and several brightly glowing neon glow sticks about his neck and wrists.- Nu-uh. Someone else is the lucky guy. -Pushing the other one away, the wolf would twirl slightly as he saw Byron come back up to him, a grin on his lips. Moving an arm backwards to wrap slightly about the other's neck he would lean slightly into the other as he allowed his so much more feminine curve filled body to sway hypnotically to the music back up against the other.- I can't agree more, love. -Despite the low tone of the wolf's voice, his soft, tempting voice was enough to break past the loud noises about them. The lights would blink off for a moment as a new song entered before once again every inch of the club was filled with flashing bright lights.- I'm really glad you made me come to this place. I didn't think I'd actually like it. -Smiling up towards his dominant partner, the wolf would give a peck at the other's cheek.-

Byron: As Vince wrapped his arm around the other's neck from behind, Byron would begin to run his hands down the smaller wolf's curved frame, Byron simply tranced by his lover infront of him alone, even outside of the music and dance. Chuckling softly, Byron would look up as another song had started, the wolf murring out to the feel of the beat beneath his feet.- "I'm glad you like it Vince, heh... These raves can be a lot of fun." -Byron spoke gently close to the other's ear, returning the kiss before moving into a sway with the other as well. Running his hands along the other's chest from behind, Byron would lean in, nipping at the other's ear.- "Vince... The way your body moves on the dance floor..." -Byron began to chuckle, pausing for a moment before leaning in once more.- "You're giving me a boner..." -Byron blushed softly with a sheepish grin, though soon the wolf would continue to grind into the other, his length pressing softly at the other's rump as the dance continued. Of course, Byron would have a hard time fighting this urge in such a place, where it was simply normal to be so close to your partner.- "I don't think I've ever seen you move like that before." -Byron grinned down to Vince, the wolf daring to run a teasing hand down to the other's crotch to grope it softly as they danced together, Byron making sure to keep his rythms in pace with the other, as well as his body movement.-

Vince: The young wolf would chuckle up towards Byron as he flashed a charming smile towards the other. Vince had came a long way from being that rebellious, easily irritable college student. Thanks to Byron, Vince had became more receptive of life and tried to enjoy every moment.- A boner, hm? -The wolf couldn't help but snicker gently as he slid a hand down to rub up against the other's crotch as the other moved to grope his which caused the smaller wolf to murr gently in response.- We'll have to fix that. -Moving a clawed hand to his pants he would let a sharp claw move across it, opening a slit large enough for the other's girth near his entrance. Rubbing at the other's bulge a moment more, he soon unzipped the other's pants.- Well what are you waiting for? -The wolf would grin up towards the other. It should be simple enough to get away with a quick sneaky fuck.- Everyone else is too busy moving their body to the rhythm. I'm sure you could get away with doing it. -The wolf's eyes shown with the a vibrant excitement to the act. Here they were, in public and were about to commit a sexual act. It wouldn't be the first time that they did it, although this would be the first in a fully public place.- I do love feeling your dick being shoved into me...-The wolf nipped towards the other.- Even if you do make it sore from time to time.

Byron: Perking his ears down to the smaller wolf, Byron would move from grinding for a moment as the other simply tore a slit large enough for Byron, Byron gasping out softly as Vince gently rubbed his bulge. Grinning down to the other as he continued his innocent dance with Vince, Byron would feel a breeze come through his pants as his zipper was taken down.- "You're right... And even if someone does notice..." -Byron looked to the crowd around them.- "Fuck it!" -The wolf looked back down to Vince, watching the other's body sway to the rythm. Moving his hand into his zipper, Byron would pull out his length, holding it in his hand for a moment before blushing deeply.- "I love the way you feel..." -Byron would reply simply towards the other, returning the nip. Upon the next grinding motion Byron would give, he'd allow his head to gently prod at the entrance of the other, moving his arms to each side of the other's hips, blocking his length from view. Keeping in rythm, Byron would slowly work himself into the wolf infront of him, gasping out softly. Turning this act into an innocent dance was going to be a task, especially knowing how easily it could turn into a fully focused act of sex standing up. Running his hands up and down the other as the lights grew more dim, Byron would sway his hips softly in rythm with Vince's, soon working his entire length into the other. Holding it deep within, Byron would continue to mimic Vince's movement, though before long he'd slowly work his way back out and in again, all appearing as a grinding dance move.-

Vince: And you have no clue how much I love feeling you being deep inside me, baby. -The wolf would smile up towards the other as his eyes glanced down to the tool that was in the other's hands. Shivering slightly, the wolf smirked towards the other. No matter how many times the other had whipped it out and used it on him, Byron's dick always seemed to feel new each time it was used on him. As the other began to press up against his entrance, the wolf would gasp out gently, a gentle blush covering his cheeks. Clearing his mind, he attempted to focus his thoughts on the movements he was giving, trying to give the other the easiest time possible to slip into him. Groaning out gently as he felt the other begin to work his way into him, the wolf would lean backwards slightly onto the other one as he breathed out a sigh of fulfillment. Once the other was fully in, the wolf would murr out towards the other.- Still feels like it's the first time. -The wolf would offer a soft chuckle towards the other. As the other began to establish the 'innocent' dance fuck Vince would try his best not to simply collapse at the feeling of having the other move out and back into him, the wolf attempting to keep the rhythm going smoothly as to not alert anyone close enough to see what was happening to what they were doing.- Mmm...I'm glad you have a good sex drive. -The wolf would snicker out gently as he grinded his ass heavily up against the other's crotch.-

Byron: Feeling Vince lean back against him, Byron would murr deeply, smiling down to Vince's words.- "I agree..." -Byron shivered softly, attempting to do the same as the other, keeping the rythm going as best he could without causing a stir. Perking his ears to Vince's words, Byron would grin.- "It'll never get old, Vince..." -Feeling the other grind into his length, Byron moaned out softly, his hands moving to run along the other's chest, his claws gently trailing down the other's skin.- "You're so hot..." -Byron murred out gently into the other's ear, keeping his rythm, though now the grinding was becoming more of a set pace. swaying his hips softly before each hump, his length would circle the smaller wolf's entrance as it pulled out a little, only to be pushed in all the way in once more with each "set" of grinds Byron would perform. Gasping out gently, his pleasured sounds would be easily doused by the pulsating bass rythm, the lights flashing ambience in every direction. Soon a soothing pink light would cast the two into a gentle glow, along with others around them, the pink light soon swaying upwards as green took it's place. Upon the many people all dancing as one group, each would have their own way, and their own partner. Those who didn't would simply be dancing alone, everyone enjoying it all the same. Looking down to Vince, Byron would moan out softly into his ear as his grip tensed around the other's waist, a soft sigh coming from his lips as he pumped into Vince once more.-

Vince: -Vince didn't quite know how long both could hold their postures, knowing just how rough they both could easily get when they were having their fun. Murring gently towards the other's words he would smile up towards Byron.- It's good to know. -The wolf's gentle voice would nearly be lost to the overwhelming volume of the music, the wolf smirking slightly. Grunting softly as the other drew out completely only to shove it back into once more, Vince would pant gently as his tail began to wag slightly at the enjoyment of having sex with his partner, the wolf wanting nothing more than to simply tackle the other to the floor and ride the other until he had every drop of cum out of the other's beautiful dick. Glancing about them, the wolf would offer a soft frown. So many people. It was a shame that they weren't somewhere a bit more private. Fuck it.- Byron...Fuck me like you always do. I don't give a damn who watches. -The wolf would pull away from the other before pressing up against the other.- I want them to watch. To see what they're missing out on. Knowing they'll never have someone as good as you fucking them, loving them. -The wolf was obviously already tipsy over the lust he had for the other. Standing on his toes the wolf would press his lips up against the other's, his hands clenching against the other.- I want it..I need it.

Byron: Watching as Vince's tail began to wag, Byron would smile, continuing his hypnotic swaying, though the grinds would still fall inbetween. His own tail would begin to wag softly behind him, though soon the other would pull away, Byron's length falling into the open. Blushing deeply, he would keep his eyes on the smaller wolf infront of him, simply wrapping his arms about the other as he leaned in.- "Y...You're sure?" -Byron would begin to smile warmly.- "Your words really touch me Vince... You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." -Leaning into the kiss, Byron returned it passionately, letting the kiss go as the other spoke.- "Well..." -Byron seemed to hold a devious eye.- "I think we should go all out if we're going to." -Would be the last words the wolf would speak, before a quick hand would have his shirt thrown into the air, and into the crowd. Leaning into the smaller wolf, Byron would gently lay him down to the ground, fortunate that the two had enough room between the people around them for this act. The moment Byron had layed Vince gently against the floor, He grinned down to the other. People would soon move, though at the time they weren't paying too much attention... Yet. Leaning in close, Byron would grip each side of Vince's pants, giving a hefty jerk to snap the button off, pulling them down to the wolf's ankles. Pulling his shoes off, Byron would toss them down gently to the side, along with Vince's pants, and soon to come his own shoes and pants. Standing fully naked, the two would begin to get looks from anyone who dared to look their way, as Byron looked down to Vince, his throbbing length gently shining in the soft blue light that shown on them. Leaning in for a moment, Byron would murr.- "Hold your lower body up with your hands, using your shoulders for balance." -Byron grinned.- "I've got something I think you'll like."

Vince: -Vince would indeed be caught off guard by the sudden movement by the other that would have him on the ground, his eyes going wide slightly in suprise before a small smirk formed at his lips.- Alright, let's see what you got. -However, the wolf wasn't expecting the other to simply yank his pants down to his ankles, soon having his boots and pants tossed outward leaving only his white and black individual toe socks left on his body. Watching the other quickly undress, the wolf would catch the passing glances that the crowd around them were shooting their way. Ignoring them for the most part he turned his attention back towards the other, that and the stiffness that his length was providing him, now out in the open.- Erm...Alright. -Moving so that he could support himself with his shoulders he would move his hands down to grasp at his legs, soon bringing them up.- Like this? -The wolf would question the other, a curious look to his face. It was often that the other suddenly jumped new and sometimes quirky positions onto their sex life, although the wolf had yet questioned the other's methods. Each one simply got better and better as far as the pleasure was concerned. Wagging his tail still slightly the wolf would smile up towards the other.- Ready?

Byron: Smiling down to Vince, his tail would wag as the other followed the positioning suit. Moving in to show approval, Byron would gently grip the other's feet, spreading his legs slightly, moving a single hand down to grip his length and press it towards the other's entrance.- "Ready..." -Byron would murr out. Having himself positioned, Byron would slide in slightly before moving his hand back up to the other's foot, using his legs and feet for grip. His hips would slowly move forward as he pressed into the other once more, gasping out softly. Anyone who had already guess what the two were doing would now either be moving away, or slowing their dance to simply watch, a few even willing to give their full attention in admiration of such a daring act. Murring out softly down to the other, Byron would give a gentle smile down to the wolf, before his face flushed with a moan, biting his lip soon after. Slowly establishing a gentle rythm, Byron would coo out softly, as the lights would flash the wolf's profile in dazzling colors, the loud and pulsating beat still vibrating under the wolf's feet. Shivering gently, Byron would wait until he felt Vince comfortable before speeding up the pace slightly, wanting the other to enjoy this moment as much as he was.-

Vince: Leave it to Byron to make him get into a position where he could have something to hold while he went at it with him. Murring softly as he felt the other's length press up against his entrance, the wolf gave a soft, encouragine smile towards the other. Moaning out again as he felt the other enter him again, the wolf began to murr heavily as he felt the other start out with a gentle rhythm in and out of him, the wolf's hands keeping his lower body lifted upwards for the other to have his way with him. Smirking somewhat towards the reactions of the other dancers, he found himself being simply turned on even more at the fact that some where giving them their undivided attention as they watched the act, noticing that several of the males were sporting bulges. That's what happened when they went to an all gay rave club. It didn't take long for the wolf to become used to the other once again. Moaning out gently as he felt the other pick up the pace, he would look up towards what he could see of Byron, a soft smile on his lips and a look in his eyes that was showing that he was obviously enjoying it.

Byron: Keeping his focus and eyes on Vince, Byron would drown out the fact that others were staring on, some beginning to become aroused by the act alone. As Vince moaned, Byron would gasp out softly, looking down to the wolf with soft eyes, the smile on Vince's lips soon becoming contageous. Smiling as well, Byron's fur would bristle softly as a wave of pleasure went through him. Gripping the wolf's feet slightly tighter, Byron moaned out somewhat louder, his pumps beginning to pick up in strength as the wolf seemed hooked on the feeling of Vince's rump.- "Fuck..." -Byron panted out, the dance floor heated enough without the act the two were performing. Breathing out heavily already, Byron's rather barreled chest would raise and fall more quickly, the glow stick around his neck gently dangling as his hips moved in and out, the wolf soon lacing his fingers between the other's toes as he pulled the other's legs apart a little more, leaning down into the wolf to bury himself as deep as he could with each thrust. Giving a heavy gasp as he felt the other's entrance engulf his length fully, Byron would gently slide his hands down to hold the other's ankles, gripping them firmly as he continued to plow into the other, his throbbing length craving the attention further and further as the wolf went on.-

Vince: Nnn...Fuck. -The wolf would whine softly in pleasure as he squirmed slightly, already panting slightly as the other picked up the pace yet again in such a short amount of time, his chest moving up and down rapidly as he did so.- Oh god, yes. Fuck me. -The wolf would moan out heavily as he had to restrain himself from trying to back into the thrusts, knowing that would only end in failure. He could already feel his sharp claws begining to dig into his flesh as he began to enter the throes of pleasure and passion that the other so easily put him into.- Mmf. -The wolf would groan out as the other forced his legs open even further and was able to enter him in full, his body arching slightly at the feeling of having the other completely in him.- Fuck! -The wolf would exclaim in a heavy moan, the wolf obviously letting his vocal side get the better of him as he began to moan freely at the powerful waves of pleasure that was sweeping across his body. The only thing beside the act that he was consumed in the wolf could think of is someone ending up calling some sort of law enforcement on them. Fuck it, let them come. It would be worth it for this pleasurable moment. Gripping himself further with his claws, the wolf would whine out softly, his fur bristling as his body shivered heavily.-

Byron: Feeling the other squirm softly underneath him, Byron moaned out softly. Perking his ears as the other's words would still ring out clearly to him, Byron would continue to pump into the smaller wolf. With his exclaim, Byron would moan out heavily, the sounds of his lover being pleasured so deeply only adding to his own pleasure. As the wolf below him whined out, Byron bit his lip, gritting his teeth soon after.- "Shit..." -Byron murred out.- "Come on Vince... Take it all in..." -Byron growled out softly as he continued to pump into the other, daring to push even harder and faster, the wolf beginning to pant out as he was beginning to become overheated. Heavy pants would still go without sound, as the sweeping drums and bass blotted them out once more, Byron beginning to reach his climax. Feeling himself beginning to throb deep within Vince, the wolf would continue on, his knot beginning to form slightly, as his length was plunged deep into the wolf over and over. Pulling his fingers back while gripping the wolf's ankles, his claws would gently tear at his socks, managing to scrape along the skin slightly as Byron kept his pace, his knot growing more and more, as it was beginning to prevent him from entering fully. Looking down to the wolf below, Byron would blush out deeply, as he slowly attempted to work his knot into his pumps, trying to push a little bit more in each time. A rather bold move, but what part of the night hadn't been?-

Vince: Oh god, I want it all. -The wolf would reply through a moan towards the other, his body arching yet again as he felt the strength and speed of the movements gain power, the wolf becoming lost in the trance of their love making. The powerful sounds of the music would allow him to easily be able to drown out the outside world, leaving only their lustful fucking to be the only thing for him to care about any longer. It didn't take long for the wolf to feel the other's knot slipping in and out of him as it began to form, the wolf becoming slightly nervous at the fact. If the other knotted him they could be stuck like that for a bit. However, another wave of pleasure simply blanketed him and forced the thought out of his head. He could feel the other's length throbbing heavily within him, the other's now too large knot slapping up against his entrance. Despite any attention given to his own length, Vince's knot was slowly begining to swell, showing just how much the wolf enjoyed the acts of his partner when he was taken. Grunting softly as he felt the other begining to apply more force with the thrusts in order to work the knot in slowly, the wolf would shudder softly.- Go ahead...Slip it in. -The wolf would moan out towards the other, showing that he was willing to let the other knot him. The submissive wolf willing to take whatever the other wanted to dish out to him.-

Byron: Keeping the nervous feeling that Vince would have, Byron would continue on none the less, knowing how much more pleasurable it could be for the both of them. Looking down to see Vince's own knot swelling, Byron would lean in and reach around, pushing his upper body strength to grasp the other's leg and hold it while he thrusted, a hand beginning to stroke at Vince's length somewhat quickly paced, as his ears perked to the other's words. Thrusting in deeply, his knot would begin to slip in and out of the wolf below him, Byron letting out a heavy moan as he continued to thrust, his face welling a soft red color as his climax quickly approached. Continuing to stroke at the other, Byron would leave no time for their fleeing plan, knowing that should they get stuck, they'd be subjected to possible jail time. Unfortunately this was the least of Byron's worries, as the wolf began to moan out with a vibrantly deep vocal, his seed soon beginning to spill deep into the wolf below him, as his hand continued to stroke the other's length furiously, wanting to coax the other's seed out just as much as he had his own. He would continue to thrust in and out, already feeling his length giving a sore tension from discharge, his knot still welled up deep within as he continued to spill out his seed, giving heavy pants as he looked down to the wolf, a wave of pleasure sweeping over his body as he shivered.-

Vince: -Vince would begin to cry out as he felt the other force his knot in and out of his entrance, the wolf feeling an overwhelming mixture of pain and raw pleasure. As the other reached around to start stroking at his own length, the wolf wouldn't take much longer before he hit his own climax, just a few seconds after the other had began to shoot him up with his seed. Groaning out heavily, the wolf would feel himself release his seed, quickly having his chest, face, and parts of the floor made a mess of his semen. Groaning out heavily towards the other still pumping fully into him, the wolf would simply lay fully back, accepting what the other would give him, simply consumed by the buzzing sense of pleasure and satisfaction of having the other take care of him as well as he always did. Murring softly towards the other he'd offer a slight smile. Well, so far no police had shown up so that was a somewhat good sign.- Hee...I had fun. -The wolf would chuckle up towards the other gently, somewhat exhausted at the sudden spring of sexual lust they had displayed for each other. Groaning softly, the other would arch his body slightly, hoping that he could stretch out soon, the somewhat awkward position easily causing his muscles to feel cramped.- Mmm..-The wolf would simply moan out softly, his chest still raising and falling rapidly as he panted.-