Lupine Lemons: The Omega Club, Part 2

Story by Battleaxe The Wolf on SoFurry

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#9 of Lupine Lemons

"The chips are down. The bet is made. The Omega Club is finally reassembled, and the fun has only just started. In the newest chapter of Humphrey's Lemon Drawer, Humphrey will put everything on the line for a little fun. And maybe he'll even discover something about himself along the way. Only time will tell, and the day is still young..."

IT'S FINALLY FINISHED! The chapter, I mean. There's still plenty of sexy wolf shenanigans to discover in 2022, so keep an eye out for more in the coming months. Hopefully, I'll be able to get updates out more regularly, but you can't rush perfection(ism).


The air in the Usual Spot was permeated with the smell of sex, and Humphrey's words rent it like the crack of a whip. The response came swiftly and easily, before he even had the time to think. It was automatic, as instinctual and easy as taking the breath to speak the words. Him and Shakey looked into each other's eyes for longer than normal, blue boring deep into gold, and their hearts raced like they rarely had before. Humphrey could feel his pulse pounding in his neck, throbbing through the rock-hard cock that swung between his legs. He had no idea why he said yes so quickly, but he did, and that was all that mattered. He couldn't go back now.

The terms had been set. The chips had fallen, and the bet was made. And for that little moment, that surge of adrenaline of putting so much on the line, he didn't care. He bucked his hips up and down like the pro he was, working that infamously-huge ass of his back into his friend's face without a single shred of fear or hesitation. Shakey didn't say a word.

"Hey," Humphrey smirked over his shoulder, stilling his hips but arching his back, all to the purpose of thrusting those bubbly rumpcheeks as close to his friend's muzzle as possible. He felt his every breath, like a gust of hot wind grazing over the fur of his rump with every heavy exhale. "Did you hear me, Shakey? I said we have a deal! Whoever loses is gonna get the knot." A spark of lustful fire shone in his eyes. "What's the matter? Too busy staring to pay attention? My eyes are up here, man."

Another blast of breath hit his backside, followed by a swift, stinging slap of a paw. The smaller wolf's target did the thing it did best, and wobbled and shook against itself, mere inches from his muzzle like a carrot in front of a caribou's face.

"Oh, I heard you." Shakey's tone was simple, matter-of-fact, but his cocky grin blazed like fire on his face. Humphrey didn't mind the sting; in fact, he wore it like a badge of honor. Not just any rump deserved to be smacked so hard. "I was just taking my time to savor the moment. Y'know, get a face-full of this ass before I totally win."

"Why not save the savoring till later? If you're so sure you'll win, why not just jump right into it and cut the drama?" Humphrey matched his grin like a mirror, shaking his hips from side to side with a saucy, confident wiggle. "I know: you're scared you'll lose, and you're stalling. Get a good look then, buddy. You're not getting this view again for a while."

Another blast of breath grazed across his rump, right down the furrow dividing those bubbly cheeks from one another. The teasing movements of his hips only made them jiggle more, and the ensuing sharp smack to their bubbly selves made one the loudest slaps yet. It echoed off the trees, and Humphrey chuckled despite the pain in his rump. The pain didn't matter to him; if he was teasing, he was happy.

"If you're so eager to lose, how about we get started?" Shakey smirked through gritted fangs. "I almost won the other day, and I'm not gonna take a tie for an answer this time."

Humphrey straightened up and swung his hips off to the side, snatched his rump away in an instant with a playful roll of his eyes. He took extra care to run the tip of his tail under Shakey's chin while he made one more full-circle around his sitting form.

"Me neither." He let out a sultry growl from deep in his throat, all the way down in his chest. "One of us is coming out on top this time. Literally! And it's not gonna be you." He parked himself right in front of him, shoving their muzzles together until their noses almost touched. "I'll call as many rounds as I have to! If you think you're up to it."

Shakey's smirk turned toothy, his fangs flashing in the light that filtered through the canopy overhead. His fangs glinted in it, his eyes sparkled gold, and the light brown of his fur shimmered like copper.

"I wouldn't have it any other way, Humph." His eyes narrowed, like a hunter sizing up his prey before the leap. "Now, let's cut the chatter and get started, alright? I'm too hard for this."

Humphrey gave a cocky chuckle in response, taking a glance downward. It was true; him and Shakey were both at full-mast, their knotted shafts twitching in the afternoon air. He thought about maybe making a sassy retort, but agreed with Shakey. He was too hard for this, and the time for playing around was almost over.

"Yeah, let's get this show on the road." His growl faded for a moment, even if his grin didn't. He looked off to the side towards Salty and a slightly-stirring Mooch, who was working his way into a weak, tired sit. "Watch closely, boys. You're our refs, alright?"

Mooch nodded heavily, and Salty just waved a paw.

"Whatever, dudes. We've got you covered." Salty shrugged lazily, grinning in just the same way. "Just bang already!"

Humphrey and Shakey couldn't have agreed more.

Shakey stood up suddenly, and Humphrey took a few steps forward. They both knew the steps to the sign, and they carried them out as quickly as their own instinct would let them. Shakey faced one way, Humphrey faced the other. Their sides brushed one another as they stood parallel, Humphrey's hips on level with Shakey's shoulders. A paw came down on both rumps in one swift, synchronized movement, both wolves' impressive asses jiggling in perfect unison as they cast their sexiest smirks back at each other, blue burning deep into gold.

"You ready?" was the only thing Shakey said, digging his claws into the bubbly hide of Humphrey's rump, almost deep enough to puncture the skin underneath.

Humphrey did the same, holding back the urge to tease further. As tempting as it was, there was work to do.

"I'm always ready." He growled, flashing his fangs as his rump jiggled to a standstill. "Let's go."

They didn't have to say another word to one another. Humphrey and Shakey were on the same wavelength, and before he knew it, Shakey had rolled over onto his back, legs drawn in. He cast that cocky smirk of his upward to meet Humphrey's eyes, holding all four legs close to his chest and letting his rock-hard cock, knot and all, throb and leak against his underbelly. Humphrey studied every inch of him; the way his posture clashed with his aura, the way the submissiveness of his position crashed against the cocky grin on his face, the way the power bottom so shamelessly displayed his dick. He resisted the urge to let out a genuine chuckle. For a wolf who was so committed to being on bottom, he sure was proud of what lay between his legs. He couldn't help but admire his dedication to the tease. It was almost like he expected Humphrey to just sit on it out of sheer impression.

But he would have to work for that. And even then, Humphrey knew, it still wouldn't be enough. If he had anything to say about, nothing ever would be, no matter the wolf. Alpha and Omega alike, Humphrey The Top had that name for a reason.

He bit down hard on his lip, stepping over Shakey's laid-out form and casting him in his deep shadow for the second time that day. His body eclipsed the sun overhead, and his eyes burned with lustful confidence as their noses almost touched again. What was between their legs, however, did touch, and the two wolves' length throbbed and leaked against each other's shafts and bellies alike, expectant and ready for anything their owners could dish out. Every twitch of Shakey's shaft only made his heart beat faster, only quickened his pulse, and the sparks between them were so strong that they were almost visible. But Humphrey didn't have time for this.

He had a rump to pound, and a bet to win.

He took a deep breath, letting all that combined musk flood his senses again. It dampened the air, weighed it down, made it denser, and he drank it all in one breath at a time. It sank into his senses just like before and sizzled at his brain, fried his inhibition to a crisp, made his libido pump faster. And he loved it. He loved the way it made him lose control. He loved the way it made him do things he would never have thought to do. And before he knew it, he was turning around and getting into position. His felt Shakey's hot breath caress his cock with every huffing exhale, and the skinnier wolf's rock-hard length stared him down as furiously as his infamously-dominant gaze. But he didn't have an interest in Shakey's dick, no matter how much it jumped and throbbed, how good it smelled, or how enticing the little bead of pre on his tapered head was. No, what was beyond it was much more interesting. It would be a stretch to reach it, but he knew where he was going next.

Shakey's tail lay limp against the forest floor, and his nose didn't steer him wrong; Shakey's intoxicating scent drew him in, like a fish on one of the humans' fishing lines. Before he could tell himself to slow down, his nose was buried right up against the smaller Omega's musky tailhole, and he drank so deeply that he felt lightheaded.

The position wasn't the comfiest one he'd ever been in. He had to stretch his back and crane his neck downward to reach his target, but as he exhaled that intoxicating scent and took his first ravenous, slobbering lick, he found he didn't care all that much. He would find a fix for that later, once he hit his stride.

He was so wrapped up in his own musk-addled head that he hadn't even noticed Shakey's mouth until it was too late. By the time he had finished his third (or maybe even fourth? It was hard to tell with his head being so cloudy.) pass over his friend's hole, Shakey had already taken the initiative to swallow his cock down to the knot. Just like the other day, Shakey's maw was near perfection; warm and silky and smooth, practiced and experienced. Shakey was an expert in every way Humphrey could imagine; his lips were supple, his tongue was masterful, and his throat was skilled enough to drive an Alpha crazy with his own lust.

And it had, on more occasions than Humphrey could count. He was there, after all.

It didn't take long before Shakey was effortlessly deepthroating him, bobbing his expert muzzle up and down with patience and precision. He never missed a beat, never passed an opportunity to milk his length for every last drop and spurt of hot pre that he could take, never missed that chance to fully show off just how good every portion of his muzzle could be. A knot twisted in Humphrey's stomach, and his body surged with desperate adrenaline. All he needed was for him to cum first, then it would all be over.

But he wouldn't let that happen. His vision sharpened. His heart rate steadied. His mind cleared as much as it could from underneath the crushing weight of all that combined musk, and he focused all that carnal fervor into one task; prepping that hole for what came next. And he didn't have a lot of time. Humphrey always liked to say that it would take more than a mouth to make him blow, but time and time again, he had been proven wrong. Shakey had been one of the ones to do it the most, and they all knew it. Every second where he wasn't getting Shakey's rump ready was a second that was wasted, and they didn't have all day. He could already feel it deep inside; the rising pressure in his balls; the growing, desperate need to cum. It wouldn't take long at this rate. So he doubled down, stoking his sexual energy like a steady fire, ready to unload it at just the right moment when he gave the word. He just hoped he could make it that long.

He lashed and lapped against the underside of Shakey's tail, matting his fur and slobbering his entrance with spit. The fur around that spit-slobbered pucker grew dark and sticky, and that hungry ring quivered instinctually against him with every touch, every glide over it. He drew back for a moment to catch a breath, savoring his handiwork with the ghost of a smirk for a split second before going on to the next stage of the prep. He dove back in, pressing the tip of his tongue right against the center of Shakey's spit-slathered hole, grinding forward with slow, teasing pushes until he found his give. Shakey redoubled his efforts as he slipped deep into his hole, the musky, intoxicating taste of his tight insides melting over his tongue like butter.

He had no time to savor the feelings anymore. His adrenaline surged again and his pulse quickened, that all-too-familiar feeling beginning to creep up. It was like a steam-valve inside him, building in pressure slowly but surely, growing with the beating of his heart. Every pump of his pulse only made it stronger, every sloppy bob of Shakey's mouth along his twitching shaft only made it harder to resist. His balls contracted, his cock shot off, his stomach dropped. He was running out of time, and fast. He had to make this count. So he doubled down again, putting up the walls, blocking out the pleasure. But the steam just kept rising. Shakey's mouth never quit, the skinny wolf never seemed to stop for air. His bobs became audible slurps, and Humphrey put all his focus into his next move.

He sharpened his focus further, diving in until his lips locked against the quivering underside of Shakey's tail, unable to move any further. The length of his tongue slipped deep, deeper than he had been inside a wolf in a long while, slobbering and prodding all over every wall he could reach. He knew exactly what he was looking for, but adding to the pleasure along the way would only make things easier. His years of eating ass paid off in seconds, and as he neared his mark, he found he didn't have to give it a single thought. Other wolves might have had to look for it, but he knew Shakey's body inside and out, like the back of his own paw. He had tonguefucked him enough times to know exactly where he was going, and he zeroed in on his final target like a hawk. He wouldn't miss, he knew it. He was too good.

And he wasn't going to lose.

The tip of his tongue struck Shakey's prostate like a bullseye, and if the sudden clench of his walls wasn't enough to tell him that, the rope of precum staining his underbelly would have. Shakey wouldn't be able to resist this, and as he drew back his tongue to jab at that spot for a second time, he grew more and more sure of it. A muted moan rumbled through his cock as he made contact again, and his belly only felt stickier. Shakey's already-tight walls clenched around him like the weight of a boulder as soon as he struck, and it almost made the ensuing tonguefucking harder.

Almost. Humphrey was too good to let something like that slow him down.

The pressure in his loins only continued to grow, but he shoved it down as deep as he could as he focused on finding his rhythm. In and out, that was all he had to do. He struck like a hammer with every thrust of his tongue, slopping that powerful muscle in and out of Shakey's hole with audible slurps, just like the ones going on between his legs with every jab he made. His friend's rump reacted in exactly the way he had expected, spasming and squeezing around him while he went at it with everything he had. His belly only grew sticker and warmer the longer he went on, his underside the target of countless spurt and ropes of pre that leapt and shot from Shakey's tip like a broken, bursting pipe. He had no idea how far behind or ahead he was, but he was clearly doing something right. The wolf beneath him moaned again around his precum-spurting dick, kissing his knot and drinking down his salty rewards with every single bob now. It would be long for him either at this rate. He needed to finish the prep quickly, before all that pleasurable pressure became too much to tamp down, before it became too much to hold in. It was already starting to overflow, and that special spot between his legs buzzed and ached with each suckle and slurp.

But he wasn't anywhere near done. The prep stage may have been over, but Humphrey still had a lot more to do, a lot more to show off. After all, what good was winning a bet if you can't do it with a little style? He yanked his head back, freeing his tongue from the confines of Shakey's rump and returning to a more relaxed posture. He threw Shakey a bone, letting loose a few shots of pre down his throat before pulling his hips sharply upward. His cock left Shakey's slurping maw with an audible pop, leaving the smaller wolf panting for breath beneath him, his throat and mouth now empty.

"So, you ready to give up back there?" Humphrey smirked through his front legs, their grins meeting in the middle, with only a pair of rock-hard wolf-dicks in the way. Shakey almost looked annoyed for a second, but his expression quickly matched Humphrey's to a tee. Just the way Humphrey liked it.

"I bet you'd love that..." Shakey growled back at him. "But, nope! I'm still holding out. Can't say you're so lucky, though, with all that pre you were shooting down my throat just a second ago!"

"Hey, what can I say?" Humphrey's smirk softened a bit, and his tail swished idly over Shakey's spit-stained muzzle. "You've got a good mouth. I'll admit it!"

"Well, you're right about that." The smaller wolf returned the favor, swishing the tip of his tail against Humphrey's nose. He held in a deep breath; it took all his energy and effort not to sneeze. "But now that you've had your fun with my mouth, what's next, huh?"

Humphrey loved that tone. He loved the way Shakey words dripped with lustful confidence, lik spit off of a slobbered cock. He loved how heavy those words were on his ears, as heavy as the musk hanging in the air around them, drilling deep into their heads and senses alike. He gave his length a flex, slapping it lightly against his friend's muzzle when gravity dragged it back down.

"I think you know." Humphrey teased, grinding his hips downward ever-so-slightly, just to feel every anticipating breath from Shakey's muzzle all over his dick.

"Then get off of me," he grinned toothily, fangs flashing and eyes lidding low. "and show me what you've got, Humph!"

"I've got loads." Humphrey effortlessly stepped over his friend's laid-out form, smirk blazing and thick rump swaying from side to side. He cast the ever-burning smirk over his shoulder with a saucy wiggle of his hips, as if to taunt Shakey's prize right in front of his muzzle for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. "Trust me."

"Cut the chatter, dude." Shakey scoffed with a teasing roll of his eyes. Humphrey couldn't help but watch as the smaller wolf's cock gave a meaty throb, and his spit-lubed pucker shot him a winking clench underneath his limp tail. "Just get over here and fuck me!"

Humphrey couldn't have said it better himself.

Lining up was an easy job. All he had to do was take a few steps forward until, just like before, him and Shakey were on top of one another. Humphrey paws came down on the sides of his shoulders, his slightly-larger size practically holding him down as their smirking grins clashed.

"You ready to lose?" Humphrey's grin met his own in an instant, and their gaze never left each other, even as the larger wolf's spit-smeared, tapered cockhead kissed his hole.

"I'd ask you the same thing." Shakey grinned, bedroom eyes smoldering with the heat of a forest fire. "But that'd just waste even more time, wouldn't it? C'mon, put that big dick up my tail already."

Humphrey only rolled his eyes, gritting his fangs hard enough to hurt his jaw as he eased his hips forward. He savored every last second of what came next. Shakey's tailhole buckled inward and spread wide around him, and as he pressed so steadily into the hot and silken tightness of his friend's rump for the second time that week, he couldn't help but savor it. He slid in an inch at a time, feeling those walls part and stretch around his girth, the smaller wolf's pulse thrumming through his flesh as he filled his insides, beckoning him deeper.

But he couldn't savor it forever, even as he passed the halfway point, watching Shakey's tailhole stretch gradually around his shaft and his knot slip closer and closer to his ring by the second. He had to stay focused; focused on getting down to the knot, focused on pounding this ass in just the right way to make Shakey blow before he could. Pleasure was secondary; there would be time for fun later.

And as he slipped quickly over the halfway mark, turning what was at first a slow penetration into a quick and merciless thrust, he realized he knew just how to do it. It was always an easy win, and even if Shakey had predicted it, he couldn't resist it.

After all, no one could resist a cocktip right to the prostate.

He slammed in the rest of the way, earning a little grunt from Shakey when their bodies collided, and his knot hammered against his rump. Even for an inferior backside, in such a compromising position, it still managed to make an impressive jiggle. But the reactions of his insides were what really drew Humphrey's attention: desperate draws inward, needy clenches and rolls around his buried length, squeezes that felt like suction, drawing out spurts of hot pre from his tip by the load-full. Shakey was as good as ever, but the initial slip past his button had already taken its toll. Ropes of fresh pre lashed over his dark gray underbelly, staining his fur dark and sticky as soon as the slam came. It wouldn't be the last time he was going to leak. Humphrey would make sure of that.

"Leaking already, huh?" He leered, gritting his fangs in that cocky grin he was so fond of. "What's the matter? Wanna cum already?" Shakey's walls only seemed to tighten with every syllable, the small wolf's depths squeezing around him as he drew back to the tip, only to ram every inch back inside in one swift push. Their bodies collided again, and the smaller Omega's hole squeezed down around him yet again. "I wouldn't blame you if you did. Really, I wouldn't."

Shakey didn't respond beyond a fang-flashing grin at first, sniggering so casually as he took every inch right back into him. He only opened his mouth to speak once Humphrey had finally broken into his rhythm; in and out, again and again, right up his tail in quick, smooth movements. They were reserved at first, his tip aimed so perfectly right at his sweet spot for maximum effect and impact. But every thrust after only seemed to come faster, making his walls squeeze tighter, clench faster, and his cock spew more.

"No way...!" Shakey's voice sounded strained, and Humphrey noticed it immediately. His underbelly was starting to become a mess. His tip was firing off with jets of clear pre-load onto his chest, his shaft was jumping and leaping between his thighs, and his knot was pounding so hard that Humphrey could feel it all the way through his depths. "Not even close, Humphrey! You're gonna have to-"

Another jab at his button sent his next round streaking across his muzzle, strings of warm wolf-pre bridging his lips like cobwebs.

"Y-you're gonna have to try harder than that...!"

He had tried to cover up the stutter, that much was obvious, but nothing slipped past Humphrey. That one blubber was enough. He kept his pace, hammering his knot between his rumpcheeks, slamming all that cock deep inside him with every driving thrust, and savoring every squeeze. Every clench and roll of his walls might have brought him closer to the edge, but there was a perfect tradeoff; every last movement of Shakey's insides was the result of his own uncontrolled pleasure now, and the smaller wolf raced toward the edge faster and faster with every few seconds that passed. He gritted his fangs harder than Humphrey did. Every once in a while, he would shut his eyes, or take a rattling breath. He could practically see the pleasure crackling through his fur, up his spine, and back down again like lightning. Overcharging, and on the verge of a meltdown.

He was close. Humphrey chuckled deeply, knowingly, driving himself deep up Shakey's tail just that little bit faster.

"I don't think," He leered, watching as Shakey threw back his head, grunting aloud when an especially-powerful thrust rammed into him. "I'll need to try much harder. Face it, you're done."

His tip slammed his prostate again and again, relentlessly hammering up right on the dot; he didn't need to feel the coin-sized cushion to know that at this point. Shakey's barely-restrained whines told him more than words could, his walls' countless spasms spoke volumes, his cock's uncontrollable firing-off made moans and sounds unnecessary. But he kept on hammering away, slamming deep, pulling back, then doing it all again as long as he could. He was starting to lose his breath a bit, and his own rising pleasure was becoming harder to ignore, but he just barely pressed it down, resolving to save it for later.

Shakey opened his mouth to speak, but only panting breaths, gasps for air, and desperate whines came out for a few solid seconds. When his voice did come out, it was strained, and exhausted. Broken. Perfect.

"I'm not...!" He gasped, eyes shutting tight and cock going berserk, like a leaping, broken pipe on the edge of bursting. "I'm... nowhere near done...! Just you watch...! I'm gonna-!"

"Oh, I'll watch all right!" Humphrey jeered, slamming his button even harder than before. The impact was like a charging caribou, ramming him with all that wolfcock's strength. A full-on moan escaped his throat this time, like a scream into the air. "I'll watch as you fuckin' lose. Then I'll watch as I..." He hammered his knot forward, wiggling his hips until he felt those plush, gray rumpcheeks part around its girth, kissing Shakey's trembling, cock-gaped entrance with a knowing throb. "As I push my knot right up this ass. Just face it, you lose!"

Shakey shook his head from side to side, desperate to shake off the beginning of his oncoming climax. It was obvious, any of them could have seen it. Another moan escaped his lips, and his muzzle turned a light shade of red as Humphrey resumed his rhythm.

"Yeah, that's it!" He chuckled deep, pounding Shakey's rump with everything he could muster, never missing a chance to hit his button head-on. "Moan for me, bitch! Take that cock...!"

Shakey let loose another screaming moan, his eyes shutting so tight that he no-doubt saw stars. Humphrey knew what it was like to shut his eyes that tight from just pleasure alone, and the blotches didn't usually go away for a while. His friend's walls spasmed and clenched around him with almost painful levels of tightness, and their bodies collided with flesh, sticky plaps with every last thrust he delivered. Shakey's cock erupted in a sticky mess of clear, salty fluids, and with every leap and every throbbing jump, he only inched closer to the edge. It would be long now. Not at all. Not when Shakey was doing exactly as he was told, taking Humphrey's cock with dutiful obedience.

There would be a lot more where that came from in the near future. And as Shakey's climax reared its head, using his cock-stretched walls to pound Humphrey's pistoning dick from all sides, they both knew it. Humphrey's own wasn't far behind, if the sticky warmth flooding through his friend's tailhole was anything to go by. And it always was.

"I can't...!" Shakey cried out as his length leapt and jumped, a massive, molten throb pumping its way through his nethers. "I'm not gonna... lose to you...!"

Humphrey only met his defiance with a deep, growling chuckle, hammering away at his rump like it was the easiest thing in the world.

"You got your chance. Just give it up." He leered, eyes lidded and tail swishing. "Just shut your trap and cum for me already."

Shakey sat there, fangs grinding, eyes shut tight, resisting as best he could with his head against the ground behind him. He panted like he had just run a mile, he gasped like he had just gotten the wind knocked out of him, he whined and moaned out like a winded pup. And with one more especially-powerful squeeze around Humphrey's hilted cock, one more rope of precum from his tip across his belly and face and chest, and one more screaming, desperate moan...

He finally came.

All Humphrey had to do was bury himself inside him one more time to set it all off, to send the house of cards that was his friend's tattered sexual resolve crashing down. The volley of pounding squeezes nearly sent him over the edge too, but he gritted his fangs hard and bit down on his own sex drive for as long as it took to completely secure his victory. It was one of the hardest things he'd ever done in his life: Shakey's walls pummeled him from all sides like they were trying to drag him off of the edge with their owner, his depths grew tighter and hotter as the smaller canine's adrenaline surged and screamed through him. The sound of those loud, desperate moans of relief was something Humphrey rarely heard from him. So much like a female, so needy, so regardless of anybody else. So good at tempting him to blow. Every last sensory experience Shakey's climax sent his way seemed to drag him kicking and screaming toward his own: every last pleasurable vocalization, every last squeeze of his insides, every single last sticky, hot spurt of cum against his balls and belly and chest.

Humphrey didn't give himself permission to blow until he was sure he was in the clear, but the fog blanketing his mind, the sound of his own racing heart, made it difficult to think. The smells and sounds of sex had truly intoxicated him, and every second down to the wire was a fight to maintain his careful balance. But like the stud he thought of himself as, he held out until the finish line, celebrating the dying whimpers and final, pitiful squirts of white with an unloading of his own.

He threw his head back, gritting his fangs and shutting his eyes so hard that they hurt, so hard that his jaw strained and his vision was filled with blind spots where his ability to see was utterly blasted away into a sea of morphing colors. He gave a few good huffs, Shakey's small moans driving him on as he finally gave in, filling his hole with pumps upon pumps, ropes upon ropes of hot, gooey cum all the way down to the knot. The urge to tie him right then and there was too much to resist; he had to. He needed it.

But the winner hadn't been called. Not yet. And as his mind pieced itself back together from the shattering of his own orgasm, he summoned up the will to resist his deepest instinct for the time being. It was like wrestling an Alpha twice his size; almost impossible to win. His length throbbed with a few more spurts of white, his knot pulsed and begged to claim the hole in front of it at any second. All Humphrey had to do was give the word, and press his hips forward...

By the time Humphrey was fully brought back to his senses, he had already collapsed on top of the wolf below him. He was a panting mess, gasping, his hips and chest aching as he tried seemingly in vain at first to catch his winded breath. But when Mooch's excited whoop and Shakey's voice broke the panting silence, both of them perked up. And Humphrey's muzzle split into a tired, vindicated grin as soon as he heard the words.

"And... time!" Salty brought his front paws together in a decidedly-human clap, his grin unable to contain itself on his face. "Great job guys, really. Super hot."

"Oh yeah!" Mooch shuddered physically, leaning back a bit with a lick of his tongue across his chops. "Super hot."

Salty only rolled his eyes to the side, blowing a lock of his own mane out of his eyes with a fond, amused grin before returning to the task at paw.

"But I bet you wanna know who won, huh?" His grin split into a cocky smirk, and Humphrey and Shakey shared a slightly-tired sideways glance. "Okay then, Omegas. The winner is..."

The silence that followed was longer than either of them could count. The seconds crawled by like minutes, ticking along at a snail's pace. The tension hung so thick in the air that Humphrey swore he could have sunk his teeth into it, and Salty seemed to be taking a hell of a lot of pleasure in seeing them sit in suspense. Humphrey was resolute; he had won, he knew it. There was no way he could have lost, they all had seen it. The verdict was only a formality.

Salty smirked just a tad wider, his voice breaking the silence at last.

"Congrats, Humphrey. The win's all yours."

Out of all the bets Humphrey had ever won, every contest between Omegas he had ever taken part in, this was the most satisfying. A fleshy slap rang out the moment his tail whipped itself across Shakey's rump, and he grinned wider and most confidently than he had all day. If he hadn't been so wiped out, he would have stood tall and proud. But leaning over his winded friend, on the verge of collapsing and gasping for breath, as the creamy mess of his own hot load settled around his buried cock was enough for now

"Ha! I told you...!" He chuckled, in between gasping breaths, "I told you you'd lose...! That's what you get for coming after The Top...!"

Shakey only rolled his eyes, giving a weak chuckle before utterly collapsing, limbs spread out and cock oozing against his fur

"Whatever, Humph..." He waved a paw dismissively, clearly too winded to care at the moment. "I got a good dicking out of it anyway."

Humphrey worked his way up to all fours with a fair bit of effort, the weight of his fatigue starting to lift. His breaths came easier, his chest felt lighter, and he managed a smug grin down at his exhausted friend. "You sure did, buddy. This ass was just as good as always."

The ghost of a smirk graced Shakey's muzzle; tired, but definitely there. "'Course it was. You might have the biggest rump, but I've got the best."

Humphrey's fang dug into his lip, that sexy leer blazing as his enamel sparkled in a ray of sunshine. "You can say that again."

A moment of silence passed between them, the clearing falling quiet save for the rustle of leaves and the steadying breathing of a couple of wolves. That is, until a voice rent the quiet:

"So," Shakey began, his tone a bit less horny and a lot more resigned than before. "I guess you have a reward to claim, huh?" The idea, in the way he put it, struck Humphrey as reluctant, almost disappointed. He felt a familiar, instinctual throb pulse between his legs at the thoughts his friend's words conjured up, but... "Whoever wins gets to knot, right? I came up with it, after all. I guess I'm all yours for the rest of the day, huh?" He almost seemed to chuckle, but it came off more like a disappointed huff, and he cast his gaze away from Humphrey's face. "For the rest of the day, I'm basically your second Mooch. Looks like you can't play the dom all the time; eh, Humph?"

The double meaning of Shakey's words hit him instinctually, but he shrugged it off. Instead, he just gave the other wolf a genuine smile, trying his hardest to keep things relaxed and lax. If he had known he would react like this...

Mooch was one thing; he had accepted the role without hesitation all those years ago. But something seemed different with Shakey. He was trying to get it over with. He was certain that was what it was. Humphrey knew his friends well enough to make that judgment, and before his dick could override his brain, he spoke, almost without thinking.

"Shakey, if you don't wanna..." He shot the laid-out wolf a genuine grin, his eyes sparkling in the light. "I can just, y'know, let it slide! Sure, I won and all, but if you don't wanna play the sub, we can just-"

But he was cut off by a sudden, haughty scoff. Shakey rolled his eyes, resting his paws behind his head with a cocky grin plastered across his muzzle.

"What? Are you kidding? You think I'm gonna back out of my end of the deal?" The tone in his voice was boisterous, disbelieving; a far cry from the slight awkwardness of a couple seconds ago. "You know I love a good knotting as much as all the other bitches here! Don't go soft on me now, Humphrey."

But Humphrey couldn't help but give a little chuckle, even if he didn't mean it. "Trust me, I know how much you like my knot! But if you still wanna play the power bottom, I can just knot your rump and forget the rest. I don't need you to sub for me to make this fun!"

Shakey chuckled, seemingly just himself. "So, you're going back on the bet, huh? You could've just not accepted if you felt that way, Humphrey." But he nodded along anyway, his right ear twitching with steady comprehension. "But it's true, being the bitch never really was my style. I prefer to take the leash in my teeth and pull, if you catch my drift!"

Humphrey snickered, planting his fat rump on the forest floor with a quiet crunch of leaves. "Oh yeah, I get it completely. You and me don't roll over easy, so you don't have to if you don't wanna. I'm still gonna knot your hole, don't get me wrong! But you're off the hook for the other half."

Humphrey felt that familiar throb again when Shakey shot him a warm grin, his fangs glinting in the light.

"Thanks, dude."

But that genuine smile was gone as quickly as it had come, replaced with the usual razor-sharp smirk.

"But you could've just asked me to take your knot up my tail. Save us all some stress. Just saying."

Humphrey found he couldn't disagree with that. He shrugged a bit; he had only accepted the bet because he knew he would win. And since he had never intended to take all his winnings anyway...

He chuckled to himself. Now that he thought about it, it was kinda pointless. But at least it was fun.

Shakey eyes shot to the side, to where Mooch and Salty sat idly. Their individual musk still permeated the air, like lightning buzzing in their noses, and Humphrey was knocked back into the clearing when it stirred up, like a warm, intoxicating breeze.

"Now, how about some clean-up over here, eh boys?"

Mooch instantly sat up, his back straight like an Alpha at attention. Salty glanced his way with an amused, smirking grin of his own, not bothering. Shakey continued:

"Mooch, you get over here and clean up my tail." He motioned at Mooch with a claw, then pointed its sharp point down beneath his tail, which was quickly becoming an oozing mess of white. "Salty, you get Humphrey nice and spotless. We'll go from there."

Sharing a nod and a grin toward each other, both under-used wolves made their way up to standing and advanced on their targets.

"So," Humphrey began, his voice sly and silky as he laid back with his paws behind his head. His hind legs spread almost of their own accord, giving all the access to his cum-smeared length he needed. "When do I get to knot that ass? Any timetables? Preferences?"

Shakey's cock gave a needy throb between his legs the moment Mooch's dutiful muzzle jammed itself beneath his tail, the tubby Omega getting to work the instant he was able to. Humphrey could hear every one of Mooch's slurps and gulps as his own load was drunk down by the mouthful, but he didn't pay them much mind, choosing instead to focus on what Shakey was saying.

"Well, I say we save the best for last, if you get me." The darker wolf's paw came down hard on Mooch's head, ramming his muzzle up against his gaped and cum-filled hole with barely room to breathe. "These two need some fun too, so we should probably save the good part for the end. Y'know, once these two sluts are all tired out."

"Yeah, I like that." Humphrey nodded along, slowly and thoughtfully as if his dick weren't being slobbered over, his leftover load being gulped down by the second. They could have been having casual conversation over lunch, his tone was so lax, even as Salty's mouth took him down to the knot. "Get back to the main event for a bit, then wrap it up with a nice knotting? Sounds like a good plan to me!"

The two sat in silence for a little bit, but the clean-up didn't take long. Within the next minute, Mooch was yanking his muzzle out from under Shakey's tail, gasping for air as musk no-doubt inundated his senses. Salty's mouth slipped its way up Humphrey's shaft, noisily leaving it behind before his own hunger could take over. Mooch panted for breath, regaining his musk-drowned composure before standing up as straight as he could, swaying a bit on the spot and shaking the excess dizziness from his head, And Salty just sat his rump back down on the ground, putting on his best smirk and breaking the silence yet again:

"We're finally gonna get some action around here?" He chuckled in sarcastic mock-astonishment. "About time! Watching was getting kinda boring. Right, Mooch?"

"Oh yeah," Mooch's deep tone snickered. "Way boring. Let's do something we can all have fun doing!"

Humphrey recognized the tone in Mooch's voice. It was one he rarely heard coming from that bassey-voiced wolf; it was mischievous, knowing. He had an idea in mind, and Humphrey had ideas as to what they could have been. He nodded along.

"Yeah," Salty leered, ribbing Mooch forcefully in the side. He didn't even flinch, and Humphrey wondered whether the big Omega even felt it. "And maybe it'll even be something that'll help you work on your stamina!" He chuckled when he spoke this time around, and Mooch's blush returned. "Seriously, Mooch, we really need to work on that. One fuck and you're out like a light!"

Mooch sputtered, said nothing coherent, and went quiet. He glanced off to the side with a guilty look on his face, his muzzle as red as a sunset.

"A-anyway!" Mooch spoke yet again, taken aback, but piecing himself back together. Humphrey couldn't help but chuckle; he was cute when he got flustered. "We should, you know... do something together! All four of us. That could be fun."

Shakey nodded in agreement, his tail thumping against the ground beneath him as he shot Humphrey a sharp, sly glance. Humphrey returned it, his head already swimming with all sorts of sexy ideas. So many positions, so many ideas, so much to try...

But before he had any time to speak up, Salty broke the lull of silence.

"How about..." The scrawny wolf bit down hard on his lip, his smirk smoldering hotter than Humphrey had seen all day. "...The Wolf Pile? We haven't done that one in, like, ages!"

Humphrey could have knocked himself upside the head. Of course, how could he have forgotten, even for a second?! The four of them, piled on top of one another in a veritable fuck-train; Humphrey on the bottom rung, the only one with an empty tailhole; Salty just above him, pounding away under the weight of two other whole wolves; Shakey above that, putting his under-appreciated dick to good use; and, finally, Mooch on top, taking the brunt of three separate dickings going on below him. It was precarious, and the combined weight was painful to bear on its own, but it was absolutely hot. He liked the idea way back when, and getting it to work was tricky on several levels, but worth it.

The only problem with that hot and sexy idea, so hot that it could bring an Omega to the edge just at the thought, was...

"I hate to burst the bubble or anything," Shakey's voice piped up. "But I don't really top all that much..."

Humphrey felt a spasm deep in his belly, and he fell over flat onto his back with a howling laugh that made his throat grow sore.

"Whadda you mean, man?!" He struggled for breath, straightening himself up as his laughing fit made it hard to take a single inhale. "Weren't you just trying to top me?! You really make no sense sometimes, you know that?"

Shakey glanced off to the side, the irony dawning on him so brightly that he glowed.

"Well, I mean... that's different!" Shakey sputtered a bit. "You're, like, special and stuff. I mean I don't just top anybody! I have to be in the mood for that kind of thing!"

"So, lemme get this straight." Humphrey made his way up to all fours, making a couple circles around Shakey, rump swaying and tail swishing all the while. His words might have been nonsense, but his musk didn't lie, and neither did his cock; his length was still rock-hard and raging, his scent as thick as fog. "You and me make a bet to decide who gets to be on top. You're hoping to win the thing so you can have my big ass all to yourself. Hell, you'd even get to knot me!" Biting his lip a tad, he bumped his rump into Shakey's field of view with a wobbling bounce. "And now that we're doing something that lets you be on top, you're playing the bottom again? What, is my big ass just that good?"

Shakey took the verbal beating without so much as a blink, Humphrey's last few words hanging in the air for seconds on end before he responded.

"Yeah, basically." He shrugged. "I wanted to show you what you were missing, remember? I said it the other day. You go around flaunting that ass so much, it's almost like you're begging for it. So, I thought I'd be nice and show you what kind of fun a bottom gets to have, and maybe have some fun on the side for myself. Pretty easy to understand, really."

"So, you're doing me a favor, huh?" Humphrey smirked, ass swaying from side to side for a few precious seconds, before being snatched away. Shakey didn't even try to hit it this time. "That's what all that stuff back there was about? You were being nice? Get real, you wanna top a nice ass just as bad as any wolf in this valley."

Shakey barely responded beyond a curt shrug. "Nah, topping just any old wolf isn't really my style. I'll leave sticking my dick in randos to tops like you and Salty." He glanced Salty's way for a split second. "No offense, Salty, I know you're a switch."

Salty gave a nonchalant shrug. "None taken."

"You've topped Mooch in the Pile before." Humphrey snickered, circling around again with slow steps. "Remember? Face it, we're all in the same boat. We've all got our instincts! It'll be fun, trust me. You get to put all that pent-up top energy to good use!"

Shakey scoffed, the ghost of an unconvincing grin on his muzzle.

"Yeah, and my instinct is to bottom most of the time. And right now, the only ass I'm interested in topping is yours, but since I can't have it, I'll go back to being on bottom." This time, his scoff was a real one, and he leaned back against the tree behind him with his front legs crossed, like a human crosses their arms. "You get that, Mister Limits? If you have your boundaries, then I've got mine too. So if you guys are gonna do the Wolf Pile, sorry, I'll have to sit this one out."

Once again, more silence fell. It was thicker this time, heavier, and they all felt they could have sunk their claws into it with how palpable it was. The only thing more physical than the quiet in the air was the rock now settling in Humphrey's belly, and he recognized it immediately; it was guilt. Guilt for going too far, guilt for being pushy. He shuddered internally at the thought stabbing into his mind: what would Kate have said if he had acted this to her? She definitely would have killed him, but that would have been the painless part.

"Rule Number Two:"

This time, it was Humphrey who broke the silence. He sat himself down next to Shakey, wrapping a front leg around his shoulder and pulling himself closer to him. For such a small wolf, he sure was hard to move.

"Speak Up. If you don't like an idea, we'll do something else." He shot the brown-furred wolf beside him another genuine grin, the most real of any smile he had given that day. And his eyes sparkled like the sea in the sunlight from above, the whole clearing ablaze for a few precious moments. "Sorry, dude; you're right. You respect my boundaries, I'll respect yours." He turned his attention to Mooch and Salty, who were standing there expectantly. "Let's keep this going, Omegas. Any new ideas?" But before the two could answer, he turned back to Shakey again. "You do still wanna keep going, right? I get it if you wanna take a break; I was a bit of a dick!"

But Shakey returned his genuine grin with a razor-sharp smirk of his own, those golden eyes narrowing like the predator he was.

"You kidding, Humph? No way I'm sitting the fun out!"

Humphrey suddenly felt a sudden, blunt pain in his side. The wind was knocked out of him when Shakey's elbow slammed into his ribs, but he recovered it in seconds.

"Apology accepted, by the way. No more weird bets, okay?" he shrugged with a little chuckle. "Besides, I was a dick too. Next time, I'll stop doing nice stuff for you, okay?"

There was genuine fun in his voice again, and Humphrey's belly suddenly felt a whole ton lighter.

Humphrey wheezed, shooting him a thumbs-up as he took a steady breath to refill his lungs. "Deal...!" He sucked in a glut of air, his smirk re-emerging as he straightened up. "Save the boundary-pushing for a special occasion."

Shakey flashed him a toothy smirk, fangs glinting in the light from above as he made his way up to standing.

"Gotcha. You're all good."

"Besides," Humphrey snickered. "I only said yes to that bet 'cause I knew I'd win!"

"Sure you did." Shakey rolled his eyes off to the side, chuckling lightly. "Totally didn't have anything to do with the fact that you think betting your rump is fun. Totally."

"I wouldn't have said yes," Humphrey grinned slyly, standing up as well to rib him back. "If I thought I could lose! Turns out, making you cum is pretty easy."

Shakey leered back at him, being knocked slightly off to the side by the friendly nudge. "Only because your dick's so good, Humph. Any other wolf's gonna have a hard time fucking me up like you do."

"You know it is." Humphrey responded with a proud, cocky chuckle, before turning his attention back to the other two. "Anyway, who's got ideas? Someone's gotta have something!"

Humphrey shared a devilish glance with Shakey, and Salty's gaze sharpened to a honed edge as he looked toward Mooch. They all held that tense moment for as long as they could, exchanging quick looks amongst themselves until one of them drew breath.

"Why bother with the Wolf Pile," Humphrey leered, his voice sly and smooth as all their eyes fell on Mooch. Their horny gazes turned at exactly the same moment, in perfect, knowing unison, falling on their large target like it was second nature. "when we can do something just as fun? The name's got a nice ring to it, too."

Humphrey and Salty shared that same claw-sharp glace, gold burning into blue with so much heat that the air practically sparked.

"The Omega Double-Team?" Salty grinned wide.

"The Omega Double-Team." Humphrey repeated those few words back at him, and Mooch gave an audible gulp off to their side. The eyes met him again, where like a common dog, he stood with his tail wagging high in the air and his mouth hanging open in excited, panting breaths.

"You heard us, bitch." Humphrey smirked that sensual grin of his, nudging his head in his direction with a devilish glimmer in his eyes. "Get that fat rump in the air for us. We'll take it from there." He turned to face Shakey. "And Shakey, you just..."

He couldn't help but give him a very real smile, waving his paw with a playful little eye-roll.

"Just do whatever comes natural."

Shakey chuckled lightly, flipping a lock of mane out of his face as he advanced on the two, standing between him and Salty as all their tails swished slowly against one another, and their shadows fell on Mooch as one patch of black, illuminated from behind by the now-setting sun.

"Gotcha, boys. Let's rough this bitch up."

Mooch gulped one more time, before his dazed look turned into the beginnings of a matching smirk.

"Bring it on, studs...!"

Humphrey found it funny, hearing those words, in that tone, coming from his submissive friend. But it was hot all the same, even if it sounded a bit overdone, like he was trying too hard. He shrugged to himself, watching as the blonde-furred Omega in front of them turned, lowered his front end to the ground and lifted his fat, bouncy rump up into the air. His tail was flagged high, his previously-bred and thoroughly-fucked tailhole still looking a little loose. With all the talk of his own ass, Humphrey would have forgiven them for forgetting how good Mooch's was for a second.

But that didn't matter all that much. As they all advanced, smirks blazing, rump bouncing to varying degrees of bounciness, and rock-hard cocks slapping lewdly against their underbellies, Humphrey could only think of one thing:

Mooch would have the stamina workout of a lifetime by the time they were done with him. And who knew, maybe they would work on that confidence too while they were at it? But the day was waning fast, and there was only one thing left to do.

"Get ready for us, bitch." Humphrey growled, giving himself the honor of laying the first rump-smack across Mooch's rump. The slap rang out, Mooch held in an alarmed grunt, and his cheeks shook; business as usual. "We're not gonna hold back!"

"I wouldn't have it... any other way!" The big Omega stammered a bit, but that little grin never left, and they all got a good look at it as he cast it over his shoulder. It was a good start, but they would work on it another day.

The air in the Usual Spot reeked with the smell of sex. It was heavy with its smell, like an intoxicating fog, lit only by the light of the setting sun beaming through the trees. The air was thick, and Mooch's deep, screaming moans cut it like a talon-sharp claw as not one, but two hung wolfcocks pounded their way up his tail. Humphrey and Salty's shafts were identical in every way, from tip to knot, and both gray-furred Omegas shared a cocky, victorious smirk with one another over their blonde friend's shoulder. Humphrey's weight bore down from above, front paws on his shoulder blades and his huge, round rump bouncing away with every backward pull; while Salty's form supported him from below with his paws on the larger Omega's chest. Both of them pounded and slammed away in perfect synchronized unison, deep into his used and abused tailhole, from tip to knot time and again. Their combined girth stretched Mooch's supple walls to the very edge of their limits, their knots kissing his cock-gaped hole with every mirrored thrust inward, and the two of them couldn't help but give their own proud, pleasured growls as their meats ground and slid together; working overtime to give their buddy the dicking of a lifetime.

And they were nowhere near done, not yet. Even as their climaxes reared their heads, their hips growing tired from minutes upon minutes of countless slamming thrusts, their breaths becoming huffs and snorts of pleasured exertion, they knew...

It would take more than one round to tire them out for good. And even as the light streaming into the clearing faded from gold to orange and dusk fell into full-swing, they still hammered away with all their might, not caring one bit as night neared. After all, they could smell their way home; light was optional.

Humphrey and Shakey shared a devilish smirk, making an especially-hard slam inside their friend's rump, if only to milk out another moan, as they wound and coiled their tails together. They got their wish immediately, Mooch's voice soaring so high and so loud that he would be hoarse for days after the fact. The two of them could have moaned just as well; Mooch's ass was heaven, and it had been way too long since they shared it. Humphrey realized he had almost forgotten how good it felt, as his and Salty's length twitched and unloaded together, rewarding Mooch's outward ecstasy with hot ropes of sticky precum right unto his crushing depths. The slickness only made the ensuing thrusts easier, despite the lack of room, and every slam came faster and smoother the longer they carried on.

Humphrey chuckled to himself a bit, the idea in his head sending yet another gush of pre deep into his friend's willing rump:

Kate would love this.

He snickered internally, writing down a mental note to bring it up once the heat was over. It would be the best fuck of a lifetime, he knew that for a fact.

But something knocked him out of his thoughts. In between the screaming moans echoing off the trees, the steady plaps of fur on fur and smacking balls, the incessant sticky noises of sex, Shakey's voice broke in, as sly and sensual as it had ever been.

"Don't forget about me, boys!"

Humphrey could make out clearly what his brown-furred friend was doing from over Mooch's shoulder, and his cock throbbed hard against Salty's when he watched it unfold. Shakey mimicked Mooch's position down to the last hip-wiggle, wearing that domineering grin of his better than he had ever worn it, and thrusting his thick and jiggly rump back into Mooch's pleasure-wracked face.

"Eat it, bitch." He growled deep in his throat, flagging his tail up high, where his used tailhole lay with a slight gape in the middle where Humphrey's length had been just half-an-hour ago. "Don't keep me waiting. I've got a knot to take, and you're gonna get me ready for it!"

Their eyes met over Mooch's back, smirk drilling into smirk, and blue smoldering into gold.

"We are still on for that, right?" Shakey leered, his tone dripping with sarcasm like honey from a hive (or spent cum from a rump).

Humphrey slammed back in, but this time, Mooch's moan was muffled, the sound trapped between the pair of earthy-colored rumpcheeks settling over his muzzle. Somehow, he thought it was pretty fitting,

"Oh yeah," Humphrey smirked slyly, his eyes lidding low and his voice huskier than normal. "You bet we are."