Jude's Graduation Gift

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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With son about to go off in the big city, Stu pays him a late night visit and gives a little something to remember him by.


Posted using PostyBirb

Even as night came, Jude was still buzzed with excitement. All of those years of studying and pushing his body's limits had finally paid off. He could proudly say that he was not only the first bunny to graduate from the academy...but also a new member of the actual Z.P.D.! Through all the pain, strife and even quite a bit of doubt, all of it had paid off in the span of a single, incredible day.

There was a knock at his door and he rose from his bed to answer it, still wearing a smile on his face. Meeting him was his father, smiling just as hard and looking rather proud.

"Look at my boy," Stu said to himself as he stepped inside of his son's bedroom. "Now a man. All packed up and ready for his move to the big city." Rather than getting emotional, the plumper bunny was looking rather excited, especially when he reached back to lock the bedroom door.

Jude was blushing at the words, a part of him refused to believe that it was real. That all of this was really happening. After a single night he would be on the first train into Zootopia. Of course he would miss his family, but this was a chance to live out the dream he had since childhood.

"I know it's nothing too special," Stu said as he approached his son. "But consider it another graduation gift, along with something to remember your old man by."

Even though Jude knew exactly what was coming, he played his part to not spoil it or rush things. If it was going to be the last time for a while then it was only right to make it worthwhile.

Things had changed a lot during that fishing trip. Despite the sheer number of siblings he had, his dad took the time to take him out as promised for his eighteenth birthday. In his mind, things were slow at first, just sitting in front of a creek. His dad had to pee but rather than walking away to relieve himself, the older bunny just exposed himself and let it go in the water. His logic was since the fish weren't hungry, they must be thirsty instead. Though the joke was amusing to the younger male, his focus was instead drawn to his dad's length, still hanging out of his fly when he was done.

"It's just the two of us here. And it's not like you don't have one, right?"

Things only escalated from there. Joining his father, Jude also whipped himself out, letting it flop free from his fly. It didn't take long for Stu to start talking about things that a young man had yet to experience and then went on a tangent about his wild days of his youth. The thinner bunny expected to hear a retelling of how his parents met, but he was surprised to hear tales of his dad's time when he was 18, going off into the world, fooling around with gals, but also guys. This already shocked him but his surprise only grew as his dad was going in detail about a party in an old barn that led to him being the center of a large group orgy.

Just hearing about this brought images to his mind that led to a strange new feeling of arousal. Seeing his own father, being surrounded by other guys, getting close, moaning, and reaching their peaks one after the other. This led to his own cock rising and standing erect through his fly, all too easy to be seen by the both of them. But Stu just chuckled and got close to his son, leaving the fishing rods behind.

Things were different between them from then on. Jude got close to his dad in a way that he never had before and those feelings that came blew his mind. Stu led the way and the two of them were out until sundown. When returning to the farm, the two of them had not a single catch, but were greatly satisfied all the same.

And now the two of them were undressing, showing off their bodies and admiring what the other saw. Being signaled to, Jude walked to and sat down on his bed, making himself comfortable while his father was following suit, joining him and sitting down next to him. The two lagomorphs took a moment to just gaze into each other's eyes.

And just like he had more often than not, Stu led by caressing his son's face, brushing his paw over the soft light gray fur. Easing his own face closer, the both of theirs connected and they nuzzled against each other. This brought the chance for their lips to touch and they kept them there, pressed to the other. Soft touches evolved into small pecks and those went even further with Jude wrapping his arms around those strong shoulders, pulling him in and deepening the kiss between.

When pulling back, there was a bit too much force put into it, causing him to fall back, but that only resulted in him lying flat on the bed. The hold around his father brought him down as well, now lying over Jude's body. The two just smiled and picked up where they left off, sharing another kiss by touching their lips together.

In his excitement, the younger one pushed his tongue past the pair of soft lips, making contact with his dad's. The moment it did, Stu was quick to follow suit. His paws joined in, rubbing over Jude's chest, grazing his fingers over the smooth pelt.

The sounds of their voices, soft moans, reached both of their ears. Warmth filled the bunny's frame while his tongue swirled and dragged along his father's. They shared each other's taste and were now running their paws along each other. Jude dragged his blunted claws through the pelt, feeling the muscles underneath. Despite their sizes, Stu was rather stocky for a bunny, having the gut that came from a bit of drinking and strong arms and legs that came from working the fields.

Feeling those rough paws and strong arms touching him made Jude shudder and moan softly around Stu's mouth. His tongue started to move faster to keep pace with his father's, nearly being overpowered by the other bunny's movements. Their kissing got rougher and their moans increased in volume. Gripping tighter, Jude began to grind his nude form against the older male, feeling bursts of pleasure as his length made contact with Stu's cock, making them both become erect.

The wooden bed started to creak rhythmically as they went from softly grinding to full on humping their erect cocks into each other, breathing heavily and moaning out between their connected mouths. Stu was especially pressing his weight down, rocking his hips to slide the underside of his shaft along the length of his son's. His thick rod was already leaking, spreading the clear, slick fluid between the two of them made it all the easier, bringing them both even more pleasure.

Just as he said, Stu was aiming to make this one extra special. Jude going to the Z.P.D. meant that he would likely be busy, maybe to the point that he wouldn't be able to visit for some time. If that was going to be the case... More effort was put into his actions, reaching his tongue deeper, nearly overwhelming Jude as it was suddenly flicking and twisting more with speed and force than ever before. A muffled sound voiced this surprise but it quickly melted into another soft moan of delight.

The already tight hold was suddenly increased, pulling their bodies as close as they could be. And that was followed by Stu, giving a series of grunts as he increased the pace of his hips, sliding his cock over Jude's producing more fluids that aided him in this. Now the pleasure was enough for his son to rock his own hips in reflex, clutching at his dad's body as the pleasure spread throughout his body.

Jude had an idea that this time was going to entail more than it usually did, but he was not expecting anything like this. The feelings struck him hard and all the while it was joined with the strong yet comforting arms of his father around and that tongue that continued to lap in his mouth, smearing the taste of the older male's own mouth within, making him shudder and hold him just as tight, wanting to feel as much as he could. His own cock was now leaking, making a bit of a mess between the two of them, making him more and more excited with each passing second.

Eventually, the actions between them ceased and ended with Stu pulling back, leaving a thick line of saliva that connected their lips still. Jude's body was still tingling and his heart was pounding in his chest, awaiting whatever was coming next. But whatever that would be was not what he expected. Rising up from his body and off of the bed, Stu stepped down onto the floor and stood tall, looking down at his son with a smile. A single paw curled its main finger, signaling for the younger hare to rise up as well.

Jude certainly didn't expect what was coming next, sure they had done something like this before but this was the first time that they had done it in this position. Once more, his father had shown his strength, holding his more lithe body up and upside down. It was one of his favorite positions: doing sixty-nine. The only difference was this time they were standing. Stu was holding his son upside down, lining the held lagomorph's mouth with the tip of his cock. And he was doing the same, already nuzzling against Jude's shaft.

"Ready?" Stu asked.


Still leading off, Stu opened his mouth and gave a slow lick to the hare's rod. After shivering from the light pleasure he received, Jude took action of his own, planting a soft peck to the tip, easing his lips over it as he suckled on it. He couldn't help but smile around it as he heard his father's groans of pleasure. It seemed that he was now leading, feeling his current action being copied and reciprocated on his cock. For a bit of time, the two of them simply teased each other but only on very tips, keeping their lips pressed and their tongues swirling around.

Though a simple act, it brought Jude more pleasure than he was expecting. Stu had plenty of experience and it was easy enough to feel. That broad and soft tongue lapped along slowly and seemed to know just how to make his body shake and tremble already. Not wanting to fall behind, he went further with his own actions. Skipping past the licking part entirely, Jude wrapped held close to his dad, keeping arms wrapped around as he sunk his mouth down on the throbbing shaft, humming as he felt a few inches sliding over his tongue.

The two of them followed one after the other, rather than meeting each other's acts, they sought to outdo the other, licking harder, taking more inches into their mouths, and sucking on them with a bit more care until the two of them reached all they could, having had every inch available to each of them buried into each other's muzzles.

With nothing else to do it seemed that they reached a stalemate, but the plucky young bunny of course had a plan to take things to the next level. As most lagomorphs did, Jude had incredible strength in his legs and that was the same for his hips. That aided him in rocking his hips forward, pushing his cock deeper into his father's mouth. Stu clearly expected it to be pulled back, making a sudden gag with wide eyes that his son could not see. But he adjusted soon enough and met this with renewed vigor, keeping his lips wrapped around, with more of a hold. In addition to keeping his tongue moving, he bobbed his head in time with the incoming movements, taking the tip and shaft into his throat without missing a beat.

If it wasn't for the strong feelings racing through his body, Jude would have felt jealous over how talented his father was. And of course, his own humps were countered with incoming bucks from Stu, shoving his thicker than average bunny cock into his son's mouth, pushing in deep, sliding right over the tongue as well and easing right into the tight and soft hold of the throat beyond.

Stu held firm, keeping his son in his hold while also rocking his lower body. Strong legs wrapped around him, and that only made things easier. Groaning around the maleness filling his own mouth, he simply enjoyed the feelings that came with the so far, slow strokes of his hips that rubbed his shaft against those wet and warm walls. They were already clenching down on him, sending shivers through him. Getting lost in the pleasure for a moment, he nearly lost his grip but the legs wrapped around him kept the two of them together. Jude mumbled something and Stu chuckled awkwardly before getting back into his pace.

Jude had lost his own stride, stunned for a moment as the pleasure increased, brought about by the clenches of Stu's own throat. They were clearly controlled, happening at a pace that matched every time his rod slipped downwards, being surrounded by an even tighter hold. As good as it felt, he was reminded of the rod in his mouth, feeling it grind over his tongue, smearing a layer of precum along his taste buds.

The taste on his tongue encouraged him to get things moving on his end again. Weak pumps of Stu's hips saved him the discomfort of having his throat suddenly jammed into. To get things moving again, Jude was twirling his tongue yet again and even bobbing his own head to make up the difference. Now he could hear those deep moans, even louder now that he was making the effort to bob his head, aiming to shove as much of his dad's cock inside as he could.

Between the two of them, the bedroom was alive with muffled moans that emanated from both bunnies, they were both getting louder as the pleasure between them grew: licking, sucking, and flexing their throats around each other's shafts. Having taught him much, Stu was very impressed with the feelings that met his cock, no sooner had he thrust deeper into that caressing throat, Jude was right there with a follow up, reaching down into his gullet and marking his tongue with precum when pulling back. He very much enjoyed the taste, feeling a rush of pride again as he noted how similar it was to his own.

For as much fun as he was having, there was only so much that Jude could stand. Being held upside for a while was now having some adverse effects. Despite his desire to keep going, he tapped at his dad's thigh. When on the bed, it was a signal that he needed to breathe. Even in this situation, the message was read loud and clear, prompting them both to stop. Stu helped his son get upright again and they took a little break while the younger bunny sat down, letting the blood circulate through his body properly again.


"I'm so proud of you," Stu said sweetly as he laid on top. He and Jude were lying on the edge of the bed. While the other was lying down fully, Stu's feet were touching the ground as he was bending over to kiss his son some more, both moaning against the other, flicking their tongues and swapping the sticky ropes of precum that coated the both of them.

This filled their mouths with each other's taste, much to their shared delight. The moans coming from Jude had something a bit more to them, being more needy as he felt the warm cocktip prodding at his hole, just needing a bit more to start entering. As great as the kiss was, the anticipation and the need to cum were driving him crazy.

It seemed his dad felt the same, pressing his body closer led to that tip breaching past the pre-smeared rim. The both of them shared a muffled groan as the thick bunny cock sunk into the snug tailhole. The kiss was broken up again so Stu could properly breed his son, for old times sake.

Being both close to their limits from what they did before, neither younger or older saw a point in beating around the bush. Getting straight to the point, Stu grabbed his son's hips in and rammed himself in hard and fast like a bunny was meant to. The both of them struggled to keep their voices down, moaning out alongside the frequent creaks of the homemade bed and the sharp smacks of Stu's hips crashing into his son's ass, sounding out every other second thanks to the blinding pace.

"Aah... Dad..." Jude moaned and bit his lip, trying his best to keep it together. Though this was the first time from feeling his father's cock pounding into him like this, the pleasure never failed to swarm his body, shrouding his senses. It took actual effort to keep his voice contained as he finally came, shooting his pent up load all over the fur of his stomach. Following very close behind was Stu, ramming in a final time and gritting his teeth as he pumped his load inside, groaning as those soft walls hugged tight to his spurting cock, milking more out of him than usual.

"I love you, son..." Stu said, easing down to pull Jude into another kiss...