An unexpected end

Story by Nayar Leng on SoFurry

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#1 of Muscle growth

Jiiro, a yellow cat has been kidnapped by a gang. Its boss asks him to drink from a bottle and they will let him go. Afraid, Jiiro obeys and the bottles contents makes him change. Now he has some old issues to discuss with Takegami, a hyena that used to bully him back at school.

Tora's forces had shrunk to alarming levels. The last gang fight lasted too much and was

extremely cruel as well. They were also betrayed, so many of his comrades ended up in prison.

He and a couple of other men managed to escape the police raids, but they were too few to

recover what was lost during the conflict. Now the other gangs had full control over his


Tora was not pleased with this situation; on the contrary, he was angry. He wanted to kill with

his own hands whoever did this to his gang. Unfortunately, his hands were tied; he must stay

on a low profile for a while, until things settled down. Police was still looking for him, as well as

the other chiefs of the rest of the gangs in the zone. He also had to rebuild his own gang.

One night he called the last of his men to a secret meeting. They met in an old and abandon

building of the neighborhood. Night was cold and quite, except for some animal around, as

well as some drunken people. Tora was sat on a chair, surrounded by some women and

drinking a bottle of beer. Before him, were Kuma, a black bear, and Takegami, a hyena, both

stood firm with their arms crossed over their chests.

"We are is serious troubles" the white tiger Tora spoke "Our brothers are dead or in prison if


His men nodded in silence. So he continued.

"I won't give up taking revenge from our enemies. I refuse to spend the rest of my life on a

cell!" His fist hit the table. Kuma and Takegami startled, but they barely gave signs of it.

"Fortunately" Tora smiled "I have a plan" he put a bottle on the table. His men stared at it with

curiosity; Tora's smile widened.

"This is not a normal beverage" He continued "It has special properties".

Kuma and Takegami were skeptical, but if his boss said it will work, then they had to believe


"An alchemist I met a few days ago offered me this" Tora explained "He said he was willing to

help me with my revenge. He also said how it worked, you only have to drink it and the magic

is done, in a few moment the subject will change to your desires and will also obey you


"What do you command us to do?" Kuma said.

"Take some boys and bring them in here. I'm not interested if it's by their free will or by

kidnapping them. Just bring them, as many as you can!"

Both men made a bow before their leader and left the building in silence as they did when

they came in. Tora stayed there for the rest of the night, enjoying the company of his ladies.

Jiiro, a yellow cat, was walking down the market street to take a look at the stores as he was

returning home from school. It had been a long and tense day. Teachers left him, as well as his

classmates, too much homework as usual. Club sessions were long, he was exhausted. That is

why he took this way to go back home: he wanted to relax and perhaps to buy some mangas

or maybe an action figure.

Market was a bit crowded that afternoon, even though, people managed to not disturb others

as they walked through the street. Some young people were using cosplays costumes; there

were some maids making publicity of their locals as well. Some tourists were taking

photographs to everything they looked.

Jiiro was so absorbed in his own thoughts that he did not noticed the spotted paw that

dragged him into a dark alley. He tried to scream for help, but another paw closed his muzzle

with something wet. Its smell made him drowse and eventually, fell unconscious, not before

listening to a familiar laughing.

The yellow cat woke up in what it looked like an abandoned apartment. Before him, a white

tiger that was surrounded by some girls looked at him with curiosity. He wore a leather jacket

and had some golden rings in his fingers. He was muscled, but not as a bodybuilder, but good

enough to intimidate him. Behind Jiiro, was the one who kidnapped him, it was Takegami, and

a bear.

"You were fast" the tiger said. The hyena just laughed. Jiiro knew him. He used to study in his

school, but eventually he dropped it. He also was the responsible for his suffering when he

entered the school.

"Don't worry kid" the tiger addressed Jiiro this time. "I won't hurt you. And I'm sorry for the

rudeness of this hyena"

Even though the tiger's tone was calmed and sounded without malice, Jiiro was afraid. He

knew Takegami joined some gangs after he left school, everyone talked about it. He was

concerned about what would happen to him.

The tiger took a glass bottle and asked the bear to hand it to Jiiro. Takegami released him from

his gripping. The cat looked at everyone in that room nervously, as well as the bottle. They are

going to drug me for sure. What are they going to do after that? He thought.

"Don't worry, it isn't a drug" the tiger said immediately, as if he knew what Jiiro was thinking.

"We just want to test this..."

Jiiro did not believe him.

"Look" the tiger noticed "We know this is far too weird, but let's say we are in a very hard

situation. We can't go out and walk through the streets as easy as before. Just take a sip of

that bottle, tell us what you think and we will let you free".

Jiiro was still skeptical, but the sight of these three men and the fact that he did not know

where he was made him agreeing the tiger. He then took the bottle, opened it and drank. The

taste was awful (he did not like alcohol) as he expected. He had to do a big effort for not to spill that entire beverage, however, eventually he started to like that bitter taste. He continued

to drink from the bottle and as he kept doing it the taste became more delicious. Why didn't

he like it at first?

"That was good" he said when he emptied the bottle.

"I'm glad you liked it, kid" Tora said.

"I'm feeling great right now" Jiiro felt like a burst of energy from his body.

"Seriously?" Tora's eyed sparked with enthusiasm as he observed the minor changes in the cat.

The potion was working and very fast.

"Yeah. I'm full of energy right now" His voice dropped an octave. The potion was spreading

rapidly through his body and making changes: cells divided, hormones levels increased.

Little by little his high added a centimeter after centimeter. In a couple of minutes Jiiro figured

out his clothes were tight.

"What?" he exclaimed. He tried to take of his shirt, but the bulking muscles under it ripped the

fabric "What's going on with me?"

"Don't resist, just embrace the change" the tiger replied. Tora explained Jiiro the real reason

for his kidnapping.

"What? I won't join your fucking gang!" the cat roared. Changes were also affecting his mind

as well, he never swore.

The increase in high and weight nearly destroyed the fabric of his clothes. Jiiro was sweating

and padding. Every muscle of his body was growing unstoppably. He passed from being a

skinny cat to toned, to athletic, to reaching bodybuilder standards. His muscles flexed

continuously, breaking their threads and repairing after it. His flat chest protruded to become

a pair of massive pectorals. Shoulders widened laterally as his neck thickened.

"Fuck!" Jiiro roared with pleasure. He was already enjoying the growth. He flexed one of his

arms that built up into a gigantic bicep. Yeah, big, strong and powerful, like a real man. He kept

flexing his limbs and enjoying his unstoppable growing body: abs that were already defined

due to his previous thinness turned into six meaty blocks as hard as diamonds. Legs enlarged

and built into a pair of columns bigger than his original ones put together. The yellow cat was

changing into a titan.

At the same time, his hair grew longer and became a mane, as well as the beard that appeared

under his jaw. That new and darker hair advanced down his thick neck and joined with that

which sprouted from his manly chest and the middle line of his abdomen. Fingers became

meatier, feet enlarged to sustain the heavy weight of the gigantic cat. Jaw and skull hardened

and acquired leonine features because changes did not restrict to his constitution, but also his

species, Jiiro was turning into a lion.

Jiiro stood with nearly 2m high and more than 100kg of pure muscle by the end of the

transformation. The innocent and shy look that once used to have was completely replaced by a confident and predatory one. His mind was also molded to fit his new life as a criminal and

outlaw. He was no longer interested on studying, but in fighting, drinking, smoking and fucking,

as well as following the orders of his boss, Tora.

"Damn! We've got a good recruit, boss" Takegami claimned "If every kid we bring here and

make them drink that shit we'll be unstoppable"

"Indeed" Tora confirmed.

"Come here, Kitty, we've got work to do" the hyena turned back while he called the lion to

follow him.

"Who the fuck you think you are to fucking tell me what to do, you, dog?" Jiiro roared and, for

the first time in his life, Takegami trembled.

"What did you say?"

"Are you fucking deaf, bitch? With one step Jiiro reached Takegami "I'm taking no orders from

you, just from the boss!"

"Listen to me..."

Takegami could not finish the sentence, for Jiiro put him down to the floor with one move of

his astonishing arm. The hyena try to set free himself form the wrapping of the titanic lion, but

it was useless, the difference of high and weight were abysmal.

"Let me go, you brute!" Takegami screamed. Jiiro answered with a thundering laugh. Takegami

felt how the lion tore his pants as easy as a kid does with a Christmas present; he sweated for

what that beast was planning to do with him.

"Fuck! I'm so horny right now" Jiiro said. Takegami shivered. "I'm not into men, but right now

any hole will do. And you, fucking bitch... We have a lot to talk about"

Takegami tried to escape, but the lion held him strong.

"Boss, please, make him stop!" The hyena screamed desperately.

"Silence!" the tiger roared "Takegami, resist like a man, I want to see what he is capable of".

Those words stabbed him like knives. He was alone. The boss wanted to know the strengths

and capabilities of the new recruit for sure, in order to see how useful he will become in the

battles ahead.

"Please don't do that!" the hyena cried "I'm so sorry for what I did back at school with you, I

truly am"

"Now you're begging me to stop?" the lion said with a smirk "How many times I cried and

begged you to stop and you cared a shit?"

"I'm really sorry, I was stupid back then" tears wetted his eyes as he realized the big cat would

not stop to his intentions.

A long object introducing abruptly into his rectum was the answer to his pleading. Takegami

screamed from the pain. Jiiro, on the other hand laughed.

"Does it hurt?" he asked while he moved backward and forward. "This is nothing compared to

what you did to me for so many years!"

Takegami struggled to put the words into his mouth. The pressure that the astonishing

dimensions of the lion's cock provoked to the walls of his guts made it difficult.

"Ugh... please... stop!"

"Your ass is too tight and I'm really enjoying it" Jiiro laughed "Fuck! It feels so damn good"

Takegami suffered and complained a bit longer, while the giant lion moaned with pleasure. But

eventually it changed. Little by little the hyena began to arouse, the massages of the lion's

enormous penis over the prostate triggered some feelings Takegami was not aware of having.

"Ah... please..." the hyena moaned.

"I knew you were a fucking slut" Jiiro mocked "You are enjoying it, aren't you? fucking bitch"

"Ah... yes"

"Don't worry, this man over here is gonna give you what you need"

Jiiro's moves speeded and deepened. Takegami also began to care for his own cock that was

leacking precum. Jiiro was so massive and big, so masculine, he, on the other hand, was just a

slut that deserved punishment for his previous actions against his master.

"Ah... master, you are so big"

"Keep saying that, slut, I'm your master"


Takegami moaned while Jiiro grunted and sweated. The intensity increased, the hyena even

started to move rhythmically with the lion to enhance the pleasure. Jiiro continued insulting

the hyena while Takegami accepted them and worshiped his rapper.

"Be ready, slut, I'm finishing" Jiiro warned.

"Fill me, Master. Fill me with your regal seed"

A couple of minutes later, Jiiro unloaded inside Takegami and roared with pleasure. The hyena

also ejaculated and moaned. After having recovered from this orgasm, Jiiro took out his penis

of Takegami, it was still hard and covered in semen.

"Clean it!" he ordered.

"Yes, Master" the hyena obeyed and licked softly the lion's shaft.