The Submission of a Dragon (Pt. 2)

Story by Voltscream on SoFurry

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Finally, it is here! That took a lot longer to finish than I'd hoped, but still faster than pt. 1, so I'll take it.

Kira finally meets his new master in person, and Relthar does ensures the younger dragon's place is known~

As he took to the air, Kirasta couldn't help but wonder again if he'd made the right decision. To submit himself to another dragon's whims... it certainly wasn't standard practice. Yet, part of him was still strangely excited by the prospect. Certainly, his dwelling on it made him feel rather flushed, though there was little he could do about that now. The tight steel cage around his sheath made sure of that. It, as well as the collar around his neck, made clear that his lingering doubts didn't matter much now. Though he had not promised anything long-term, he would still need Relthar's permission to remove either item.

"Are you steady back there, little one?" he asked, turning his head to check on his passenger once he had reached a cruising altitude.

A shaky nod was all Maya, Relthar's kobold messenger, could give him, but Kirasta could tell she was secure on his back. With no sort of saddle, he had to fly slower and more gently to assure her safety, but he didn't intend to make her walk back on foot. He could still see the way her belly bulged outward slightly after the relief she had given him before the cage went on, but he suspected that was not a new feeling for her. It occurred to him that he might become familiar with that sensation soon himself.

Best not to think of that just now, the young black dragon reasoned as he turned back to the skies before them. He would have plenty of time to contemplate his new life soon, but for the moment he deemed it best to simply enjoy the feeling of the wind on his wings...

A few hours of flight later, the pair had arrived at Relthar's mountaintop home. Just from the entrance, Kirasta could tell that the stories of the red dragon's wealth, and indeed his flare, were not falsehood. Glowing blue lanterns, clearly magical in nature, flanked the cave opening, which was itself covered by a black cloth emblazoned with the head of a dragon in red. A bit dramatic, perhaps, but he could not deny it was stylish.

Lowering his head, he allowed Maya to slip off his back as they made their approach. She went ahead, perhaps just out of habit, to open the curtain for him. Beyond it laid what seemed to be only one hall of many. Cut unusually smooth, the floor was flat and the roof curved, with a few offshoot rooms and what seemed to be an intersection ahead. More of the magical lanterns provided light, and Kirasta suspected the tunnels had themselves been cut, or at least refined into such a clean shape, by similarly arcane means.

"This late in the afternoon, he should be in his quarters, come on!" she said excitedly, beckoning for him to follow.

The young witch took a right at the cross, and there was little for Kira to do but follow. The rooms he could see were covered by similar cloths, but small metal plaques beside them marked their function. He only got close enough to see a few, but he spotted a kitchen along the way. At the end of the right path was an unnamed room, but the markings it shared with the front door meant it must have been Relthar's room. The 4 rooms approaching it had proper names assigned, no doubt for the mentioned kobolds, including one labeled Maya.

He saw the curtain rustle on one room marked for a Tarka, but the room's occupant did not seem keen to introduce themselves. The thought of being seen in such a state made him grow red, but he supposed that he would have to get used to it eventually.

"We should probably go in together." she said quietly as they approached the entrance.

And thus, they did. Stepping through the dark cloth, the pair emerged into a cavern that put Kirasta's comfy nook to shame. It was certainly larger than his own bedroom, and Relthar's wealth was in clear display. Elegant tapestries adorned the walls, some seeming to depict Relthar himself, and the floor itself was covered in a deep purple carpet that must have cost a small fortune.

What dominated the room most, though, were the sheer amount of fine silks and furs all over the place. One could easily lie down anywhere in great comfort, but the grandest pile was at the far wall, and atop it was the dragon himself, Relthar.

Immediately, Maya kneeled beside him, and he quickly realized he should likely do the same. The small bow he provided was not quite as submissive a gesture, but between two dragons... it was very meaningful.

"Well, I see my lovely Maya done her task quite well. I am pleased indeed she was able to convince you of my offer."

The older dragon's voice was rich and sonorous, dripping with the sort of charisma that demanded attention. From his raised position, posed so relaxed and regal on his side, Relthar seemed almost as if a king. It was no wonder the dragon had so many friends. Just being in his presence, Kirasta felt more assured of his agreement in this deal.

"I will make sure you are properly rewarded for this, but please leave us for now. I wish to speak with Kirasta alone."

The kobold was quick to make her exit, giving one last bow before slipping out in silence. Once she was gone, Relthar beckoned him to approach with one claw, slowly beginning to rise from his beddings. There was little for Kira to do but obey, stepping into the center of the room.

"Ah, having you here... I am more certain than ever that you were the right dragon to turn to for my needs."

As he spoke, the older dragon began to circle around Kirasta, who did his best to remain still. He felt in many ways as though he was being inspected, but he supposed that's exactly what was happening. Their difference in size was certainly obvious, with Relthar nearly half again the younger dragon's scale, and the glimpse he got between the red's legs suggested he was gifted even for his age.

It was difficult to resist the urge to lower his tail, to cover his shame, as Relthar reached his behind, but he knew doing so would get him nowhere. Despite his own concerns, the situation only seemed to fuel that strange arousal he felt. Whatever Kirasta's pride told him, his body liked the attention very much.

"My, that is quite the lovely sight. That cage looks even better on you than I had thought."

As he spoke, Relthar reached out one talon, taking a firm grip on the rear he was so admiring. The surprise grope elicited quite an undignified yelp out of the younger dragon, but Kirasta at least managed to hold his ground. A good sign, given what his duties would be moving forwards. While Kira was steadying himself, Relthar took the opportunity to spread the younger male's plump cheek to the side, giving him a nice, long look at his tight star. The position was a humiliating one, so exposed and vulnerable as it made Kira... but he couldn't deny how his new master's touch excited him nonetheless.

"Mph... I had intended to give a tour first, introduce the kobolds... but I think you'll have to pardon me on that for now. It would be a shame of me to deny a servant as tempting as yourself a more proper welcome."

After a lingering moment of silence, no doubt a sign of Relthar enjoying the view presented, before Kirasta felt his hot breath draw near. An instant later, it was joined by the older dragon's muzzle itself, nestling between Kira's cheeks. He wasted little time, tongue snaking out in silence. Ever so slowly, he drew it along the length of his servant's privates, teasing at his sack, his taint... before finally reaching its true goal.

For a very short while, it merely teased him, running along the edge of his rim, but soon Kira felt it begin to prod more deliberately, pressing against his virgin hole with intent. A moment later, it got its wish, and the young dragon was entered for the first time. It was a very strange feeling, and one that Kira was wholly unsure of how to process... but it wasn't exactly bad, either.

After only a brief respite, to allow him some ability to adjust to the new sensation, that slick appendage began to move once more. He could feel it wriggle, exploring every inch of surface it could reach, as slowly it pushed its way deeper. As it did, and as he become more used to such an alien feeling... twinges of pleasure started to arise. It would touch a more sensitive place inside him, linger there a moment, then slide further inside and repeat.

Just as he was making that realization, however, a familiar voice pulled him back to his senses.

"You, um, may want to lay your head down for this."

Distracted as he was, Kira had completely failed to notice Maya's return. Beside her was a large bottle of some sort of clear liquid, but that was not what really had his attention. In her hands was what could only be something else for him. The small pile of leather straps was not unlike one would use for a muzzle, but instead of anything you might see affixed to a violent animal... there was a large, red ball. For any dragon to wear such a thing would have been utterly humiliating, but was he not already well past that point? He had already given up control of his own manhood, and was rapidly beginning to enjoy the tongue working away at his backdoor... what was one more submission?

So, with some reluctance left, he lowered his torso down onto the bedding. Once he was settled, the kobold climbed atop the back of his neck and went to work. The gag met his mouth first, sliding in such that much of any speech would be impossible. With that in place, her little hands worked quickly, pulling the straps into place and latching the buckles shut. Before long at all, she was sliding off... and he had given yet more control away.

Yet, Kira found it difficult to be upset about that. Embarrassing as it was for a dragon to submit like this, part of him almost seemed to enjoy the exposure, the _taboo_of it. The way his cock ached, trapped in its sheath, was testament to that. Though, of course, some of that was due more directly to Relthar's ministrations. The older dragon was clearly quite adept with that long, flexible tongue of his. Having located Kira's prostate, he was increasingly making it his focus. It was growing such that, regardless of any hesitation he still had remaining, Kirasta could feel the precum leaking out of his cage all the same.

Meanwhile, though Kira couldn't see her, Maya was far from idle. While Relthar was busy exploiting Kira's most sensitive places, the little kobold was preparing their master for what came next. Though it was surprisingly difficult to maintain focus on his senses, he could still hear her pull the cork free of that bottle he'd glimpsed. The slick, messy sounds that followed painted a clear picture, and allowed him to piece together what that liquid actually was.

His suspicions were confirmed when the sound stopped a short time later, and Relthar finally pulled his muzzle away. His spit-soaked star was only left to the open air for a few moments, however, as he soon felt the older dragon's claws upon him once more. Their difference in size made it quite trivial for Relthar to climb over his new servant. The red wyrm's body shadowed Kira's own, matching much of his pose and making the younger dragon feel quite vulnerable beneath his weight.

Yet, the most alarming thing was not Relthar's body lying atop him, but what hung between his legs. Relthar's cock, now fully engorged and lubricated with Maya's help, had come to rest against Kira's rear. With direct contact, it became clearer just what he had signed himself up for. Though he knew their age would mean a difference in size, he had perhaps underestimated just how huge Relthar really was. It was no wonder the kobolds struggled to sate him! He could feel every ridge along the bottom of his impressive length, could feel the edge of what must have been a truly massive knot, could feel how that heavy sack clearly outdid his own.

Still, despite his concerns, Kira knew that the time to complain was well past. Caged, collared, and gagged, pinned beneath his new master, there was naught for him to do now but submit. He could feel Relthar's breath on the back of his neck, the heat radiating off his body... off his cock. The few seconds he lingered there felt much longer to the young drake, but they weren't to last.

Finally, the larger dragon pulled his hips back, bringing that intimidating tool to bear against Kira's rear. For just a moment, he felt the tip rest against his rim, before it began to press forwards. Even with the relative taper, Kira's virgin hole was resistant to an insertion so large, but Relthar's insistence was far superior. After only a few seconds delay, the black dragon felt his entrance spread wider than it ever had before as his virginity was claimed.

Even as Kirasta was attempting to recover from the shock of such a new sensation, Relthar continued. With shallow, deliberate thrusts of his hips, he gradually forced his way deeper into that incredibly tight passage. It was difficult for the young dragon to gather his thoughts, with the incredible stretching he was undergoing, but he realized that it didn't hurt. Logically, a small part of his brain recognized, it probably should have, yet there was barely even any discomfort. His rear being spread so wide was certainly a very new sensation, but it felt good. _Very_good. With every inch Relthar speared into him, Kira's sheath only grew tighter, the denial of that hard steel both immensely frustration... and oddly exhilarating.

It was not until Relthar had buried nearly half his length inside him, however, that Kirasta realized just how much pleasure there was to be gained from his submission. The texture of those stiffer ridges along the bottom of the older's dragons cock were a minor note to the rapidly blossoming sensations... until they reached his prostate. Every time Relthar pushed in or out, Kira could feel the grandest spikes of pleasure as they scraped against his most sensitive place. As the older dragon began to transition for shallow, depth-inclined thrusts to longer, more pleasure-seeking ones, that feeling only grew stronger.

All of Kirasta's hesitation was gone. Drooling around his gag and out of his cage, he must have looked quite the weakling beneath Relthar. The way he growled and huffed, right behind Kira's head, only served to fuel the lust-drunk haze that increasingly dominated his mind. Maybe it wasn't proper for a dragon such as himself to submit like this, but he was well beyond caring. He certainly made no effort to stifle the rather undignified whimpers and moans that kept slipping out, albeit in quite a muffled state.

Before much longer, he could feel the edge of Relthar's knot bumping against him with each thrust. It seemed impossible he had already taken so much of what had seemed insurmountable so shortly before. It was as though he was made to do this. His body had so quickly accepted Relthar's dominance... and who was he to argue?

With Kira's insides finally accommodating Relthar's incredible size properly, the older dragon's rhythm grew steadier. He would pull back just enough to keep Kira's prostate under the assault of those fleshy ridges, before sinking his entire length inside his new servant once more. Over and over he went, making sure Kira knew his place, knew exactly who that fat ass of his belonged to. His stamina seemed endless... but his receiver's was not.

The younger dragon could feel that pressure inside him, and knew that he was nearing the edge. It felt very odd without the type simulation he was used to, but it arrived quickly nonetheless. With his cock sealed away... it wasn't exactly an impressive orgasm. Though Kira's body shook, though he grew as loud as his gag would allow, his seed merely dribbled out of his sheath, joining the pool of precum beneath him unceremoniously.

Despite how incredibly tight Kira's insides became as he reached his peak, Relthar didn't slow down for a moment. If anything, he seemed to be going faster! That massive knot slammed against his rim with more and more force with every passing moment. The older dragon seemed to be losing composure, though. His rhythm was growing much more inconsistent... was he about to-?

That thought, along with any others he might've tried to form, was immediately obliterated from Kira's head as Relthar slammed his hips home. With one final, mind-shattering thrust, he buried his entire length, knot and all, into Kira's ass. An instant later, a heat began to flood the younger dragon's insides. Even as he tried to recover from the moment prior, Kira could feel Relthar's cock pulsing, pumping untold amounts of thick, hot dragon cum inside him.

As though to contrast against his servant once again, Relthar's orgasm lasted minutes. Though the amount being poured into him did gradually slow, it felt for a while to Kira that it would never truly stop. With that gargantuan knot sealing him up, the flood had nowhere to go but inside him. Indeed, before long he could feel his overfilled stomach distend outwards slightly from the sheer volume of it all.

Finally, Relthar seemed to be finished, but he didn't seem inclined to go anywhere. Kira felt nearly paralyzed, so incredibly full as he was; there was no resistance as he was pulled onto his side. Between the incredible heat filling his insides, and that which radiated off his master's body, he felt quite content as the older dragon curled around him.

"Does it feel good, submitting to me?" that rich voice purred behind his head.

A muffled "Mmm-hm!" was all the gag and the afterglow would allow as affirmative.

"Why don't we stay here a while, hmm?" Relthar continued, tail toying at Kira's own. "I know you must feel quite lethargic after such a thorough_filling_~"

Wrapped in the comforting warmth of his master... there was nothing he wanted more.