What happens in Vegas

Story by Inja on SoFurry

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#11 of Shorts

What happens in Vegas, doesn't always stay in Vegas. Be careful what you gamble with, or you can bet your ass karma will find you.

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story you should be of legal age in your respective country.

Cursory information: The link at the bottom of the story is not a real link, please don't click it expecting a hot porn video. Likewise the email addresses mentioned are not real either ;P

Darryl should have been on top of the world right now, he was a young handsome fox that was only a couple of days away from marrying his High school sweetheart Samantha. Something they'd spoken of ever since becoming friends in Junior School. It was like destiny, they were just meant to be together and made such a great couple, everyone around them would agree.

There was one problem though, Darryl knew he couldn't afford to give Samantha the wedding he knew she secretly wanted and one he knew a woman like her deserved. So in a last ditch effort to raise a bit more cash to give is dearest her every desire, Darryl had driven the few hours to Sin City to try win it big. The only problem was he had lost every penny within the first few spins, their entire savings for the wedding gone in the blink of an eye. In a panic he had made the error in judgement to borrow money from some opportunistic loan sharks that had made it seem like a good idea at the time. Only he'd lost that money as well, with the loan sharks holding his mobile and his car as collateral, he had no way of contacting anyone for help or even escaping. They'd even taken his wallet and stripped him of his clothing, forcing him to wear items from the casino's lost and found like some sort of hobo, just to drill their message in.

With his hands in his skinny jeans pockets, something he wouldn't normally wear as they were far too tight on his admittedly shapely behind and even tighter around his crotch. The shirt he was forced to wear was rather ironic as well, bearing the classic slogan "$20 is $20". Scoffing at the idea that he was so desperate right now he might actually suck a dick for a measly twenty dollars.

Lost in his thoughts he thought he heard someone calling his name, stopping and looking around in confusion, he spotted a rather large horse and bear heading his direction and waving him down. Darryl's heart sank as he thought these two big brutes were the loan shark enforcers coming to collect early. For a moment Darryl considered trying to run and hide, but he figured that would probably only make the impending beating so much worse.

Looking up at them as they called his name again in a rather thick accent he couldn't place, both of the big brutes panting as they stood before him and waved a wad of cash in his face. "We got your money, now can we seal the deal?" Stupidly Darryl thought someone upstairs was looking out for him and the loan sharks were giving him a break. Nodding vigorously at the horse and bear, he let them lead the way down the street to what he thought was their offices.

Darryl looked around in confusion as he was lead into a rather seedy looking motel room, complete with a rotating bed covered in a cheap zebra print cover. Still he thought nothing of it, this was Vegas after all and people had strange tastes. Letting himself be guided to the edge of the bed by the horse as the bear opened the bedside drawer to tuck the money away, Darryl watching very intently to make sure they weren't about to rip him off.

"Alright Dazzle, just like we discussed with your agent. We're willing to pay your ridiculous ten thousand dollar fee for this, but in turn we want you to act like this is your first time and you're not really into it. Oh, we also confirmed with your agent the ten thousand includes us recording us fucking you for our own private use provided we don't upload it to any publicly visible platforms." The large muscled bear rumbled down at the confused looking fox.

"Did he just call me Dazzle?" the confused fox thought to himself, it was then he noticed one of the infamous Vegas calling cards laying on the other bedside table. Emblazoned on it in silver glitter was the name Dazzle with a picture of another fox that looked remarkably like Darryl. "Figures, they got the wrong guy..." Darryl internalized again, giving a sigh and about to let the pair know they had the wrong guy. He was straight after all, there was no way he would ever... "Ten thousand dollars for you to record both of you fucking me, but it will never be posted online?" Darryl stammered to a pair of suddenly grinning brutes. The two large males figuring Dazzle was just getting into the part and quickly turned on the camera posted on a tripod off in a dimly lit corner of the room, sure to capture all the action. Though that wasn't the only camera these two had apparently, they quickly set up another on each of the bedside tables and had another small handheld one for each of them. Considering how much footage it looked like these two expected to get, Darryl was very glad it would never see the light of day. Also that ten thousand was more than enough to pay off the loan sharks and recover from his little mistake with their savings, plus a tiny bit more to show for it. He loved Sarah and didn't want to let her down, this was for her he convinced himself.

"Alright, so what do you want me to do first?" The fox asked shyly, met with further grins from the two large males.

"Ever sucked a cock before?" The horse asked while undoing his pants and pushing them down along with his underwear to reveal an imposing pink and black splotched length.

"N..no..." Darryl replied honestly with wide eyes, the bear soon joining the horse and standing beside him in the nude with a shorter but no less imposing cock for the straight fox.

"You're gonna learn today" Was all the horse said before pushing Darryl down onto his knees before them, a strong hand behind his head pulling his snout into a pair of heavy balls as the horse ground his stiffening cock against the foxes face. It took everything he had for the fox not to bite the cock rubbing across his snout, but the gruff order to open his slutty little mouth didn't sound like a request either. Reluctantly Darryl opened his maw only to be forced down onto the thick swelling cock, gagging as it went straight to the back of his throat. The bear laughed and whispered "Keep it up, this is great stuff!" just as the horse began to really face fuck the unwitting fox. Thankfully though the horse didn't want to cum in his mouth, nor did the bear for that matter, but it didn't stop them from taking turns face fucking him until his jaw hurt.

"You got a purdy mouth, boy" The bear mocked in his worst Southern accent he could manage, making the horse guffaw in a bellowing laugh.

"Bet his ass is even more purdy" The horse retorted in the worst Southern accent Darryl had ever heard, it almost hurt more than his jaw did just then. "Go on boy, strip them clothes and show us that ass!" Hollered the horse as he hauled Darryl to his feet.

"This is for Samantha...this is for Samantha..." Darryl thought to himself as he removed first his extremely ironic top now, followed by the skinny jeans. He'd opted not to try his luck with any of the underwear in the lost and found box though, so soon he was being turned around and pushed to bend over the bed.

"Shit, that is one purdy boy pussy, now ain't it?" The bear mocked as he roughly gripped and lifted Darryl's tail, making the fox wince in pain.

"Hell, don' look like it's barely been used neither" The horse chimed in as he roughly pushed his thick thumb past Darryl's virgin pucker, making him jump and clench down on the horses digit. Even that thumb felt like a massive object to the foxes until then untouched rump, he hadn't even had a prostate exam yet!

Thankfully though the pair of idiots were smart enough to have brought some lube and used an ample amount on the fox as well as their cocks, filming every moments until finally the bear pushed Darryl face down on the bed and crawled up to straddle the backs of his thighs. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Darryl's mind screamed as he felt the hot and hard bear cock wedge between his cheeks while the horse held his tail up out the way. Two different cameras trained on the action as the bear shuffled forward a little, first nudging lightly at Darryl's cherry, the next shuffle would have the thick tip and another inch pushed past the no longer virgin barrier of the straight fox's asshole.

Tears formed at the corners of Darryl's eyes he clenched them closed so tight, a yip burst from his maw as the bear shuffled closer again and sunk even more inches into the fox while commenting on how nice and tight his boy pussy was. With barely a moment to adjust, the bear began rocking back and forth, working his thick dick in and out of the foxes aching rear, thinking the pained yips were sounds of pleasure.

After what seemed like hours and Darryl thought he was starting to get used to the bear fucking him, the cock suddenly pulled out of him and left him feeling empty. Turning to see if they were done, Darryl's eyes went wide with fright at the sight of the horse taking the bears place. An even bigger cock lined itself up with his now slightly gaping pucker, forcing its way into Darryl with less care than the bear had and making it feel like this was the first time all over again. Darryl gripped one of the pillows beneath himself and bite down on it hard, the bear shifting around to his side to get a shot of this bite and chimed in with "Oh yeah, that's great, really sell it!"

He didn't know why, but for some reason his eyes drifted down to the bear's crotch, perhaps to marvel at the dick he'd just taken on his first time. But in doing so he noticed something around the bears cock and balls, he'd heard of these before but didn't think he'd ever see one or let alone have one used on him. It was this realization that made his heart sink, these two idiots were wearing cock and ball rings so they wouldn't be cumming any time soon. Darryl cursed himself inwardly for getting himself into this position, no one to blame but himself.

The next couple of hours were spent with Darryl being forced into various positions as the pair took turns fucking him, or sometimes both at the same time. At one point Darryl actually caught himself laughing in his mind as he'd always had fantasies of a threesome and here he was having one, only he was the only bitch in the room. The bear gripping his ears and roughly fucking his face as the horse reaming him good and hard from behind.

The most embarrassing moment came when the horse spooned Darryl from behind, angling them on the bed so the high quality camera on the tripod in the corner of the room got a clear view of that blotched horse cock sliding up behind Darryl's balls into his aching asshole. The bear kneeling before Darryl guiding his head down onto his cock again as once more they began spit roasting the hapless fox. Only this time the horse actually reached down and began to grope and fondle Darryl's own cock to arousal. It didn't stop there however as the horse continued to stroke him off until with a muffled cry the foxes much smaller dick by comparison fired off his meagre climax.

With a satisfied wink shared between the bear and horse, they finally removed their restrains and began pounding the slack fox with all they had until with a bellowing roar from the bear and a loud nicker from the horse, they too would climax inside the fox.

Darryl must've passed out at some point as he woke to the gentle shaking of the bear's large hand on his shoulder, the big wad of cash being waved in front of his face again. The foxes eyes quickly focusing on the cash as he sat bolt upright in the bed and almost snatched the money from the bears paw.

"You did great Dazzle, better than we could've hoped for. So while you were out, we discussed it and tossed in a little extra for your great performance. Hope to see you next time we're in town!" The bear said in a cheerful voice before picking up the camera bags and heading out the room.

"The room is paid for another hour, so you can get cleaned up in the shower before heading out. Thanks again for the video, this'll make for a memorable wedding gift to ourselves!" The horse chimed in before giving a confused looking fox a smooch on the cheek.

"Wedding gift? Oh right...Vegas..." Darryl mumbled to himself as he painfully got up and made his way over to the bathroom to clean himself up. His fingers gingerly touching under his tail at his aching butt, wincing as he felt himself rather slick and still a little loose. "The things you do for love..." he chuckled to himself as he started the shower.

After a long time under the hot water and plenty of scrub downs until her felt at least somewhat clean, Darryl got dressed and counted the money. There was fifteen grand in that wad of cash! The extra money made his butt hurt a little bit less as he left the hotel room and headed on over to the loan sharks to pay them back and get all his belongings back too.

On his way down the street he passed a rather agitated looking fox in skinny jeans and a novelty shirt similar to his own whom kept looking at his watch and tapping his foot as if waiting for something.

"Hey Dazzle" Darryl said with a smile.

"Fuck off fag!" Dazzle snarled back at him before storming off in the opposite direction when Darryl bust up laughing at the insult, if he only knew.

Darryl declined to explain how he'd gotten the money to pay his loan back so quickly, much to the loan sharks ire as he'd expected to milk the fox for a few more bucks. But regrettably he had to pony up and hand over all the foxes goods, Darryl was mostly glad just to get out of the skinny jeans and actually wear underwear again as he could feel some of his "repayment" leaking from under his tail still.

A long drive home was made a little easier by stopping to get an icepack to sit on as Darryl breathed a sigh of relief, his butt not quite so sore now and best of all Samantha would be none the wiser as he had their savings and a little extra now to show for his troubles.

Epilogue: A couple of weeks later as Darryl sat at his desk catching up on work remotely, he received a new mail notification. Sighing as he thought it was headoffice requesting an update on the project he was working on already, but wasn't due for another week, the fox was surprised to see an email from an unknown address. It read as the below...

From: BiggusDickus@BearStudStudios.com

To: DarrylP@TWTDesigns.com

Subject: DAZZLING business opportunity

Hi DAZZLE (Darryl apparently)

It's us, the horse and bear you gave such fond memories to on our wedding night, we just thought we should thank the actual person that made them with us. Imagine our surprise when a rather angry and very real Dazzle called us up and ranted about us not showing for our appointment.

We had no idea whom you were, but one thing we did know was that seeing as you weren't Dazzle, our contract was null and void. So on the link below you'll find our professionally edited video of a straight fox getting fucked like a little whore! Oh, please thank your boss Brad for us, he helped identify you and told us of your recent nuptials. Congratulations!

One more thing, if you don't want Samantha seeing this video, we look forward to seeing you next month in Vegas again! Don't worry about travel expenses, Brad said he'd pay for the whole thing and even join us! He really is an amazing boss.

Enjoy at your own leisure!



Horse and Bear